A new Trump campaign ad, featuring Ivanka Trump:
Did Ivanka do that Hillary shoulder shimmy (in a very subtle form):
Here's the Hillary shimmy for comparison:
Is this how women signal to women now?
ADDED: I am so annoyed that the Trump ad I embedded plays with another ad in front of it. Someone other than the Trump campaign uploaded the ad and is trying to make money through the ad. I don't want that clutter in my post, so I'd like to replace the ad with an ad that doesn't contain another, extraneous ad. But when I go to the Trump campaign YouTube channel, I do not see that ad. Why does the campaign make it hard to propagate the ad? With all the talk of Trump's social media savvy, you'd think something like this would be taken care of.
AND: I found another one that works, so it's okay now. You can now see the ad without the other ad.
ALSO: I'm not embedding ads like this out of a desire to help the candidate. I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm a cruelly neutral observer of campaign rhetoric and tactics.
PLUS: You should see my comic impersonation of Ivanka Trump. I mean, you won't see it. Only Meade gets to see it. But you can probably do your own. Impersonators usually — so I've heard — have a word or phrase that gets them started. For Ivanka, I recommend "My father...." Try saying it as if you were beginning The Lord's Prayer.
५९ टिप्पण्या:
I really hope at some point our analysis of female voting patterns doesn't end in such depressing results.
Is it possible to come across campaign marginalia that would be come too boring to post... even for you?
Do you think you could ever do a politics-free week of posts? Or a politics-free month?
Can we just face the fact that no more actual policy substance will actually be considered by America for at least a few months?
Let's just stop. Time to take a step back from the addiction. The country already has.
In which I agree with Rhythm and Balls...
"You should see my comic impersonation of Ivanka Trump"
Let's be clear: Your impersonation of Ivanka is not visual. There is nothing to see. It's completely aural.
Get your own blog or just stop reading Althouse!
"I'm a cruelly neutral observer of campaign rhetoric and tactics."
In 2008 and 2012, you repeated that mantra numerous times during the election cycle - I wasn't sure if you were continuing "cruel neutrality" this year.
"'Your impersonation of Ivanka is not visual. There is nothing to see. It's completely aural."
I want an impersonation of Ivanka that's completely oral.
I am The Replacement Laslo.
I like Althouse, Lyle. Just giving consumer feedback. On a very specific issue.
After all, she claims to relate to a dislike politics as well - or at least she did at one time.
I served with Ivanka Trump. I knew Ivanka Trump. Ivanks Trump is a friend of mine. Althouse, you're no Ivanka Trump.
EDH said...
"I served with Ivanka Trump."
Call us when you have SERVICED Ivanka Trump.
I am The Replacement Laslo.
Hillary was told by Claire McCatKill to "smile more". Consultants told Hillary to act happy and dance with her shoulders so that people feel she is more relate-able, likable, and approachable... or whatever.
Hillary moves her shoulders in an overly dramatized way, and it's yet more inauthentic fakery from her. Most people see through it, but some will feel the emotional pull of the dance.
Ivanka was probably told the same thing, but her moves are fluid, natural and subtle.
Ivanka for the win.
As a woman, I feel nothing but depression over other women, and what they think they need from the government.
Ivanka -- to the extent that she is at all a serious advisor to her father -- is even more of a New York liberal than he is, right? Possibly, Donald Trump represents New York liberalism in the 1960's and Ivanka represents New York liberalism in the 2000's.
Blogger Rhythm and Balls said...
"Is it possible to come across campaign marginalia that would be come too boring to post... even for you?"
There are some serious conversations below.
AprilApple said...
As a woman, I feel nothing but depression over other women, and what they think they need from the government."
Yes. It's also depressing that crap like "binders of women" and something that may or may not have been said 20 years ago to a fat beauty queen with shady connections has the power to sway presidential elections, rather than the numerous and well-documented crimes of the Clinton cartel.
Yes, it's the same shimmy. I doubt it's signaling to anyone, just a mannerism.
Ivanka is doing the snake-neck or bobble-head maneuver, which indicates sassiness and a bit of a smack down.
Probably directed at Hillary for that undignified attempt at a shimmy.
No one is swayed away from Trump by the beauty queen, or anyone else. People are swayed away from Trump because of his behavior, Trump is his own worst enemy.
Exile -
Yes. It's also depressing that crap like "binders of women" and something that may or may not have been said 20 years ago to a fat beauty queen with shady connections has the power to sway presidential elections, rather than the numerous and well-documented crimes of the Clinton cartel.
I know. We get corruption - wow thank God we ditched that guy who put on dog on his car for swell ObamaCare and all its false Gruber promises and wholesale lies.
shorter happy shoulder dance: *Ignore the corruption - she's smiling!*
Really looking forward to the first female Chief of Staff. The curvy blond, the pervs old lady, or the black fixer. Fun times ahead!
People are swayed away from Trump because of his behavior, Trump is his own worst enemy.
Actually, I think a lot of people, me included, wish he would avoid some of the mannerisms but this is all we have. Had another "conventional politician" adopted a couple of his issues, chiefly immigration and Muslim immigration and maybe trade policy, we would not be having this discussion. I think only someone who was not interested in getting rich from "public office" and willing to alienate the "donor class" could have gotten this far with the public. What we are seeing is a real bipartisan candidate.
