Shouldn't this story be getting more attention? Perhaps not, but somehow I feel like this story is getting marginalized for the wrong reasons. The right reason would be to deter others from seeking fame and glory through actions like this.
ADDED: Oh, no:
OSU Diversity Officer Urges Compassion for Somali Terrorist Who Attacked Students. “Stephanie Clemons Thompson urged her followers to have compassion for Artan after he expressed a desire ‘to kill a billion infidels’ and then tried to kill as many as he could at OSU. She also urged people to ‘think of the pain he must have been in,’ and used the hashtags #BlackLivesMatter and #SayHisName (which BLM uses to denote victims of police brutality).”Well, Rush Limbaugh was saying on his show yesterday:
Why isn't the big news today, the Ohio State University attack, the fact that a white cop shot and killed a young black man who was only armed with a knife?... I mean, the Regime at Ohio State is celebrating him as a hero.... Where is Black Lives Matter? You can see why I'm a little bit confused here....He spoke too soon!
६३ टिप्पण्या:
Allah expects every Muslim to do all that he can do to exterminate the filthy infidel Buckeyes. Which is also true with the disciples of Mullah Saban of the Alabama sect
They're going to take credit for every damn thing. They'd claim responsibility for the Tennessee wildfires if they could.
From now on, I'm going to start taking credit for things. The Browns' terrible record? That's on me.
Muslim man kills bystanders for Allah without using a gun? That doesn't leave much for today's media to report.
"somehow I feel like this story is getting marginalized for the wrong reasons." Sorry, but you don't get to decide right and wrong. Leave that to your betters in college administrations and the media. They have perfectly good reasons.
Shouldn't this story be getting more attention? Perhaps not, but somehow I feel like this story is getting marginalized for the wrong reasons. The right reason would be to deter others from seeking fame and glory through actions like this.
I must be missing something.
Which marginalized story are we talking about?? The initial attack is one story. The second story is the propagandists photo shopping a picture, and lionizing his efforts.
The initial attack should be documented. The second story is fake news, and should be marginalized. The second story is propaganda searching for weak minds that might consider a copy-cat attack.
What percentage of Ethiopian refugees who have resettled in America have committed acts or terrorism?
Somalia, not Ethiopia, William.
"Self-radicalization" is dumber than rocks. He was a lunatic. A few late teens go that way. Is this news?
Islam is not the vector. It's just a highway.
It's the usual "A Muslim committed an atrocity --- will NOBODY THINK OF THE POOR MUSLIMS?" nonsense. I noted no such concern about labeling Southerners who owned guns as nut cases waiting to go off after Root.
From now on, I'm going to start taking credit for things. The Browns' terrible record? That's on me.
How about the NFL color rush uniforms debacle? If that is also you, it might be time for a beating.
One OSU diversity officer's reaction to attack.
" Let me ask you this question if the Muhammed peace and blessings upon him and his Sahaba were here today wouldn’t the western media call them terrorists?" -- Abdul Razak Ali Artan
Would anyone care to answer this question? Or is it "Islamophobia" to even ask such a question (and if so, doesn't that make Abdul Razak Ali Artan an Islamophobe)?
(QED, Islamphobia killed Abdul Razak Ali Artan.)
It is getting marginalized because there is no gun angle to scream about. The alt-left-media have to have some sort of narrative that fits what they are trying to promote.
My point is that Ethiopian versus Somali refugees are indistinguishable to American eyes. Only a microscopic fraction of Somalis become terrorists, but that number is still greater than the number of Ethiopians who do so. If we want to give aid and comfort to refugees from that part of the world, why not favor the Ethiopians. The record shows that if Ethiopians have trouble adjusting to American life, they don't vent their grievances by stabbing random strangers in the neck.
The Browns' terrible record? That's on me.
Cody Kessler is listed as the 4th string QB on the web site, but he has 8 starts.
Knife control! Background checks for knife purchases! Background checks at knife shows! End this senseless knife violence!
I am too lazy to write the same for automobiles you'll have to do it yourselves.
William, understood. You sacrificed clarity for brevity. I do that, too, damn it.
I am surprised he wasn't a Michigan student. That I would have understood.
As others have noted, there is no gun and the attacker is a radicalized Muslim. It does not fit the narrative of the fake news organizations. Perhaps if he had attacked a gay rights meeting at the university they would cover it, if only to blame Christians. Hence Trump.
Shorter progressive: 'It's A-OK if angry Muslims lash out and kill innocents. They are angry and we deserve it.'
Islam has a serious problem with ideas that it allows to grow. When majority muslims say that you might start letting them into the country.
Otherwise no muslim immigration.
