Did you see the anti-Semitism? Tapper froze a frame that showed billionaire George Soros, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein — all of whom, Tapper said, are Jewish. Franken said:
Franken, a Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter, said his reaction to the ad was: “This was something of a German shepherd whistle, a dog whistle, to sort of the, a certain group in the United States” and said it speaks to “a certain part” of Trump’s base in the alt-right.If an anti-Semitic message was intended, Franken gave it air, but Franken had to think that accusing the other side of anti-Semitism would help his candidate. Maybe the message from Trump works, but only if it's kept at a subconscious level — or maybe that's just what Franken thinks. What if anti-Semitism works and it was not intended by the ad, but Franken originated the charge and unintentionally helped Trump?
“I’m Jewish, so maybe I’m sensitive to it, but it clearly had sort of [an] ‘Elders of Zion’ kind of feel to it,” Franken said. “International banking plot or conspiracy, rather, and then a number of Jews.”
“I think that it’s an appeal to some of the worst elements in our country as his closing argument,” he added. “And I think that people who aren’t sensitive to that or don’t know that history may not see that in that, but that’s what I immediately saw.”
This is an awful subject to bring up now, but maybe the Democratic cause is desperate. Franken certainly looked very depressed. He could barely get his words out. It was painful to watch.
Now, I do want to add that I'm sympathetic to the argument that political material can sneak in an anti-Semitic message. That's what I thought I saw in Michael Moore's movie "Capitalism: A Love Story," blogged here in October 2009:
The most striking thing in the movie was the religion. I think Moore is seriously motivated by Christianity. He says he is (and has been since he was a boy). And he presented various priests, Biblical quotations, and movie footage from "Jesus of Nazareth" to make the argument that Christianity requires socialism. With this theme, I found it unsettling that in attacking the banking system, Moore presented quite a parade of Jewish names and faces. He never says the word "Jewish," but I think the anti-Semitic theme is there. We receive long lectures about how capitalism is inconsistent with Christianity, followed a heavy-handed array of — it's up to you to see that they are — Jewish villains.
Am I wrong to see Moore as an anti-Semite? I don't know, but the movie worked as anti-Semitic propaganda. I had to struggle to fight off the idea the movie seemed to want to plant in my head.
३१६ टिप्पण्या:
316 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Have to disagree w/Al 'cause absolutely nothing re: Trump could be considered a dog whistle, in fact just the opposite. Trump is balls to the wall no holds barred, in your face blatant!
Bless his little heart ...
I think Josh Marshall is also onto this video.
I actually only read HotAir trying to shoot it down. Since it had long quotes, I didn't bother looking at TPM.
Trump's daughter, Ivanka, is Jewish.
I watched some of Franken. He sounded drunk or hung over. He could barely speak.
Franken won by voter fraud. Al gave us Obama are.
When the pogroms come for Franken, and I don't think it's an "if" anymore, they will come from his side of the political spectrum. If he's got some good Christian friends perhaps they'll give him shelter, the way the Miep Gies and the Van Pels family sheltered Anne Frank's family.
They are desperate. See Palmieri warning that there will be another big Wikileak coming this weekend, but it will be all fake! Fake, I tell you! Fake!!!
Hank Paulson used to be the CEO of Goldman Sachs. Hank is not Jewish. The point is that the CEO of GS backs Hillary.
Disgusting tactics by the Dems.
What is antisemitism? What does it mean? Does it mean an irrational predjudice against Jews? Or something Jews dislike? Or is it just a meaningless insult to produce a Pavlovian response?
We see this again and again where a powerful Jews does Bad thing X or is a despicable person or just isn't liked by large numbers of people and any criticism is met with charges of antisemitism. You don't like George Soros or Bernie Maddoff or Al Franken?
Well you're an anti-semite. And if that's what antisemitism is, I can understand some people might be proud of the label.
I always find it amazing that people who are willing to share a stage with and accept endorsements from Al Sharpton who incited two riots where Jews were killed in New York are always finding secret antisemitism among the Republicans. Hillary's the one who calls people Jew Bastards when she gets mad. Trum;s daughter converted to marry her Jewish husband; did Chelsea?
This is bloody hilarious. Trump's son-in-law Kushner is actively involved in the campaign. He's an Orthodox Jew, his family has close ties to Israel. Ivanka is now Jewish. Trump's trusted lawyer Michael Cohen is Jewish. Carl Icahn, who Trump cites often, is a Jew. This doesn't pass the laugh test. The stench of desperation on the Left.
Joe Scarborough linked the same video on Twitter. All the verified media accounts replied the same line Al Franken is spewing about anti-Semitism. It's all a planned response. No origianl thought in any of their heads. None required. Scarborough actually replied he couldn't see it, and neither will the viewers. It's not actually there.
You have to give liberals credit. They can coordinate talking points between the media and politicians better than anyone. Guess it's easy when they are on the same side. The centralization and coordination of the messaging is crystal clear. Like how everyone in the Media and Dems used the word "Dark" after Trumps acceptance speech. A joke.
If Trump loses, and all we are left with are the identity politics of the left, say good-bye to a lot of liberties...and hello war in Syria. But, I guess on the upside, it will be for the benefit of the Semites.
Reading Hillary's internals into Franken's depressed demeanor? Or maybe he just didn't realize how bad it would be to be a Democrat Senator. Or maybe its the internal polling on the Democrat Senate races.
Also: At least one of Trump's daughter-in-law (Lara Trump?) is Jewish.
Wow. Desperate. I mean you Ann, giving this any credence.
The best case against Hillary was made by Rahe, that discussion itself is under attack by Democrats https://ricochet.com/386528/how-i-might-be-wrong/
Thesis confirmed I would say.
Probably not having Bannon (taking a break from running the post-Breitbart Breitbart) run your campaign would help bolster plausible deniability. But, he's stuck w/ the AltR dude, because the last dude was paid for by Russia, and that last-last dude like mixing it up w/ drama queens and then denying what turned out to be on tape.
Sheesh. It's tough to find someone to run your campaign.
At least he's got a traveling press secretary w/ a title that makes it seem like she may be running the campaign.
"Trump's daughter, Ivanka, is Jewish."
Its been shown again and again that this kind of "Some of best friends are black/Jewish/Gay/etc." doesn't matter. Why keep making these weak defenses?
The only way to stop the Democrats from calling Republicans racists/Anti-semites/etc. is to counter-attack. Of course, if you do that then all the moderates hate that, because its "so rude". As opposed to being slandered by the Dems. They're OK with that.
Well, he literally IS Hitler, you know.
I can wonder if its desperate but I realize its just typical. They don't expect to be challenged so they've become lazy. Just throw shit out there. You only need to convince a few.
Wait, so being negative about George Soros - the guy who made his financial start by turning in Jews to the Nazis, and watched happily counting his moneys as they were carted off to the ovens - is anti-Semitic now?
Wouldn't we the viewers have to know both who is pictured, and that they are Jewish for the "German Shepard whistle" to work? That presumes a lot.
It is not a "weak defense" to point out that your own daughter is Jewish is you are accused of anti-Semitism.
"Of course, if you do that then all the moderates hate that, because its "so rude"."
-- I was a McCain and Romney backer. After watching Obama make fun of McCain's injury suffered as a POW by laughing about how he couldn't use a computer, and watching the coordinated character assassination of Romney, I've given up. I encouraged Republicans to fight fair and not go down to the level used against them.
The voters disagreed with even handed, calm, polite politics. My choice of how the country should go forward was rejected at the ballot box. I still think it is bad to get in the mud with pigs, but I can't argue with results.
I didn't know that Yellen is Jewish, and Blankfein is just another standard-issue banker - the Jewish and Goyish flavors of which are pretty much interchangeable and indistinguishable.
Soros is trickier case - anyone who is familiar with the old anti-Semitic canard/caricature of the "International Jew" would think that it was made with Soros as a model. It's almost creepy how closely it fits, even though it's been around much longer than Soros has. As a Jew that just makes me cringe, even though it shouldn't. The point should be that Soros is awful because he is just awful, but inevitably there are commentators who will link his awfulness with his Jewishness - and it's just too easy to do because his particular brand of awful does fit so well with the worst of the old Jewish stereotypes.
The big news in demographics is that for the first time Republicans and Trump are supposed to lose the college educated white vote.