Chuck complains he is not a "real Republican" and George Will complains he is a vulgarian. Both are correct, This is like no election in 100 years. Maybe more, as 1824 seems comparable. The "real" Republicans left us to make money from lobbyists.
Hillary is a fascist thief. I wonder if she can get elected. If so, we are doomed.
There is a cartoon going around Facebook of women shimmying. You are supposed to post it to indicate you are shimmying with her!
So gross.
Yes, Ivanka had a small shimmy there. I am guessing it wasn't conscious for her on any level. Hillary's, however, was exaggerated- the same with her smile that night. That it became a meme probably means all of it was intentional. That shimmy is presidential!
@Michael K -- thread winner.
As an outsider looking in on women's concerns, my impression is that we've put all other issues - war, peace, prosperity, poverty - on the back-burner and decided that the most important thing to decide in this election is whether women who felt aggrieved by obnoxious and/or nasty male bosses in the 1960s - fifty years ago - are finally going to take their vengeance out on these bad memories.
I mean, it sounds like a ridiculous proposal for how to run a country in 2016. But what do I know about cultural temper tantrums and long uncorrected/uncompensated traumatic socialization.
I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm a cruelly neutral observer of campaign rhetoric and tactics.
There are fence-siters and there are fence-sitters. Althouse sits on the cruel edge of a katana.
If you're not a Trump supporter, why do you think that Dilbert 'tard is God?
"I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm a cruelly neutral observer of campaign rhetoric and tactics."
It sure seemed like Althouse was an enthusiastic Trump supporter until yesterday. Something changed, or she put on a good impression of a Trump supporter, starting after the Wisconsin primary until yesterday.
Maybe Scott Adams had hypnotized her and she finally has awoken.
If, as has been claimed here, the point of the shimmy is to make the breasts jiggle rather than to make the shoulders dance, then they did a terrible job of cropping Ivanka's shimmy.
My impression is that Trump's debate performance finally convinced Althouse that Trump wasn't being "cagey", that he really was that incompetant.
Hillary is definitely more disciplined. She leaves her tantrums to the people she can get away with disposing of - when no one's looking. She prides herself on smugly shooting eyebrow arrows at the people she wants to kill, with a smile on her face and a spring in her step. (At least when her big black "handler" is propping her up and shooting an injectable anticonvulsant into her arm).
But that's also why people think she's a psychopath. When Trump's angry with you, he shows it. With Clinton, joy and contempt all meld together into this brimming smile and wide-eyed glare that leave you confused as to whether she wants to kill you or court you. Probably both. Like a praying mantis.
There are many American women who identify with this behavior.
@R&B at 2:12 PM: Brilliant!
Shimmy Shimmy Ko Ko Bop (1960) by Little Anthony and the Imperials. That is not a woman singing lead.
I think you are on to something, R & B... (2:12)
Whenever I see a staunch militant Hillary supporter, it's always form the same age group.
LOL - R & B is on fire.
About "female signaling"....
Had to go to sexual harassment training for the first time in many years. It was a bell-curve experience: lots of average stuff I've heard before, a few pleasant surprises grounded in common sense, and one particular bit that was a bit disturbing, and it involves this concept of female signaling. Apparently, men can ask a co-worker on a date ONCE. If the woman says "no" - it has to end there. Any other inquiry about a date beyond that can be considered harassment, and the woman can trot off to HR and complain.
The female speaker then went on to say: "If a man asks out a co-worker and she responds that 'no, I am doing my nails that night and cannot go' - that is NO because as we all know ladies 'doing my nails' is code for no."
Huh? I don't have to explain to Althouse readers the problem there - do I? I didn't get the memo that it was in my best interests as a female to respond in an ambiguous and vague manner with regards to something I know I do not want to do. If women want the right to the kind of protection afforded with being able to complain to HR in situations like this, don't we have the *responsibility* to be very clear in our responses, for fuck's sake? Don't feminists love to chant "No means no" in rape situations, but can't manage to promote "NO" as a clear response in the workplace?
This is in a BigLaw environment. But I guess the kind of shit girls do in middle school/high school is OK among women with professional degrees. This woman was utterly oblivious to how infantile this female behavior, which she condoned, really is.
I call bullshit on the concept of female signalling.
Mrs Clinton some time in the near future
"I want to thank a lot of people for that. I look over there and I see that man there, Mr Norwalk. I want to thank you, sir, for making the tapes in an illegal fashion. I would like to thank the Court Of Appeals, for reversing you, Your Honour. And I want to thank Almighty God without whom no case gets tossed."
@ALP: That kind of training is mandatory for all management in CA businesses. I just went through it myself. In my view, it derives solely from legal liability. Note the constant stress that you as a man (not just your company) can be personally liable. Your family and reputation can be ruined.
If I'd had to follow that rule I wouldnt have married my wife. Women take wooing.
If I'd had to follow that rule I wouldnt have married my wife. Women take wooing.
