Said Charles Krauthammer.
In 2012, running for re-election, Obama spoke at the meeting of AIPAC, the big Jewish lobby. He said, “Is there any doubt that I have Israel’s back?” That’s why he didn’t want do it while he was in office. That’s why he didn’t want to do it in 2016 so it would injure Hillary and show to particularly American Jews, who tend to be Democratic, that it was all a farce. He does it on the way out, and that’s part of why it’s so disgraceful. He didn’t even — he hid it until there would be no consequence. Now he is out the door and the damage is done for years. That resolution cannot be undone.ADDED: From the Washington Post editors: "The Obama administration fires a dangerous parting shot." The NYT has no editorial response yet.
AND: Outside of the opinion pages, the NYT does have a news article, "Obama, Trump and the Turf War That Has Come to Define the Transition." that begins:
President-elect Donald J. Trump and President Obama have been unfailingly polite toward each other since the election. But with Mr. Trump staking out starkly different positions from Mr. Obama on Israel and other sensitive issues, and the president acting aggressively to protect his legacy, the two have become leaders of what amounts to dueling administrations.What happened in the U.N. was Obama showing off his power in the face of Donald Trump? Is that what the NYT means to say? That's not just pathetic. It's shocking.
The split widened on Friday when the Obama administration abstained from a United Nations Security Council vote that condemned Israel for Jewish settlements in the West Bank, and allowed the resolution to pass. A day earlier, Mr. Trump had publicly demanded that Mr. Obama veto the measure, even intervening with Egypt at the request of Israel to pressure the administration to shelve the effort....
It was the latest in a rapid-fire series of Twitter posts and public statements over the last week in which Mr. Trump has weighed in on Israel, terrorism and nuclear proliferation — contradicting Mr. Obama and flouting the notion that the country can have only one president at a time....
२१९ टिप्पण्या:
219 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Obama now cements his place as the worst President in modern American history. A fitting ending given the fact that his failed Mideast policies displaced millions.
Yes, it’s disgraceful. As are the ‘for’ votes of the UK, France and New Zealand.
It's like a golf handicap to keep the war interesting.
This is the real Obama, and you will be seeing more of it in the next 30 days.
Probably there is chess with dynamic handicapping. If you start losing, they take the other guy's pieces to equalize it again.
China will claim Jerusalem next and settle the matter. It's always been Chinese.
How much UN funding does the US provide? Is this another swamp to be drained?
Obama is not so much the worst president ever as he is a piece of shit.
Some people noticed it in 2007.
This is what the votes of 2008 brought. This is yours, Althouse.
The Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, said: I was mounted on a beast whose size was between a donkey and a mule, with two wings in its thighs, which came up to its hoofs and were set in them. When I went near it to ride, it became restive. Thereupon Gabriel placed his hand on its head and said: O Buraq! are you not ashamed of what you are doing? By Allah no servant of Allah has ridden you before Muhammad, more honoured in the sight of Allah. It felt ashamed till it was covered with sweat, and became calm; then I mounted it. It moved its ears, and the earth shrank to such an extent that its hoofs (seemed to touch its surface) at the end of the range of our sight. It had a long back and long ears. Gabriel accompanied me and he never lost touch with me nor did I till we reached Bayt al-Muqaddas; and al-Buraq reached its halting place. It was tied there and it was the place where the beasts... of the Prophets were tied before the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him. He (the Prophet) said: I saw the Prophets who had assembled there for me. I saw Abraham, Moses and Jesus and, I thought there must be some one to lead them (in prayers); Gabriel made me go forward till I offered prayers in front of them and inquired from them (about their mission). They said: We were commissioned with Unity (of Allah).
Some of them (narrators) said: The Prophet, may Allah bless him, had disappeared that night, so the members of family of 'Abd al-Muttalib went out to search him. Al-'Abbas went to Dhu Tuwa and began to shout: O Muhammad! O Muhammad! The Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, said: I am here. He said: O my brother's son! You have worried the people since the (beginning of the) night, where had you been? He said: I am coming from Bayt al-Muqaddas [Jerusalem]. He said: In one night? He said: Yes.
Well, who can argue with that!
Wait til he gives away the Erie Canal.
Now we know, or at least suspect, why the LA Times is hiding the Khalidi video and tapes.
James Rainey of the Los Angeles Times took to his keyboard today to write a diatribe defending the Times‘ refusal to make public those tapes. While Rainey gives several justifications for not releasing the tape itself – guarding the source of the tape being the most prevalent – he offers no justification for why the Times refuses to offer even a complete transcript of that evening’s events.
Rainey rips the “Khalidi video mythology … which [Breitbart News] speculates will lay bare the ugly back story of Obama’s disdain of Israel … and his effusive support of Mideast radicals. Such fantastical thinking is rife not just on but across the conservative Interwebs.” There is nothing fantastical about suggesting that the reason that the Times didn’t originally report Obama’s words at the event, or the more radical words of the evening, was to protect their beloved presidential candidate. Given the Times‘ track record of Obama defense, it’s the only rational conclusion to draw.
Not very "fantastical thinking" after the UN vote.
Is Michelle proud of her country now?
Has it renewed her hope?
Someone drop the curtain on this era. It's failed.
Sadly the United States was never the country championed by Barack Hussein Obama.
Now, when he faces no more elections, the mask slips.
Look. Can't you get it through your heads? Netanyahu is not Jewish and Trump is an antisemite. Of course Obama had to act just in case anyone was confused about those two points.
If you have any questions, I am sure that Josh Ernest and John Kerry can answer them, and you can trust those two because they are always right and they never lie.
Things are shaping up nicely for Obama's retirement. I'll miss him, though. It is great to wake up with the contempt that I feel for that man every morning. It keeps me engaged with the world.
It just wasn't very smart to elect as our president someone who hates our country, someone who had attended for 22 years Rev. Jeremiah Wright's church of God Damn America.
And obviously OBama never supported the interests of Israel and he despised Netanyahu —even tried to influence an Israeli election.
Josh Earnest can just say Debbie doesn't matter anymore, and Chuck has to play to his Jewish base.
Wouldn't it be interesting if Josh were to summon the balls to say "my boss did something stupid" and drop the mic? (I don't like that expression, but it works here.) Or if Kerry were to differ with his boss? Kerry would never do that.
For many people, Israel is the last European colony. It really doesn't belong there, and while prudence might allow it to stay, morality requires that it not get any bigger than it was when it started in 1948.
In the back of many Europeans minds is the idea, "If we shouldn't have colonies, the Jews shouldn't either."
What difference, at this point, does it make?
You're Barack Obama, about to give up your house to this Trumpy real-estate guy. You're going out of office. You don't like Bibi or Israel, and you're an atheist. Your only possible next office is Secretary General of the pathetic United Nations. You might get a little bitter, and do a lot of irrational things.
Against the backdrop of what's presently going on in that neighborhood, this seems particularly mean spirited and petty. If Obama is worried about his legacy, this action will certainly set it in stone. Refugee camps good. Settlement housing bad.
rhhardin said...
Obama is not so much the worst president ever as he is a piece of shit.
We're going to miss him because he was always so reasonable and NICE.
Roger Sweeney--Millions of Germans were kicked out of East Prussia and the Sudetenland at the end of WWII. Entire swaths of Thrace and Anatolia were cleared of Greeks in 1920. Armenians came to the US in droves in the 1920s. Stalin made a regular feature of sending troublesome ethnic groups to central Asia. And on and on. The only mass resettlement in the 20th century that left still condemns is the creation of the State of Israel. I wonder why?
Obama is a weak , brittle, coward.
Worst POTUS ever.
He will spend a lifetime defending his legacy. To no avail.
"The Democratic Game Plan for Making Trump Miserable — and Regaining Power"
So,was this revolting act part of how the Dems are going to make Trump miserable and get them back in power?
I think they have dug themselves an even deeper hole and I hope Trump takes decisive action against the UN and decisive action for Israel.
After visiting this truly tiny country and seeing it up close I formed a respect for them to an even greater degree than I had before my visit.