That was the plan, correct? Decades of racial identity politics pushed on campus, and those who resisted were and are being pushed out. It's been a slow, steady indoctrination of victims, racial resentment in the name of harmony, blurring of genders, and the destruction of Western Civilization. Heck campus is even regressing back to Jim Crow separate but equal, and its the minority students asking for it.
Congratulations! Alinsky would be so proud.
If dogs are eating your chickens, it isn't anti-Canis to state such.
What the Jews tend to do, and this is human nature, is to take things about their culture too personally.
When my friends call me a "cheese-eating surrender monkey" I've learned to laugh along, because cultural jokes are funny, and not always a bad thing. My mothers heritage can't really bend my backbone very much.
Everything is a tragedy if you have no backbone. Well, Franken has no backbone, that's a given. That's not a cultural handicap, that's a personal handicap.
As one of those orthodox Jewish types, I didn't get anything anti-Semitic from it. Note in the orthodox Jewish world, the big news was that Trump's daughter Ivanka when to the Grand-Rabbi of Chabad's tomb to pray for her father's success.
The MSM has been trying to pin the anti-semitic canard on him every week of the election. This is just the latest round.
The orthodox Jewish community is divided. One sect has announced it's going Hillary, but the majority of the orthodox Jewish community is swinging Trump. That said, the orthodox community is under 20% of voting Jews in the U.S., who normally vote majority Democratic.
"It is not a "weak defense" to point out that your own daughter is Jewish is you are accused of anti-Semitism."
It didn't stop Al Franken or CNN from trying to smear Trump as anti-smemite.
"Franken won by voter fraud."
-- I still remember the pictures of ballots that counted/didn't count. There was a site at the time that you could look at, and you saw that a circle half-filled in for Franken, counted. One half filled in for his opponent -- not counted.
A ballot that was marked straight Democrat, no vote for Senator: Counted for Franken. Same situation, straight Republican for his opponent? No vote.
It would be a weak defense to point out that your own daughter is Jewish if (hypothetically) you'd refused to go the wedding, disinherited her for converting, refused to meet the grandchildren, and so on. In this case, Mada Gasper is quite correct.
"Wouldn't we the viewers have to know both who is pictured, and that they are Jewish for the "German Shepard whistle" to work?"
They weren't randomly stuck in the video, the DJT campaign thought of all the folks they could picture in the country and these were the ones they chose. The DJT folks knew who they were, this isn't some sort of generic B-roll.
Presumably, according to the DJT folks, it's a coincidence that Jews happen to be the big threats to America. As folks have noted here, only anti-Semites would pickup on this. So, how could the Bannon run campaign folks who made this video possibly see this? I see were y'all are coming from.
Carry on.
Michael Mooore could be indirectly campaigning for Donald Trump, in the guise of explaining why people are voting for him he may instead be trying to persuade them with those reasons. Indeed, who is to say that the alt-right aren't being directed by a bunch of communists. We see Julian Assange overtly on Trump's side, and yet can't connect the dots.
If you back the State of Israel as an Evangelical because you believe the Jewish State has a right to exist and you think we should support the only thriving democracy in the Middle East, you are a lover of apartheid and Palestinian genocide. Ask Roger Waters; he'll tell you.
If you think the centralization and corruption of power through elites in global corporations, the US gov't, and the EU needs to be resisted by the people...well you're a fascist Hitlerian anti-Semite.
It's brilliant mind control for those who live their lives virtue signaling to be included, or fear being excluded by the pigs who moved into Mr. Jones farmhouse. Nobody wants to be sent to the glue factory.
"The orthodox Jewish community is divided."
Maybe I've got something wrong, but I'd assume that they're not divided on not believing that Invaka is Jewish.
I didn't know that orthodox Jews had loosened up that much on the admittance requirements.
Matthew Sablan said...
"Franken won by voter fraud."
He did. And everyone in Minnesota knows it.
Al Franken, the guy who was elected by cheating.
"[If you back the State of Israel as an Evangelical because you believe the Jewish State is where in the end times God will kill everyone (incl Jews) except the right Christians....]"
When did Soros being Jewish become a bigger part of his public identity to the right than his political posturing?
Thank god they weren't all gay.
Gays were never into banking, though.
Wait a minute. Jake Tapper is Jewish, and HE saw anti-Semitism in the ad and prompted Franken to respond...
There is a kind of symmetry in groups that love each other. Jews were big supporters of blacks in the civil rights era, blacks hate Jews. Christian evangelicals are huge supporters of Israel, Jews hate evangelicals.
Maybe resentment is more alluring than gratitude.
I doubt there's even one living Palestinian who has more Jewish blood on his hands than George Soros.
I can't think of anything more anti-Semitic than to defend that murderous bastard on the grounds that he's Jewish so sending Jews to the ovens is okay.
"there are commentators who will link his awfulness with his Jewishness - "
Would his role as a sonderkommando influence you at all ?
That's classy.
The trouble is that US liberal Jews ARE disproportionately in the classes of persons that are troubling the public.
They are massively overrepresented in politics and organizational leadership, especially in leadership of organizations with political influence. This is doubtless the natural result of group cultural factors, Sowells theory of market dominant minorities. But unlike the Cambodians that monopolize California donut shops or Gujaratis that own motels, Jews disproportionately drift into areas where they influence public policy.
If the public dislikes the direction of public policy, it is going to dislike a lot of Jews.
This is an awful subject to bring up now, but maybe the Democratic cause is desperate. Franken certainly looked very depressed. He could barely get his words out. It was painful to watch.
Come on!! Stewart Smiley???
Do people suffering from Stockholm Syndrome usually smile? Was Patty Hearst smiling when she robbed that bank, or just carrying our orders?
Bernie looks the same way doesn't he? I'll bet it has something to do with selling your soul; or betraying the working class who elected you as their champion. Must be hard in the moment when you know you are owned and engulfed in corruption for the benefit of Hillary and her Qatari and Saudi contributors.
Franken's just pissed because Trump is a much better comedian.
Well, let's start with the erroneous belief that Christianity requires socialism.
I own a stack of Bibles. Literally. Some of them are even what are called "parallel Bibles," where different translations are laid out side-by-side, column-by-column. I also own The Complete Jewish Bible, because I think it's important to understand Christianity in terms of what it claims to be, which is fulfillment of Jewish prophecy.
In each and every one of these Bibles, I can think of exactly one passage that says anything about the relationship between government and religion at all: Luke 20:24-25, Matthew 22:20-21, and Mark 12:16-17, all of which tell the story of Jesus being asked about paying taxes.
Elsewhere, the Christian Bible makes quite clear that voluntary charity borne out of love and compassion is the Christian ideal, but lacks support for coercion (point 3 here). You can't outsource your Christian charitable obligations to people with guns.
Even as individuals, we are called to exercise discernment in charity, extending it to the virtuous in need, and not the lazy and idle. See point 2 here again. The Christian Bible literally says "The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat" and widows receiving aid should have "a reputation of good works." Charity is intended to help those facing emergencies not of their own making, not those facing the consequences of their own (in)actions.
Moore's view of Christianity and socialism, then, rests on not one, but at least two category errors. He is free to donate as much of his wealth to charity as he wishes (although if he does so without knowing the recipients, he runs a significant risk of running afoul of the previous paragraph, so there's one category error). But he is not free to demand that the rest of us are coerced into being "charitable" by the government, so there's the second category error.
@Michael K
That's part of his history - despite the fact that many of my relatives perished in the Holocaust I find it hard to blame the young Soros for what he did at that time. His subsequent actions, and weird lack of remorse, however, I fully hold against him. I despise the guy on all levels, including for the fact that he makes all Jews look bad.
"This is an awful subject to bring up now, but maybe the Democratic cause is desperate. Franken certainly looked very depressed."
And who else is feeling depressed, I wonder?
TalkingPointsMemo floated this theory yesterday. Just pure desperation, that's all.
"If you hear the whistle, it means you're the dog."
Franken, still at it. From SNL Transcripts (no video posted).
Jew, Not a Jew
Bob Tompkins.....Tom Hanks
Greg Knutsen.....Kevin Nealon
Deborah Knutsen..... Victoria Jackson
Ted Johnson..... Phil Hartman
Mrs. Johnson.....Jan Hooks
"You Make The Call" announcer (voice)..... Al Franken
[ Title graphics and fanfare music ]
Announcer: It's time for the game that all Americans love to play: "Jew, Not a Jew"! And here's your host, Bob Thompkins!
