They based that conclusion, in part, on another finding — which they say was also reached with high confidence — that the Russians hacked the Republican National Committee’s computer systems in addition to their attacks on Democratic organizations, but did not release whatever information they gleaned from the Republican networks.How does that evidence support the finding that the Russians were trying to help Trump and hurt Hillary — as opposed to just hacking into everything they could? Are senior Obama administration officials reliable in making that leap or is this political junk?
There's also the evidence that "it was largely documents from Democratic Party systems that were leaked to the public" (through Wikileaks). You have to interpret that evidence. Republicans say "their networks were not compromised, asserting that only the accounts of individual Republicans were attacked." The NYT cites a "senior government official" corroborating that position.
The NYT also raises the theory that the Russians — like most people — assumed Hillary was going to win, and they weren't trying to defeat her, but undercut her presidency. In this theory, they weren't so concerned with hurting Trump because they didn't think he'd win.
I'm reading these new conclusions as political junk.
३३७ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 337 पैकी 201 – 337Factlet that may interest only me:
Ronald Reagan owned a Dual-Ghia, then the most expensive US car, which he lost in a high-stakes poker game with then-President Lyndon Johnson, who kept the car for several years.
Show the CIA some more love, UnknownInga! Lulz
Politihack: "Some fear - "
Oh great reporting there. "There is a growing perception that..."
No wonder you people are so easily manipulated. Do you have ANY critical thinking skills?
Dual Ghia's are sumptuous, ARM. I can't imagine Reagan going for something that outlandish.
"Donald Trump's insult-laced dismissal of reports that the CIA believes Russia hacked the 2016 election to help him is rattling a spy community already puzzled over how to gain the ear and trust of the incoming president."
Obama and the left take time out from blasting US intelligence agencies for missing the rise of ISIS/ISIL to lecture the right on trusting the intelligence services.
Meanwhile Lefty operatives are calling for an election "do over".
Please lefties, keep it up. Triple-down even! Whatever you do, don't let up!
Democrats don't support free trade. They support environmental and labor arbitrage. At least the Obama and Clinton factions do as one aspect of the so-called "green, clean" revolution, immigration "reform" (e.g. outsourcing/insourcing, refugee crises), and redistributive change (e.g. debt).
Democrats don't fear the leftist menace because they have been a progressive menace for nearly a century culminating in social "justice" adventurism from Benghazi to Kiev. The Russians, Chinese, and other nations are rightfully concerned about the catastrophic anthropogenic climate change fueled by leftist anti-nativism and "peace"-mongering. The liberal and progressive's faith denies individual dignity through their traditional advocacy for [class] diversity and intrinsic value through their twilight faith (e.g. spontaneous human conception) and Pro-Choice/abortion quasi-religion.
Also love this 1953 Chrysler Ghia.
Remember when the CIA had "high confidence" that Saddam had WMD?
Actually, they didn't, but the Bush Regime insisted they and all world spook agencies did. We're probably being lied to again.
Noted "October Surprise" conspiracy nut Cookie: "
Actually, they didn't, but the Bush Regime insisted they and all world spook agencies did. We're probably being lied to again."
Now GWBush controlled all the foreign intelligence services too!
That GW sure mind controlled alot of folks even though supposedly he was a borderline idiot.
Ghia could really hammer out a chassis, ARM. I had never seen the one at your link -- thanks!
"Now GWBush controlled all the foreign intelligence services too!"
I didn't say that. I said they lied about what the world spook agencies believed. Do you really not know how to read or do you just pretend so you can make pointless comments?
I don't even know who Alex Jones is.
Oh wow. Private Fenjamin is even lower information than I thought.
The only things he knows are rifle gauges, which Mid-East oil baron to do rent-a-cop duty for, and when his next appointment for PTSD treatment with the VA physician is scheduled. And oh yeah - which of his fellow troops in his company he dreams of fragging.
That's our Private Fenjamin! A model citizen!
I think we know who the anonymous source is. It's Harry Reid's "I have a friend ........".
Noted October Surprise conspiracy nut Cookie: ". I said they lied about what the world spook agencies believed. Do you really not know how to read or do you just pretend so you can make pointless comments"
And just how did GW Jedi mind trick those services and nations leaders into believing Saddam had WMD?
Tell us conspiracy boy, how did GW Bush lie about what Bill Clinton and Algore said before W was elected?
Let me guess: your answer will involve time travel in specially outfitted SR-71's!
Actually, they didn't, but the Bush Regime insisted they and all world spook agencies did.
So, "Slam Dunk" means they don't ? Good to know Cookie.
R&B's: "..when his next appointment for PTSD treatment with the VA physician is scheduled."
Well, that one is easy. Your appt is always 3 months from now.
Poor R&B assumes that all conservatives love conspiracy-mongers and therefore know all about Alex Jones. Why should they? I know he's some kind of nut, but what he looks like, whether he's on network TV, cable, radio, or the web, what his show (if he has a show) is called, whether he's written a book - I have no idea. Life is short, and no one whose judgment I trust has ever recommended him, so I have never bothered to find out anything about him beyond the name and fact that he is (with hundreds of other public figures) in the 'don't bother' category. Does that make me 'low information'? To R&B, probably yes, but so much the worse for R&B.
Paddy O @ 7:40.
Alex Jones is a nut but his grievances, no matter how ill-conceived the solutions, are a shit-ton more legitimate than those the lobbyists and party donors convince you to be concerned about. And does it make you "low information" to rely so much on corporate and MSM news or its right-wing Murdock equivalent that you haven't even bothered to see who's getting better ratings online? Yes, I'm afraid it does. The revolution is being livestreamed, not simulcast, and it's as ignorant to not know who Alex Jones is as it would be to claim no knowledge of the Breitbart empire whose chief proprietor is next in-line to be the new Orange King Trump president's chief propagandist.
You'd better learn these things. Things are changing.
Althousians are truly low information voters.
"On December 2nd, while the awful news from San Bernardino was erupting, bit by unconfirmed bit, I was surprised by the crisp self-assurance of a couple of bloggers whose names were new to me. They were on it—number of victims, names of shooters, police-radio intercepts. Soon, though, the bloggers veered off from the story that other news sources were slowly, frantically putting together. The information being released by the authorities did not match the information the bloggers were unearthing, and the latter quickly deduced that, like other “mass shootings” staged by the government, in Newtown, Connecticut, and elsewhere, this was a “false flag” operation. The official account was fiction. One Web site that carried the work of these “reporters” was called Infowars. I made do with other sources for news. But I kept an eye on Infowars and its proprietor, Alex Jones, who is a conspiracy theorist and radio talk-show host in Austin, Texas. Jones’s guest on his show the morning of the shooting had been, as chance would have it, Donald Trump. Jones had praised Trump, claiming that ninety per cent of his listeners were Trump supporters, and Trump had returned the favor, saying, “Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down.”"