In my life, I can say I have never been as moved with emotions as I was during my visit to the Wailing Wall.
I hope each and every one of you who has the time and funds to make a visit to see Israel for yourself.
Merry Christmas.
January 20th can't come soon enough.
Jewish Democrats, what's that you were saying about Steve Bannon?
In January Obama will release all the prisoners in Gitmo, order the US Guantanamo Base abandoned and stand by as the Cubans retake it.
This is an Obama signature move. He basically voted Present.
Radical Islamist Mullah Obama has taken off his Media purveyed smiling mask. He is out and proud to be no better than the ISIL Jihadists that he ordered his Administration to pretend were not there. But now he flaunts his joining the New World Government in ordering the Jewish People to " not be there, or anywhere else behind a tree etc.."
We finally have gotten to see Herr Hitler's political movement openly making its come back. Obama and the Argentine Jesuit in the Vatican are celebrating.
"Amadeus 48 said...
Roger Sweeney--Millions of Germans were kicked out of East Prussia and the Sudetenland at the end of WWII. Entire swaths of Thrace and Anatolia were cleared of Greeks in 1920. Armenians came to the US in droves in the 1920s. Stalin made a regular feature of sending troublesome ethnic groups to central Asia. And on and on. The only mass resettlement in the 20th century that left still condemns is the creation of the State of Israel. I wonder why?"
What is the Holocaust Alex.
""If we shouldn't have colonies, the Jews shouldn't either."
The difference is that the Jews live there and needed a safe place after the Europeans killed most of them.
The US began as a colony and, if all the English had come here to live; it would not longer be a colony. It would be England.
By the way, the way things are going in London, it still might happen.
First day in office Trump should make one Executive Order cancelling every executive order this asshole has made. Call it Flush Obama Order.
Probably need a plunger and a snake. But down the drain. Forever.
Obama has tremendous empathy with radical Islam and a hatred of Israel.
Providentially, just when the world needs another HST supporter of Israel in the US Presidency, one has been elected.
"In the back of many Europeans minds is the idea, "If we shouldn't have colonies, the Jews shouldn't either."
If it wasn't for the actions of Europeans, the Jews would not have found the state of Israel to be necessary.
The Israeli writer Amos Oz wrote that his parents saw "Jews, go to Palestine" scrawled on European walls in the 1930's. In the 70's, he saw "Jews out of Palestine" scrawled on European walls. Oz said, "So we shouldn't be in Palestine and we shouldn't be in Europe. The message is 'don't be.'"
Israel holds it territory - including the West Bank and Gaza - by right of conquest, which is good title; always has been, providing you have the power to keep it.
However, since this is the 21st century and not the 1st or 11th, the Jews no longer are entitled to clear the area of "strangers," but are obliged to provide for incorporating the resident population.
This they have not yet come to understand.
Does Obama plan on heading the United Nations? Will Obama leave Washington to become the big man at the UN. I closely watched Putin yesterday, admiring the man, trusting he truly admires Trump. It is intriguing. Merry Christmas everyone. I am Catholic and in complete festive mode.
I wonder how many of the cheering Palestinians also cheered on 9/11?
An Israeli Sense of Humor at United Nations set the record straight.
An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the United
Nations Assembly and made the world community smile.
A representative from Israel began: 'Before beginning my talk I want to tell
you something about Moses: When he struck the rock and it brought forth
water, he thought, "What a good opportunity to have a bath!"
Moses removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water.
When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished.
A Palestinian had stolen them!
The Palestinian representative at the UN jumped up furiously and shouted,
"What are you talking about? The Palestinians weren't there then."
The Israeli representative smiled and said, "And now that we have made that
clear, I will begin my speech.
War has no consequences if you lose. Not much of a deterrent.
"But with Mr. Trump staking out starkly different positions from Mr. Obama on Israel and other sensitive issues, and the president acting aggressively to protect his legacy, "
Is Mr. Obama's legacy throwing our allies to the wolves?
Yes. Yes it is.
Trump might offer to keep the UN in the US if the Security Council reverses this. Otherwise, throw the UN, its jackals, weasels, and thugs with diplomatic immunity out to some other country. Seriously! I don't want to share my country with jackals.
Not using our veto doesn't seem faithful to the Jerusalem Embassy Act, which states that it is the policy of the United States that "Jerusalem should remain an undivided city in which the rights of every ethnic and religious group are protected."
Isn't it odd that those exalted persons whom we require to take an oath to uphold laws and constitutions are, nowadays, the only people who are not expected to pay slavish attention to them.
Obama's legacy is that he spread so much hatred. He directly set back race relations by 50 years. He actively encourages illegal immigrants to come here and hate the people who were born here. He can't say the words Islamic Terrorism but calls Republicans "the enemy" and actively encourages Democrats to hate them. The American people haven't been this divided since the Civil War. His hatred for the state of Israel is now laid bare. Many of us understood that he was not ready to be president of the United States because he was capable of the damage that such reckless idiocy can create. I hope the Democrats are happy with the wreckage they have caused. Let's see how much more hatred and discord Obama can spread in 27 days. My guess is a lot.
I don't know why anyone would be surprised by this. I was never taken in by Obama, not even from the time when I first read about him when he was elected to the Senate. He had so many red flags for me prior to the 2008 election it was clear he would be a terrible president. Actually, he has been even worse than I expected.
And he still has until noon, January 20, 2017. I have a feeling he is not done yet. More really bad things to come, I suspect.
Like someone mentioned in a comment I read on the internet somewhere yesterday, he is like a bad tenant who trashes the house on the way out.
I thought it was childish when the Clintonistas removed all the W keys from the keyboards. And it was. But what Obama's done in this interregnum has caused lasting damage that will take years to undo.
Don't go away mad Barry, just please go the fuck away.
The Israelis are not going to give up the settlements - look at the current map - and the Palestinians are not going to go away, nor consent "to live in the valleys under the Israelis' guns" forever. No people would.
So, they are going to have to eventually work it out between them somehow.
What this means is that Obama has made all Jews who voted for him a
Shanda fur di Goyim!
Nobel Peace Prize.
Moses and the rock happened in the Sinai, not Palestine. I believe the Bible says Moses was allowed to lead the Jews to Palestine, but not to enter it himself.
And there is the old story that he lead them up over the top of the mountains, looked out, and said: "Behold! The Promised Land!
And the Jews looked to see what he was pointing at and said: "Oh, come on Moses! Y'er kidding, right?"
"Hagar said...
The Israelis are not going to give up the settlements - look at the current map - and the Palestinians are not going to go away, nor consent "to live in the valleys under the Israelis' guns" forever. No people would.
So, they are going to have to eventually work it out between them somehow."
The Palestinians have nothing to fear from Israeli guns...well, don't start nothing won't be nothing. And the Palestinians will never be willing to work things out. Ever.
And the Palestinians were there though of course it was not Palestine yet; that is a Roman name for the area.
But remember Joshua and the battle of Jericho (Jericho and the walls came tumbling down!)? Who were they fighting with if not the "Palestinians?"
Laying the track to transition from the small-time POTUS gig to become a real world leader (and recipient of the magnitude of wealth the Clintons have shown can be excavated.)
He has obviously developed a loyal cadre within the US who can be called on at any moment for agitation and riots. My guess is that "service" will be sold to the highest world bidders.
The counter strategy will must be to tie him around the necks of the Democrat Party. He may well end up being the gift to bread and butter conservatives which keeps on giving.
I hope not. I hope he seeks to be a world leader and effectively leaves the US, and leaves us alone. But I fear he may want to complete his decimation of the entire expierment called the US. But if not, would anyone in the future ever have the guts to arrest a former POTUS for treason?
And that's what "the Arabs" say about the Jews too. Not ever!
If you like your Israel, you may keep your Israel.
But "ever" is avery long time.
I think Obama might have killed the UN with that petulant gesture.
It will require that Trump be successful but I think he will be. I am already seeing what looks like green shoots of a Trump rally in the economy. If Putin settles down, we might be in a place where he can tell the UN the party is over.
Another big development is coming and that is the beginning of a new Ice Age.
