So begins Romaissaa Benzizoune, an NYU freshman, who has an op-ed in the NYT titled, "I’m Muslim, but My Roommate Supports Trump."
I thought that was well written. It made me want to read to the end of the story. Do the friends make up?
I got to "it is no surprise that our argument proved hopeless" and "There was no reasoning with her" and "My roommate’s reasoning reflected an 'us versus them' mind-set mind-set that has defined this nation for as long as it has existed" — that's in the middle of the column — and I felt queasy.
The roommate is a specific, identifiable individual. She might as well have her name printed in The New York Times. We haven't the details of the argument or anything close to a quotation of what the very young woman may have said. We hear only the conclusion: She was immune to reason and stuck in a mind-set that is stereotypically American. I'm stunned by the unfairness toward this real person.
I read to the end of the piece. I finally encounter a quote from that unnamed, identifiable individual called "my roommate." It's a 2-word quote:
My roommate’s main defense of Mr. Trump during our argument was that he didn’t mean the “stupid things” he said.The writer rejects any comfort that might lie in the notion that Trump didn't mean all the things he said. She ends, not with any reconciliation with the roommate, but distancing herself from this person she has lived with in close contact. The writer dedicates herself to writing and to the masses of people who are not in the group with her roommate:
Now that an us-versus-them system has been voted into office, I want to write for those who feel like the latter, the “them.”And that's where she ends, convinced that it's an us-versus-them system, that her roommate — her nameless but identifiable roommate — is the other, and hot to intensify the us-versus-themness of it all.
ADDED: Whatever happened to diversity? Benzizoune had originally thought her roommate was like her, but then she was "this suddenly strange person." Benzizoun's college experience turned into something universities normally encourage: confrontation and dealing with diversity.
Benzizoune's response was to reject her roommate and to go out and find a more homogeneous group to hang around with. And then she outed the roommate to the whole world, exposing her to contempt and hostility in The New York Times.
After gaining access through the imposed intimacy of roommateship in a university that (I'm sure) promotes diversity, she betrayed this woman — who is perhaps 18 years old — and invited hatred. She did it deliberately, with fervor, and facilitated by the most powerful newspaper in America.
And it seemed justified. Why?
UPDATE: 17 days later, the NYT publishes an op-ed by the roommate, who says:
My roommate has since apologized to me, but in the meantime I have felt the glare of her friends and been heckled on campus by other students. I have been labeled “racist,” “sexist” and “xenophobic” on Facebook. I have been called a “white without a conscious,” a “misogynist,” a “bigot” and a “barbarian” online by people all over the country.She proceeds to tell us about her background, as if she needs to distance herself from the white-privilege slur with the news that she's half-Hispanic. But she's mostly conciliatory, eager to encourage us to all get along.
३०२ टिप्पण्या:
302 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Arrogance compounded by the effect of propaganda on weak minds.
Professor, were you really looking forward to see a reconciliation? Because there was NO chance of that.
If Little Miss Snowflake had agreed to be friends with her roommate, then A) the piece would never appear in the NYT, and B) the author would be vilified herself by The Progressive Nation. And I expect savagely.
Gee, I wonder why this author's roommate supported Trump. I doubt it will ever occur to these smug, overbearing assholes that, as Noonan said, we are tired of being patronized by our inferiors.
Can the NYT stoop any lower? We owe Trump a debt for exposing the pettiness as well as the bias of the mediaswine.
This nonsense is so tiresome.
We have been "the others" since Obama....For 8 years we have been accused of being racists, we have been called terrorists, barbarians, the enemy (and that is from the administration itself)...and we took it...Donald Trump won because of the division that THE CURRENT administration created....
Is she one of those people whose job is to write so she has to come up with something, anything?
See John Legend on Maher last night...just wow! An adult male form of the naive Romaissaa..
I wonder if having a overtly righteous Muslim roommate turned her into a Trump supporter?
Irony lost in a sea of cognitive dissonance.
The left in their pain and disappointment are scaring their children, inciting riots and assaulting fellow Americans.
And yet, to follow much of the news, this is the fault of Trump.
So much for the party of science and reason.
Good morning to Muslim Domination demands. Trump proposed a moratorium on new immigrants until we, in Congress, could decide what new Muslims would be allowed in our country...or just what country's refugee floods would be imported to help her fight us.
That set off the Muslims who thought they were already in Charge in the USA. And this Muslim girl plans to fight until we SUBMIT.
Yeah, that is what we thought.
Note to the oped writer; time for you to get out of the "group think" echo chamber you inhabit. Humility and willingness to learn a new culture is a hallmark of a closed mind. Typical of the liberals/progressives and outside groups who manipulate them.
As usual AA has been "framed".
If enough conservatives stop buying librul newspapers, those newspapers will go broke or they would change just to survive.
I stopped buying my metro paper except for one day a week when it has the high school sports reports. I figure that costs them about $375 per year [$1.50 per day x 5 days a week x 50 weeks per year] because I no longer buy it six days a week. If 10,000 people did the same, that is real money.
People that only think identity politics are shocked the some white people might do the same. We have a culture. I'm not interested in denying anyone else's but I'm not denying my own
Legend on Maher
Get help man
It'd be interesting if the roommate was also gay.
Would it play out the same if she was a democrat and gay, then revealed that she was gay. Of course not.
This has been the problem with the "Shame" method of argumentation.
I know Althouse wrote about it four years ago, the way lefties try to make an opinion so shameful that you dare not have it. But eventually people know their opinions are not so shameful they cannot be had, but will just draw too much attention if they are expressed.
And all the people who are kind enough to want to get along with others, even those they don't agree with, just keep their opinions to themselves. They are like air molecules, free and floating and waiting to express themselves privately. Their numbers expand, unseen.
Those who are vocal begin to think they have won. They become their own force, in numbers smaller and smaller as they spin tighter and tighter into a ball of bitterness. They no longer need to exercise logic, or try to empathize. They do not need to challenge themselves to see how others may see them. They see themselves as solid but do not realize they have become hard.
But when they find out they are a smaller force, they erupt. They spew. They do not care who they hurt because of their own molten righteousness. They find out how easy it is to disrupt the lives of others, to burn the world around them.
The thing that is not easy is thinking, perhaps, you are wrong.
When I was that young lady's age, I used to wonder how it came to be in other places during times of political conflict, neighbors would turn against neighbors and brothers against brothers. I used to think such things could never happen here. I now understand how people can be manipulated into turning someone they know intimately into a stereotypical other. And sadly, I now understand that it can happen here.
"I'm stunned by the unfairness toward this real person." Back to I'm stunned, I can't believe, whoa-it's-so-unfair faux surprise, I see. Unfairness is their MO. Shaming of the Other is what they do best. You know it. There's nothing to be "stunned" about. It's been going on for a generation. What is slightly surprising is the sheer unselfconsciousness of the attempted Trump-shaming. The FU of the election clearly hasn't fully hit progs yet.
Everything Trump said, like everything everybody says, is more or less meant.
Aspects of things are brought up all the time.
The lady here is doing dogma, which is something else.
I have my own dogma but can back it up in a discussion.
It kind of reminds me of the girl who wrote an op-Ed about how people in her gym stared at her for wearing a hijab because George W Bush won the election.
I wonder if having a overtly righteous Muslim roommate turned her into a Trump supporter?
The fact was bound to solidify her choice in any case.
It is imperative that we rescind the enfranchisement of 18 year olds and return to age 21, or even older. The original justification offered by the 60's generation (an execrable lot for the most part) was if you're old enough to fight you're old enough to vote, specious reasoning at best. However, now that our armed forces are all-volunteer and on average considerably older than 18 the franchise should reflect the new reality — if at any age you reason like an NYU freshman you aren't old enough to vote.
Hurt feelings of non-participatory people is an Althouse thing.
It's sort of facebookish but in print.
Sydney said...