Why? What makes you American is agreement to American rules. Like you can draw Mohammed if you want without being beheaded.
Since he immigrated from Pakistan in 2014, I doubt that his education and English language were good enough for university studies. I assume he was failing all his classes.
Students who lack the maturity, culture, education and ability to study at the university level will often attribute their academic failures to other people's prejudice. Thus, the student bodies are being infested with students who wallow in feelings of victimization and paranoia.
This always has been such students. For example, even native-born coeds rant about being gang-raped in fraternities' initiation rituals or about racist Halloween costumes. However, now the universities are enrolling such students in much greater numbers.
And what's with this absurd "self-radicalized"? The description of Muslim terrorists as radicalized implies that they were brainwashed by some evil imam, and thus lacked agency in the commission and even the motivation. The concept of self-radicalization pushes that argument into absurdity, I suppose in the name of excusing the role Islamic doctrine itself plays in encouraging terrorism against infidels.
I think the question we should try to answer is "Did the killer have ties to ISIS or not?" If not, let it be known that ISIS is full of shit. But if he does have ties to them, our intel guys should be investigating the hell out of this. That chain needs to be broken STAT.
Some people always had this reaction to crimes by emotional extremists. But they didn't have Facebook.
Diversity offices were created only as places to hire activist black people into. That "Diversity Officers" turn out to be cuckoo-bonkers racists is no surprise.
The OSU Diversity Officer is extremely naive, and demonstrates, again, why such people are a burden to Universities. But hey, she loves Harry Potter and the "very unique" culture at OSU. What. An. Idiot.
I can have compassion for the terrorist, I guess, who has convinced himself he has no way forward in life but to kill people. What a horrible mental state to put yourself in. But that's where my compassion ends. I'm satisfied, quite, that he was shot dead quickly by an alert police officer (to whom my compassion also extends) to minimize the actions of a deranged terrorist. It doesn't bother me too much that images of his dead body are shared on Social Media. That is the end result of the path the terrorist chose.
Let me ask you this question if the Muhammed peace and blessings upon him and his Sahaba were here today wouldn’t the western media call them terrorists?
I always have called Muhammed a "seventh-century desert bandit". I recognize, however, that this expression might now seem to be old-fashioned. I suppose that the modern expression now is "terrorist".
It's a tribal religion. Hit the other guy on the head and take his stuff.
The left is so ridiculous you can't even parody them.
The [class] diversity officer recognizes color, not character. It's a principled flaw of class diversitists including racists.
Somalia is an Obama progressive war zone. So was Libya. So is Syria. So is Ukraine. Egypt and Iraq, too. The refugees and victims from wars for social causes are a global and progressive condition.
Rush proves, once again, that the reductio ad absurdum only works on people who recognize an absurd conclusion when they see one.
Mike Sylwester said...
Since he immigrated from Pakistan in 2014, I doubt that his education and English language were good enough for university studies. I assume he was failing all his classes.
He was majoring in "logistics management", which is a fancy term for buying stuff at the correct time.
Obama has let in 43,000 Somali Muslims into this country during his tenure, including Artan's family. So if 1% of them are jihadis, that means there are 400+ Artans out there somewhere.
And what if 10% are jihadi sympathizers? What if 25% are Islamists and favor the imposition of Sharia law? And what if 40% are Islamist sympathizers? It could well be that about half of that 43,000 are a real bad fit for the USA.
And Josh Ernest is sticking with the administration line that these Koran inspired jihadi terrorists are generic "extremists". The obviuos reason for correctly identifying them as "Islamic terrorists" is that it would make it easier to identify them on the way into the country.
"Diversity"offices were created for three reasons: to bully and suppress free-thinkers, to enforce the dictates of the hive mind, and to give people who get degrees in bullshit "disciplines" like gender studies a cushy upper middle class lifestyle.
Every "diversity officer" on every state-supported university should be countered by a "sanity officer" and an "anti-fascism officer" and a "constitutional rights officer".
Blue is Michigan's color, so that should have tipped off the folks at OSU right there!
Meanwhile I think Stephanie Clemons Thompson needs some time off work to meditate on her inability to distinguish between the psychic pain of living as a Muslim in a secular society and the physical pain of being run over by a car and/or stabbed by a butcher knife. Like for the rest of her life.
As punishment she threatens to unfriend people who disagree with her? Who would want to be a friend of a dumbf**k like her?
Fire Thompson at first chance.
This is called jumping the shark.
I wonder about using the car and knife. I seem to recall after the massacre in Florida, the talk was about gun control. And this seemed to upset ISIS. They wanted the talk to be about Allah or something else. So they sent out a message to change the way they killed people.
