२२ ऑक्टोबर, २०१६
Trump's Gettysburg Address — did you get the feeling you were listening to his concession speech...
... or does it feel more as though he's trying to seem as though he's a new candidate just starting out? Let me do a poll....
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
८५ टिप्पण्या:
I watched/heard the entire speech and thought it was good. Concession? In your fucking dreams!
Mr. Trump's problem was running as traditional Republican. He had presented a third way that was a winner: tough on the border, economic nationalism, keeping foreign adventurism to a minimum, maintaining the entitlement programs and so on. Then Paul Ryan and the GOP creeps got involved and the next thing you know Trump wants to cut taxes on the billionaire class by 50%, get rid of Obamacare, blah, blah, blah. A real shame...
Well done, Althouse. The voting percentages on the choices you offer seem to track pretty closely to the opinions offered here by your commentariat. Which means you've covered the range of opinion effectively.
BTW, the options suck.
The people who think this is over are going to get a big surprise.
First, if the polls start to turn as they may be doing now, the left will go apeshit with riots and lots of vandalism.
Second, Gloria Allred is laboring in the Democrat vineyard and I hope Trump takes her last penny when all this is over.
Third, I have no idea how this will turn out but it is by no means over.
Glad to know Althouse is pushing the MSM meme. Trump has lost, its all over. All hail Queen Hillary.
Except it isn't over.
I refuse to believe the USA has sunk so low as to elect Hillary POTUS.
These Interpols are awful. You bring your blog down by even hosting them. How much would it cost to hire a few people to vote on such things? How much do we actual voters care about such things?
I'm an actual voter, and this year, my main incentive for voting is that in my area, the easiest way to keep your name on the voting rolls is to make sure you voted last time. I had to wait in line for an hour in 2012 just to find out I was in the wrong line-- my line was on the other side of the roughly 6000sf building. I'm about ready to tap out.
Voting is not serving me.
The left is starting to go apeshit. The people running polls who aren't payed by Hillary show results that are death for an incumbent.
For every voter Trump loses from the GOPe political class he gains a blue collar democrat and a voter who hasn't voted in 20 years. No matter how the election turns out we know we aren't alone and we know that more legal voters support trump than Hillary.
It would have been interesting to run two identical polls.
One where folks take a guess at what they think is the best option w/o listening to DJT.
And, the second poll would be answered after folks listened to DJT.
Of course, this works best if Althosue's post doesn't lead the witness (poll taker) by suggesting too much about the content of the video. Having folks reveal what they anticipate someone in a video will say could be revealing about themselves, as much as the supposed subject. But, they may just lie in the second poll so don't need to admit their belief was mistaken. I guess that's of some value too. I dunno.
Self-abortion. Why? He's not Pro-Choice. There are better things than class diversity, female chauvinism, selective exclusion, progressive warmongering, anti-nativism, immigration reform, progressive poverty, baby hunts, and baby trials. Perhaps Americans will agree.
Even better than the health penalty tax a.k.a. Obamacare. There may be an interest to address causes, not exploit symptoms for fun and profit.
You need another option: I can't bring myself to watch the clip, I am sick to death of the man.
I had three people on facebook feed all share the speech. All women. So, do I think it may have been effective? Looks like it.
I have 43 female friends on facebook. 10 of them post pro-Trump things daily. 1 of them, a public school teacher, posts how he disgusts her, but posts nothing positive about his opponent. 4 others I know are devoted Democrats from all the way back to high school. (I'm 61- that far back.) 10 posting pro-Trump. one posting anti-Trump, none posting pro-Clinton, 4 others probably voting for the criminal. That leaves 28 unaccounted for.
Are they being influenced towards Trump by the 10-1 ration of other females posting daily pro-Trump commentary? Or against Trump by the one occasional anti-Trump poster? Or towards the criminal by, oh, I don't know, what POSITIVE case has been made for her?
I also have 43 male friends on facebook. One is anti-Trump, and will vote for the criminal. He's in VT, a lost cause anyway. A few are pro-Trump, all from before the primaries selected him. The rest, including me, are anti-Clinton and will vote for Trump on election day. They all have at least one post indicating which way they're leaning.
