And the casting notice said they were looking for:
Social media pounced. There were tweets like:
Super horrified that @Cadillac is planning on including neo-nazis in a "feel good" campaign featuring "all walks of life." Unacceptable.Cadillac reacted quickly:
“The notice was drafted by an employee, who was immediately terminated for her actions,” the statement said. “Additionally an outside third party further altered the breakdown without our knowledge and posted it on social media. Cadillac unequivocally did not authorize this notice or anything like it, and we apologize to Cadillac for the ex-employee’s actions.”If you're operating in the mainstream commercial world, take a lesson. You can't use "alt-right" as shorthand for guys with does-this-haircut-make-me-look-like-a-Nazi hair.
But quite aside from whether advertisers use the word "alt-right" in their casting calls, I think they are going for this look. I was watching the Packers game with Meade last night, and as the various car and beer and fast-food restaurant ads came on, I found myself quipping "Does this haircut make me look like a Nazi?"
And it's only looks that matter in these ads. No one will be expressing any political opinions in a Cadillac ad. And if they were, the opinions would be scripted, not the actual opinions of the actors. What does it mean to do a casting call asking for "REAL Alt-Right believers/thinkers"? It can only mean that you look like that sort of real person, not that you really are one.
No one cares what's actually in the actor's head.

६८ टिप्पण्या:
Someone lost her job over this. I wonder if the media who pushes the alt-right = Nazi theme or any of the people who piled on through social media ever stop to wonder if they might be the baddies.
Yeah. I'm wondering what Alt-Right looks like as well.
It couldn't be something made up by the left, could it?
I posted this on the "Snow Upholstered Chair" post. More Appropriate here:
The Senate quietly passed HR 6393 "Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016"
It's all about covering up #Pizzagate, and blaming the Crooked Old Lady's loss on "those meddling Russians". There has been ZERO evidence of any "Russian Hacking", yet the whole world is running with this "Fake News" story, all at the same time-- including the POPE. Hmmm... Yet the media ignores the massive Pedophile Ring Bust in Norway, and the fact that MILLIONS are in the streets in S. Korea protesting the Impeached President, who was outed as a member of a "cult". John Podesta still silent--- and guilty. No Libel suits begun either. Why is protecting a Pizza shop owner so important to the PTB?
So "Con Law Prof", how does this bill comport with Amendment 1?:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances".
The State Dept. once this bill is passed, will be the Ministry of Truth, and will attack alternative media with the power of the Federal Government, and determine what is truth. Is this America?
Liberal freaking bullies!
So, is alt-left still usable?
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Nothing says nazi like summarily firing people.
So, is alt-left still usable?
No, the proper term is Ctrl-left.
Fascism = Nazism = Stuff Lefties Don't Like.
All of the above = Wrong.
What's really sad is that there's been so much incredible scholarship on the ideology & intellectual roots of fascism done since the mid eighties, much of it by men of the Left (e.g. Roger Eatwell & Ze'ev Sternhell). Unfortunately, none of it seems to have sunk into the consciousness of the punditry.
All that remains is the use of the word as a general term of Left-wing opprobrium.
Alt-Right is now an acceptable term for people who oppose Democrat policy now?
Fine. Then it is now acceptable to call Democrats/Liberals who oppose conservative/Republican policies "Libtards", since their policy views only make sense to the mentally handicapped.
No one will be expressing any political opinions in a Cadillac ad. And if they were, the opinions would be scripted, not the actual opinions of the actors.
Do we know this to be fact or a least know they are only seeking those that only look the part? The brand has a history of representing and expressing political viewpoints from real people.
I'm Renfro Jeffries. Nazi And Proud Of It!.
You People don’t get it, do you? Whatever you might call yourself, the Government-Media-Cosmopolitan Complex will always say that just means ‘Nazi.’’ Conservative means Nazi, Christian means Nazi, Patriot means Nazi: you will all get painted with the same Swastika…
I’m a Nazi, and Proud of it. I will fight against the Government-Media-Cosmopolitan Complex in all of its guises. You, on the other hand, will choose to tiptoe through the minefield they have planted for you. Consider this some friendly advice: they don’t let ANYONE make it through the minefield…
Look: I don’t believe we need to kill Jews to make America Herself again. But there ARE Jews in the Government-Media-Cosmopolitan Complex, along with whites, blacks, gays and transvestites — and they ALL Hate You. If someone has a knife at my neck I’m not going to check their Identity to let that determine what I can and can’t do in self-defense…
So keep being afraid of the Nazi boogeyman: you are playing into the Government-Media-Cosmopolitan Complex’s hands, separating yourself from your own Best Interests. When the Nazis lose the Communists win: THAT is what you should be thinking about…
You are on the wrong side of the barbed wire, friends. Helter Skelter is coming, and it's coming with Cattle Cars: don't say I didn't tell you.
