Did you see the anti-Semitism? Tapper froze a frame that showed billionaire George Soros, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein — all of whom, Tapper said, are Jewish. Franken said:
Franken, a Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter, said his reaction to the ad was: “This was something of a German shepherd whistle, a dog whistle, to sort of the, a certain group in the United States” and said it speaks to “a certain part” of Trump’s base in the alt-right.If an anti-Semitic message was intended, Franken gave it air, but Franken had to think that accusing the other side of anti-Semitism would help his candidate. Maybe the message from Trump works, but only if it's kept at a subconscious level — or maybe that's just what Franken thinks. What if anti-Semitism works and it was not intended by the ad, but Franken originated the charge and unintentionally helped Trump?
“I’m Jewish, so maybe I’m sensitive to it, but it clearly had sort of [an] ‘Elders of Zion’ kind of feel to it,” Franken said. “International banking plot or conspiracy, rather, and then a number of Jews.”
“I think that it’s an appeal to some of the worst elements in our country as his closing argument,” he added. “And I think that people who aren’t sensitive to that or don’t know that history may not see that in that, but that’s what I immediately saw.”
This is an awful subject to bring up now, but maybe the Democratic cause is desperate. Franken certainly looked very depressed. He could barely get his words out. It was painful to watch.
Now, I do want to add that I'm sympathetic to the argument that political material can sneak in an anti-Semitic message. That's what I thought I saw in Michael Moore's movie "Capitalism: A Love Story," blogged here in October 2009:
The most striking thing in the movie was the religion. I think Moore is seriously motivated by Christianity. He says he is (and has been since he was a boy). And he presented various priests, Biblical quotations, and movie footage from "Jesus of Nazareth" to make the argument that Christianity requires socialism. With this theme, I found it unsettling that in attacking the banking system, Moore presented quite a parade of Jewish names and faces. He never says the word "Jewish," but I think the anti-Semitic theme is there. We receive long lectures about how capitalism is inconsistent with Christianity, followed a heavy-handed array of — it's up to you to see that they are — Jewish villains.
Am I wrong to see Moore as an anti-Semite? I don't know, but the movie worked as anti-Semitic propaganda. I had to struggle to fight off the idea the movie seemed to want to plant in my head.
३१६ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 316 पैकी 201 – 316"Nugent will reportedly join Trump at a Michigan rally tonight, part of a final whirlwind of campaigning.
It is a fitting way for Trump to close out a campaign that has been driven by racial resentment and elevated some of the most extreme voices of the Right.
Earlier this year, Nugent posted an anti-Semitic meme to his Facebook page claiming that an assortment of Jewish public figures–all identified by Israeli flags on their pictures–were the ones “really behind gun control.” He followed it with a meme claiming that the U.S. is on “the same path” as Nazi Germany. He commented that Holocaust victims were “soulless sheep to the slaughter” but “not me.” Facing criticism, Nugent angrily wrote on Facebook, “What sort of racist prejudiced POS could possibly not know that Jews for guncontrol [sic] are nazis [sic] in disguise?”"
And then there's Nugent, who's just plain crazy anyway.
Does he believe in gun rights for Israeli Arabs, Palestinians and other non-conscripts in the Holy Land?
He's a lunatic, whichever way you slice him. Although I should refrain from such language, given the possibility that it might appeal to him.
A whackamadoodle.
a total pussy move to say someone tried to assassinate you when nobody tried to assassinate you?
Why did the USSS grab Trump and hustle him off the stage ? You want to see the bullet on the way ?
Of course you do.
If somehow it's not obvious, beyond NTTAWWI, I think being a squish is actually a good thing.
Likewise a Crunchy Con.
For the record I'm only warm to GOPe and RINO.
Franken, Clinton, Obama et al enthusiastically embrace the abortionists, Planners, female chauvinists, class diversitists, anti-nativists, "peace"-mongers, immigration reform (e.g. refugee crises, mass emigration) adovcates, social justice adventurists, selective exclusionists, scientific mystics, pro-choice cultists, financial schemers, and monopolists in their midst.
Plus didn't Nugent call HRC a cunt?
Seems like that's going to conflict w/ the hyperventilating about Jay-Z.
PBJ, you are completely within your rights to say and think anything you want. This is America, after all. I wouldn't want to deny you the opportunity to get one single word out of your mouth.
Please, go on, tell me more about my religion. Perhaps next you will like to explain about the horns, or the holes in the sheets, or maybe something even better.
