That's in the sidebar as I read the item that's ranked at #2. I'm amazed at how much space they gave to that Biden internet meme. Some of the examples are sort of yummy junk food, but how much of that stuff are you going to eat?
१५ नोव्हेंबर, २०१६
What are people reading at The Washington Post?
It's a diet designed to fuel the Trump freakout:

That's in the sidebar as I read the item that's ranked at #2. I'm amazed at how much space they gave to that Biden internet meme. Some of the examples are sort of yummy junk food, but how much of that stuff are you going to eat?
That's in the sidebar as I read the item that's ranked at #2. I'm amazed at how much space they gave to that Biden internet meme. Some of the examples are sort of yummy junk food, but how much of that stuff are you going to eat?
१०२ टिप्पण्या:
WaPo is the company newsletter for federal employees.
Ann, I hate most of this. But the fact that many our freaking out over Trump becoming president is not a bad thing. He is a worrisome character and it is even more worrisome that so many in this country would make him president.
Ann, come clean. Did you vote for him? Do you think he is fit to be president?
If anyone thought there would be some soul searching or media correction post election they were sorely mistaken. The coordinated propaganda is just beginning. However, they go into this post-election with their credibility shot.
Everyone is just getting revved up. I wouldn't expect a Trump administration to just sit there and take it. Time for some push back.
Press secretary is going to be a big job over the next four years.
When Trump was asked by the Wall Street Journal a couple of days ago if he regretted anything he said during the campaign, he replied "no, I won."
Does that bother you?
Is Trump going to Rea lease his 2016, 2017, and 2018 tax returns while he is president? I suspect he will not. Will that bother you?
"We're not going anywhere."
That's more true than the speakers want to believe.
I think that the better question is: "Why are people reading The Washington Post?"
The WP hasn't offered a discount in a few days. What's going on?
Two stories on the confederate flag police officer!!
"he replied "no, I won."
Does that bother you? "
Hilarious! You know who else said that same thing? And not about mere words, but about working with the people's representatives.
I'd defend ape in high heels as freedom to insult. They wouldn't say it of Condeliza Rice, so it's something else. I think that Michelle has nothing interesting to say and pretends to be important in that regard.
Like lipstick on a pig, but intellectual rather than physical.
As I have been pointing out for years, the hillbilly element is overrunning this country. It is the height of political correctness that truthfully labeling them as such causes them to scream about their victim hood.
But the hillbillies have gotten their hillbilly king as President. He will surely threaten the Republic as we have known it. But they now must own it.
Once written, twice...
"But the fact that many our freaking out over Trump becoming president is not a bad thing."
Given who's doing the freaking out, it's helping to reassure me he may not be as bad as I predict. But then I remind myself he can be a bad guy even if the left says he is.
Is Trump going to Rea lease his 2016, 2017, and 2018 tax returns while he is president? I suspect he will not. Will that bother you?
Why should he? There are plenty of entrenched lefties in the IRS (Lois Lerner was just one of the more brazen who made her malfeasance easily documented.) who would love to get Trump if they can.
Set an example and release yours. And the records of your psychiatric treatments while your at it.
Now I won would be a palindrome.
A California-based network security company has accepted the resignation of their CEO of he threatened to kill President-elect Donald Trump. Matt Harrigan, the now FORMER CEO of PacketSled, went on a Facebook tirade on election night. The series of angry messages were part of a private thread that someone exposed through a series of screenshots. In those posts, Harrigan made quite clear the intent to kill Mr. Trump: “I’m going to kill the president. Elect.” “Bring it secret service.” “Getting a sniper rifle and perching myself where it counts. Find a bedroom in the whitehouse that suits you motherf***er.
And now he has a lot of free time!
Once, nothing you say bothers me, since you have been demonstrated to be completely clueless time after time after time.
But I wonder if it bothered you how many hundreds of millions Hillary made off of her and her husband's government jobs? But that was OK because she was a Democrat! Well, I expect Trump will put his money in a blind trust, and not open a "charitable foundation" to park his political operatives, and if he does abuse the presidency for personal gain, I will support his impeachment.
I wasn't a Trump fan, but he does have all the right enemies to turn his doubters around.
