Shapiro, invited to speak by the UW’s Young Americans for Freedom and Young America’s Foundation, got through his introduction and then all hell broke loose.
The demonstrators stood up and chanted, “Safety! Safety! Safety,” interrupting Shapiro’s address...
The protesters, including children, constantly interrupted Shapiro’s speech, which in part was on why “diversity doesn’t matter, decency matters.”Shapiro mocked the practice of wearing of safety pins to protest the election of Trump:
“Shame! Shame! Shame!” chanted the leftists in response....
“They started wearing safety pins. They can wear them with this diaper,” Shapiro said, in a jab at the sentiment.Shapiro is Jewish, and he taunted back.
“You want to wear a swastika?” a safe space protester shouted.
Campus police watched but did nothing to stop the interruptions. At one point, they looked on as the protesters stormed the stage and continued their chants. Shapiro was told by police that they were instructed not to stop the demonstrators, who made their intentions to disrupt clear on Facebook days before the speech.Local conservative radio talk show host Vicki McKenna was there.
Upon leaving the event, she was surrounded by demonstrators. They shouted all kinds of vile things at the talk show host, the kind of offensive, “war on women” words for which liberals castigated Trump. One protester even charged that McKenna was responsible for the murder of a University of Wisconsin-Stout student from Saudi Arabia.The Badger Herald has an article with pictures and video of the protest and the crowd's response to the protest. Here's the harrowing and NSFW video McKenna's team shot after the event.
“The black supremacists mob shout me down–all 5’3″ &48 years old of me–and UW cops try to move ME away because I am the THREAT Film at 11!” McKenna wrote on Twitter.
ADDED: Here's the University's official statement. Excerpt:
The university worked to ensure the event would be safe and provide a forum for both the speaker and those dissenting with his statements to express their views, by meeting with organizers and protesters, along with providing security for the event....I'd like to see a statement on how the university police treated Vicki McKenna. Why was she pushed out when she was trying to cover the news and she was the one being subjected to physical intimidation?
१६९ टिप्पण्या:
These punks aren't protesters. They are violating the Free Speech rights of Ben Shapiro, and the audience who wanted to listen to his speech.
The Dean should expel them for violating the civil rights of innocent people.
Yes...democrats are certainly becoming a terrorist organization. The less power they have the better.
"Harrowing." Isn't there anyone in the law school standing up agains this thuggery? Where's Blank?
The demonstrators stood up and chanted, “Safety! Safety! Safety,” interrupting Shapiro’s address...
Campus police watched but did nothing to stop the interruptions. At one point, they looked on as the protesters stormed the stage and continued their chants.
So while the left lies that their safety is at risk they put their enemies at risk while authorities encourage them.
They are trying these same tactics on the Electoral College. They refuse to understand why they are losing.
According to reports out of Idaho and elsewhere, Clinton supporters have obtained Electoral College voters’ personal information and are harassing them with calls, Facebook messages, emails and even home visits, encouraging them to become “faithless electors,” and change their Trump votes to Clinton votes.
And they aren’t being kind about it: “A lot of ’em use bad, rough language,” said Layne Bangerter, one of Idaho’s electors. “Nothing I feel intimidated over. But we’re watching it very closely. They’ve got our home phone numbers, our cell numbers, our emails, our Facebook. We’re just getting an orchestrated barrage from the left.”
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“They attack my religion, they attack my politics, they tell me that I must be a terrible father, I must be a terrible American, they use foul language — every swear word,” Bangerter said.
Another of Idaho’s electors told local media that the calls — some of them pre-recorded - Heat Street
And it makes you wonder who is paying for the Robocalls, but Freder assures us that there is no outside funding for these efforts. I guess the robocall machines spontaneously began making the calls and nobody is paying the bills.
The passive stance by University administrators seems to be catching on. Milo went to DePaul Chicago, was required to pay up front for campus Police protection and when protestors stormed the stage the security did nothing.
sue their a----s off...
Bring the video, document the daylights out of this stuff.
Build the file.
These clowns have no idea how much damage they are doing to their side.
I'm puzzled why the adults among the Democrats don't call for them to stop.
Maybe there are no adults?
More Love Trumps Hate:
Love means "Fuck Whiteness"
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
Okay, here's the inevitable question:
The righties own the lion's share of the 300 million guns in this country. At what point do they snap out of frustration at this consistent abrogation of their 1st A. rights, & start ventilating these people with AR-15 slugs? Who's going to put the genie back in that bottle once it starts? Honestly, I'm amazed it hasn't happened already.
It amazes me that for my lefty friends these events are either 1) off the event horizon or 2) supported by them as the suppression of "hate speech".
This is what happens when there is no cathartic method to release the emotions in substantial conflict. Nobody can speak respectfully because speaking is futile. The only result is a screaming match which only leads to the next screaming match.
If there were a physical outlet, such as a duel in Thunderdome, then there would be a route to escalation and resolution, even for many non participants, who can root for their champions.
when protestors stormed the stage the security did nothing.
The security is there to protect the leftlings in case the wingnut fights back.
"Campus police watched but did nothing..." I think it would be useful to know if Ben Shapiro or the group which invited him were asked to pay for security. Even if there was not a special charge, one can reasonably ask of the campus police, are they not there to prevent exactly what happened? These people committed a tort --interference with others' economic interests-- by preventing the delivery of a bargained-for lecture or talk. Both the audience members who could not get what their dues or admission charge had paid for; and the organizers and Mr. Shapiro himself, who could not deliver what was promised; were cheated by this little band of intellectual vandals.
