२९ नोव्हेंबर, २०१६

Update on the Muslim NYU student who wrote a NYT op-ed vilifying her roommate for supporting Trump.

Now — 17 days later — the NYT has published the roommate's response.

When the first op-ed came out, I was very critical:
Whatever happened to diversity? [The NYU freshman Romaissaa] Benzizoune had originally thought her roommate was like her, but then she was "this suddenly strange person." Benzizoun's college experience turned into something universities normally encourage: confrontation and dealing with diversity

Benzizoune's response was to reject her roommate and to go out and find a more homogeneous group to hang around with. And then she outed the roommate to the whole world, exposing her to contempt and hostility in The New York Times.

After gaining access through the imposed intimacy of roommateship in a university that (I'm sure) promotes diversity, she betrayed this woman — who is perhaps  18 years old — and invited hatred. She did it deliberately, with fervor, and facilitated by the most powerful newspaper in America.

And it seemed justified. Why?
The new op-ed from the roommate, K.N. Pineda, reveals that she has been glared at and heckled on campus:
I have been labeled “racist,” “sexist” and “xenophobic” on Facebook. I have been called a “white without a conscious,” a “misogynist,” a “bigot” and a “barbarian” online by people all over the country. 
She defends herself by telling us that her father is Hispanic and her mother was raised by an African-American stepfather. One defense when you are reviled as white is to trot out proof that you are not white or not that white. It's kind of sad to see a young woman forced into the public light and then having to reveal private facts about other people because it's so threatening to be thought of as a person of white privilege. Her grandmother's husband "died after struggling with drug addiction and alcoholism." Her father "grew up in a trailer home." Her mother "was homeless for a period of time." Do all these people now get a NYT op-ed to tell their story?

Pineda does get around to begging us to rise above racial differences:
The answer is not to further the divide by labeling and dehumanizing one another. We should fight the “us versus them” mind-set.... How can we assume we know someone based on the color of their skin, their religion, or their political choices?... The narrative should be one of inclusiveness, openness, respect and love. It is not only about making “America Great Again,” it is about making America home again.
She's getting pilloried in the comments over there. From the top-rated comments:
Pleading for understanding, but where's the understanding for how support for Trump might look to others who've been victimized by Trump's brand of racism, sexual predation, financial exploitation, failure to pay taxes, etc.? While professing wonderful bromides, I find the writer a bit disingenuous.
People didn't call you racist because they are ignorant of your family history. They find your beliefs complacent. Trump and his followers will destroy civil liberties. The echoes of Nazi Germany are present; the anger of the right is far more violent than the anger of the left. You experienced FB harassment-- my kids' school experienced Nazi symbols on Twitter. Will you stand up, Ms. Pineda?
If the narrative should be one of inclusiveness, openness, respect and love -- what are you doing supporting the candidate championed avidly white supremacists? The candidate whose VP thinks that homosexuals should be subjected to electric shocks to make them "normal"? 
Etc. etc. This young lady cannot have her private life back. 

१९१ टिप्पण्या:

Hey Skipper म्हणाले...

The NYT had already set a very high bar for journalistic malpractice.

Then they cleared by a mile with the original op-ed.

Sydney म्हणाले...

I'm just wondering. Did all of those commenters get that intolerant and bigoted by reading the New York Times?

Fabi म्हणाले...

Nazi Germany - drink!

Peter म्हणाले...

I think she would do better to say nothing at all, as the best she can possibly do is avoid error.

BUT if she just must say something, how about "Trump is the president-elect, and there is nothing dishonorable in admitting one voted for him."

And if she were to go even further, she might say "BUT it is dishonorable to declare your fellow citizen an evil person for making a political choice you would not have made, as there are plenty of honorable reasons for having made that choice. And, truly, if you can't or won't accept the election result that problem must belong to you, not me."

Who do these justice warriors think they are, to declare that political differences simply will not be tolerated? The man won the presidency, you're going to be looking at his image for at least the next four years, and if you can't handle such an ordinary, expected event ("My candidate lost!") then how about working on yourself first?

tcrosse म्हणाले...

They said that a Trump victory would open wide the floodgates of Hate and Intolerance, and they were right.

Fabi म्हणाले...

What's an "avidly white supremacist"? An Albino?

eric म्हणाले...

You can't out victim these victims. They love to bully you. And the more you apologize and surrender, the more they want. They are insatiable. They watch rioting and looting and assault and battery and are convinced the right is more violent. Because reasons.

They can't be reasoned with. This woman needs to learn, sooner rather than later, no amount of reasoning or pleading is going to help her.

She can either join them, or work to beat them.

Wisdom comes with age.

Rit म्हणाले...

The cancerous rancor expressed by the NYT's commenters goes a long way to explaining how a man like Trump was able to win the presidency.

Ron Winkleheimer म्हणाले...

Hillary's supporters thought they were the masters of the universe, now they are really pissed off because it turns out, not so much.

Demonizing other people is all they've got. Smug self-righteousness is their credo.

One can only hope they keep it up.


Richard म्हणाले...

The Left is attacking an 18 year old girl for not kowtowing to the party line. The Left is vicious and evil.

clint म्हणाले...

Two Minutes Hate.

1984 was supposed to be a warning. Apparently, some took it as an operations manual.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Times commentators are the second-best reason to have voted for Trump, behind only the character and integrity (lack thereof) of Hillary Clinton herself.

Mike Sylwester म्हणाले...

This is what happens when a Scientific Progressive is allowed to become your roommate.

le Douanier म्हणाले...

So, Althouse got it wrong, and still, even w/ undeniable evidence, can't see her error.

The first time around, I wasn't sure where this DJT college gal was coming from. Maybe Althouse was right. But, there are plenty of DJTers who are into attention and spreading the MAGA message.

Now we know this gal, by choice, welcomes increasing her exposure and MAGA spreading potential. It's cool that Althouse is still blinded by her fixation on a "theoretical" person who wants to be pro-DJT, but not be on the record as pro-DJT. Ha ha. Projection much?

Carry on.

PB म्हणाले...

The thing that seems to differentiate the left is their hatred for people who don't agree with them. And they want us to believe hate itself is a crime that they can't commit because they are so tolerant.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

She inserted herself into the wrong bubble. There are other, friendlier, educational facilities and I hope she find one soon.

le Douanier म्हणाले...

"She inserted herself into the wrong bubble. There are other, friendlier, educational facilities and I hope she find one soon."

Who needs the Ivy League when you have Liberty U, Trump U. LU and TU are the reason American is exceptional, lets shut down all the lib schools and only go to con schools: Evolution = Fraud.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

I never reached reviled on campus myself.

Bob Loblaw म्हणाले...

Pleading for understanding, but where's the understanding for how support for Trump might look to others who've been victimized by Trump's brand of racism, sexual predation, financial exploitation, failure to pay taxes, etc.?

It's hard to imagine these hothouse flowers ever actually accomplishing anything in life.

Fabi म्हणाले...

Jelly just can't let go of his anger and bigotry.

Carry on!

The Godfather म्हणाले...

There can be no doubt that Trump said many things during his campaign that made a lot of people, including members of various minority groups, worry about what his presidency would mean for them. I wish he hadn't said many of these things, and I don't think it was necessary for him to say them to convey his "Make America Great Again" message. Trump does bear some responsibilty for the apprehension that some people feel about his forthcoming presidency.

