३० डिसेंबर, २०१६

"The Devil Iz a White Men" — said graffiti spray-painted on a University of Wisconsin building.

You may remember that back in April, the University of Wisconsin police apologized for going into a classroom to confront a student about graffiti on campus.

Now, we learn that the UWPD has completed its review of the incident:
Officers had tried to make contact with Mr. McDonald several times over a two week time frame and were unsuccessful. At the time, based on their observations of the classroom, the officers did not believe a class was actively in session. The officers questioned Mr. McDonald outside of the classroom and then outside of the building. Eventually, Mr. McDonald was arrested on 11 criminal counts of graffiti and one count of disorderly conduct for threatening a bystander.

The decision to enter the classroom resulted in concern within the university community because this was not a common practice. At issue was whether or not the arrest and the method of arrest had been appropriate....
Or, as The Wisconsin State Journal puts it, "At issue was weather or not the arrest and the method of arrest had been appropriate."

The review found that the police did nothing wrong. But the UWPD has adopted a new policy, here, which might be violated if the same thing is done in the future. I say "might" because it's not clear what happens when the police mistakenly believe the class is not in progress.

४० टिप्पण्या:

Wince म्हणाले...

You may remember that back in April, the University of Wisconsin police apologized for going into a classroom to confront a student about racist graffiti on campus.

Fixed it for you.

gilbar म्हणाले...

", as The Wisconsin State Journal puts it, "At issue was weather or not the arrest and the method of arrest had been appropriate"
So, this was about climate change?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil म्हणाले...

White men created the University of Wisconsin.

So maybe they really are devils.

अनामित म्हणाले...

I saw Dirty Harry arrest a priest in a church. Why not a student in a classroom. Neither is a legal sanctuary...

madAsHell म्हणाले...

"At issue was weather or not the arrest and the method of arrest had been appropriate."

Spelling issues aside, this is attempting to create distinctions where none exist. Being arrested is supposed to be humiliating.

This is like Mad Libs. You fill-in-the-blanks to make the sentence relative.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Universities are by their own lights fonts of civilization, no?

It's antics like the hoopla about interrupting an Inhumanities class while ignoring the racist intent of the graffiti that persuade me the Huns were on to something.

Laslo Spatula म्हणाले...

Eddie Klemp, The White Devil…

"I'm Eddie Klemp, and I'm White. And, sometimes, I AM The White Devil.

Mr. Black Auto Driver: remember how you were tailgating me on the freeway? Remember how I tapped my brakes? Remember how you swerved all over the place to avoid a collision because you did not leave enough room for safe driving?

I, The White Devil, did that.

Mr. Black Street Crosser: remember how you were crossing the intersection at night against the traffic light? Remember how I honked at you to watch out? Remember how you flipped me off?

I, The White Devil, did that.

Ms. Black Grocery Shopper: remember when I was behind you and you had over twenty items in the 'Ten-items-or-less lane', and I didn't say anything? Remember how you shot me a nasty look anyway? Remember how I smiled at the white cashier with mutual understanding?

I, The White Devil, did that.

Mr. Black Dog Walker, remember how you walked your dog and let it shit on my lawn? Remember how I gave you a plastic bag and told you to pick that shit up? Remember how you grudgingly did so, but then walked away cursing?

I, The White Devil, did that.

Ms. Black Pedestrian: remember how you bumped into me on the sidewalk because you were watching your phone rather than where you were walking? Remember how you dropped your phone on the cement and then bitched about the screen getting cracked?

I, The White Devil, did that.

I am The White Devil, and I did that to you…

I am Laslo.

n.n म्हणाले...

The police can follow the State-established Pro-Choice doctrine that informs in matters of human rights, civil rights, and political correctness: guilty until proven innocent, trials by public opinion, and, when in doubt, find a scapegoat.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

'Appropriate' and 'inappropriate' are words appropriated by the Progs to mean something they find acceptable or not acceptable.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"Being arrested is supposed to be humiliating."

The UW police were obviously not trying to humiliate the man. Read the old post and look at the video. They had tried other ways to contact him and they were completely polite and discreet when they used the method of going into the classroom. They nevertheless got criticized and they opted to apologize.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

They apologized to no one really. It's in between Christmas and New Years. The Campus is empty.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

It says something about the quality of Wisconsin undergraduates that a matriculated student cannot correctly spell a two letter word.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil म्हणाले...

Madison is pretty damn white. I have to wonder how anybody who think whites are devils can stand living in the place, surrounded by thousands of pasty-faced demons.

I'm really not thrilled with Islam. In fact, I think Mohammad was, if not the devil, rather a shit. I'm not planning on moving to Saudi Arabia or Dearborn.

Hagar म्हणाले...

