Here's the written article: "Rigging the Election – Video II: Mass Voter Fraud" (Project Veritas Action):
One of the highest-level operatives for the DNC who admits to being “no white knight” said that the Democrats have been rigging elections for fifty years. [The now-fired Scott] Foval then goes on to explain the sinister plot and how they avoid getting caught. The undercover reporter asks why they can’t just “bus in” voters, but get them to use their own personal vehicles. Foval describes how they avoid being detected and free of criminal charges. “Would they charge each individual of voter fraud? Or are they going to go after the facilitator for conspiracy, which they could prove? It’s one thing if all these people drive up in their personal cars. If there’s a bus involved? That changes the dynamic.”
१०८ टिप्पण्या:
We're studying the big city political machines of the early 1900's in my history is remarkable how little has changed. The Clintons make Boss tweed look like a piker.
And it appears charming Bob Creamer, CAP veteran and convicted felon, visited the WH hundreds of times, including meetings with POTUS. It's just the Chicago way. I just get tears and chills thinking about O, that wonderful man, meeting with the likes of Creamer. Good to know that that the same crowd is easing Hill into office, so we'll get four more years.
The Bolshevik/Alinsky Party is now disguised as an American Political Party called Democrat.
When President Trump drains this swamp, the stench of corruption will be unbelievable.
No wonder International Treaties ending our internet Free Speech is the Dem's priority secret battle.
And you are preparing to miss the guy who was apparently quite close to him
So you bus in all the fraudulent voters and then what happens? Does the video say?
If there's a bus involved, is it an "honest mistake" if it empties its sewage tank into a storm drain?
I would like to say "unbelievable" but of course it isn't. This is why Al Franken is in the Senate, to cite only one example.
But the most chilling fact is that the media is ignoring it. They should be afraid of retaliation by Clinton, because it has been the Clinton M.O. for decades.
We are about to elect an thoroughly corrupt human being to the White House in preference over a boorish one. I prefer boorish.
I'm sure it's all for our own good.
Henry said...
So you bus in all the fraudulent voters and then what happens? Does the video say?
No, you don't bus them in. You have them drive in using their own cars or rental cars. I don't know if the video says what happens then, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to conclude that what happens is they vote. Why would you go around organizing fraudulent voters to show up at the polls, if they didn't then vote?
The DNC paid these guys.
I covered a transaction for votes last night.
"I want twelve dollars for a Big Mac. And I want five dollars for a Coke.".
I am Laslo.
Creamer was a regular visitor at the White House. Maybe Val Jarrett should be questioned about this.
How could a sane person vote to put the most dishonest lying sack of shit that is Hillary in charge of the nation?
As long as you are ok with a government that does what it pleases and keeps much of it in the dark.
Major media still to busy covering Trump pussy talk to notice.
My Lefty friends insist that Hillary's gang rigged the nomination, but are adamant that they aren't rigging the General. And anyway, everybody does it, right?
Wikileaks pointed out that two clinton lawyers said that they believed thst Obama stole the election. How? By busing in a bunch of non registered voters, flooding the system in various states. In other words, exactly what this guy said democrats have done for fifty years. They said this in 2012.
Based on this latest video, does anyone believe thst Obama didn't do this to Hillary? And does anyone believe that democrats aren't going to do this NOW?trump is 100% right. The system is rigged.
And this is the real reason why Dems don't want to have ID cards. So long as no o e checks the ID's they can bus/drive people around to vote in multiple districts. Once an ID is required, it makes such shenanigans much harder. So, they call any attempt to reduce this CHEATING racism.
Henry wrote:
So you bus in all the fraudulent voters and then what happens? Does the video say?
does it have to? What do you think they are busing people for? What else would they be bused to do? And they said they don't use buses, since buses are easier to spot. So, technically, they rent cars, and have the people drive themselves.
I lived in Palm Beach County in 2000. 'Honk if voted for Gore, it's the big button in the middle!"
There were lots of buses roaming around where Democrat farmers used illegals to get their fields picked nice and cheap.
Remember, it's racist to check ID
I've seen the pattern too many times in how the media will treat these Project Veritas videos. They'll first ignore them -- and frankly, that seems to be working this time. There's plenty of other stuff laying around ("Trump said what??") that they can cover until this blows over. If somehow something starts to catch public attention (like the "selling baby parts" videos did), they'll create the "heavily edited and misleading" narrative, knowing that most people will just go with that and write the whole thing off.
We don't have an honest media anymore, we have a secret combination -- the Gadianton Broadcasting System. (Only a few of you will likely understand that reference...)