This really helps me validate the nature and quality of your concerns.
The SS wisked him off stage because some pussy Trump supporter yelled that the guy with the sign had a gun. All those big brave gun lovers, hahahahahaha!
I get the reaction at the time, when there was uncertainty. It's better to be safe than sorry.
But, once it's sorted out it's totally pus to keep blustering about an attempted assassination that never happened.
BTW, did you notice that I brought up HRC and the sniper fire? Good stuff, right?
Fine Bad L,
I'm into that stuff.
Whatever floats your boat.
Our resident lefties are actually trying to delegitimize Secret Service caution in protecting Trump. If they don't take chances with his life, Trump is a coward.
This tells you all you need to know.
Inga, I have always thought it colossally, suicidally stupid of Jews in America to support gun control. Of course it's all based on the notion that it can't happen here. I used to believe that. So many precedents. Not just Jews...read Solzhenitsyn: "And how we burned in the camps later, thinking..." My understanding is that gun control in the US was primarily/originally targeted at blacks.
Don't quit now, PBJ. I need you to tell me who my friends are.
Bad L,
Your friends are terrible, awful, naughty, deplorable, hideous, stupid losers!!!!!!!!!
How's that?
Lot's of feeling, right. Did you see all the explanation points?
I notice that all of the attempts to defend Hillary on this forum amount to "she is no worse than Trump, and I like her policies this week. Not the ones she had last week, but this week."
Hello? What has Hillary done that inspires confidence in her ability to lead the free world? Hello! Anyone?
"What has Hillary done that inspires confidence in her ability to lead the free world?"
Duh. Do you have any idea how many post offices there are in the world. Do you think they just name themselves?
"Our resident lefties are actually trying to delegitimize Secret Service caution in protecting Trump. If they don't take chances with his life, Trump is a coward.
This tells you all you need to know."
Well at least we lefties aren't suggesting that Trump's SS agents have their guns taken away from them, like Trump said about Clinton's SS agents. Yes that told us all we needed to know.
My understanding is that gun control in the US was primarily/originally targeted at blacks.
The rise of Organized Crime during Prohibition had a lot to do with it.
Up until the mid 1930's, you could buy fully automatic machine guns through the mail from newspaper advertisements.
Man, the troll stink is bad tonight.
And Jon is drawn to it like a fly to s#*%.
"Well at least we lefties aren't suggesting that Trump's SS agents have their guns taken away from them, like Trump said about Clinton's SS agents. Yes that told us all we needed to know."
If Hillary's protectors have guns, I should be able to have guns to protect myself, too. We are all Americans, with the same rights. Trump understands this. "Unknown" does not.
It seems like this decision would be a slam dunk for true conservatives.
The cons continue chasing their tails w/ investigations in congress and HRC travels the globe thinking of names for post offices.
Rs in congress and DJT adding $5 trillion more debt (w/ big tax cuts for rich folks) than HRC while the DJT/R's water carriers (such as con commenters here) never get a break from defending the indefensible while they slip backwards as rich D's rake it in.
Anywho, sign me up for the second option: have your cake and eat it too.
"Why should someone not be proud of his German ancestry? Why should Nazis always come to mind when Germany is the nation of Goethe, Kant, Bach & Beethoven? And, yes, Luther?"
Milwaukee has a big German Fest every summer. People walk around with those silly Alpine hats and eat Usinger's sausage and drink beer. Some of them wear T shirts that say "Proud to be German." According to PB's idiot logic, they're all closet Nazis.
Milwaukee also has an Irish Fest, a Gay Pride Fest, a Festa Italia, a Polish Fest, a Mexican and Asian and Arab fest - but only German-Americans are apparently not permitted to have pride in their ethnic background.
Unfortunately, many Germans in Germany feel the same - which is one big reason they are permitting their country to be overrun by barbarians from the ME.
"Unknown" does not.
Seems like folks think this unknown is Inga.
Folks also make it seem like Inga is not hot.
Anywho, I'd do Inga, if she'd have me (which is far from a given: I'm a bit smarmy and overly ironic, OTOH I'm hot and a good lay).
"Why should someone not be proud of his German ancestry?"
I'm 3/4 Norwegian and 1/4 Swiss German.
I'd rather ditch the German part. Anywho, you can't do anything about what part of Switzerland one of your grandparents came from.
Trump never acknowledged support of the Democratic KKK and other class diversitists.
