Why was Lady Gaga dressed as a nazi? pic.twitter.com/q99syEN7fj
— Maria (@CupidDelux) November 8, 2016
... should not be viewed as a Nazi look is: "the jacket was actually the same one that Michael Jackson wore when he visited the White House, which is a nice tribute to the late pop icon."
You still need a reason for deciding to pay a tribute to Michael Jackson at a Hillary rally. If a celebrity at a Trump rally had dressed like that and then — after it's perceived as a Nazi look and tweeted about furiously — sought refuge in the Michael Jackson provenance, not only would the excuse be rejected — it looks Nazi and you wanted that look — but the sins of Michael Jackson would be loaded on top.
And why did Michael Jackson wear that jacket? There have been stories published saying that Michael Jackson was fascinated by Nazis:
It turns out that Jackson had a huge collection of Nazi movies and documentaries that he displayed on the walls at his Neverland ranch. Norman Scherer, the videotape distributor who procured the rare videos, said he assumed that Jackson just loved the military garb and lockstep marching – a perfectly normal assumption when someone reveals to you that they’re obsessed with Nazis.So that's another reason why tracing Gaga's jacket to Jackson fails to break the Nazi association. I don't know what Jackson meant to be doing with his military get-up and why he loved Nazi imagery (if he did), but saying the jacket was Jackson's doesn't make it not a Nazi jacket.
The reason Lady Gaga will get away with dressing like that isn't because the jacket's Jackson's, but because she came out for Hillary Clinton and not Donald Trump.
७६ टिप्पण्या:
Lady Gaga is a weirdo. Hillary wins the weirdo vote.
She knew exactly what she looked like.
The Clintons can just plain get away with rape and hanging out with Nazis.
Well no surprise there. You're judged against your pre-existing image. Trump has been painted as dictator-admiring, rule-of-law shredding and authoritarian, with a nice heap of bigotry-enabling tossed in. So when Laura Ingraham decides to wave to him and gets caught in a freeze frame with a stiff arm salute, it's Nazi time (doesn't help that she's blond! Ben Carson could have gotten away with it). Lesson--if you're going to wave, bend your arm!
Like it or not, Hillary just doesn't have the "Nazi sympathizer" image. So she could have debuted her campaign symbol turned slightly aslant, in black on a white circle atop a bed of scarlet, and no one would bat an eye.
The Clinton Democrats are the ones that call everybody else Nazis and racists. Nobody notices their brown shirts.
Usually she dresses like a whore.
I'm beautiful in my way
'Cause Adolph makes no mistakes
I'm on the National Socialist track, baby
I was born this way
Bad luck for the Nazis.
Ooooh, some chum for the Althouse Hillbillies! Ann knows that her Hillbillies are going to be particularly aggrieved today given that their hillbilly king is going to be emasculated tonight when the votes are counted. Ann, let's get these Jethros off the porch early today and get them running through the hollows like the rapid dogs they can't help but being. Yee-Haw!
Somebody's a little frantic this morning.
She didn't "accidently" dress as a Nazi. She purposely dressed as an SS type, all in black and including the red arm band. No red arm band and the Nazi comparison wouldn't wouldn't have been made, but with it the comparison is completely reasonable. The real question is why did she do it? Of course, the larger question is why anyone cares what she does, other than sing?
I wonder how an American Leftist would imitate a Nazi? All they've seen are movie Nazis and Hogan's heroes. Heidegger found something about about the Nazi philosophy attractive, presumably not cartoonish brutality.
Whoever gives their acceptance speech tonight should wear that jacket.
Extremely wealthy corporate pop acts adore the corruptocrats.
Did Gaga lead all the State-worshipping Democrats in singing the Horst Wessel Song?
Hillary is starting to look more and more like Evita........
Does anyone think that Lady Gaga has read "Mein Kampf" or understands how the Treaty of Versailles gave rise to Hitler or that the German Communists fought in th Berlin beer halls against the Getman Socialists (Nazis)?
I doubt it.
For balance
Trump's pronunciation could have been worse. The first time I noticed Beyonce she was on a magazine cover, her name in big curlicues. I said, out loud unfortunately, "Who's Bayuntz?"
That's how hip and with it I am.
I love their explanation: No no no it's not a Nazi uniform! She bought it from Michael Jackson's collection.
So it's a pedophile-who-was-fascinated-by-Nazis outfit? OK that's better!
[Is Lazlo writing for Beyonce's flack now?]
lf it looks like a Nazi and "Seig Heils" like a Nazi ...
And not just any Nazi, but the garb of an SS stormtrooper uniform. The most vicious of the vicious. Right down to the flared pants and polished boots.
Trump for President. Hillary for jail. Obama for the dustbin of history.
She's just getting ready for the Hillary era of Nazis and re=education camps.