Once written, twice... said...
Do you think he is fit to be president?
Reports are coming out that Hillary got physical with Robby Mook and John Podesta on election night, and that her six o'clock toast turned into a bender. She was so fit to be President that she was drunk and crying uncontrollably. It's why she could address her supporters that night, and more than likely why the press conference the next day was delayed.
Now, there's a real story. CNN has it. And they are burying it.
Her doctors had to give her Woody Allen's hangover recipe from "Broadway Danny Rose".
Now...I'll give some's a big this to lose, especially when you had no idea it was coming. But that type of massive getting it wrong during her campaign's election strategy, certainly illustrates that she was unfit to be President.
If here strategy for the campaign was so far off, Trump is probably right. She got out played and outsmarted on the world stage as well.
And "Once written, twice" goes off on a racist rant.
But she swears it's not racist. Nobody thinks they are racist, Once, just realist, isn't it that way with you too?
Wapo - Joke & house organ for the corruptocrats.
"Is Trump going to release his 2016, 2017, and 2018 tax returns while he is president? "
The election ended last week.
He's under constant audit, so what could possibly be there? Everybody already assumes they show him using the tax laws to maximum advantage, and he won anyway. The only surprise would be that he paid more than he should have. Would that have changed your vote,or anybody else's?
As I have been pointing out for years, the hillbilly element is overrunning this country.
For an urbane sophisticate you have a remarkably limited vocabulary.
I'd question the grammar of unfit to be president.
The negation is absorbed into the adjective, where it no longer makes strict sense.
MayBee said...
Two stories on the confederate flag police officer!!
None on the Trump supporter physically attacked by multiple Clinton supporters.
Your headline should have read, "Why are people reading the Washington Post?".
Democrat Dutch Oven.
I am Laslo.
This is my favorite Washington Post story right now:
Washington Post staffers are expressing concern to top business-side executives at the company after guests at an election night party at the paper’s headquarters were encouraged to remove napkins from a female server’s body.
“[The] napkin-wearing woman who was being disrobed by guests went beyond inappropriate to offensive to those those of us who resent seeing women continually being reduced to and offered as objects of men’s sexual desires,” read a Friday letter to Publisher Fred Ryan and Vice President for Communications & Events Kris Coratti.
Post Articles Editor Elizabeth Chang sent the letter on behalf of around 150 male and female staffers. The Huffington Post obtained a copy from a Post source.
The woman in question was wearing something underneath the napkin dress. But staffers were rankled by the concept, especially as misogyny and sexual harassment were major themes in the 2016 election.
Reminds me of the Kennedy/Dodd Waitress Sandwich.
"I'm amazed at how much space they gave to that Biden internet meme." Back to faux amazement?
Trump will not release his upcoming tax returns while he is president. Why should he? His hillbilly army thinks he is sticking it to the establishment.
This is but one small example of how Trump, with the giddy support of his supporters, will continue to define our political norms down.
I guess it indicates that people have retreated back to the safety of their bubbles. The NYT and WaPo will continue to offer succor to distressed coastal elites dealing with what must be trying times for them.
If there's one main thing this election has taught me it's that the easier it is to communicate with one another, the more isolated and balkanized we choose to become.
Also, is anyone listening to Obama right now?
Wow he is droning on and on and on in Greece. I think he's moved onto his post-presidency, world wisdom leader fantasy.
"As I have been pointing out for years, the hillbilly element is overrunning this country."
OK, so what should be done about that: forced reducation, martial law, concentration camps, firing squads, what?
Free elections obviously aren't gonna help you force your views on them.
"Is Trump going to Rea lease (sic) his 2016, 2017, and 2018 tax returns while he is president? I suspect he will not. Will that bother you?"
Anyone who thinks the Obama-weaponized IRS has or would secretly give a Republican president a pass on illegal tax claims is clearly delusional. Besides, I thought the agreement was he would have no dealings with his businesses, as is proper. If he doesn't operate the business, but only draws income from it in one form or another, what's to report other than the income gained? He's already pledged to forego $1.6 million in presidential salary. Isn't that equivalent to over payment of taxes? What exactly is your point, other than the pettiness?