But responsibility for a lot of that apprehension belongs to Trump's opponents, too. Trump didn't praise Adolph Hitler or Bull Conner, but his opponents equated him with those and other villains. I think it likely that the people who have mistreated this young woman, in person or in comments, have internalized the anti-Trump narrative to the extent that they really think that his election is comparable to the election of Hitler.

Those who opposed Trump have no obligation to support him, but they do have an obligation to treat him as legitimate, to "normailize" him, just as (the vast majority of) those of us who opposed Obama treated him as legitimate once he was elected (and, yes, Trump, by his support of birtherism, did seek to "de-normalize" Obama, and he was justly criticized for that, but that doesn't excuse others for doing the same thing against him now).

I think there are a lot of loud voices that will demand that Trump be considered as illegitimate, and I therefore fear that we have a really nasty four years ahead of us -- for which Trump will only be partially to blame.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Is there some reason we should pay attention to the writings of these numbingly conformist and (at best) superficially intelligent people? I refer to everyone involved here - the original and responding writer, and commenters.

There are young people out here in this country full of fire and intelligence; I've met them. (And by "fire" I don't mean the dumb-animal passion for blocking traffic and smashing windshields). It's a sign of how moribund the "respectable" press and the academy are that they can't ever seem to find any "voices" to publish except these catechism-spouting dullards.

Virgil Hilts म्हणाले...

Smug self-righteousness, intolerant bigotry, insatiable bullying, cancerous rancor, vicious and evil -- can't really add to that; welcome to the world of progressiveness.
I turned conservative in law school because the most interesting, funny, tolerant, self deprecating and cheerful people I met leaned conservative.
The dark side is a lot more fun and we have cookies.

le Douanier म्हणाले...

Not "Jelly" anymore now "Lyin'", also acceptable:

Filthy Liar
DL Liar
BS Liar

And so on.

buwaya म्हणाले...

Isolation in bubbles is happening all over, and whatever Trump does is not going to fix it. This is much bigger than a government can fix. There are two tribes now, that are splitting families and institutions.

At best Trump and the new government can help set up a few parallel institutions, such as higher education, on the right side. I dont think the left side, being far less practical, will bother with things THEY lack, like gas pipelines and power plants.

The long term looks very bleak. Two worlds with nothing but hate between them.

And PB&J, you have no idea. I too have a young daughter in college, and this sort of thing is a big deal. She is lucky she is mainly embedded with a bunch of sensible Asians. Anywhere outside of Science/engineering it is madness.

Fabi म्हणाले...

I'll update my records -- but I really liked Jelly!

dbp म्हणाले...

There is a kind of cognitive dissonance going here. You live with a person for months and by all accounts they are a fine individual and friend. Then you find out they voted for him!


1. Somehow this evil person managed to trick me into thinking they are a normal decent roommate.

2. Maybe normal decent people can have different opinions than I have about the relative merits of two politicians neither of us have ever met.

It is the first option, obviously! I know so much more about the people I never met than the one I have been living with for a semester.

Lewis Wetzel म्हणाले...

"The echoes of Nazi Germany are present"
To some people, the 'echoes of Nazi Germany" are always present.
But never when liberals shout down their opposition.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Once you're reviled on campus, the question is how to monetize it.

walter म्हणाले...

"The echoes of Nazi Germany are present"
Hey even my rabid Berner friend on FB dropped his Trump as Hitler profile pic.

"the anger of the right is far more violent than the anger of the left.what are you doing supporting the candidate championed avidly white supremacists?"

Ah..here in the US? Let's measure deeds of the Left vs words of racist scum.
Clinton got some support from those thugs beating up on Trump rally attendees...guess those aren't supposed to count.

Spiros Pappas म्हणाले...

Jesus, this young woman sounds like White trash. No wonder her racist roommate acted out in this ridiculous manner.

Amadeus 48 म्हणाले...

Let's face it: the NYT's readers by and large think that the first writer, Miss Benzizoune, is righteous while the roommate, Miss Pineda, is vile. Others may well take the opposite view.
In fact, they are both 18 year-olds in a hothouse environment, not far removed from high school.
The governing spirit at NYU: We will have uniformity of views on diversity, and all who deviate must be shunned!
How different from this is the "Mean Girls" atmosphere on "The View"?
Shame on the NYT (an evergreen sentiment) for publishing this cool-girl cat-fight. Shame on Miss Benzizoune for being so intolerant. Shame on the NYT commenters for picking on an 18 year old college student.

gspencer म्हणाले...

She did it deliberately, with fervor, and facilitated by the most powerful newspaper in America.

And it seemed justified. Why?


You never heard that liberalism, leftism are mental diseases?

Chuck म्हणाले...

Academia: where the fights are so vicious, because all of the stakes are so inconsequential.

Except for the government money part. And there, if the money gets threatened, all the fights and the disagreements (and the individual civil liberties of the students) all get erased.

le Douanier म्हणाले...

"Is there some reason we should pay attention to the writings of these numbingly conformist and (at best) superficially intelligent people?"

The irony is that Althouse can't recognize the power of this gals recognition, in a good way.

This supposed victim (according to Althouse) is likely to racking up all sorts of positively life effecting stuff. It turns out that being influential and having folks pay attention to your POV isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Just sayin'

BTW, this college gal likes to score points by saying that mean things were written about her, presumably there wasn't any supportive contact from cons. Ha ha.

buwaya म्हणाले...

This all predates Trump. Its been building for decades. It really isnt about Trump except in that he is a handy symbol and that he has lowered the barriers to emotional expression.
A whole lot of people on both sides have been zipping up their feelings for years, its all just emerging now. And its not out in full yet either, not by a long shot.

PB&J, you are far, far separated from the practical world I think.

What line of work are you in? Wife? Kids? Hobbies?

Sebastian म्हणाले...

"This young lady cannot have her private life back." As the movement you claimed to be associated with put it, the personal is political. Everything that serves the cause is worth politicizing. Every doubleplusungood deviant is worth punishing. Privacy is for pussies. (And for SCOTUS justices who need to fabricate a convenient argument to justify the latest prog fad.)

ddh म्हणाले...

The comments on the New York Times were vile, which is not surprising given the attitudes of many Democrats. They see her as evil, and their comments show how good they feel rejecting evil. Some were even offended that they read her article.

le Douanier म्हणाले...

"What line of work are you in? Wife? Kids? Hobbies?"

In order: welfare mooching, why by the cow if..., lost track of the #, standing in the highway w/ protest signs while hard working folks are trying to commute to/from jobs.

Michael म्हणाले...

This writer is as bad as the first. We are waiting for the accused white privileged to stand ground, to invoke Bach and Shakespeare and Chartres and Bronte and Plato and Seneca and on and on. Why are white people so ashamed?

The Times staged a mud wrestling event with 18 year old female opponents. Vile.

Owen म्हणाले...

buwaya: "...two tribes..." Very very sad indeed.

buwaya म्हणाले...

This is not inconsequential, far from it.

Across this country people in those institutions that filter its leadership, that are moving through the cursus honorum, are getting brainwashed in hate and acid tribalism, whether they are on the inside of the bubble or some victim on the outside.