Well, far be it from me to rise in defense of R&B's but given all the reporting over the last month across most of the mediums I do find it a bit surprising that anyone who follows the news somewhat closely would not be at least vaguely familiar with Alex Jones. Particularly the crowd that posts at Althouse somewhat regularly.
In the same way that I find it hilarious that the dems seem quite prepared to elevate the Farrakhan supporting, Israel hating antisemitic Keith Ellison to the Chair of the DNC.
Yes, not knowing the Left's current bogeyman makes us low information. LOL.
But good form mocking troops with PTSD, Rythym. When we asked to see your true colors, we didn't mean for you to show us your ass.
Progressives are mad and have yet to face the fact that Hillary Clinton is a corrupt money-grubbing two-faced liar.
So - Russia... and Comey (who exonerated her - twice) and and and... always a scapegoat. Perhaps that shadowy character who made a film.... Yeah - it's his fault Hillary is a corrupt liar.
at least vaguely familiar with Alex Jones.
All I know is that he is somehow associated with charges of fake news. I really don't care. Sounds like the same old "faux news" bullshit to me, just the 3rd stanza.
Sorry. Right-wing Murdock "equivalents," is what I should have said. His shops are numerous. And then there's Kirschner.
But who cares. As long as it's printed in pixels or text and its owners never contributed to the DNC a right-winger will probably believe it. That's just how knowledge works for too many of them. Right up there with the pop-ups for slideshows on tabloid galleries about Brittany Spears in a bikini or whatever.
"Alex Jones has a following. His radio show is carried on more than 160 stations, and he has more than 1.8 million subscribers on YouTube.
And he claims to have the ear of the next president of the United States.
Jones is also one of the nation's leading promoters of conspiracy theories — some of which take on lives of their own. He has been a chief propagator of untrue and wild claims about a satanic sex trafficking ring run by one of Hillary Clinton's top advisers out of a pizzeria in Washington, D.C.
Days before a self-described "investigator" entered the pizzeria and fired off several rounds, Jones suggested he might investigate in person.
"I may just have to take off a week and just only research this and actually go to where these places are and stuff," Jones said. "Fact, I'm looking at getting on a plane. ... I can't just say something and not see it for myself. They go to these pizza places. There's like satanic art everywhere."
The Daily Beast reported the shooter was a fan on Facebook of Jones' Infowars website. Jones did not respond to requests for comment on the incident or his other theories.
Jones has claimed the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks were an inside job, that the deadly shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School was a hoax, and that President Obama would round up people into concentration camps."
Rhythm and Balls: "Sorry. Right-wing Murdock "equivalents," is what I should have said. His shops are numerous. And then there's Kirschner."
I do miss Kirschners Friday night Rock Concerts.
But good form mocking troops with PTSD, Rythym. When we asked to see your true colors, we didn't mean for you to show us your ass.
When you enlisted, was it to avoid other forms of delinquency or because you really did think that being rent-a-cop for a tyrannical Mid-East oil baron was the patriotic American thing to do?
Don't insult the patriotic troops, Fenjamin. There are truly decent warriors and recruits out there who believe in what they should do for the good of America and a leadership that should be focused on missions that actually make a difference to this country. You are not one of them.
You're just a guy who likes having an excuse for killing people. Maybe even Iraqi women and children. Who knows? It's not like you've ever clarified your feelings on the matter.
You probably don't have any.
You know Alex Jones? Low information voter!
You don't know Alex Jones? Low information voter!
Meanwhile, millions of you are still stumbling around in the streets like zombies, shell-shocked over the results of the election. Because you are low information voters completely out of touch with what has been happening in America over the last 8 years. The likes of Wapo and the NYTs mislead you and blinded you with false narratives, but you still use them as information brokers.
R&B's: "When you enlisted, was it to avoid other forms of delinquency or because you really did think that being rent-a-cop for a tyrannical Mid-East oil baron was the patriotic American thing to do?"
To be fair, many a civilian "delinquent" has contributed successfully to Americas Armed Forces.
Remember, there is no pathway for Donald Trump to 270 electoral votes.
At all.
Love, the "reality-based" community
When you enlisted, was it to avoid other forms of delinquency or because you really did think that being rent-a-cop for a tyrannical Mid-East oil baron was the patriotic American thing to do?
I joined the Marines to defend Arthur's dream that Might can be channeled for Right. Then volunteered again to join a unit going to Somalia, to save starving kids from merc groups who were stealing the food and medical aid we had donated.
I say this for the benefit of others, not marxist scum like yourself. I don't expect you to understand any of it. You're so low class that you'll only use it to launch cheap shots at men better than you.
You should know who Alex Jones is. Your President Elect has high praise for him.
To be fair, many a civilian "delinquent" has contributed successfully to Americas Armed Forces.
Sure, but the Delinquent Narrative is the coward's argument. They were too selfish and chickenshit to go serve, so they have to minimize and dismiss the service of honorable men to make themselves feel less like douchebags.
You should know who Alex Jones is.
I don't care who he is. Go play Conspiracy Theory back at Dem Underground, Loon.
"They were too selfish and chickenshit to go serve, so they have to minimize and dismiss the service of honorable men to make themselves feel less like douchebags."
Just like your President Elect.
R&B just makes shit up. Anyone on the right who doesn't listen to (watch? read?) Alex Jones must get his information from Breitbart or Murdoch? I don't. I find I can keep up very well with what's going on in the nation and the world by visiting half a dozen blogs and reading the articles and comments. In no particular order, I read Althouse, Instapundit, Patterico, JustOneMinute, Chicagoboyz, and Ace of Spades just about every day, also (not a blog) Mark Steyn. I often follow links from articles or comments to other sites. Any news I get from Breitbart or Murdoch is second-hand, Alex Jones third- or fourth-hand. I'm pretty sure I know and understand a Hell of a lot more about what's going on in the world than R&B.
That's just how knowledge works for too many of them
Yes, you lost because we are stupid. Keep running with that. Yawn.
Fen: "I joined the Marines to defend Arthur's dream that Might can be channeled for Right."
I understand that dream fully though it should be noted that Arthur's existence cannot really be validated, though we do have the evidence that something in the hills of western England stopped the Saxons (and Jutes, etc.)
Churchill certainly loved this "mythical" general. I think Clive Owen played him best.
Nowadays we would call the lessons of Arthur "fake news", though not so fake as to be compared with that journalist-warrior Brian Williams.
BTW, is there anything richer than being lectured to about fake news by Brian Williams and Dan Rather?