Admittedly, it's not a scientific randomized collection. But it coincides with what I see in yard signs on any of the routes I use for commuting. Enthusiasm is on one side, and one side only this election. Be interesting to see how that affects actual voter turnout come election day.
I suspect there could be a very large gap between popular vote and electoral college results.
No matter what Trump says, he's not rooted in the particular payoff schemes that run the government today.
Those are what have to be killed off.
I assume whatever he says now is for women, those being the additional if crazy voters he needs.
Pander to the emotional needs of Althouse types.
Althouse hears a progressive's wet dream - a concession. Here is what I heard:
"It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace — but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
Golf applause to his teleprompter delivery.
The polls have already started to close, and he wil outperform the polls.
Steve in Toronto said...
You need another option: I can't bring myself to watch the clip, I am sick to death of the man
Says Steve in Toronto? People in other countries should find something better to do with themselves than immerse themselves in US politics. There's hockey on, Steve.
(My apologies if Steve is in Toronto, Ohio)
Spiros: Cheney joined the team back in May, the only majorly powerful neocon to do so.
I hope the two forces collide to make him into something better, not his Trump, not ours either, one that can judo-toss the oligarchs while pretending to be their buddy.
Though he HAS made him switch out his foreign policy advisors. It was an easy disarmament, they were business-minded picks, not ForPol picks.
Let's hope Trickier Dick doesn't notice any other openings he can pick at.
Also, hi, random not-voted-20-yearser here (though half of that was age and half out of the country). Also McCain is a complete arse to turn on Trump when he's said 9 times worse stuff! Y'all remember the books, I hope! And the recordings. And these were RECENT!!! And the fisticuffs on the senate floor. Against the oldest man there!
How is Trump WORSE THAN THIS PICK? One of the reasons I continued abstaining after Bush. For once, I hope a socialist wins. Let's hope Ann's got what it takes!
(Technically I also hoped Bernie would win, just so there'd be actually important issues discussed, but no, everyone just had to take the low road once again. The riffraff and refuse chased out of the GOP all coalesced around their "golden girl")
It's a movement of Americans. So it is fine with all Americans. The enemies are well hidden in the Whitehouse and Congress, and are taking their orders from the Taipans of International Monetary Flow, who literally own most of them.
The better question is for how long the Secret Service can keep stopping bullets of assassins hired by these billion dollar donors from stopping Trump's heart beat.
Always give speeches from Gettysburg's "hollowed" ground.
I think that Hillary is a very good debater. I think that she did better than Obama in the 2008 primary debates and better than Bernie in the 2016 primary debates. I think that the Democrats thought that Hillary would be much further in front after the three debates than she is now. I sense that the Democrats are very concerned that Hillary is polling below 50% at this point, which would explain both Obama's being out campaigning for Hillary. I think that Trump recognized that Hillary is a better debater and viewed the debates a potential stumbling block that he had to defensed against, and now has a clear path to sprint to the finish line such as by holding yuuge rallies. So, no I don't think that Trump is conceding.
Enthusiasm is on one side, and one side only this election. Be interesting to see how that affects actual voter turnout come election day.
I think this is critical and why Obama is out campaigning (at our expense, of course). I have a couple of left wing kids. One is a federal employee. She told me a month ago she is not voting for Hillary. "I won't vote for Trump !"
The other two have not expressed their opinion. One was a Bernie voter.
I think there is going to be pandemonium election night. I hope all those federal employees who are leaving if Trump wins can find flights.
@Steve in Toronto said...
You need another option: I can't bring myself to watch the clip, I am sick to death of the man.
Sometimes Canadians get it right! There is no way Trump could keep my attention for 40 minutes because his lying and his ignorance and his self-love is just more than I can stand. If he is talking detailed policy, he didn't write or contribute to the speech and therefore does not understand anything the teleprompter tells him to say.
Anyone listen to Chuck Todd(D) these days? Wow is he a hack. He is a democrat hack. He doesn't deliver news, he delivers his democrat opinion.
"Sometimes Canadians get it right! "
I assume you are a big fan of Trudeau II.
"He doesn't deliver news, he delivers his democrat opinion."
Actually I kind of like him. He knows that MTP is 90% bullshit. I've heard him interviewed on Hugh Hewitt and he knows it.
Speaking of leaving, Jorge Ramos of Univision said that he is leaving the country if Trump wins. It was unclear but I think he meant he was moving to Canada.