The previous generations that moved through this system survived because it was much less intense, they were brought to maturity by the old hands at the real world institutions they entered. Somewhat the way Jerry Rubin "sold out", the prototypical hippie to yuppie. But those old hands are long gone and the hate remains even among those who "sell out".

Millionaires and billionaires suddenly decided they personally hated Brendan Eich because he disagreed with them. This is what they learned in college.

This will not end well. The more this goes on the more instant and hysterical the rage will be, among both teenagers and "adults".

chuck म्हणाले...

The readers of the NY Times have been fed a steady diet of fake news and this is the result. The student should find an institution better suited to learning, NYU is likely to leave her crippled unless she is that rare individual who thrives in adversity. And the NY Times should be ashamed, but they won't be.

William म्हणाले...

I didn't read either article or the comments. I do note, however, that yesterday a Muslim student made a credible effort to kill a large number of his fellow students and today someone warns about the threats of violence coming from Trump supporters. Given the circumstances, shouldn't Muslims be reaching out to others to reassure them of their peaceable intentions rather than the other way around.

Michael K म्हणाले...

It sounds like they were well matched as roommates.

Both victims and whiners.

Democrats have not been so angry since Republicans freed their slave.s

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

Lyin'PB_Ombudsman said...

Who needs the Ivy League when you have Liberty U, Trump U.

11/29/16, 4:52 PM

Hey Liar (which is reasonable but who made you an ombudsman?),

As an alumnus, I encourage you not to confuse NYU with the Ivy League.

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

Buwaya, don't you feel dirty for trying g to talk to Jell-Liar as if he were a human being? I know, I know. You're too good a person.

I wonder if/when the PBJs get the conflict they are gagging for, and are getting creamed as they surely would, they think they can call time out and stop things.

le Douanier म्हणाले...

"It sounds like they were well matched as roommates."

They were a better match than Catherine Donnelly encountered, back in the day, at Princeton.

Bay Area Guy म्हणाले...

Why the NYTimes would waste the pages of its high priced journalistic real estate on the opinions and observations of a couple of college kids is a bit mind-numbing.

Nobody cares what these two roommates think. Now go study -- and find a nice boyfriend.

Tommy Duncan म्हणाले...

If you have to destroy a few non-believers to advance the narrative, so be it.

Progressives and Muslims have very similar approaches to those of differing beliefs.

n.n म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
David म्हणाले...

"People didn't call you racist because they are ignorant of your family history. They find your beliefs complacent. Trump and his followers will destroy civil liberties. The echoes of Nazi Germany are present; the anger of the right is far more violent than the anger of the left."

"The echoes of Nazi Germany . . . "

"modern man is in a position where much of what “he” thinks and says are the things that everybody else thinks and says; that he has not which alone gives meaning to his claim that nobody can interfere with the expression of his thoughts…We neglect the role of the anonymous authorities like public opinion and “common sense”, which are so powerful because of our profound readiness to conform to the expectations everybody has about ourselves and our equally profound fear of being different."
--Erich Fromm

Given their tendency to conformity, You have to wonder whether a lot of these people might have been Nazis had they lived in Germany in the 1930's.

le Douanier म्हणाले...

Bad L,

It goes w/o saying that all lib schools (Ivy or not) should be replaced w/ Liberty U.

So, until you have a degree from an actually legit alma mater, i.e. a piece of paper w/ Jerry Jr's signature: STFU.

buwaya म्हणाले...

Large numbers of teenage girls picked up Mausers and went off happily to shoot their neighbors in 1936. For no better personal reasons than these two are expressing, and many worse ones.

I dont expect this lot to actually kill their neighbors, the tribal lines seem to place the whole physical world entirely on the "right" side - that is, as opposed to a fantasy of the physical on the "left". So there is no traditional outlet for this hate. We are on new ground here.

I suspect the end result will be self-destruction, ultimately.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent म्हणाले...

It's virtually social media. She'll have her life back in about 48 seconds.

buwaya म्हणाले...

I expect that there will be a shakeout of the tertiary education market and a great deal of the actual substance of it will move online, especially in the "liberal arts" and "social sciences"; and that there will be a huge reduction in formal credentials given in these fields.

No real need for "Liberty U", as it will become apparent there is much less need for most universities.

buwaya म्हणाले...

Her life will be haunted for evermore because high end employers will look up her online presence and instantly find this. Yes they do that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Leftist progressive assholes are leftist progressive assholes.

n.n म्हणाले...

The roommate is apparently unfamiliar with the Pro-Choice Church's baby trials. She lacks sufficient [class] diversity. She has been judged of inconsequential value to their Cause. She is merely a colorful clump of cells in their class diversity schemes. She will be crucified for her opposition to their twilight faith, quasi-religion, and secular predations.

Unknown म्हणाले...

At what point does tolerance come into play? The left has openly claimed that "tolerance" must be enforced, and that "tolerance" does not mean you actually tolerate "bigotry, hatred, racism, or hate speech", of course defining all opposition to them as one of those categories.

In short: tolerance just means "we accept everyone who agrees with us, regardless of race or color. If you think like us, we accept you. If you don't... we will kill you as the tolerant, diverse people we are."

And PB& J apparently is a-ok with this.


JPS म्हणाले...

"my kids' school experienced Nazi symbols on Twitter."

I'm finding it hard to tell a swastika posted or drawn as a symbol of Yeah, white nation! from a swastika posted or drawn as the lefty cry, Help! I'm now living in a country with echoes of Nazi Germany!

I suspect the ratio is about 1:>10, for one thing because there are so many more leftists who want to believe they're being persecuted Nazi-style than there are actual white nationalists. Also because I remember a hoax hate crime at my alma mater (about the fifth one ago now), years ago. The perpetrator insisted he was trying to raise awareness.

le Douanier म्हणाले...


Hopefully you'll take this rewrite as a constructive suggestion that you can use in the future:

'Leftist progressive assholes are as leftist progressive assholes do.'

That formulation works w/ anything:

'Con-talkingpoint-regurgitater is as con-talkingpoint-regurgitater does.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Has anyone actually found a Nazi policy that the left disagrees with? Except the idea that Germany should rule Europe, and even then Frau Merkel's immigration policies and the rabid support by the left would suggest that indeed, today's leftists would prefer Europe to be ruled by Germany.

Everything else from hatred of Christians to blaming Jews for the worlds problems and a love of violence and murder all seems to be exactly what today's leftists love.


n.n म्हणाले...

I wonder if female chauvinists are still flogging vulnerable and underage males. Perhaps sacrificing a female intern for their political progress. Assaulting competitors, especially dissenting females. Well, the unplanned ones, anyway, that escaped their terminal solution, and institutional discrimination under [class] diversity schemes.

le Douanier म्हणाले...

Clearly I'm a dope, and I also appreciate using commenter names that make no sense, but why be "unknown" if you sign off w/ "Vance"? Is this some sort of messing w/ Inga thing?

Fen म्हणाले...

Althouse: One defense when you are reviled as white is to trot out proof that you are not white or not that white.

Trot out? As a "defense"? How about instead "she is merely offering proof to show why calling her a racist is so ridiculous". Instead, you use "trot out", as if she was the pathetic one here...