Nothing to see here.
"Trump's pronunciation could have been worse. The first time I noticed Beyonce she was on a magazine cover, her name in big curlicues. I said, out loud unfortunately, "Who's Bayuntz?""
I'm guilty of the same thing, intentionally mispronouncing their stupid names that don't exist in nature (same with Kane West). It's not their fault their parents are too stupid to use real names, but they could have changed them for show business, like "Midge Knowles" or "Mortimer West".
It is quite possible Lady Gaga is completely ignorant of the symbol here. The level of historical ignorance in the past couple of generations is baffling bad in some cases. Remember Macklemore dressing up in a stereotypical "greedy Jew" costume for a concert? He seemed genuinely baffled that it was offensive and I half believe he really had no idea. For that matter, people still show up in blackface from time to time despite the fact that it never ends well.
Gaga's uniform was entirely appropriate. Should Hillary win, the first directive to her inner circle will be to come up with a Final Solution to the problem that over half the country is made up of deplorables.
Beyonce dresses like a Nazi - gets to do the Superbowl halftime and make appearances with Hillary. Gaga dresses like a Nazi and hangs out with Hillary. Longtime Nazi collaborators The Muslim Brotherhood have Huma placed close to Hillary. If she wins this fashion will go much farther and Hillary will change from her intergalactic overlord look to outright fascist. It's all in the wardrobe people, right there!
Well I got out of bed, tripped over a slipper and Whoa! How did an SS uniform get on me?
Instead of a nazi she was dressed as a molester?
OK, I'll go for a joke. In the Brit series "Father Ted," Ted is invited to look over the possessions of a priest who's about to retire, and has to get rid of a lot of stuff. It's mainly Nazi paraphernalia. Ted is more and more uneasy as he looks around. "Any American Air Force stuff, anything like that?" "Oh no, I have no interest in that kind of thing."
Ted takes on the collection as a kind of act of charity; with the help of a few other unintended episodes, the word spreads in this remote rural community that Ted is a fascist at best. When he gets an opportunity, with a lot of people gathered, he says "Yes well, I just wanted to clear things up; I'm not a fascist, I'm a priest. Fascists dress in black and go around telling people what to do, whereas... priests... More drink!"
Maybe Gaga likes goose stepping.
"Trump's pronunciation could have been worse. The first time I noticed Beyonce she was on a magazine cover, her name in big curlicues. I said, out loud unfortunately, "Who's Bayuntz?""
Sade is the quinoa of pop music.
Speak g of Michael Jacson, remember the title of that prescient article in Commentary magazine by Jeane Kirkpatrick back in the early 1980s that inspired Reagan to appoint the conservative Democrat as UN Ambassador?
"Dictatorships and Doublestandards"
Ms. Gaga doesn't do anything accidentally. She a talented singer, but anything she does visually is planned and well thought out. Even the solute. Whether this particular visual is 'look what I can get away with', or an in your face signal that the real fascists on the left are about to come to power, it is planned. She couldn't be happier headlining Drudge this morning.
What's really disturbing are the Hillary admirers in the audience recording the event on their phones in admiration.
"The reason Lady Gaga will get away with dressing like that isn't because the jacket's Jackson's, but because she came out for Hillary Clinton and not Donald Trump." Duh. Fill in the blanks: "The reason [fill in prog name here] gets away with [fill in otherwise outrageous stunt here] isn't because [fill in some fabricated legit reason here] but because [s/he/xe is one of/supports the Clintons/the Obamas/Dems in general].
As my fascination, study, whatever, of the left side Althouse trolls continues, I wonder if they all have childish signatures meant to irritate and attract replies. For Once written twice... it's "hillbillies." For PB&J, it's "Anywho." For Shiloh, it's "I yield the rest of my time." Any others?
The true believers like Freder, Harro something, and Cook don't do this. And ARM and Ritmo have their own unique styles that seem informed by their actual life experiences.
I just spent 20 minutes in my office telling a white guy to take off his "Make America Great Again" hat at work. I had to. And everyone on this blog knows I'm pro-Trump. As an Operations Manager, I had to engage in, and enforce the double standard addressed in this post.
If a woman or one of my African-American employees wore a pro-Hillary button, I wouldn't say a damn thing for fear of being sued and losing my job.
These double standards are openly promoted by liberals that dominate our education system and universities. They started there, and are now everywhere. What's with the surprise here? Jay-Z can say what he says, and Lady Gaga can dress like a Nazi, and Hillary supporters can throw eggs as white female Trump supporter.
My impressions precisely.
There are honest leftists/democrats/misc posting here, but very few. I respect those few.
Personally I would like more, and more that are equipped to argue, educated, analytical and experienced.
The others you mention are a useless lot, time wasters and blood pressure raisers. They make the world a worse place.