Amusing beyond words.
Jesus Christ I'm talking to a guy who confuses American foreign policy with the fucking Sword in the Stone.
Don't tell me that a guy who did service in Somalia in the early 1990s hasn't learned a thing about who controls the fatuous missions that he still so strongly identifies with in 2016. Wow. Looks like an update or a reboot is in order.
As I said, there are good men in the military. You are not one of them. You hide behind them when your own character is what needs an update. Every American is a citizen and has a duty to evaluate the true interests of its missions when state-side. You just use your service as an excuse for having an opinion on everything but our most destructive and wasteful blunderings of all.
Absolutely shameful. Totally immature. Other marines speak out on what's right or wrong with policy. They mature and learn how to be something other than just an orders-follower. You, however, still just get off on putting on fatigues and being cool.
I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but character is more than what you wear, who you follow, and what you did 20 years ago.
Unknown: "Just like your President Elect"
Bill Clinton lovers say what?
Joe Biden lovers say what?
Fen doesn't care who Alex Jones is because he would then have to reconcile thje fact that his President Elect has high praise for this lunatic. Private Fenjamin is incapable of that.
Just like your President Elect.
More ignorance. He is not my President Elect. Most of us voted against Hillary, not for Trump. Really sucks for you, because none of your silly "burns" are going to resonate. You're launching arty at a hill no one is holding. Loon.
Our president elect does not "minimize and dismiss the service of honorable men" who served in the military - 'Unknown' lies again.
Impotence. That's a word you should get used to.
"he would then have to reconcile thje fact that his President Elect - "
No, I really wouldn't.
I know you are stupid, but lets try it again - I don't care who Alex Jones is, and I don't care what Trump has said about him.
R&B just makes shit up. Anyone on the right who doesn't listen to (watch? read?) Alex Jones...
I think the words you're looking for are "know about..."
But wow. So Weevil has stayed put in 2006 for all time and thinks that bloggers alone who are second-hand regurgitators of actual news should now substitute for anyone with an actual interest in breaking the news. That tells you a lot, Ladies and Gentlemen. Weevil prefers opinion to fact. It's official. Bloggers, editorialists, and opinion-writers to journalists. That's his form of the right-wing bubble.
What does everyone else's look like?
It's going to a long, long eight years for you lefties. You might want to develop your long-term prescriptions needs and therapy regimens fairly soon.
"Donald Trump rang in the Army’s 241st birthday in unusual fashion on Tuesday — by calling attention to theft of government funds by American soldiers in Iraq.
“Iraq, crooked as hell. How about bringing baskets of money — millions and millions of dollars — and handing it out?,” Trump said at an evening rally. “I want to know who were the soldiers that had that job, because I think they’re living very well right now, whoever they may be.”"
Libtard: Jesus Christ I'm talking to a guy who confuses American foreign policy with the fucking Sword in the Stone
Nope, try Malory.
Don't tell me, Mr SmartyPants has never heard of Malory?
Never encountered the principle or responsibility of using force to promote good?
Weevil reads political junk news.
Never encountered the principle or responsibility of using force to promote good?
Lol. I do it every day.
I just don't get carried away with it. There is such a thing as balance. Self-reflection. Consideration. And lastly, reticence.
Restraint is under-rated in your industry - I get it. But discover its virtues. It's a time-honored principle. Even that great general, George Washington, seemed to understand it. He took after Cincinnatus.
Who's your Cincinnatus?
How would you know, Unknown? You are still posting from sites that lied to you throughout the entire election. Even dogs are smarter than that.
So, to summarize: the vast conspiracy that brought down Heroic Hillary involves the Russians, FBI Director Comey, Alex Jones, all White Supremacists (yes, all 200 of them!), "Fake News" and millions of deplorable, irredeemable, clinging to guns and "religion-y" rust belter who are also "low information voters".
I hope I didn't leave anyone out.
And how this ghastly, horrific cabal convinced Hillary that she did not need to even visit Wisconsin in the general election campaign will remain a mystery lost to the ages!
Will R&B acknowledge that we on the right do not in fact get all our opinions from Breitbart and Murdoch when we do not get them from Alex Jones, and that some of us do not get any of our opinions from any of those three? That would take integrity and a certain minimum level of intelligence - the kind that would inform him that telling obvious lies just makes his side look bad - so I don't imagine he will. Anyone who thinks aggregators and commenters who provide links to what they discuss are just 'regurgitators' is a damned fool, but regular readers already know that about R&B.
R&B: "I just don't get carried away with it. There is such a thing as balance. Self-reflection. Consideration. And lastly, reticence."
I prefer zealous reticence, when I'm not practicing vehement reticence.
They believe Pizzagate over the Russian Connection. 'Nuff said.
Rhythym: Lol. I do it every day. I just don't get carried away with it.
Sure, that's why you can so easily mock our troops with PTSD. All that "self-relection and consideration". Ha.
You're marxist scum. And a loser in real life. That's why you spend all your days on Althouse trying to troll people smarter than you, more informed than you, and more honorable than you. You asked your mommy for money to hire a Dominatrix to punish you, but she refused, so here you are.
But if you are going to make us unwilling participants in your therapy, the least you could do is pay us.
They believe Pizzagate -
Don't really care about Pizzagate either. It's just your latest Bogeyman to blame for your loss to Trump. In 3 days you'll settle on a new Phantom. Why should we waste energy following you through your temper tantrum? All it's good for is entertainment, as we bask in your tears.
LOL. Private Fenjamin considers himself smart, yet didn't know who Alex Jones was or that his President Elect has high praise for Jones. Low information.
Will R&B acknowledge that we on the right do not in fact get all our opinions from Breitbart and Murdoch when we do not get them from Alex Jones, and that some of us do not get any of our opinions from any of those three?
Yes. I acknowledged that you got them, as you said, from.... ahem.... drum roll, please: BLOGGERS.
Aggregating is no great feat. I hate to break that, er, "news" to you you, Sir. And commenting can be helpful, but it's still just opinion. In the case of "InstantPundit" - especially short and thoughtless opinion.
But no doubt, opinion that you parrot nonetheless. That's the point of publishing opinion -- to get people riled up in agreement. No one reads opinionators who doesn't agree with them. No one writes opinions for the purpose of something other than being controversial. They used to, back in the day. But then all media - even journalism - became entertainment driven. Don't bullshit anyone here with some stupid shit about how right-wingers are less interested in jazzing up "their" media with pure shock value. Don't make me laugh. They do it as badly as anyone and ten times more blatantly.