Oh no, it can't be true. The left here has repeatedly assured us that the purpose of voter ID is minority voter suppression, and there is no evidence, whatsoever, that there is any voter fraud in our country. Even Al Franken's miraculous win with those suitcases of ballots was entirely legitimate, and Joe Kennedy was just goofing around when he groused about overpaying for the 1960 election.
I would like to say "unbelievable" but of course it isn't. This is why Al Franken is in the Senate, to cite only one example.
I thought Franken was more of the usual Democrat "WOW! WE FOUND ALL OF THESE EXTRA VOTES IN A BOX WE FORGOT TO COUNT!!" shit that gave them the WA governorship back in 2002, I believe.
jr565 wrote does it have to?
If you're going to get any traction, it does. "We rent cars for bums" isn't going to cut it. The question I ask is the question that the pushback artists will ask. Renting cars for people isn't a crime. You need details on how the actual fraud is perpetrated.
No smoking gun, though. No copy of a document signed by Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama, so no big deal, really.
It's probably heavily edited video anyway.
Typical right wing smear job; nice try racists!
Who doesn't know this to be true? I'm sure Paul Ryan is well aware of voter fraud in his district (just over the Illinois State line). He just is too much of a self absorbed pussy to do anything about it.
The most disturbing, but not surprising part of the video is how cocksure confident Scott Foval is regarding his moral superiority. Win at all cost even if it destroys the will of voting citizen. It's the God given right of the Democrat Party.
They can really let the peons run things.
It why the pack the courts with activist judges will to overrule duly elected legislatures.
No Democrat will ever admit that any illegal Democrat votes were cast or counted.
It's like Bill Clinton will still not admit his affair with Gennifer Flowers. Or propositioning Paula Jones. Or getting a BJ from Monica. Bill Clinton won't do it. You might think that he has admitted to doing these things, but he has not.
No cognitive dissonance at Meadehouse this morning! Nosiree! Yesterday a tear for the beauty of Obama, today a tear at the criminals who put him in office! All about the feelz.
You know, there are a bunch of Filipino specialists in voting reform and election security procedures you could import to oversee an upgrade of your system. They have done a superb job of reform, and have learned a very great deal about implementing it even in hostile places.
Or, frankly, from nearly anywhere in the world with a functioning democracy. Spain or France or Italy or Canada or Poland or ...
You really need it, foreign intervention. The corruption here is extreme, certainly in CA, and the system is never going to reform itself. I dont think anyone in the system knows how to reform it even if they wanted to.
Anybody think Hillary doesn't know about all of this? The inciting violence against citizens at Trump rallies? Past and present efforts to engage in voter fraud and deny its existence.
You know when you're rich and powerful and have been an elitist insider your whole life, you can just grab the people you serve by the pussy and to whatever you want to them. They actually love it, and they let you do it as much as you want.
Do people really believe that resource are going into breaking the law by organizing hundreds of people to get in cars (or busses) to go vote in some other district or state? How could anyone seriously justify that and risk being charged with multiple Federal crimes knowing that the changes of the illegal votes you are producing affecting an election outcome is almost nil. Also, why wouldn't someone put all of these resources required to pull off this kind of conspiracy into a get out the vote effort which is perfectly legal?
This Foval guy is obviously spinning drunken fantasies at the bar for what he thought was the bemusement of his audience.
I posted this video here yesterday "law prof" what took you so long?
Here we have paid DNC operatives openly talking about committing crimes, naming names and talking about documented past crimes, with the back drop of FEC and DNC accounts payable documents that prove the thugs were paid by the Crooked Old Lady's Campaign, and one of the Thugs visiting the White House (I'm sure for tea and cookies, and talking about the grand kids and golf) over 300 times and MEETING WITH THE USRPER 40 TIMES (I'm sure it's nothing).
Conspiracy theory becomes Conspiracy FACT. RIGGED!! Trump was right--- again.
Trump LANDSLIDE. The Crooked Old Lady is finished!
Ding Dong the Witch is DEAD, Witch is dead, Witch is dead.
The entire democrat party is a corrupt operation.
Hey...where's Blogger Mike with the hidden profile? Wonder if he's received his talking point instructions and counter arguments to try and refute what we can all see with out own eyes?
"It's like Bill Clinton will still not admit his affair with Gennifer Flowers. Or propositioning Paula Jones. Or getting a BJ from Monica. Bill Clinton won't do it. You might think that he has admitted to doing these things, but he has not".