Democrats, however, cannot reject their principles, and principals, including class diversity and its advocates. Nor their monopolies and practices that cause economic misalignment and sustain the welfare industry, require financial schemes to fund (e.g. Obamacare), progressive taxation, emigration reform including outsourcing/insourcing, and population control protocols (e.g. abortion rites/selective child).
Thankful wise American such as yourself will vote to give rich folks the break they deserve while getting the losers to pick up the slack.
A ture patriot, I salute you.
And, thank you.
"Anywho, I'd do Inga, if she'd have me'
Since your intelligence level, reasoning abilities and morality seem on a par with Inga's I say go for it.
As someone said about the Carlyles, it's a good thing they married each other and made only 2 people miserable instead of 4.
Who said anything about marriage?
PB&J wrote: I'm 3/4 Norwegian and 1/4 Swiss German.
Three Quislings and one dealer in looted art.
PBandJ_Ombudsman said...
Who said anything about marriage?
And the point flies 30 feet over PB's head.
Yeah, you'd be a great hook up for Inga (Dumb and Dumber), and a welcome one, since she was so bereft of company on the night Walker won the reelection she ended up cuddling with a Republican plumber. He was wise though - didn't stick around.
Sober up, have 5 minutes of conversation with Inga over breakfast - shit, who wouldn't run?
I don't want to brag, but I don't think it's common for gals to ask you for directions blocks away from their houses because they want an excuse to talk to you.
Plus, do a lot of dudes have hot gals who you've brushed off (gently) respond by trying to incite you by saying you could stick it anywhere you want if you'd have them?
Anywho, that sort of thing bothers me, and is sickening, not appealing.
Lol Quaestor.
BTW, this is not a bad situation to use to point out that there is a difference between what is and is not acceptable stereotyping and joking re different populations. And this is not PC-ism run amok.
Norwegians, the Swiss, and Christians during Christmas are not under threat of war or bigotry.
Belonging to all of them, I'm quite certain. So mock away.
Inga and Peanut
If only I could get out of the basement and stop hacking Ds.
I think Richard S will need to cut the wall out.
But, I heard (listening to Howard Stern) that he may not be quite right, in the head. (Not sure that's news.)
Mock Turtle
I shouldn't have implied or said that people were called Puritan because they opposed political corruption. It began as a religious outlook as you say. In the rather hesitant discussions I'm now having on founding principles it has happened that the stand of Puritans against political corruption caught my attention because the present situation resembles that early situation in many ways. And when it is asked how people got the strength to stand up for the right it had to do with strength of religious principles which were renewed among those we call Puritans and often corrupted or missing among those close to the Court. This led them to criticize political corruption, not just accept it. Comey's performance was shameful, so was Hillary's, Bill's, Anthony's, Huma's, Lynch's. Who feels safe with these fools running the ship?
Sober up, have 5 minutes of conversation with Inga over breakfast - shit, who wouldn't run?
Assuming one wasn't already dead from ennui...
"once it's sorted out it's totally pus to keep blustering about an attempted assassination that never happened. "
I am unaware of this. I have seen Trump's composure complimented after the incident as he went back to the stage and continued his speech. Do you have evidence of bluster ? Other than TPM and the usual leftist sources, of course.
I don't care if you don't believe that DJT tried to use this as some sort of badge of honor when it turned out to be his loon supporters beating up someone who didn't agree w/ them.
Beyond not caring, I'd prefer for you to feel that DJT deserves some sort of points for surviving an assassination attempt.
DJT is brave and would make an excellent leader to MAGA, HRC will be put in jail where she belongs.
Carry on.
John Erickson per link: Remind you of anyone?
I really do miss Monty Python.
I think it's high time Mead weighed in on this important issue.
Bob of Bob's Used Girls' Bicycle Seat Emporium says:
Mila Kunis. Natalie Portman. Elizabeth Banks. Scarlett Johansson. What is common among these beautiful, hot girls?
They are Jews, that's what: beautiful, hot Jews. And here at Bob's Used Girls' Bicycle Seat Emporium we understand what you're thinking when you see a beautiful, hot Jewish Girl: YOU want to appreciate her used bicycle seat..
While Bob can't help you with the women I've named, I CAN tell you about our Premium New Line: Used Bicycle Seats from Jewish Girls, Certified by Bob's Expert staff...
We scout out the finest New York City Jewish Schools and Synagogues for the best Used Jewish Girls' Bicycle Seats that you will ever find...