The Russian astronomers have been talking about this for ten years,
“The New Little Ice Age Has Started.” This is the unambiguous title of a new study from one of the world’s most prestigious scientific institutions, the Russian Academy of Science’s Pulkovo Observatory in St. Petersburg. “The average temperature around the globe will fall by about 1.5 C when we enter the deep cooling phase of the Little Ice Age, expected in the year 2060,” the study states. “The cooling phase will last for about 45-65 years, for four to six 11-year cycles of the Sun, after which on the Earth, at the beginning of the 22nd century, will begin the new, next quasi-bicentennial cycle of warming.”
I'm reading Belloc's The Jews, written in 1922. Not for the fainthearted.
I would suggest starting with the chapter on anti-semitism. Belloc considers anti-semitism to be a sort of madness, and he is not happy that Jew-hatred is called by the inaccurate euphemism "anti-semitism." Belloc describes the anti-semite personality in terms most people would agree with today. Every slight an anti-semite has ever experienced, every business setback, is a result of Jewish conspiracy. The Jews are everywhere, they secretly control everything. Any one who defends a Jew is probably a secret Jew.
Belloc utterly condemns this European anti-semitism.
The problem is that the other chapters, on the Jews' position in Europe, politically and culturally, are incredibly anti-semitic by today's standards. According to Belloc, the Jews are a rootless nation, a Jew can never be a proper Englishman or Frenchmen or German, no matter what his citizenship papers say, he is still a Jew. Jews are loyal to their own race before the nation that they live in. They are secretive and conniving, and they plot for Jews to dominate all occupations. They control European high finance and the production of war material, they change their names to hide their Jewishness, they are responsible for both rapacious capitalism and Bolshevism. Belloc considers the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to have been created to achieve Jewish ends at the expense of non-Jews.
I've been reading some other history of the Holocaust stuff and what Belloc wrote in The Jews was common belief in European intellectual circles in the 20s and 30s. The Polish government considered its large Jewish population a foreign nation, and wanted to send them all to Palestine. Most other Eastern European governments felt the same way. The small populations of Jews in Western Europe were constantly under suspicion of trying to gain control of national institutions, and loot the national treasury on behalf of the Rothschilds.
Hitler's Final Solution was to a problem all of the European nations were openly discussing: what to do about the "Jewish Problem."
I see no reason why the Jews should feel any more secure as a stateless people in 2016 than they felt as a stateless people in 1926 or 1946. Who would protect them from the Muslims and the Cossackss? Secretary General Obama?
The United Nations cannot collapse. It is the perfect place for Obama to seek solace, to continue his legacy of being a great man, parading and acting important. Maybe he will never be able to pull himself away from Washington DC, but if he does it will be right into executive orders within the UN.
If Obama becomes head of the UN:
Trump moves the UN to Detroit.
Frees up valuable NYC real estate.
Creates building projects for Detroit. Jobs.
And the UN members now have to live in Detroit. Rich lifestyles to contrast against the urban decay.
Just my thoughts.
I am Laslo.
So let me get this straight, Trump is anti-Semitic because of some trolls on the internet who support him,, yet he has picked one of the most pro-Israel ambassadors in memory and wanted to veto this resolution. But Obama let this go through because he's not anti-Semitic, but giving a f u to the incoming administration and that's ok? Or is the Obama administration everything they project?
This is ridiculous. What a ridiculous man.
Althouse: Do you still think Obama is a "lovely" man?
Who will be the next UN Secretary-General to replace Ban Ki-moon? Obama's ears perk-up.
Obama is not so much the worst president ever as he is a piece of shit.
How about both?
Some people noticed it in 2007.
Many of us in Illinois noticed it well before 2007. And we were vocal about it. But no one paid attention to us.
Could Obama move to the UN and wage war upon Trump from a lofty global position?
The actual resolution says "Israeli settlements are “the single biggest threat to peace” and the “primary threat to the viability of the two-state solution.”
Geez, I would have thought that the refusal of either Hamas or the PLO, the two governing organizations within the Palestinian Territories, to acknowledge the right of Israel to exist would have some influence of the liklihood of a 2 state solution.
Nope. It's those pesky settlements.
Which is something like "Radical Muslims hate us because of Trump." Sure, they wouldn't bother us at all if, say, Obama was president.
By huge margins (78% in 2008 69% in 2012) this is what American Jews voted for. Trump, like every other Republican Presidential candidate in the 20th Century, is ipso facto "anti-semitic." Perhaps Jewish intelligence is another racial stereotype that needs to be discarded.
Pre-missing this kind of behavior yet?
Obama still has 20+ days left in office. He isn't done making these decisions like this. Barack and his wife are two poster children on why affirmative action is such a bad idea.
With all the talk of how the electoral college is wrong, President Obama had no choice but to bend to the will of the people of the world and refuse to use the veto in the UN. Electoral College = Bad. Veto Power = Bad. Its all the same in the eyes of the left.
"Is Obama trying to convince us he's a Muslim?"
I think he will eventually come out.
We are going to miss Obama's special brand of love.
"But "ever" is avery long time."
Especially near the end.
"If Obama becomes head of the UN:
Trump moves the UN to Detroit."
I'd love it. Is it possible? Who owns the real estate? At the least, one imagines there's a lease to contend with.
This parting shot at the UN, plus the pick of Keith Ellison is going hurt dems with Jewish voters. Sure there aren't that many Jewish voters as a whole, but they do tend to live specific areas. There will probably be a few congressional districts that will flip because of this. Illinois' 10th district, which is just North of Chicago, (which just went back from R to D), might flip back to R in the next mid-term elections.
Could Obama move to the UN and wage war upon Trump from a lofty global position?
President Emeritus of the US is plenty lofty. I bet some of the TV networks will give him speech time whenever he asks for it.
So, what other feces pieces does Barack have up his sleeve for the final four weeks? I'm guessing an emptying of Gitmo. A whole raft of dark pardons. Something (I'm not sure what) to punish Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, maybe done executive action forcing stations to offer air time to libs to balance things out. This was what Obama was truly about: balancing out the evils of the past ... according to him.
He's a petty, angry man who used his toothy smile to make his way through a white world he secretly loved and despised. And mark my words, some day he will boast that he was in fact born in Kenya hahaha.
The Quicken Loans guy owns a bunch of Detroit real estate.
It's what you and 58 million other Americans voted for Ann. And in 2008 all the warning signs were there.
Now, when he faces no more elections, the mask slips.
Campaigning for **gag** UN Secretary General?
Of course golf might get in the way......
re: UN dues, US funds almost 25%. Cut it. Then cut it again if he become UN Sec Gen.
Some folks may want to ponder that at present Israel's bestest friends seem to be the Saudis of all people. It is not that the Wahhabis love Jews - they don't - but their buddy Bibi has nukes and they do not, and as the old saying goes, "Any port in a storm," and they need protection against the Shiites of Iran, which Obama also has made problematic with his determined support of that contry's expansion across Iraq and into Syria.
The Palestinians are not Israel's biggest problem. They risk becoming collateral damage in the preliminary set-to between Sunni and Shia before the end days.
As an Iranian official told an Israeli: "Your country is only a two-bomb country."
"What happened in the U.N. was Obama showing off his power in the face of Donald Trump? Is that what the NYT means to say? That's not just pathetic. It's shocking."
Not shocking. Not this guy. Not anymore.
The great statesman Patrick Moynihan was our UN ambassador under Ford. Today we have Samantha Power. Says a lot.
campy: "President Emeritus of the US is plenty lofty. I bet some of the TV networks will give him speech time whenever he asks for it"
We should be so lucky.
Obambi's approval ratings are as high as they are because he is never actually associated with his own policies, which is by design. That's why he isn't speaking speaking about Israel but instead having Samantha Powers offer up some weak tea drivel about how the US is very concerned about how different Israel is treated at the UN even as obambi has the US join the dogpile.
If obama wants to continually engage in policy level battles with the new admin he will become the face of those specific policies and the dynamic that led to Trumps win will be extended to obambi personally.