Were names taken? Will any discipline be forthcoming? ....Crickets.
These clowns have no idea how much damage they are doing to their side. I'm puzzled why the adults among the Democrats don't call for them to stop. Maybe there are no adults?
As I read your comment I heard the Family Feud "Ding!" going off.
Althouse has great sound effects.
Campus police watched but did nothing to stop the interruptions.
That campus police do nothing. That's bad enough. But, in Chicago, when the Trump rally was shut down, the Chicago police did nothing. That's a civil horse of an entirely different color which cries out for Justice Department investigation.
That's quite a video.
Imagine a 48 year old black woman surrounded by white people of the same size and attitude spewing the same kind of rhetoric against the black woman.
Then imagine the response to that.
As to the "passive stance" but university administrators, how is that going to look when someone actually gets attacked. Were they not concerned with Ben Shapiro's safety when people went on stage?
Admittedly this is a small nasty group causing the ruckus, but will anyone in authority at the University condemn what they do? Will the organized lefties remain silent about hate and intimidation coming from their side?
I'm pretty sure we know the answer to that, but the question must be emphasized,
buwaya puti: " cathartic method to release the emotions in substantial conflict..."
Your Thunderdome idea is gaining appeal with every minute.
We could actually turn this into a money-maker. Do an MMA kind of thing. Amateur, semi-pro, full pro; weight classes. Angry Progressives in the blue corner, Long-Suffering Yeomanry in the red corner.
"That campus police do nothing. That's bad enough. But, in Chicago, when the Trump rally was shut down, the Chicago police did nothing. That's a civil horse of an entirely different color which cries out for Justice Department investigation."
I think the horses are the same color. One is larger than the other.
Hmmm. I will allow that she says "I'm a five foot three woman" rather too often, but it's not unnatural when you're being confronted by a man at least a foot taller than you and probably at least twice your weight, who insists on intruding into your space. She didn't back down at all, which is terrific, even when the police officer (? maybe just campus security) demanded it of her.
George Soros is probably going to award that bully the Bolshevik Medal of Honor. He appreciates good street violence work when he has paid good money for it.
Sounds like concealed carry for the speakers is in order. :)
Fascism is thriving at WU.
"Shapiro was told by police that they were instructed not to stop the demonstrators."
If true, I think Republican speakers/groups need to start hiring their own security at events. The security the school provided was so porous that, if a protester had wanted to, they'd have taken a swing at the speaker.
But, the left scored the point they wanted: You have been warned. Agree, or shut up.
"What is the opposite of diversity? University." - Kate at SmallDeadAnimals
Following up on a Laura Ingraham tweet... credit students for protesting?
"As to the "passive stance" but university administrators, how is that going to look when someone actually gets attacked."
-- They're just counting on the right people being attacked so they can say, "See? They do inspire hate," and have a legitimate excuse to ban further wrong think.
> The passive stance by University administrators seems to be catching on.
The quickest way to an ice pick in the kidney is to ask an academic to get your back.
I'm not a fan of loudness or protests in general. But, since this is apparently how the world works now, I wonder if Tea Party activists would kindly shout down the next left-leaning speaker at the University, just so we can see if this is view point neutral policing.
[I guess the better way to say it is: I don't mind protests that are, in actuality, protests. But these seem to be more hecklers exercising their veto than protests.]
Matthew Sablan, I agree. The expense isn't really that great, and it would put to an end all these cancellations of events by those (Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Milo Yiannopoulos, &c.) who don't toe the line. (And of those two, one's a Somali immigrant and the other's a gay man. What's not to like?)
What sez the RNC?
From what I've heard, Republicans control both houses of the Wisconsin legislature by pretty substantial margins. Scott Walker is still the governor. What is to stop the legislature from reacting to events like this? For example, they could rule that since the campus police are unwilling, unable, or not allowed to protect the rights of conservative students and speakers, they should be abolished with security turned over to the local police. For all of their self-proclamations of their intelligence, academics very often act in stupid ways. Until now, they've never had to suffer the consequences. Maybe it's time they did. Ending tenure would be a start.
This is how you get civil wars.
It's a good thing Ann is retiring from this nuthouse in a couple of months.
For a law professor that actually cares about the Constitution, the University of Wisconsin has got to be hard to work at. After all, is there any evidence that the University of Wisconsin, in any shape or form, actually follows the Constitution?
The incident at Badger stadium and now this pretty clearly show that free speech is dead there.
Run while you still can, Ann. Before they pull an Instapundit on you too.
"For example, they could rule that since the campus police are unwilling, unable, or not allowed to protect the rights of conservative students and speakers, they should be abolished with security turned over to the local police."
-- Because, "Republican Governor Disbands Campus Police, Orders Police to University" is a terrible headline, even if you are Scott Walker.
And that's my relatively neutral headline, as opposed to what you'll actually get.
"This is how you get civil wars."
This is certainly how they got the Spanish Civil War.
Some Civil Wars are precipitated by substantial conflicts of interest, where people count the cost/benefit and risk and proceed semi-reasonably. The original US Civil War was in this category, of course the risk was hugely underestimated, as risks usually are.
Others, like in todays US, Sri Lanka/Ceylon in the 1980's-2000's, and Spain in the 1930's, are largely due to mutual hysteria and paranoia.