It's kind of sad to see a young woman forced into the public light and then having to reveal private facts about other people

"It's kind of sad that Althouse needs to comment on Valenti's breasts..." Remember that? The loaded language? So why are you doing it here?

because it's so threatening to be thought of as a person of white privilege

Your assumption is it's "threatening". And why are you normalizing the "white privilege" bullshit?

Hell, you're as bad as this girl's pos roommate.

Her grandmother's husband "died after struggling with drug addiction and alcoholism." Her father "grew up in a trailer home." Her mother "was homeless for a period of time." Do all these people now get a NYT op-ed to tell their story?

See? She offers more proof that her life has been rough and hardly "privileged", and what do you do? You mock her for it.

where's the understanding for how support for Trump might look to others who've been victimized by Trump's brand of racism

Racism? My hyperbolic bullshit. The problem is that Lefties have been driven hysterical by false accusations of racism. And you just push the same race-agitation narrative. YOU are the reason people on the left are afraid of Trump.

Trump and his followers will destroy civil liberties. The echoes of Nazi Germany are present

Jesus Christ. Have another bottle of wine please. Then go to sleep. You are a LOON.

the anger of the right is far more violent than the anger of the left.

Are you hallucinating too? There has been TONS of violence from the left. Hardly any from the right.

Michelle Dulak Thomson म्हणाले...

"The anger of the Right is far more violent than the anger of the Left." Ummmm ... okay. Can someone point me to the accounts of rioting and looting and car-burning and smashing of store windows after the 2008 and 2012 elections?

Cops are being assassinated. This isn't done by the Right. The rioting (no tamer word will really do) in places like Portland and Oakland and Philly and Baltimore is not done by the Right. I said all this before (in another thread), but, again: in Berkeley, merchants kept plywood sized to fit their windows, to guard against rioters, just as people in saner districts would to guard against hurricanes. Berkeley's rioters weren't and aren't of the Right.

Even faux violence is overwhelmingly of the Left. What fraction of "hate crimes" have turned out to be self-inflicted hoaxes?

Fen म्हणाले...

What's an "avidly white supremacist"? An Albino?

And "avid" white supremacist is an ACTUAL white supremacist.

As opposed to the phantom ones Althouse sees in her alcohol induced analysis. They are simply "white supremacists", people like you and me.

le Douanier म्हणाले...

"What fraction of "hate crimes" have turned out to be self-inflicted hoaxes?"

The ol' reverse Ashley Todd and Susan Smith stories.

rcocean म्हणाले...

The only way correct response to an SJW attack is:

"Fuck You".

Trump showed the way.

le Douanier म्हणाले...

Or was that Shaquan Duley.

I dunno.

Paco Wové म्हणाले...

"The comments on the New York Times were vile... They see her as evil, and their comments show how good they feel rejecting evil."

"I'm ready for my struggle session now, Mr. Sulzberger."

rcocean म्हणाले...

Of course, the girl involved is a college student and has to worry about grades, networking for a future job, dates, etc.

So she has to play the game. Sad.

Unknown म्हणाले...

PB&J: I sign off with Vance because that's me. I don't have a blogger profile, I guess, though I am signed into Google. So it displays me as "Unknown." And I cannot change it, it appears.

And I'm nowhere near that lunatic known as Inga. So I sign --Vance just to make sure I'm not confused with her.


mockturtle म्हणाले...

rcocean says: The only way correct response to an SJW attack is:

"Fuck You".

Trump showed the way.

Amen, brother!!!

le Douanier म्हणाले...

Now at least two of y'all have worried about this MAGA gal's job prospects. It seems to me that the only issue a so-called high end employer would have would be her fussing publicly, but the initial fusser (the lib) is the one who's racked up a black flag w/ employers who care about having staff that contribute re those who seem like takers.

Just sayin'

chuck म्हणाले...

Fen, methinks reading comprehension is not your strong point. Perhaps you should reread the post before embarrassing yourself further.

walter म्हणाले...

No worries, Jelly..the initial fusser will parlay this additional cred into some sort of "public service" at some SJW outfit or continued opining at any number of web rags.

JackWayne म्हणाले...

Vance, you can login to your google account and change your name, add a pic etc.

buwaya म्हणाले...

This does not break equally of course.
The left wing girl of course has nothing to fear from an F500 HR department, and these controversies probably count as points in favor in public sector or NGO hiring. The other girl does have something to fear, in most such places.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Meanwhile, in Cologne, Germany: Islamist bomb plot by German intelligence officer

le Douanier म्हणाले...


Maybe not HR.

But the folks who actually care about making dough would stay far away, imho.

Jaq म्हणाले...

Vance, you can login to your google account and change your name, add a pic etc.

Nooooo! It's perfect the way it is! It seldom takes more than five words to figure out which Unknown it is.

Matt म्हणाले...

WTF did Trump actually say about minorities that has them all wee-wee'd up? With the exception of the Hispanic population, who apparently don't like to be called out on harboring criminals within their 'communities', what did he say about blacks or Jews or Asians or Eskimos or LGBTWHATEVADAFUK or whoever else? I paid fairly close attention to the campaign and dont remember him assailing these groups. Indeed, he specifically called out the LGBTWHATEVADAFUK for protection in his acceptance speech and did more outreach to black Americans than any Republican in quite a while.

Oh, and sure, he wants to keep some Muslims out. Well, the entire world doesn't have a right to go to any sovereign nation just cuz they feel like it. Sovereign nations have the right to keep you out for whatever reason they want.

Jaq म्हणाले...

Kate at SmallDeadAnimals calls it the "Eight Mile Rule" Never apologize to them, ever.

As for me, I never predicted a win, because I know better. But by July of 2015, I was certain Trump would resonate with a broad segment of working class America based on my own observations and interactions with the audience here. Because there was a desperate desire for someone to step up and take on what is euphemistically called "political correctness". Someone with the strength to absorb the insults, own his identity, and in so doing, neutralize the slurs and disarm the attacker. I call it the 8 Mile Rule, from the film that produced the epiphany. It's profane, but I recommend you watch that, too.

Trump was showing signs of understanding this, and while he adjusted and evolved in his style, he never really backed away from it. "Not all women, just Rosie O'Donnell". That was ballsy.

He was called every vicious name in the book in an effort to force his political allies and supporters to distance themselves, and thereby weaken him. It didn't work. Not only did it not work, when Trump stood his ground, millions of Americans, tired of being slurred as bigots, racists, deplorables -- simply for sharing the ordinary, traditional beliefs of their good and honourable parents and grandparents -- found a champion. An imperfect champion, to be sure, but imperfect was required under the circumstances.
- SmallDeadAnimals.com

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Oh, and sure, he wants to keep some Muslims out. Well, the entire world doesn't have a right to go to any sovereign nation just cuz they feel like it. Sovereign nations have the right to keep you out for whatever reason they want.

And we're always hearing that 'Muslims are not our enemy' but seldom hear from Muslims that we are not their enemy. In fact, clearly we are.

अनामित म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
le Douanier म्हणाले...


I'm sorry, I'm a proud graduate w/ a BS in Rocks for Jocks (I mean, Geology) from Liberty U, so I can't watch that:


You can push your smut somewhere else.