From a partisan perspective, I can't imagine anything I would want more than to have obambi, hillary, biden et al continue their crusade from the outside and remain the face of the dems (along with all the insane lefty SJW nonsense).
I simply can't believe they will make it that easy for us. On the other hand, as we see with the resident lefties here, the lefties don't have a plan B. As mentioned before, they have 1 play in the playbook and nothing else. Nothing.
Good times ahead.
mockturtle: "The great statesman Patrick Moynihan was our UN ambassador under Ford. Today we have Samantha Power. Says a lot"
Says it all.
And don't forget "facelift" Kerry.
"Obambi's approval ratings are as high as they are because he is never actually associated with his own policies, which is by design."
Like when his justice departments invents creative new ways to suppress free speech on campus, while Obama gives a speech at a college about how colleges need to value honor all opinions and not be so ready to censor speech they don't approve of.
Back before Obama, in 2007, Tony Cordesman estimated the results of an Israeli-Iran nuclear exchange.
You can longer find the piece on the site but I have a summery on my blog at the time.
He sets the time as 2010. He estimates Israeli casualties at “between 200,000 and 800,000 Israelis dead.” Iranian casualties would be far higher at “some 16 million to 28 million Iranians dead within 21 days.” His analysis of the outcome ?
“It is theoretically possible that the Israeli state, economy and organized society might just survive such an almost-mortal blow. Iran would not survive as an organized society. “Iranian recovery is not possible in the normal sense of the term,” Cordesman notes. The difference in the death tolls is largely because Israel is believed to have more nuclear weapons of very much higher yield (some of 1 megaton), and Israel is deploying the Arrow advanced anti-missile system in addition to its Patriot batteries. Fewer Iranian weapons would get through.”
Of course, Obama had aided the Iranians to get the bomb but they may have had one before this.
Israel now has "The Iron Dome" anti-missile system which is improved.
India-Pakistan may be a higher risk of war right now. Thank God, the fracking revolution has made us immune to the oil shock that would follow an Israel-Iran war,.
“Walker concludes that Cordesman’s analysis spells out “the end of Persian civilization, quite probably the end of Egyptian civilization, and the end of the Oil Age. This would also mean the end of globalization and the extraordinary accretions in world trade and growth and prosperity that are hauling hundreds of millions of Chinese and Indians and others out of poverty.”
Fracking, in spite of Obama's opposition, has made this remote as a risk to us.
Drago says: Obambi's approval ratings are as high as they are because he is never actually associated with his own policies, which is by design.
I'm not convinced his approval ratings are so high. After all, how accurate have the other polls been?
Since the Israelis have been branded criminals they might as well do the crime; expel all of the Arabs from the West Bank and cut off power and water to Gaza. Let the Europeans take in the Arabs, they are already doing so from other areas might as well finish the job they started.
As for the UN, kick it out of NYC and quit it altogether. Let Trump turn the UN building into a high end development, it will do wonders for the City. As for the UN itself, next time they need peace keepers and more importantly the transportation and logistical help we should tell them to contact the Russians and the Chinese. They want to be super powers, give them what they want as long as it doesn't affect us. Also just for shits and giggles on the way out the door just as an exemplar of hypocrisy the US should introduce a resolution demanding that New Zealand cease occupying the land belonging to the Maori's.
What happened in the U.N. was Obama showing off his power in the face of Donald Trump? Is that what the NYT means to say? That's not just pathetic. It's shocking.
WaPo's conclusion was the same. First they run Israel's take on it, that this was a personal attack on Netanyahu.
Israeli officials charged that the abstention represented a vindictive parting shot by Mr. Obama at Mr. Netanyahu, with whom he has feuded more bitterly than he did with most U.S. adversaries.
And then the WaPo offers its suggestion.
The vote could also be seen as an attempt to preempt Mr. Trump, who appears ready to shift U.S. policy to the opposite extreme after naming a militant advocate of the settlements as his ambassador to Israel.
The WaPo and the NYT--both liberal supporters of the President--see his actions as personal and petty. He does not see the people of Jerusalem and isn't trying to help them at all.
Jews keep looking to their right for anti-Semitism. It's coming, but from the other side. The party they support with their money and their votes can't wait to get rid of them.
First they came for the coal miners ...
The dying song of the leftist is being heard. Singing of being a Black Star. Sing and die away. Let Trump rule. He will do ok, plus I am enamored with his daughter Ivanka.
Let Ivanka corner me and tell me her thoughts.
Your candidate finally showing his true colors when he is no longer running for an office. Always pathetic, always has been.
" Blogger cubanbob said...
Since the Israelis have been branded criminals they might as well do the crime; expel all of the Arabs from the West Bank and cut off power and water to Gaza. Let the Europeans take in the Arabs, they are already doing so from other areas might as well finish the job they started."
This is my sentiment as well. As republicans have found out, if you are going to falsely be accused of racism, sexism, whateverism every election cycle, who gives a whit what the other side "thinks" anymore.
No one wants a nuclear war, but that does not mean we won't have one.
And once it starts it won't be just between two countries, wherever it starts from.
What's fascinating and interesting is how both Egypt and Israel prefer Donald Trump to Barack Obama. You'd think at least one of those countries would prefer Obama! Nope.
Maybe "Iran has nukes" has made everybody in the region a bit hostile to the liberal who thinks its a good idea to arm the jihadists of Iran and give them hundreds of millions of dollars to boot.
In this New Yorker piece, the author concludes that only Iran is unhappy about our regime change.
Arab autocrats are gleeful. Islamic extremists seem ecstatic. Israel’s right-wing government is exuberant. Only Iran seems nervous about the election of Donald Trump
Those would be the Iranian dictators who squashed the green revolution as Barack Obama said nothing, nothing, nothing about democracy, human rights, peace, love, fairness, justice, hope or change. He was silent.
Obama wasn't just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran. In his new book, "The Iran Wars," Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon uncovers new details on how far Obama went to avoid helping Iran's green movement. Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America's support.
Solomon reports that Obama ordered the CIA to sever contacts it had with the green movement's supporters. "The Agency has contingency plans for supporting democratic uprisings anywhere in the world. This includes providing dissidents with communications, money, and in extreme cases even arms," Solomon writes. "But in this case the White House ordered it to stand down."
What a fearless leader!
cubanbob, I agree and especially like this one.
a resolution demanding that New Zealand cease occupying the land belonging to the Maori's.
I think Trump might just be tough enough to do much of this. The bed wetters over at HuffPo could not be more hysterical.
It's time for the UN to find another country to house their members. The present building in NYC could be converted to house the homeless. Go get 'em Donald.
What explains this for me is that Obama recently figured out who was really behind the leaking of Podesta's emails.
I'm not convinced his approval ratings are so high. After all, how accurate have the other polls been?
A significant part of his "approval rating"is racial and a form of virtue signaling.
The only mass resettlement in the 20th century that left still condemns is the creation of the State of Israel. I wonder why?
Much of the left sees things on an oppressor-oppressed axis. The two big oppressions are considered to be 1st world-third world and white-nonwhite. Unlike the others you mention, Israel-Palestine is 1st world-3rd world, and Palestinians are honorary nonwhites.
Europeans can assuage their guilt for colonialism by not supporting that last remaining colony.
Kassar; It's possible the yes votes of France, UK, NZ, etc were predicated on a belief that the US would veto the resolution. That way, the backlash falls on the US, not them. Wonder how they feel now? Did Obama suggest a veto and thus offer them cover for their yes votes?
"This is ridiculous. What a ridiculous man."
Since his introduction to the public scene I have perceived him to be a very small minded and petty man. Envious of the wealthy and powerful and disdainful of those who he perceives to be lesser than himself. I don't think he is anything more than average intelligence. My contempt for him is the same contempt I had for Clinton. They both always took the easy path because to do the right thing took effort.
If the American Jewish community wishes to make the Democratic Party suffer for this outrage, they have the capabilities to make it do so.
But they won't. Far too many American Jews see their Jewishness as wrapped up in being Social Justice Warriors. Support for Israel or for the larger goals of Zionism is about 5th or 6th down the list of their political concerns. Every year the gulf widens between Israel & American Jews.