Your university - indeed, your city - is a cesspit of hatred and intolerance. The most despicable people are allowed to do what they want, without the slightest fear of consequences. Indeed, they know they have official sanction. The authorities - particularly those at the University of Wisconsin - don't just approve, they encourage silencing of those designated "wrong."
I am glad to be far, far away from such an ugly, detestable place.
This is how you get civil wars.
Since the campus administration caves to every demand of the racist left, it just escalates. There's a breaking point somewhere ahead.
I think one of the main drivers is the football and basketball team rankings. The administration is drunk with NCAA sports prestige. They won't allow anything to upset a potential black recruit.
...just so we can see if this is view point neutral policing.
Nate Silver puts the chance of that happening at 71.4%!
Liberal fascism. Didn't somebody write a book about it?
The worm is going to turn.
Can't wait for them to call me for my alum donation.
UW Madison is a public university. Law suits are coming. Someone in the administration ordered the campus cops to allow those twenty snowflakes to abuse the Shapiro's Constitutional rights and the rights of those who came to hear him. That someone better lawyer up fast.
From Anthony Beevor "The Battle for Spain" -
"Normal human instincts were
overridden. In the tense spring of 1936,
on his way to Madrid University, Julián
Marías, a disciple of the philosopher
José Ortega y Gasset, never forgot the
hatred in the expression of a tram-driver
at a stop as he watched a beautiful and
well-dressed young woman step down
onto the pavement. ‘We’ve really had
it,’ Marías said to himself. ‘When Marx
has more effect than hormones, there is
nothing to be done.’
Fascist bastards! They can use those safety pins to hold up their red diapers.
rehajm said...
...just so we can see if this is view point neutral policing.
Nate Silver puts the chance of that happening at 71.4%!
The decimal's in the wrong place, should be .714%.
Campus police watched but did nothing to stop the interruptions. At one point, they looked on as the protesters stormed the stage and continued their chants.
This is the kind of horseshit that's going to get people hurt. Fuck this! I guarantee these liberal assholes--the Univ. administrators & campus police big wigs--are today congratulating themselves on their viewpoint neutrality.
The next time the Univ. President gives a speech someone ought to storm the stage. It's apparently ok to do that now!
These punks aren't Democrats anymore than the alt right punks are Republicans.
They're radicals - illiberals - who want to squash views they don't like.
I'm hoping that it's a small fringe group on campuses; but the more stories I read about these incidents and I start to wonder what the hell is going on? And the cowardice of the university administrators is just stunning. I shouldn't be surprised but I am. Just a bunch of cowards.
Where are the lawsuits? How is having your campus police force stand by while others physically invade students' space and intimidate students' invited speakers at all consistent with providing a safe learning environment?
We're getting pretty close to "burn this bitch down" territory, I think.
UW lied, eh? Governor Walker should have a talk with them, and the district representatives and senators might want to have a Come To Jesus meeting with UW.
Perhaps your university could benefit from a little adult supervision, which its current administration seems ill disposed to provide. Governor Walker, over to you.
@ YoungHegelian: The righties own the lion's share of the 300 million guns in this country. At what point do they snap out of frustration at this consistent abrogation of their 1st A. rights, & start ventilating these people with AR-15 slugs? Who's going to put the genie back in that bottle once it starts? Honestly, I'm amazed it hasn't happened already.
You're amazed it hasn't happened already? Really?? You really think this is how the typical "rightie" wants to resolve this situation?
"Owen said...
I'm puzzled why the adults among the Democrats don't call for them to stop."
Because they don't want to be next.
That statement from the school is really lane. They are disappointed? This was violence and intimidation against free speech. The stadium was just non-PC (and probably inadvertent) speech.
Now compare the statement about the stadium event.The perpetrators were tracked down and banned from the stadium, promises for reeducation were made, and a bunch of hair-shirt wallering.
Fucking fascists. Another swamp needs draining.
"Campus police watched but did nothing to stop the interruptions. At one point, they looked on as the protesters stormed the stage and continued their chants.
This is the kind of horseshit that's going to get people hurt."
You know who has power by noting whom the police protect.
Granted, the police will come down on different sides depending on the local political situation.
We are dedicated to promoting a campus environment where all people feel valued and respected. To that end, the university expects community members to engage in discussion, especially over controversial issues, in ways that are respectful of others’ viewpoints and that promote greater understanding. We are disappointed that some attendees at the event chose not to do so.
"Some attendees." Yeah, could have been anyone--might have been some of Shapiro's pals for all we know. Pathetic.
"We are disappointed." Does your school not have any kind of honor code, or disciplinary rules? Guess not--at least not for Lefties.
Sue, defund, delegitimize. Attach personal liability to the univ. officials responsible. These people need to pay.
Remind me what happened at Camp Randall Stadium with that noose and mask.
Prof. Althouse:
Shapiro was saying that he was proud to be simultaneously protested by BLM and white supremicists (who evidently had something planned). Did you see the white supremicists there?
Thanks for your blog.
Madison: A small sea of tyrannical bullshit surrounded by the Great State of Wisconsin.
"Campus police watched but did nothing to stop the interruptions. At one point, they looked on as the protesters stormed the stage and continued their chants. Shapiro was told by police that they were instructed not to stop the demonstrators, who made their intentions to disrupt clear on Facebook days before the speech."