[ Bob comes out ]
Bob Thompkins: Thank you! Thank you, thank you, Don, thank you, everybody! Welcome to "Jew, Not a Jew"! Okay, let's say hi to our champions, the Knutsens! [ walks over to them ] Greg Knutsen -- what kind of name is that?
AFAIK the Israeli public heavily backs Trump, based on Israeli polls.
Thats a lot of Jews.
But US Jews hate Trump. And these days they also seem to hate Israeli Jews.
Part of all this may be an inter-Jewish civil war.
When Trump first stared pulling ahead, many people started referring to him Drumpf.* How was that not a Hitler dog whistle?
*I think our resident Inga was among the first here. Others did it in my Twitter timeline. I'm still not speaking to them.
@buwaya puti
Well, part of it is probably that Ashkenazi Jews generally have an IQ that is about 10-15 points above the average. Part of it is that we generally suck at sports. And part of it is that the areas where Jews historically did well - Finance, psychiatry, medicine, law and genetics - are much more important in our modern society than they were before (chicken and egg problem).
On the other hand, I know a lot of Jewish Dems who didn't want to see Lieberman become VP because they didn't want it too look like Jews were accumulating too much power, or were getting too "uppity".
"This is an awful subject to bring up now" Goodness, so moralistic again. It's useful, it serves the cause, therefore it's not "awful." If used by the GOP, sure.
"maybe the Democratic cause is desperate" Not at all. But Dems don't want to let an opportunity to slur go to waste.
Wasn't it libs playing DJT bragging about his German "blood" that was a real whistle?
I'm surprised in many respects, first never would have considered this antisemitic without being told it was by Franken, I considered his contention and Franken is wrong. Second, Trump is not subtle for this ad to be under the radar Trump would have to be acting way out of character. Third, is Franken this desperate? Does he think Clinton will lose?
Holdfast notes: The point should be that Soros is awful because he is just awful, but inevitably there are commentators who will link his awfulness with his Jewishness - and it's just too easy to do because his particular brand of awful does fit so well with the worst of the old Jewish stereotypes.
I don't believe Soros does anything because he is Jewish. He's just trying to foment chaos -- especially financial chaos -- because that is his specialty. It's how he has always made money. Go back to his currency speculation against the British pound.
The most serious anti-Semitic threats these days come from the Left. Franken is full of it.
PBandJ_Ombudsman said...chick,
Wasn't it libs playing DJT bragging about his German "blood" that was a real whistle?
When did Trump brag about German blood?
Bernie Sanders isn't a big fan of George Soros, the big banks, and Janet Yellen's fed. That makes Bernie Sanders and anti-Semite as well, correct?
But he's Jewish...wait...I'm confused.
Oh...no I'm not. When the DNC untied him and let him out of the closet for some food and water, he saw the light and realized the error of his ways. He didn't sell his movement up the river for the very thing he stood against.
He now knows he was leading his people in the wrong direction. It just took a little reprogramming. They know where he lives.
To be honest, I think we've seen shriller dog whistles embedded in children's pajamas.
Moore's a Midwest populist schlub. You bet he's an anti-Semite. And, in the privacy of his own home, he's a racist and misogynist as well. A leopard can't change it's spots.
"Well, part of it is probably that Ashkenazi Jews generally have an IQ that is about 10-15 points above the average. Part of it is that we generally suck at sports. And part of it is that the areas where Jews historically did well - Finance, psychiatry, medicine, law and genetics - are much more important in our modern society than they were before (chicken and egg problem).
On the other hand, I know a lot of Jewish Dems who didn't want to see Lieberman become VP because they didn't want it too look like Jews were accumulating too much power, or were getting too "uppity"."
Yeah, and I've noticed that American Jews have good longevity which seems to me can't be solely attributable to their better education but is also a result of their good genes.
"I'm proud to have that German blood, there's no question about it. Great stuff."
The Sunday morning shows was classic "Smellivision." I could smell the flop sweat. internal polls must be a big problem. Dems are jumping on their own if anyone jumps "off the reservation" to use a Hillary phrase, and says Trump might win. Nate Silver is getting savaged for saying Trump has a 1 in 3 shot. My gut tells me it's really close to even money.
What surprises me is I thought Clinton would have unleashed a lot more dirt on Trump. They apparently shot their wad a few weeks ago.
This isn't really desparation on the part of the Democrat, this fucking standard operating procedure. They will call anyone opposing them a racist, bigot, or anti-Semite without any semblance of self-awareness or hypocrisy.
That's what they do.
Seriously, a true anti semite is not a blower of a dog whistle. He is an open propagandist that hates Jews and boastfully tells everyone about it.
Trump has been a life long friend with another Queens boy named Carl Ichan. That is all you need to know about Trump and mythical anti semitism.
Trump is about to pull a Harry Truman redux.
"The Sunday morning shows was classic "Smellivision." I could smell the flop sweat. internal polls must be a big problem. Dems are jumping on their own if anyone jumps "off the reservation" to use a Hillary phrase, and says Trump might win. Nate Silver is getting savaged for saying Trump has a 1 in 3 shot. My gut tells me it's really close to even money."
And Trump has the momentum, he's peaking at the right time. The corrupt liberal media and the corrupt Democrats have good reason to be depressed.
How come Professor Althouse missed the big story of the day? Which is President Obama urging illegals to go out and vote.
There really is a dog whistle here, but the whistle is in Franken's mouth. Every time that someone Jewish does something wrong then some other Jew will stand up and say the charges are blatant anti-Semitism. Every. Single. Time. ( Or so close as makes no difference.) One does get tired of the crap.
"Trump has been a life long friend with another Queens boy named Carl Ichan. That is all you need to know about Trump and mythical anti semitism."
His grandchildren are Jewish too.
"They will call anyone opposing them a racist, bigot, or anti-Semite without any semblance of self-awareness or hypocrisy."
Well, y'all could probably try to avoid teeing them up w/ a Alt-Righter-Bannon produced video that happens to have picked through the entire American population and decided to highlight Jews when identifying what's wrong w/ the country.
Just Sayin'
A man who swore to uphold and enforce the law of the land is now publicly calling on people to flout it. Trump has laid bare our foundations and we owe him a debt of gratitude.
Friday is was the KKK card. Saturday it was the gender card. Today it's the Jewish card. Tomorrow it will be the Latino card. Tuesday, the voter suppression card.
That would make it a royal flush.
Donald Trump told the New York Economic Club:
"Over the next 10 years, our economic team estimates that under our plan the economy will average 3.5 percent growth and create a total of 25 million new jobs . . . "
"It will be amazing to watch," he said. "You watch, it'll happen."
From Trump's "Argument for America" ad:
The political establishment that is trying to stop us is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration and economic and foreign policies that have bled our country dry.
The political establishment has brought about the destruction of our factories and our jobs as they flee to Mexico, China and other countries all around the world.
It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.
Complete with charts, graphs, statistics and economic logic, Mark J. Perry blows up Trump's smoke and mirrors plan with: "Why Donald Trump won’t be able to bring US factory jobs back — unless he can negotiate with progress and technology."
There is no way the Trump True Believers would dare read this article but Trump doubters need to do so.
Trump has been a better friend to Jews, Gays and Blacks than pretty much any other Republican, and most Dems. That's the reality of it. I mean, have we even talked about gay marriage or Obergefell since Trump clinched the nomination? Has any Jew or African-American come out with a personal story of discrimination by Trump?
Some of his comments re illegal immigrants, and especially Mexicans, were overly broad, intemperate and just badly delivered, to the point where it's not hard to make him out as anti-Hispanic. I don't think that's actually the case, but he gave his enemies all the building blocks that they needed to make that case.
I would guess 95% of Americans have no idea who Lloyd Blankfein is. They would not recognize his picture.
@Jelly: Did you read the last few lines of your HuffPo link? Yeesh!
BTW, have folks written about how much direct oversight Alt-Righter-Bannon had over this ad and the one w/ the Jewish star?
What percentage of Americans can identify George Soros, Janet Yellen and Lloyd Blankenfein in a photo flashed on the screen -- and know that they're Jewish. I'd guess less than 1 percent. A dog whistle doesn't work if nobody can hear it, including dogs.
Of course, I don't think many undecided voters go to Al Franken for advice.
I wish Clinton supporters would attack Trump for being an egomaniac who lacks the experience, knowledge or temperament to be president. Focusing on trivialities -- some of them imagined -- isn't going to persuade anyone.