It was proven when Paula Jones described Crooked Willy's Crooked Willy (it bends to the Left), and got paid $850K.
In CA anyway the whole Democratic party is a criminal conspiracy. A proper investigation should be able to put together a RICO case due to the near-uniform pattern of organized violations.
Ha ha Mark Nielsen.
My governor was quoted yesterday saying, "we can't have a rigged election because we mail out all our ballots so a computer system can't be hacked." I wanted to tell in the van at him. Voter fraud is easy when you just need to fill out a ballot that doesn't belong to you...
300+ visits to the White House, I am sure they discussed grandchildren. Isn't that always it?
But, once written, there arent any (or extremely rare) Federal cases brought, and few enough state ones.
Without proper controls and audits, such as accurate voter rolls and IDs and logging these are extremely difficult to prove. The risk of getting caught is extremely low and the people you are going to catch, if any, are onesey-twosey low level semi-criminals who are disposable.
Hey Cillizza! Let's test your claim that the media doesn't root for a side (Period). Let's see how often these videos are reported in the press.
Once written, twice...This Foval guy is obviously spinning drunken fantasies at the bar for what he thought was the bemusement of his audience.
Obviously! Oh by the way: in his "hot mic" incident Trump was obviously admitting to committing sexual assault. Unrelated, but those Planned Parenthood people who discussed trafficking fetal organs were also just kiddin' around.
Things are so obvious when you're on the Left. One day I, too, will love Big Brother.
Once twice,
This [Trump] guy is obviously spinning [Rabelaisian] fantasies at the [bus] for what he thought was the bemusement of his audience.
Welcome to the party, pal!
Once written, twice... said...
Do people really believe that resource are going into breaking the law by organizing hundreds of people to get in cars (or busses) to go vote in some other district or state?
How could anyone seriously justify that and risk being charged with multiple Federal crimes...
Because the risk of being caught is basically nil
...knowing that the changes of the illegal votes you are producing affecting an election outcome is almost nil.
The chance of affecting the presidential election is extremely small. The chance of affecting a seat in the House or Senate, or a governorship, are small. The chance of affecting a state legislature seat are moderate. The chance of affecting a city counsel, or school board, or other minor office, are pretty good.
Also, why wouldn't someone put all of these resources required to pull off this kind of conspiracy into a get out the vote effort which is perfectly legal?
At some point GOTV hits diminishing returns. If you look at the amount of money spent on advertising per voter reached, it's pretty easy to see this as cost-effective.
That should be city council
These fantasies that the left has tens of thousands of people driving around illegally voting is one of those things that has given you Trump as the Republican nominee.
Just as an exercise --
Can someone tell me exactly what is the number of people do you think it would be worthwhile to organize to illegally vote to have any chance to swing an election?
Also, while do you think the left would choose to expend the need resources to pull off the illegal conspiracy of above instead of using those resources to do get out the vote efforts of those who can legally vote.
My final question is, why have so many on the right become such conspiracy believin' morons?
Just one of the reasons that I, as a lifelong registered Democrat, never vote for them. Never.
I need to change my registration. It affects nothing, but it is embarrassing to have to admit what personal sloth has left me nominally affiliated with. Democrats are just a disgusting organization of lies and corruption, and antithetical everything I respect.
"How could anyone seriously justify that and risk being charged with multiple Federal crimes..."
The risk of being charged by Democrat DAs is nil.
knowing that the changes of the illegal votes you are producing affecting an election outcome is almost nil.
Check out the 2008 election of Senator Al Franken. Then check out the 2004 election of Washington Governor Christine Gregoire.
Ignorance is Bliss, you think people are risking being charged with Federal crimes to swing school board races in other states?
God your pathetic.
"Do people really believe that resource are going into breaking the law by organizing hundreds of people to get in cars (or busses) to go vote in some other district or state?"
So the people doing just that for a living tell you directly to your face that is what they do, and you think it's crazy to believe him?
If it had no effect, who would pay him for it? That fact that it's a felony and they still do it further validates its usefulness. Would they take those risks for nothing?
"Can someone tell me exactly what is the number of people do you think it would be worthwhile to organize to illegally vote to have any chance to swing an election?"
312 votes in the 2008 Minnesota senatorial election. 129 votes in the 2004 Washington gubernatorial election.
why have so many on the right become such conspiracy believin' morons?
Why won't the supporters of the Left believe the evidence of the corruption in front of them?