Ann, it's time to stop pretending that academia is anything better than an enclave of Stalinism.
Quaestor "UW Madison is a public university. Law suits are coming..."
I certainly hope so. The result should be the utter ruination of the responsible parties' careers, reputations and retirement savings.
Short explanation: Liberals are fascists, and no longer afraid to show it.
We are dedicated to promoting a campus environment where all people feel valued and respected. To that end, the university expects community members to engage in discussion, especially over controversial issues, in ways that are respectful of others’ viewpoints and that promote greater understanding.
We are disappointed that we didn't have the stones to do anything about it.
I can't imagine what the faculty really thinks of this type of protesting. It has to be unsettling. I'll bet you have to keep your mouth shut, or your life at UW would be horrible if you dissented from the dissenters. It has to be embarrassing that the behavior of these students is the output of the education and mentoring they receive. God help the workforce when they graduate.
Protesters have a right to gather, stand outside, and picket. Chant away. But UW is giving its protective blessing at allowing the students to shut down the event, while bullshitting everyone by saying they have concern for all sides. No they don't. More disturbing is that the cops go along with this stuff.
Like the rest of the liberal elite who just lost the election, Madison and UW could give a shit about free speech or the working class that populates Wisconsin. Assholes.
Curious George: "...Because they don't want to be next."
True. I forgot to include the sarc font. Or maybe it's the faux-naive font.
Seriously? This is not a stable arrangement. The University officials, having been stripped of common sense and basic courage, should hasten to consult with their experts on catastrophe theory so they can try to guess how close to the edge they're getting.
Blogger Steve M. Galbraith said... "These punks aren't Democrats anymore than the alt right punks are Republicans.
Of course they are Democrats. That's why the university officials, also Democrats, protect them. That's why Democrat elected officials and other Democrats are slow to condemn them just as they are slow to condemn other disruptive and riotous groups. They are Democrat voting blocs.
It's time to come to terms with how low the Democrat Party has fallen.
I haven't seen people identifiable as "alt right punks" engaging in this kind of behavior - whatever "alt-right" is. Please provide a link. Anybody?
From the adminiustration's statement -
"...provide a forum for both the speaker and those dissenting with his statements to express their views,"
The speaker attempted to deliver prepared remarks. Those dissenting shouted repetitive one word chants disruptively. But somehow both count equally as "views."
"...provide a forum for both the speaker and a group of chimpanzees to express their views,"
There. Fixed it for them.
"Sounds like concealed carry for the speakers is in order. :)"
I'd almost guarantee that Vicki was carrying, that is if she was lawfully permitted in that venue.
It is almost as if the University guys know they are getting insane wealth from salaries and huge pensions squared, and will as long as the students get something to keep them coming.
Since the students no longer are getting marketable job skills or even an education in western civilization, except Social Justice Facist lab work, the University lays down and lets them run the asylum like it is 4 years of recess.
#Pence2020 says thank you and stay strong Madison!
“The university worked to ensure the event would be safe and provide a forum for both the speaker and those dissenting with his statements to express their views, by meeting with organizers and protesters, along with providing security for the event....”
This was not a debate. It is not the job of the University to provide a forum at the event for people who disagree with the speaker to express their views. If people don’t like the viewpoint of a speaker they can hold their own event where they can express their dissenting views.
They most neutered person in the video posted is the cop in the middle of it all. What is the point of even having him there?
My daughter will be in college in a year and a half. We are fortunate enough to have the income to send her away to school. But I don't want her near UW. Doesn't look like a safe or impressive place to attend.
Professor Althouse deserves credit for this post, and having the guts to shine some light on what is allowed to go on at her workplace.
It is past time to organize demonstration along the lines of Trump's rallies. 10-20K of people with signs, placards, etc. moving peacefully. And request strong police protection because usual clowns will try to infest the streets.
YAF needs to start suing University Administrators for allowing fascists to violate their civil rights, as well as start making honor code violation accusations against same.
"The university worked to ensure the event would be safe and provide a forum for both the speaker and those dissenting with his statements to express their views, by meeting with organizers and protesters, along with providing security for the event"
Those working university workers sure worked hard to meet with organizers and protesters and provide security for the event. They failed to accomplish safety, or provide a proper forum for the speaker, or allow him to express his views, but they hope to be judged on stated intentions rather than results. Because look! They value diversity, they said so, and saying it is enough. They sure are disappointed in a few unruly youths.
Solution: Don't let that Shapriro character or anyone with that viewpoint back on campus.
Leftists have a long history of being disruptive at the UW. There is no reason to doubt that allowing this disruptive behavior to continue will lead to the sorts of results the leftists achieved on August 24, 1970 at Sterling Hall.
Does this happen to every conservative speaker or is there something particularly evil about Ben?
"It amazes me that for my lefty friends these events are either 1) off the event horizon or 2) supported by them as the suppression of "hate speech".
They know, deep down, that the right is peaceful. They are safe from us and the demonstrators are confident that they will be able to abuse conservatives in safety. Once in a while they go too far and are amazed to be injured.
The lefties think this video supports their argument. It just infuriated me. The truck driver is slowly driving home. They are standing in front of his truck and demanding her turn around.
I would have done exactly what he did. I doubt the video shows him breaking any law and I doubt there will be any consequences for him, at least from the authorities.
When I drove through Phoenix last Friday, I had a gun in the car incase the idiots were blocking the I 10.