Just watch. Check into the evangelical media, and you'll see more wailing & gnashing of teeth among Southern Baptists than Jews over the UN abstention.
I guess "got yer back" can have different meanings.
Another grand gesture to build the party, though.
The Jews have let Obama down, ergo we can now affirm absolutely Jews Are White heathens after all.
Who could impugn Obama for spreading some of the disappointment he feels around, even to Jews? Jews after all did build this all by themselves. You remember the Coen's racist unhinged bigotry when asked why they don't have more blacks in every film the write, produce, direct, and edit. In fact, these greedy bastards take four jobs each for just one film they make, depriving blacks employment and sickeningly advancing the notion Jews are better than the Master Race Africanus.
Maybe Jews can learn to not disappoint their superiors and they won't be reprimanded or slaughtered much further. Genocide is a choice even the chosen make all by their lonesome.
If I woulda known Obama would be this bigoted, hateful, and indirectly murderous, he just might have earned my white bigoted hateful vote.
Althouse can feign ignorance, but who has not heard or read the Left's hatred of Israel? In all those years teaching in Madison, how could it have gone unnoticed?
Actually, if a DNA survey was made, I would not be surprised if a large number of Palestinians proved to have a closer relationship to the ancient Israelites than many very devout Jews.
Why didn't Obama vote "Yes" rather than "Present"?
A pussy 'til the end.
Funny. Apocryphal or fact?
Obama could shoot Bibi on 42nd street, in broad daylight, and not lose any support at the Jew York Times in Hyimetown.
Al Sharpton could, and FUCKING has, incite mobs to murder Jews in Hyimietown and yet still become a coveted guest at the White House.
Jenny Rubin would still prefer either man to Trump in terms of intimacy and governing power.
"If it wasn't for the actions of Europeans, the Jews would not have found the state of Israel to be necessary."
Not just Europeans. Roughly half the Jewish population of Israel in 1950 came not from Europe, but from other parts of the Middle East and North Africa: Iraq, Yemen, Morocco, Egypt, etc. All refugees fleeing tyranny and anti-Semitism.
Barrack seems intent on doing as much damage to the country and his party as possible.
I am glad he is showing who he really is. Progressives only exist because they lie about their goals. They are making it crystal clear who they are now.
The US Jewish political culture, and political assumptions in Jewish culture, is an interesting thing, and very significant to everyone given that Jews are so immensely influential.
Hilaire Belloc was not wrong in that, at all, and that too is an impolitic thing to mention. A lot of the accusation of anti-semitism vs Trump is the traditional Jewish distrust of the populists, which goes back to ancient times. Populists have way too often done bad things to Jews. Jews in Europe and the Middle East usually depended on the protection of the sovereign and the upper class. More recently (in the last 200 years) its been a matter of capturing the upper class, such as the bete noir of populists the Rothschilds, and also in marrying into the non-Jewish aristocracy and wealth. Trumps family, Ivanka-Kushner, is entirely typical.
Trump also attacks, directly, finance capital and the academic, legal, cultural and bureaucratic establishments, all very Jewish. This is a direct livelihood threat to many individual Jews and its not unnatural to perceive a personal threat as being aimed at the whole group, this group being defined by ethnicity is more acceptable to its amour-propre than definition by class. Trump and his crew can be made to seem more evil and illegitimate as attacking Jewish interests instead of upper-class interests. This works both as a personal rationalization as well as a propaganda line. There seem to be a lot of people straining to make themselves and the public believe that the Trump phenomenon fit this model.
It seems also that we have here two Jewish cultures, which is a common perception these days of course, and they are no longer well connected. Israel is not Jewish within the cultural context of US Jews these days, a point I have heard a lot in the last few years. Its no longer common that US Jews have close Israeli relatives, nor a proximate sense of a common origin as European immigrants. Therefore to them Israel is a foreign land, an unfashionable parochial place irrelevant to US Jews, or a large portion of them.
Israelis are no longer Jews, as far as many in the US are concerned, not at a gut level. They might as well be Boers or Serbs or North Koreans.
Anti-Israel attitudes are driven by intellectual and political fashions as well as financial interests. Israel doesnt have much money (though well off on average, its a very small country), there are no sovereign wealth funds to manage or enormous markets to sell to. The cultural marxism with which this entire class has been indoctrinated in the US has programmed the cool kids to hate Israel and the Israelis, though so far this has to be masked by rationalizations, the pretense is slipping.
Who will be the next UN Secretary-General to replace Ban Ki-moon? Obama's EARS perk-up.
Probably would lift him off the ground, lightweight that he is.
This cowardly and treacherous act should be the keynote subject of Trump's inaugural address.
Almost exactly correct, buwaya puti. My only quibble is that the mask has long ago been cast aside. That some have refused to see is another matter entirely.
Talk about echo chambers!
Talk about contributing nothing, readering. Tell us what you know that we miss.
I would not be surprised if a large number of Palestinians proved to have a closer relationship to the ancient Israelites than many very devout Jews.
The genetic material is probably very closely related.
If you read The 10,000 Year Explosion, you have read the author;s theory that Ashkenazi Jews have evolved in Europe because of tremendous anti-Semetic pressure to skills in math and calculation that was beneficial in money lending and related occupations. The social isolation led to inbreeding and the evolutionary pressure caused evolution of brain development that also gave them Tay Sachs and some other brain lipid disorders.
The Jews that are Sephardic are probably very close to Palestinians and those from non-German roots who survived are also close to Palestinians.
Only the small group of German Jews who survived the Holocaust, or who emigrated before it got started are different. And not all that much different anyway. It would be an interesting study. Mexicans have Spanish Y chromosomes and Indian X chromosomes. There are other examples.
I wonder about Obama's behavior as ex-president. I very much doubt he'll take Dubya's hands-off approach.
Then the Messenger of Allah commanded that ditches should be dug, so they were dug in the earth, and they were brought tied by their shoulders, and were beheaded. There were between seven hundred and eight hundred of them. The children who had not yet reached adolescence and the women were taken prisoner, and their wealth was seized.
[Ibn Kathir, on Quran 33:26]
As noted by others, the official Democrat Party position is that no Jews should live in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem and the wailing Wall belongs to the Arabs.
The real Obama is now fully exposed even to those who earlier refused to see.
"Just my thoughts."
Bald face, I assume, lie. I was thinking nearly the same thoughts ten minutes before I read what you ascribe as "thoughts" of your own.
You aren't in my league as a writer, lover, or Porta Potty toilet cleanser, but you do have enough talent to write your own material for once. I recommend it.
And anyone who thinks of me as Sean Penn as the guitar player Emmit Ray who faints anytime the number one big dog most talented player Django Reinhardt is around, why that's just conjecture on your (and hack W. Allen's) part.
It's not shocking. This is who he is.
If you thought Peanut was petty, mean, spiteful and a sore loser, just wait.
An ex-president residing in DC?
No grace.
Say what you will about republican ex-presidents, but in my lifetime they showed snd show class. They "retired." Peanut didn't, Bubba didn't and the narcissist won't. 30ish more years of the Community Antagonizer because this is him.
"What happened in the U.N. was Obama showing off his power in the face of Donald Trump? Is that what the NYT means to say? That's not just pathetic. It's shocking." Yeah, as in: we are shocked, shocked. Is O still the man whose absence our hostess advance-misses?
Not surprised at the Yes votes, either.
The Zeropean Pali support to me was always partially based on sticking it to us whoever they could. The are proxies.
Like we were fighting for our independence.
Are you suggesting there is gambling at Rick's?
How about relocating the UN in New Zealand? Sort of like sending Napoleon to St. Helena.
"How about relocating the UN in New Zealand? Sort of like sending Napoleon to St. Helena."
Not so much. New Zealand, the South Island anyway, is spectacular.
It is a long, long plane flight, however.
Asks Birkel: Are you suggesting there is gambling at Rick's?
Round up the usual suspects.