I'm Renfro Jeffries, Nazi And Proud Of It!
I am Laslo.
The rhetorical trick is a narrow meaning is the right handle to take hold of the whole bunch of meanings.
It's an anti distinction-maker.
You can't use "alt-right" as shorthand for guys with does-this-haircut-make-me-look-like-a-Nazi hair.
what makes you think they were looking for people with that haircut? most people who have haircuts like that wouldn't identify as 'alt right.'
You need to work the phrase "Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG)" into Renfro's rantings.
The extreme Antisemitic types are big on the phrase "Zionist Occupation Government". Look it up.
We drive a Mercedes Benz. It will be fun watching the lefties jump through hoops to blend 'white guilt' with neo-nazism. We just want to drive a well built automobile made by an ally of the United States. Merkel and her immigration policies are another matter under the heading of Obama's legacy in the U.S.
YoungHegelian said...
"You need to work the phrase "Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG)" into Renfro's rantings."
Renfro IS a Zionist.
I am Laslo.
From a business perspective, who buys Cadillacs? Shouldn't the ads be directed at them? Why would it matter if Prius owners didn't like your ad? When we were shopping for a cruise vacation, the travel agent suggested looking at their ads for people who look like us. Those lines would be more likely to offer things we would like to do. A guy who needs a walker isn't going to use a climbing wall. Why would a car company pitch a minivan at single guys? None of Cadillac's models are going to be big sellers for millennial snowflakes.
They seem to be suddenly Alert to the quiet self confidence demeanor that thinks independence is how life works best. That look startles the European hierarchy subservient guys. To them it seems arrogant. To the Protestant work ethic types it seems right. That demeanor is seen in Trump and Tillerson. But it's not Nazi. It's Presbyterian.
While this has an aroma of false flag surrounding it if true it borders on absurd. A staffer uses a newly invented term with an evolving meaning and is terminated under the assumption the intent was the most offensive meaning? Will we ever hear from the anonymous staffer? Will they be forever anonymous? Will we ever learn of the content of the intended ad?
Like I said it has the aroma of false flag. Since the Obama bailout GM is a haven of leftie cronies. It's easy to imagine GM as a safe haven for such an operation. But my tinfoil hat is a bit tighter these days (for good reason).
Here's more of the politics of Cadillac commercials
Maybe she was fired for poor spelling?
Good question.
I watched that ad and tried to think about it.
Would such people be found via a casting notice? Only actors look at casting notices...
Our liberal friends (yes, we have a several of them) honestly believe that conservatives want to take over the country in an armed revolt and throw them into concentration camps. The funny part is that they think that my wife and I are liberals because we are "nice people". So we couldn't possibly be evil Trump voters. So they speak very openly in front of us.
This is why they are so against private ownership of guns. They think we are arming ourselves for the revolt. It also explains the irrational (to normal people) reaction to Trump's election.
When they make the conservative=alt-right=Nazi jump it's because that's what they truly believe. It's "obvious" to them and requires no further thought or justification.
I bet the Russians have now hacked Cadillac. The CIA knows this because the latest GTA models have the Wikileaks symbol on their windshield decal. That Putin is a hoot.
Just a note, it doesn't appear the the first link in the article works.
Also, I hope the person wasn't simply terminated for using the term "alt-right". I agree that it doesn't matter what the person thinks if they are an actor. I wonder though, were they actually looking to have authentic people and work from there to show that many people can get past their political divides?
The Left Labels everything. It is part of the Alinsky method--- "Particularize and Identify the Enemy".
Even the Washington Post article that started this Fake News cycle concedes there is no evidence of hacking by Russia:
“Intelligence agencies do not have specific intelligence showing officials in the Kremlin directing the identified individuals to pass the Democratic emails to WikiLeaks.”
NPR's style book officially equates alt-right with white nationalism. To NPR, the terms are interchangeable.
Your tax dollars at work.
They are still in the anger stage. Next is bargaining.
"The plea from Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.) comes a week before the Dec. 19 vote, which is expected to affirm the results of the Nov. 8 election, in which Trump beat Clinton with 306 Electoral College votes.