@Althouse, can Walker fire Chancellor Blank and Provost Mangelsdorf? The two them should resign in shame and disgrace anyway, but perhaps they could be fired (and Walker would be governor for life).
According to Shapiro (at about the 27-minute mark) he was told by UW that if the protesters were arrested, the officers would close down the whole event. So Shapiro had to stand there and allow people to disrupt his presentation to be allowed to speak on campus.
Steve M. Galbraith said..the more stories I read about these incidents and I start to wonder what the hell is going on
Where ya been?
This is a fine old tradition at UW, as I remember from my time in the 60s. If you disagree with the dominant narrative, you can get yourself sifted, and winnow your ass out of there.
Does this happen to every conservative speaker or is there something particularly evil about Ben?
Pretty much all of them.
I hope the new Wisconsin State Legislature revises budgets down for UW.
I keep noticing how the word "violence" has come to mean "expressing a different opinion" on campus. It was used that way by the aggressors in the McKenna video. Disgusting.
This is how you get very quick civil wars. Progs are cowards and wouldn't last more than a day under fire. Bring it.
I hope the new Wisconsin State Legislature revises budgets down for UW.
Hopefully targeting budgets used to fund lefty causes, organizations and speakers.
it would appear that the administration at Madison is staffed with cowards as are so many other institutions of "higher learning". They, like the MSM, will continue to be exposed as biased and incompetent fools. Students, of course, have always been fools.
The cold reality that facts don't care about feelings is to "liberals" what a crucifix is to Dracula. Look how they think the laws of economics are going to bend themselves in the face of their vaunted feelings of "compassion."
the protesters didn't "include children", the protesters ARE children.
Next time they have an event like this they will need to have more white men with work boots and fuzzy beards in their early 30s to mid 40s in the audience.
Also advise these protestors to not venture off the Interstate when passing through WI - once you leave the gas station/convenience stores located on the off ramps, you will encounter white men with work boots and fuzzy beards in their early 30s to mid 40s.
UW Madison does not have concealed carry allowed in campus buildings - perhaps this incident will be cited as a need to allow it. Who can afford to wait for the Madison UW Police to "grow a set" in a crisis situation?
Concealed carry has no place in UW-Madison buildings, community - Monday, a variety of state politicians and Madison community members met to discuss legislation proposed by state Rep. Jesse Kremer, R-Kewaskum, that would permit concealed carry within UW-Madison buildings
Seeing the various yard signs, they lock their doors and crank the NPR once out of Dane county...
Michael K said...
The lefties think this video supports their argument. It just infuriated me. The truck driver is slowly driving home. They are standing in front of his truck and demanding her turn around.
I would have done exactly what he did. I doubt the video shows him breaking any law and I doubt there will be any consequences for him, at least from the authorities.
When I drove through Phoenix last Friday, I had a gun in the car incase the idiots were blocking the I 10.
11/17/16, 1:27 PM
Watched the video and can't believe the restraint that the driver showed those "rioters". Protesters don't stand in front of moving vehicles. They stand on the side of the road with signs and chants. You block the traffic, you get pushed out of the way. It was also funny that these rioters think that shouting "we are peaceful" as the mob gathers is somehow soothing. They are damn lucky someone didn't get seriously hurt. Notice that despite their talk that they were afraid, they not only didn't scatter, the continued to try and block his path.
You are right, they think this video makes their case when it does the exact opposite.
"On Wisconsin, On Wisconsin, grand old badger state..."
This is what happens when Scientific Progressives are allowed to become university administrators.
I keep noticing how the word "violence" has come to mean "expressing a different opinion" on campus. It was used that way by the aggressors in the McKenna video.
The confusion of these two distinct and separate things is deliberate and calculated. Milo Yiannopoulos explains it best.
Crazy version of free speech they have there (and elsewhere). The old version of a protest was to protest OUTSIDE an event or to hold up signs. Now it is pure thuggery--shouting down anyone they don't like if they can't get them canceled.
Are you worried that you might have to be confronted with ideas that you may not agree with? Worried that someone might say something that might cause you to have to reassess your world view?
Well don't you worry one bit! We have a solution for you! It is the patent pending "Trigglypuff SJW reactionary training course"! In it we teach you to close your mind and open your mouth! To get started, simply Google "trigglypuff", then watch and learn! It really is THAT EASY!
The author of the linked article needs to look up "kowtow" before trying to use it again.
Evidently the left has decided to obstruct free speech. And college administrators are so far too yellow or too leftist to work out a plan of action to prevent said obstruction. It wouldn't be out of line for Walker or the legislature to require UW everywhere to come up with a plan which guarantees free speech on campus. Or explain why they can't or won't. Or lose their jobs.
Those protestors brought children because police are deeply reluctant to arrest parents with children - it means separating them. The children cry, the parents scream. The children have to be put in family services. You have to have people from family services ready or you have unattended children in a confrontational situation. Of course police have arrested parents when they were arresting prolifers so it can be done. But you have to be ready.
And why throw it on the police? It's the university administrators who are allowing all this and it would be more to the point to cause administrators and college presidents to lose their jobs under Title IX until they found a way to guarantee free speech on campus. They'd think of something if their job required it.
As a former liberal, who departed the plantation after my Democratic Party's deranged reaction to the 2000 election and then 9/11, I think it's obvious that the left are simply unserious people.
Angry, petulant, violent, depressed, etc... but not serious. That explains their reactions.