अनामित म्हणाले...


You are a dumbass. Why haven't you figured out you can actually change your blogger name to "unknown" like I have, or even Vance? Have you learned to tie shoe laces yet?

le Douanier म्हणाले...


अनामित म्हणाले...

Trump voter girl should apply to Liberty U, as PBLyin liar gave mention of. I bet they give her a full scholarship for being a loyal Trumpie and for her troubles.

Etienne म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
le Douanier म्हणाले...

Credit where due: MockT gets the credit for suggesting that cons should abandon lib schools for con ones.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Because I only comment here and I don't necessarily want a blogger profile.

But I don't know, Inga: Do you know anything about winning friends and influencing people? Or do they not teach that in 1st grade?

(Note, I have no desire to have Inga as a friend, so I will treat her with all the respect she deserves. )

अनामित म्हणाले...

Send the poor girl a list of con schools. They'll snatch her up. Oh, maybe "snatch" is an unfortunate word....

tcrosse म्हणाले...

I blame George W. Bush.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Fancy Vancy
I don't recall asking you to be my friend. I'm sure you must have some affliction that affects your cognition, that explains why you haven't figured out how to get a blogger name yet.

le Douanier म्हणाले...

"(Note, I have no desire to have Inga as a friend, so I will treat her with all the respect she deserves. )

Dude, this isn't FB.

Will Cate म्हणाले...

Ann, I think you're going pretty harsh here on the roomie. Who she is, and what her background is, clearly is key to why she thinks the way she does. I'm really surprised to see you taking issue with that.

Sure, she might have been better off in the short-run just not speaking up publicly at all, but that's her business. To paraphrase Ray Donovan, where does she go to get her reputation back?

le Douanier म्हणाले...

I want Fen and Methedras to be my friends.

अनामित म्हणाले...

..."where does she go to get her reputation back?"

As I said Liberty U will snatch her up.

le Douanier म्हणाले...

I'd be cool w/ Palladia and ZPS as friends, but that's because I'm cool w/ homos.

Trooper, too, but that's because I'm cool w/ fatties.

le Douanier म्हणाले...


le Douanier म्हणाले...

Was that Sundries chick hot?

If so, she can be my friend.

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

Ms. Pineda should go around the campus carrying a New York Times on her back until she gets justice.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

This is the time of night the trolls come out in force.

320Busdriver म्हणाले...


The professor is not taking issue with the roomate. Those are popular comments from the shitty people who read the Times.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Those are popular comments from the shitty people who read the Times.

Ooops, you just insulted our NYT-reading hostess!

le Douanier म्हणाले...

"This is the time of night the trolls come out in force."

I.e., after the workday: I've noticed that too, a lot of conservative commenters here don't seem to have jobs.

Plenty of golden year, respected elders (like Mock) in the bunch, I guess.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

As I said Liberty U will snatch her up.


We can always count on Abby Someone not to think through the implications...

अनामित म्हणाले...

I always considered you to be a troll, go figure.

320Busdriver म्हणाले...

Nope, unless she was one of those commenters highlighted. But I doubt it as,

"Etc. etc. This young lady cannot have her private life back."

Her earlier post on the NYT claim of being "independent, NOW?" seems to indicate some level of disdain, but what do I know.

le Douanier म्हणाले...

"Ooops, you just insulted our NYT-reading hostess!"

In one thread Mock suggests that America should turn away from lib colleges and the NYT: Let's make Liberty U in charge of all higher ed, and InfoWars should be the go to media source.

MAGA. (or, truth in advertising: MAMA, i.e. substitute "Mississippi" for "Great").

le Douanier म्हणाले...


अनामित म्हणाले...

Maybe she can write the Trump Administration and ask if Trump will snatch her up, due to her unfortunate circumstances. She could be Kellyann's apprentice.

Fred Drinkwater म्हणाले...

Ms. Pineda claims, in her NYT piece, not to have voted for Trump, indeed not to have voted at all, being too busy with classes etc. So the rhetoric directed against her by her ex-roomie and the fine folks in the comments threads at the NYT, is based entirely on 1) what her roomie wrote about her, and 2) what she wrote about herself.
She seems to have DONE nothing. She just HAS WRONG OPINIONS. (Especially wrong, given her family heritage.) That makes her a threat to the world view of the aforementioned fine folk at the NYT. Therefore she must be re-educated, and failing that, ostracized, if not killed outright.
Lovely people.

320Busdriver म्हणाले...

"a lot of conservative commenters here don't seem to have jobs."

I pride myself on making the most amount of money for the fewest days worked. I average 18 days off a month(non vacation months), any more than that might disrupt the marital harmony.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

I love watching the newest moves in the I Am a Bigger Victim Than You Are mud wrestling Match. The winner will be the meanest Victim of them all.

le Douanier म्हणाले...

"I love watching the newest moves in the I Am a Bigger Victim Than You Are mud wrestling Match. The winner will be the meanest Victim of them all."

I'm subscribed to DJT's twitter feed too.

Henry म्हणाले...

my kids' school experienced Nazi symbols on Twitter

The poor school.

Will Cate म्हणाले...


Trust me, I'm not confusing her words for the Times' commenters.

"One defense when you are reviled as white is to trot out proof that you are not white or not that white… Do all these people now get a NYT op-ed to tell their story? … Pineda does get around to begging us to rise above racial differences ..."

That's what set off my snark-detector.

rcocean म्हणाले...

"I've noticed that too, a lot of conservative commenters here don't seem to have jobs."

A lot of us have jobs. But we can multi-task.

Unlike Liberals.

Henry म्हणाले...

It seems to me that Trump fear is an opt-in. I'm hesitant to say that, because if you are in a group insulted by Trump your experience is going to be more immediate than mine. Though I am part of the group of people who voted against him. But we all have a choice of whether to consume negativity or not.

The local middle school sent an email to all parents today that two pieces of paper had been found in a classroom that had swastikas drawn on them. This town has a large Jewish population. I can understand that that can be chilling. On the other hand: pieces of paper with drawings.

rcocean म्हणाले...

"I love watching the newest moves in the I Am a Bigger Victim Than You Are mud wrestling Match. "

Its a witty line but that's the way Fucking Liberals think and act. It's the same old "No one loves Comrade Stalin more than me" mentality.

At another website, I told them Trump supporters were the biggest victims - and they were very upset!

rcocean म्हणाले...

What? How dare you criticize me - I'm a woman.

How dare you criticize ME - I'm a black woman.

Well, I'm A Jewish black woman.

Well, I'm a Muslim black woman AND a Lesbian.

Oh really? Well, I'm a Jewish Black woman, who's bi-sexual and disabled. Top that!

Roughcoat म्हणाले...

buwaya puti:

Excellent commentary, very insightful. You are on fire. I salute you (and agree with you).

320Busdriver म्हणाले...


I read most of that as showing empathy for this girls plight. My apology for erroneous assumption.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

Michael said...
"This writer is as bad as the first. We are waiting for the accused white privileged to stand ground, to invoke Bach and Shakespeare and Chartres and Bronte and Plato and Seneca and on and on. Why are white people so ashamed?"