Is Trump going to Rea lease his 2016, 2017, and 2018 tax returns while he is president?
I'm surprised there's not been more talk about this.
Trump alone among all others declared fuck you, it's none of your business - and now it no longer is. This is how old precedents are overturned and new ones are set.
Releasing tax returns will now become as optional as releasing wedding night video tapes or recordings from the confessional.
The Post is a propaganda platform for the silicon valley pirates. Amazon, Google and Apple with their “double irish dutch sandwich” tax shelters are the biggest tax cheats in the world. When you’re worth 70 billion, buying the Post for $250 million could be good insurance against Madame Defarge and the deplorables. I am surprised that Google hasn’t bought the New York Times.
"will continue to define our political norms down."
We may even slip down to where an openly corrupt seller of American influence and proven liar who enriched herself in office can become President through the lofty standard of vagina possession. Maybe that's why Trump grabs them - for the power. He's a power grabber.
When Trump was asked by the Wall Street Journal a couple of days ago if he regretted anything he said during the campaign, he replied "no, I won."
Does that bother you?
No and it is a constant source of amusement to me how dense you lefties are. Somebody asked you if Hillary's corruption bothered you. No answer.
Her alleged drunken binge election night is now leaking out. Does that bother you ?
You are clueless and this is my last response to your comments. They do remind me how stupid the left is.
I think it was the day before yesterday that I came across that family portrait of the Trumps with the kid astride the hobbyhorse/lion.
Totally freaking awesome!
Who thinks Trump will respond to FOIA requests? His hiding of information will make Clinton's e-mails look like peanuts. Which they were.
Blogger Once written, twice... said...
Who thinks Trump will respond to FOIA requests?
Hopefully out of the gate he will respond to all the ones delayed or ignored by Obama and Hillary.
That'll be fun. I'll bet there are some nervous people who were banking on a Hillary win to cover their tracks.
I'll bet he gets gnats ass tight control on emails.
Why feed the troll?
I am a non-hillbilly, as a foreigner can never be, but I rather like hillbillies. I find them charming.
I have a difficult time understanding the antipathy.
They are your threatened native breed, closest to your native customs and roots culture. In most countries the elite has an indulgent relationship with them, however much they screw them over in practical affairs. Thats why governments and elite institutions everywhere subsidize folkloric music and dance, promote nationalist memes and symbols. Heck, just check out Mexico over the border. The upper crust may privately sneer at the masses, but they are nothing if not respectfully indulgent in public and the mass media.
And so with most other countries.
The US is different in the overt class and cultural hostility towards its native masses. This it seems may be due to the intense parochialism of the US elite. They are an extremely narrow lot I find.
Michael K said...
Her alleged drunken binge election night is now leaking out.
Just like Hillary, my cousin and I had quite a celebratory drunken binge on election night.
We even shotgunned a beer when the networks called Wisconsin for Trump. Hadn't done that since college.
"Why feed the troll?"
Agreed. It is hard to resist the temptation of stupidity like "make Clinton's e-mails look like peanuts. "
No clue.
Michael K said...
WaPo is the company newsletter for federal employees.
Ding, ding, ding !!
Imus says that even the people who play bluegrass don't like bluegrass.
The McGarigles are the ones who knew how to play the banjo, and they're Canadian.
Somebody said that everybody can play the banjo, but gentlemen refrain.
Ann, that a majority of your commenters think that fake news like Clinton was drunk and violent on election night must make you so proud. That is what makes them the Althouse Hillbillies.
I notice the press still hasn't asked a single Democrat to ask the protestors to stop.
Ann, I hate most of this. But the fact that many our freaking out over Trump becoming president is not a bad thing. He is a worrisome character and it is even more worrisome that so many in this country would make him president.
So, you approve of all of it and your first sentence was utter bullshit.
"I don't like violence...but damn, can you BLAME them?"
Mind you, many of us were quite freaked out over Obama. Avoided riots.
Really would've freaked out over Hillary. We wouldn't have rioted though.
You're just making the reluctant Trump voters become die-hard Trump voters.
When Trump was asked by the Wall Street Journal a couple of days ago if he regretted anything he said during the campaign, he replied "no, I won."