Yes! During the war in Sarajevo I thought the same thing. These people were close enough to each other to hold the Olympics! But in reality, the butcher down the street really wanted to kill the baker's family. How could war actually happen?
Why is she out without a male relative, anyway.
Could have been worse. The liberal could have actually listened, discovered errors in her supported liberal ideology, and become a less hateful person. Or even just realized that this perfectly acceptable roomie having different ideas than hers was not an impediment to successful cooperation in habitation. But that sort of normal civil behavior can't be allowed, now or ever, can it?
A freshman at NYU has no real world experience, nor any real insight to offer NYT readers. A big nothing burger article. Nothing happens - but the I'm emotionally upset that my faceless, nameless roommate voted for Trump.
Sleep well, Snowflake. You're in for a rough 4 years.
Yet another example of why Trump won.
While Trump certainly wasn't my first choice, he got my attention when he dispatched the meddling Pope...from whom we haven't heard boo since he retreated behind the high, thick, Vatican walls. I personally love it that Trump kicks his opponents in the nuts. Hard.
He fights like a leftie. I hope he continues his rough combat rather than give in to the mewling of the losers to 'reach out', 'conciliate', 'be mindful of the fear he has engendered'.
George W was a gentleman, and look where that got him. The lefties ate his lunch, and he never once gave them the back of his pimp hand. This is why Trump won. It wasn't a white-lash. It was a stop-eating-our-lunch-lash.
- Krumhorn
The statistics are much different for indentifiable and non-identifiable roommates, with or without replacement.
Witness the intolerance of the "tolerant" left, laid bare for all to see.
The recent (and still ongoing) riots prove that this crop of delicates we've raised are temperamentally unfit for citizenship. They've lived their lives being indulged, praised, and rewarded for nothing. They want to be wards, that's obvious. A ward is by definition not autonomous, and their post-election behavior proves it.
lately I've gotten into the habit of reading the comments instead of the article. It seems that even NYT readers can't buy this intolerant and silly girl's drivel.
Quaestor said...
. . . The original justification offered by the 60's generation (an execrable lot for the most part) was if you're old enough to fight you're old enough to vote . . .
But not old enough to drink, apparently. In my state, you can't buy tobacco products until you are 21. They lowered the drinking age to 18 in the middle of 1970s, then changed it back to 21 a few years later due to the highway carnage.
I suppose this is all forgotten history in 2016.
Imagine her pain when she discovers that her fears about global warming are based on fraudulent data.
Stupid Others, always Othering. (Unlike me.)
'The Community of Color Gazette'.
From 'The Community of Color Gazette':
"Local Man of Color Says He Doesn't Care Who Won The Presidency"
Edison Banks, a local man of our Community of Color, was overheard at his local bar saying "I don't give a f*ck who became President, you hear me? Try shutting the f*ck up."
Tyla Lane, bartender at the Backside Blackside Bar, confirmed Mr. Banks' statement.
"People was all goin' on, complaining about Trump, and Eddie, he just got tired of it, that's all."
Benji Knudson, a fellow patron of the bar, echoed Ms. Lane's remarks.
"People were all cryin' and shit, it was embarrassing. Eddie, he's been around the block a few times, he don't have time for that sh*t."
When asked, Mr. Banks reaffirmed his statement.
"They all acting like the world's ending. All I know is it ain't Trump that stole my 1981 Chevrolet Celebrity. It ain't Trump that shits on my doorway every d*mn day. I never saw Hillary come and spray that sh*t off my step, you know what I'm saying?"
Regina Grier, a patron of the bar, disagreed with Mr. Banks' statements.
"The white people, they elected Trump to put us all back in chains."
When told of Ms. Grier's comment, Mr. Banks responded.
"Reggie, she's young: she don't know no better. Meanwhile we got young brothers settin' fire to shit like d*mn fools. There's a reason the Seven-Eleven they burned down last time ain't comin' back, you feel me?"
Asked if he had any final comments, Mr. Banks added the following.
"It's bad enough watching all those baby-ass white people crying on TV -- I expect better of the Hood. He's just the President -- it ain't like he's our landlord or something."
"So there it is: a Story of Change in our Community of Color. For more stories like this please read 'The Community of Color Gazette'.
I am Laslo.
George W was a gentleman, and look where that got him.
Poor GWB was so naive... co-exiting with the Left is like living with in close proximity to a troop of chimpanzees, the only way to keep one's face from being ripped off is to be the meanest son-of-a-bitch in sight.
Well, for me it has been a hard eight years but I'm feeling so good now knowing that Obama who turned out ultimately to be just an affirmative action president who wasn't able to achieve his goal of fundamentally changing our country but actually via his ineptness at governing destroyed much of the Democratic party all across our country.
That will be his only legacy. Just as Carter was to Reagan so to is Obama to Trump and I hope Trump can match Reagan's performance or come close to it.
"When she outed herself to me as a Trump supporter, I realized I had finally found the 'silent majority.'"
The most revealing word of that piece was "outed".
MayBee @8:01 AM:
Good post.
I think a lot of us "nice people" do share some blame for letting things come to such a pass. Over the years, there have been many situations when I've felt that I didn't want to spend any time countering others' differing opinions, because not only did I have more important things to attend to, I was just bored to tears by people with entirely predictable, NPR/NYT-approved viewpoints. I guess I don't want to admit to myself that, in some instances, maybe my own cowardice had something to do with it.
This laziness indifference, and cowardice, multiplied a million times over, ended with these people thinking that all decent people must agree with them. And then, from their never having any pushback, it evolved into the witch-hunting we see today. Today half the nation seems to be in state of shock over having discovered that their friends, neighbors, and family members, whom they have always known to be decent people, are the Evil Other. Guess some of us should've taken the trouble to clue them in before it all got out of hand, eh?
The roommate is a specific, identifiable individual.
If you assume the story was true. I assume it's taqiyya.
I can understand Muslim Americans feeling put off in general by Trump saying, at one point, he wanted to limit Muslim immigration.
He has clarified that what he wants is limited immigration from countries that are exporting jihadists. There is agreement among national security experts that we have no way of vetting people coming from Syria. The Federal government is currently very secretive about where it settles refugees, and how they have been vetted, and Trump wants a database of them.
Now, some liberal muslims have decided this means Trump wants to make all Muslims in America register for..something. A database, I guess. So upon this fallacy they have created a fear for themselves. These same people would mock anyone who thinks "Hillary wants to take our guns away", but they see it imminently plausible that Trump just want to take all Muslims away.
It isn't going to happen, Trump doesn't want it to happen, American doesn't want it to happen,but some people want to feel that fear because it makes them justified in their hatred toward Trump (and possibly any conservative person).
There's no point in telling these people that Trump isn't going to make you register in a database or deport you. They want to feel this way. It feels good, like being a cutter feels good to some people.
The roommate was neither silent nor in the majority.
What I can't figure out is, did the Left start out as a bunch of pissed of bullies, or does the ideology make them that way?
"I'm stunned by the unfairness toward this real person."
Stunned? If you really are, that's pathetic. It's all around you. Everyday.
I would remind her that her roomie is actually one of the silent MINORITY, cause math is hard.
Blogger Anglelyne said...
MayBee @8:01 AM:
And yes! Exactly! I am a huge coward. I don't want to be shunned by people I know will shun me. Like the roommate in this case. I just think, "we get along so well if we talk about anything other than politics". And as a result I'll sit silently by while people talk about people who think like me with disgust.
But I also don't see myself changing anytime soon. I can only hope Trump will not make their worst fears come to light and they may eventually feel foolish.
If only someone could devise and teach a philosophy that found a way to get the two sides together. Cause if the writer loves only those who love her, what big benefit does she have? Do not even the Koch brothers do the same? And if she greets only her brothers and sisters, what more is she doing than the silent Trump voters? Do not even the Trump family members do the same?
The roommate was probably all like, "But I thought I was the one fighting intolerance, having a Muslim roommate and all"
We can't can't through life fighting with everyone who doesn't share our political views especially with those we like or love because its too likely to lead to hurt feelings and with nothing accomplished.