The easiest crimes are ones where most people think it's not possible or not worth it to the criminal. Those are the things people don't adequately protect themselves from. Then add the dynamic that the criminals get to vote on the protections, and self-manage them, and guess what you get - crime.
Once written, twice... said...
Ignorance is Bliss, you think people are risking being charged with Federal crimes to swing school board races in other states?
1) No, because they know there is no risk of being charged with a federal crime.
2) No, I believe most are doing it because they see themselves as warriors fighting the good fight, who have a chance at swinging a big race. The people spending the resources to organize this fraud are factoring in the various down-ballot races.
Once written, twice...Can someone tell me exactly what is the number of people do you think it would be worthwhile to organize to illegally vote to have any chance to swing an election?
Also, while do you think the left would choose to expend the need resources to pull off the illegal conspiracy of above instead of using those resources to do get out the vote efforts of those who can legally vote.
My final question is, why have so many on the right become such conspiracy believin' morons?
There you have it, folks: postmodern empiricism. "I do not feel that this thing should be true, therefore it is not true and anyone who asserts it might be true, even if they show evidence to support their belief, is a moron."
Very well presented, Once; thank you for your example.
Once written, twice... said...
Ignorance is Bliss, you think people are risking being charged with Federal crimes to swing school board races in other states?
I wouldn't slash the tires of people I disagree with politically or steal their signs, but some people do. People do all kinds of things I wouldn't do, and my refusal says nothing about their choice. It's interesting left wing loons are reduced to arguing something can't happen because other people's evaluation of risk reward shows they won't do it. If this were logically true there wouldn't be any crime in the world.
Those straws are getting weaker and weaker.
"Why would anyone commit crime X? The payoff is miniscule compared to the potential punishment, and besides you can get just as much if not more by expending the same resources working legally. It doesn't make sense, therefore anyone who believes that crimes are committed is a moron."
Airtight, man, airtight.
Its easy enough to swing a close state in a Presidential election. Florida say.
If the margin is @1-2% this is easy enough to manage if you have the organization in a corrupt polity like most big cities and their inner suburbs.
And people DO spend money and organization on school board elections. In big cities these are very important. Los Angeles say. There is huge money at stake, for the teachers unions, for vendors, for contracts and building projects. Besides the fact that these are primarily steps in the cursus honorum of political careers. We have had several corrupt politicos in SF (a much smaller school district than LA) that proved to have done substantial monkey business in buying support throught trading favors, etc.
Original Mike wrote "312 votes in the 2008 Minnesota senatorial election. 129 votes in the 2004 Washington gubernatorial election."
Know one knew until after the fact that those elections were going to be so razor thin until after the fact. Probably a million votes were cast in both elections.
Yo'all some dumb Althouse Hillbillies I tell you!
@Once written, twice ...
You made a reasonable supposition. Turns out you were wrong. There's no shame in that. The shame is in not accepting it after it's pointed out you were wrong.
Although I give you this; it's correct that it wasn't known that those specific elections would be close. That's why you need to generate fraudulent votes in "all" elections.
even if they show evidence to support their belief, is a moron."
But where is your evidence? James O'Keefe is a demonstrated liar. Where is the concern of state election officials that there is massive fraud occurring (and remember that most states are Republican controlled)? There is simply zero evidence of systemic voter fraud.
You are missing the vital piece of the puzzle. What happens when the fraudulent voters get to the polls? Even in those states that don't require picture identification require some id. You also have to be on the roll and sign the roll. This is just silly and trump supporting these lies is irresponsible, dangerous, and un-American.
Althouse should be ashamed of herself for lending legitimacy to O'Keefe.
Any election COULD prove to be close.
This why these outfits are a permanent fixture and do this sort of thing every single time, more or less according to the available funding.
Every election.
This is the sole purpose there is such a mass of "civil rights" and "community organizer" groups in every city with a large underclass. They make their livings simply by delivering the vote. Thats why people give them money.
As for how school boards are mixed up in this, check out the ongoing Keith Jackson case in San Francisco. Former president of the school board.
"James O'Keefe is a demonstrated liar."
You're referring to his deception in getting into Mary Landrieu's office?
Deliver a black voter, by whatever means, legal or illegal, to the polling station and there is very little question whom he will vote for.
Also even in red states hardly anyone is up for getting in the way of the "civil rights" buzzsaw.
Freder Frederson said...
But where is your evidence? James O'Keefe is a demonstrated liar.
The evidence is on the video, no one is taking O'Keefe's word for it.
It's revealing when people make such obviously illogical statements. It shows they're desperate to avoid the logical conclusions and aren't even considering whether their denials make sense before asserting them.