No doubt Ritmo will defend this.
Which 'Unknown' is Inga? I'm confused.
There is another video floating around of protestors lying down in the street and a car drove right over them. That was a bit extreme but people are getting frustrated. A man died last weekend because protests blocked an ambulance,
Thinking about this Fred Thompson scene.
I would have voted for him for president. I met him and his wife in 2008. They had little kids.
The left is playing with fire.
Why should they not be accused of antisemitism?
Ben was on the Mike Gallagher show this morning, and explained that UW Security told him that if he asked security to remove the protesters, security would shut down the entire event.
The speaker the protestors, the heckler, the hooligans who took to the stage, and the security all played their parts to perfection. It's all theater
What's the point, then?
Klavan covers this in today's podcast.
"What's the point, then?"
To make everyone angrier.
The admins are NOT cowards. They are CO-CONSPIRATORS. They are also cowards, but that is incidental.
Ben Shapiro from University of Wisconsin–Madison
You can bet security would have intervened if members of the audience had attacked the protesters.
A few Wisconsin facts, then one opinion:
1. GOP Governor Scott Walker has held office for the past 5 years.
2. Wisconsin Legislature: Assembly 63-36 GOP; Senate 18-14 GOP
3. House: 6-3 GOP
4. Senate: 1-1 (tie)
5. Speaker of the House is Paul Ryan (Wisc); Next Chief of Staff is Reince Priebus (Wisc)
6. Wisconsin went Red in the 2016 Presidential election, first time since 1984.
Opinion: Wisconsin is steadily moving Red, because these coddled morons at UW are acting out, violating the First Amendment Rights of others, and alienating the rest of the more sane and sober voters of the Badger State.
The campaign commercials write themselves.
This affects the police chief, school funding, the mayor's race, and since Madison is the capitol, up the food chain.
It may be time for Walker to issue an invite to his office.
They trashed the Capitol Building, too.
They really aren't very smart.
North Korea is nice and safe... and now Turkey. come on LEFTISTS - deport yourselves. It's for your own safety.
I see that Iowa's legislature is putting together a bill called "Suck it up, Buttercup," aimed at "cry rooms" and "safe spaces" filled with coloring books and Play-Doh and other toys not hitherto regarded as being suitable for college age students.
Wisconsin Republicans may want to take a look.
@mockturtle, anti-Semitism coming from the left? Who could imagine it?!?
My Jewish friends who are hardcore Democrats need to take stock of all this, particularly in light of Keith Ellison being proposed for next DNC chair. I've warned them that the bogeymen on the right are mostly crackpots that have no following while their party -- the one they support financially -- is taking on a pronounced anti-Semitic tone at the very highest levels.
Why don't the various speakers point out to everyone coming in that they have a contract to speak and that anyone who prevents the speech through disruptive behavior - as opposed to peaceful protest - is interfering with the contract, and will be sued? And then follow up on those who are egregious enough to have committed tortious interference? Chilling effect? Not on peaceful protest but certainly chilling borderline violent and actual violent behavior.
I was at this event. We were all handed protest rules when we entered the lecture pit. Once Shapiro started my husband & I had these crazies both in immediately front of and behind us. We asked them to be quiet and sit down. Of course, nothing happened. After 10 minutes I approached one of the campus police officers and pointed out how according to the rules given these snowflakes were braking the "protest rules". He told me to "be patient". I said "what the hell for?" I sat down. After another 5 minutes or so I asked AGAIN why they (campus police) were doing nothing. I was approached by someone that was with Ben Shapiro and said all will be fine-please sit. Then the protesters rushed the stage and called all of us in the audience "racists" and "white supremacists" and we told that this was "their university".
After the police finally acted Shapiro said:"we were told we needed to let them have some time to vent by the administration". Also, that if anyone got arrested the whole event would be shut down.
So, once again, the ad I situation let these little thugs get their way while hundreds of people had to waste our time "letting them vent".
So, next Board of Regents meeting how do you think the Board would react by someone shouting "safety" ?
It was a great event and I give Shapuro credit for dealing with all the crap he is on the receiving end of. I guess at least here he got to talk while the night before he was banned from even stepping on DePaul's campus.
Blogger lazlo toth said...
disruptive behavior - as opposed to peaceful protest - is interfering with the contract
Hmmm...does that apply in the increasingly extra-judicial arena of Universities?
They have their own "police" who followed stand down orders.
Brownshirts: always descending on the Right, always landing on the Left.
Where's Rhythm & Balls to explain the imminent fascism to us?
He's a little deflated now that the ADL is backing away from claims against Bannon.
While, I never attended UW-Madison. Most of my immediate family did. They also enjoyed going to Badger football games and even donating some money to the school. I'm certainly going to pass on news of this event to them.
Bay Area Guy,
After the election the Assembly is now 64-35 GOP and the senate is 20-12 GOP with one race too close to call, but the Dem incumbent is 56 votes ahead. The Dem in that race is the senate minority leader. The trend away from the Dems since the recall fiasco is stunning. There is a decent chance the GOP gets a supermajority in the WI senate in 2018.
Blogger sane_voter said...
The trend away from the Dems since the recall fiasco is stunning.
-- while making sure this crap doesn't go unnoticed, might as well cheer the idiots on.
How do conservative students feel at these universities?
Safe? Comfortable? Welcome?
Big Mike says: @mockturtle, anti-Semitism coming from the left? Who could imagine it?!?