Well, her birth name is,Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta
One of the biggest if not THE biggest reasons to vote trump. A great big FU to the media.
She spent a good chunk of dough on MJ's clothes. I heard her talking about this on Stern.
Anywho, the HRC folks must be scared and desperate for votes: rolling out this outfit must be them going after DJT's base. Ha.
I have been nice enough to have pointed out for years now that Republicans have been destroying themselves by allowing themselves to be infected by the Limbaugh/hillbilly gene.
I have been quite perceptive in making this observation. The Republican Party has become a mob of hillbilly goons. The rest of the country now wants nothing to do with you.
Socially Awkward Guy Who Makes No Eye Contact says:
I know: everyone thinks I'm a creep. And that's without me telling them that I really admire Nazi regalia. That doesn't mean I admire Nazis -- I know they were bad, I'm not stupid -- but their uniforms and hats and emblems and silverware and stuff were really, really cool...
I guess this is where I would say it's OK, I have Jewish friends, but I don't have ANY friends, and the few Jews I know think I'm creepy, too...
When I was a teenager my Mother found all my Nazi books under the bed; I think she was disappointed that she didn't find porn, like a normal kid would have. She told me that I couldn't be a Nazi because Nazis didn't wet the bed: Thanks, Mom...
Sometimes when I picture myself peeing on a girl I see myself wearing an SS Uniform, with the boots and hat and everything: I don't picture myself as actually being a Nazi, just wearing the uniform. It really adds to the experience, even if it is only in my imagination, and my posture is really really good...
I don't picture the girl I am peeing on as like a Concentration Camp victim or nothing: I don't picture a shaved head or things like that. Maybe Nazis did pee on Jewish girls in the Concentration Camps, but That's not something I've read or anything; I just assume it was something that had to have happened there...
Sometimes when I am on the Internet as a fourteen-year-old Girl I tell men that I really like Nazi clothing -- just to see what they say. You'd be surprised howe many men trolling for young girls like Nazi Stuff, too. Or maybe you wouldn't be surprised, I don't know....
Like no one else thinks these things.
I hope the Girl with the Blue Hair is working at McDonalds today.
I am Laslo.
Hillbilly goons eh? Bigoted snob.
Ann Althouse is just trolling you as easy click bait followers. She is too intellectually lazy and timid to develop a more thoughtful group of commenters. So, her Althouse Hillbillies will have to just keep her company.
Hillbilly goons = Basket of Deplorables.
Fun fact: Designer Hugo Boss produced various uniforms for Nazi Party organizations, particularly the SS, beginning in the late 20's. Ol' Hugo was also a party member.
I'll bet Lady Gag-Gag doesn't know about little bit of fashion history, huh?
Hillary political gaffe was pointing out the truth.
"Althouse Hillbillies"
Dang, "Once written," I served 20 years in the Marines and Air Force, hold two advanced degrees, have worked in collegiate administration for 20+ years, raised two kids to responsible adulthood as a single father, and now have four beautiful grandkids.
And, yeah, I voted for Trump.
Gee, I don't FEEL like a "hillbilly". Once written, I reckon your posts reveal more about your own personal shortcomings and insecurities than they do about anyone or anything else.
Accidentally my ass. People like Lady Gaga know the impact of their costumes down to the last detail.
How else was she going to get front paged all over the country on election day?
A party dedicated to racialism, that believes it's religious dictates are "science", that sends street thugs to opposition meetings...
Sounds like Gaga wore the right uniform. At least she's honest about it.
Ann should write many laudatory posts about how I years ago foresaw how the Republican Party was transforming itself into a hillbilly three ring circus.
Now the King of the Hillbillies is going down in flames and will always be a black mark on the Republican Party's reputation.
The question is -- can the Repiblicans reform themselves, kick the Hillbillies to the curb, and become a serious party again?
Gee, I don't FEEL like a "hillbilly".
Rather be a hillbilly than a citified brownshirt. Yeah, there are racist hillbillies, but most of them don't organize their lives around race like the "elites" do.
Donald Trump has been an abject embarrassment and disaster for the Republicans. It will take years to live him down.
Goodness, some people sure are anxious to signal their proper social attitudes...
Go away, "once written", and try to have an original thought.
Lady Gaga is triggering.
I have been quite perceptive in making this observation. The Republican Party has become a mob of hillbilly goons. The rest of the country now wants nothing to do with you.
Once Written has apparently never voted in a statewide election.
31 Governorships and over 60% of Statehouses are Republican.
Fascists gonna fasc. That's all. She'd've been right there in the bunker with ol' Addie to the bitter end.
Hillary. Or Gaga. Doesn't matter. They're pretty much interchangeably useless creatures.