James O'Keefe depends on getting the word out of the horses mouth. Whats the lie? These other peopke said what they said. Truth is truth, regardless of the messenger.
Really Freder, that is beneath you.
"Really Freder, that is beneath you."
You're charitable.
Freder Frederson said...
You are missing the vital piece of the puzzle. What happens when the fraudulent voters get to the polls?
They vote, just like everyone else.
Even in those states that don't require picture identification require some id.
Not true. New Hampshire didn't before they passed a voter id law in the last few years. Project Veritas has video of a random person asking for ( and being offered ) a ballot in Eric Holder's name. ( The attorney fucking general of the United States )
You also have to be on the roll and sign the roll.
How hard is it to get on the roll? You don't need a home in the district, since homeless people have a right to vote. Obviously you don't need any form of verified government issued id, since requiring it to register would make it a non-hardship to provide it when you vote.
This is just silly and trump supporting these lies is irresponsible, dangerous, and un-American.
If this is a lie, it is a lie by a Democrat-paid consultant, and a lie against his own interests. So what, exactly, is his motive?
Blogger Once written, twice... said...
These fantasies that the left has tens of thousands of people driving around illegally voting is one of those things that has given you Trump as the Republican nominee.
Just as an exercise --
Can someone tell me exactly what is the number of people do you think it would be worthwhile to organize to illegally vote to have any chance to swing an election?
In Florida 2000, 538 votes - exactly. Precisely, even. Not even one single vote more - is that clear enough for you?
Would have given Gore the PRESIDENCY.
Approximately 11 Greyhound style buses, or only 8 school buses from, say, Mobile, Alabama to Pensacola (less than an hour drive each way) would have done it. Virtually no chance of being caught since there are essentially no documentation requirements.
You seriously believe that winning the Presidency wouldn't be a big enough prize for those reprobates to make it worth taking the chance? Especially when their would be virtually no chance of being caught, since there are essentially no documentation requirements.
"You also have to be on the roll and sign the roll."
And yet, when people are caught submitting bogus voter registration forms, and there is a lot of that, the defense is, "but that's not actual voter fraud" (because it's not casting a vote).
"James O'Keefe is a demonstrated liar."
So is Hillary Clinton and most other Democrats. You still vote for them.
In a thread from yesterday, someone tried to make the case that since the GOP still win at the state and local level, that this somehow invalidates the idea that there is voter fraud going on. In reality, that proves nothing. Voter fraud takes money and coordination-- such as we see in the O'Keefe videos-- so it would be limited to races that were close-- hence the quote, "if it's not close, they can't cheat" -- and races that were strategically important.
And probably also limited to areas where voter registration and id laws were lax. It is naive or disingenuous, IMO, to think that the Dems railing against tightening up election oversight is simply because of their altruistic concern about voter suppression.
The actual amount of voter fraud can be quite low and still have a major impact. Only a small number of rigged polling sites in strategic locations can tip the electoral college in a close presidential election, or turn a Congressional house or senate into a voting majority. Everyone should care whether our election results are honest or not. That one side does not speaks volumes.
The true level of voting fraud that is taking place will never be known as long as no legal entity bothers to investigate. And they'll not bother to investigate if the laws are too lax-- i.e. no ids needed to vote, so no way to prove people are who they say they are; outdated voter registration rolls so there is no way to know if people are voting in multiple places, multiple times, or immediately identify when the dead are voting.
Online and absentee ballots, early voting, ballots "found" in trunks of cars, all make it easier to cheat and harder to prove. This situation will get worse unless action is taken. I like buwaya's suggestion to bring in foreigners to helps us out. It's embarrassing to admit, but we need it.
One poster yesterday said they had witnessed exactly how it was done. A line of busses, filled with people, all brought by the Democrat party. The law says the polls have to stay open for the people in line at closing. So they wait and then send everyone into the line. A democrat brings out the voter rolls and starts going down the line. "Billy Bob hasn't voted yet. You are Billy Bob. Vote for Candidate X". No voter ID required, just says "I'm Billy Bob" and goes vote. Presto: 100% turnout (since all the voters in the bus cast their vote by mail somewhere else).
The poster said they had witnessed it!
Another Democrat trick: Get Republican poll watchers violently thrown out. They have to go to the judge to get an injection... which does happen. Several hours later, of course. How much ballot stuffing takes place before the judge finishes lunch, his golf game, afternoon meeting with the mistress, and then issues the injunction? We can only guess.
