১৭ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৬

"a single baked potato, stuffed with beluga caviar and sour cream, eaten once a day."

The Jackie Kennedy diet — from "The Five Worst Celebrity Diets."

৩১টি মন্তব্য:

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

She probably ate the skin too. It had a few vitamins. But how big was the tuber?

Potatoes are a super fattening food. So her slinky look proved that it is the volume you eat and not calorie content of a food type that counts.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Potatoes are a great source of nutrition. If you could only have one thing to eat, it would be a great choice.

mikee বলেছেন...

Are we currently celebrating Jackie Kennedy, another in the long line of famous spouses of famous Democrat politicians who were also adulterers, to add a bit of the old timey shine and luster to Hillary's current cowflop of an election loss?

Jackie was celebrated because she was the sexy young wife of a sexy young president, both from a rich background, who became the even richer sexy young widow. The celebration of Jackie would have been much more muted had her husband's horrible extramarital sexual behavior been publicized by the press, who instead protected his private life from public ridicule and condemnation. It is still argued that Jackie may not have known how John behaved, which seems unbelievable. As a Catholic, John Kennedy would have been condemned by the public and likely hounded from office in the early 1960s had his adultery been publicized. And had he not been assassinated, of course.

Hillary has none of that going for her. She is now very wealthy, but hers is first generation wealth gained through obviously corrupt practices. Her adulterer husband is the most famous swordsman on earth, and she did not repudiate his infamous misbehavior but defamed the women he'd schtupped to protect him. She is recognized by half the country as a vile beast, and the other half only worships her from their own weakness.

I doubt that there will be remembrances of Hillary, in 50 years or ever, such as the one Althouse just posted of Jackie.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

Photographer Richard Avedon allegedly would eat only one spoonful of peanut butter a day for periods of time, as he was afraid of gaining weight.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

Though I rarely do it in recent years, my favorite way to eat a potato is raw, (peeled), with salt and pepper. Wonderful!

Lucien বলেছেন...

Didn't there used to be a saying: Life is like a baked potato stuffed with Beluga Caviar and sour cream -- The more Caviar you have, the less potato you taste?

(It was either that or a shit sandwich.)

Of course now if you can find and afford Beluga it means you must be a stooge of Putin.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Jackie was elegant. That's about it. Oh, and fluent in French. I'm not a potato fan but remember reading about her caviar-stuffed potato diet and thought it sounded yummy and probably very nutritious.

dreams বলেছেন...

I'm thinking a potato a day, yeah.

"Check Out This Guy’s Dramatic Body Transformation After Eating Nothing But Potatoes"


tcrosse বলেছেন...

The name Putin is rendered in French as Poutine, transliterated from the cyrillic.
Poutine is also the name of a dish of french fries with gravy and cheese curds, a contribution to world gastronomy by Quebec. The Montreal newspapers are full of stories about Poutine, but rely on context to denote which one.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

"Jacqueline Bouvier" redirects here. For the character on The Simpsons television show, see Simpson family § Jacqueline Bouvier.

George M. Spencer বলেছেন...

"Jackie Kennedy was a closet chain-smoker who smoked Newport, Salem, L&Ms, Marlboros or Parliaments, depending on which story you read. She was careful to keep her smoking private and asked not to be photographed holding a cigarette as it was unladylike, but pictures can be found."


So much for glamour.

Funny how the press never photographed her smoking, even in later life.

Greg Hlatky বলেছেন...

Funny how the press never photographed her smoking, even in later life.

The press has always covered for the Kennedys.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Considering your interest in the political exploitation of children, and their sexualization, I wonder you have not posted on the National Geographic.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Potatoes are a super fattening food.

The Irish lived on potatoes for generations without gaining a reputation for corpulence. Before them the Inca people built an empire on the spud. Louis XV tried to encourage the French to grow and eat more potatoes by serving them at his banqueting table in Versailles. Louis may have been a concupiscent wastrel, but he wasn't a fatty.

A new potato stuffed with caviar and sour cream is a popular hors d'oeuvre, but the potato is boiled first, not baked. Assuming Jacqueline was eat a baked potato here is the approximate data:

Calories 150
Protein 8%
Vitamin C 80%
Vitamin B-6 33%
Ka 27%
Total fat .25 grams

Nobody is going to get fat eating that, unless you eat A LOT. (You could get fat eating a lot of celery if you were determined and addicted to daytime television.) To make room for the caviar some of the potato needs to be scooped out, say 20%., so we adjust the nutritional data accordingly.

I love caviar, but I never thought of it as food, so I had to look up the nutrient characteristics. I was surprised. One tablespoon (16 grams):

Calories 42
Protein 7%
Vitamin B-12 53%
Vitamin B-6 5%
Vitamin D 4%
Mg 12%
Na 10%
Total fat: 3 grams

Caviar is salty, so no need to salt the potato, right?

Sour cream (12 grams):

Calories 23%
Total fat 2.5 grams

Jackie's fancy spud is worth about 200 Calories, but it's also quite nutritious. If that's all you eat in a day, you could do much worse.

fivewheels বলেছেন...

"eaten once a day"

How many times a day can you eat a single potato? I guess if you're bulimic ...

William বলেছেন...

If I were a gifted athlete whose contract was up for renewal, I would be extremely motivated to watch my diet and keep in shape. Similarly, if I were a beautiful movie star up for a part that featured tasteful nudity, I would be far more rigorous about diet and exercise than most people. Celebs get too much credit for the one aspect of life where they maintain a semblance of self control.........Obvious joke that no one has yet made. Many beautiful women have thrived with a diet enriched with the semen of wealthy men. Pamela Harriman kept her looks and fitness until extreme old age.

Fabi বলেছেন...