So stop jerking my chain. Quote someone serious that you bother to read. Or at least demonstrate awareness of/interest in both sides' viewpoints, as I do. Glenn Reynolds is a fucking amateur. Most of those yahoos are amateurs. Mark Steyn is an entertainer. He plunges more deeply into topics as it suits him - he's intelligent enough to do so, of course - much more intelligent than Glenn Reynolds, of course. But with an unwavering and unmistakeable agenda each time.
All the people you cited value their opinions more than objective fact and you know it. That was the whole point of your exercise, apparently - to reveal just that.
Up your game.
More stupid lies from Unknown. Very few of us "believe Pizzagate" - maybe only 'Mick', whom most of us find boringly repetitious and prone to riding implausible hobbyhorses to death. Some of us wonder if there might possibly be something there in either case, but it will take a lot more evidence to convince us of the truth of Pizzagate or the Russian Connection. So Unknown's claim is pure projection: he assumes Pizzagate has been proven to be utterly and entirely false, and that the Russian Connection has been proven to be utterly and entirely true, not because he has examined the evidence - exiguous on both sides - but because that flatters his kneejerk political opinions and allows him to pretend that everyone on his side is an angel and everyone on the other side a demon. It really is a religion with some lefties.
Sure, that's why you can so easily mock our troops with PTSD. All that "self-relection and consideration". Ha.
No, just you. I realize you hide behind others and pretend that you speak for them and they for you. But I'm an American. I believe in individual expression and rights and speaking for oneself. I guess that's just not one of your values. I'm sure others can speak for themselves. Too bad you can't do this.
You're marxist scum.
And theeeeere you go. Ladies and Gentleman: Fen's true character, at work. What a decent guy.
And a loser in real life.
Evidence? Definitions?
This isn't an unregulated battlefield where you just get to shoot people down because you had a bad day or feel like it. Again, control yourself. First. Mr. Might "can make" for right. Well, not for someone as undisciplined as you.
That's why you spend all your days on Althouse trying to troll people smarter than you, more informed than you, and more honorable than you.
Look in the mirror much, lately?
You asked your mommy for money to hire a Dominatrix to punish you, but she refused, so here you are.
Well, if all else fails you can underscore your desperation by sexualizing it, I guess.
But if you are going to make us unwilling participants in your therapy, the least you could do is pay us.
Are you done yet?
Go on and tell us more about yourself, Fen. Deflection only gets you so far as a civilian in this great country.
You know, the one you pretend to defend when you're not sorting out things for the people of Mogadishu.
Private Fenjamin considers himself smart, yet didn't know who Alex Jones was or that his President Elect has high praise for Jones. Low information.
No, I'm smart enough to realize Alex Jones and PizzaGate is liberal propaganda that is not worth wasting my time on. In 6 months you'll still be spamming the forums about it and no one will care.
And again, people like you who still don't understand WHY they lost really shouldn't be throwing around terms like "low information". I doubt you could even identify Michigan on a map.
And more stupid lies from Balls. He thinks because Glenn Reynolds counts on his readers to make connections instead of spelling them out that he (GR) must be stupid, not the one who's too stupid to see what GR is doing. He thinks the sites I listed are nothing but opinions, when in fact they include huge quantities of facts and rational arguments about them, and the opinions they express cover quite a wide range. Patterico, for instance, is a NeverTrumper who criticizes Trump far more effectively than Balls ever will. Balls could learn a lot there. But that would take a certain amount of intelligence and humility, so it's unlikely.
Rhythym: No, just you. I realize -
Ah, notice the lengthy rant of denial. We found his sore spot. Tell mom we said hi when she yells at you to take the trash out.
See? Not only do we not care about Alex Jones or PizzaGate or whatever Outrage you come up with this week, we don't even care about whatever "sick burn" you're patting yourself on the back for.
You're a loser. At most, like Ace says, we look at your postings and wonder what kind of pathetic life this wretched creature must lead.
And now I'm bored. Time to get a new chew toy I guess.
Also, Hillary Clinton will never be President! LOL!
Isn't it amazing that the Democrats had NO trouble with Russia's meddling in our politics from the 1930s through 2015? Comintern, anyone? Venona Transcripts?
Isn't it amazing that the Democrats had NO trouble with Ted Kennedy, the "Lion of the Senate," SOLICITING Russian meddling against Ronald Reagan?
Isn't it amazing that the Democrats had NO trouble with Obama sending paid agents to meddle in Netanyahu's re-election campaign in Israel?
Let's face it, folks, the Democratic Party is AMAZING!
And again, people like you who still don't understand WHY they lost really shouldn't be throwing around terms like "low information". I doubt you could even identify Michigan on a map.
You've got a lot of nerve. Where did YOU grow up? Did you even grow up IN AMerica? Or was it Somalia? What state, shithead?
The only use you have for maps is to figure out where to drop ordnance.
I did NOT vote for Hillary Clinton. Talk about LOW INFORMATION. Everything you pull out of your raggedy military raped ass is assumptions. Not one single request for a fact, just make shit up.
But that's because you had no conscience worth voting for, either. There were probably a dozen people running in this election? DId you vote for any of them? Or just Trump? That's right, fear is such a strong emotion in you that you needed to fear Hillary more than you could believe in someone. Just like I was told to FEAR Trump more than I could believe in someone else. Well, go on and be a "strategic" little voter. Some of us actually have principles and vote for who we want, parties be damned.
But you're a collectivist, you see. You can't do that. Have to work with others for a strategy - that you don't believe in. Just because you were a poor little scared gun-toter who thought that Hillary was somehow even worse than the only guy who was about as bad as if not worse than even Hillary.
What a dumb douche you are. Seriously, what purpose do you have in life? Everything you say is either stupid, dishonest, or worthless. You certainly do make a good footsoldier. I guess leadership really can't be learned - at least certainly in your case.
Did a DNC workshop just let out ? Where did all these lefties come from suddenly ?
"it's as ignorant to not know who Alex Jones is "
I don't know who he is but I do know he is a boogie man to you lefties.
It's just amazing to see how stupid a large segment of the population is and how smart they think they are.
"Pizzagate is liberal propaganda".... ok this guy IS stupid, not only low information. I was being kind, he is not intelligent, he is not only low information, obviously low IQ as well.
He thinks because Glenn Reynolds counts on his readers to make connections...
THEY do the thinking for him. He, OTOH, just makes do with insinuations. You know, a less sexy way of saying "innuendo."
The douche is a lawyer. Those professional bullshit artists excel at this shit. Casting things this way or that.
Well, it could have been worse. I'm sure you know who Glenn Beck was. Those were some awesome "connections" he used to draw on his chalk board.