Sure, other dealers on the internet might claim they are providing the used bicycle seats of Jewish Girls, but they just ain't being kosher: only Bob's provides the used bicycle seats where we Guarantee the Meat and the Cheese didn't touch, if you know what I mean...
So when you want a Jewish Girl's Used Bicycle Seat think of Bob's Used Girls' Bicycle Seat Emporium: remember, you are not being selfish by not wanting to smell shellfish...
I know What You want, and I Got It or I'll Get It: THAT is my Promise to You...
I am Laslo.
Oh, Laslo! You are priceless! ;-)
It's a shame there was no con media in the fifties.
To be clear, I don't mean to compare DJT to back then. But, no one would dispute that it would have been different then if they had the con non-lamestream media that we have today.
Another difference between then and now seems to be the influence of the profit motive in broadcasting/media. IOW, it seems like media may be more hyped and less serious nowadays because that sells better, imho.
Anywho, like most here, I'm sure this all adds up to HRC should be in jail, libs are SJWs who want to mooch and destroy American, and non-RINOs and DJT will MAGA.
Carry on.
Al is a traitor as he supports Islam which commands war on all "unbelievers" who include 99% of our fellow citizens PER Article-III, Section-3 of the Constitution.
BTW, it also seems sorta interesting to compare today's R POTUS candidate produced in a world w/ a bunch of con media v the lib media domination that allowed Ronnie to flourish and rise to the top.
Just sayin'
Anywho, I'm not a geezer, so what do I know.
I've always been immersed in both con media as well as the lamestream.
Maybe that's why I'm more of a skeptic of the cons. I don't know how someone who grew up as a certified WJC-hater could not have questions when his tax raises resulted in prosperity instead of disaster that was guaranteed by con media. Or what do you do after W's tax cuts for rich folks resulted in a multi generational level disaster rather than the promised nirvana (yes, I know, it's the D's, in the minority, who are to blame for not having budget cuts; then there would be nirvana instead of disaster--sheesh). Or, sure Ronnie cut and things were good, but then he raised, and then BushI raised, and then WJC raised, and then the budget balanced (yes, I know the balanced budget has nothing to do w/ R and B and W raising taxes, it was Gingrich--sheesh sheesh). So, to be a good con = forget reality (and also forget Ronnie's soc sec deal that brought in dough from normal folks (i.e. tax stops around a hundred grand = uber regressive) to paper over non soc sec expenses w/o a "lock box".)
Anywho, I can't be the only non-geez con who's experienced a lifetime of con media lies as well as lamestream media lies. This probably results in a different POV from the golden-years cons who may in some ways cherish and want to protect having con lies mainstreamed, since they remember only having the other lies mainstreamed.
I dunno. I'm trying to make excuses for y'all.
Blogger PBandJ_Ombudsman said...
BTW, it also seems sorta interesting to compare today's R POTUS candidate produced in a world w/ a bunch of con media v the lib media domination that allowed Ronnie to flourish and rise to the top.
Just sayin'
If the ethnic mix of the voting population was the same now as it was in the 1980s, you wouldn't have had Clinton or Obama. And, of course, Trump's 'anti immigrant' theme would have done nothing for him.
Trump's candidacy is the result of the failure of both parties to address the concerns of middle class and working class Americans, and that is the group that both the D & R's say they are catering to. Except in Wikileaks. And in closed door meeting between GOP pols and donors.
Plus, my hands are biiiiig.
Just sayin'
. . . his tax raises resulted in prosperity
Correlation and causation are not the same thing, PB&J.
Raising taxes reduces investment expenditures. Reducing investment decreases economic growth because money spent on investment has a multiplier has a multiplier > 1. Government spending does not have a multiplier, according Keynes, unless it's borrowed money and consumers aren't forward looking.
And Keynes also knew that a tax cut was a stimulus. Dems have forgotten that. Not a lot of bright bunnies on the Left side of the political world.
It's sad that it took three days to come up with a counterargument.
I dunno.
I have no data, but in my anecdotal lameness it seems like immigrants work hard and strive more than folks who've been here for a while, i.e the demos of yesteryear, and then some.
Look at DJT's popularity w/ rural lowly educated folks. These folks are probably not too different from the demos you're thinking of. These folks and their POV is guaranteed to be a loser in the future of the globe.
Sure some DJT snake oil salesman can make the feel better.
Anywho, I don't care what they or other folks do. Vote for DJT.
Good job Terry.
Vote for DJT.
I am a Darrell Castle man, PB&J.