These videos of people that have been in the white house hundreds of times are clear evidence of fraud. And yet, Fredor, you try to minimize them. Do you not have any shame, knowing that your party commits vote fraud on large scale, for the past 50 years?
Of course not. These guys were only fired because they got caught. Not because any Democrat actually thinks they did anything wrong.
"It is naive or disingenuous, IMO, to think that the Dems railing against tightening up election oversight is simply because of their altruistic concern about voter suppression."
It's possible to believe that their opposition to voter ID is altruistic. I don't, but a reasonable person may differ. But their opposition to cleaning up the rolls of the dead, felons, and multiple registration in different states lays bare their true motivation.
A commenter at Instapundit reports that CNN began their coverage of Veritas' Democrat corruption videos with: "Discredited conservative activist ...."
Is it possible they have sunk that low?
"Can someone tell me exactly what is the number of people do you think it would be worthwhile to organize to illegally vote to have any chance to swing an election?"
I don't know. How many stacks of five dollar bills will fit in a brown paper shopping bag?
Fredder. Ever hear of "motor voter"? Get your drivers license and automatically get registered to vote. What is the first thing an illegal get when he gets to Chicago/ Cook county? A drivers license. Second highest urban Hispanic population outside of LA. All voting democrat.
I forget about non-citizens voting.
Blogger Once written, twice... said...
Do people really believe that resource are going into breaking the law by organizing hundreds of people to get in cars (or busses) to go vote in some other district or state?
In completely unrelated news, Sean King, he of the white guy pretending he is black fame, is reporting today that David Brock has paid a million dollars for online Hillary trolls to attack Republicans and push her agenda.
How could anyone seriously justify that and risk being charged with multiple Federal crimes knowing that the changes of the illegal votes you are producing affecting an election outcome is almost nil.
Given that the DOJ isn't going to prosecute Democrats and proving it without somebody being a moron and admitting they do it (you seem to be ignoring that the guy SAID IT WAS DONE), there is zero risk to the scammers. They also do it in heavily blue areas, where Democrats, as normal, will never punish a Democrat.
Also, why wouldn't someone put all of these resources required to pull off this kind of conspiracy into a get out the vote effort which is perfectly legal?
Because getting more votes makes winning easier. We're not even discussing the issues with how corrupt the vote counters are. Isn't it weird how often heavily Democratic areas seem to find boxes of votes that heavily help the Democrat when the race is close and there is a recount?
This Foval guy is obviously spinning drunken fantasies at the bar for what he thought was the bemusement of his audience.
...says the guy convinced Trump grabbed a woman by her pussy...
These fantasies that the left has tens of thousands of people driving around illegally voting is one of those things that has given you Trump as the Republican nominee.
These issues aren't new. Why do Dems want same-day registration on Election Day? Why do they keep finding votes during recounts? Why have the stories of busing people on election day been around for as long as I've been alive? And always in heavily Dem cities, with people who they claim are unable to get any form of ID?
Can someone tell me exactly what is the number of people do you think it would be worthwhile to organize to illegally vote to have any chance to swing an election?
Why do Dems demand standards of voter ID so soft that they'd be evidence of voter fraud in any other country? Why do they oppose, so vehemently, any attempt to remove the dead from voter rolls or anybody who moved away?
This type of bullshit gave us Obamacare, you realize.
Know one knew until after the fact that those elections were going to be so razor thin until after the fact. Probably a million votes were cast in both elections.
and it took so little to switch them. Just "finding more votes". Dems are great at that.
James O'Keefe is a demonstrated liar
That is, of course, a lie. He was an undercover journalist investigating why a congressperson was unable to answer calls for constituents.
Where is the concern of state election officials that there is massive fraud occurring (and remember that most states are Republican controlled)?
The large cities aren't. And they are so deep and corrupt that rooting it out would take years and years where you'd be called a racist for doing so.
You are missing the vital piece of the puzzle. What happens when the fraudulent voters get to the polls? Even in those states that don't require picture identification require some id. You also have to be on the roll and sign the roll. This is just silly and trump supporting these lies is irresponsible, dangerous, and un-American.
O'Keefe recorded a staffer getting Eric Holder's ballot in DC. Note: He didn't remotely look like Holder (it might have been O'Keefe personally, but it was a white guy). They'd give you a "provisional" ballot, which if a Dem was voted for, would be applied to the votes if needed in a close election. Ones for Republicans wouldn't be.
buwaya puti:
I responded to you in the "Trump Rallies post.