After exposure of their Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming scheme, it's telling that "progressives" are once again grasping at conspiracy theories to explain the People's rejection of their secular ambitions. Their indulgence in baby trials and baby hunts only served to enhance their defeat. Attacking their own liberals and progressives did not help their cause and confirmed their character. The Right establishment, too.
As a matter of fact I don't know anything about Glenn Beck. I've heard the name, I'm pretty sure he's on the right, but as with Alex Jones I don't know whether he's on network TV, cable, radio, or the web, and I've never read/watched/listened to him, as the case may be, because (once again) no one whose judgment I trust has ever recommended him to me. (I guess I can rule out radio, since you mention his chalk board - news to me.)
Why do you assume that everyone on the other side gets their opinions (a) handed to them without any intervening thought from (b) the dumbest people on the other side? As with Unknown, I'm pretty sure it's not because you've investigated the question but because you want to believe that's true, because that allows you to flatter yourself and degrade others.
And how can you have fucking nerve to insist that only morons would get their opinions from Alex Jones or Glenn Beck, and at the same time that only morons would not be up-to-date on exactly what Alex Jones or Glenn Beck says/writes/whatever? It really looks like you've devised a heads-I-win-tails-you-lose argument, which is to say a dishonest bit of stupid and obvious sophistry to trash the other side no matter what they do.
I don't think it was Mogadishu where Fen was downed. He sounds more like a Vietnam-era guy who inhaled too much Agent Orange.
Or maybe had too much DU exposure in the first Gulf War.
I wonder if there's a medical code for, "VA doctor, I have no courage or leadership qualities and must instead make up things to insult people online. This substitute for my inadequacy in not being promoted within the chain of command in the only institution that I can identify with!"
There's Fenjamin. A 10-year old in a 45-year old man's body. With a license to kill. (At least upon the orders of a Mid-East oil baron).
Hey, everyone's limited in some way. Maybe it's not PTSD that rattled him but a TBI.
Also, Hillary Clinton will never be President! LOL!
That never gets old.
Why do you assume that everyone on the other side gets their opinions (a) handed to them without any intervening thought from (b) the dumbest people on the other side?
Not everyone. Just you. You specifically named only a handful of very select people you deem worthy of providing you with their opinions on the news (oh yeah, and a handy link to the primary source - whatever it is - just in case). But these are all very selective and opinionated people. By design.
And then you turned around and admitted to having no clue about some of the people with the biggest (or most influential/trend-setting) audiences. I hate to tell you this, but ignorance about widespread opinion is itself a form of ignorance. I don't have to know much about Glenn Beck to have some understanding of what he's about, and his biggest on-air boners. Same goes with the others. There's probably no one you can mention that I don't have some passing knowledge about - but that's the difference between you and me. If someone captures the media interest of a large segment of the American news/info consumption market, I somehow get an idea of what they're about. That's me NOT being ignorant of my fellow Americans' opinions - an attribute you apparently find yourself to be too good for.
Well, suit yourself then. Be as ignorant as you want of as many media managers in this country as you want to be. Just don't promote that as some sort of virtue. It's just another sign that you can't be aware of things that you disagree with. It gets in the way of your manufactured consent.
If Balls or Unknown read InstaPundit, they would know that even Glenn Greenwald and Juan Cole think "the Russian connection" is baloney. Not that there's much point in arguing with someone who's capable of writing "raggedy military raped ass" about someone else he's arguing with. Shows me way more than I wanted to know about Balls' own psychosexual obsessions.
FFS weevil stop barking up the wrong tree. I've suspected the Russian thing is trumped up DNC shit for a while and I've been a fan of Greenwald's for the things that matter: WikiLeaks and advocating against Hillary. Maybe I was naive to suppose that what NYT reported of Trump-Russia Friday was any more legit than the rest of their pisspoor political reporting all this year, but even old pros can get worn out every now and then. Let's just say I'm in no more of a mood to trust Trump than you are to trust an MSM that lies much less frequently, but is just as prone to promoting and believing their own bullshit.
(Sec. 501) This title establishes an executive branch interagency committee to counter active measures by the Russian Federation to exert covert influence over peoples and governments (with the role of the Russian Federation hidden or not acknowledged publicly) through front groups, covert broadcasting, media manipulation, disinformation or forgeries, funding agents of influence, incitement, offensive counterintelligence, assassinations, or terrorist acts. The committee shall expose falsehoods, agents of influence, corruption, human rights abuses, terrorism, and assassinations carried out by the security services or political elites of the Russian Federation or their proxies.
Doesn't that take you back?
The MSM can't be trusted but neither can Trump. Both these things are true.
Trump has many interests everywhere and will have conflicts of interest galore as POTUS. Probably as bad as Hillary.
Is the MSM/NYT just trying that angle because it worked against HIllary? Who knows. Who cares.
I never trusted Hillary and I realize I can't trust Trump. He just had a better campaign for getting those tiny sliver of rust belt votes he needed, and that was it. That's all that matters.
The rest is about stopping the usual bullshit. If he's as progressive economically as he said, fine. Or as anti-interventionist militarily, fine.
But all else is just him being as much of an ignorant special interest shill as he pretended not to be on the trail. Fuck him I don't need to go along with that. If he wants cooperation then he can get a sane position every now and then and stop selling out to all the interests he pretended to be fighting prior to November 8th.
Comment someone posted on my Facebook post about the Russkies:
"I'm glad the Russians understand the Electoral College…the Left sure doesn't!"
@R&B -- your personal attacks this evening on Dr Weevil and Fen are absurd and loathsome.
Up your game.
Chupe minhas bolas, Cuzão.
Poor Balls doesn't seem to get it. We've both been commenting here for years. Other than him and Unknown, is there anyone in the Althouse community who finds him significantly better-informed - less ignorant - than me on the political, economic, military, and social issues facing America today? Maybe one or two more, but not many. I find that avoiding the loud-mouthed popular assholes on both ends of the political spectrum works for me. Wallowing in them doesn't seem to be working for him.
Of course, as usual he's lying in his 9:38. He says he only accused me of getting my opinions handed to me on a platter by the dumbest people on my side. In fact, my 8:45 list of portals I use to access the news was a reply to his 8:29, which could have been expressed a lot more clearly, but certainly looks like he's accusing not just me but the right in general of getting our information from "lobbyists and party donors" and "corporate and MSM news or its right-wing Murdock equivalent" and mentioned Breitbart, too. So which is it? Am I too dumb to get my news from all those places, or too dumb not to? Or is Balls too dumb to understand the problem in his style of pseudo-argumentation? I'm going with option C.
I am glad to see (9:44) that he's not dumb enough to keep pushing the "Russian plot" plot. It would have been nice if he'd said so earlier. Waiting for orders from Greenwald?