Am I remembering correctly?
We have a Muslim terrorist problem in this country, and the left, including this college administrator, will stand on their heads to pretend that the problem doesn't exist. And, that is not only absurd, but also dangerous.
Knives are big with Muslim terrorists right now in Israel, and, I think, to some extent, in Europe. At least in Israel, it is mostly because mostly of the Muslims there are prevented fairly well from owning guns. And, Europe too. But, as concealed carry, and esp. campus carry, spread, I expect it to work progressively less well in this country.
@Bruce Hayden, in a gun-free zone a person with a knife is very dangerous indeed. If I was in a gun-free zone and someone came after me with a knife I'd very much wish that I had a concealed handgun to balance the odds (or unbalance them into my favor instead of his).
Remember this, Bruce. It isn't the person who took the time to get his or her fingerprints taken, pass a test on gun laws, demonstrate proficiency with a handgun (this varies from state to state), and register for concealed carry permit that one has to fear. It's the person who's carrying an illegally-acquired concealed handgun without a permit that one has to fear.
It was only happenstance that a police officer was on the scene when he initiated his attack. This could have resulted in exponentially greater carnage. What differentiated this killer from the one in Nice was not the intensity of his feelings but a rather fortuitous set of circumstances. It's not that hard to kill people. You just need a dense enough crowd and a heavy enough vehicle. There will be other, more successful attempts........I just don't understand what debt we owe the people of Somalia, Yemen, and Syria that we have some kind of obligation to welcome their refugees. The world is full of impoverished, downtrodden people. Why not favor the huddled masses who don't hate America.
Hey!!! Word has it that there is an opening at OSU for a Diversity Officer! Get your resumes in quick.
This would be laughable if it were not so terrible.
I just don't understand what debt we owe the people of Somalia, Yemen, and Syria that we have some kind of obligation to welcome their refugees.
What those three places have in common is that the US is fighting there, with our forces or by proxy. So the US under the Nobel Peace Prize laureate is inviting into the country people displaced by his own actions. Sort of like inviting German refugees into the US during World War II.
And what's with this absurd "self-radicalized"?
Self-radicalization is a concept invented by the same purveyors of mind-rot who cannot bring themselves to say or write Islamic terrorism, in other words Democrats. The term is used whenever a terrorist cannot be connected to known jihadist preacher, mosque, website, etc. The Democrats want us to believe magic, that there's some kind of radicalization switch in the brain that can be flipped from the Descent Muslim to Remorseless Killer setting.
All that is needed to be radicalized is two things: a Koran, a willingness to believe it. That's it. Believe Muhammad's book (and you must believe all of it, or you're a heretic) and you are radicalized. This is why the number of supporters of jihad far exceeds the number of actual killers; they believe the book, but they lack the psychopathology required to murder innocent strangers. The rest are like Christians and Jews who like to think of themselves as sincerely religious but cannot accept Creationism, killing disobedient children, holding slaves, and other Biblical tommyrot, they identify as Muslims but implicitly reject at least parts of Islamic scripture. The problem for these Muslims are the jihadis, who willing happily kill fellow Muslims for being heretics as they would kill me for being an infidel.
Islam needs reformation; it must be reformed or driven back into the desert wastes that sheltered its birth. Unfortunately if history is any guide religious reform only follows after generations of the most savage war imaginable. Consider 17th century Europe. Now imagine that kind of mindlessness enable by nuclear weapons.
The first part of her message is understandable. If you value life, you don't want to see pictures posted of a dead body, even if it's good that he's dead. That sort of thing can be too similar to parading dead body of infidel around and taking souvenirs until there's nothing left. But she clearly doesn't care about that; she's just a killer sympathizer.
the rest are like Christians and Jews who like to think of themselves as sincerely religious but cannot accept Creationism, ...
Divine creationism. A lot of people have adopted evolutionary creationism.
Killing disobedient children... Thou shalt not abort.
Holding slaves... assimilation and integration, not involuntary exploitation and redistributive change.
Christians and Jews are not Atheist. They are not Pro-Choice. They do not conflate logical domains, believe in fantasies of spontaneous human conception, start wars for social and democratic leverage, commit abortion for trivial causes and spare parts.
[Class] Diversity Officer. I wonder if anyone is still deceived by their logic.
The only legitimate class constructs are based on character (e.g. principles), and uniform behavior, not the "color of their skin" and other incidental features.
Every day, I receive further confirmation that I was correct to vote for Trump.
When I voted it was with bated breath and great trepidation; was he REALLY the lesser evil?
After seeing everything since about 10:00 pm on election night, I would do it enthusiastically.
