२ डिसेंबर, २०१६
Trump condemns bigotry in all forms and envisions an inclusive America premised on our own American dream.
I picked out this clip from Trump's Cincinnati "Thank You" rally. I wish I had a transcript. Perhaps later.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
४१ टिप्पण्या:
Alas, there are too many American Dreams now, competing with each other.
Some Dreams are rooted in the Constitution, some Dreams involve overriding the document.
Some Dreams include Free Speech, some Dreams seek to devalue it's Import.
Some Dreams position the Individual as sacrosanct, other Dreams consider sacrosanct a Community.
A lot of jigsaw pieces no longer fit the puzzle.
I am Laslo.
"Trump condemns bigotry in all forms..." As we anticipated: Trump disappoints his followers.
I know I just keep reading about how "white" his crowd was.
Come on, left. You can do better than this.
As we anticipated: Trump disappoints his followers.
He has certainly disappointed his critics.
And yet even more evidence of his devious genius!
What I will miss most about the Obama Administration is all of the racial healing.
Obama had a pen and he had a phone. Trump has a phone too. That's how he got Carrier to stay in U.S.
Poor Obama. The embargo on criticizing his lordship will soon end. His warnings of being on the right side of history about to fail bigly.
MayBee: I know I just keep reading about how "white" his crowd was.
Come on, left. You can do better than this.
Apparently no, they can't.
Trump and his supporters are whitey white KKK racist homophobic bigot misogynists and hate hate haters.
Endless mindless leftwing identity stew. Stir often.
"Come on, left. You can do better than this."
No, unfortunately that's about as good as it gets.
Trump's words will not matter to the alt (delete) left. They KNOW he (and his supporters*) are racist homophobes.
* Not ALL,mind you, just 95%.
Words of inclusion - feh!
Closed ears, closed minds will not hear.
A lot of jigsaw pieces no longer fit the puzzle
Assimilation RIP.
Come on, left. You can do better than this.
Especially since a rally for Elizabeth Warren fans could be lost in a snowstorm...
In other words, Trump picks up the mantle of MLK.
Content of character Trumps skin color.
"Trump condemns bigotry in all forms..."
All forms might be that Trump condemns anti-white bigotry as well, so lefties can still be outraged by something.
“We condemn bigotry and prejudice in all of its forms,” Trump said. “We denounce all of the hatred and we forcefully reject the language of exclusion and separation. We have no choice. We have to, and it’s better.”
“We spend too much time focusing on what divides us,” he continued. “Now it’s time to embrace the one thing that united us: it’s America, because when America is unified, nothing is beyond our reach.” . . .
Do you think Trump will riff on his prepared speech at the inauguration? The setting will be an interesting contrast. Do you think the backdrop will include Bill and Hillary?
Talk is cheap from little boy Trump. He has said the opposite as well. His cabinet picks are pretty much tea party. There is nothing inclusive about that. In fact, watch what he does - not what he says. He is a liar.
He has consistently said he wants to President of all Americans.
By the way what's up with crazy Wisconsin laws to allow someone to ask for a recount this late in the game.
You don't get a touchdown replay in football after the extra point is kicked.
MikeR is bigoted against a lot of folks.
sunsong: Talk is cheap from little boy Trump. He has said the opposite as well. His cabinet picks are pretty much tea party. There is nothing inclusive about that. In fact, watch what he does - not what he says. He is a liar.
Sunsong, one wouldn't have thought it possible, but your comments just keep getting triter, staler, dumber, and more sour.
Airhead is OK; bitter is OK. But being a bitter airhead doesn't work for anybody.
Isn't there some New Age-y mantras you could be reciting to get yourself out of that Space of Bitterness and find your fluffy center again? You know, "in with anger, out with love", that sort of thing.
sunsong said... [hush][hide comment]
Talk is cheap from little boy Trump. He has said the opposite as well. His cabinet picks are pretty much tea party. There is nothing inclusive about that. In fact, watch what he does - not what he says. He is a liar.
Saved 800-1000 jobs, mostly minority
Appointed woman who wants to give poor kids-mostly minority- opportunity to choose a better school
Turned down presidential paycheck
Demanded appointees do not become lobbyists after leaving administration
Appointed millionaires and billionaires who will be resistant to bribes and selling influence.