Neither one of these unfortunate children is white. Some kind of towelhead mutt and a Mexican, as best I can make out. That's why they're at NYU, even though they're barely literate in English. Maybe they make more sense in some simpler language. What they are arguing about is which one is *less* white, and I'd have to say it's a tough call on the evidence thus far. And I wouldn't hold my breath while they rummage through their closets looking for Shakespeare if I were you. I'm sure there are people at NYU who study Shakespeare, but they're faculty, not students.

Luke Lea म्हणाले...

Aren't aggressive progressives the type who became commissars in Bolshevik Russia? Even more frightful, weren't the Nazis created in response to these types? Time to nip this whole dialectic in the bud if we can.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

And I'm no authority on White Privilege, but I believe reading Shakespeare because you like to is frowned upon among modern Academics, at least if you are White. White People are supposed to *want* to read some Marxist with a bone in his nose, but refrain because it would be Cultural Appropriation. I'm not sure why it isn't Cultural Appropriation for people with bones in their noses to read Marx.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

If your obnoxious roomate writes a story about you, and then you are asked for your response, "Get bent," will suffice.

Known Unknown म्हणाले...

Andy Warhol should've said that in the future everyone will get their own New York Times op-ed.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

The NYT is reduced to publishing a moronic argument between two teenagers.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

From the headlines of the future:

"OMG. Her Roomate Said What?"

Known Unknown म्हणाले...

Violent Left vs. Violent Right? It's Lenin, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Mugabe, Chavez, Castro, The fabulous Kim family in NK vs. Pinochet and maybe a few other pikers. Notice I didn't even put Hitler on the winning team.

I Have Misplaced My Pants म्हणाले...

The local middle school sent an email to all parents today that two pieces of paper had been found in a classroom that had swastikas drawn on them. This town has a large Jewish population. I can understand that that can be chilling. On the other hand: pieces of paper with drawings.

When my oldest two kids were 5 and 3 I introduced them to my favorite movie, which is The Sound of Music. They couldn't grasp the subtleties, of course, but understood that the Nazis were the bad guys and the swastika was their symbol. They (my little ones) went through a jag of drawing swastikas and then making the circle and slash through them, to express their disapproval. Sometimes they got distracted and so we had pieces of paper with swastikas on them. They did this once with sidewalk chalk, on our driveway. I'm glad our black neighbors, who knew and liked our little girls, thought it was hilarious and that it happened in the Year of our Lord 2006, not 2016, or God only knows what kind of vilification I'd be suffering right now.

Sammy Finkelman म्हणाले...

tcrosse said... 11/29/16, 4:36 PM

They said that a Trump victory would open wide the floodgates of Hate and Intolerance, and they were right.

A Hillary Clinton vctory wold have done that. It's impossible to maintain that support for Trump is evil when Trump won. Any attacks, in the end, will have to be rational.

Patrick Henry was right! म्हणाले...

And yet, the violence is all from the alt- left, and paid for by the Clinton campaign.
These people are immune to irony.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

My last thought for the night before trundling off to bed is that Romaissaa Benzizoune inadvertently makes the case that Trump is right about barring Muslims from this country. If they can't cope with Republican electoral victories then how are they going to live in a country where the other party is forming into a circular firing squad?

walter म्हणाले...

Not sure but..are you maybe misinterpreting tcrosse's tongue in cheek comment?

mccullough म्हणाले...


le Douanier म्हणाले...

Althouse is so sensitive and caring toward this poor DJTer gal, she can imagine the horror of having her own voice published in the NYT. Plucked out of the Madison-intertube obscurity for all the world to hear. Awful.


le Douanier म्हणाले...

It's cool when Althouse speculates that this or that paid-attention-to media outlet may have taken direction from reading her blog.

Imagine how terrible it would be if Althouse had these platforms, like this DJTer gal, she'd hate that.

The closest she got to that when one of the top tier folks dipped down to write about her and Meade. I think that was the same day the NYT did a fluff piece on a monkey that was fed a Twix by a paraplegic transgendered Guatemalan.

Will Cate म्हणाले...


No worries... I could be wrong, after all.

Gretchen म्हणाले...

I love the claims that Trump has the support of White Supremacists. So what? That doesn't translate into all people who support Trump are Nazis. Using the same lack of critical thinking, murderous terrorists support Islam, therefore all Muslims are murderous terrorists.

Also how was anyone victimized by Trump "not paying taxes?". Of course, Trump just used the current tax code to minimize his tax burden, but how did that victimize anyone? On the other hand, poor Americans have been victimized by overcrowding of schools, increased competition for jobs, and competition for housing, increase in communicable disease like TB, scholarships and other form of financial assistance from illegals. In general illegals are not overcrowding suburban schools, or private city schools, nor are they lowering wages for lawyers, journalists or college professors.

WarrenPeese म्हणाले...

Ms. Benzizoune can now be known as one of the sh**tiest college roommates in collegiate history. I doubt that she informed her roommate that she was going to pull that kind of thing, thrusting Ms. Pineda into a limelight that she never sought nor asked for.

n.n म्हणाले...

Muslims have nothing to fear from Americans. Americans are not Pro-Choice generally. They do not judge people by the "color of their skin" (i.e. [class] diversity), but rather by their character which determines principled alignment. Americans generally do not start wars for social causes, but rather for self-defense of themselves and others. Americans generally do not execute reformed dictators (and American ambassadors), but bring mass abortionists to trial before the People. Americans generally recognize individual dignity (e.g. character), are pro-life (i.e. intrinsic value and evolution of human life from conception), and reject the Left's principled support for institutional racism, sexism, etc.; selective and opportunistic laws and morality; and termination of life unworthy of life.

n.n म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
n.n म्हणाले...


Not even him. The American right does not generally share principles with other "right" movements, other than acknowledgement of natural imperatives (e.g. geographical development). Perhaps by skin color, maybe, but not principles (i.e. character). Progressive and Liberals needs to reject [class] diversity, reject scientific mysticism (e.g. evolutionary creationism, spontaneous human conception), reject "=" and adopt equal treatment, reject war-mongering for social causes, reject immigration "reform" including refugee crises and mass emigration, and reject their perception of other human lives as colorful clumps of cells that may be aborted or Planned as life unworthy of life. In short, the Left needs to reject their Pro-Choice quasi-religion and mortal gods.

LilyBart म्हणाले...

The candidate whose VP thinks that homosexuals should be subjected to electric shocks to make them "normal"?

Even Snopes.com couldn't pin this one on Pence. Its a nasty lie.

These vile leftists condemn people out of their own pathetic ignorance. hat an ugly bunch of self-righteous jerks the left turned out to be.

Is this what they mean by #LoveTrumpsHate ?

Fûz म्हणाले...

"The echoes of Nazi Germany are present; the anger of the right is far more violent than the anger of the left."
the commenter can hear the echoes of Nazi Germany but probably wouldn't know Dan Quayle if they were in the same elevator.

Fûz म्हणाले...

"The echoes of Nazi Germany are present; the anger of the right is far more violent than the anger of the left."
the commenter can hear the echoes of Nazi Germany but probably wouldn't know Dan Quayle if they were in the same elevator.

walter म्हणाले...

Jelly is on a roll tonight..maybe even a croissant!

RonF म्हणाले...