Ramos is a dual US/Mexican citizen. Assuming I understood him correctly, what does that tell us about his views of Mexico? He really thinks it is as bad as he claims Trump says?
Way to go, Jorge. Don't let the doorknob hit you. Regardless of whether you run north or south.
John Henry
Jack Wayne @7:32: Amen, brother!
Forty years ago, when I used to sail to Mexico all the time, I knew quite a few people who retired there,
I remembered this one couple in Mazatlan. He had been a Disney cameraman. We were there for a cocktail party. Roy and Patty Disney were there. They had a very nice home. Even then Mexico was sketchy. He told us that two nights before, a guy started to climb over his back wall. He said he yelled at the guy to stop, etc. Finally he said "I shot him". I asked him what happened. He said, "I dunno. In the morning he was gone."
Mexico. I don't even go there anymore.
Speaking of Trudeau, I heard an interesting story in the morning from two guys who have no agenda. www.noagendashow.com
Apparently Justin Trudeau's mother is famous for being the only woman to have blown all five of the Rolling Stones on the same night.
A quick search does not yield confirmation. However I did find this in People from 1977. At that time major mags like People were too puritanical to talk about blowjobs. That needed Willie Jeff. Sounds like the story could be true, though.
John Henry
"Anyone listen to Chuck Todd(D) these days? Wow is he a hack. He is a democrat hack. He doesn't deliver news, he delivers his democrat opinion."
I've stopped watching MTP.
He should fire the person responsible for whatever bad video game music was playing at the beginning. I had to shut it off before he even made it to the lectern.
I agree with those who are saying that it's not over yet. Certainly I have been discouraged by some of the polls. In others I see Trump ahead. The MSM is trying to convince us the game is over. The game is not over until 11/8. On that day I will go to the polls and vote for Trump, hoping for the best. Join me!
And Ann: You don't like either of the major candidates, but I can't see you wasting your vote on the Pot head. For someone who has as much respect for the the Constitution and Supreme Court as you have, I can't imagine you voting for Clinton. She certainly has little or no respect for either.
his lying and his ignorance and his self-love is just more than I can stand. If he is talking detailed policy, he didn't write or contribute to the speech and therefore does not understand anything the teleprompter tells him to say.
For this statement to have any credibility, we must assume you also can't stand to listen to Obama speak.
/psa - 3 levels of captcha is stupid
If you don't try the first time, can you really say you're starting over?
Speaking of degrading and objectifying women, I want to post the following list of Democrats who have stepped up to condemn Madonna's unlawful vote buying offer:
Rumors has it the Democrat candidate's husband is thinking of taking Madonna up on the offer.
What many women heard:
"Four scores and several wives ago my advances brought forth discontent, and a new notion, conceived in libertines, and dedicated to the proposition that all women are not created equal."
I should say "What many women pretend to have heard"
for Madonna's offer to be illegal, it would have to be "something of value".
How much do you think a Madonna blowjob is worth? I would guess zero or perhaps negative.
I'd rather stick my dick in a pencil sharpener than her mouth.
Unless perhaps it was her turn in the barrel and I didn't know who it was.
John Henry
"does it feel more as though - "
Needs a box for "irrelevant". I didn't bother to listen to the video for that reason.
Hillary Clinton is above the law
She must not be allowed to gain the power of the Executive Branch. That means voting against her by voting for whoever has the best chance to stop her. Sucks that it has to be Trump, but even Hilter would be a better choice than Hillary, because we can count on our system of checks and balances to rein him in.
Not so with Hillary, as we just saw - she has the power and influence to squash an FBI investigation. She should already be in jail but she is not. She is accountable to NO ONE.
Hillary Clinton is above the law.
Actually Ann, most the people I know who are voting for Trump echo my post above.
So I'm a bit disappointed, as the options you have given make you look out of touch.
John @ 8:40: "Speaking of Trudeau, I heard an interesting story in the morning from two guys who have no agenda. www.noagendashow.com
Apparently Justin Trudeau's mother is famous for being the only woman to have blown all five of the Rolling Stones on the same night."
That's disgusting. But it might explain her son.
The polls mean nothing. I don't get this attitude of defeat. Don't you realize that you are being manipulated, just like they did with Sanders. Remember the old saying, did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.