My Jewish friends who are hardcore Democrats need to take stock of all this, particularly in light of Keith Ellison being proposed for next DNC chair. I've warned them that the bogeymen on the right are mostly crackpots that have no following while their party -- the one they support financially -- is taking on a pronounced anti-Semitic tone at the very highest levels.
Yep. I addressed this in another thread--the Kushner thread, I think. It is puzzling.
Blogger MayBee said...
How do conservative students feel at these universities?
despite Trump's less than Conservative past, based on the audio of the event, at least temporarlly emboldened.
You have chants of "Safe-ty!" vs "Free speech matters!"
@mockturtle, puzzling? Try insane.
Big Mike/Mockturtle,
And if yer buds don't want to believe that antisemitism is baked into the lefty pie from the get-go, have 'em take a gander at this by Ol' Uncle Karl hisself.
It's quite an eye-opener for those unaware of 19th C. German politics.
Gahrie said...
I hope the new Wisconsin State Legislature revises budgets down for UW.
"Hopefully targeting budgets used to fund lefty causes, organizations and speakers."
He covered that. He said, "for UW".
You can't fix it without overtuning political correctness.
The idea is that anything not PC is so awful that it cannot be heard; the so awful must be maintained.
If you can, on the contrary, say whatever you notice out loud to a polite crowd, PC is overturned. That can't be allowed to happen.
Same deal with occupy wall street, black lives matter, and so forth. So long as you can't say what you notice, not being able to say what you notice is maintained.
Same for Trump is so vile that women won't listen.
The posture is the political correctness.
Fix that and you fix civility. A paradox.
The incivility is aided enormously with the outre mistake.
Outrage comes from outre, beyond what is proper.
Add -age to make a French noun. Outreage. Outrage.
English notices the -rage, and decides what is beyond what is proper deserves rage. The word itself says so. So rage proves it's beyond what is proper. Hence the outrage.
Who can today notice that the thing beyond what is proper is different from the reaction to it? It's all one word, one and the same.
This is so useful that the word was reimported back into French.
Just a bunch of Engineering majors, letting off a little steam after Mid-Terms. Some Pre-Meds. Couple of future CPAs there, right?
That's why we subsidize the universities with tax dollars. Because we all benefit when students with potential receive a good education.
What was it those TV ads used to say?
"Because a mind is a terrible thing to waste."
MayBee said...
How do conservative students feel at these universities?
Safe? Comfortable? Welcome?
You know what the left believes about that? The program is working.
Professor Althouse,
Are you or any other faculty members going to speak out against this?
As a law professor do you think that the organized disruption would not constitute a criminal conspiracy to deprive the audience and Shapiro of their constitutional rights?
Jupiter said...Whatt was it those TV ads used to say?
"Because a mind is a terrible thing to waste."
Now: "This is yer brain on progs"
I don't understand this. Why weren't the disruptors removed from the premises so that Mr. Shapiro could speak? Especially when they charged the stage! If the school President doesn't move to expel the offenders he should be fired.
So apparently safe spaces are only for liberals, whereas conservatives can be harassed in public.
It's Uni-ville...
Here's what's going to happen. At some point, there will be a leftist-oriented speaker, and some conservative students - or even some middle of the road ones - will block it. And then you'll have mob action across the campus.
I don't understand this. Why weren't the disruptors removed from the premises so that Mr. Shapiro could speak? Especially when they charged the stage! If the school President doesn't move to expel the offenders he should be fired.
Maybe at some point those footing the bill for this shit will make some noise instead of clamoring for it to be "free".
Ahhh...that's crazy talk.
“The university worked to ensure the event would be safe and provide a forum for both the speaker and those dissenting with his statements to express their views, by meeting with organizers and protesters, along with providing security for the event....”
I DEMAND that Rebecca Blank provide a forum for dissenting views whenever she gives a speech.
Ben Forgot to bring Crowder with him.
I watched the tape with McKenna. It is pretty clear that the cops moved McKenna because they were intimidated by the prospect of confronting twenty screaming thugs from the "protesting" classes.
The University is obviously struggling to deal with their own "free speech" doctrine. They are acting in a lame, fatuous, and feckless way. They are stumped by the question of when does my right to free speech cut off your right to protest, which also involves free speech. So you see the "let them vent" disruption. The University lacks the self-confidence to insist that all sides observe minimal courtesy so that all may be heard.
The protesters in the meantime are hoping that they can provoke someone into taking a swing at one of them, at which point the Nazi brownshirt street gangs will be invoked or the KKK will be sighted nearby.
Everyone on the side of civilization needs to show some restraint, but the University needs to deny robustly the hecklers' veto. Instead, they are facilitating it.
One of my friends is on the "Committee on Obnoxious Conduct" at the U of Chicago. They are trying to come up with some ground rules for the intersection of protest and free speech. The students there are saying, "Just tell us what the rules are." I eagerly await their report, which is due before the end of the year.
How bout they use the rules of larger society?
Is that radical?
At what point did "University Police" become the norm?
Correction: What a giant waste of taxpayer subsidized tuition.
It's easy to get overworked on these types of stories. If I'm reading this correctly, 20 dipshits shut down the speech. I can tell you we had way more idiots than that at my university back in 98. What I would do is pre-arrange an alternate location for the speech off campus. A backup plan, say private property. I still get to hear the speech; the People's Republic of UW still maintains the intellectual freedom of North Korea. Should be in every conservative speaker's playbook by now.