If economic efficiency is the ultimate goal, PB&J, we could do a lot of things that we choose not to do. Dam more rivers. Drill more oil. Cut off old people from social security (imagine how unproductive old people are!). Kids are born crippled with little hope of producing a net economic gain for society. Maybe we should cut our losses with them if economic efficency is the reason we are all here. (GRG Mure and Michael Oakeshott called this aspect of modernism the rise of Economic Man)
In a normal republic, the balance between immigration and economic and cultural disruption is decided by the people. In the US in 2016, it's decided by the US Chamber of Commerce and the people on the left who just like foreigners more than they like their fellow citizens.
"I am a Darrell Castle man, PB&J."
Are you in a state that matters?
I'm not (WA is HRC for sure), so I have the luxury of not needing to go w/ HRC to stop DJT (which in my pea brain makes sense).
P.S. It's not super persuasive when you ramble off con talking points as a response to my noting that I'm not persuadable by con talking points because I've seen these things implemented. Anywho, you and others can sing the praises of and vote for supply side and trickle down all you want.
Sounds good to me.
"Drill more oil."
For Fs sake, you must have noticed that that results in the shit costing so little that it's not worth drilling for.
How old are you?
Presumably most folks pretty quickly grow out of being a mindless talking points regurgitation machine. Right"
should be: Right?
In these threads, if it's not geezers it's yoots.
For Fs sake, you must have noticed that that results in the shit costing so little that it's not worth drilling for.
This is not 'talking points.' It is called economics. The stuff they teach you in school. With textbooks. Production Possibilities Frontier, Keynes equation for GDP, etc.
Say, PB&J, are you one of those swells who thinks that a keyboard and an internet connection makes him an expert on all topics?
You don't see me hanging around here, commenting on the rigging styles of 19th century warships because I don't know anything about that.
Maybe that is your strong point?
he does realize the slow much deflation of the china bubble in addition to fracking is what has kept prices low, doesn't he,
Thanks for the correction Terry.
I now see that according to some text you've come across it makes sense to keep drilling for more oil even when it costs more to do so than the resulting oil can be sold for.
Hopefully, you can get this info to the drillers who slowed production when the price of oil dropped below what they cost required to obtain the oil. Let them know that Terry says "drill baby drill."
BTW, was the text you're reading written by Palin?
For the record, Terry is not one of my sock puppets.
I've never been w/ a full gal.
I've always wondered about that thing re more cushion for the pushin.
Time will tell, if this Inga fling works out.
You are voting for trickle-up poverty. The green blight... over here, over there. The final solution, too. And progressive wars? Trials and assassinations? Perhaps class diversity? Or perpetual smoothing functions to compensate for the debasement of capital and labor by liberal fiscal policies. Certainly the final solution and scientific mysticism to indulge the narcissistic pleasures of your principals and meet your principles.
Perhaps there are more "good" Americans that will join your cause.
Anyway, round and round.
Blogger PBandJ_Ombudsman said...
For the record, Terry is not one of my sock puppets.
I disagree!
Re petroleum -
I know you are an incredible dumbass, but the point is if petroleum is cheap it implies that you have enough of it. Palin was speaking in a time when petroleum was scarce and expensive - her prescription was to drill. Lo and behold, drill they did, and now peroleum is cheap.
And it is quite a story about that, but you dont care about one of the major achievements of the modern US economy.
A heroic thing, despised by your holy media, may that gang of scum get their reward.
The world has heroes and villains, the useful and the useless. There are a huge number of heroes and the useful to thank on the question of petroleum.
And, PB&J,
You really can't help being a swine, can you?
Did something hapoen to you in youth, or were you born so defective?
Right, HRC = poverty. And, DJT = MAGA, i.e. back when the middle class were consistently making gains, which would be pre-Ronnie, when the rich paid high taxes. To do this, DJT will MAGA by having rich folks pay less, since that worked so well for W.
Carry on.
"Did something hapoen to you in youth, or were you born so defective?"
Sadly, both.
FYI. I am not the Inga that seems to occupy so many minds here. PB&J, while I'm flattered at the offer, I don't think I'm your type, unless you like 6'4" men who can bench press his body weight. Plus I have a beard.
In abstract economic terms, fossil fuels are energy, and energy is a substitute for human labor. If oil is cheaper than human labor, the ratio of (value output)/(value input) is higher by burning oil. Economy grows. This is really basic stuff, PB&J. There may be side effects of using oil in place of human labor, but these are usually value judgments. It is not a capital-T Truth that atmospheric CO2 of 400 PPM is good but atmospheric CO2 of 425 PPM flips the equation around and you get negative value by using fossil fuels in place of human labor (or solar or whatever).