I would like your thoughts.
Blogger Night Owl said...
In a thread from yesterday, someone tried to make the case that since the GOP still win at the state and local level, that this somehow invalidates the idea that there is voter fraud going on. In reality, that proves nothing. Voter fraud takes money and coordination-- such as we see in the O'Keefe videos-- so it would be limited to races that were close-- hence the quote, "if it's not close, they can't cheat" -- and races that were strategically important.
Ever heard of KISS? Keep it simple stupid.
These people aren't rocket scientists. They don't want to get caught, so they don't provide them with a long list of who to vote for.
Instead, it's very simple. Vote for person X. That's it. It's even too complicated to have them vote down ballot Dem.
Hillary Bus Dumps Shit in Street...
You really have to be full of shit to do that.
CNN dismissed it as an edited video by discredited criminal O'Keefe, while showing their own edited clip with even-greater criminal Creamer.
Freder is referring to touching her telephone. They were trying to get him on a Federal rap. O'Keefe did far less than most undercover journalists do. But they do wind up facing heavy criminal charges.
"It's possible to believe that their opposition to voter ID is altruistic. "
@Original Mike:
I agree. If I was unclear, I have no doubt some voters and politicians are sincere about voter suppression concerns. What I meant to say was that for some party operatives there may be other reasons to oppose voter ids--like voter fraud-- and it's naive or disingenuous to pretend this is not the case.
Early on I was opposed to voter ids because I felt it was unnecessary since we had to show ID to register. But after some consideration I'm changing my mind. Here's an example why: When I vote, I tell the volunteer my name and address and watch them check off my name on a list. I can clearly see that the previous owners of my house are still on the list. No ID or signature is required, so if I were dishonest I could vote as myself in the AM, and the other woman in the evening. It's far too easy to cheat when voter reg. rolls are outdated, and there is no requirement to prove who you are.
In NYC, where I lived back in the 80s and 90s, you needed to sign a book when you voted at my polling site, and you signed right under your old signature. So unless you were quite adept at forgery, it would be much harder to impersonate someone else. It was better than nothing, like where I live now. (I wonder if they still do it that way in NYC? It seems like it might be discriminatory towards disabled people-- how do the disabled sign for anything? Special arrangements must be made for them, I guess.)
It does not matter if there is no voter fraud. If a large segment of the populace believes the vote to be corrupt you are no longer living in a republic. Belief in the integrity of the vote is essential in a free nation. That Democrats do not acknowledge this indicates to me that they are treasonous vermin who despise the United States and want to replace it with a third world socialist hell hole where the aristocracy live like kings, the civil servants live well, and everyone else lives in poverty.
"But where is your evidence? "
Two Dems in the video just got fired. Seems really unfair with no evidence.
Freder: "But where is your evidence? James O'Keefe is a demonstrated liar. Where is the concern of state election officials that there is massive fraud occurring (and remember that most states are Republican controlled)? There is simply zero evidence of systemic voter fraud."
Where is YOUR evidence? O'Keefe provides tapes to back up his claims? And you?
As for your "zero evidence" drivel:
- Focal, a long time Democrat operative, admits to large scale voter fraud on the video.
- Pew research has found over four million dead people on voter rolls and the Obama DOJ sues to prevent states from purging their rolls. Why?
- There have been hundreds of convictions for voter fraud (, but it also goes without saying that successful fraud leaves little or no evidence, particularly when enabled by the DOJ.
I stopped being a Democrat when it became clear that it was necessary to be a dupe or to become complicit in the lying and cheating inherent to the party. Evidently, you have not had your epiphany about that yet, or ....
BTW I live In MA, which is basically a one party state. No surprise the voter laws are so lax. At least where I live, no id, no signature required. I was quite surprised the first time I went to vote.
Freder Frederson said...Althouse should be ashamed of herself for lending legitimacy to O'Keefe.
This is what I'm talking about when I say it's obvious bullshit when the Media dismisses something for not being "a smoking gun." What about O'Keefe's latest tapes are illegitimate, FF? Is it CGI, man? Are the people in the tape not saying what it sounds like they're saying? Like...what could possibly be illegitimate here?
Oh the guy giving you the news is biased so the tape doesn't matter--is that it? Fuckin' Dan Rather was on the air for a bunch of years, my man--name one unbiased newsreader in the national Media today.
Look, if you want to argue that O'Keefe's tape doesn't prove that massive voter fraud exists, or something, fine, argue that. But it makes no sense to talk about a video that we all agree exists and we all agree shows prominent Dem. political activists discussing doing unethical and/or illegal things and react to that by saying "O'Keefe is illegitimate and the tapes he made shouldn't be discussed."