I'm assuming you mean that editorial note.
That's the result of them trying to save face after they got all uppity and said they would never cover DJT as news. To back off that, they decided the could cover him by adding that note to every thing the do re DJT.
IOW, it's not Yeesh, it's double Yeesh!!
Well, y'all could probably try to avoid teeing them up w/ a Alt-Righter-Bannon produced video that happens to have picked through the entire American population and decided to highlight Jews when identifying what's wrong w/ the country.
If you were going to highlight people you thought responsible for current economic/financial problems, wouldn't those three be at the top of the list, especially if you were making a populist argument? I am sure that Bernie Sanders (a secular Jew, it goes without saying) would pretty much agree with that list. I suppose you could add Hank Paulson (Goy), Ben Bernanke (raised Jewish, non-practicing by all accounts), Timothy Geitner (Goy) or Alan Greenspan (Jewish), but they all seem like old news now. I guess you could add Jack Lew (also Jewish)?
The most influential Dem Congress critters include Shumer, Feinstein, Boxer, Schankowsky [who is married to ex-con Robert Creamer who paid people to incite violence at Repub events]. They are all Jewish. Is it anti-semitic to criticize them?
Mark J Perry overeggs the argument. This is not even close to evenhanded analysis.
Technology made some reductions, that is the point after all of most efficiency improvement - thats been my entire working career, I should know - but but there nevertheless is a large component of outsourced mabufacture driven by reduced tarriff barriers, and I am convinced, also through malicious regulation that is designed to force US manufacturing offshore. Heck, you can see the very large differential effect of this among US States as a result of those portions of public policy under state control.
There is no question that a large number (in the millions) of manufacturing jobs left the US for reasons that can be reversed through public policy. We cannot restore the situation of 1976, but large improvements can be made through tarriffs, remittance rules and taxation changes, regulatory reform (such as reduction of energy costs and rationalization of review and approval processes), etc.
PBandJ_Ombudsman said...
"I'm proud to have that German blood, there's no question about it. Great stuff."
"This May Be The Most Horrible Thing That Donald Trump Believes"
He believes that phenotypes are passed on via genes. Is there anyone who doesn't believe that?
Trump might be part of the world-wide Jewish Science Conspiracy.
I decided to look for myself re Bannon's involvement w/ the star thing.
It turns out that Bannon was not the instigator on that one:
"Ten days before Trump tweeted it, the graphic appeared on a message board jam-packed with anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, white supremacist ideology and neo-Nazi propaganda. CNN confirmed the image appeared on the website by using the web archive search tool Wayback Machine."
Play the ad backwards! It says Paul is dead!
They're also male and female [colorful clumps of cells]. What's his principle?
Franken is trapped by his party's tradition of class diversity.
I note in passing that Stalin's daughter married a Jew and that Stalin posed no objection to the marriage. Stalin was also responsible for the show trials of the late thirties. All the defendants in those trials, save one, were Jewish.......Anti-Semites do not always conform to a recognizable stereotype. Left wing Jews are so alert to dog whistles that they miss hearing the sound of crunching hob nail boots in the background......Cuba had a large Jewish population, over 25,000. They're mostly all gone now. In the early years, the Venceremos Brigades, the Americans who went to Cuba to harvest the sugar were mostly Jewish Americans. Who was more Jewish: the Jews who fled Castro or the Jews who on a dilettante basis went to Cuba to aid the revolution. I'd like to know for purposes of tuning my dog whistle.
traditionalguy said...
Trump has been a life long friend with another Queens boy named Carl Ichan. That is all you need to know about Trump and mythical anti semitism.
Yes, Ichan picked up the pieces left by Trump in Atlantic City and then bailed on the union employees health care plan.
Trump has another close Jewish friend, convicted billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Both Donald Trump and Bill Clinton have taken trips with Epstein on his "Lolita Express" airplane.
The Donald has remarked: "I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."
Holdfast - Soros AKA Gyirgi Schwartz, is and was an enabler of the Nazis. His father placed him with the Gauleiter (Mayor) of his town. In return, he went around with the Mayor to tell him what the possessions of the Jews who had been sent to the camps was worth. He hasn't risen in decency since then. BTW, the excuse has been made that he was only 14 at the time; My understanding is a boy is a man at 13 in Judaism.
As for you, PBandJ_Underwear, the obscenity of you mental state is equaled only by your lowlife obscurantism. You make Shiloh appear heroic by comparison.
My understanding is that the claim that Trump flew on the Lolita Express has been completely debunked. There is no evidence he ever went there, unlike Bill Clinton and others. He appears on none of the flight logs. If you have such evidence, you should provide it. I suspect the media would give you a whole lot of money for it.
And which media outlet is going to call Al Franken on his anti-German hate and his speciesism? ("German shepherd whistle"?!?) Al Franken could be funny on Saturday Night Live. Having stolen his senate seat, he has mostly stopped being funny.
Put up three prominent financiers and Franken shouts, "JEWS!!! You're anti-semites because they are Jews!" I had no idea Yellen was Jewish, so I guess I didn't hear the dog whistle. Or maybe I did, but my German is too rusty.
Soylent Green for thought: The Bad Man who coined the term "eugenics" also invented the dog whistle.
Blogger buwaya puti said...
Mark J Perry overeggs the argument.
Really! Perry has a study backing him. Whats your counter-proof? Words alone don't cut it.
Doesn't that only work if the target audience actually knew who these people are? I'd bet most people don't know them, regardless of their political stripe. I recognized Soros, but didn't even know he was Jewish or forgot about it if I did. No clue about the other alleged Jews. I did see Merkel and some Chinese folks. Didn't identify them as being Jews.
Plus, isn't amazing that only Democrats ever see or hear hidden racist messages? Tells you everything you need to know about how they think and what they truly believe.
Franken cannot believe two diametrically conflicted philosophies. He is either Jewish or Pro-Choice. He cannot logically be both.
Franken cannot believe two diametrically conflicted philosophies. He is either Jewish or Pro-Choice. He cannot in principle and practice be both.
Most of the Jews I know are 'Reform' Jews. In other words, secular for all intents and purposes.
Isn't Soros a Nazi Collaborator? Doesn't that sort of spin the whole thing around?
'Reform' Jews. In other words, secular for all intents and purposes
Yes. Jewish in appearance, and perhaps in tradition, but not in principle. These people are either frauds or wear a cloak. It shouldn't be necessary in America, but who knows what lurks in their neck of the woods... besides class diversitists. Prejudice is a progressive, anthropogenic condition.
Gadfly, there are quite a few.
Look for -
Pierce & Schott, NBER 2012
Theres also a version of this in the St. Louis Fed.
Autor, Dorn & Hanson, American Economic Review 2013
There are hordes of studies on regulatory effects, but for my money the easiest one is what you can do yourself - check the 2000-2015 manufacturing employment track in US states, such as CA and TX, from the BLS, and look at the difference. CA hates, hates, hates manufacturing, violently and bitterly.
The qualification of "dog whistle" with German is unusual and is likely an insidious allusion to Nazis. They must still believe that gimmick will sustain the political momentum they created through policies of prejudice and corruption. Morons.
"Any lie in a storm"
First I am surprised that this did not get Ann's BS tag right away. Second, I think Franken - who DID win his seat by cheating - is fully aware of the absolute fury of the people of rural MN. Even Democrats in the Iron Range are running on what is, essentially, Trump's platform: stop illegal immigration; repeal Obamacare; oppose TPP and other treaties. I saw the ads last week and was amazed they were in support of Democrats.
Franken is lying - they just hope that there are a few people this will convince to not vote for Trump.
Per PB&J's inane ranting at 1:30.
Why should someone not be proud of his German ancestry? Why should Nazis always come to mind when Germany is the nation of Goethe, Kant, Bach & Beethoven? And, yes, Luther?
Nothing says success in N.Y. real estate circles like anti-semitism. Franken is an idiot.
@mockturtle: Well, PB&J's old handle was thoroughly french and so I get his personal animus.
Trump is all kinds of nuts, but way back before he was a politician, he insisted on opening his country club to Jews and African Americans. This accusation is beneath even Franken.
gadfly said...
traditionalguy said...
Trump has been a life long friend with another Queens boy named Carl Ichan. That is all you need to know about Trump and mythical anti semitism.