Glad she specified Beluga. I was about to make myself one with Osetra -- I'm such a prole.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

I love the little red new potatoes. Five minutes in microwave, let cool a minute, salt, pepper and butter. They go with every meat and vgetable combination.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

I love the little red new potatoes. Five minutes in microwave, let cool a minute, salt, pepper and butter. They go with every meat and vgetable combination.

When I do eat potatoes, those little red ones are my choice. I also use them in potato salad, leaving the skins on.

gadfly বলেছেন...

@Ann Althouse said...
Potatoes are a great source of nutrition. If you could only have one thing to eat, it would be a great choice.

So the occupants of Camolot needed to be consciously beware of the potato blight threat that killed a million Irish Catholics between 1845 and 1852 and sent another million scurrying to the American promised land.

I specify Irish Catholics as opposed to the arrival in Philadelphia of the Presbyterian Scots-Irish from Ulster during the 1700s to populate the Appalachians in what is now Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. These "po' white folks" are given credit for electing The Donald as President, believing his every word without proof. The legend has problems including finding an answer to the question: How can this be if the Presbyterian population is under 2% in these states today?

rhhardin বলেছেন...

You can invest in potatos just by burying them.

dbp বলেছেন...

Of the 5 diets they list, the only two I would be willing to try are Jackie O's and Sophia Loren's.

I more or less eat what I want--I try to avoid too many carbs but am not psycho about it. I am pretty sure that running 3 days and lifting weights 3 days per week gets me to a better place than highly observant dieting alone would do.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

"These "po' white folks" are given credit for electing The Donald as President, believing his every word without proof."

There are not very many Presbyterian Scots-Irish in Wisconsin and I would guess their numbers are limited in Michigan as well. Give the German and Scandi and Belgian farmers and the blue collar Eastern Europeans some credit for Trump's win. It was in the rural counties and the blue collar, heavily Catholic South Side of Milwaukee where I saw the most Trump signs.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

"These "po' white folks" are given credit for electing The Donald as President, believing his every word without proof."
As distinguished from those who voted for HRC, believing her every word without proof.

SukieTawdry বলেছেন...

I knew that's what she ordered when she ate out; didn't know she ate it every day. How boring.

I see there's a recently released feature film about Jackie. What's the sudden interest?

Quaestor বলেছেন...

gadfly wrote: So the occupants of Camolot [sic] needed to be consciously beware of the potato blight threat that killed a million Irish Catholics between 1845 and 1852 and sent another million scurrying to the American promised land.

The blight didn't cause a million Irish to starve. Ireland exported food during the whole crisis. As Adam Smith wrote,"bad seasons" cause "dearth," but "the violence of well-intentioned governments" can convert "dearth into famine." An ecological circumstance caused the blight, but the famine was caused by the Corn Laws, which were finally repealed gradually over a period of years at the height of the crisis in Ireland.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Quaestor is right about England's Corn Law making millions of poor peasants people starve to death in a slow painful horrible death with parents watching their small children painfully die death first in ca1849 Ireland. It was intentionally done to make the English Monarchy's Aristocracy self righteously prove experimentally Thomas Malthus's population theory.

Seventy years later When the Ottoman Turks decided to do te same evil thing to millions of Armenian peasants, we invented the clinical term Genocide.

Interestingly, 24 years later that was done again to a surrounded pocket of three millian white Russians in Leningrad surrounded by the German Army lines and intentionally trapped in a salient with no food supplies by an evil Soviet Georgian peasant then rulling Russia's Communist Party. Stalin's cruel intentional killing of 2.5 million over educated citizens of Leningrad by starvation was done to the family of Vladimer Putin.

As a result Putin grew up secretly anti Communist. Resolved as anti communist more than any Dem Media Fake News story using the Red Menace BS against Trump today can ever even imagine.

Etienne বলেছেন...

I worry about women who read those kind of articles. It seems to be nothing more than a list of famous celebrities with words stuffed around them, to make it seem like a real author wrote them.

Maybe it was a team effort. OK, here's the names, everyone pitch in!

"-- although of course, we don’t know how often Beyoncé gives in and eats a pint of sugary, mass-produced ice cream."

Very good Jimmy! Oh this is fun! Who has more?

Wilbur বলেছেন...

" there's a recently released feature film about Jackie. What's the sudden interest?"

There is none. But Jackie O. is to be worshipped, our elite overlords decreed many years ago.

gadfly বলেছেন...

@Quaestor said...
The blight didn't cause a million Irish to starve. Ireland exported food during the whole crisis. As Adam Smith wrote,"bad seasons" cause "dearth," but "the violence of well-intentioned governments" can convert "dearth into famine." An ecological circumstance caused the blight, but the famine was caused by the Corn Laws, which were finally repealed gradually over a period of years at the height of the crisis in Ireland.

Actually, the Great irish famine was for real and it was caused by late blight in the potato crops from 1846 through 1852. Potato harvests provided 60% of the Irish food supply and even if all grains had been retained for Irish use, available grain would have been insufficent to replace the potato food loss.In fact, far more grain entered Ireland from abroad (mostly from America) in the late 1840s than was exported-probably almost three times as much grain and meal came in as went out.

The problem in those times was food distribution, not food supply-just as starvation in the world today is not a condition of how much food is available. It is where the food is located in relation to need. Grains simply did not get to the smallholders and laborers of the west and the south of Ireland during the potato blight years. Poor farming methods encouraged the blight and the uneducated tenant farmers had no skills useful in solving the problem.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

I posit that a Government of a powerful world Empire that has food and means to distribute that food to an enclave of slowly starving people within their Empire and intentionally withholds food to prove a point about population control, has committed an act of war. The victor of that war writing a history otherwise, and blaming the defeated for their own murder, is actually quaint.

Thank God we drove that Empire out of the United States by War.