"chickelit said...
What many women heard: "
I watched this new show on Hulu. It's called "Timeless." The premise is interesting -- time cops travel across the ages hunting a supercriminal.
It's first scene set in the present had the heroine, a college history prof, tell her class that the reason LBJ started the Vietnam War was because he wanted to swing his dick around."He called it Jumbo" she told them. Then she got denied tenure in the department her mother built -- because she was a woman.
The the Black character explained that because he was Black, all of American history was bad for him.
Switched to something else, I'll never watch it again
Well, of course LBJ did NOT start the Vietnam War but the way 'history' is taught today nothing surprises me...
He may have called his dick Jumbo, though....
Fen wrote: Hillary Clinton is above the law
Unlike Nixon, she didn't even have to wait to become POTUS to get that feeling of power. I think Obama bestowed immunity on her, in exchange for her preserving his precious legacy. But can you imagine how ruthless she could be with a compliant, bought-off press and Executive Privilege?
If she nullifies Citizen United as threatened, meaningful criticism of her is banned. Do I exaggerate?
mockturtle said...
He may have called his dick Jumbo, though....
I thought he bragged about the size of his balls and accommodating them in Haggar slacks?
He just sounds calm to me. He's an engaging speaker and it was a good speech in that he was engaging and didn’t go off ga ga. Interesting to me were his opposition to TPP, NAFTA, sanctuary cities, then there were some other bold sounding initiatives that didn't make sense. It's not so horrible, but I never really get the sense that he has a working knowledge of what he is talking about, just enough to get to the gooey center and surf the outrage. Beyond that, sniff.
"We’re going to fix our own environment." Just ours.
David Frum in the Atlantic:
A Guide for Undecided Republicans
"The day of decision is nearing. All the talk fades, and one mark must be made beside one box on the ballot. Many Republicans are agonizing. They reject Donald Trump; they cannot accept Hillary Clinton. What to do?'
"...But you have no illusions about Trump the man or candidate: You can see he is ignorant, undisciplined, vain, and dishonest—a loudmouth, a bully, and a grifter. You didn’t support him in the primaries. It would not break your heart if a medical event forced him to step aside in favor of Governor Pence as early as imaginable in his first term."
"[But]...Politics isn’t Starbucks. You don’t get to bespeak your selection from a menu of 80 choices. It’s coffee or tea, that’s it. If the tea’s poisonous, you choose the coffee, no matter how bitter—or how much you would have preferred a caramel soy decaf latte.
Faulty and dirty as he is, Trump is the instrument more likely to do the job you want done."
@Terry: Thanks!
Hey, I featured one of your quotes from here at Althouse in a blog post: link
chickelit asks: Do I exaggerate?
Not the least.
did you get the feeling you were listening to his concession speech
Don't even have to watch it to know the answer to that is a flat "no". Trump may be a lot of things, but a quitter ain't one of them.
Honestly, Althouse, this question makes me wonder what sort of bizzaro-world model of Trump you have in your mind to give credence to such a thing.
conceived in libertines,
Just as you don't mention rope in the house of a man who has been hanged, don't mention "Conceived" around Bill Clinton.
"24 M voter registrations that are invalid… 1.8 million dead people that are registered right now to vote…. 2.8 M people that are registered in more than one state…maybe they’ll vote for Trump, I don’t know, I may be hurting myself. Alright, let’s forget that. It’s ok for them to do it."
It's ok if I do it.
Blogger traditionalguy said...
"The better question is for how long the Secret Service can keep stopping bullets of assassins hired by these billion dollar donors from stopping Trump's heart beat."
The best way to stop this from happening is to make it too costly for them to do it. If this happens I would build a wheel and post it on the Washington monument. When you spin it there would be options like tar and feathers, buried in a box, guillotine, rope and lamppost...
David Frum is the biggest cuck in the world. His tepid endorsement of Trump ( he's a complete asshole but he's 1 mm better than Hillary) is par for his dishonest course.
And this just in: The New Yorker Magazine has just endorsed Hillary.
Bad news for Trump. He was hoping to join Herbert Hoover as the only Republicans to win to the New Yorker's favor.
Next shocking news: Rosie O'Donnell endorses Hillary. Its a landslide baby!