..your personal attacks this evening on Dr Weevil and Fen are absurd and loathsome.
Up your game.
And of course their personal attacks on me are just fine by you.
Up your own game. And tell them to give me something better to work with.
I don't abide by anyone else's bullshit just for the sake of phony consent. That's how things get screwed up FUBAR in the first place, like our whole political system, for instance.
Now is the time for people to tell the truth, even if as they see it could be inaccurate, or offend. This is the age of TRUMP - a guy you PROBABLY supported, I presume?
Don't you dare fucking tell me that my attempts at accurate points are offensive. YOUR president insulted POWs, the disabled, women who didn't want to be groped, the ancestral histories of most Americans. People who believe in the 1st amendment. You name it.
And you tell ME to stop offending people who were SOOOOO scared of a lady that they carried his water, and continue to do it either on his behalf or the party that wants to piggyback off of him to this day?
Other than him and Unknown, is there anyone in the Althouse community who finds him significantly better-informed - less ignorant - than me on the political, economic, military, and social issues facing America today? Maybe one or two more, but not many.
Yes. The opinions of the proudly ignorant can be safely ignored. If you care about knowing things.
I know I do. It's the one thing I get insulted for most regularly here. The fact that I actually care about facts.
So whom do you go to to ask if your knowledge is acceptable to them?
Weevil is apparently trying to make a courtroom drama about whether I got his exposition of his information streams correct to his satisfaction.
Methinks someone cares a bit more about how they're perceived than I do.
Read who you want to read, Weevil. Take pride in whom you do or do not deem worthy to provide information.
This sounds to me like a college level advanced course in sprinkling mini Tic Tacs on cupcakes. Tedious.
Poor Balls seems to think he can pretend that his insults were only replies to intolerable insults by others, when anyone can actually read the comment thread in order and see that that is exactly backwards. I will of course continue to read what I want to read (good advice, and the only true sentence in his 10:09), continue to deem Alex Jones and Glenn Beck unworthy to provide information, and continue to be astonished that anyone - even Balls - could be such a fool as to think that not reading them or caring what they say about anything is something to be ashamed of.
...could be such a fool as to think that not reading them or caring what they say about anything is something to be ashamed of.
Nice condescending attitude you have there. Any other Americans with opinions/beliefs you consider "unworthy" of even being known? Or just their audience's?
2002: CIA says Iraq has WMD. Left goes crazy
2009: O and Hill want reset with Putin. Left loves it.
2012: Mitt says Russia is biggest danger. Left goes crazy.
2016: CIA says Russians hacked polls and want Trump. Left loves CIA, goes crazy over Russians.
Make up your mind, people.
I know that the Democrats don't really care about Russia at all, and are merely looking for some other tool to undermine Trump, because none of the Democrats are talking about retaliating or punishing Russia. If they really thought that Russia had done something bad to the US, they would be screaming for revenge. But they don't think that, they just think this is another way to say Trump's election is illegitimate. If this falls flat, they'll find something else. Boring.
Alex who?
Let's see, Americans with opinions/beliefs not worth being known? There are tens of thousands of opinions floating around (as the saying goes, "opinions are like assholes, everybody has one"), but most of them are just variations of each other, most of the really different ones are wrong, and not all that many are even interesting. Life is short, and it doesn't take condescension, just common sense, to try to limit one's intake to the more plausible ones. So whose should I ignore? I do believe the anonymous trolls who call themselves Rhythm&Balls and Unknown (the lefty one) qualify for dismissal. Goodbye, Balls: it has been neither pleasant nor informative arguing with you. Or rather trying to argue: you don't seem to be willing to argue in good faith.
"I'm reading these new conclusions as political junk." Yes, fake news is all the MSM peddles; they see that as their main function. And when their lies are exposed by Fox and a handful of websites, they simply say those who exposed them are the fakes. It's like when the Soviet Union had TASS, and Radio Free Europe was the thorn in their side that they had to discredit with more propaganda.
At 5:44 I posed a question -- why on earth would the Russians prefer an unknown and unpredictable Donald Trump over a well-known and much more predictable Hillary Clinton? While brushing my teeth for bed tonight I did think of an answer. What if, based on reading her Email traffic during her stint as Secretary of State they reached the conclusion that she was more likely to involve Russia in a nuclear war with the United States? That would not be inconsistent with her starting a war on Libya for no good reason, would it.
Nos vemos amanhã, idiota.
Now that the Russians are officially bad again the media has decided to self immolate. We all remember obama whispering to Putin on a hot mic that he would have more flexibility after the election. They must have something better than this planned or they think their supporters are really really stupid. Inga and readering are obviously dumb enough to fall for it but more than 20% of voters?
The globalist left is dead. We can mock them as losers. They have some wealthy corrupt patrons but they failed. The democrats in their current form will never succeed again in any important race. 2018 will solidify a republican majority in the senate for years to come.
Our political system will not be healthy as long as less than 80% of the electorate feels represented. The republican voters kicked the chamber of commerce out and took their party back. It is time for r&b to do his job and kick Goldman Sachs out of the democrat party. You will have to fight the idiots like Inga and readering. We had our idiots too like Chuck who couldn't get enough Jeb or Rubio or Kasich.
Currently the democrat party represents no actual voters. It is a dead institution.
Blogger Fen said...
"Nope, try Malory.
Don't tell me, Mr SmartyPants has never heard of Malory?
Never encountered the principle or responsibility of using force to promote good? "
I believe in this principle. I no longer believe the US armed forces are the right tool.
I plan on privatization of the use of force to promote good.
NPR is on the bandwagon. This morning they interviewed a WaPo reporter -- didn't catch the name -- and treated his report that the Russians explicitly acted to help Trump win as established fact.
If there's one thing I really hate it's reporters interviewing each other. I can go to WaPo if I want to see what WaPo says.
"Pizzagate is liberal propaganda"
Unknown: ok this guy IS stupid, not only low information. I was being kind, he is not intelligent, he is not only low information, obviously low IQ as well.
Sure, that's why I've been running circles around you and your sidekick all night. And I'm just playing for fun, you guys are serious
It's liberal propaganda because the Left is turning an inconsequential incident into The Big Deal that cost you the election. Some guy read on the internet that there was a Clinton pedophile ring and went to investigate, and he was armed. So what?
And you're pissy because you thought Aha! Now I have a cleverly laid trap! but everyone who comes along sees it and says gosh was a stupid looking trap, who is that idiot who thinks he's hiding in the bushes? and refuse to take your "clever" bait. So you throw a tantrum and call them names.
It's stupid. Go back to pulling wings off bugs or something. What a loon.
Balls: Don't you dare fucking tell me that my attempts at accurate points are offensive.
