Via Metafilter, where it's also pointed out that Donald Trump has read a book:
In 2012, [Rick Santorum] was the runner-up to Mitt Romney in the Republican presidential primaries. Ensconced since then in a Washington, D.C., law firm, Santorum had written a book that attracted little attention: Blue Collar Conservatives, Recommitting to an America That Works. But Trump had read the book, very carefully, in fact, and was intrigued. He called Santorum and asked if he would come to Trump Tower for a visit.....
Santorum agreed, of course—he was thinking of making another run at the White House, using that playbook. (He did, but got bum-rushed early in the primaries.) Trump then surprised Santorum even more by questioning him on details of his book and economic policy in general. What could be done with trade policy to help the working class? Was there any way to turn around the massive bilateral trade imbalance with Beijing? Could the White House be used as a bully pulpit to pressure American companies to stop sending manufacturing offshore? On and on they went, and Santorum left the meeting wondering what might happen if you mixed the power of celebrity with a blue-collar tent revival....
९५ टिप्पण्या:
Santorum was good back when he was in the House and focused on health care. His wife was an ER nurse and he was very well informed. He was very well informed on HMOs and ERISA back when they were issues. He got weird later in the Senate.
Trump is a student of policy and the Media has not figured it out.
Nice to have s positive reason to be happy to have voted for Trump. Until now all I had was the opportunity to look at Hillary's bat-sh*t crazy, whining supporters and tell myself thank God I'm not with them!
(Like Flo & Joan for instance.)
It's a bit early for New Year's Resolution but... Let's all work extra hard to give Flo & Jane reasons to be even more cunting angry in 2017.
Oops, sorry Joan. I hope you're not cunting angry for my mistaking your cunting name.
Their tears are so yummy and delicious.
On election day finally and reluctantly decided to vote for Trump. But the leftists reaction has forced me firmly into the pro-Trump camp. Well done assholes.
He got weird later in the Senate.
Sure did, I always thought the "very religious Santorum" was a tough way to get far in the primaries although he's good some good policy ideas.
From the mouths of babes oft comes puke.
Oh yes, please DO try to lay all of the blame at the feet of straight white blue collar males. It worked so well this time around, I'm sure it'll work even better next time.
"We're sorry to be crude." Next, progressives will claim to be for progress.
@Bill: "But the leftists reaction has forced me firmly into the pro-Trump camp." I think there's going to be a fair amount of that. Which creates a dilemma for us antiprogs: should we ridicule their absurdities (on the merits) or encourage them (for strategic reasons)?
I'm trying to do both, Sebastian. I garner incredible satisfaction from each approach, although my glee will probably wear off in five or six years.
I've been thinking about the left's disproportionate reaction to the election, and why they're so fearful. I think I figured it out. My view has been that Trump probably won't be a particularly good president, but it'll be well within the normal range. But the left is pretty much insisting on an apocalypse, because they need one, or they're kaput politically.
Most of us have noted how Democrats have spent 20 years crying wolf about how Bush is a Nazi and Romney is a Nazi and the end is coming if Republicans get elected. All they have is fear. But they really went all-out on that stuff for Trump. So what if he's just a normal mediocre president? The next guy is almost guaranteed to be less scary.
What do Democrats run on then? They haven't run a campaign based on positives since Clinton's first term, they don't know how. If we survive Trump fine, what do they have left? The Nazi card is played, and if we don't actually build Muslim internment camps, which we won't, that card is neutralized for good. It's quite a dilemma they created for themselves.
Who cares what foreigners think about our election? If they wanted Hillary in charge, they should immigrate and become U.S. citizens so they could vote in our election. If not, I believe the British term is "sod off."
Watching the freakout on the left is positively invigorating. Keep it up, friends. Soon I'll be winning so much, I'll be tired of winning.
OK, I'm convinced. I'll take back my vote and promise not to vote for Trump ever again before November of 2020.
should we ridicule their absurdities (on the merits) or encourage them (for strategic reasons.
Treat them like the barbarians they are.
Blogger fivewheels said...
I've been thinking about the left's disproportionate reaction to the election, and why they're so fearful.
The voter rolls are about to be cleared up and the sanctuary cities that funnel millions of illegal voters to the polls will be brought to heel and forced to obey the law.