What is the actual evidence that Trump is a racist and misogynist? Can someone here lay it out succiently?
He did say *some* Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers. Being Hispanic is not a race. In the 80s he settled a housing discrimination case. As to women, there was the Access Hollywood tape, the public spat with Megan Kelly and the last minute groping allegations. Isn't that about it?
Is the idea that Trump is against people with disabilities rooted in the time he made fun of the reporter?
I realize that wasn't a good look, but is it any more solid that Obama's "Special Olympics" or BIden's "Stand up" comments?
David Begley
Trump being a racist is because he took out an ad against the Central Park 5 and apparently still won't admit they weren't guilty, and because he thinks stop and frisk might be good in Chicago.
That's the whole case against him.
On the bright side, Carlos Slim lost $5 billion in the days following Trump's victory. You'll never read about that in his glorified blog.
"I'm stunned by the unfairness toward this real person."
Well to people like this writer, her roommate is not a real person and thus unworthy of being treated with fairness or respect.
There is a notion that every time there is an economic collapse, fraud that has been going on for years is suddenly uncovered. Madoff was arrested in 2008. Something similar going on here. It took a huge political upset to allow the ugly blind hatred and intolerance of so many progressives to emerge and show their true faces.
"Blogger Quaestor said...
The recent (and still ongoing) riots prove that this crop of delicates we've raised are temperamentally unfit for citizenship. They've lived their lives being indulged, praised, and rewarded for nothing. They want to be wards, that's obvious. A ward is by definition not autonomous, and their post-election behavior proves it.
Generation Snowflake grew up (physically if not mentally) playing sports where no one kept score and everyone got a trophy. It seems they have seldom been told no for anything they wanted. What they apparently can't grasp is that everyone else doesn't play that way. Politics keeps score. Elections have winners and losers. Their side lost this time and the Snowflakes can't handle it. Boo hoo.
Assuming these two share a dorm room*, I wonder on whose side NYU will come down when one of them has to be reassigned to a new dorm. The author seems to have autoevicted for the moment, but I suspect she'll be back claimng the Trump supporter has made her living arrangement a hostile environment. In which case, "unnamed" may find herself kicked out of the room and potentially without a university residence as who would want a "hater" amongst them. This may turn out very badly for "unnamed."
* - based on these being Freshmen and author mentioning going to a friend's dorm. Saw no other evidence in the article, but in having to read it realised that she is quite full of herself. This incident appears to be just the tip of the iceberg.
"What is the actual evidence that Trump is a racist and misogynist? Can someone here lay it out succiently?"
That is political spin. Its obvious to me that Trump is a man with a big heart, he doesn't have a mean bone in his body said a CEO friend on CNBC a few months ago and he is liked by his low level employees, a good test of a man's character. I've read a lot about Trump even before he decided to run for president and he seems to be an honorable man well respected by a lot businessmen in New York who know him well.
You want to limit Muslim immigration because they don't agree to the American rules, an agreement which is what makes a person American, regardless even of citizenship.
If they find a way to agree, and this lady does not apparently, then great.
Otherwise the smaller the number of such individuals living here, the better.
They'd be more comfortable in any of many Muslim countries, where there are Muslim rules.
We don't run America for the benefit of foreigners, unless they benefit us.
Althouse: nice addition with the 'ADDED'.
I am Laslo.
"Is the idea that Trump is against people with disabilities rooted in the time he made fun of the reporter?
I realize that wasn't a good look, but is it any more solid that Obama's "Special Olympics" or BIden's "Stand up" comments?"
I don't believe he was making fun of a disabled man. Read Ann coulter, a woman I have great respect for to get the real truth.
Eighteen years old, NYU freshman, and writing op-ed for a publication?
One of these is not like the other!!
Her story has as many facts as Sabrina Erdely's story. Perhaps, her story was written by a 3rd party (CAIR?), and then signed by the author. NYU ain't cheap. Who is paying the tuition?
Ann, if you combine this post with Adams' latest blogpost about cognitive dissonance, you can probably draw a straight line between the two.
(By the way, he never did reflect on his belief that Comey was an honourable man in not prosecuting Clinton and then reopening the investigation. It turns out he probably made the second announcement because he wanted to plug a potential revolt by the agents until after the election, so he's a political shill after all.
Scott is really great at bragging about his successes, hoping we'll forget his (numerous) failures.
Some disabilities are funny. Some reactions to disabilities are funny.
They're funny because they express what's felt.
Politeness and accommodation have a place too, but not as censorship.
It may still be funny, just not remarked on.
And it seemed justified. Why?
I suspect, unrecognized by herself, she is full of fear, insecurities and ...... hate. She is 18 years old with a need for maturity and experience to broaden her outlook.
Why does the NYT see itself as justified in publishing the article?
Interesting that this writer's hometown is Queens, not Damascus or Khartoum. Maybe she should take a year off and travel and spend it among thoughtful people who share her beautiful, open and tolerant philosophy and worldview, rather than those hateful coeds at NYU.
Watch this:
How and Why, Jonathon Pie
A gf who was a social worker got a self-written doctor's note from a guy wanting disability payments, written entirely in pencil on lined notebook paper, including letterhead
Jimmy Brown is totally disable to work.
"You're going to have to do better than this," my gf told him.
"I thought that was well written. It made me want to read to the end of the story. Do the friends make up?"
Sadly, I think the story ends with Sharia and the infidel a casualty.
Regarding Althouse's ADDED section, with today's social media and Ann's researching skill Althouse could learn her name in five minutes.
As to why the piece was written and published: liberal virtue signaling.
Exactly how does one, as a freshman student, manage to even be considered to write an editorial in the NYT? What connections does this poor helpless student have? What strings were pulled on her behalf? Did her three-fer diverseness help? Perhaps a well connected professor?
Generation Snowflake grew up (physically if not mentally) playing sports where no one kept score and everyone got a trophy.
The last time I was compelled to watch soccer (it was either watch and pretend to be interested, or insult my hosts, who, not quite understanding the meaning of hospitality, insisted on keeping the television on and driving the conversation to the subject of that last penalty kick) it was the 2015 Women's World Cup.
I finally understood the psychology of the trapped animal that gnaws its own foot off rather than endure the agony of the snare when the interminable games ended and the incessant awards ceremony commenced.
And it seemed justified. Why?
Because it gets praise from the usual quarters.
Diversity means stuff besides white.
There was no reasoning with her
I'm pretty sure she's speaking the literal truth here.
I've gotten letters into the print WSJ a half dozen times, back in the 70s.
The trick is to be filler-sized and amusing.
"MayBee said...
Is the idea that Trump is against people with disabilities rooted in the time he made fun of the reporter?
I realize that wasn't a good look, but is it any more solid that Obama's "Special Olympics" or BIden's "Stand up" comments?"
It's bullshit. He wasn't mocking the reporters disability, he was mocking his honesty.
Here he is re: the reporter:
Here is doing the exact same schtick in regard to Ted Cruz, who of course does not have a disability:
Leftist democrat progressives are the real bullies.
Leftist democrat corruption supporting progressives are the real intolerants.
"Benzizoune college experience turned into something university's normally encourage: confrontation and dealing with diversity."
Hence all the "safe places", speech codes. What a steaming pile.
The thing about the NYT as a businesss is that it is now mostly read by liberals. So the NYT must satisfy its last remaining audience by giving them the pap they want. It is barely profitable as it is. The paper of record stuff is history.
I wonder what exactly she thought her roommate should do to reconcile. Apologize? Rescind her vote? Stop doing badthink?Convert or pay the jizyah? (Or however you spell that.)