Oh please. You have never argued in good faith on this blog.
And stop flattering yourself, you were never offensive, just pathetic. I'm half tempted to give you lessons on trolling, just so we don't feel like we're picking on the mentally handicapped.
"people like you who still don't understand WHY they lost really shouldn't be throwing around terms like "low information"
Balls: You've got a lot of nerve.
Okay then, tell us why you lost the election? Bonus points if your answers don't include Russians or Aliens...
[jeopardy theme]
Trump said during the election, "This is bigger than Watergate," and he appears to have been right that his theft of the election (with Russian assistance) is the Big Story that won't go away until he concedes the election to his fair opponent, Hillary Clinton.
Trump may be an agent of the Russian Federation and thus guilty of treason. He asked the Russian's to hack his opponent, did he not? His own words convict his. The penalty for treason is death. Trumps deep financial ties to Putin will be exposed, and he is done for, and will have zero credibility as president. He CANNOT become president.
Those crafty Russians hacked Hillary's software to make her lie all the time and make her a scolding Nurse Ratchett, 30 years ago.
Oh please. You have never argued in good faith on this blog.
I like the "oh please"! part. Does it go with an exaggerated hand wave?
What are you... a mind reader? A psychic? You never even passed a science course. What does faith have to do with a damn thing? There are such things as "facts" and "evidence". Maybe start respecting those things and then an objective, rational person will decide that your "faith" is good enough for them to find a conversation with you worthwhile. Until then, save it for theology class.
And stop flattering yourself, you were never offensive, just pathetic. I'm half tempted to give you lessons on trolling, just so we don't feel like we're picking on the mentally handicapped.
So you admit not only that you're a troll, but that you consider it some demonstration of intellectual superiority to be annoying on the internet. Bravo.
Okay then, tell us why you lost the election?
I lost an election? I wasn't aware I was running for anything. I did, however, vote my conscience for a non-major party candidate. Both of them were horrible. Aren't you one of the sycophants who at least have the presence of mind to agree, and then qualify that with your PRIMAL FEAR of Hillary somehow justifying a vote for Trump? Others have done that. Or were you one of the tiny minority who actually believed in him and thought he was a good candidate in his own right rather than just the lesser of two unprecedentedly awful evils? I mean, these are questions that decent people ask themselves when deciding on leadership. But leadership is something, which as I said, you don't know a damn thing about. And something you don't care about, either.
Was that in "bad faith?" I'm just speaking my mind. Feel free to "correct" the record. Or let it stand, and just cry about how my best effort to figure out what the f you're trying to say is so unfair. That's what adolescents do when they feel "judged" but lack the maturity to clarify their own feelings and thoughts on the matter. But you're... what? Like 45? Surely you can explain how it is that I so misjudged where you claim you're coming from. If you actually knew.
You want "good faith?" Try Achilles. He's a decent guy who stands up for what he believes, makes decent points, and guards against falling prey to overreach or missteps or painting with an overly broad brush. It's what mature people do. He's a decent guy, veteran IIRC, but smart and honest enough to avoid being blind partisan fodder for internet flame wars. You could learn from him. I do. But that's the kind of respectable example that you have no time or use for. Sad.
Currently the democrat party represents no actual voters. It is a dead institution.
At the moment, you are absolutely right.
But the problem is a lot of right-wing partisans believe that Trump represents the revival of the GOP. I think the GOP is just as dead and ineffectual - well maybe a tad less at the moment - and they are hanging on to his default win of one election for dear life while pretending that it breathed the animating force of Frankenstein back into them. I think this is a mistake. Their fortunes are now tied in lockstep with his, and there's no guarantee which direction he'll go in let alone how it will go over. If he finds the allies he needs on the left for a progressive economic agenda and less interventionist foreign policy, I think it will invigorate the progressive left and secure his legacy. If he just parrots the sycophancy of the same GOP policies that became wildly unpopular with the country, the opposite will happen to him and the party he mutinied. The GOP has power in a lot of ways right now. Just not in a way that resonates with the actual public. And his skipping out on national security briefings is as frightening as anything we worried Hillary would do.
This Pedro person is a mental goldmine!
Psychopathology is fun to watch.
JamesB.BKK said...
Those crafty Russians hacked Hillary's software to make her lie all the time and make her a scolding Nurse Ratchett, 30 years ago.
More like a rather amateurish White House disinformation campaign.
"The Russians did it!"
"You got proof?"
"Can't tell ya."
"The Russians did it!"
Buncha rubes.
Leftwing progs always always always use a scapegoat for their problems. It's never their rotten liar selves.
Had Hillary won, would we have ever heard these stories? The questions answers itself.
Those -Ghia autos are such beauties. Wow.
Now I know what to do with my Powerball winnings. If that ever happens :)
Here is Trump's Russian birth certificate.
Meanwhile, Donna Brazille is still interim chair at DNC.
Li'l Debbie must be pissed.
I guess if enough noise is made over "the Russian connection", all the Dem domestic shit uncovered somehow becomes moot.
You know, shit like distorting the election process towards electing a shrill hack bought and paid for by domestic as well as crooked international entities.
No..under the rug with that.
I'm a bit late to this thread so setting aside all the personal attacks back and forth and wading into the weeds with irrelevant Alex Jones nonsense etc what is the gist of the so-called Russian scandal? Is there any proof the tampered the vote count? Did they create the emails? If the Russians didn't fiddle the vote count and didn't plant fake emails then as I see it notwithstanding any nefarious motives they may have had in getting the emails out in the open Trumpy and America owe Putin a great favor and ought to repay it by sending him several cases of America's finest bourbon.
Fen is delusional. Sees himself as running circles around those who proved him to be not only low info, but unintelligent. Funny stuff, Private Fenjamin.
I do not trust anything from any government source in regards to any issue having to do with Trump.
Could there be some high-level CIA folks that are not looking forward to a Trump administration? Ya’ think?
Track record: The CIA has failed to predict ANY nation’s nuclear capability, beginning with being totally surprised by the USSR way back in 1949, and continued being surprised by the Israelis, flummoxed by the Brits, France, China, etc. – in fact EVERY single nuclear nation.
Being wrong a few times is understandable. Being wrong EVERY damned time means some low-level CIA info-gatherers were ignored and reports and assessments were changed to fit the politically correct narrative favored at the time.
Also, let’s not forget who brought Nixon down. Deep Throat was a disgruntled FBI higher-up who was passed over by Nixon.
My point is that US intelligence and law enforcement agencies are not immune from political hackwork.
So … I am suspicious when I read in the NYT this bullshit:
American intelligence agencies have concluded with “high confidence” that Russia acted covertly in the latter stages of the presidential campaign to harm Hillary Clinton’s chances and promote Donald J. Trump, according to senior administration officials.