That's some bizzaro Stalinist shit, FF--he's an enemy of the Party so his existence must not be acknowledged!
" they are treasonous vermin who despise the United States and want to replace it with a third world socialist hell hole where the aristocracy live like kings, the civil servants live well, and everyone else lives in poverty."
It doesn't need to be a third-world socialist hellhole.
It will probably end up like Argentina. Though that may be a better-case scenario.
Once written, twice wrote think people are risking being charged with Federal crimes to swing school board races in other states?
Given the complete indifference of Obama's Injustice Department to voter fraud the risk of prosecution is negligible.
Once written wrote: "My final question is, why have so many on the right become such conspiracy believin' morons?"
That's really just an illusion peddled by Democrats when they are caught with the goods. You know: "Conspiracy theory! Conspiracy theory!" (Of course, Hillary's "vast right wing conspiracy" was real. Lol.)
"Admissions against interest," such as those featured on O'Keefe's tapes are reliable enough to be admissible in courts of law. Not so much for Democrat dupes who wallow in denial or Democrat trolls and journalists who promulgate "the big lie."
As for managing the numbers necessary to pull off effective voter fraud, what do you think community organizers do? $Billions in graft are at stake for Democrats. What's a few hundred thousand to get numerous lowlifes to the polls?
Brooke Baldwin on CNN just introduced this story by calling him "Discredited" video maker James O'Keefe.
How brazen.
MayBee said...
Brooke Baldwin on CNN just introduced this story by calling him "Discredited" video maker James O'Keefe.
How brazen.
Just think how brazen they would be if they were rooting for a side ( which of course they would never do! )
@Maybee- compounding that is that they would never think to preface Creamer's name with "convicted felon" even though he is.
Brooke Baldwin on CNN just introduced this story by calling him "Discredited" video maker James O'Keefe.
How brazen.
Are they at least fair and refer to their own guy as "noted Constitution imbecile" Chris Cuomo?
Our host...failed Jeopardy contestant...Wolf Blitzer
These people really believe Brian Williams has more credibility than James O'Keefe?
No, no, there is absolutely no evidence for voter fraud. Studies have proven it.
Anyhow, that's what everyone says.
"Ever heard of KISS? Keep it simple stupid."
On a large scale even a simple operation can get expensive. I doubt the DNC spends much effort trying to get out the vote or rig elections in true red states, or in red dominated localities in blue states, or in sparsely populated areas that they know always vote over 50% for the Dem candidate. It would be a waste of time, money and resources. For example, I doubt they would waste time with voter fraud where I live since the turnout is largely Dem voters, and the number of voters is low. They would instead focus on areas like Boston and Worcester. The DNC can't be cheating everywhere, it's just not feasible; (I could be wrong, it's just my opinion.)
My point was that just because Republicans are still able to win elections shouldn't be touted as some kind of proof that DNC cheating is not going on anywhere, or that it is not having an impact. In a race as tight as that between Hillary and Trump- I've seen recent polls where they are tied-- even a little tampering by DNC operatives could influence the final outcome.
Maybee said:
Brooke Baldwin on CNN just introduced this story by calling him "Discredited" video maker James O'Keefe.
How brazen.
She is on a roll, just yesterday she said that Trump wants term limits for congress, but "correct me,there already are term limits so what does he mean"
Night Owl said, "In NYC, where I lived back in the 80s and 90s, you needed to sign a book when you voted at my polling site, and you signed right under your old signature. So unless you were quite adept at forgery, it would be much harder to impersonate someone else."
The signature as proof of ID went away with the Stanley Steamer. These decades, any scratch serves as a signature. See doctors' scrip pads, grocery store credit card swipes where you sign with your finger, banks who deal with paper checks, etc.
It's just about impossible to prove a signature is or isn't yours. The signature-takers don't even try. Fingerprints work better, but that probably won't last.
"Smartmatic, a U.K.-based voting technology company with deep ties to George Soros, has control over voting machines in 16 states including battleground zones like Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Virginia."
You be the judge
You scooped on CNN. Good job!
@Bob Ellison
"The signature as proof of ID went away with the Stanley Steamer."
What you say about signatures being obsolete is true! Do they still do it that way in NYC?
with the proper data analysis (the kind companies like GOOGLE specialize in) a National election can easily be influenced by focusing on the right precincts in the right places. Shockingly easy.
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