Most of the angry dispondent left I hear in the media and on the street decrying Trump's election are accusing him of saying things he really didn't say. They are exaggerations of his statements, or flat out lies in some cases with no interest in the actual meanings of the things he said. They only hear the imagined triggers and off they go like cheap fireworks. They want to hate. They need to hate. They lost to someone they don't care for, and they really think that should never happen. They want to live in a bedtime story. "Where is the happy ending, Daddy."
Compare that editorial to one of it's companion pieces My Liberal University Cemented My Vote for Trump.
The best commentary I've read since the election is from the socialists. They are the ones going after the liberal elite without pity or excuses.
Here's Thomas Frank in the Guardian, writing Donald Trump is moving to the White House, and liberals put him there.
If Frank is honest, he should admit that he helped too. His "What's The Matter with Kansas" book gave coastal elites the perfect template for ivory-tower condescension, a reflex mechanism that defined a huge swath of voters in crudely economic terms (crude in both the defining and crude in the economic ideas applied).
But now is Frank's time to call out the self-deception and conceit among the party elite. Including the news media:
Clinton’s supporters among the media didn’t help much, either. It always struck me as strange that such an unpopular candidate enjoyed such robust and unanimous endorsements from the editorial and opinion pages of the nation’s papers, but it was the quality of the media’s enthusiasm that really harmed her. With the same arguments repeated over and over, two or three times a day, with nuance and contrary views all deleted, the act of opening the newspaper started to feel like tuning in to a Cold War propaganda station. Here’s what it consisted of:
* Hillary was virtually without flaws. She was a peerless leader clad in saintly white, a * super-lawyer, a caring benefactor of women and children, a warrior for social justice.
* Her scandals weren’t real.
* The economy was doing well / America was already great.
* Working-class people weren’t supporting Trump.
* And if they were, it was only because they were botched humans. Racism was the only conceivable reason for lining up with the Republican candidate.
Trump's election may turn me into a socialist. They're the only honest left-wingers left.
I expect to see the theme presented in the NYT article carried through in every TV series this fall.
Because we're living with real, live totalitarianism in America and it is now flowering on college campuses and newsrooms across America. CNN is reporting a rash of hate crimes against Muslims by alleged Trump supporters without giving any specifics. They caught off a Muslim-American Trump supporter mid-speech on air yesterday, because she was speaking too much truth. This stuff is insane and dangerous.
People are fighting back though and it encourages me.
My heart goes out to the roommate. You have my support and love whoever you are. The writer is a bigot.
cut off
And it seemed justified. Why?
Because the personal is political.
There are many Muslim countries where this snowflake could find other girls with the same sentiments.
Of course, she could not drive a car or go out without a male relative but that is a small price to pay to avoid anyone who thinks differently.
@AA Your question: "Whatever happened to diversity?" goes right to the heart of the matter. You might also ask " Whatever happened to respect for others' opinions?" I think a lot of it died in the classrooms of schools and colleges all across the country whether they are located in Madison, Cambridge or El Paso. U of Chicago seems to be the only school relatively free from blame.
"Scott is really great at bragging about his successes, hoping we'll forget his (numerous) failures."
Well, he got the big one right and I'm guessing you didn't. Trump's victory.
@ Henry
Yup. Watch the clip I pasted above. An epic hilarious, dead-on rant that just gets better and better by a British socialist saying his fellow lefties got Trump elected.
It's here:
I always considered that a swell side benefit of Trump being elected would be to enjoy the agita at the mainstream media and academia. The freakout by ordinary folks who opposed Trump is somewhat unexpected, though I should have drawn a lesson from how many Facebook friends and acquaintances wished to unfriend any Trump supporter during the election. Funnily, I don't remember any similar activity in the other direction. Tolerance of others and respect for diversity are woefully lacking from the very people who loudly proclaim their devotion to those principles.
Whatever happened to diversity?
This is diversity: outing and shaming the Other. Shame!
One of the personal trainers at my gym recently lost several clients because they discovered he was Republican. Clients earning $500,000+ per year showed how much they care about the little guy earning $20 an hour without benefits by firing him for daring to vote differently. One client even quit because he did not respect Kim Kardashian! His former client was extremely distressed and claimed "Kim done so much for this country."
Sketchy Guy Who Works at the Adult Bookstore says:
We've been getting a lot of men in the store lately looking for Burka Porn: that's the porn where a guy is fucking a women wearing a Burka or Arab Headscarfs; sometimes there are camels involved. Ha. Just fucking with ya: it's just guys in camel costumes, not real camels -- at least, so far...
The way it's going, it looks like Burka Porn is going to need its own shelf: right now they're just in the 'International Fucking' section, which is pretty much every foreign country that isn't Japan -- Japan is its own Hermetic Porn Universe, with the tentacles and schoolgirls and live-squids-in-vaginas and all that shit...
Now, a social scientist could probably make a study of this Burka Porn trend. Is it a fear of Muslims that is making men want to see Muslim-looking women put in submissive positions and fucked? Is it the appeal of the exotic taboo -- like the videos in the 'Hot Nuns Fucking' section? Is it a subliminal reproach to Porn's rampant casual nudity and a desire to experience the erotic in a more restrained manner? Does any of this change when the Burka Women are mostly fucked in the ass...?
Like I said: someone could make a study of it. Me, I'm just watching it happen, and ringing the customers up. I'll let you know when real camels get involved...
I am Laslo.
So the roommate trusted the other roommate, and said roommate turned her over to the brown shirts.
national concealed carry can't come soon enough.
And it seemed justified.
To whom?
Diversity was never so much about diversity itself as it was about excluding. How many times have we seen this where the person or office in charge of diversity takes care to invite everyone except the whites, men, Christians, straights, etc. depending on the exercise? It is an approach guaranteed to divide and polarize the country while encouraging the development of cultural bubbles.
How does the country survive when half of it can't stand to live with or have anything to do with the other half? That's the kind of conflict usually only resolved by war or by dissolving the political union.
The good news is that Snowflakes melt when the heat is turned up.
They said that a Trump victory would open the floodgates of Hate, and they were right.
cyrus83 said...
Diversity was never so much about diversity itself as it was about excluding.
"Diversity" is about conformity. "Inclusion" is about exclusion.
"And it seemed justified."
Because liberal, just because liberal.
Blogger MayBee said...
This has been the problem with the "Shame" method of argumentation......
That whole well put Maybee.
The writer of this piece notes sharing the mundane bits of life with her roommate. But I would bet she has done the typical liberal conversational presumption of agreement on many contentious issues. The roommate probably didn't want to go there but after being "disenfranchised" for so long, couldn't take it anymore.
The writer leaves and essentially outs her roommate in a national publication that doesn't give a damn what the roommate's thoughts are. The writer has found the silent majority but will never understand them.
Whatever happened to diversity?
Conservatives have long said that skin color diversity is utterly meaningless. Intellectual diversity is where it's at. And her roommate didn't seem to do ANYTHING to her except vote for a candidate she didn't like. How is the writer not the utter bitch in this scenario?
Gee, I wonder why this author's roommate supported Trump. I doubt it will ever occur to these smug, overbearing assholes that, as Noonan said, we are tired of being patronized by our inferiors.
No joke. I've seen plenty of times where these Ivy League grads lecture working class men about their "privilege". What the fuck kind of nonsense is that?
I think a lot of us "nice people" do share some blame for letting things come to such a pass. Over the years, there have been many situations when I've felt that I didn't want to spend any time countering others' differing opinions, because not only did I have more important things to attend to, I was just bored to tears by people with entirely predictable, NPR/NYT-approved viewpoints. I guess I don't want to admit to myself that, in some instances, maybe my own cowardice had something to do with it.
Too many conservatives hope that, by being nice, the Left will similarly be nice. It's failed. It's time for a new tactic.
Beat the crap out of them.
As I saw on Ace, if a kid punches and kicks you constantly, and all you do is tell him not to do that, the lesson learned is that you can do whatever you want with no repurcussions. So, the option then is to beat his ass until he stops. Every single time. Make pain the connection and the behavior stops.