Such mandatory workplace rules are the revenge of the "unwooable"
"My father, who aren't likely to be in heaven, hollowed-out be thy name.
Thy kingdom come and go.
Thy will be done, on earth, as you wish it were in heaven.
Give us this day our daily check.
Forgive us our debts, as we forgive those who owe us.
And lead us not into temptation—at least, not yet.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,
Forever and ever, or until the final bankruptcy.
I am not Laslo.
For an Ivanka impersonation, add "as well" after every other sentence whether it makes sense or not. And act like you just came back from your collagen injections and can't move the outside corners of your mouth very far.
You all should see my giant cock.
You won't, although starting at $123,543 I could be persuaded to allow shadow shots of it, self took after the cash is in my hand.
All aspects perfect: symmetric girth elongated divinity.
ALP said...
"This is in a BigLaw environment. But I guess the kind of shit girls do in middle school/high school is OK among women with professional degrees. This woman was utterly oblivious to how infantile this female behavior, which she condoned, really is."
You mean, there are men so far gone in lust and/or loneliness, they would try to date a female lawyer? Twice?! I have heard of guys being "so horny I would fuck a snake", but I thought it was a figure of speech. Anyway, the ironbound rule of simple prudence is;
Don't shit where you eat, and don't fuck where you work.
The only thing worse than seeing the woman who dumped you every working day for the next ten years, is seeing the woman you dumped every working day for the next ten years.
As an outsider looking in on women's concerns, my impression is that we've put all other issues - war, peace, prosperity, poverty - on the back-burner and decided that the most important thing to decide in this election is whether women who felt aggrieved by obnoxious and/or nasty male bosses in the 1960s - fifty years ago - are finally going to take their vengeance out on these bad memories.
Obama has done all of his foreign policy in service to his Iran deal. Then, he got 2 banks off sanctions about a decade early so he could wire transfer them money *he* says we owe them. In the meantime, he lied and said the plane full of cash and gold we sent Iran was because we couldn't wire transfer the money--- when we had ALREADY wired them some money.
This gets like a tiny blurb in the news. It's not leading the news. Reporters aren't demanding answers. Nobody is demanding Hillary say whether she supports or does not support this aspect of Obama, even though she is running for his 3rd term.
But.....we are supposed to be wound up about Trump because he is the biggest liar to ever run for president. So we have to focus on his flaws to keep him out of office. We have to worry about whether women can be called fat on TV or not. For America.
Jupiter: Don't shit where you eat, and don't fuck where you work.
Preaching to the choir; I take it one step further: I stopped socializing with co-workers years ago. I find that we always end up talking about work, and personal conflicts that start outside of work bleed into the workplace. I drew a firm line between work and personal life, and never looked back. I don't do social media either, so I am gobsmacked at what people will put on FB, ect...that impacts their professional life.
I spent about 60% of the time in that seminar shaking my head: so many examples given could have been avoided if people had the sense to lay down some boundaries.
Althouse wrote: But you can probably do your own. Impersonators usually — so I've heard — have a word or phrase that gets them started.
I tried recording a Hillary impression a year ago but it ended up sounding like Nixon. To hear it, press the play button at the top right of this link.
I fuck where I eat all the time. Mainly waitresses, bartenders, and hostesses -- not in the kitchen. Yet.
In the old days doctors would marry their nurses, pilots their stewardesses, and, as in my case, engineers their technical writers. And so it came to be.
The good thing about marrying people from work is you can see their quality over months or years, and get to know them otherwise. In the old days you would know these women in your village, in the modern world the workplace is the village, by default.
Ol Hillary is shaking her shoulders and grinning like a sorority girl doing the hully gully at a fraternity mixer at Central Arkansas State Agricultural and Cosmetology College circa 1964. Only the sorority girl knew she was shaking something besides her shoulders in the frat boy's face---and so did he.
Been there done that way back in the way back--but it wasn't at Central Arkansas State. But the mere thought puts a little bit of humanity in Hillary---a very little bit--but a bit.
I think the shimmy replaces the hair flip now.
With Clinton, joy and contempt all meld together into this brimming smile and wide-eyed glare that leave you confused as to whether she wants to kill you or court you. Probably both. Like a praying mantis.
There are many American women who identify with this behavior.
10/2/16, 2:50 PM
Goddamnit, R & B, I hate agreeing with you - but this is dead on the mark. The only really enthusiastic Hillary supporters I see out there are either middle-aged blue and pink haired lesbians who own 20 cats or baby boomer career women who confuse acting like a total bitch with being a "strong woman."
"as in my case, engineers their technical writers. And so it came to be."
Engineers marrying engineers have more autistic kids. At least it is a risk.
the results from fathers were intriguing: 12.5 percent of fathers of children with autism were engineers, compared with only 5 percent of fathers of children without autism.
I've been impressed with Ivanka since she showed up on The Apprentice. Before Donald officially announced, I told those around me that I'd rather Ivanka announce (she'd be just old enough if elected.)
Cruelly neutral? Is that just code for "I'm an in the tank supporter but don't want to admit it as it might ruin cocktail parties"? Wear your "make America great again" hat with pride!
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