“We’re 5 wks from Inauguration & the President Elect is completely unhinged. The electoral college must do what it was designed for,” Himes wrote Sunday night on Twitter in response to Trump’s gripe that NBC “Nightly News” is “biased, inaccurate and bad, point after point.”
"Russian teen hacker interfered in US election"
"Alt Right = White Nationalist = Nazi"
Now, remember, everybody:
Alt Right = White Nationalist = Nazi
But, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics wasn't socialist. Sweden is socialist.
Jersey Fled: You, sir [or madam] are a coward. If you don't 'come out' to your friends, how will they ever know that 'nice people' voted for Trump? Yes, you may lose your friends. I've lost a few and also my brother. But we have cowered for far too long under the whip of the liberal establishment.
Until quite recently I had never heard the term alt-right. Now it's some kind of stereotype, although it doesn't conjure up any kind of mental image. I can think of what a Wall St banker or Army general or big time gangster is supposed to look like, but how do you look alt-right? Blonde hair with a crew cut and Confederate flag belt buckle? What does an alt-right person look like?
Renfro Jeffries is Alt-Reich.
I am Laslo.
This was a great Cadillac ad that everyone hated. Except me. I think it's brilliant.
However, it was made too early. It's was pre-Trump MAGA.
"Apparently, the term "alt-right" has become unusable unless you actually mean to say "neo-Nazi."
That's a two-way street, is it not?
It would give people a cause of action for defamation if someone calls you "alt-right"?
So expect the more elastic NPR style book definition of "white nationalism" -- at least as the fallback -- to prevail.
Yet the Cadillac casting call was for "All Ethnicities."
By all means, please tell young men that they are fascist just because they cut their hair a certain way. That will work. I mean, why not gut another word of its meaning? It's worked so well for "racist", let's keep going.
I've had this conversation several times lately with my almost-17 year old son. His take from his all-boys' high school (which is only 50% Anglo, incidentally) is that you cannot use that word and be taken seriously anymore. Kids will just laugh, or snap back at you that "you can't call me that - f$#* off". They've all been called racist just for existing; they aren't listening anymore.
"What does an alt-right person look like?"
Anyone you want to impugn and defame.
I love how this low-level Caddy peon was fired immediately, but Rape-Rape Goldberg, Teabag Cooper and others still cling to their jobs like they are irreplaceable jewels.
Ramblin' Rose
(I like how he mimics the steering wheel.)
Ramblin' Rose, I'm such a bore
Diamond rings and a Cadillac car
"this low-level Caddy peon was fired immediately"
Probably not gay or black.
Lewis Wetzel, where in the world are you from and how did you choose that on line identity. I ask because I hail from Wetzel County and know how few of us there are. Are you also aware of Ol' Gallihue and his famous speech about Wetzel County? Just askin.
Renfro Jeffries is Alt-Reich.
The Progs see 'Right' and think 'Reich'. Another liberal knee-jerk reaction.
"Until quite recently I had never heard the term alt-right."
It appeared last summer as Trump started to show real possibilities.
That was about the time that HuffPo began to really worry.
As Hillary Clinton assailed Donald J. Trump on Thursday for fanning the flames of racism embraced by the “alt-right,” the community of activists that tends to lurk anonymously in the internet’s dark corners could hardly contain its glee.
Mrs. Clinton’s speech was intended to link Mr. Trump to a fringe ideology of conspiracies and hate, but for the leaders of the alt-right, the attention from the Democratic presidential nominee was a moment in the political spotlight that offered a new level of credibility. It also provided a valuable opportunity for fund-raising and recruiting.
Jared Taylor, editor of the white nationalist publication American Renaissance, live-tweeted Mrs. Clinton’s remarks, questioning her praise of establishment Republicans and eagerly anticipating her discussion of his community.
There are a few white nationalists and KKK members and they appreciated the publicity. Since there are probably fewer than a thousand members of these groups, they aren't much of a threat.
I understand Democrats are now trying to drive the Trump family out of New York.
It wouldn't be hard to drive me out but they have lived there all their lives. Tolerance is so elastic.
An Alt-Right Makeover Shrouds the Swastikas
A small but determined political organization in Detroit began to worry that its official symbol was a bit off-putting. With the group’s central philosophy suddenly finding traction in the daily discourse, appearances mattered.
So in November, as the country’s divisive presidential campaign became ever more jagged, the National Socialist Movement, a leading neo-Nazi group, did away with its swastika. In its stead, the group chose a symbol from a pre-Roman alphabet that was also adopted by the Nazis.