Original Mike:
The long flight and the beauty of the country are nothing in comparison to the lack of good restaurants and a ready supply of attractive hookers. I think Michael K's idea of sending the UN to Africa is better. Closer to the third world they hold dear and also very very far from decent restaurants. Their East River digs can be turned to good use and the citizens of NY, hookers and restauranteurs aside, would rejoice at the improvement in traffic on those times when the UN was in business.
Obama is worried he might not yet have a secure lock on "worst President of modern times" and is doing everything possible in his final days to insure Jimmy Carter will be remembered fondly in comparison to himself. I'd say he need not worry any further.
Obama is worried he might not yet have a secure lock on "worst President of modern times" and is doing everything possible in his final days to insure Jimmy Carter will be remembered fondly in comparison to himself. I'd say he need not worry any further.
Our Progressives in the media and among Democrats have been screaming about Russia's involvement in our 2016 presidential election but have been absolutely silent about U.S.involvement in the 2015 Israeli election.
From The Hill:
President Obama's role during the Israeli elections was larger than reported, according to a pollster for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party.
"What was not well reported in the American media is that President Obama and his allies were playing in the election to defeat Prime Minister Netanyahu," John McLaughlin, a Republican strategist [not the deceased TV personality], said ....
"There was money moving that included taxpayer U.S. dollars, through non-profit organizations. And there were various liberal groups in the United States that were raising millions to fund a campaign called V15 against Prime Minister Netanyahu," McLaughlin said.
He noted an effort to oust Netanyahu was guided by former Obama political operative Jeremy Bird and that V15, or Victory 15, ads hurt Netanyahu in the polls. McLaughlin said the Israeli leader rebounded after delivering a speech to Congress early this month, prompting more critical ads.
So why is anyone surprised about the UN vote abstention?
"That resolution cannot be undone."
Dr. (MD) Kraut [don't drop the] hammer is wrong...again. It starts with the United States de-funding the United Nations. Let's see where it goes from there.
Let me use this moment to express that being proven correct in one's pessimism is not as enjoyable as hoped.
Hagar: And the Palestinians were there though of course it was not Palestine yet; that is a Roman name for the area. But remember Joshua and the battle of Jericho (Jericho and the walls came tumbling down!)? Who were they fighting with if not the "Palestinians?"
That's a good question. I suppose if you are going to name anyone who lives in a geographic area after the geographic area, then the defenders in Jericho were "Palestinians." On the other hand, the Jews that currently live in Israel would also be "Palestinians." It's not useful terminology.
What are referred to as "Palestinians" are Arabs outside of their normal geographic region, finding their way there the historically typical way: military conquest. it is difficult to argue that they have a right to land against the invaders when they are invaders themselves.
Actually, if a DNA survey was made, I would not be surprised if a large number of Palestinians proved to have a closer relationship to the ancient Israelites than many very devout Jews.
Not totally out of the question, but I wouldn't repeat that amongst "Palestinians." They will not take it well. For that matter, if DNA could prove that Jews and Palestinians were the same people, it would be very unlikely to make a difference. Humans have never needed ethnic differences to justify killing each other.
"So why is anyone surprised about the UN vote abstention?"
Other than our hostess, who's shocked?
“One cannot simultaneously champion Israeli settlements and champion a viable two-state solution.”
The Zionist faction will kill every attempt at peaceful coexistence, while the Jewish people want only peace.
Like a good mother, the UN should be strict with their errant children.
Most Jews did not accept or condone the Zionist murder of the British soldiers. They did not want a country of terrorists.
It actually goes back to Ishmael and Isaac.
Obama signed the largest Israeli military aid package in history. He wanted to go out with that as his to notable legacy on Israel. He did not want a UN resolution condemning Israel as his legacy. He was not behind the resolution. But Obama derangement syndrome on this site pretty much exclusive.
Combining the worst of arrested development and affirmative action -- an insecure and petty man-child until his final days.
Lots of great comments on this thread, about the UN "vote" specifically, and Obama's post-presidency.
Excellent point by Drago @ 10:46.
Samantha Power could have made her reputation by ignoring the command of BO.
But when followed the leader as sisal.
Reinforces her inability to be a meaningful diplomat.
You're completely full of shit, readering -- he could have had the US veto the resolution.
Hating Jews, period, is the oldest Satanic empowered thought on earth. It has no reason, and therefore nothing can be done to prevent its arising. There not enough land on earth the giving away of which will affect that thought whatsoever. Gaza Strip land is a recent proof.
The hard part is for Jews to admit they are hated so much. So they try to be super liberals and help every group. It doesn't work.
Neutrality by gentile observers doesn't work. Bottom line, the only position a man can take is to openly hate the people who hate Jews.
"He did not want a UN resolution condemning Israel as his legacy."
Don't know how you feel justified claiming that. All he had to do is veto it, as decades of previous US administrations have.
"Samantha Power could have made her reputation by ignoring the command of BO."
Nope. She supports Kerry. Kerry wanted it. It had nothing to do with Obama. He's on vacation.
"It had nothing to do with Obama. He's on vacation."
I heard somewhere that he has a phone.
readering: "Obama signed the largest Israeli military aid package in history."
Obama could not stand up to the combined dem/republican support of Israel at that time. We see now what he does when there are no elections in the offing.
readering: "He wanted to go out with that as his to notable legacy on Israel."
And so he has. So. He. Has.
readering: "He did not want a UN resolution condemning Israel as his legacy."
obama had the power to veto any such resolution. Moron.
readering: "He was not behind the resolution. But Obama derangement syndrome on this site pretty much exclusive."
obama collaborated behind the scenes to make this happen. He is the sole individual on this planet MOST responsible for this resolution.
Perhaps readering should do a bit more reading on just how this came about before he lets his "Obama as Messiah" beliefs lead him further astray.
RightIsRight: "Nope. She supports Kerry. Kerry wanted it. It had nothing to do with Obama. He's on vacation."
Yeah. Keep running with that one. That's the ticket! Obambi was body-surfing when this happened. Obambi didn't even know about it until he read it in the papers. Yeah, until he read it in the papers....that's the ticket...sure, sure....
Actually for the academic left, this is a triumph. They hate Israel more than they hate white men.
Obama is in his 'scorced-earth' phase. Sort of like Hitler in April 1945.
Sorry, Prof. Althouse, President Obama's action at the U.N. Security Council, even if it was intended as a show of power to the President Elect and was reprehensible, was anything but shocking. President Obama's action should have been expected sooner or later. It was as predictable as the sunrise. As a professor at a modern American university, you have become desensitized to radicals - they're everywhere. That is why you may not have seen, even prior to Obama's first election, all the signs that he is a Marxist, anti-American radical of the worst sort. For the rest of us who don't work in a bubble, being all buddy-buddy with Weather Underground murderous subversives and sitting in a church that preaches anti-white, and more specifically, anti-Jew hatred are DEFCON 1 warning signs of bad things to come.
Again, this bears repeating: the official policy of the obama administration is that the Wailing Wall (and all of East Jerusalem) belongs to the Arabs.
Further, we the American people need not know any of the details about the Iran Nuke deal which will enable Iran to accelerate their nuclear development program.
We also know that obambi believes that the islamic call to prayer is the most beautiful sound in the world.
"nuff said.
"Obama is worried he might not yet have a secure lock on "worst President of modern times'...."
How ca one pick? Obama, Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter...and on back. They've all been awful.
In the early years of the 20th century through World War II and right up to the creation of Israel in 1948, the term "Palestinian" referred to the Jews of that region. The term "Palestine" derives from the very ancient name of the Bronze Age Sea Peoples invaders known to the Israelites as "Phistines" and to the Egyptians as "Paelset." They were Mycenaean Greeks, predominately tall, with many who were fair-haired or red-haired. A plausible theory as to their origin places them in the Myceanean city of Pylos, which was pronounced by Linear B-speakers (i.e., Bronze Age Greeks) as Puros; hence (possibly) "Purosa = Puroset/Paleset = Philistine.
Typo: "Paelset" should be "Peleset."
Amen, Fabi, I was just going to post that exact statement.