Socially Awkward Guy Who Makes No Eye Contact says:
I once found a website forum that combines the interest in Nazis with peeing on girls: I thought maybe I finally had found a Spiritual Home...!
Then it turns out that most of them only see the peeing on girls as a small part of a whole elaborate bondage or rape thing. THAT IS NOT WHO I AM! I am not into women with orange ball-gags in their mouths or clamps on their nipples, I am not into them being tied up or pooped upon, or me being whipped by a woman in a Nazi Dominatrix uniform and then having my back scratched raw by her long black nails: those are the REAL freaks. I want the girl to WANT to be peed on, without threat or fear, just consensual pee...
It is hard being a moderate in Nazi appreciation: sometimes I feel like I should get into something else, like Civil War Recreations, maybe. Unfortunately, I bet those sites have the men peeing on black women posing as slaves, only to lead to orange ball-gags in their mouths or clamps on their nipples, or them being tied up or pooped upon: I don't think I could even pee on a black girl if she wanted me too, there is just too much troublesome history there...
Like no one else thinks these things.
I hope the Girl with the Blue Hair is working at McDonalds today.
I am Laslo.
Hitler was also an artist. A dog whistle. A German shepherd dog whistle.
In defense of selective exclusion, class diversity, abortion rites, Planned Parenthood, public/private monopolies/market corruption, progressive debt, and social justice adventurism.
Well, they are Pro-Choice.
Annnnd the picture's gone. Because she's clearly not a Nazi and no one in their right mind would mistake her for one...
These celebrities are idiots...They are risking half of their audience...Like it has been said before "Shut up and sing..."
"Kevin said...
Annnnd the picture's gone. Because she's clearly not a Nazi and no one in their right mind would mistake her for one..."
The twitter poster did not say she was a Nazi. She asked "Why was Lady Gaga dressed as a nazi? So are you intentionally lying, or too stupid to differentiate between the two?
And the picture isn't just gone, the account is gone.
The rest of the country now wants nothing to do with you.
You must live in a really secluded, provincial environment. Either a college campus or one of the big coastal cities would be my guess.
Some might argue that the historically unique major party public endorsements from actual fascists in 2016 is quite a bit more interesting than whatever outfit Lady Gaga wears.
May I be among the first to greet our new Dear Leader with 'Heil Hillary!'
B-b-but Laura Ingrham kinda raised her arm in a salute-wave for about 2 seconds at the Republican National Convention, so R's are all Nazis!!!
Repeat after me: "it's different when the Left does it." Fen's Law, of course, but on top of that remember there is literally nothing the Left can do that's too far. Jane Fucking Fonda is still a respected person! Try to imagine anything similar from someone on the Right--it's not possible.
Keep supporting the Media & keep supporting the Left, idiots.
In order to understand part of what's going on with the Left, the following is recommended.
We call this nostalgie de la boue (A desire for the mud.)
Sure you can trace a straight line from the romantics wishing to go back to a simpler life, or to idolize the middle ages over their own time, to our present pedophile, treasonous, bodily secretion eating lunatics. But the difference is the romantics were kept in check. there were people who despised them and ridiculed them.
Now the ID is enthroned, and these people, truly, have run out of room to establish that they’re all that. (This is perhaps complicated by the fact that when it comes to handling anything real they are extremely incompetent and must know so, right? I mean, they must know they’re not that good.) So all that is left to them is to continue breaking more and more and worse and worse taboos, to continue pushing the envelope, to continue breaking other people’s morals (they have none) in a show of their dominance.
" For Conservatives , liberals are stupid. For liberals ,Conservatives are evil" Then, mistake as stupid does
Hillary has been a blight and embarrassment to the Democratic Party. Better a 'billy than a blighter I say.
Sometimes when I picture myself peeing on a girl I see myself wearing an SS Uniform, with the boots and hat and everything: I don't picture myself as actually being a Nazi, just wearing the uniform. It really adds to the experience, even if it is only in my imagination, and my posture is really really good...
Why do I suspect this character has multiple copies of Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS in his library.
"Why do I suspect this character has multiple copies of Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS in his library."
I suspect many "liberals" have photoshopped posters of Queen Cacklepants dressed as "Hillse, She Wolf of the IRS" laminated and hanging in their showers.
BTW, has anybody thought to ask Al Franken whether an entertainer dressed to resemble an SS Stormtrooper appearing on stage with Hillary, her arm raised in a "Sieg Heil" salute, could maybe be an anti-Semitic dog whistle of sorts?
Curious George said:
"The twitter poster did not say she was a Nazi. She asked "Why was Lady Gaga dressed as a nazi? So are you intentionally lying, or too stupid to differentiate between the two?"
If you reread my comment with sarcasm switched to "on", you'll find I'm simply pointing out that those who would seriously think what I wrote are exactly those who would hound the original questioner into deleting their account.
The bullying is real.
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