As Donald Trump said, nbody knows what the alt-right is. So what was that ad asking for? Certain types of white people?
Nobody cares what's actually in the actors head.
Tell the actors.
I too was watching the ads on the football games yesterday and noting that most of the men in the ads were beta. Truck ads are even moving beta male.
They are on the wrong track. Time for review of agencies.
In a marketing course, I learned that General Motors, in the 50s, deliberately marketed Cadillacs to successful blacks. The thinking was that successful black people were restricted in how they could show their upward mobility, because of housing and other forms of discrimination. However, driving a Cadillac was proof that you could afford a Cadillac, and were somebody--moving on up.
I hardly ever use Alt-Right because it usually doesn't do anything. I use Alt-Left all the time to go back to a previous web page.
Meade said...Nothing says nazi like summarily firing people.
Expansion: like summarily firing people for deviating from the party ideology, in however minor a way.
So much to say. These breakdowns only go out to actors with agents. If an actor who was not A list in Hollywood admitted to being mildly conservative, much less the dreaded ALT-RIGHT, they would be dropped by their agent, manager and would never get another job from any casting director. It would be career suicide.
You have to love that some marketing employee was fired over a poorly worded and poorly conceptualized ad campaign (everyone knows alt-right people drive armored tanks and guzzle fossil fuels) but the VA employees who dumped a deceased vet in a shower for 9 hours will get a raise and a bonus next year.
Nazi's typically wore medium & tight and high & tight haircuts. You can get a good one near any Marine Corps base.
“The notice was drafted by an employee, who was immediately terminated for her actions,”
I'll wager that the employee was acting on direct instructions from management who had already clearly this in multiple meetings.
re: haircuts: Mao Kim and
Uncle Joe look pretty good.
Then, of course, those US military haircuts
“The notice was drafted by an employee, who was immediately terminated for her actions,"
Wow. Cadillac is Left Fascist. Who knew?
Tari said...
"I've had this conversation several times lately with my almost-17 year old son. His take from his all-boys' high school (which is only 50% Anglo, incidentally) is that you cannot use that word and be taken seriously anymore. Kids will just laugh, or snap back at you that "you can't call me that - f$#* off". They've all been called racist just for existing; they aren't listening anymore."
That's the most encouraging thing I have heard in a long time. Of course, an all-boys school is a private school. Not part of the Education Gulag.
Mock Turtle:
But it's sooo... much more fun to listen to their unhinged rants. We gave up trying to change their minds years ago. Facts and logical arguments mean nothing to them because it's "obvious" that they are right.
Besides, doesn't the Bible say something about casting pearls before swine?
RE: rehajm:
While this has an aroma of false flag surrounding it if true it borders on absurd. A staffer uses a newly invented term with an evolving meaning and is terminated under the assumption the intent was the most offensive meaning? Will we ever hear from the anonymous staffer? Will they be forever anonymous? Will we ever learn of the content of the intended ad?
I don't think it's false flag. The story I would construct here is rather that someone working at the ad agency didn't like the firm's vision for "all walks of life in America" (maybe she was sore about the election), so she stuck in "Alt-Right" to show her disgust with "all walks of life in America." Because she thought gauzy feel-good images of "all walks of life in America" are basically Nazi propaganda.
Jupiter, it's the all-boys' aspect of this (Jesuit) school that makes their "resistance" possible, I think. I was happy to have him attend this school because it took the control of the social hierarchy away from girls (where it always sits in co-ed schools); the relative lack of PC culture is an added benefit. Without the girls around to tell them to do otherwise, the boys naturally deal in "facts" and not "feelings", and that makes false accusations of racism, etc much easier to refute. Of course, being boys, if facts don't work, fists might; you call a boy a racist, he knows he isn't one ... he might could pick you up by the throat and ask you to "say it again". Hypothetically, of course.
As an Alt-Righter I drive a Mercedes. We don't buy Cadillacs.
Of course, as a limousine liberal myself, Im more alt-house than alt-right but I could see driving a 2017 CTS SEDAN AWD 3.6L without complaint.
If I were alt-right, I'd drive a volksvagon. A Golf R might not be bad.
@Jersey Fled
Besides, doesn't the Bible say something about casting pearls before swine?
Are you sure? I thought it was swirls before pine. But I've been up that tree without a ladder, too, before.
Re: Meade:
If I were alt-right, I'd drive a volksvagon.
A KdF-Wagen, Meade -- get it right! Kraft durch Freude!
Balfegor! ha ha.
Btw, I meant to tell you I found your observation in your 4:05 comment very astute.
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