Sound and fury. The meaningful vote at the UN, were it to happen, would be to confer statehood on Palestine. I hope this happens. Israel would be forced to preempt the US abstention by annexing Judea and Samaria and expelling the Arabs.
Looking forward to Trump's first address to the General Assembly.
Obama broke with Israel because his daddy and stepdaddy were Muslims, his early school was a madrassa and his pastor, Wright, and his imam, Farrakhan, are Jew haters.
There's no mystery behind, and no justice in, the UN resolution.
Arabs/Muslims hold oil-rich territory 650 times the size of Israel. Those territories have a combined population roughly 50 times that of Israel. After the 1948 War A million Jews were expelled from their homes in those countries with no sanctions from the UN.
Arabs/Muslims do not desire peace with Israel's Jews, they desire to annihilate them. They have affirmed that many times, as has Iran. Most of the world, including Obama, are happy to assume that unreasonable risk on behalf of the Israelis.
This is the product of irrational hatred of Jews.
Cookie, your time would be better spent arranging food/medicine drives for the victims of the lefties latest "experiment" in driving whole societies to massive deprivation and despair in Venezuela.
Oh, and forcing the Israelis back to indefensible 1967 borders.
Not to worry. Hope springs eternal Comrade. Next time it will all work out as intended. Always the next time.
Looking forward to Trump's first address to the General Assembly.
I am too and expect it to end with the words "Goodbye."
They've all been awful
Cookie seeks to rescue Obama's legacy by equating his miserable treachery with the careers of much more moral and effective holders of the office. Granted that Carter was almost as incompetent, and that Clinton was and continues to be a morally repugnant abuser of women and girls (ignoring of course the convenient murders and suicides of disloyal Clinton flunkies), but none have been more serpentine than Barack Hussein Obama.
What is shocking is that the United States has vetoed the world wide condemnation of Israelí illegal settlements.
You wonder why he won a Peace Prize.
Horrible choice on his administration's part.
Gary wrote What is shocking is that the United States has vetoed the world wide condemnation of Israelí [isc] illegal settlements.
Nazis always proclaim themselves eventually.
You wonder why he won a Peace Prize.
One wonders how a small pacifistic nation like Norway could produce Vidkun Quisling, but there you are.
Gary seems to be more interested in "extended sexual orgasms" than history.
Tell us Gary, where are the Sudeten Germans and the East Prussians ?
They learned what happens when you start a war and lose it.
The Palestinians have done it three times.
Rae said...
Wait til he gives away the Erie Canal.
Don't know why, but that reminded me of a prepared speech given once by Andrew Cuomo that I caught part of. In which he referred to the Erie Canal as one of NY's "great natural resources". Natural resource. A canal. Built by man. Which with environmental impact studies and lawsuits would be impossible to build today. Needless to say, no on in the MSM bothered to pint out this minor mistake. Wasn't like he had misspelled the plural or potato or something really serious like that.
Hagar said...
No one wants a nuclear war, but that does not mean we won't have one.
And once it starts it won't be just between two countries, wherever it starts from.
Any nukes dropped on Israel will result in more then one country receiving some in return. But they'll all be in the middle east. An exchange started between India and Pakistan will likely involve only India and Pakistan. But since Pakistan is likely on the Israeli delivery list, the question is whether Pakistan and India will go at it in the event Israel is bombed. You have to wonder if the Israelis will notify India at the outset of where the bombs are headed so there'll be no duplication of targets...
Pretty much if it starts in the middle east, there'll be a bunch of glass parking lots there in the aftermath, but you won't see the major powers using theirs. In the aftermath, I think you'll see China, Russia, and the U.S. deciding how to divide up the territories. Maybe they'll let Europe in on the negotiations, maybe not.
roughcoat wrote: A plausible theory as to their origin places them in the Myceanean city of Pylos, which was pronounced by Linear B-speakers (i.e., Bronze Age Greeks) as Puros; hence (possibly) "Purosa = Puroset/Paleset = Philistine.
Fascinating, roughcoat. I've read a few works on the close of the Aegean Bronze Age and the speculative connection of the "sea peoples" and the Philistines to the Myceaneans, but this is new to me.
The site of Pylos as you may know was first excavated and cataloged by Carl Blegan in 1939, where the largest cache of Linear B tablets were found. Arthur Evans unearthed only tiny sample of Linear B script which he attributed to an unknown language he called Minoan. With Blegan's discovery Michael Ventris had the material he needed to determine that Linear-B was in fact Greek. One wonders why no Linear-B inscriptions have turned up in Egypt or Israel. Could the sea peoples have been entirely illiterate Greeks?
Two wolves (china and Russia), whose occupation of xinjiang and the caucasus has not been denounced properly vs three silent sheepdogs.
But how did they over to the other end of mediterranean, perhaps they are philistines or some tribe out if the peninsula.
Remember, this is the same dishonest tool that recently ordered his staff to go back into official US statements and captions to change "Jerusalem, Israel" to "Jerusalem". Even back before his own pathetic presidency.
The miserable toad even goes back in time to deceive and damage.
Heck of a job Barry!"
"Arthur Evans unearthed only tiny sample of Linear B script which he attributed to an unknown language he called Minoan."
I missed my chance to visit Minos palace at Knossus in 2015 when the Greek economy imploded. Two factors influenced our decision.
One, there were no credit cards or ATMs functioning at the time we were planning to go.
Second, the "Migrants" were going right through the area we planned to visit.
I didn't want to walk around with a couple thousand Euros in money belt.
Today's "Palestinians" bear no relationship to the ancient "Philistines," who were from the area of Greece and have probably disappeared or been absorbed into other populations. The current people who have adopted that name are simply Arab-speaking people who lived in the area or migrated there in response to the economic opportunities created by the increasing Jewish population beginning in the late 19th century. Arafat was born in Egypt and didn't come to "Palestine" till he was an adult.
Gary knows perfectly well the objective of the Arabs/Islamists is to drive every Israeli new into the sea.
It's what he likes best about them.
The liberal elites continue to misunderstand the Trump voter. They don't realize how many Americans think the UN is a waste of space, and one we would be better off without. They may be surprised at the results. #Amerexit!
"What is shocking is that the United States has vetoed the world wide condemnation of Israelí illegal settlements." Jeepers. What's wrong with you? My father grew up in the Free City of Danzig, on the border between Germany and Poland. Today it is called Gdansk, and it is _right in the middle of Poland_, east to west. Part of Germany was taken away after WWII and given to Poland. Part of Poland was taken away and given to the Soviet Union. Any complaints? Doubt anyone is going to listen.
Israel did make a mistake: they should have annexed the West Bank immediately after the '67 War, made it part of Israel. To make their lives easier, they probably should have pushed all the former residents into Jordan. That's what India and Pakistan did after their Partition, only there it was around 14 million people. Any complaints? None of those people seems to be getting anything in reparations.
After 1948, Israel had to deal with around a million Jewish refugees, from everywhere in the surrounding Arab countries. Not one of them ever got reparations of any kind from the countries that oppressed them and are now Judenrein. Any complaints?
Welcome to the rules of the real world, everywhere but in Israel.
Had a big day watching the Bears suck and last minute food shopping out here in Portlandia. I don't even know where this thread is going or even coming from. Before I have to get back to cleaning the kitchen and prepping a bit for Christmas dinner....
Moving the UN to Detroit rocks! Laslo rocks!
Now, I want to name drop and comment on Barack Obama.
Ex-wife #3, the mother of my lovely family, is Dutch Indonesian, a creole group [like the Van Halens, BTW]. She ran for alderman of the 35th in 1995 and Obama was running for something else. She ran into him at least twice, at a Chicago Tribune and an LGBT endorsement session. They hit it off because of the Jakarta connection.
I have been watching the Left wet their pants over Obama for more than two decades. When he was New Party, everyone wet their pants again. Progressives were all, he's one of us.