Yes, Ichan picked up the pieces left by Trump in Atlantic City and then bailed on the union employees health care plan.
Trump has another close Jewish friend, convicted billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Both Donald Trump and Bill Clinton have taken trips with Epstein on his "Lolita Express" airplane.
The Donald has remarked: "I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."
Even more despicable, he calls Chuck Schumer "My good friend"/ I saw it on TV, so it is not just an unsubstantiated ugly rumor.
OT: There is a pretty vile anti-Darrell Issa advert running on Althouse's sidebar right now. I'm pretty certain this is targeting only voters in his Congressional district (CA-49th).
What are other people seeing right now? In the space right under Althouse's photo.
Blogger PBandJ_Ombudsman said...
"They will call anyone opposing them a racist, bigot, or anti-Semite without any semblance of self-awareness or hypocrisy."
Well, y'all could probably try to avoid teeing them up w/ a Alt-Righter-Bannon produced video that happens to have picked through the entire American population and decided to highlight Jews when identifying what's wrong w/ the country.
Just Sayin'
Right, because there were only three people in the video, and they were three random Jews. No other reason to put up Soros, Yellen (who until now few even knew was Jewsh) and Blankfein. Just three Jews off the street.
Ya know, PBJ, there are times when i can believe you believe what you post, and then there's now.
Blogger Qwinn said...
My understanding is that the claim that Trump flew on the Lolita Express has been completely debunked. There is no evidence he ever went there, unlike Bill Clinton and others. He appears on none of the flight logs. If you have such evidence, you should provide it. I suspect the media would give you a whole lot of money for it.
Here is Epstein's "Little Black Book" from Gawker. Epstein’s “little black book” was stolen by a former employee in 2004. The book, nicknamed "The Holy Grail" by the employee, revealed the name of Donald Trump and listed “14 phone numbers including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump's security guard and houseman.”
Mark Epstein, Jeffrey's brother, testified in 2009 that Trump flew on Jeffrey's private jet at least once.
In 2010, Epstein pleaded the Fifth when asked by a lawyer representing one of Epstein's victims about his relationship with Trump:
Q: Have you ever had a personal relationship with Donald Trump?
A. What do you mean by "personal relationship," sir?
Q. Have you socialized with him?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Yes?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?
A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.
Have you asked the debunkers for proof? Trump lawyers are denying everything about Epstein - even the personal relationship that the two shared.
So when do I get paid? As Randy Moss said: "Straight cash, Homey."
But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here
Ev’rybody’s gonna jump for joy
Come all without, come all within
You’ll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn
"What are other people seeing right now? In the space right under Althouse's photo."
"See the difference with Varilux Progressive lenses."
They're progressive lenses, so I guess that's a bit political.
Breaking News
November surprise: Comey clears Clinton, again.
Off Topic:
You know, this election proves you can't be too cynical when it comes to politics. When Comey came out on a Friday and said they were reopening the Clinton email server case, my cynical side said, this a ruse to divert attention away from the "Clinton Inc" wikileak, the one that was set to gain traction. And it allows Hillary to do what she's best at, play the victim.
No, I said to myself. That's too cynical. But, I said to my husband, if by the end of next week Comey comes out and says, "there is nothing to see here, move along", I'll know I was right.
Well, I was right. I'm too lazy to make the link. Just go to Drudge. I hate being right all the time.
We are so being played. You can't be too cynical. But I'm repeating myself.
Comey must have found a horse's head in his bed this morning
I assume someone pointed out the head of Goldman Sachs isn't a Jew and Soros sold Jews to the nazis for fun and profit during world war 2?
These people are detestable. Time to go through the comments and see just who has been committing blood libel. Ought to be interesting and predictable.
Ann, it is really a waste of time on such trivia any longer- these sort of ridiculous claims of anti-semitism and racism simply don't work any longer. The people who believe Franken's charge are already Hillary voters, not even supporters-voters. We have actually, thankfully, reached the point where people who make such ridiculous charges are hurting their own candidate- this is particularly true in this case because because 99% of the persuadable voters who both see this ad and hear Franken's and Tapper's claim aren't going to even know who those people are, and of the 1% who would know all three, probably less than half of that small knowledgeable sect would even know they are Jewish. Almost all persuadable voters in that case are going to look at that ad and listen to the charge and simply conclude Franken is full shit. This wasn't a dog whistle in the worst possible interpretation- it was a Do Do whistle, or in truth, a unicorn whistle.
Re Comey
Realistically, if they only found more Top Secret material among Huma's email on the Weiner laptop, why would it change their determination not to charge HRC? I mean, is there a difference between mishandling 20 Top Secret documents and mishandling 40 (or whatever number) of them? Unless they had an email trail of HRC herself sending them to North Korea, she was home free.
I do find it amazing they they could analyze 650,000 emails in a week (even after eliminating the 90% that were dick-pics), and yet it takes forever for State to respond to a FOIA request or a Congressional Subpoena.
If there are heretofore unseen State Dept email there could still be a charge of perjury (lying to Congress under oath) about having turned over all responsive emails, but good luck finding someone to prosecute it, and that wasn't within the scope of Comey's review anyway.
While Michael Moore may be an anti-Semite, he and his partei are not too keen on authentic Christians, either.
What's his position on gay "marriage"? abortion? religious liberty?
Michael Moore uses Christianity to bash Christians
"Christianity requires socialism," eh? Whatever happened to so-called "separation of Church and State"?
Isn't it pretty goddamn insulting in this day & age for Franken to use the phrase a German Sheperd dog whistle? What a gratuitous ethnic insult!
I'm certainly not trying to let the Germans off for the Holocaust, but that ended in 1945.
The modern loci of anti-semitism has nothing to do with Germany. It's mostly wrapped around the axle of Islamicism & Middle Eastern culture in general. Funny how Franken can't bring himself to say anything about that. Maybe because not a lot of dog breeds come from the Middle East, huh?
And, besides, as I've posted in a link to this forum at least four times before, the most anti-Semitic ethnic groups in the US are blacks & Hispanics, and they vote Democratic. Call them out, Franken!
There is no dog whistle here. There is no antisemitism here either. Goldman sachs has been the face of wall Street Corruption, and George SOros has been the face of left wing James Bond Villains since before Trump even ran. And I didn't even know Soros WAS jewish.
To clarify -
Hispanics arent anti-semitic.
There are very, very few Jews in Mexico and thats always been so, and there never has been any popular antisemitic notion, if for no other reason than the simple non-existence of Jews as far as the vast majority of Mexicans are concerned.
Of course, one could bring up the Spanish Inquisition, also sporadically active in Mexico, but thats something from several hundred years ago.
From what I have seen Mexican attitudes to Jews are like Filipino ones - complete indifference, vague curiosity, or just another white person/foreigner.
@Yancy Ward, @jr565, of course there's a dog whistle here -- and Franken is the one blowing it. See my comment at 1:04.
The morse ham bands are full of open calls to SS today, which is probably dog-whistle for Schutzstaffel. 2 days before the election.
It seems to involve every state, too; not just the blue states.
Al Franken can be very funny when self-deprecating. I wonder if his recapitulation of Bush/Kerry is still online... no, well here it is temporarily. Real Audio. Nov 11, 2005
And I didn't even know Soros WAS jewish.
His birth name is Schwartz and he is of Jewish ancestry. He is officially an atheist, as was Marx, of course.
Judaism doesn't require you believe in god.
Derrida in fact takes the position that only atheists can pray. The believers aren't praying, but just ordering pizza.
What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.
-Barack H. Obama, October 2002.
The story on the Left in those days was that the Jewish neocons were sending American young -- especially black and hispanic (e.g., non-Jewish) men -- to fight and die for Israel. That was the military goal of the Iraq war.
Later in the speech Obama claims that the political purpose of the war was ". . . to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income — to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression."
Blogger DavidD said...
While Michael Moore may be an anti-Semite, he and his partei are not too keen on authentic Christians, either.
. . .
"Christianity requires socialism," eh? Whatever happened to so-called "separation of Church and State"?
God is God, right? If He wanted to, He could end all injustice and all unmet human wants in the blink of an eye.
It is all drearily awful. Where does virtue come from in Moore's world? Robbing from the rich and giving to the poor? If virtue consists of creating justice from injustice, you can't have virtue unless their injustice to rectify.
ut I know of no theological argument that says this is so. One of the basic ideas of Christianity is that Evil requires Good (Evil is Good, perverted), but Good does not require Evil.