Which creates a dilemma for us antiprogs: should we ridicule their absurdities (on the merits) or encourage them (for strategic reasons)?
It's no dilemma. Your ridicule is the best encouragement you could give them.
@fivewheels -- they're freaked out because the Oval Office was their last chance at relevancy for perhaps a decade. House, Senate, governorships, state legislatures, soon the Supreme Court, the presidency -- they'll have nothing and like it. Add the brutal slate of Senate seats they'll be defending in 2018 and the meltdown makes a lot of sense.
I'm sure making a Nation of Islam radical head of the DNC will get them back in the good graces of middle America.
The recount begins in Wisconsin .... Ain't going to happen, but it would be pretty funny if the election is reversed. As someone who opted not to vote, I don't have a skin in the game. Just looking to be entertained.
Santorum had one hand clapping and he says celebrity was the other hand . ButSantorum had that tooThe key for Trump
was David Perdue's Senate run in Georgia. He studied how a business success could run against a popular politician by being anOUTSIDER that proudly
Self funded his campaign.
Perdue ran for Saxby Chambliss 'open seat against 6 politicians including a very popular Representative, Jack Kingston. Perdue won. Trump asked him how he did it, and voila, he won too.
"...and a bombing down in Nice".
Actually, it wasn't a bombing, ladies, it was just one of those Islamos of whom you are so non-phobic, doing a spot of ethnic cleansing with a truck. Not to worry, no animals or persons of color were harmed by this vibrant multicultural event.
The recount begins in Wisconsin .... Ain't going to happen, but it would be pretty funny if the election is reversed.
How many ballot boxes will the democrats "find" in the trunks of their cars?
Achilles said...
"The voter rolls are about to be cleared up and the sanctuary cities that funnel millions of illegal voters to the polls will be brought to heel and forced to obey the law."
All of that -- and more. The 2020 Census will be done by the Trump Administration. Anyone think they will be assigning electoral votes and congressional districts based on their guesstimates of uncounted urban homeless and illegal alien populations?
Sebastian said...
"Which creates a dilemma for us antiprogs: should we ridicule their absurdities (on the merits) or encourage them (for strategic reasons)?
This is one instance where the left's perverseness works in society's favor. Ridicule actually encourages them.
Jill Stein, working for the plutocracy. Who'd have thought? (Rhetorical.)
One wonders what's in it for Jill Stein, and where the millions come from. Inquiring minds want to know.
As for the 2016 Twins. They are cute. If you cannot charm them into opening up to romance, then plan B would be risking making them cunting angry. Either way they are hot. Double your pleasure- double your fun.
Cats is back on Broadway; Who the fuck did THAT???
No kidding. I saw "Cats" years ago, and I'm still upset I wasted money on such a shitty musical.
It's nothing, but red meat for old, fat lesbians with.....Cats!!
I read that Stein's presidential campaign raised less than half of what she's raised for the recount! Lulz
"Who cares what foreigners think about our election? If they wanted Hillary in charge, they should immigrate and become U.S. citizens so they could vote in our election. If not, I believe the British term is "sod off."'
Mark fuckin' Steyn, the man. The man'S man. Spent time with Sinatra, not cause he could, like I would have embarrassed myself given a chance, but to learn.
Frank had a lot of teaching but couldn't trust anyone to want to talk religious-wise about what should be common sense things.
Go on, go ahead and read your Buckley now.
Frank Sinatra was Ava Gardner's toy. To the winner goes the spoils.
Is there some point where DJTers focus on DJT and Rs re governance, rather than blathering, literally pointlessly, about out of power Ds?
Maybe not. Or, maybe too late.
Either way = y'all can't comprehend what this line of inquiry means.
So, carry on. What's that you say about the out of power libs?
When I read the phrase "cunting angry", I knew these chicks had to be British. American women don't use that phrase, but it's everywhere in GB. Especially in Scotland, where it's "doomb coont" this, & "fucking coont" that. It's interesting how Scottish English uses the word "cunt" like French uses the word "con". In their root meanings, both refer to the same part of the female anatomy, but they're used to build word & phrases that denote profound stupidity, rather than the sexual connotation that the word "cunt" has in American English.
I wonder if there is some historical relationship between the French & the Scottish. Did Bonnie Prince Charlie write letters back home where he translated his newly acquired court-language back into his mother tongue in order to curse those treacherous cunts, the Redcoats?