Does that bother you?
He was quoting Obama.
Is Trump going to Rea lease his 2016, 2017, and 2018 tax returns while he is president? I suspect he will not. Will that bother you?
No. Just as you weren't concerned that Obama never released his academic records as Bush did.
Once ...
Asking as a foreign observer - what is the root of the attitude towards "hillbillies" or for that matter, southern accents?
I find this all quite puzzling and I would like an in depth statement. Where does your set of opinions come from? It would be very instructive and make this a useful thread.
Once written, twice ... @ 8:58 AM
Is Trump going to realease his 2016, 2017, and 2018 tax returns while he is president? I suspect he will not. Will that bother you?
We had to wait four years for Obama to release his birth certificate.
The inside stories from her campaign are now leaking.
Good read above.
It'll hit mainstream. The loyalty to the Clinton's will diminish quickly now that it's save yourself at all cost.
Trump was not quoting Obama. Trump is justifying his election tactics as "the ends justifies the means." Obama said no such thing.
This is the Hillbilly thinking that I am speaking of...
Obama didn't provide his birth certificate so Trump does not have to release his upcoming tax returns when President.
More hillbilly thinking...
Critizing racist and sexiest speech and actions is political correctness.
"But don't you dare call us Hillbillies!"
Scott Adams explains Washington's terrible cognitive dissonance.
I thought the churlish meltdown by the left would have subsided by now, but it's becoming even more pronounced. I believe they'd quit immediately if they knew how thoroughly we're enjoying it!
"Ann, come clean. Did you vote for him? Do you think he is fit to be president?"
What difference at this point does it make?
He's going to be the President, and I am absolutely hoping for the best for our country. He offered to make America great again, we the People (not me, one person) accepted the offer, and I'm holding him to the bargain. I'm happy to have a President that people are free to criticize and invigorated to criticize, and I'll oppose particular things he tries to do, but I'm going to criticize the immature bullshit of the critics too.
One of Trump's greatest attributes is he makes exactly the right enemies, makes exactly the right heads explode, and he worries precisely the right people. Once Written, if you in particular are worried, then you in particular SHOULD be worried...
Another leftist calling for violence.
I am going to quote John Oliver here. DO IT. Once Written, you are an idiot. You are only useful to us if you go out and loot some stores in some deep blue city with your idiot Soros paid friends. Don't just sit back and talk. Burn your own cities down. Continue to support illegal aliens voting and trying to destroy the integrity of our elections.
After you do this we will kick you all out and help decent people rebuild their cities. You people are completely worthless except as props.
Once written, twice read ... with amusement.
An almost unbroken record of being wrong about the election. Coupled with a total lack of introspection despite the world not operating in the manner you demand.
Pure speculation, through your demonstratively hazy filter, about what Trump will do.
Your continual name calling (did you know "educated" white men gave Trump a majority?). And even THAT is predicated on your narrow definition that educated = credentialed.
You are a funny guy, Once, but never again. Not funny like Laslo. But very funny none-the-less.
Well Ann, if it does not make a difference, then why don't you come clean?
Once written, twice... said...
Well Ann, if it does not make a difference, then why don't you come clean?
The incessant demands and interrogations begin.
Sounds like the Hitler bunker scenario played out in Clinton campaign HQ election night, and has permeated the left ever since.
Only question is whether Hillary is directing the countercoup herself from Argenti... I mean Chappaqua.
Once Written, maybe she wrote in Obama for old time's sake.
"Democrat Dutch Oven"
Tough to get more succinct than that. Blue clowns ripping up blue cities. Blue drama queens signaling to other blue drama queens on Facebook. Blue shit in blue beds. Why should anyone else care?
Imus says that even the people who play bluegrass don't like bluegrass.
Well, Imus's only qualification to be on the radio pontificating seems to be his voice. Other than that, he seems to be a perfect fool. I listened to him for maybe one part of one show, so I am no expert, but I am wondering. Did he ever sell the rest of those "buffalo shirts"?