It's important for people to think that these issues had anything to do with the election results.
Shorter Ben Shapiro (as if he weren't short enough):
Right to offend makes me virtuous for being an annoying asshole.
The guy actually has informative views on "European far-right nationalist populist" Trump. What a pity that these campus warriors have become the imperfect, if perfectly functional vessel for a guy who like Bannon who elevates nationality above liberty.
"The righties own the lion's share of the 300 million guns in this country. At what point do they snap out of frustration at this consistent abrogation of their 1st A. rights, & start ventilating these people with AR-15 slugs? Who's going to put the genie back in that bottle once it starts? Honestly, I'm amazed it hasn't happened already."
One of the things Tom Clancy got right was his portrayal of Marines intent on revenge after a security briefing. I forget the instance, but it was some outrageous atrocity committed by terrorists, and the civilian side was full of anger and rage.
But not these Marines. They were deadly serious.
The people you are talking about? They are like that. They aren't going to let emotion cloud reason. They are watching. Taking notes. There is not going to be a reactionary incident caused by activists blocking the road and beating drivers. It's going to be a pre-planned surgical strike against the Left's command and control.
"It wouldn't be out of line for Walker or the legislature to require UW everywhere to come up with a plan which guarantees free speech on campus."
This is an easy one:
1) identify all protesters at this event
2) expel them
3) you're fired
The post-election hysterics have spotlighted universities as failing in their primary duty to educate young adults and prepare them to function in society. This is on them, they not only indoctrinate, they encourage this.
It's time we take a long hard look at exactly *who* is responsible for turning our institutions of higher education into marxist breeding grounds and get rid of them.
With violence if necessary. They have already broken the social contracts that are necessary for a civil society, so the rule of law no longer protects them.
University playbook should include targeted economic sanctions on troublemakers. Use closed venues, get everyone to sign in. Verify against UW school ID. Maybe get everyone to sign a waiver or consent: "I will be courteous and not doing erupt or rush the stage etc. if I do, you will throw me out, fine me all my beer money for 2 months, and worse." Roll cameras as needed to document any disruption and its authors. Post that video to the web with names. Email it to the disruptive children and their proud families.
Stupid spellcheck. "...doing erupt" = "disrupt."
Why does your soon-to-be former employers allow this?
And they allow it because you and I both know the protestors will have nothing done to them when they should be tossed out of school for that behavior.
They are trying these same tactics on the Electoral College. They refuse to understand why they are losing.
And still --- not one Democrat has said one negative word about any of it.
George Soros is probably going to award that bully the Bolshevik Medal of Honor. He appreciates good street violence work when he has paid good money for it.
Why is nobody willing to investigate him? If all of your groups tend to devolve into violence, perhaps it's time to investigate your groups.
You're amazed it hasn't happened already? Really?? You really think this is how the typical "rightie" wants to resolve this situation?
To paraphrase a long-held truism, when issues aren't addressed by legitimate methods at all, then less legitimate methods become usable.
If following the rules leaves you silenced, then following the rules seems to be less of a benefit. Especially since the side silencing you has no problem violating rules wholesale.
Owen:I'm a 60yo woman who had paid tuition to this university and pays taxes to support this university. I have no student ID and I should be able to go see a speaker of my choosing on a public university campus without a student ID. If what you said was followed this video would never have been seen.
I am currently providing support for one adult child in the UW system, not Madison thankfully. Number two will graduate HS in May and is planning on U of Minnesota (reciprocity) or UW Madison. Earlier he had favored Minnesota on the basis of our tours, but has been talking more about UW lately.
Honestly, this display of ugliness as seen on the videos, especially the Vicki M video, has me questioning whether UW is as good or better than Minnesota for my child. I will probably lobby for him to leave the state where I will feel better about the value of his education.
Not impressed UW!!!
@Michael K, I finally got around to watching that video. Driver needs to say, repeatedly, that he's in fear for his life to build the case for self defense if he needs to use that pistol.
The reasons we let them get away with this stuff is:
1) It doesn't really affect us, not enough to get involved. In the cities with riots and demonstrations, unless you went looking for it or got unlucky, you would hardly know it was going on.
2) It kind of helps. Every hysterical snowflake is one less snowflake acquiring the necessary skills and experience to compete for MY job. The anti-Trump rioters are hard at work winning the 2018 elections for the Republicans.
But most of all:
3) We are lazy fat-asses who prefer to sit on our butts and vent our indignation in comments threads.
Seriously, if you want to do something practical about this, it is easy enough to infiltrate their command and control structure. Project Veritas has been able to do this a number of times, getting pretty high up in the org chart. It wouldn't be much harder to do some serious (but legal) disruption.
It takes a lot of work, however, and we fancy that we have better things to do -- although those things don't prevent us from spending an astonishing amount of time sounding off in Twitter and comments threads.
Arresting the protestors is not the only option. They can be escorted out of the room.
The post-election hysterics have spotlighted universities as failing in their primary duty to educate young adults and prepare them to function in society.
Primary and secondary education is the institution for preparation to "function in society," you goofball. Not college.
The role of a college education is to teach critical thinking, which can and often should be subversive to the status quo. Molding young adults to become cogs to put in the economic machine is not its role. Maybe for cannon fodder commanders/contractors or apprenticeship providers. But not for colleges.
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