I'll bet not one of her critics can name one "homophobic" statement that Trump has made. They cannot quote any racist statement he has made (no, not a 4 word phrase quoted out of context, but an actual statement). They don't know that Trump said in response to the North Carolina "bathroom" bill that Caitlin Jenner could use any bathroom in his properties. They don't know that he took a rainbow flag from someone at one of his rallies and waved it on stage. The probably would froth at the mouth if you told them that you can prove that he'll defend civil rights because he's pro-Second Amendment - refusing to admit (or not understanding) that the right to keep and bear arms is, in fact, a civil right.

They will not be able to cite one statement by Steven Bannon that is anti-Semitic or white supremacist.

All they know is that the NYT and it's ilk have branded them as such. That's good enough for them. They won't take one look at an opposing viewpoint. They won't take one look at the actual statements and positions of the men themselves. They have the intellectual integrity and analytical abilities of 8-year old children who have been denied the candy that they want Mom to buy for them as they walk through the supermarket aisles. For once in their lives they've been told "No" by an authority that they cannot force to change it's mind no matter what kind of tantrum they throw, and they just can't reconcile themselves to it.

Unknown म्हणाले...

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jcr म्हणाले...

I have observed a new cliche acronym emerge over the last few weeks, which is "TIWTW" (This is Why Trump Won), and it applies whenever you see anyone on the left side of the Ruling Party demonstrating their hatred, fear, and contempt of anyone who doesn't subscribe to their orthodoxy.

TIWTW, indeed.


jcr म्हणाले...

"the anger of the right is far more violent than the anger of the left"

So, when right-wingers get angry, they're more violent than this?

Goodness, that is worrying.


DaveM म्हणाले...

Trump is apparently supported by white supremacists, who he in no uncertain terms rejects. Thus she is guilty of supporting someone who is supported by people he claims not to like.

Hitler was a vegetarian. By being a vegetarian you obviously support genocide.

Same flavor of argument, simplified to demonstrate its stupidity.

The level to which that goofball has been made into a Satan by the left says far more about them than him, none of it good.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Hillary supporters are nothing more than terrorists.
No other way to say it.
Islam is incompatible with the Constitution of the United States.
I Tell it like it is. Bazinga!

Unknown म्हणाले...

To all Anti-Trump US CITIZENS.

I have Reasonable Doubt Trump is not white supremacist. It is a setup!
I think I can convince you that Donald Trump was, and still is, set up as a white supremacist.

The DNC was fast to support groups they know outrage KKK/Nazis (for example Illegals, Syrian refugees, LGBT)
This tricked KKK/Nazis to gravitate towards Trump

 Keep in mind that Republicans tricked the KKK to gravitate towards Democrats many many years ago. Republicans accomplished this by quickly supporting the FREED black slaves.

 KKK and Nazis could have just as well gravitated towards Hillary if the RNC would have been fast enough to support the same people as the DNC. It was dirty pool by the DNC. And it worked.
You mark my word that's what happened.

Alphonsus Jr. म्हणाले...

Brother Nathanael is quite right in calling for Trump to nationalize the media.

See this video on Youtube:

Will Trump Gas the Media?

walter म्हणाले...

He will turn them into lampshades!

Gospace म्हणाले...

Interesting statement. Trumps brand of racism. What brand would that be exactly? From all appearances, he seems to judge every individual as, well, an individual. Not having watched TV since 1997, I've never seen his reality show. What I've read about indicates he judged people based on demonstrated competence and ability to contribute to business success.

Of course, judging individuals as individuals according to liberals is just a code phrase for racism. Or sexism. Or misogyny. Or whatever the false accusation of the day is. At 61 years old, I've still not received my secret code word translation book so I can subtly broadcast my thoughts by disguising them with seemingly innocuous phrases.

tngilmer म्हणाले...

I normally do not support lying in any way but if you voted for Trump and are in a heavily fascist (aka Democrat) area, just lie and say you voted for Hildabeast and smile as you walk away as you know the truth.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

I think there's an aspect of this matter we are overlooking. I have never seen either one of these women, but my sexist stereotype engine says that the roommate is kind of a babe. Maybe a little too much around the waist (she needs a little time in the gym), or a touch of a moustache (very attractive with a certain High-Castilian coloring, as I can attest), but when she walks down the street, guys who have absolutely no chance and know it square their shoulders and suck in their guts.

The looks the Muslim Feminist (!?) gets are a little different. They would be entirely appropriate if she were an ambulatory cactus with running sores dripping smoking lime-green radioactive ichor. When men wonder what is under her clothing, they are thinking in terms of explosives.

Maybe I have this all wrong. Maybe the MF is about to be featured in Playboy's (Outer Garments of the) Girls of the North African Littoral, and the Chiquita has a zit on her nose. But that's not how the smart money is betting. I would need to see pictures.

Plus, when Muhammad came over for a "study date" last Friday, all he could talk about was "Your roommate makes delicious salsa!". What Muhammad knows about salsa had him in the bathroom all Saturday afternoon. Candy-ass jihaddabe! I'll burn his ass!

Jaq म्हणाले...

I don't recall asking you to be my friend. I'm sure you must have some affliction that affects your cognition, that explains why you haven't figured out how to get a blogger name yet. - Unknown

LOL. This is the same chick who, with a straight face, apparently, claimed that Trump must be hiding something bad in his tax returns, which of course have been approved by the IRS, or resubmitted if not, but Hillary was just protecting her personal privacy by permanently destroying public records of her work as Secretary of State.

Oh yeah, and the trolls that want to shun her, in the most primitive sense of the word like members of some cult, and send her to another university, have a deep self-awareness. "What is the opposite of diversity? University!"

Brando म्हणाले...

What's also sad is this "I can't be racist, I have a [insert useful race] relative". First of all, yes you can still be a bigot even against a part of your own background, there are some psychologically messed up people out there, and second, even if you're 100% white and Christian, you shouldn't have to dig up some connection to another race to not be racist yourself. How about "I'm not a bigot, many of us supported Trump for any number of reasons, and while you may think we're wrong how about at least discovering why we did what we did? You might learn something."

We've long had this divide (remember the Bush years?) but it seems to have taken a nasty turn lately. And it looks to get worse before it gets better. We're two countries living mixed together.

Jaq म्हणाले...

I get a kick out of the fact that this blog has a known Unknown and an unknown Unknown.

Clyde म्हणाले...

Funny thing how it's always the New York Times-reading liberal Democratswho are always bleating on about the way Republicans are taking the country down the road to fascism, and who then proceed to act like brownshirts themselves, turning the lives of innocent victims like Ms. Pineda into their own personal Kristalnacht. The only appropriate answer is a heartfelt two extended middle fingers, to the New York Times and to its scummy brownshirt commenters. May the wheel of karma turn around and grind you the same way that you ground Ms. Pineda.

SDN म्हणाले...

I grew up in the South, and when I read the comments on that NYT article (and LyinPB / Inga here) is their Democrat ancestors from the Klan chanting "ni**er-lover" at anyone who didn't match their hate.

They are worthy inheritors.

Unknown म्हणाले...

U do know mike Pence never said electric shock for gays. Even the liberal fact checkers snopes could figure it out. U should be sued for libel.

Ironwood म्हणाले...