Also, DJT will MAGA back to the pre-Ronnie days when the middle class consistently improved because he will eliminate even more unions, to the point there will be riots (as Newt says), because the fewer unions we have the more likely it is that the middle class will have the income gains that they experienced when unions where the strongest, pre-Ronnie.
Carry on.
Very persuasive Terry.
" . . . pre-Ronnie, when the rich paid high taxes."
Remember the Carter years? Why, the US was a frikkin' economic dynamo!
Compared to the high-tax, low growth Obama years, anyhow.
That's why correlation does not prove causation. You can pick unrelated variables and pretend they aren't unrelated.
Homos in the closet? High wage growth for the middle class!
Put Japs in internment camps? Low unemployment rate!
I don't think we use the term J**s anymore.
And, you forgot that now tyrannies can flop the dicks around little girls.
But, otherwise totally MAGA-licious.
Ha spell check is PC: should be--transvestites
I get why the libs are pushing this:
But, beyond that, what does this mean?
--they seem formally dressed, maybe after some event
--taking a call
--taking some sugar
--on an disheveled bed
--in a particular orientation of bodies
I know it's a photo shoot, so it's not some real life pic. But, WTF makes folks decide on this staging? What's it supposed to depict?
Dad's catching up on some business on the phone at the end of a long day and little sunshine leaps over him on the bed and nestles in to lay over his lap and give a little kiss before turning in herself.
Seems sweet.
Even if this image is explainable, I can't figure out how it's cool that he'd like to date (which for DJT means have sex w/) his kid.
who knows the keynesian system did break down, the phillips curve was shot to heck in the 70s, deindustrialization did play a role, but it wasn't the key one,
Many fitting the label "alt-right" (whether by their own identification or being squeezed under the label by Hillary and her ilk of labeling bullies) would seemingly say that Soros was a Nazi collaborator who worked to steal property from (disarmed!) Jews in Europe before somehow getting to London and its best schools. They would be corrected about this of course, because it is oft-stated that this has been "debunked," though it's the usual "fact-checkers" making the its-been-debunked claim. In any case, his horrible ideas and behind-the-scenes machinations are what Trump was likely channeling, not his Semitic ethnicity if any. Not sure anyone knows much about Yellen except that she leads the Federal Reserve, which is engaged in financial repression, asset price inflation promotion which favors the wealthy (only), and mad financial experimentation for which we and not she would pay the highest price for failure.
what does that have to do with the price of bread and milk, 'first world problems' indeed,
Tourette's is one possibility.
yes, it's yellen's advocacy of quantitative easing, blankfein's high rank in subprime, which he was never called to account, and soros's war against the pound and the south asian currency basket, in a similar ring, you have the sandler's who ran wachovia into the ground and now had on their payroll john podesta,
Well, I'm Jewish and all I saw was George Soros, who has piled millions of dollars into tearing this country apart; Janet Yellen, whom Trump has accused of keeping interest rates down util after the election to help the Democrats (which, with all the current talk about a hike in the discount rate in December, sounds like another "inconvenient truth" from Trump), and Lloyd Blankfein, the chair of Goldman Sachs, or as Matt Taibbi called it in that alt-right rag, Rolling Stone, the vampire squid.
imho, Franken either needs to take a break, or he was given these despicable talking points and delivered them-probably the latter.
the adl is much the same way, still dealing with left wing tropes, to hide the administration's arabist bent,
franken was elected by fraud, remember, it's professional courtesy, that one should acknowledge and support the other,
narciso, Martin:
Exactly. This is not a Jewish thing. It's not a Trump thing. It's not an American thing. Franken is indulging in the profitable pastime of manufacturing associations to pigeonhole his opponents. The individuals cited have more in common than a fleeting cultural association. Although, Franken's intentional bastardization of a common idiom does reveal his character. A dog whistle, indeed.
Wealth only increases as an illusion with progressive debt. Debasement of capital and labor is only sustained in the short-term with public smoothing functions. Outsourcing and insourcing will only compensate for intentional destruction of wealth until the next cumulative misalignment.