Humoring these lunatics is a huge problem. If you want be harsh, you could mention that the opponents of segregation in the 1950's had IDENTICAL assumptions and fears for the exact same reason.
I almost felt bad watching all of the clips of comedians, journalists, and Hillary supporters melting down after her loss.
Nonsense like this makes me feel WAY less bad. You idiots brought this on yourself.
I wish the phenom was limited to young snowflakes. I was reminded working with an East coast crew recently, it is alive and well many decades after.
I'm just so glad I was able to break free from them before the results came in..though I kinda wish I was a fly on the wall when they heard.
I've been interested to see how much the "us versus them" issue has been raised. It is portrayed as if there was an idyllic unity just a few weeks ago and everyone has betrayed the commune. Yet, the news has been filled with conflict and division and anger at every direction for years.
Was there an assumption that if we just continued there would be reconciliation? I don't think this was it. I think, and this is just me musing out loud, is that people are realizing their power center is gone, and it's a feeling of betrayal by those who were supposed to bolster that power.
We say we want community and reconciliation and diversity. But what we really want is our ego stroked and to get to tell other people what they have to do and believe.
We believe in unity by conformity not unity in diversity.
The author wrote another piece for the NYT last year: At the Beach in My Burkini.
mockturtle said...
And it seemed justified.
To whom?
11/12/16, 9:31 AM
Althouse usually plats this coy "how can it be" game.
Why isn't she able to admit the dark side of her community. is her identity so fragile.
This is who they are. Thus is what they do.
Blogger Paddy O said.
people are realizing their power center is gone, and it's a feeling of betrayal by those who were supposed to bolster that power.
Well..the picture painted by MSM leading up to the election was so off. It's a bit understandable many were shocked.
"I've been interested to see how much the "us versus them" issue has been raised. It is portrayed as if there was an idyllic unity just a few weeks ago and everyone has betrayed the commune."
For some values of "everyone". It's been pretty clear that the U.S. is a deeply divided nation since at least 9/11. Those with their hands on the megaphone are able to pretend that they are vast majority, that they are obviously Correct and Proper and opinions other than theirs are fringe and cray-cray as long as the megaphone-handlers have political power as well. When that power slips away (unexpectedly!) the bellows of anger start.
We've only become more divided since 9/11, I think. I'm not sure how this ends peacefully.
Notice how all this multi-culti PC diversity BS is nothing but a one-way street. When all the Hollywood lefty crowd that is always bleating about "diversity" and the fact America is "too white" and attempting to shove it down our throats even as they live in gated communities of the same color/race, notice when they threaten to leave the US if elections don't go their way, their destinations of choice always are the most undiversified, homogenous whitest nations on Earth, e.g., NZ, Aus, Canada, etc. NEVER, places FULL of "people of color" like Indonesia, Mexico, any place in black Africa or the Middle East. Gee, I wonder why that is?..
Hillary's party has been "us vs. them" since its inception nearly two centuries ago. Progressivism, by its very nature, views things in the negative terms of rejecting all that is old and traditional as bad, and reconstructing a new future paradise. It is agitation and hate and superiority from beginning to end. It is also utter blindness with regard to themselves, or to the extent that they can see, justification because they have projected their own twisted view on those they hold in contempt.
Blogger Bill said...
The author wrote another piece for the NYT last year: At the Beach in My Burkini.
Ah. So that's the inspiration for Laslo's comment?
I fear the term "humping" may be redefined at some point.
If enough conservatives stop buying librul newspapers, those newspapers will go broke or they would change just to survive
See, you have fallen into the mistake of trying to reason with respect to wholly irrational people. Besides, more and more these media are owned by people or companies that own multi-billion dollar corporations and industries, and they would be all too willing to take a loss on this leftist media.
I know an elderly black lady who is afraid she's going to be kicked out of her church because she voted for Trump.
"Whatever happened to diversity? . . . Benzizoune college experience turned into something university's normally encourage: confrontation and dealing with diversity." Look, I appreciate the sentiment and critique and all, but this is another faux-surprise head fake, right? I mean, we haven't had actual diverse diversity in higher ed since,oh, 1985 or so, and the actual pursuit of really existing diversity has been all about enforcing a particular prog orthodoxy. You know that. UW is part of it.
"After gaining access through the imposed intimacy of roommateship in a university that (I'm sure) promotes diversity, she betrayed this woman — who is perhaps 18 years old — and invited hatred. She did it deliberately, with fervor, and facilitated by the most powerful newspaper in America. And it seemed justified. Why?" "I'm sure": now that's funny. Yeah, I'm sure the university promotes diversity, just not the kind that involves doubleplusungood un-PC heterodoxy. "Why?": faux flabbergastingness, right? I mean, betrayal that serves the cause, making the personal political, shaming the un-PC Other with fervor is what they do, and have been doing for decades now. Why go to the NYT, and why should they publish? Because the left eats it up, is why. They love it.
Your moral qualms are quaint. Perhaps, if I may put my usual cynicism aside for just a moment, in the age of Trump such qualms will become slightly less irrelevant.
The part that explains all the other parts:
During a job interview recently, I was asked about the audience that I write for. I responded instantly: people who do not look like me. People I can shock with my multifaceted existence — the fact that I am Muslim and an ardent feminist, a child of immigrants and a writer in English. People — mainly white people — whom I can persuade to see reason by sharing parts of myself through stories that make me as real to them as they are to themselves.
This child will teach; you will learn.
Yes..sounds like a wonderful preachy roomie. I had one of those..always a cause or outrage to make my breakfast miserable.
Get ready for four years of incessant MSM-DNC complaining about homelessness, Islamophobia, the Imperial Presidency and the national debt.
They know that they are hypocrites. They have no shame in their quest for power.
When I was in college, not to be conceited, there were lots of people who would look at me and say that I was a good and decent, fun, caring, friendly, great guy. They, of course, did not know that I was/am one of those conservatives that they routinely spewed anger and hate toward.
At the time I thought I was fairly alone. But when I came out, and started writing a conservative column for the school newspaper (this was back before progressive censorship took over in colleges), I had more than a few people come up to me and shake my hand and confess that they too were conservative and they thought that they were all alone.
Meanwhile, there were the liberal-left types (again this was largely before the move into progressivism) who still thought of me to be a good guy, but still spewed their bile and thought that all conservatives were ipso facto bad and evil.
That did it: I unsubscribed. If there is anything worthwhile, I am sure you will let us know.
My half asian daughter 26 year old daughter told me Thursday she is not coming to Thanksgiving this year and will only meet with me at a 'safe place of her choosing' now.
We had an absolutely fantastic relationship prior to July of this year.
It's amazing how many people will reject 26 years of 1st hand knowledge in favor of some nonsense Hillary spewed.
Well Harry, at 26, she is still considered a dependent of sorts these days. Is she on your health insurance?
As much as I detest Hil, the "safe space" stuff came from elsewhere. I mean, Hil has a history of downplaying safe spaces for women.
This article shows graphically why women should not be allowed to vote.
Exactly how does one, as a freshman student, manage to even be considered to write an editorial in the NYT?
By telling them what they want to hear. Think Greg Packer in a burkini.
Incidentally, if an "us versus them mindset has defined this nation for as long as it has existed", it's rather remarkable that it's only now being voted into office.
"People I can shock with my multifaceted existence"
épater les blancs!
And it seemed justified. Why?
posted by Ann Althouse at 7:30 AM on Nov 12, 2016
No, it didn't. Because she is a hateful progressive bigot.
Because she is a hateful progressive bigot.
Try to avoid such redundancy in the future, Michael Fitzgerald.
This morning I received an Apple News email describing various 'stress-reduction' techniques, accompanied by a photo of the Trump family. So I responded to them:
"I unsubscribed to Apple Mail this morning because I was insulted by your implication that I would be 'stressed' due to Trump's election. I voted for Trump. So much for your being 'inclusive'. Your inclusiveness is, in fact, very EXclusive."