Wow. The CIA has been able to conclude something about a hack which is very, very difficult to figure out, especially if some time has passed after the hack before it is discovered and the hacker is good – which is: WHO did the hack?
If the hacker is good it is difficult if not impossible to pinpoint where the hack originated or who originated it. Keep in mind that the fucking CIA knows about the hack AT ALL is only because the hack was published on Wikileaks. Before that the “American intelligence agencies” didn’t know shit.
And oh yeah, the CIA has also been able to read the mind of the hacker and determine the motivation(to harm Hillary and help Trump) of this Russian hacker who they had not a clue about until the hack hit the front pages.
This is fake news.
I would have thought that Unknown, who keeps insisting that we all get our opinions from Alex Jones, when most of us have barely heard of him and aren't interested in hearing from him, would be the "delusional" one.
"Glenn Reynolds is a fucking amateur."
Dan Rather and Brian Williams are fucking professionals that were at the very peak of a very tall pyramid.
And yet......
You want "good faith?" Try Achilles. He's a decent guy who stands up for what he believes, makes decent points, and guards against falling prey to overreach or missteps or painting with an overly broad brush. It's what mature people do. He's a decent guy, veteran IIRC, but smart and honest enough to avoid being blind partisan fodder for internet flame wars. You could learn from him. I do. But that's the kind of respectable example that you have no time or use for. Sad.
Don't get all crazy. I had pretty solid plans to tear things apart had Hillary won. I still have those plans but they are only useful against a very closeted and geographically isolated urban population.
I gotta break this next one down. Not to be a nit but use more paragraphs.
But the problem is a lot of right-wing partisans believe that Trump represents the revival of the GOP. I think the GOP is just as dead and ineffectual - well maybe a tad less at the moment - and they are hanging on to his default win of one election for dear life while pretending that it breathed the animating force of Frankenstein back into them. I think this is a mistake. Their fortunes are now tied in lockstep with his, and there's no guarantee which direction he'll go in let alone how it will go over.
The GoPe is gaining some relevance because when you staff something that has grown as massive as the executive you can't start from zero. The entire federal government needs to cut down to a size to where a new president can staff it completely in 3 months. All of that bureaucracy needs to be at the state level.
If he finds the allies he needs on the left for a progressive economic agenda and less interventionist foreign policy, I think it will invigorate the progressive left and secure his legacy. If he just parrots the sycophancy of the same GOP policies that became wildly unpopular with the country, the opposite will happen to him and the party he mutinied.
Agree. We need less cronyism, less bank bailouts, fewer regulations written by the megacorps to suppress competition, and sanity brought to our immigration system.
The GOP has power in a lot of ways right now. Just not in a way that resonates with the actual public. And his skipping out on national security briefings is as frightening as anything we worried Hillary would do.
The GOPe dos not resonate with the american people just as the DNC does not resonate. This is because the GOPe and DNC were/re owned by the donors. Trump's message does resonate just as Bernie's message resonated. I think he actually cares and will maintain his independence of thought for better or worse.
I see the left repeatedly trying to look solely at the top..when the reality is traditional GOP perspectives ARE resonating down ballot...state to local.
Not a new or fleeting phenomenon either.
Unknown said...
You should know who Alex Jones is. Your President Elect has high praise for him.
He's your President Elect too, Unk. Just like Obama, bless his heart, was, and still is, my President. Thankfully not for much longer.
It is going to be a glorious eight years!
Pettifogger: Don't forget State's Rights!
Trumpit: Satire right? It's clever, but kinda hard to tell after reading some recent Twitter so I thought I'd check. It's too bad about half the country is positively clinical.
But nonetheless entertaining until they start breaking stuff and bones.
Alex Jones was called out by name by the Scoldress who recently unsuccessfully ran for POTUS. Unfairly. He responded well. I just saw an interview he did with Tucker Carlson a few months back. It was pretty good. 50 cal. weapons come up. Anyone seen Tucker's new show? He really challenges - well shreds - the guests and is well informed about matters such as this lame blame-the-Russians pose. Jon Stewart, you did this.
Wow, unknown 575. That NPR text you purported to cite is loaded with errors and outright falsehoods about what Pizzagate is and even about how many shots the "gunman" got off so to speak. He killed a floor tile with one shot.
Aren't you guys and girls here smearing Alex Jones forgetting to label him a racist and some other made up terms ending in "obe?" Slacking.
The CIA dick-dance is seen for what it is by some:
Craig Murray, the former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, who is a close associate of Assange, called the CIA claims “bullshit”, adding: “They are absolutely making it up.”
“I know who leaked them,” Murray said. “I’ve met the person who leaked them, and they are certainly not Russian and it’s an insider. It’s a leak, not a hack; the two are different things.
Unknown said...
Fen is delusional. Sees himself as running circles around those who proved him to be not only low info, but unintelligent. Funny stuff, Private Fenjamin.
Shhh. Hush, now. There's a good lad. The really intelligent adults are talking. Pay attention. You just might learn something.
Big Mike said...
At 5:44 I posed a question -- why on earth would the Russians prefer an unknown and unpredictable Donald Trump over a well-known and much more predictable Hillary Clinton? While brushing my teeth for bed tonight I did think of an answer. What if, based on reading her Email traffic during her stint as Secretary of State they reached the conclusion that she was more likely to involve Russia in a nuclear war with the United States? That would not be inconsistent with her starting a war on Libya for no good reason, would it.
12/10/16, 11:38 PM
Remember those civil defense drills Russia was having earlier this year? The Russkis, according to my sources, were actually really concerned about Hillary starting WWIII. She was perceived really, really badly by them, which would be too bad if, in fact, nuclear war did break out. Probably none of us would like that, especially as Obama suppressed missile defense.
Funny, once upon a time, we were eager to hear from Europeans what they thought of our candidates, and to value that in our decisions.
Trumpit said...
Trump said during the election, "This is bigger than Watergate," and he appears to have been right that his theft of the election (with Russian assistance) is the Big Story that won't go away until he concedes the election to his fair opponent, Hillary Clinton.
Trump may be an agent of the Russian Federation and thus guilty of treason. He asked the Russian's to hack his opponent, did he not? His own words convict his. The penalty for treason is death. Trumps deep financial ties to Putin will be exposed, and he is done for, and will have zero credibility as president. He CANNOT become president.
12/11/16, 2:40 AM
OK, wipe it off and zip up. IIRC treason requires the US to be in a state of war. The Russians are our friends. President Lightworker has said so. (Now, Obama supporting Islamofascism, THAT's treason, but I don't think AUMF counts as "war" so he should be OK.)
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