And , best of all, continues to bait simple minded progressives
The only campaign rallies that had racial epithets being tossed around were Hillary's
Bernie Sanders: Carrier just showed corporations how to beat Donald Trump
Principles define a person's character (i.e. orientation). It is the traditional standard for judging/predicting a person's actions. Trump is not Pro-Choice, hopefully.
Perhaps someone could show Trump the speech by Teddy Roosevelt about hyphenated Americans.
“There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all.”
The way Carrier "beat" Donald Trump, it is a pity corporations don't regularly beat politicians like rented mules.
sunsong said...
Bernie Sanders: Carrier just showed corporations how to beat Donald Trump
Yep, keep jobs in country instead of leaving USA, shutting factory, putting workers on welfare and food stamps. Trump definitely got played!
F'kin' progressives are so easy!
The good news for the sunsongs is that with Repub hoouse, senate, and prez, all bad things in the future will be entirely thier fault. Of course, if anything good accidentally happens in the future, Trump will get credit,right?
Character is the frequency with which one adheres to their principles. It is doing the right thing when no one is looking. Trump is a liar and lacks character...
"Today, about 1,000 Carrier workers and their families should be rejoicing. But the rest of our nation’s workers should be very nervous.
"President-elect Donald Trump will reportedly announce a deal with United Technologies, the corporation that owns Carrier, that keeps less than 1,000 of the 2,100 jobs in America that were previously scheduled to be transferred to Mexico. Let’s be clear: It is not good enough to save some of these jobs. Trump made a promise that he would save all of these jobs, and we cannot rest until an ironclad contract is signed to ensure that all of these workers are able to continue working in Indiana without having their pay or benefits slashed..."
~ Bernie Sanders
"...Trump has endangered the jobs of workers who were previously safe in the United States. Why? Because he has signaled to every corporation in America that they can threaten to offshore jobs in exchange for business-friendly tax benefits and incentives. Even corporations that weren’t thinking of offshoring jobs will most probably be reevaluating their stance this morning. And who would pay for the high cost for tax cuts that go to the richest businessmen in America? The working class of America.
"Let’s be clear. United Technologies is not going broke. Last year, it made a profit of $7.6 billion and received more than $6 billion in defense contracts. It has also received more than $50 million from the Export-Import Bank and very generous tax breaks. In 2014, United Technologies gave its former chief executive Louis Chenevert a golden parachute worth more than $172 million. Last year, the company’s five highest-paid executives made more than $50 million. The firm also spent $12 billion to inflate its stock price instead of using that money to invest in new plants and workers.
"Does that sound like a company that deserves more corporate welfare from our government? Trump’s Band-Aid solution is only making the problem of wealth inequality in America even worse..."
~ Bernie Sanders
Original Mike said...
“We condemn bigotry and prejudice in all of its forms,” Trump said. “We denounce all of the hatred and we forcefully reject the language of exclusion and separation. We have no choice. We have to, and it’s better.”
“We spend too much time focusing on what divides us,” he continued. “Now it’s time to embrace the one thing that united us: it’s America, because when America is unified, nothing is beyond our reach.” . . .
Trump is being accused of supporting the alt-right of Richard Spencer, a Montana white supremacist who invented the term alt-right. But Trump would never be acceptable to the alt-right of Richard Spencer because Trump defines being American as a matter of choosing to accept American values which are universalist as he told the cheering crowd in the Cincinnati speech.
Spencer's alt-right defines America as a nation founded on the supposed genetic-based behavior of Nordics, a theory first formulated in the American context by Madison Grant, a notorious eugenicist and white supremacist who was prominent in the earky Twentieth Century. Both Hitler and Richard Spencer admired Madison Grant's book, The Passing of the Great Race. And Richard Spencer with 200 followers is still promoting Madison Grant's ideas from Montana - like those lost Japanese soldiers from World War II who pop up in the Philippine hills still serving WW II Japan.