As for the "rich folks", that's your obsession, or perhaps ambition, not mine. My interest is revitalization, rehabilitation, assimilation, and integration of men, women, and Posterity living in America, Mexico, etc. My economic interest is affordable cost of living, productive labor, and safe smoothing functions. Otherwise, I am interested in reconciling moral, natural, and personal imperatives, which necessarily precludes class diversity (i.e. judging people by the "color of their skin"), abortion rites/Planned Parenthood, redistributive change, retributive change, manufactured economic misalignments, trickle-up poverty, immigration "reform", progressive wars (e.g. social "justice" adventurism, securing mineral rights, opportunistic regime changes), etc.
Lanny Davis says:
Fact 1: Hillary is a progressive
Fact 2: Hillary is the best qualified based on years of public service.
Fact 3: Hillary has compassion and empathy for those less fortunate.
David Sorota says:
A “progressive” are those who focus on using government power to make large institutions play by their set of rules. Rules that force large institutions to pay for the government programs, without the government having to collect taxes. (A liberal being more apt to use revenue in the transfer of wealth, but skimming off the top to create more power).
Thus, a Liberal wants to solve societies problems generally through revenue economics, while a Progressive wants to solve this by limiting profits and using massive government regulation.
Thus, compassion and empathy do not cost anything, because the President and their administration can lead Congress into passing laws where the peasants and the proletariat are not so far removed from the bourgeoisie in terms of bread and water. They may not own a recreational Yacht, but they have some form of transportation to the collective industries.
Contrast this to Trump:
1) Not a Progressive
2) No public service experience
3) Seems to have no empathy or compassion
What people care about with Trump, is that he is not a Progressive, so 2, and 3, don't matter. All that matters is that he is a Capitalist with ideas of minimal government regulation. The idea being that less regulation is less waste. Less skimming involved. Smaller government requires less revenue, and the peasants and proletariat are made wealthy, by not making them poor via garnishment of their wages or limits on their production.
Hillary is Obama, the choice is simple: Progressiveism or Capitalism. Some say the latter is obsolete, and a 20th century failure. Some say the former is a failed Soviet system, also from the 20th century.
What system do we need for the 21st century? Maybe neither. Maybe we need to empty the swamp and start over.
Fact 1: Hillary is a progressive
Fact 2: Hillary is the best qualified based on years of public service.
Fact 3: Hillary has compassion and empathy for those less fortunate.
These are opinions, not 'facts.'
David Sorota says:
Sirota is horrible at analysis. Why would anyone care what he says about anything? Why not read an old Erma Bombeck column instead?
Terry said...Why not read an old Erma Bombeck column instead?
So we should put our heads in the sand? Isn't that the logic of a peasant?
President Roosevelt rounded-up the Japanese and put them into concentration camps.
The precedent has been set. There is no reason why Trump couldn't round-up Hispanics and Latinos and also put them in camps.
Once in the camps Homeland Security can then determine if they are here legally. Those that are, can be released back into the cities. Those that aren't can be loaded onto trains and taken to the border. But first they have to go to the camps to have their papers closely analyzed. Too much fraud when analyzing them in-place.
Meanwhile, the southern border should become a free-fire zone, and Militias allowed to patrol inside a 10 mile buffer zone. President Nixon used this in Vietnam and Cambodia and it was highly effective.
Look, this is what I mean when I say that Sirota is horrible at analysis.
He criticized his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, who in September 2015, came out in support of increasing the number of Syrian refugees the U.S. would take in from 10,000 to nearly 65,000.
“She wants virtually unlimited immigration and refugee admissions, from the most dangerous regions of the world, to come into our country and to come into Minnesota,” Trump told his audience. “Her plan will import generations of terrorism, extremism, and radicalism into your schools and throughout your community.”
The U.S. already has one of the strictest vetting processes for refugees in the world, with multiple rounds of interviews with security agencies, as well as background and health checks. The process could last for up to two years before the refugee is allowed to enter the country. Trump is yet to release a detailed plan for his “extreme vetting” process.
The fact that the US "has one of the strictest vetting processes for refugees in the world" isn't really the point, is it? Trump didn't say that the US did not have a strict vetting process, he said it was not strict enough. In fact we don't actually know the details of the vetting process because it is not transparent. The government keeps its details secret to keep terrorists from gaming the process. If more people knew this, I expect they would be more in agreement with Trump, not less.
But Sirota doesn't tell you that he doesn't know the actual details of the vetting process. Sirota has told you nothing that you can use to judge whether or not what Trump said makes sense as a policy statement by a presidential candidate, he has told you what an ideologue with an agenda, named David Sirota, thought of Trump's speech.