I really can't blame the NYT commenters. We send them to liberal elementary and high schools for 12 years. We feed them Captain Planet, Scooby Doo, Bill Nye, and CNN on TV. All of them reviling business, greed, racism and claiming our planet is doomed. Almost everyone they look up to in their formative years is a leftist. All their peers are leftists. What are they supposed to think? Then some of them head off to a University where their indoctrination gets even worse.

Who can blame the poor misguided kids? I think we should feel sorry for them instead.

Brando म्हणाले...

"Plus, when Muhammad came over for a "study date" last Friday, all he could talk about was "Your roommate makes delicious salsa!". What Muhammad knows about salsa had him in the bathroom all Saturday afternoon. Candy-ass jihaddabe! I'll burn his ass!"

I'm not saying Jupiter should be writing salacious novels, but I'm also not not saying it.

Owen म्हणाले...

Buwaya puti: "...there will be a shakeout of the tertiary education market...". So true, and I think it is already underway. The ROI is negative and getting more so: $250+ thousand and 4 years of your life to acquire a commodity credential that is often just the precursor to yet more credentials, in a weak economy where automation is moving steadily up the food chain? Unsustainable.

I speak of averages and the trend.

The interesting questions will be, what replaces the current model? And what happens to the legions of student life counselors, when the ivy-covered halls become a full-time corporate conference center and Disneyland for nostalgic alumni?

Brando म्हणाले...

"The interesting questions will be, what replaces the current model? And what happens to the legions of student life counselors, when the ivy-covered halls become a full-time corporate conference center and Disneyland for nostalgic alumni?"

It is an unsustainable model, but it's been largely propped up by government interference that helps fund people taking out that kind of debt with such a shabby chance of paying it off. Take that away--or at least condition such aid on price constraints--and we may see a reversal. Of course the first thing we'll hear from the education establishment is "you're gutting education and using that money to [fill in some thing the educators don't like, say tax cuts for the rich or wars]" and we'll see stories about kids who cannot now afford to go to college but have to take money from tourists in exchange for touching themselves and letting them watch.

Misinforminimalism म्हणाले...

This poor young lady is toast. White Trump supporter? Racist. Non-white Trump supporter? Race traitor. And if you're white enough, racist, too. The syllogism is unshakable in the minds of the Left, to which non-white, female support for Trump poses an existential challenge.

अनामित म्हणाले...

RonF: They have the intellectual integrity and analytical abilities of 8-year old children who have been denied the candy that they want Mom to buy for them as they walk through the supermarket aisles. For once in their lives they've been told "No" by an authority that they cannot force to change it's mind no matter what kind of tantrum they throw, and they just can't reconcile themselves to it.

Nice description. Now if we can only get a lot of the people opposed to them to finally develop the maturity and wisdom to understand that you cannot reason with spoiled children, and that treating their tantrums as if they were any way deserving of respect and empathy is a waste of time. Contempt is the only answer they deserve.

(I understand that the colleges coddle them because they're the debt-accruing marks the colleges need to keep their racket running.)

damikesc म्हणाले...

These stories of "I now see swastikas in places" --- do these idiots HONESTLY believe that the Nazis have been on the verge of taking over but the Democrats alone have beaten them back?

Is that their idiotic assertion?

Brando म्हणाले...

"These stories of "I now see swastikas in places" --- do these idiots HONESTLY believe that the Nazis have been on the verge of taking over but the Democrats alone have beaten them back?"

No, that's silly. They were secret hidden Nazis who didn't know they were Nazis until they got the Nazi signal by Trump getting elected and now they have arisen like sleeper agents.

Drago म्हणाले...

walter: "He will turn them into lampshades!"

Green lampshades!

And then Trump will distribute them to bankers and accountants!

And the Trump will grudgingly allow everyone to be home on Christmas day but will demand they be in the office all the earlier on Monday!

I would advise the lefties to tread very cautiously here as Omarosa was seen knitting a very long scarf indeed!

mockturtle म्हणाले...

One of my daughters who is racially mixed [black/white] and a Trump supporter has been raked over the coals on FB but she is a strong woman, not a snowflake, and has a Trumpian F-U attitude. She is also more knowledgeable than most of her critics.

Peter म्हणाले...

""The echoes of Nazi Germany are present"

Well, yes, the Reichstag is always about to burn. And therefore whatever is done to prevent that is justified, BAMN!

One could, perhaps, analyze this as a form of millenarianism? Although it seems remarkably adept of avoiding the inevitable decline that happens to millenarianist cults when their prophecies fail. Are we at the point (yet) where if everyone is Hitler, no one is Hitler?

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

A bunch of haters on the left there, starting with the Muzzie girl who set this off by hating on her roommate. Thing to always remember about the left here is that if they accuse their enemies of something, they are most often projecting their own deficits onto their enemies. And, being haters falls right in there.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

Liberals are ugly people, inside and out. They are more filled with toxic hate and self-righteousness than any white supremacist ever could be, since after all, the MSM only supports non-white racists and cocoons them within a bubble of approving two-minutes of hate every day, five times a day, like a prayer.

Martin म्हणाले...

I find the arrogance of those NYT commenters who opposed Trump to be staggering--so sure they know what the future holds. So confident in abusing a person over a difference of political opinion.

Only a child can be so certain of the unknown, so without humility or nuance or respect for the unknown and unknowable future. Our politicians, esp on the Left, have infantilized many of us. And there may be a terrible price to pay before they wake up.

Known Unknown म्हणाले...

"I get a kick out of the fact that this blog has a known Unknown and an unknown Unknown"

Which one is Rumsfeld?

Ambrose म्हणाले...

The fact that people like these NYT commenters will spend the next 4 or 8 years in a state of apoplectic shock is - to me - the best thing that came out of the election.

ken in tx म्हणाले...

'Echos of Nazi Germany' has some meaning but not in the way they mean. One of the reasons the Nazis were successful in coming to power was because of the excesses of the Communists. There were running street battles between the two groups. For example, the Horst Wessel song, the official Nazi Anthem, was written by a Nazi party activist who was murdered by two Communist activists. Verses were added to the song, after his murder, referring to his spirit marching along with the Nazi party to victory. So, it could be said, that in part, hatred by and for the Communists inspired the Nazis on to power. What will all this hatred displayed by the American left inspire? I agree with Buwaya.

Sigivald म्हणाले...

Wait, what?

People are "victimization by [...] Trump's failure to pay taxes"?

How the hell does that work?

And hasn't he been, well, paying exactly what the IRS could be convinced to agree he owed?

Is this person really, honestly saying not just that taxes need to be paid, but that paying the minimum you legally owe is victimizing someone?

And is there any possible mode for his "victimization" to take other than "the government having a very marginally higher deficit that war"?

Do people even think for a millisecond before they say these things?

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Ken in TX: It's a good reminder that the Nazis main focus, originally, was to eliminate the communists who were using crime and terrorism to create a chaotic environment, necessary to their cause, as it had worked in the Russian revolt. They rather underestimated Hitler, however.

There is a lesson to be learned here. The left desires chaos and wants a fascist, or at least martial, type of reaction because this feeds into their ideology. We must preserve our Constitutional freedoms and not play into their hands.


"the Muslim NYU student who wrote a NYT op-ed vilifying her roommate for supporting Trump? It's the end of the World."


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