I see Comey has "cleared" Hillary again. Cleared - Like the tobacco companies until 1990. Cleared - like the EPA being silent for six months on Flint water and no one found responsible. Cleared - like Tom Barrett on Milwaukee public schools - no one is at fault for the worst scores in the nation for black kids. And the lost manufacturing jobs in the Great Lakes region - everyone is cleared. And the compromised national security - everyone is cleared. (Why even have security clearances anymore?)
The American Puritans left England and came to Boston and Virginia because the kind of DC corruption which Comey has joined was going on at the court of King James in the Puritans' day. The "purity" Puritans wanted was an end to graft and corruption as an accepted way of life at the top and, for themselves, a viable way of life based on standards they intended to live up to.English Puritans were able to achieve reform by refusing time and again to fund the Court until certain reforms were made. For example, the House of Representatives could refuse to fund the Justice department unless it let the investigations go forward. That is how the English Puritans got rid of corrupt favorites - the Podesta-Mills-Bill Clinton-George Soros equivalents The freedoms we have were saved for us by people who took steps like that (and some were fined, jailed and /or exiled for it though what they did was legal.)
Wildswan, as a Puritan descendant and reader of Puritan writers, I do believe the 'purity' the Puritans wanted was purity of Christian doctrine. But I don't doubt they were also against political corruption.
They wanted purity of Christian doctrine and sincerely wished to live by Christian standards. And how could pure Christianity be taught when corrupt bishops bought their bishoprics from a corrupt court and priests bought livings and did not live in them but led immoral lives in London? And in Scotland bishops had been abolished so Puritans debated that possibility. Different debates over a period of steadily increasing corruption. Look at the Martin Marprelate tracts. Look at Cromwell of the "congregation of the first-born" who believed Church reform had not gone far enough BECAUSE court corruption was so bad and bishops participated. How does this apply?
So... opposition to a global cabal of international bankers is now anti-semetic, because the global cabal of international bankers is all jewish?
That's really the argument they want to go with? That it's now inherently wrong to criticize the 0.001% because, hey, they really do fit the stereotype of a highly focused in-tribe effort?
Ladies and Gentleman, you are looking at the PR skills that explain how Arabs can hide rockets in schools and still come out ahead in terms of global sympathy against Israel. This is beyond idiotic handling.
I bet you there were Jews in 1840 saying that arguing against the slave trade was anti-semetic, because Jews owned the slave boats.
When Nixon tried to shut down Watergate Cox resigned. When Obama Lynched the truth in E-mailgate, Comey went along. Because the times are more corrupt.
The story on the Left in those days was that the Jewish neocons were sending American young -- especially black and hispanic (e.g., non-Jewish) men -- to fight and die for Israel.
If you leave out the parenthetical re the blacks and hispanics that sounds exactly like Pat Buchanan's position.
Wildswan asks: Look at Cromwell of the "congregation of the first-born" who believed Church reform had not gone far enough BECAUSE court corruption was so bad and bishops participated. How does this apply?
It does apply and Cromwell was correct. My point was the origin of the term 'Puritan' which, as I understand it, was a pejorative used by the Anglican clergy.
The Democrats are getting desperate, but they can't unbake the cake.
Is it just me, or does you BHO quote from the olden days make BHO look really wise, way back then?
Anywho, I guess most here saw his comment then and still see him now as foolish. So, y'all couldn't be happier that for most of his time in office his (as you see it) dopiness always met NO. IOW, if BHO is for it = congress Rs say NO! Don't even listen to him, whether it's his comments that Terry excerpted or anything in the many years that followed it: If BHO says it = the opposite is the way to go.
Anywho, at least DJT also expressed this sort of wisdom re Iraq, since he's always publicly opposed it.
Ha ha ha ha!
Am I wrong to see Moore as an anti-Semite?
I think the word for what you are, is "naive."
"Opportunistic" also works.
I don't know, but the movie worked as anti-Semitic propaganda.
On you? I don't doubt that. You seem to be perfect for the target demographic that Trump et al would use to dupe with anti-semitism.
As for Moore's part, he's never advocated any type of mistreatment or abrogation of rights based on ethnic or religious or national origin of any sort. But it's interesting to see you twist your way around avoiding that crucial context.
Democrats could imagine the visage of racism burned into a grilled cheese sandwich. Their constant wolf crying has brought about the desired effect. I just do not give a **** what they or ANY grievance organization says.
How cool is it that W went ahead and obliterated (like HRC and Iran, ha) the metric re since the great depression.
Totally awesome quotes Terry.
Anywho, I apologize for reading and comprehending what BHO actually said in your qutoes. Please carry on: what's that you say about Ds hating Jews?
Why is the fact that Trump's daughter and son-in-law etc. are Jewish supposed to detract from the fact that he clearly doesn't mind the support of David Duke and others who think like him? Many slaveowners (including presidents!) had slaves in their family. Their own families! They raped the slaves and had their concubines raise the kids. As slaves. Did that change the way they mistreated them or appealed to slaveowner interests in courting votes? I guess by y'all's admission, it should have. Even creepier when you think about the things Trump's said about and looks, etc., he's given his daughter. His own daughter!
On the Comey FBI disaster - Regarding 650,000 emails, Pete Williams of NBC is reporting that nearly all of them were duplicates. They must have used a program to scan them and determine they were duplicates. If so, it shouldn't have taken more than 2 days to finish this scan. Why did Comey pre-announce on Oct 28 and absolve her just 2 days before the election? This really stinks bad.
Class diversity politics.
If you keep hearing dog whistles, odds are you're a dog.
Rhythm and Balls said . . .
. . . . blah . . . bad Trump Blah . . .
Bill Clinton lured or had women delivered to this hotel room and jumped them.
David Duke is in the dictionary under 'bogeyman.'
The ADL says that their are 5,000 Klansmen in the US. How many millions of commies are there in the US? How many millions of these commies has Hillary condemned? I mean, condemned them for reasons other than them not giving her their money.
It is surprising that the same FBI that couldn't unlock 1 iphone but beat expectations by carefully scanning 650k emails in a week. I wonder if Sen.Reid and Franken will still want to pursue "charges"against Comey? Or since they now have a favorable outcome will they go back to gloating about what a great president Hillary will make?
PS this ain't going away. FBI agents will continue to leak news and can anonymously send info to Wikileaks since they know the MSM won't publish it.
How many class diversitists, anti-nativists, abortionists, Planners, "peace"-mongers, and other Pro-Choicers has Clinton condemned?
Surely, people are not so illogical, desperate, corrupt, or progressive, that they are permanently trapped in the twilight cult.
I'm Renfro Jeffries, Nazi And Proud Of It!
I want to make one thing clear as a Proud Modern American Nazi: I don't hate all Jews. Really. Who I DO hate are the American Jews -- the ones that are part of the Government-Media-Cosmopolitan Complex...
The Jews in Israel? Pesky guys and gals. Fighting against the right people. I don't know why they haven't gone all Dresden on Gaza, but they still are OK in my book...
The American Jews, though: most of them seem to be okay with the Government-Media-Cosmopolitan Complex's Three-Part Plan:
1. Stop Us From Speaking.
2. Stop Us From Thinking.
3. Stop Us From Breathing.
They're getting close on Number One, and their Schools and Universities are well on their way on Number Two. What: are you waiting for them to get on to Number Three before you start to smell the gas in the oven...?
You are on the wrong side of the barbed wire, friends. If you're in my foxhole, and we're shooting at the same guys, I'll make room for you...
Helter Skelter is coming, and it's coming with Cattle Cars: don't say I didn't tell you.
I'm Renfro Jeffries, Nazi And Proud Of It!
I am Laslo.
Democrats are the worst anti-semites of all, Jewish SJWs have to hide their ethnicities so they can be accepted.
They use anti-semitism as a weapon, but could care less about Jews.
"On the Comey FBI disaster - Regarding 650,000 emails, Pete Williams of NBC is reporting that nearly all of them were duplicates. They must have used a program to scan them and determine they were duplicates. If so, it shouldn't have taken more than 2 days to finish this scan. Why did Comey pre-announce on Oct 28 and absolve her just 2 days before the election? This really stinks bad."
Presumably the implication is that dragging this out helped HRC.
But, this window of ambiguity between Comey letters did hit the prime time for early voting. And, for many states that window closed about when Comey issued the second letter. So the shit storm coincidentally matched an excellent opportunity to diminish HRC's appeal to early voters.