I do now think Trump is going to lose unless the polls tighten down to where he is less than 2% behind- not impossible. The real reason he needs to polls to tighten, however, is to make sure his voters don't lose their enthusiasm and fail to show up.
This was no concession speech. Add this to the mocking speech he gave to the Al Smith gathering- these were clarion calls to the disaffected within the electorate, a large group if you believe the wrong track/right track polling.
He was greatly criticized by the media for the Al Smith speech, but it was the speech he had to give considering the nature of the audience- a bunch of blue nose aristocrats who were almost all supporters of Clinton. Sticking the knife into her at the gathering, and into the rest of the audience was required. They aren't voting for him, and people who thought he was rude were never going to vote for him either.
And before I retire for the evening- it has been interesting watching the reaction of the media and the Left in general to his refusal to say he would accept the election results. Clinton's supporters seem to understand deep in their bones that even if she wins, half the country is going to view her as illegitimate. Indeed, that is precisely why that question was given to Trump- they were hoping that he would make a Clinton victory legitimate. That boat has sailed. It matters not what Trump would say on defeat, and I don't think he will do her any favors by even trying. The divisions in the country are probably insurmountable at this point. This really isn't a unified country, and hasn't been since the start of the Iraq War, and I expect at some point it will have to come apart peacefully just to prevent open violence.
I want to check "tweaking the show to win back audience" except that his problem is not enough new audience. He can rely on past support, but not enough undecideds are breaking his way.
khesanh0802 said...I agree with those who are saying that it's not over yet.
I don't think anybody knows anything. The polling average is usually pretty close to right, and that shows Hillary with a lead that is fairly comfortable at this point. She's not at 50%, but she doesn't need to be. I know there will be voter fraud, but I doubt it will change the outcome. It will be worst in states Hillary will win anyway.
On the other hand, I have no doubt there are millions of Trump voters who are keeping quiet about it because Democratic strategy demonizes Trump supporters every bit as much as it demonizes Trump. It's Like censorship (in many respects, it is censorship)--it may kill the expression, but it doesn't kill the idea.
A blow job from Madonna? To be illegal, doesn't the offer have to be of some value?
@Althouse, I think you should call up your friend Glenn Reynolds and find out why he keeps saying that if Trump loses, what's coming in 2020 will be much, much worse. I moved to a more rural area and I am starting to think he's right.
Dylan wins. Cubs win. Trump wins. Signs.
Hillary becomes our National Bobblehead by unanimous vote in House and Senate, signed into law 2-1-2017.
By President Trump.
He's an engaging speaker
He's a horrible and boring speaker. He constantly repeats himself, and when he does, it is meaningless phrases.
I do think that Instapundit is correct - things are going to get more explosive, maybe much more explosive, in 2020 if Trump loses. The country is going tribal, maybe breaking up that way, with the urban elites coddling Blacks and their BLM attacks on law and order, the illegal Hispanics, Muslim terrorists, etc. being protected and extolled, but whites being told they are privileged and to shut up about it, while their livelihoods are shipped overseas (of course, Blacks are probably worst hit by illegal immigration, but they have, at least for now, been bought off, by the elites sanctioning the BLM movement). Why should everyone else get to go tribal, but not the whites who (mostly) built this country? Who invented the cars, jets, Internet, etc. that makes life what it is today?
And, Crooked Hillary was maybe the worst candidate that they Dems could have run to bring the country together. The more rural you are, the more likely you will find that they people you meet are military veterans. Esp. (post-draft) younger ones. She is actively despised, because of how she compromised national security with her private, illegal, email server, repeatedly lied about it, and then got away with it. And, did it to get rich. Her winning would be a kick in the mouth of everything that they believe in. Wikileaks is just making it worse, with revelations about cheating, about her top campaign staff laughing at Catholics and Evangelicals, etc.
If Clinton wins the election, even if she does so legitimately (which a lot of people are going to have a hard time believing), she will have little legitimacy for much of the country. I expect that gun (and ammo) sales will spike even higher in Nov., Dec., and Jan. as everyone expects her to try to carry through her threats of disarming law abiding Americans (restricting the right for self-defense protection to the elite, led by her, who has had a quarter century now of govt. funded security), while she turns a blind eye to BLM violence, illegals committing violent felonies, and unvetted Muslims from her Syrian debacle being resettled throughout the country, often in areas where they are not welcomed.