What a sad and pathetic song. Obviously they can't do anything better. The worst of it is that they believe all of it.
Is there some point where DJTers focus on DJT and Rs re governance, rather than blathering, literally pointlessly, about out of power Ds?
They're just following the example of our current POTUS, who has been blathering pointlessly about out of power R's since 1/20/09. (e.g. Rush Limbaugh)
I just think that if they really do want to be arse f**ked then we need to introduce them to Laslo.
"I wonder if there is some historical relationship between the French & the Scottish."
Also, a lot of commenters here were not Trump supporters at all, and many of his supporters were forced into his corner just because he was not Hillary Clinton nor someone else implacably opposed to the things we stand for -- like the rule of law, and changing laws if you don't like them, instead of just ignoring them. Whether we're talking about immigration law or FOIA.
Anyway, pre-inauguration, I see little need to focus on Trump yet.
We get it PB&J. The Dems/left/Lefty media are making fools of themselves and you would rather have no one notice.
But as Michelle said of barack, barack wont let you (the non-obama cultists) go back to your own lives.
We're here, get used to it. This is what democracy looks like. No justice no peace. Conservative/Republican lives matter.
They are not really sorry for the language.
Stein is just trying to extend her 15 minutes.
You know, for a couple of gals who bitch about white dudes (& lack of diversity, I guess) they sure do seem to focus on white, first world problems, huh?
Bunch of mostly-white celebrity deaths...or deaths of people who were celebrities in white pop culture.
Brock Turner? One white guy, a rapist, who harmed one woman. In the whole of the year is that really the worst sex crime? It'd be depressing to post some links...but there have been more than a few gang rapes, multiple sexual assaults, right? Something about New Year's in Cologne (and Hamburg, and Frankfurt, and Dusseldorf...). I'm pretty sure ISIS and Boko Haram are both still running large-scale sex slavery rings, but yeah, Brock Turner, he's the real problem in the world.
One mention of the Nice bombing, but nothing about Syria, or Libya, or Nigeria, or the Central African Republic, or Afghanistan, huh? Not a lot of white people in those countries, so no mention in their lil' song. How many civilians were executed in Mosul this year, do you think? Gotta be 800 at least, probably closer to 2k--throw Ramadi in there and you're definitely into 4 digits. Hell, 3 truck bombs in Baghdad killed over a thousand...but I didn't hear anything about Iraq.
Anyway, typical woke white girl song, w/woke western white girl worldview.
I saw "Cats" years ago, and I'm still upset I wasted money on such a shitty musical.
Different people have different taste. I saw Cats in 1981, its first season in London and it was delightful. I saw it again when I took six teenaged kids to Britain for two weeks in 1986 and the musical had evolved into a childen's show with parents taking the kids up on stage at intermission to meet the characters.
I thought it was not as good but the kids loved it. One of the girls had Rum Tum Tugger climb into her lap and had a ball.
I liked "Starlight Exoress" better and "Evita" about the same. Saw them all in London with original cast. All excellent.
"Y'all can't comprehend it" means "I have taken it on faith myself, and you wouldn't understand it even if I could explain it."
seriously, this is what passes for observation or rhetoric:
now did Bezos and carlos slim get trolled, or did they troll themselves,
Stole this from the Netflix series "The Crown"
"There once was a woman named May
who was quite refined in her way
Though she was of high station
with an elite education
She always spelled 'cunt' with a 'k'."
As for the ladies, they seem to be unable to even consider the possibility that they might be wrong on any issue. It's not good persuasion to appear unpersuadable.
CATS has some great songs in it but I'm wondering what's the payoff of bringing it back when there's so much talent trying to break through
Must be fake news about Santorum. Trump could not possibly have read a book.
"typical woke white girl song, w/woke western white girl worldview."
Different people have different taste.
You chaperoned six kids in London, AND went to Cats.
Good on you!!
You have FAR more patience than myself.
I think it is excellent but not as good as the chick that does Three 6 Mafia "Slob on My Knob" to "Carol of the Bells". That shit is hilarious.
Years ago I wrote a parody of Cats! which I titled Cows!. The signature tune was Mammaries. In the final the scene the Cows are invited by Farmer Zindadell to leave the pasture for a better world through the golden arches and onto the hamburger-shaped UFO.