Where will this end? Will my Mac be disabled at some point because I'm not a Snowflake?
No joke. I've seen plenty of times where these Ivy League grads lecture working class men about their "privilege". What the fuck kind of nonsense is that?
No sh*t. I grew up as a skinny nerd in a Midwestern quarry town so my "white privilege" was to get beaten up pretty regularly.
Benzizoune college experience turned into something university's normally encourage: confrontation and dealing with diversity.
@Althouse, oh Hell NO! Once, yes, back when you and I were young. Not today. You're on a major university campus. Why not look around you and stop imagining that the university experience of today is the same as the 1960s and early 1970s.
Bob said...That did it: I unsubscribed.
But the NYT has issued a (post election) mea culpa. They still want(need)you.
And it seemed justified. Why?
It is not justified. You are close to realizing the NYT and the left are more like islamists than like us. They are enemies of freedom.
Per Harrywr2: My half asian daughter 26 year old daughter told me Thursday she is not coming to Thanksgiving this year and will only meet with me at a 'safe place of her choosing' now.
We had an absolutely fantastic relationship prior to July of this year.
It's amazing how many people will reject 26 years of 1st hand knowledge in favor of some nonsense Hillary spewed.
My brother hasn't spoken to me in over a year now and doesn't answer my emails. Not a millennial, he is an anti-American American in his mid-60's who is always threatening to leave the country but doesn't want to give up his house overlooking the ocean. He has never had a real job post college but lives off investments. He considers climate change to be the world's most ominous threat and considers people [other than him, of course] to be a blight on the planet.
A couple of thoughts.
First, it occurs to me that as an official or quasi-official policy during the past 16 years (at least) Muslims have lived a privileged existence in this country. No one is to hold any Muslim accountable for anything any other Muslim has done. Could you have warned authorities that this parent was talking about killing his daughter because she has adopted "western ways"? Well never mind. In fact, as an official policy we don't always even hold the perpetrators responsible.
Second, this op-ed has created a hostile environment for Romaissaa Benzizoune's roommate. Surely Title IX has something to say about this?
Third, if anything happens to this unnamed, but clearly recognizable, young lady then we the people should hold the Sulzberger family, Dean Baquet, James Dao, the president of NYU, the NYU Provost, and Romaissaa Benzizoune herself responsible.
The Eloi are just pissed that we Morlocks don't know our place.
The secret ballot is going to become a lot more important after this election.
I hate to use this term, but the writer suffers from an utter lack of self-awareness. The Trump supporters are them, and she clearly has the "us vs them" mentality herself. (And yeah, we've lived with an "us vs them" administration for the past eight years: what else would you expect from an Alinsky devotee). The writer's experience of her roommate should inform her about the mentality of Trump supporters, but in fact her prejudices about the latter poison her view of the former. Perhaps this will turn in to a "learning moment" for her. But I'm not optimistic.
Dennis Prager said it best: Conservatives think liberal/progressives are "dumb", but progressives think conservatives are "evil".
Believing your opponent is "evil" has justified a lot of misery in this world. You can speak to and try and educate "dumb" people, but you can not, will not talk, can not reason with the "evil" other. Nuke em, burn 'em, slaughter them, put them in camps---that's what you do with "evil" people.
Progressives are also good at projection. There was going to be rioting in the streets if Clinton won--those evil bigoted deplorable racist sexist homophobes would turn out in mass to burn 'er down. Well Clinton lost--and a bunch of people turned out in mass to burn 'er down.
Diversity is a one way street.
Burka Porn
Laslo, that's some very funny shit right there!
I know that most American Muslims disapprove of stabbing random strangers in the neck, but it happens. And it happens with far more frequency than Republicans attacking random Muslims on the street. Why is it incumbent on Republicans to reassure Muslims? Given all the recent mass murders shouldn't it be incumbent on Muslims to reassure Americans that they harbor no covert hostility?........Here are my thoughts about the speech Mr. Khan delivered to the Democratic Convention. I respect the sacrifice and his sense of loss, but I thought the speech was hectoring and self righteous. He held up the constitution like it was sacred writ and decided that Trump was in violation of its commandments. Trump was therefore unclean and needed to be expelled from the community. When I looked at Mr. Khan, I did not see a man who had assimilated American values and wanted to live at peace with his neighbors. Rather, I saw the same self righteous spirit that made his home country such a shithole. He didn't come to America to flee the dark spirits of Pakistan. He brought those spirits with him.......All of these things I sincerely believe, but I would never say them out loud. That's the Hollywood effect. They don't have the power to change people's opinions, but they do have the power to make those opinions disreputable.
Benzizoune is a class diversitist. She operates with the liberal standard: judge people by the "color of their skin", not the content of their character (e.g. principles). Unfortunately, this is an institutional progression in left-wing circles normalized by civil, popular, and cultural corruption, which likely traces its roots to debasement of human life through abortion rites and Planned Parenthood that reduces human life to colorful clumps of cells.
People I can shock with my multifaceted existence
She's a college student and "an ardent feminist" and a Democrat and a bigot towards white people?
I'm shocked!!
ADDED: Whatever happened to diversity?
No shit - this question pops into my head on a daily basis and every time I encounter the urban-planning "we all gotta live in a dense downtown area" mentality. It seems that we go ever farther down this path of defining words in our individual ways, so we end up at a place where "diversity" means "a group of people I like hanging out with" and "tolerance" means "hanging out with people who like different music than I do."
I'm just baffled with people stunned at how divided we are.
Did they miss the riots the last few years?
Did you think the Right adored Obama? We didn't riot, but we weren't happy.
Would we have been happy if Hillary won? No. We wouldn't have rioted, though.
This is 100% epistemic closure. These people have no concept that anybody, anywhere might not agree with them 100%.
So nice that her roommate has the NY Times and all of her like-minded friends. Shame her roommate likely has far fewer ways to express her views.
Because we're living with real, live totalitarianism in America and it is now flowering on college campuses and newsrooms across America. CNN is reporting a rash of hate crimes against Muslims by alleged Trump supporters without giving any specifics. They caught off a Muslim-American Trump supporter mid-speech on air yesterday, because she was speaking too much truth. This stuff is insane and dangerous.
People won't like it, but I'd start to restrict, heavily, press credentials to WH briefings. Politico would never get one. CNN unlikely. NBC unlikely.
My half asian daughter 26 year old daughter told me Thursday she is not coming to Thanksgiving this year and will only meet with me at a 'safe place of her choosing' now.
At the risk of being mean, I'd then cut all financial support for her education from that moment forward.
My brother hasn't spoken to me in over a year now and doesn't answer my emails. Not a millennial, he is an anti-American American in his mid-60's who is always threatening to leave the country but doesn't want to give up his house overlooking the ocean. He has never had a real job post college but lives off investments. He considers climate change to be the world's most ominous threat and considers people [other than him, of course] to be a blight on the planet.
I take it he wouldn't appreciate being asked "If climate change is so bad, why are you living so close to the ocean? Isn't it going to rise and aren't you just eroding the beach?". My cousin went off on one of his "If you voted for Trump, unfriend me" kicks. I replied "As your cousin, it hurts. But if you don't want me to be involved in your life, it is a decision you've made and I'll accept. Bye"
We owe these Progs NO explanations and NO apologies.
Hmm. The roomate is not a public figure. Does the "actual malice" standard for slander even have to be met here?
I now, daily, re-watch Colbert's show on the election. Because watching his heart break is cathartic as Hell.
I'll watch the clips of Hillary supporters crying at the Javits Center because they deserve it.
You brought it on yourselves.
If your response to this is "Well, America is totally racist", then honestly, fuck you. Using their logic, if about 200,000 votes change, we'd be a tolerate and egalitarian country.
I'm glad we're "racist" now.
Trump did not command a majority.
We hear only the conclusion: She was immune to reason and stuck in a mind-set that is stereotypically American.