Michael said
"The people who think this is over are going to get a big surprise."
I'll say no more but will expect a f/u comment and explanation from you by mid November. And one that doesn't include the words "rigged" or "fraud".
"He's an engaging speaker
He's a horrible and boring speaker. He constantly repeats himself, and when he does, it is meaningless phrases."
Damn, I'm agreeing with Freder!?
I stand by my assessment. I did not say he is a great orator.
Concession speech. Question: what would happen if right now Trump announced that it looks like he's well behind in the polls so he's dropping out? Discuss.
It would be awesome if he dropped out. He needed to do so about 3 weeks ago.
Yes. Please drop out so the GOP Establishment will replace him with someone like Paul Ryan or Marco Rubio, who will promptly cave to Hillary.
Bruce "If Clinton wins the election - "
Your list is scary, but you left off the worst of it:
Hillary Clinton will resettle illegals and refugees into Red State to turn them blue. It will lock down the Electoral College forever - Florida, blue. Ohio, blue. Arizona, blue. Virgina, blue. Texas. Yes even Texas, blue. Permanently.
In 2024 there won't be an opposition party, much less a 3rd party. And if you have a problem with that, go tell it to Chief Justice Obama.
This is it people. We lose this battle, we fall forever.
Hillary Clinton will resettle illegals and refugees into Red State to turn them blue.
Isn't this being done already by Obama??
Since we 'red' voters living in blue states are wasting our votes, we should probably all move to red states before the next election.
"Politics isn’t Starbucks. You don’t get to bespeak your selection from a menu of 80 choices. It’s coffee or tea, that’s it."
Well..you can order anything you want..if that pleases you.
Excepting Alice..
How could this possibly be an early concession speech?
"Isn't this being done already by Obama??"
Yes. Now turn it up to 11 and simmer for 8 years.
We've got two weeks left, and millions of early votes have already been cast--and apparently the Dems are outdoing the GOP in terms of affiliation of the ballots. Whatever window is left is closing fast, and it's hard to imagine the deus ex machina Trump can count on to pull this out. For him to win, the polls will have had to be way off for some reason not evident in the primaries.
Ah, well. I'd like to say I saw this coming but I figured Trump might have kept it close by being disciplined for at least a few months which might have made this a tossup at least. He just couldn't do it. The man has no self control, or if he does, he has another agenda in mind.
The only suspense now is what sort of Congress Hillary will have to contend with. Between Republicans turned off by Trump, Trumpists pissed at Republicans, and Democrats energized with glee at the idea of voting against a man they consider evil, the GOP candidates are not in an enviable position.
Achilles said...
The left is starting to go apeshit. The people running polls who aren't payed by Hillary show results that are death for an incumbent.
For every voter Trump loses from the GOPe political class he gains a blue collar democrat and a voter who hasn't voted in 20 years. No matter how the election turns out we know we aren't alone and we know that more legal voters support trump than Hillary.
I need to understand this; you are claiming that the Clinton margin of victory in the electoral college will consist solely of illegal votes?
Are those illegal votes non-citizens who have registered fraudulently? Are they cases of in-person vote fraud? Is it a matter of vote count/calculation fraud? Which states?
Do you have any serious points to make in this context, or are you just jerking off to your favorite alt-right bloggers and talk radio hosts?
Chuck: "Do you have any serious points to make in this context, or are you just jerking off to your favorite alt-right bloggers and talk radio hosts?"
Hey Chump, we just recently caught 1000+ illegals casting fraudulent votes in just 4 Virginia precincts. By accident.
And we just found proof, an admission on tape, that Dems have been busing in voter fraud for the last 50 years. They are even proud of it.
I know that you think your ad hom attacks will somehow shame Achilles into backing off the vote fraud issue. You must be new. I hope that's the case, otherwise the answers that remain are... unkind.
Why are you dismissing vote fraud so readily, despite the evidence? See, I'm working on a theory that Dems are just as intellectually dishonest, morally bankrupt and corrupt as Hillary is. And they should be shunned. But I'm still looking for that one Lot to save them all.
So why are you okay with voter fraud? The ends justifies the means?
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