If you think that Trump is an anti-Semite, shouldn't you be voting for him, PB&J?
The real fascists (as opposed to the people in your friendly, neighborhood Chamber of Commerce) hated capitalism. They hated capitalism because it valued money more than race (or the nation, if you prefer). You could actually read what the fascists of the 1920s and 1930s wrote, or you can believe what Stalin said about them (and Stalin decreed that any organization not under of the CP USSR was, defacto, a fascist organization).
Terry said....
Some lie and omission while basically admitting that he wants to whitewash the significance of crucial Klan support for Trump. David Duke is about as deplorable and outspoken an anti-semite as they come, going on with trying to gain respectability for his nasty cause. And yet, Trump can't disavow him. Just can't do it. But oh no, look there's a commie! McCarthyism to the rescue of anti-semitic Klan support! Here comes Terry's cavalry! I can hear the William Tell Overture playing in the background.
If you keep hearing dog whistles, odds are you're a dog.
Well said, Larry!
Democrats are the worst anti-semites of all, Jewish SJWs have to hide their ethnicities so they can be accepted.
They use anti-semitism as a weapon, but could care less about Jews.
Translation: Trump's anti-semitism (and the political weapon he uses it for) is just A-OK! GO right ahead, Mr. Trump! You're the boss. Whatever you say, goes! We trust you one thousand per cent and wouldn't for a moment think to second guess what you're up to, let alone the significance of that little book that Ivana said you kept on your nightstand! We are followers of the highest order!
I think you're fairly new around here. Did your time ever overlap w/ the commenter Cedarford?
If not it won't make sense when I note that I'm the anti-cedarford.
Terry apparently wants us to believe that Klan support is ok. It's the commies who are taking down America - in 2016. Yep. 1956 all over again. I thought Trump didn't want another Cold war (or a hot war?) with Russia. Apparently we guessed wrong. Commies, commies everywhere. Just bringing down America to make it more like the USSR that's trying to make us that way. (Even if the USSR doesn't exist). Oh well. THere's no shortage of nonsensical incoherence in the mind of the fanatical right, these days.
I once got him to acknowledge that Bar Rafaeli was hot.
I know, small victory.
There's nothing wrong with Trump. He's fine with Jews. And IMHO, blacks and gays and probably women and most groups, but I can't really speak about them. Not all Jews or New Yorkers are with him, sadly, but there are always people who are wrong.
I've said before that Donald Trump will do well in New York. I think he is real and real people deal with individuals. Any hostilities, let's say, I don't think he applies to a whole mass of people. I think he said things that don't sound like that, but I think that's more about the style of communication and, by the time it gets to the nitty-gritty, 'the soup will not be eaten as hot as it was cooked' and it will be properly seasoned.
But when you're offered a bowl even if your favorite candy and some are somehow or other shall we say spoiled, why not go through that bowl and pick out the bad ones? And if enough of them are bad Who Among Us would not at least inspect the handful you bring to your mouth? Perhaps it would lead us to eat less. Perhaps we should eat less. No snacking between Harvest seasons.
As for do I accept these Jewish canards. No. Down the line somewhere some things may bear watching. But not now. I fb messengered a cousin into silence, she's a Reform cantor sadly, about some horrid thing of an ad with a Judenstern that she flung in my face. She raved at me with a ten point plan on how Trump was bad for Women, Jews, Humanity, or Whoever. She is a dear sweet thing my cousin. She's from Oklahoma.
I told her that I wouldn't even dignify it by looking at it, that anyone can make those with Photoshop, have the Democrats are on Wikileaks as doing just that kind of thing. I wouldn't put it past any of them.
Trump's daughter is a Jew is by choice and her children are Jewish and if you don't think that means anything then you're not Jewish, are you?
And do you think that Trump had anything to say about that? If so, he's obviously liberal-minded in the good cosmopolitan sense to his very bones, and philosemitic to boot. If he was not involved, then I guess at least he's very fair and open-minded and you shouldn't prejudge him.
Russia no longer is communist, merely Russia.
Likewise China is its old imperial self, collecting its client kingdoms again.
American communists mutated. During the long march through the institutions and after the collapse of their patrons they did much as long - standing communist guerilla movements did, they became bandit gangs, looting and corruption becoming an end in itself. Ideological bases also mutated from the communist class struggle to the modern melange of environmentalism and various social causes. Even bandits need a religion.
Interestingly, Ayn Rand predicted this (if nothing else, she, a good hater, was an expert on her enemies) in one of her last essays, the mutation of the falsifiable concept of the class struggle, as an ideological motivation, to the amorphous, unfalsifiable ones of today.
It's not too late to cast your presidential vote for Darrell Castle and Constitution Party, Bad Looey.
But the clock is ticking. I think that I almost have PB&J and R&B won over.
Meanwhile, HRC called people Fucking Jew Bastards, out of her own mouth. (Apparently she has the kind of mouth that drives people to suicide. Her speeches support this.)
And as for character and the women, you know what he said is impolitic but true. Not like that Todd Akin with the 'raped women don't conceive' school of political medicine. Women, many of them, really do respond, including sexually, to star power/charisma/alpha. And if you are cosmopolitan, is that a bad thing? And if so, then it's Murphy Brown and Dan Quayle and in the fullness of time, who won that one?
As for character and Clinton, I elaborated the episode where she fell and broke her elbow in I think 2009. Her protective detail and all those circles were described as literally laughing about it due to her unpleasantness towards them, uncooperativeness no doubt the fact that she brought it upon herself and that it couldn't have happened to a nicer protectee. Now, to be sure- bad Secret Service agents! Bad DPS! Bad FBI! The fact is it was reported in internal FBI reports, which means that it was true.
That's what's important - it's true. It's FBI agent testimony to the FBI that Hillary Clinton is abusive to her personnel to the point of dysfunction. Those rumors have been going on for a long time but if you didn't believe Gary Aldrich you can believe this.
You don't have anything like that from Trump. May have had some tart rejoinders but generally they were accompanied by support as in the case of Alicia Machado. He may have spoken Broadway, but he said he literally saved her job and career. (Not too she's done much with it, but that's where Trump does get into the weeds, isn't it.) Somebody here had a great line that it's especially irksome to be despised by your inferiors..
There's nothing here. The fact that he had showed Federal Reserve two or three times on the ad screen, I think means that he's making a play for the Audit the Federal Reserve, Ron Paul Rand Paul types which may be one reason why Libertarians are defecting.
Republicans are coming home as they see the lunch of Hillary naked on the end of the fork. With Wikileaks, now both would-be presidents are, as Bob Dylan would say, standing naked.
"...if you don't think that means anything then you're not Jewish, are you?"
I totally understand what you meant.
But, technically, Judaism is something that is passed from your mother. So, in fact if you're Jewish and you're following what being Jewish is technically defined as, that only means that Ivanka and her kids are not Jewish.
But, obviously that's just a technicality. DJT is surrounded by and deeply trusts plenty of Jews, incl his son-in-law. But, that still doesn't make Ivanka and her kids Jewish, according to what being Jewish technically requires.
I'm Renfro Jeffries. Nazi And Proud Of It!
I get it, I get it: you get all freaked out if someone is a self-proclaimed Nazi, even if they are trying to protect your Rights as an American. Tell me, though: who IS fighting for your Rights...?
The Government-Media-Cosmopolitan takes your tax dollars, your entertainment dollars and whatever other spare change you might have left and uses them right back against you: you might as well pay a crack-whore for someone else's blow-job and accept getting your own dick bitten off...
The Government Hates You. The Entertainment Industry Hates You. The Media Hates You. Fucking Facebook Hates You. They are even Teaching Your Children to Hate You. But no, no: I'M the Bad Guy...
You are on the wrong side of the barbed wire, friends. If you're in my foxhole, and we're shooting at the same guys, I'll make room for you...
Helter Skelter is coming, and it's coming with Cattle Cars: don't say I didn't tell you.
I'm Renfro Jeffries, Nazi And Proud Of It!
I am Laslo.
I don't see how anyone who endorsed Bernie Sanders, including Michael Moore, can be called an anti-semite.
I don't think Trump's an anti-semite. I think he loves getting the votes of anti-semites though - and so much the better if their anti-semitism is what motivates them to vote for him, as seems to be the case.