You chaperoned six kids in London, AND went to Cats.
Good on you!!
You have FAR more patience than myself.
And do I have the stories ! I taught the kids the Underground system and told them that the boys had to stay with the girls. They were 15 to 18. They had a ball and we were able to go to nice dinners while they went to McDonalds. After a week, we went to the Isle of Wight and stayed at a guest house owned by the black sheep of a famous London family. He and his wife were society/art people and had quite a roster of London types staying there. The girls wound up going out until 4 AM with a rock music producer who was checking out rock bands on the island that summer. They saw Duran Duran before anyone had heard of them.
We stayed an extra few days the kids were having so much fun. Everyone had a ball although I learned that Toby and Jennie, the owners, got busted for growing marijuana after we left. A fun summer.
Trump has read a book? Not according to Tony Schwartz who spent 18 months with him ghostwriting "The Art of the Deal", one of 22 Donald Trump books published that he didn't write.
But Schwartz believes that Trump’s short attention span has left him with “a stunning level of superficial knowledge and plain ignorance.” He said, “That’s why he so prefers TV as his first news source—information comes in easily digestible sound bites.” He added, “I seriously doubt that Trump has ever read a book straight through in his adult life.”
And more on his not reading at the WaPo.
As for Rick Santorum, he has two books with his name on the cover but he got caught up in a ghostwriting problem of his own.
When Republican candidate Rick Santorum was quizzed about a passage skewering “radical feminists” in his 2005 book, he admitted that the quote was “new to me” and suggested that his wife, Karen, had authored that portion, though she received no co-writing credit.
And this wonderful book by Santorum that supposedly sent Trump forward to his victory, "... sold a paltry 4,000 copies" from 4/28/14 through 3/18/15 and sales were likely downhill since then.
Santorum's description of the deep conversation he had with Trump on the book:
... during a visit to New York with his daughter, Santorum decided to pay Trump a visit. The first thing he noticed was the decor. "I’ve never seen anybody whose walls are entirely covered with pictures of himself. I mean, every inch of the wall is covered from the floor to the top is all covered with pictures," he said.
When he got there, Trump had a copy of Santorum's book "Blue Collar Conservative" and insisted he had read it and enjoyed it. They had an hour-long conversation "about everything he was doing" — including his deal to convert the Old Post Office in Washington, D.C., into a luxury hotel, which Trump insisted has infuriated President Barack Obama.
"An hour-long conversation, I probably talked about 10 minutes," Santorum said.
A conversation during which the Santorum book was not discussed at all ....
Gadfly is on the case ! Why didn't you run for president ? I assume you are much more qualified.
Our host Toby in 1986 has continued to be a character since then.
The kids broke the news to me that they had been busted.
I was oblivious in those days.
New Barn House is the B&B where we stayed with the kids.
Obviously the "Buckley" brand has never been anything approaching stronger, precisely because WFB put Lowery in place to surgically remove ALL testicular activities of those cuckolded wanderers.
I also am cunting angry!
And penis angry!
Don't judge me. The human expression of genital anger refuses to be contained by your cis normative categories!
well they drove out steyn and Derbyshire, the iconoclasts on climate and demography, this crew would have purged burnham and chambers,
OMG! Gadfly found some anti-Trump hit piece at the Washington Post!
And what difference does it make if a book only sold 4,000 copies? I mean in Gadfly, what fucking difference does it make? The proof is in the pudding, not the sales. Sorry that your influence peddling power couple didn't make it back to the White House, to stick the final knife into the rule of law.
You think Cats is bad? In that same era, I got treated to free tickets to a Broadway musical in which everyone was rollerskating, playing the parts of different trains. Since the client who treated seemed charmed, I had to feign a legal emergency requiring my immediate presence back at the pre-closing to leave after the first act.
@gadfly, you believe what you read in the Post? Gullible much?
that's more than dana Milbank's book on beck sold, so tony Schwartz has been peddling a lie for nearly 30 years,
Since the client who treated seemed charmed, I had to feign a legal emergency requiring my immediate presence back at the pre-closing to leave after the first act.
That was "Starlight Express" and the theater in London was rebuilt so the theater had two roller rink lanes all around the seats at the main level and balcony level. On the stage was a "railroad bridge" thing that moved so the "train" could go from the lower to the upper level without stopping. It was a fantastic show. Roller skating and singing.