Translation: The writer of the article is immune to reason and stuck in a mind-set that is stereotypically leftist.
She outed herself.
We owe these Progs NO explanations and NO apologies.
Right. Because Trump is SUCH a conservative. Get real.
He's a nationalist. And he's more "progressive" than any other Republican nationally.
He is not the savior of your party. He is changing it into the old Democrat party. With some of that good old fashioned fascism thrown into it.
Maybe the roommate isn't really a Trump girl but was just looking for an easy way to get rid of an annoying roommate.
"There was no reasoning with her"
I.e., no matter how much I verbally assaulted her, she doggedly kept not capitulating to my view of things!
Althouse asked:
"And it seemed justified. Why?"
It isn't justified. Even worse, though, is this- Benzizoune wrote the essay specifically to make her roommate a target of harassment and violence- specifically. Benzizoune knows exactly what she is doing and she and the paper will shamelessly hide behind the ruse of not naming the roommate. If the roommate comes to harm, which is quite possible by the way, she should sue Benzizoune and the paper into financial extinction.
"Rhythm and Balls said...
Trump did not command a majority."
Neither did Clinton.
Hey..the NYT has admitted they have a problem. That's the first step to recovery. Assuming some responsibility in the editorial area is gonna take some time. Be patient..
Speaking of silent majorities...
If the NYT and the feminist left get too hostile to President Trump
He can always nominate Norma McCorvey to the Supreme Court
She's not a lawyer
But I think she has something important to say
Or you could make her solicitor general
Right before that big abortion case
And let her speak to the unelected people who "resolved her case."
He's a nationalist., claims R&B.
News flash! Yes, he is a nationalist. So am I. And don't confuse me with the GOP. I'm an Independent.
Anglelyne suggests: Maybe the roommate isn't really a Trump girl but was just looking for an easy way to get rid of an annoying roommate.
Good one! I've rid myself of several acquaintances by admitting I supported Trump. They were not all acquaintances I wanted to be rid of but at least half of them were.
Hideous person. Vile. I hope the high horse she rides is an Arabian and that in the near future it bucks her off onto the harsh hard asphalt of life.
Walter wrote:
"Hey..the NYT has admitted they have a problem. That's the first step to recovery. Assuming some responsibility in the editorial area is gonna take some time. Be patient.."
Shorter version of the post election mea culpa: "With Trump Winning, we promise to not discriminate against subscription and ad money."
Benzizoune should calm herself. The goal of increased, not progressive, scrutiny, is to assess correlation based on principled alignment. Americans are not, as a matter of principle, class diversitists, they are not "=" or Pro-Choice. They are rational and reasonable, and tolerant to a fault. They recognize individual dignity and with knowledge can deduce the nuance inherent to each class (i.e. "content of character"). Her life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness are not threatened. That said, perhaps the next president will undo the legacy of his predecessor and wannabe, and end the progressive wars and immigration "reform" that threaten Benzizoune's relatives and friends.
I was hoping the Left would just go and cry quietly in their beer [or their Pinot Noir] but, no! They want to rain on our parade. Fuck them!
I was hoping the Left would just go and cry quietly in their beer [or their Pinot Noir] but, no! They want to rain on our parade. Fuck them!
You can't. "The left" WON you this election. Those former factory workers were poised to vote for Bernie, and voted for Trump as the person who was left to take up the banner of all his issues. Enjoy it!
You don't even know why he won. The right is as hopeless as the left.
I wonder how long the marching brigades will last once the cold sets in.
I was on campus election night and there was a GOTV clan that dwindled long before the polls closed. I asked them what happened and one said " got colder"
"voted for Trump as the person who was left to take up the banner of all his issues"
Bullshit. Berno was promising entitlements and class warfare.
My friends and relatives could process my support for Trump in two ways.
One way would be to remember that, having known me all my life, I am a pretty fair person, not a racist, not a homophobe, not a xenophobe, and from that to infer that not all Trump supporters, and even possibly not Trump, are deplorable monsters.
The other way would be to conclude that, since I voted for Trump and the spectrum of opinion leaders has told them that I am now a racist bigot, I am now a racist bigot.
Virtually all of them have taken the second path. None will explain how it might be that my character has undergone such a remarkable change virtually overnight. None will listen to my reasoning, apparently being afraid of having their ears polluted.
A lot of people whom I love hate me now. Simple disagreement is not enough for them. Only outrage and hate will do. This makes me sad. Sad, but not regretful.
Bullshit. Berno was promising entitlements and class warfare.
Go ask them if they care. All that mattered was standing up for working class workers - which they both did.
But you wouldn't know that because you've never been to that part of the country, you've never had a manufacturing job, you've never been anything other than an establishment conservative talking-points spewing ideologue, and you're a 400 lb loser in his underpants who jerks off on the computer all day.
Trump made a very concerted effort to appeal to Bernie voters - the same voters whose candidate would have crushed Trump in a head-to-head match.
Right Tyrone. "Now". I think the best approach is to not engage those folks for a while. They are in a state of shock.
R&B unhinged..
The 400lb loser bit is quite funny. seem like you are shoulder to shoulder with the forgotten blue collar folk.
Try decaf.
Tyrone? R&B is a prime example. I really shouldn't engage him in his current state.
One of the consistent debates in our house between the boyfriend and I concerns my "train wreck" approach to consuming the news. I just can't tear myself away from the endless examples of stupid, much like passing a wreck on the highway you can't help look at. He says to me "WHY do you read that stuff when there are so many interesting, non-news information out there to consume" (he is a huge fan of engineering channels on YouTube).
The stupid on display since the election is like nothing I've ever seen - stupid piled onto stupid on top of more stupid - on a platform of stupid sitting on a foundation of stupid.
I am pondering replacing all of this time spent on the wreckage that is the media with an intensive study of "Star Trek". Roddenberry at least had more hope for our world.
In college in the 1970s I ran very much toward the hippie end of the spectrum. I had very very different room mates at times but this in no way freaked me out, I thought it was interesting. Fraternities were an alien world, but one night we were hanging out by the river and there was a tree house (a big one) which I was up in and there was a guy with his date. We could not see each other at all. Began talking, really hit it off, and then I found that he was in a frat and her a sorority. It struck me how we judge by appearance and group identity, often unfairly.
The view that anyone different from you is either evil or crazy is a very immature one. Very few people in the world will ever be just like you in every way. Even your older self will not agree politically with your younger self.
This illustrates what I think is the key difference between Liberals and non-Liberals: for Liberals, what you say are what matter, not what you do. Thus Trump is "unfit" because of things he has said, whereas Hillary's actual documented actions are completely ignored because she says the right things.
An even more stark illustration are the Gores and DiCaprio's of the world who say they are extremely concerned about the environment, especially Global Warming, while acting in direct contradiction of their words.
They come for you in the night . . . .
Unknown, I was also on the hippie left, as was my brother, in the late 60's & early 70's but I remember my family all got together for holidays and, despite sharp ideological differences, got along civilly. I'd say it is a combination of gross immaturity and naivete that has created today's distinctly one-sided estrangement. These SWJs are the product of a morally bankrupt culture, an incompetent educational system and poor parenting. It's really too bad they are given so much attention. But, like angry toddlers, they will scream and throw things in order to get it.
SJWs, that is...
Even funnier, I am being lambasted on another site because I don't see a point in trying to "assuage the fears" of minorities. Because they'd be worried about my feelings if the situation was reversed. If you're voting, you should be treated like an adult.
Go ask them if they care. All that mattered was standing up for working class workers - which they both did.
I will give them that. I don't think Bernie supporters flocked to him because he was promising free shit. They clearly wanted somebody ELSE. When Hillary kept trying to give away more and more free shit, Sanders' support didn't really drop all that much. It wasn't just the free shit they wanted. Sure, that was a piece of it, but I feel they were more of a protest vote. Not sure they wanted Bernie --- but they sure as hell didn't want Hillary and he was the one doing the most to stop her.