One of the tools that Progressives have adopted and use extensively in creating sanctuary cities, is Jus Soli (citizenship by birth).
Europe has abandoned this concept. In Europe, you are a citizen by blood. That means one of your parents has to have been born in the country.
Ending Jus Soli in America, and thus making Jus Sanguinis the only way to become a citizen, Makes America great Again(tm).
There are enough laws already to define Jus Sanguinis limitations.
Jus primae noctis is barbaric custom, Coupe. I am surprised that you endorse it.
Terry said...Jus primae noctis is barbaric custom, Coupe. I am surprised that you endorse it.
I never mentioned it, but...
Only for Lesbian same-sex marriages. I mean, someone has to consummate it, why not the Lord of the Manor, or the Warlord...
I just wonder how much Soros donated to Frankens reelection fund to get him to say that.
A funny part of the game "Redneck Rampage" is when you arrive in Waco.
As you come around the path there is an announcement: "This is the ATF, drop your Bibles and raise your hands!" Then everyone starts shooting and all the ATF guys are dead.
You go over to the command van and once inside you hear: "This is Reno! For Christ's sake hit the lever and blow those maniacs to kingdom come!"
You turn the lever and the whole building is blown up.
Janet Reno, who approved Clinton's "Waco Massacre", is dead.
Few people would have known that the three financiers were Jews until the comedian senator outed them. None has a typically Jewish name or wears sidelocks and tefillin.
Janet Reno never had any children, but she killed a dozen toddlers at Waco.
Can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.
I bet that she felt just terrible about it.
I don't care if you don't believe that DJT tried to use this as some sort of badge of honor when it turned out to be his loon supporters beating up someone who didn't agree w/ them.
A Clinton supporter trying to start violence at a Trump Rally. Gee, that is so unusual.
Norwegians, the Swiss, and Christians during Christmas are not under threat of war or bigotry.
Nor are gays (well, outside of Muslims, but the Left loves Islam) and blacks (well, outside of "from other blacks").
And PB, wasn't Clinton's decision to simply ignore corporate accounting fraud a large engine of the "success" under him? If companies are permitted to fake numbers, they can be wildly profitable.
Remember the Carter years? Why, the US was a frikkin' economic dynamo!
We also kinda sucked under Nixon and Ford.
We did great under Ike --- when Europe was rebuilding from being leveled from World War II.
The "blue model" only works if a major catastrophe has destroyed or deeply damaged virtually every economic powerhouse in the world at the same time except us.
No I don't see it as anti-Semetic.
I agree with most of it. I just wish Trump was not a crazy jerk, so that I could consider voting for him.
I guess I should have noted, in addition to the claim that we would bear the cost of Yellen's Fed's failure, that we will bear the cost of this failure, and it will be a doozy.
Dear MrCharlie2,
Trump is not crazy. As for jerk, your mileage may vary. Again, Trump has not got a record of killing and immiserating across the globe. So, that's pretty jerky to me. Crazy rides on whether that works. You be the judge of that.
Hillary Clinton has as much compassion and empathy as Attila the Hun.
jews long history of anti-Gentilism is on record. When was the last time the NYT or academics complained about anti-Gentilism? Actually, it's rarely if ever brought up. We know who's side the university is on.
jews long history of anti-Gentilism is on record. When was the last time the NYT or academics complained about anti-Gentilism? Actually, it's rarely if ever brought up. We know who's side the university is on.
Imus, that wasn't worth saying once, let alone twice. Go home I-man, you're drunk.
I'm just anti-Franken. He's. Not. Funny. He just looks funny.
Donny could have ended all these complaints about him winking and nodding at anti-Semites by following Bill Clinton's Sister Souljiah example - that is, Donny could have picked one blatantly Jew-hating alt.righter and trashed him publicly, insulting him with the same fervor that he usually directs at ordinary Republicans. That would have cleared the air but for reasons that I leave to your imagination, Donny chose not to do that.
Douglas said...
could have ended all these complaints about him winking and nodding at anti-Semites by following Bill Clinton's Sister Souljiah example - that is, Donny could have picked one blatantly Jew-hating alt.righter and trashed him publicly, insulting him with the same fervor that he usually directs at ordinary Republicans. That would have cleared the air but for reasons that I leave to your imagination, Donny chose not to do that.
Coud it be because you believe and called Trump is "Baby Satan"?
Good luck luck ever living that one down.
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