I saw it again when it came to the US and they did not remodel the theater as in London. It ruined the effect. It was a fantastic show. Better than Cats, but I guess you would agree since you liked neither.
Weber was an incredible genius. I never saw "Jesus Christ Superstar" performed. My wife and I would go every year for a week or two and go to shows. I hate New York and would spend the extra time on the plane to go to shows in London.
Now, London is full of Muslims and I have little interest in going. We did spend a few days last year. No shows, though.
We went to Waterloo instead.
Good on you!!
Michael K @ 11/25/16, 10:29 PM said...
Weber was an incredible genius.
Geniuses don't generate more than two decades (and running) of flops. JCS and Evita (when he was working with lyricist Tim Rice) were ground-breaking, Cats was cute but pointless, Phantom of the Opera went over the top and it's been downhill ever since. Many 'purists' think ALW ruined musical theatre... I wouldn't go that far but declaring him an 'incredible genius' is a bit much.
Blogger Steve Uhr said...
The recount begins in Wisconsin .... Ain't going to happen, but it would be pretty funny if the election is reversed. As someone who opted not to vote, I don't have a skin in the game. Just looking to be entertained.
So civil war is funny?
I dare you people to come up with a recount that has Hillary winning.
"I wonder if there is some historical relationship between the French & the Scottish."
My last name is French in Origin -- Normandy region. Near as I can tell, the first ancestor on dad's side came to the new world in the early 1600s. The Lanquetot (Lanctot, Lancto, Lanctôt..) is from a village that seems to have been started in the 1000s. So I had my DNA tested (ancestry dot com so it is cut with an ax, but the price was right...).
British: 42%
Irish: 16%
Western Europe: 12%
Greek/Italian: 9%
Iberian: 7%
Native American: 4%
Mom was a Springer married to a Narvaez from Bernilillo, NM. Springer is english or German but that can't explain all of the Brit and Irish.
Sorry you hate NY. Wish I could show you something you want to see next time out.
Gadfly, newsflash: nobody cares what you think. Nor Fat Tony, who will be never be heard from again now that he failed to get Trump defeated at the polls.
We get it, you're a Democrat, er, "lifelong Republican" concern troll for whom Trump is "not conservative enough." It's getting old.
As to the video, it's actually pretty cute. I think the young women have promise and may at some point grow up - which I suppose to them is the most offensive thing that I could say, but there it is.
Blogger Bad Lieutenant said...
. . .
We get it, you're a Democrat, er, "lifelong Republican" concern troll for whom Trump is "not conservative enough." It's getting old.
. . .
A year or two ago I heard this guy called "Mike Murphy" interviewed on some serious GOP radio show. Murphy was identified as a "Republican consultant."
I was appalled. Murphy basically said that white people were yesterday, hispanics are the future of the GOP, anyone who thinks differently is an idiot racist. Murphy was that explicit.
These days Murphy mostly tweets messages saying that Trump is Putin.
Murphy is a college dropout, a Romney flack, and a Hollywood guy. Apparently he does script writing in his spare time!
Romney guru thrives in political 'show business'
By Brian C. Mooney
Globe Staff / June 12, 2005
E-mail|Reprints| Text size – +
SACRAMENTO -- One day last month, the man who is putting Mitt Romney in position to run for president drove his silver Range Rover from his home in the Hollywood Hills to a small airport. There, a pilot employed for just these moments gunned the consultant's Piper Meridian for the flight to Sacramento and a meeting with another client.
Good Reads, Get in touch with us at Hotmail Support NZ +64-98890480 for Technical support and assistance.
Haha. Yeah, the old Republicans are ignorant and "Don't read Books" scam. A tired variation on "Republican Presidents are stupid". Remember Bush II? he read hundreds of books. Didn't stop the Democrats from sneering at how "stoopid" he was.
Per the Democrats: Ike was supposed to be some stupid old man because he read Westerns and golfed (unlike 'cool' JFK - who actually never read a book).
Nixon, of course, was too smart and cultured to be called stupid or ignorant - instead he was tagged as a "square" and a "middlebrow". Reagan was just a "stupid actor" and Ford was a dummy who fell down a lot (probably the only correct Democrat Stereotype).