Republicans are ok with not being a racist, while allying with racists to get their votes. That's how they roll. As admitted by Ken Mehlman and Lee Atwater and Michael Steele. They are just doing the same thing now with a little group of folks who think Jews have a worldwide conspiracy that they need to be executed en masse for.
I don't think think there's anything anti-semitic about noting individual Jews (or anyone else) who are running huge banks and other financial institutions to the detriment of America's working class and the global economy. But Trump's Klan and neo-Nazi supporters don't just leave it that - and he knows this.
You can tell by the way they use triple parentheses, rail against "Zionism" as a force to rule the world (and America), their obsession with Soros (perhaps), and the way they talk about white pride and love of Hitler as a misunderstood guy who just wanted to save Europe from communism. Usually they're louder in Europe than in America - except when they're vandalizing pictures of Julia Ioffe, etc. by dressing them up in concentration camp pinstripes and making reference to extermination in ovens, poison gas and other very specific and often lurid thoughts.
But hey - a vote's a vote! Right, my fellow Republicans?
Don't forget the (((media))).
Meanwhile, HRC called people Fucking Jew Bastards, out of her own mouth.
WHere's the cite for that?
HIllary's deplorable. We all know that. And I wouldn't put it past her to say something like that. Find the cite and the ADL will knock her down faster than you can say "Repurpose the Trump Tower!"
But that's not the topic of the thread. Again, find the cite. The DNC was borderline anti-semitic in their tactics against Bernie. Find something to pin on Hillary, though. I don't mind one bit. I don't put it past her and it would be good to see another reason to take her down also.
You can bet she'd be the one in the Middle East trying to "force" a legacy on the place that benefits no one, just like her hubby did.
I'm not voting for Hillary.
Ivanka's a Jew. Kushner's a Jew. Trump's grandkids through them are Jews. There is no technicality that changes this.
Trump doesn't hate Jews. Trump just wants the Jew haters' votes, and he loves giving them their heroin fix to the jugular of what they desire most. Who denies this?
Republicans are ok with not being a racist, while allying with racists to get their votes.
Their is a problem with the definition of racist, R&B. What 'racism' has usually meant, through the decades (not centuries) that the term has had an agreed upon meaning, is that your race defines you. If Mexicans are lazy, and you are a Mexican who is not lazy, you are not acting like a Mexican (to use a crude example). If you accept this definition, racism is more acceptable on the Left then it is on the right.
But I confess I no longer know what people mean when they use the word 'racism.' I think that they are using it in a structuralist sense, but structuralism is a literary theory, not a branch of biology.
"Ivanka's a Jew."
By the lineage passing through the mothers you guarantee that there isn't a goy milkman that spent too much time w/ the misses while you're out doing whatever it was folks did thousands of years ago.
Wasn't it a Trump rally goer who recently chanted "Jew S A" directed toward the press. Yes Trump wants these deplorables to vote for him.
Speaking of DJT rallies, is it just me, or is it a total pussy move to say someone tried to assassinate you when nobody tried to assassinate you?
Anywho, I guess DJT will be expecting another Purple Heart.
People should be able to criticize any culture, Terry - their own or anyone else's. And they should be able to do that without the PC police ignorantly calling it "racist". Or even "bigoted". (Though it certainly can be. Ignorance and resentment is behind a lot of what should otherwise be made a more legitimate form of "criticism". If you're going to criticize a culture the risk of doing it ignorantly usually outweighs the benefit. See Sam Harris as one of the few even semi-successful examples counterveiling this).
But that's not what David Duke and his fellow travelers, who all support Trump for the same reasons - (even if I don't understand why) - are all about.
“Friends, please remember that if you see a whopper of a Wikileaks in next two days - it’s probably a fake,” tweeted Jennifer Palmieri, the communications director for the Clinton campaign.
Probably a fake. Dear God, is this where we are now?
Poor guy was grabbed by the balls for merely holding a sign, "Republicans Against Trump".
Fascism - or its actual economic basis, corporatism - is the winning, near universal political philosophy today. We are all Fascists now. But corporatism is all about creating economic monopolies and perpetuating an oligarchy, for which everyone must sacrifice. This requires a purpose, a justification, so as to keep the public appeased and content with their lot.
The only difference vs Mussolini's flavor is the sort of mystical mumbo-jumbo used to justify it. Mussolini used the old Italian hyper-nationalist irredentism, pretended to be hyper-militarist and stole a lot from D'Annunzio. Hitler copied him of course. China and Russia are taking this route.
In the US and other countries it is Ayn Rands prediction of unfalsifiable, mystical ideals like environmentalism and social justice, that are required to justify the sacrifice.
The cool thing about DJT is that he keeps lying after everyone knows he's lying.
Imagine if HRC was still jabbering about the sniper fire.
I'm just not on the two minutes of hate bandwagon, R&B. Public denunciations aren't my thing, they are used to enforce orthodoxy. My comment re Hillary not denouncing the Millions of commies in the US isn't meant to condemn her. She shouldn't have to do anything like that. Guilt by association is shabby politics, in the end it tells you nothing. It's like asking a candidate if they endorse novelist Dan Brown's trashing of the Catholic Church. The proper response is "WTF? do you have any serious questions for me?"
Gadfly with his "clean hands" sure likes to type.
Is it too early to think about who the Ds will choose to go against incumbent DJT in 2020?
Laslo is right.
What passes for American Nazism today is irrelevant.
What they think of blacks or Jews is entirely beside the point vs what our masters think of all of us.
Like HG Wells' Martians - "intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic".
Public denunciations aren't my thing, they are used to enforce orthodoxy.
Maybe publicly stated policy positions aren't your thing, either, then.
These are the votes of people for whom fitness for office simply doesn't matter, then. You're admitting it.
PBandJ_Ombudsman said...
"...if you don't think that means anything then you're not Jewish, are you?"
I totally understand what you meant.
But, technically, Judaism is something that is passed from your mother. So, in fact if you're Jewish and you're following what being Jewish is technically defined as, that only means that Ivanka and her kids are not Jewish.
But, obviously that's just a technicality. DJT is surrounded by and deeply trusts plenty of Jews, incl his son-in-law. But, that still doesn't make Ivanka and her kids Jewish, according to what being Jewish technically requires.
11/6/16, 6:09 PM
I have to jump on this: read the Book of. Ruth.
If you convert in an accepted ritual to Judaism, you are Jewish by conversion. Your children born to you are thereby Jewish. By birth. She converted, Orthodox stylie, complete with mikveh. You can't gainsay her Jewishness, at least without more data on the inside of her heart than I daresay either you or the family cardiologist possess.
I hate racism but would defend anyone's right to be a racist. As long as they don't hurt anyone as a result, what they think of other races is their own business.
Bad L,
Whatevs. I'm not into bubble bursting.
My comment re Hillary not denouncing the Millions of commies in the US isn't meant to condemn her. She shouldn't have to do anything like that.
Why? Because "commies" aren't planning insurrection in the U.S.? Or because they're not doing it credibly? Or with one-thousandth the credibility that it was claimed they were doing it in the 1950s? It's a bugbear. A bogeyman. It was during the Cold War and it's even more of one now.
Guilt by association is shabby politics, in the end it tells you nothing.
No, I think it's important to know why the people supporting a candidate are supporting that candidate. You can't dis-associate supporters from candidates. You might as well disassociate candidates from their policies. Just ridiculous to claim.
But I guess this is the post-modern presidential election. Where facts are shooed away and only feelings matter. Welcome to the Trump Twitterverse.
If you convert in an accepted ritual to Judaism, you are Jewish by conversion. Your children born to you are thereby Jewish. By birth. She converted, Orthodox stylie, complete with mikveh. You can't gainsay her Jewishness, at least without more data on the inside of her heart than I daresay either you or the family cardiologist possess.
My sister adopted Judaism when she married and their children are considered Jewish. I remember she had to study Hebrew and traditions for some time before they were allowed to marry. And this was in the Reform segment of the faith.
Bad Lieutenant is completely right BTW, re: Ruth. Stop racializing the Jewish thing. That's what the people who do shit like (((this))) believe and do.
Converts to Judaism are supposed to be treated with even greater respect than anyone else who claims to be Jewish. It's not easy to do.
Plus, I even think it's cool what the Jews for Jesus folks think. (Messianic)
So, it's all good in the hood, from my POV.
Of course, this is the sort of flexible thinking that makes for a squish.
Just sayin'
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