Steve Bannon is not part of Richard Spencer's movement. Bannon supports American values, not Nordic tribalism. Occasionally Bannon published articles he disagreed with or only partally agreed with when he was editor of Breitbart News including some by followers of Richard Spencer which discussed economics. But the main slime news organizations now make no effort to publish and discuss opposing views. They can't understand free discussion. Nor can they believe that opponents might occasionally or intermittently be right. Opponents are deplorables, end of story.
So Trump was explaining - again - his vision of America last night. He opposes "the language of exclusion and separation."
It's interesting that the Democrats while they yammer about Bannon's publication of a few articles are seriously considering Keith Ellison, a former supporter of Nation of islam, as head of DNC. Nation of Islam has some good qulaities but it is noted for it's use of "the language of exclusion and separation." But the Democrat are behaving more like a party of lemmings than a political party anyhow.
Supporters of Spencer's alt-right are eugenicists. But they are not up-to-date eugenicists. Up-to-date eugenics is called biodemography and it is a post-Millennium formulation of eugenics which incorporates the discoveries and techniques which followed the completion of the Human Genome Project. Surprisingly it was and is primarily funded by the US government through its support for two small, unnoticed NIH entities which funded biodemographical research from the Nineties on through Obama's regime. Hopefully Trump will get the US government out of eugenics.
Sanders sounds jealous. He should restart Huey Long's Share the Wealth clubs. It's fun to watch Sanders the Socialist and Warren the Washington Redskin jockey for demagogue of the Senate.
Enjoy that $600,000 lake house Bernie. You earned it
"Because he has signaled to every corporation in America that they can threaten to offshore jobs in exchange for business-friendly tax benefits and incentives." - Bernie Sanders
Threaten to leave??? They have been leaving.
This guy could have been President. He could have chaired the Senate Budget Committee. This country dodged a bullet.
I too am eager to see a transcript. I think it's pretty clear the intellectuals continue to under-estimate Trump, even if some of his best lines are from the teleprompter, and therefore to some extent from the professionals behind him. Paraphrasing:
1."We are divided, and we have been led by people who have deliberately divided us, suggesting we should be treated differently based on race, geography, place of birth. We are united, and we need to be united, to care for this country, America." Echoes of Obama in 2008, who didn't exactly live up to his words.Giving voice to anger at identity politics.
2.We need to ensure we have the best military in the world, and then try to avoid using it.
3. We will go after ISIS, and protect American interests. "We want stability, not chaos." (Let his opponents explain how they're not in favour of chaos, like they're not in favour of flag-burning).
4. Workers built this country, and they don't get enough credit. Remember "you didn't build that"? We all owe government a lot for building things? This was directed by Warren and Obama against successful business people/entrepreneurs who wanted their taxes cut. Let Trump's opponents explain how they properly credit the efforts of ordinary workers.
The whole speech is an example of our host's comments on how Trump delivers a kind of perfection of spoken speech, perfectly comprehensible but not shaped by, or imitative of, written speech in sentences and paragraphs. It's a very effective way of speaking and persuading. There's a kind of repeated altar call: "We have no choice." "We have to do it." "We're going to do it." "It's going to get done." To which true believers reply, of course: "Amen."
wildswan: Trump is being accused of supporting the alt-right of Richard Spencer, a Montana white supremacist who invented the term alt-right...
Spencer is a gay clown who didn't invent anything. Do you believe everything the MSM tells you? (Wouldn't be at all surprised to learn the dude is funded by Sorosbucks.)
And Richard Spencer with 200 followers is still promoting Madison Grant's ideas from Montana...
Thanks a bunch for giving us the low-down on the erroneous and out-of-date beliefs of this vast clown army of nazi-LARPing nerds.
Madison Grant, lol. Never change, wildswan. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting depends on people like you for its continued existence.
Would have loved Trump to have thrown in Ayn Rand's "Racism is the most primitive form of collectivism"--just to hear further howls from "liberals."
sunsong said...
Bernie Sanders: Carrier just showed corporations how to beat Donald Trump
12/2/16, 11:03 AM
Sunsong: Bernie Sanders just showed Donald Trump how to beat Hillary Clinton
For extra credit, now he should show America how he paid for all his houses and camps and compounds and this latest lakeside dacha. If he even remembers.
I'm being lectured on morality by someone who thought Hillary Clinton would have made a good president.
It is to laugh.
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