Humiliation - not only to the offender, but for his family - is the surest deterrent to crime.

अनामित म्हणाले...

The question is which white professor devil at the campus did this?

Mike Sylwester म्हणाले...

At the time, based on their observations of the classroom, the officers did not believe a class was actively in session.

A video of the incident is on the Internet. Anybody who watches it can see clearly that the class was not actively in session.

Because of that video, the teacher did not get away with telling her yarn that the class was in session.

cornroaster म्हणाले...

Sanctuary classes at a sanctuary university in a sanctuary city - imagine that.

Alex म्हणाले...

Obviously a hoax, it was sprayed by a white nationalist. I hope they find him and frog-march his ass in front of his family.

Obama Uber Alles!

robother म्हणाले...

A mind 'iz" a terrible thing to waste. Perhaps we should've listened to the United Negro Colleges.

Real American म्हणाले...

seems to me the that time and manner of an arrest are really of no consequence. If the police have an opportunity to arrest the suspect, they should do so immediately. While I can understand the university's desire not to have police interrupt classes to make an arrest (though I imagine this situation is rather rare), the desire not to have racist criminals among the students should be preferred to whatever minor inconvenience is created by an in-class arrest.

William म्हणाले...

Was this graffiti or was this art? It depends on what the meaning of iz is. In any case, this is clearly covered by the first amendment. These crude crackdowns on free speech never happened when Obama was president. This is just another example of the oppressive environment in Trump's Amerikkka.

TrespassersW म्हणाले...

"At issue was weather or not the arrest and the method of arrest had been appropriate."


Layers of editors and fact-checkers.

ga6 म्हणाले...

Well, IO guess from a cursory reading that it is very difficult to tell if there is a class in progress or not, The teaching standards at UW might be in for an overhaul.

To borrow from an old TV commercial: "Is it a real class or a bullshit session?"

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

Laslo Spatula said...
Eddie Klemp, The White Devil…

Your deviltry is quite systematic as well as systemic.

More artwork below; -2 points for inconsistent use of slashed Z's.

Sal म्हणाले...

Classes are supposed to start/end at a certain time. The cops log their work with time also, so it shouldn't be a big mystery whether class was in session or not. Except that it was some sort of black studies class and who can know how CPT factored in.

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

Sal said...
The cops log their work with time also, so it shouldn't be a big mystery whether class was in session or not.

That's why the lawyers had to stop billing after only eight months.

79 म्हणाले...

I wonder "weather" the cold "whether" is to blame...?

tcrosse म्हणाले...

I believe the correct usage is "The devil be a white man". I'd have to check the attribution.

OLDFART म्हणाले...

I might assume that the journalist was trying intimate that global warming caused the incident. Weather or not this is the case it should have been corrected by an editor at some point in time.

damikesc म्हणाले...

Why should the class being in progress matter?

Does an important business meeting prevent cops from arresting criminals in that meeting?

Michael K म्हणाले...

I believe the correct usage is "The devil be a white man".

Reminds me of an old joke. The bartender says he bets he cam make the big black guy at the bar cry.

He then says "Do you know Boo?" Al the white guys say "Boo who?" and the bartender wins his bet.

The black guy says, "Who be Boo?"

Jupiter म्हणाले...

'“Racial profiling” includes any law enforcement initiated action that relies upon the race, ethnicity or national origin
of an individual rather than the behavior of that individual.'

So, if the perpetrator was described as white, and an officer "initiates an action" with respect to a white person ...

The idiots who drafted this pathetic document shouldn't be allowed outdoors without supervision.

Doug म्हणाले...

I read the article - the Wisconsin State Journal got it right with "whether"; Although f'd it up.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

amikesc said...
"Why should the class being in progress matter?

Does an important business meeting prevent cops from arresting criminals in that meeting?"

It would if the cops in question worked for the business in question. Remind me again why this particular criminal organization gets to have its own private police force.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Fernandinande quips: That's why the lawyers had to stop billing after only eight months.


Hammond X. Gritzkofe म्हणाले...

The Cops violated the SANCTITY OF THE CLASSROOM??? OMG!!! It's supposed to be a SAFE SPACE!

Here in Texas, many school districts have their own police forces. Schools have budgets far larger than the City or County, and that way they don't have to trouble the City Cops or the Sheriff with any stuff like fights, thefts, knifings, and such. What happen in the District stays in the District.

n.n म्हणाले...

The Devil wears Prada - #CecileTheCannibal

geoffb म्हणाले...

He's lucky it wasn't Janet Reno's bunch that was trying to get him.

James Pawlak म्हणाले...

UW continues to protect criminals and endanger all others.

mikee म्हणाले...

Were the graffiti artist actually God the outcome would have been different.