Her message would have been less objectionable if she had framed it as forgiveness rather than compassion. Remember when a crazy man killed a school full of Amish children? The Amish community expressed forgiveness and reached out to the man's family publicly. They tore down the school building and moved on. However, compassion is different, and the diversity officer's choice of words in framing that compassion suggests that it is somehow the victims' fault that they were run over and stabbed. As if the terrorist's acts were somehow justified. As a tuition paying parent to OSU, I agree- she should be fired.
The self-styled Jihadi is now a good jihadi.
"Meanwhile I think Stephanie Clemons Thompson needs some time off work to meditate on her inability to distinguish between the psychic pain of living as a Muslim in a secular society and the physical pain of being run over by a car and/or stabbed by a butcher knife. Like for the rest of her life."
Yep. And the tax payers are on the hook for this foolishness. Reason 4,562 that people were so sick of the left's insanity that we have President-elect Trump.
What were this kid's grades this semester? Was he passing or failing?
It is my theory that ending his college career as a jihadist murderer, dead from an officer's bullets, was less troublesome to him than failing classes and bringing dishonor upon his entire family.
I say this as a former Freshman Chemistry Lab TA at an enormous state university, with some experience in how people behave when flunking out of college.
William said...
"If we want to give aid and comfort to refugees from that part of the world..."
Why the fuck would we want to do that? Are they the 51st State? Is there some land bridge I haven't read about across the North Atlantic that turns a bunch of losers killing each other on the other side of the world into a proper concern of the US Government? You want to help them, get on a boat and go make them some sammiches. And when they cut your head off, be sure to write.
Thou shalt not abort. Not in the Bible.
Killing disobedient children, in the Bible. Doubt me?
If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.
Deuteronomy 21:18-21
The Bible sanctions slavery too many time to waste bandwidth on, but I'll show you two.
Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.
Ephesians 6:5
As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are around you. You may also buy from among the strangers who sojourn with you and their clans that are with you, who have been born in your land, and they may be your property. You may bequeath them to your sons after you to inherit as a possession forever. You may make slaves of them, but over your brothers the people of Israel you shall not rule, one over another ruthlessly.
Leviticus 25:44-46
Christians and Jews are not Atheist. They are not Pro-Choice. They do not conflate logical domains...
There are lots of Christians and Jews who, after laughing in your face, would demand to see your credentials.
Jihad is a major problem with Islam, but not exclusively so.
And when they cut your head off, be sure to write.
Good one. LOL
Hello, Mudda. Hello Fadda. Here I am at Refugee Camp 29...
This attack is the chief diversity officer's fault. If she had projected the right image then Artan would have come to her with his pain. She would have felt his pain. Eleven people wouldn't have been injured. And now she should be fired - and all diversity officers should automatically lose their jobs when there are attacks on campus. The attacks should have been foreseen. The attackers should have been in the diversity office safe space playing with crayons.
Is this
old news or fake news?
Jihad is a major problem with Islam, but not exclusively so.
For example, jihadism, if you will, is especially problematic with the left. Hence the title of its anthem, "The Internationale."
It's really too damn bad that the stupid "diversity officer" wasn't the first one hit by the Muslim terrorist's car. That sounds heartless, I know, but it was possible that the impact might jar some sense into her head... NAAAAAAAHHHHH!
(Yeah, I went full Theodoric of York.)
It's really too damn bad that the stupid "diversity officer" wasn't the first one hit by the Muslim terrorist's car.
I'm visualizing SJWs with safety-pins running for their lives from the approaching car.
Diversity officers, what would we do without them.
I'm still trying to figure how an 18-year old Somali refugee got to be a third year student at OSU.
"How about the NFL color rush uniforms debacle? If that is also you, it might be time for a beating."
I'm not sure I know about that one? I'm not a fan of most of the new uniforms--particularly Seattle looking like a cheezy '80s arena football uniform. That one's on ISIS.
"Cody Kessler is listed as the 4th string QB on the web site, but he has 8 starts."
Only I could make the Browns do so poorly even in a weak division! Ha ha ha!
It's also my fault Taylor Swift can't find a good man.
"It's also my fault Taylor Swift can't find a good man."
Because I told her to try out the bangs. Ha ha ha!
Let me ask you this question if the Muhammed peace and blessings upon him and his Sahaba were here today wouldn’t the western media call them terrorists?
I suspect we'd be more likely to call him a warlord, tyrant, and lunatic.
Something similar happened at UNC-Chapel Hill about two years ago. Guy ran over a bunch of students with a Grand Cherokee and jumped out shouting 'Allah u Akbar'. It didn't get national attention because the SUV was blamed for the incident.
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