Is anyone else beginning to suspect that 'Once bitten' has personal reasons for hating 'hillbillies'? I'm beginning to think he's a goateed opera-loving pajama boy with a PhD whose wife ran off with her studly high-school-educated Appalachian-accented bluegrass-banjo-playing auto mechanic, and that she's very happy now with her new lover, who also makes more money than 'Once bitten'.
Critizing racist and sexiest speech and actions is political correctness.
"But don't you dare call us Hillbillies!"
I seriously doubt that anybody here cares about you calling us Hillbillies. What is amusing to us is your use of an obviously racist term to decry what you claim is racism. Maybe you will understand it this way: we are laughing at you.
One of my maternal ancestors was a hillbilly--a tobacco farmer in Appalachia. Call me whatever you like.
When Obama said "I won" he didn't mean it the same way as when Trump said "I won." Obama meant it all suave and sophisticated like, Trump meant it like Genghis Khan would have.
The deplorables that Obama beat should have just shut up and gone away right then. The refined and intellectually superior people that Trump beat will never shut up.
They told us that Trump would never accept defeat and that he was therefore an asshole.
Once... I suggest you step away from the keyboard before you hurt yourself. It's early in the day to be drunk.
Althouse left out the commas, and they need to be there.
"But don't you dare call us Hillbillies!"
And this is what I want to understand.
This sort of thing is NOT normal. Calling the volk names, defined as terms for the volk, for being the volk, is generally considered a faux pas at least, in the politics of most countries. The usual thing is to genuflect towards the volk. The usual thing is to claim to be of the volk. And this crosses cultural boundaries. It applies even in Turkey (where Erdogan for instance makes a big deal of his humble origins and presumes to represent the essential people of the land) and Iran. Notably it does NOT apply in many Arab countries where birth/ancestry status is a big thing even in popular culture.
I also understand that in this respect the US was normal, once upon a time. But it is not normal now. Why? Where did this come from? The best way to figure it out is to ask such as Once... I have had no luck with this over the last 20 years or so btw. There is a lack of introspective narration on such matters, which is also curious, and probably means something.
Trump was not quoting Obama.
Obama said it first. Don't like spiking the football? Then don't spike it. Otherwise, you're just whining.
Trump is justifying his election tactics as "the ends justifies the means." Obama said no such thing.
He was using it to stifle opposition. His attack dog Reid specifically said it as well.
But it is not normal now. Why?
It is still the norm, some people are just assholes. They get a tiny thrill from causing people they hate pain, and this one is so lacking intelligence and creativity he can't think of an effective method so he's left with this.
"It is still the norm, some people are just assholes."
No, I don't think it is the norm; rather in a broad swathe of the US population it is absolutely not the norm. This is puzzling.
Well, of course they are assholes. However, I find it interesting and important to understand assholes and the uncreative also. They too have a worldview, and I like understanding that.
Dr Weevil said...
Is anyone else beginning to suspect that 'Once bitten' has personal reasons for hating 'hillbillies'?
My guess is that he watched Deliverance, and the He got a real pretty mouth ain't he? scene triggered a flashback to long-running childhood abuse, which he then displaced onto the mountain folk.
I'm a-ok with ending the ridiculous practice of releasing tax returns. Hopefully the regular calls for school transcripts will go that way next next. They provide absolutely no useful information about a candidate, just fodder for a bunch of gotcha! articles.
rather in a broad swathe of the US population it is absolutely not the norm.
You're oversampling political people. Left wingers don't believe it anymore, their leaders concluded decades ago they're willing to abandon any commitment to decorum to win, a lesson they learned from old time radicals (ironically since those radicals were so unsuccessful their heirs now disavow them). Part of cult indoctrination is to grant the target a warm safe space, but the other part is to make all other spaces seem scary and hateful. Hence the activist training in bullying and inappropriate politicizing which takes advantage of the traditional goodwill and freedom in American culture. But only 5% or so of the population can be thus described. They just seem much more common because they're the ones always running their mouths & fingers.
The "anon explains Joe Biden memes" screen cap over on r/The_Donald/ made me chuckle.
Once written: Obama didn't provide his birth certificate so Trump does not have to release his upcoming tax returns when President.
No, that's your thinking, which makes you the hillbilly by your own definition. No one has made that claim but you.