His law boss, Allison Davis, was a client of mine. When Barack and Bill Ayers wasted $150 million on the Annenberg Challenge, I was cashing some of those checks. In the same building where Bill and Barack's Annenberg offices were was the office of the Small Schools Workshop, a client of mine and a recipient of Annenberg largesse, whose president was Mike Klonksy, former president of SDS and Chairman of the Communist Party (ML).
The funny thing is, I was family friends with the Klonsky's and used to see Billy Ayers twice a year, 4th of July and either Thanksgiving and Christmas. I was so surprised the MSM let Obama characterize Bill and Bernadine as just some people in the neighb who sent their kids to UC Lab School. They wasted $150 million together occupying next-door offices!
Tony Rezko who? The ping-pong Illinois Board of Tourism thing? Obambi's first earmark as a U.S. Senator being $1 million to UC Hospitals and Michelle in her VP of Community Bullshit sees her salary go from $125,000 to $375,000 IIRC?
I had to get this out. Time to clean the kitchen. Then play Civ VI.
Hillary Clinton will never be president.
MikeR wrote in response to Gary: Jeepers. What's wrong with you?
RACISM. That's what's wrong with Gary, and it isn't just racism directed at the Jews. People like Gary hate Jews because the Jews as a group are smart and talented — way smart and way talented, such that their contribution to science and culture is far out of proportion to their numbers. His other racism is directed at Arabs, whom he despises as genetically incapable of civilized behavior. The expulsion of Jews from their ancient homes in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, etc. is of no consequence to Gary and people who think like him because nothing better can be rightly presumed of such inferior people. It's just another instance of the prejudice of low expectations.
Obama is 100% dedicated to peace. But he means the peace that breaks out after the beheading of all people whose heads think forbidden thoughts, I.e., the Christians and the Jews.
The Jews who vote for for Obama are generally secular non-practicing Jews. Orthodox Jews voted overwhelmingly for Trump. Same for Romney and McCain. The Jews who voted for Obama and Hillary traded their religion for a new religion of liberalism and don't reallyrics care about israel
One more.
I was in Cuba in 1972 and saw Fidel live at an IWD and a May Day. That's a personal best for seeing famous people live for me. I was in various flavors of the Revolutionary Communist Party during my 20's before I wised up. Hence, I know the commie players in Chicago.
At one point, most of our Chicago congressional delegation was associated with the DSA, currently the U.S. representative in the Socialist International [nee, Second International, also home of the Labour Party of the UK, the French Socialist Party, many countries' SD parties, etc.].
Let's see, we have [or had] Jan Schankowsky, totally DSA and Alinskyite, along the north lakefront, [going counterclockwise you had the 5th District, which was the Water Department, Rosty or Rahm]; Danny Davis, CPUSA, on the west side; 4th District is Luis Gutierrez, a former client and PSP member, in the Mickey Mouse gerrymander; Bobby Rush, 1st, former Defense Minister of the Illinois Black Panther Party [I worked with the Dayton chapter]; and, at one time, the former base of Chicago's first black mayor, Harold Washington [also a client], in the 2nd District was Jesse Jackson Jr. I realize he's doing federal time and this particular fact is out of date, sort of like fake news.
On the other hand, in new news, Robert Creamer, husband of Rep. Schankowsky, was recently stung by the young Mr. O'Keefe about hiring thugs and such. He ripped me off back in the 80's for a $150 leaflet one time when he headed Illinois PAC. He later did fed time for check kiting and I count him as one of my three political clients to do federal time.
Anyway, Socialism sucks. "Progressivism" sucks but Teddy Roosevelt was not all wrong. The Democratic Party is a criminal conspiracy against Black People, amongst others. The Republicans seem stupid to me a lot.
We need a New Federalist Party.
"Now, I want to name drop and comment on Barack Obama."
Some of us have been wise to him for years.
Still everyone should keep talking about it. He's an empty suit, if not something worse.
Why is any one shocked buy this? I think it is fairly easy to see that this is how Obama thinks.
Shocking perhaps but it doesn't change a thing between the US and Israel. We have already committed to provide Israel with $38 billion in military assistance over the next decade ― the largest military aid package ever negotiated between the two countries. Abstaining is symbolic in only symbolic. If the US wants to support a two state solution then sometimes it means acknowledging the Palestinians as well. All sides have to learn to get along. If my tax dollars go to the region that's the least I can ask. I strongly support Israel but not at the cost of the other people who live in the region. He same goes for the Palestinians as well.
Re: US out of the UN!
Look at a map of the world in 1800,1850,1900, 1950, and today.
What will strike you is that the two that most closely resemble one another are the maps of 1950 and today. The UN's primary purpose is to keep those lines on the globe from shifting. When it was formed, the world had been through two devastating wars in less than half a century. These wars began as wars of conquest, one nation attempting to annex the territory of another nation, with very unpleasant consequences for the people who lived in the newly annexed land.
Stopping those kind of wars is the primary purpose of the UN, especially the UNSC. It has worked, that is why the world map of 1950 so closely resembles the world map of 2016.
So, yes, the UN sucks. But don't end it, reform it. We really don't want those lines on the map to start moving again.
"sometimes it means acknowledging the Palestinians as well."
Maybe if the Palestinians stopped making their children into suicide bombers, there would be peace.
Even Snopes tries to disprove the story but can't
The Arabic news station Al Arabiya reported that Syrian activists had verified the father in the video as Abu Nimr and claimed the video was authentic. That outlet also posted a chilling note in floral script, which it reported to be a last will written by one of the girls.
Until Palestinians love their children as much as Jews do, there will not be peace or a two state solution.
They had their chance in 2000. Bill Clinton tried very hard for a Nobel Peace Prize and Arafat walked away.
I think this also signals obamas support for ellison as dnc chairperson
"So there are no Palestinians who love their children as much as Jewish people do? 12 million Palestinians are just worthless to you?" Incoherent. Please try again, this time making sense.
"So there are no Palestinians who love their children as much as Jewish people do?
I'm sure there are some. But let us turn that question many Israeli parents are willing to strap bombs to the children's chests just for the chance to kill some Palestinians?
I don't know why you're shocked, Professor Althouse. When I think of Barack Obama the one word that comes to mind is "petulant."
President Obama has made it far more likely that one of the new president's first official acts will be to move the US embassy to Jerusalem. That's the best possible way for him to tell the UN and the world that the US rejects utterly the UN's position on Jerusalem. I hope that Obama and his peeps are happy about this because there's nothing they can do about it now.
Matt said...
So there are no Palestinians who love their children as much as Jewish people do?
There are probably quite a few decent people. But they are not the ones in control and they are not the majority.
12 million Palestinians are just worthless to you?
Over three-quarters of Gazans — 78.6% of the 365 polled — said they strongly or somewhat support knife attacks against Israelis, whereas 46.4% of West Bank residents expressed similar sentiments.
About that many are worthless savages who need to be defeated and forced to be decent civilized human beings.
Would you go into negotiations with this attitude? What would be accomplished?
The Palestinians do not accept Israel and will never accept ANY peace. Their only goal is to wipe Israel out. There is no negotiation possible with savages who just use them to further their goal of wiping you out.
There will be no peace until the Palestinians are defeated and forced to be peaceful.
"Mediocre" and "Consensus choice" are the words that best describe Obama. He is not representative of Black America, by heritage or upbringing, but he looks representative of Black America. He has never had an original idea in his life. He just just regurgitates what he has been taught.
I must have missed where Samantha powers, noted academic analyst of genocides, resigned in protest... oh, wait, she didn't? Hmmm...
Obama has always lacked any quality of honor, and has been a moral jackal; those are the consistent narratives through his entire political career back to his first run for IL State Senator in the 1990s.
It is unfortunate that so many people, including our esteemed blogress, couldn't see what was obvious to anyone who looked back in 2007-08.
To understand Obama as President, read the classic sci-fi short story "It's a Good Life" by Jerome Bixby, or find the Twilight Zone version on youtube. Obama as President has been the incarnation of "The Monster", Anthony Fremont.
Blogger Alex said...Obama is in his 'scorcHed-earth' phase. Sort of like Hitler in April 1945.
If we are lucky he will blow his brains out the next time he is in a golf bunker.
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