So now, Trump, a man who's built a $7 billion business, ran and won the the Presidency without ever holding office, who's spoke off the cuff in non-stop speeches, rallies, and press conferences for over 18 months - will now be labeled as some "ignorant dummy".
"Well yeah Mark, but Trump was a guy we grew up with, someone the country could understand and both parties could work with. Now, this nominee really is Hitler's spawn." I just saw Arrival and was able to catch David Brooks commenting on the 2024 Republican National Convention.
That fucking monster Castro died. Finally, something good about this nightmare month
"That fucking monster Castro died."
There's nothing President Elect Trump can't do.
I had no idea that "cunt" had become an adjective.
When I tell my Millennials what a "douchebag" actually is, they're completely grossed out. One generation's unmentionable is another's mild expletive.
Kate said...
"I had no idea that "cunt" had become an adjective."
It's Britain. They are often more creative with their language than we are.
I'm not allowed to call people that. Even though it's an apt description of many. It gets me edited out.
David @ 9:08
LOL! Maybe he was looking at the pictures.
The song was cute and they were super cute singing it.
The opening stanza of my song would go something like this:
The left has a monopoly on virtue
With smug sanctimony dripping off their chins
If to theirs, your views run counter to
You're a bigot and a hater along with other sins
Its not as catchy. Still, I would include the line about CATS. They got that one right. I walked out at the end of the first act and went across the street to a bar.
- Krumhorn
That sing seems like the kind of thing that a pair of thirteen year-olds might write during their potty-mouthed rebellious phase and think was super clever. Sometimes I think that a very large portion of "progressives" reached that phase and failed to progress beyond it.
The SNL clip from last week about sad libs moving to a "Bubble" had one great moment when a hipster young man is reading pan-faced a prog web page then gives a small chuckle and says, "Clever." That captured the entire lib smug sardonic world for me in a moment. Definitely worth a look ...
@rcocean, FWIW Gerald Ford was a star player on a Michigan football team that won back to back national championships. He was probably the second-most athletic man to ever hold the presidency (behind Teddy Roosevelt).
Stole this from the Netflix series “The Crown”
“There once was a woman named May
who was quite refined in her way
Though she was of high station
with an elite education
She always spelled ‘cunt’ with a ‘k’.”
Chaucer spelled ‘cunt’ with a ‘q’ — viz. ‘queynte’ — though according to the OED that's an early exemplar of that quaint variant on ‘cunt’, (modern spelling) ‘quaint.’ Yes, quaint (also) means cunt!
One of the OED's examples of this usage:
“c 1386 CHAUCER Miller's T. 90 Pryvely he caught hir by the queynte.”
Shades of Trump!
Quent, perhaps.
Since I posted here yesterday Fidel died and 2016 got a whole lot better. But I suspect those two need to add a hagiographic chorus to their song.
They are not the least bit sorry for swearing.I hate it when people feel the need to distance themselves from their profanity. That negates the significance of it.
HoodlumDoodlum offers a fine put down of the two girls, but, for all that, I find them and their song to be likable and good humored. They're young. They've never really had the existential experience of being wrong about a deeply held belief. It's so much easier to be self righteous when you've never been wrong about anything in your life. College aged people can speak with ex cathedra infallibility on the subjects of politics and morals, and, in fact, it's hard to get them to shut up about such subjects.
There special snowflakes are trying to emulate the style of a much much more talented group called Fascinating Aida. Google them on YouTube and watch Dogging ; it's filthy and hilarious and so much better natured than this anthem for safe spaces.
Haha. Yeah, the old Republicans are ignorant and "Don't read Books" scam. A tired variation on "Republican Presidents are stupid". Remember Bush II? he read hundreds of books. Didn't stop the Democrats from sneering at how "stoopid" he was.
Reagan too. His study was filled to the brim with books. And in the margins, in his own writing, you can see his handwritten notes beginning to flesh out his theory that the Cold War can be won.
@gadfly, you believe what you read in the Post? Gullible much?
Hah. I read WaPo daily, buy only as opposition research, to see what bullshit the Left will try to float this week.
Oh my bad, I didn't realize this was an unsecure channel. Everyone ignore what I wrote. I'm just a stoopid toothless redneck who voted for Trump out of whitelash or something.
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