Is anyone else beginning to suspect that 'Once bitten' has personal reasons for hating 'hillbillies'?
With that well-polished prose and adroit wit? Surely not...
No, I don't think it is the norm; rather in a broad swathe of the US population it is absolutely not the norm. This is puzzling.
It's actually quite easy to understand, buwaya. I'm a hillbilly. Literally. Come from a long line of Ulster Scot/Cherokee/African mutts whose primary modes of making a living were to mining, 'shining, and dirt farming. We're a happy people. We can't be told we should be unhappy and have the telling make us so. We can't be flattered about how happy we are, because that's just the way it is. We can't be denigrated and made to feel inferior because we're so damned happy and impervious to being talked out of it. Hillbillies are, therefore, uncontrollable. And that, my friend, is an absolutely unforgiveable sin to the Onces of the world. And there are lots of Onces in the world.
"Is anyone else beginning to suspect that 'Once bitten' has personal reasons for hating 'hillbillies'?"
My understanding is that "Deliverance" script was based on a unfortunate trip he took down a Georgia river, and he's been butt-hurt ever since.
What I said about the NYT goes for the WaPo, too, except they aren't the "paper of record"
Once written, twice... said...
Well Ann, if it does not make a difference, then why don't you come clean?
N---a please. Ann voted for the woman, as we all knew she would. She's making the best of things and dealing with the future, why can't you?
You do realize that after your tantrums expire we still all have to live together in this country, right?
"Hillbillies are, therefore, uncontrollable."
So is the equivalent Batangueno hillman with his coffee patch and bolo, or the pugnacious Waray. There are hillbillies everywhere.
Yet no-one is cool with making fun of them.
A popular Filipino song on the subject of the pugnacious, uncontrollable hillbilly - girls in this case.
Eartha Kitts version - her translation is not entirely accurate :)
In their context they have the moral authority of being, not just poor (i.e., social justice guilt in their favor), not just authentic, but also very very numerous. So they have to be respected by the urban elite, at least overtly. This is normal.
In the US the elite (or their wannabes) is cool with openly despising you. This is unnatural.
What difference at this point does it make?
Hmmmm.....where have I heard that before??
Once bitten needs to answer the following question: "How much money did the Clinton Foundation raise for Haiti, and how much was actually spent in Haiti?"
"How much money did the Clinton Foundation raise for Haiti, and how much was actually spent in Haiti?"
Who cares. They are just island hillbillies.
Once written, twice... said...
"When Trump was asked by the Wall Street Journal a couple of days ago if he regretted anything he said during the campaign, he replied "no, I won."
"Does that bother you?"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO. Obama said the same thing to Ryan and the GOP when HE won.
"Is Trump going to Rea lease his 2016, 2017, and 2018 tax returns while he is president? I suspect he will not. Will that bother you?"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NO. Because there is no legal requirement that he do so, and essentially it's none of your effing business. You seem to forget that the OBAMA IRS has seen his previous tax returns, so... what's yer point??
"But the hillbillies have gotten their hillbilly king as President. He will surely threaten the Republic as we have known it. But they now must own it."
Funny, during Bill Clinton's first term I remember David Letterman delivering his "Top Ten Reasons why America is a great country..."
No. 1? "Even a swollen-faced hillbilly can get himself elected President".
Biden is the only politician who still brings a smile to a Democrat's face
Bill Clinton is a hillbilly, you twit! :)
Charlie Cook gave one of the best post election analysis of the election and the media, the day after. He was rather dumbstruck by the Post and toyed with the notion that they've gone down a road they cannot return from. (Without naming the Post.)
Earnest Prole said...
Biden is the only politician who still brings a smile to a Democrat's face
11/15/16, 3:23 PM
No he doesn't. I feel so very lucky that we dodged a bullet with him there. I know he's many people's teddy bear, but I was never a very big fan.
Biden didn't run. As fun as Hillary v. Trump was, imagine Biden v. Trump. Now that I would like to have seen.
Would have been a similar version of one of the seventeen take-downs he delivered during the Republican primary. Surfing the edge of his, well, very strong feelings about women allowed him to stand out.
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