Sadly, he did as little as possible and seemed far too concerned with not attacking her. But he was a standard bearer, I'd assume. I don't agree with his policy proposals at all, but I'm angry at him for selling out his supporters. Those people expected that he was serious and, looking at the Wikileaks releases, I'm not sure if he was anywhere near as serious as his supporters.
Trump did not command a majority.
True. But it's funny that no Clinton has ever drawn a majority of the popular vote in a Presidential election.
He is not the savior of your party.
He actually might be. Anybody to kill off the control the Chamber of Commerce has over the party isn't bad. At this point, I'd even be less antagonistic of private unions (UAW, etc --- provided they don't harass non-members and all) if we shut down public ones. Private unions are an issue between a company and its labor and, thus, not MY business. I don't like them, but America isn't made to make me like things.
The party elite don't want to notice that a lot of what they --- and myself --- held dear are unworkable. Free trade is a great idea, but to ignore that there is a deep and serious human toll to allow relatively few to become extremely rich is wrong.
What is Althouwe fussing about?
I thunk it'll be ok if we let minorities speak.
Civility BS, carry on.
Dreams wrote:
"Well, he got the big one right and I'm guessing you didn't. Trump's victory."
I voted for Trump. I wouldn't have had the balls to proclaim that he would win, but that's me.
I'm just amused that, if you read that Comey column, Adams bet the farm -- his entire philosophy -- on his reading of Comey's ethics.
He made a great case for it, but it still failed. Does he reconsider his beliefs? I suspect that would cause cognitive dissonance, so he won't.
Trump actually did win the majority -- 30 of 50 states.
I'm a fan of Trump's savory anti-illegal immigrant agenda.
The Washington Post thinks attempts to repeal the Electoral College is lunacy:
Getting rid of the electoral college? Dream on, Democrats.
Here's the kicker:
So you can bet that are a whole bunch of Democrats right now that would like to put an end to this whole electoral college thing.
The bad news: They have virtually no power to make that happen -- and even they did have any power, it'd be immensely difficult.
The electoral college, after all, is enshrined in our Constitution, which means getting rid of it requires a constitutional amendment. That's a two-thirds vote in both the House and the Senate and the ratification of three-fourths (38) of the 50 states.
My bad. I said 30/50 states. You need 38/50 states!
Althouse said..."After gaining access through the imposed intimacy of roommateship in a university that (I'm sure) promotes diversity,..."
Do you accept these promotions of diversity at face value?
Here's a typical outcome of a university's promotion of "diversity".
Why do leftists endlessly prattle on about the beauty and necessity of diversity but then act contrary to that professed ideal at every turn?
Are you seriously surprised, Professor? Fen's Law.
I'm a little baffled by the defense of Bernie Sanders, who completely compromised himself vis-a-vis Hillary Clinton and the DNC despite actual evidence shows collusion between the latter two against him. By his actions, he showed quite clearly that he has no integrity.
"It's not jut the elite who set that party's corporatist [sic] agenda."
You are talking about the Democrat Party right? They are the ones who took millions fro corporate American. Did you even look at what fees Bill and Hillary were charging for minor speeches to large, mostly finance, companies? Did you hear Hillary brag about how she was a friend of Wall Street? Have you looked at the millions George Soros has sunk into anti-Democratic movements?
I'm also baffled that your standard of whether Trump "means it" is if he picks people for his administration that liberals and the establishment like.
R&B, out of curiosity, do you actually enjoy being so angry? I'm actually being only slightly sarcastic--I've long wondered how people can live their lives so incredibly angry.
The last 4 days have been a dream! Might be a nightmare to a libtard.
It's a cognitive dissonance. They can't process what happened on Tuesday. Thus the riots, the snark and the tears.
Poor libtards, they really deserve our pity.
Just think how great things would be for the liberals if Biden had run instead of Hillary. Sure, he's B-team, but it turns that Hillary was C-team. In my state, Trump got a few thousand more votes than Romney did in 2012, but Hillary got 40,000 fewer votes than Obama in 2012 (that's about 20% fewer!).
Hoax. Like Obama's girlfriends, the room mate is a "composite", which is to say made up, as are her quotes.
He's a serious politician. WHat more do you want of him?
To not bend own and kiss Hillary's feet would be nice. Having a deal in place early to not attack her is just sad. His supporters deserved better than a guy who was half-assing it.
I listen to Chicago progressive talk radio on weekends, an alt universe. Today they were trying to discuss the election and to chart a path forward. It was pathetic. Here's a few facts these snowflake progressives couldn't face, weren't able to mention.
1. It wasn't just Hillary that lost - the Democrats lost all across the country and the Republicans now control the White House, Senate, House, a majority of state legislatures and governors and soon the Supreme Court. So whatever happened it wasn't missteps by Hillary's campaign, it wasn't James Comey, it wasn't anything particular to any candidate. But these lefties asserted that the country was with them because Hillary won the popular vote ("Ever hear of cheating in the cities, Mr. Lefty?" "Why no") and they said that the media was too easy on Trump. (The media dropped all pretense of objectivity and 90% of all stories were unfavorable to Trump.)
2. The Democrats lost the working class. In the Rust Belt the whites voted against them and the blacks did not turn out. In Wisconsin black turnout in Milwaukee dropped by 70,000 and the Trump won Wisconsin by 27,000 votes. The other Rust Belt states were like that. These snowflake progressives couldn't face that issue but it should be THE ISSUE for progressives.
3. It is Democrats who refuse to reform and thereby save the cities. The Democratic city votes down its surrounding Republican county, thereby preventing reform. Then lack of reform is blamed on the racism of the "white" county voters (who just voted for reform and were outvoted by black Democrats.) The progressives worked to re-elect the Democrats, fighting against Republicans and reform in the counties around the big cities. It is Democrats who created the prosecuting and policing policies the progressives complain about in Milwaukee, Chicago and other cities. Milwaukee city outvotes Milwaukee County to return John Chisolm, the prosecutor whose policies BLM condemns It is Democrats who refuse to reform the Chicago schools and who outvote the Republicans in Cook county
3. All "progressive" attention is focused on the most ridiculous people in America: the special snowflakes in colleges who are unable to discuss issues intelligently and those illegals who are burning the flag and burning down buildings to prove they should be here. No progressive attention is focused on the number of blacks now being gunned down by other blacks in the big cities as a result of progressive ideas on stop and frisk and policing.
The Thirties are over and so are the progressives but the T-shirt is cool on Facebook and you can snark on Twitter. That's what matters to snowflake progressives
I read about these things happening, but I never thought it would happen to me...
There was political protest marching up the street, down from my second-floor apartment. I was thinking of going somewhere else to avoid all the noise when there was a knock at my door.
I opened the door, and it was one of the protesters, asking if she could use my bathroom. I would probably had said no, but she was beautiful: long flowing blonde hair, twinkling blue eyes and a tiny silver stud on the side of her nose.
"Sure, come in," I said, pointing out the bathroom.
After she returned she thanked me, then looked out the window at the crowd.
"It must be very distracting up here, with all the commotion down there."
"Yeah," I replied. "I was thinking of heading out, maybe grabbing a beer somewhere quiet."
"You know," she said, "I'm not really that much into politics: my friends kinda dragged me along. To tell the truth, they are kinda getting on my nerves, too."
"Well, you can join me at the bar, if you like."
She looked thoughtful for a moment, and as she did so I admired her fine, slim shape, and I think I saw a nipple piercing pushing at her t-shirt beneath her coat.
"The bar sounds nice," she said, "But I think what I'd rather do is stay here and suck your cock."
"Wow! Was I surprised! To make a long story short, she sucked my cock and had me come on her tits, where there was -- indeed -- a nipple ring.
"Thanks for the use of the bathroom," she said, as she was preparing to leave.
"Thank YOU," I said, still not believing my good fortune.
I'm not that political, myself, but she sure made me glad to be an American!
I am Laslo.
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