১৯ অক্টোবর, ২০১৬

"Top 10 Things We Learned From Hillary Clinton Campaign's Emails" and 10 things that show "Trump Is Indeed a Big Whiny Baby."

2 top stories at Reason.com — one against Clinton and one against Trump.

৮১টি মন্তব্য:

Brando বলেছেন...

Sort of sums up the entire race.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Do you notice the difference in the headlines? People passing by don't have to read the Trump story because the slam against Trump is in the headline. That's the new WaPo style. The Hillary headline is neutral.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Democrats are the Party of vote fraud. Democrats deny that vote fraud exists. That sums up the last fifty years.

Nonapod বলেছেন...

Regarding the Wikileaks junk... honestly, glimpsing some of the filthy little missives these nasty people exchange with one another has only reaffirmed my poor impressions of them all. But I'm dubious of whether or not it makes any kind of difference in the election.

That the pallid daywalker John Podesta dislikes Bitcoin's "libertarian Ayn Rand schtick" is pretty humorous.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Boss Tweed always ran clean elections.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Sollum just wrote an article that said everything Trump said is complaining. What I gathered is he doesn't want trump to talk or say anything. It didn't explain how trump was different or whining more than anyone else.

It is also a memo went out on the left to use the word whining.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Who hasn't complained at least 10 times? Everyone is a big whiny baby, so no one is. And the things in the Hillary emails... I don't think there is anything in there that makes me like her less than the completely public stuff that makes me dislike her. In fact, some of that stuff makes me like her more.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Clinton is far more of a centrist than what we knew about her before all the email dumps. That obviously appeals to centrists, which is definitely a positive for her at this point. Liberals and progressives are not going to be voting for Trump, so she has the majority of their votes too.

Achilles বলেছেন...

So the against trump article was about his "whining" which is what the memo to the media instructed.

The anti Clinton article dropped this:

"10. The White House not only knew about Clinton's private email server well before they admitted to it, it actively interfered with the handling of FOIA requests."

After a subpoena is filed this is obstruction of justice and that is before you get to the point of the requests and subpoena. It is clear that the Clintons and media want people to vote on facile and superfluous issues.

Nonapod বলেছেন...

Who hasn't complained at least 10 times? Everyone is a big whiny baby, so no one is.

Yeah, and to be fair Trump himself has admitted he whines. We on the Right complain endlessly about our treatment in the MSM (a complaint that's completely justified IMO). I think it's how complaining is categorized that significant. The opposition will obviously categorize any complaint as "whining" no matter how legitimate it may actually be.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

Haven't read them yet. I assume both are portrayed as disasters. But worth noting that Trump's disaster status is right there in the headline whereas Hillary's headline is neutral,

tim maguire বলেছেন...

Sorry Darrell, I'm doing this on my phone and didn't see your post.

Achilles বলেছেন...

" I don't think there is anything in there that makes me like her less than the completely public stuff that makes me dislike her."

The core issue with Hillary is publicly known. She and Bill amassed 250 million in net worth and got 2 billion in donations to the Clinton foundation doing what exactly? What have they produced? The foundation was an obvious sham. Their speaking fees were obvious pat offs. They have produced nothing but graft.

Nobody has managed to post a single thing Hillary can point to as a success in her 30ish year career. But she is wealthy. This is everything that is wrong with government.

Balfegor বলেছেন...

Honestly, how much of that is really new? On the Clinton II side, literally the only things that aren't just confirmation of what I'd more or less assumed was the case are (1) that the sinister cabal in the State Department actually calls itself "the Shadow Government", and (2) that Clinton thinks Saudi Arabia and Qatar are funding ISIS. And neither of these is particularly shocking. On the Trump side, everything but the first item (that he habitually complains that the Emmys are rigged against him) is from this campaign.

Indeed, one of things that -- stepping back -- surprises me a bit about this year is that the polls are so volatile even though there's basically nothing new coming out. We knew going in -- I thought -- that Trump is a cad, that Clinton I is a cad, and that Clinton II is dishonest and corrupt. The only piece of information that really seems new and material to me is that Clinton II is in poor health, given (a) her supporters' hysterical denials that she is in poor health, and (b) the way she collapsed on 9/11. And even that's not all that salient given that she's seemed reasonably normal the past month or so.

And yet, the polls have moved all over the place. Trump up, then way down, then down a little. And now, we've got a handful of polls (e.g. Rasmussen, IBD) saying the race is essentially tied, and a handful saying Trump is down by double digits (e.g. Monmouth and CBS), and most in-between. That's a pretty big spread.

Balfegor বলেছেন...

Re: Achilles:

"10. The White House not only knew about Clinton's private email server well before they admitted to it, it actively interfered with the handling of FOIA requests."

After a subpoena is filed this is obstruction of justice and that is before you get to the point of the requests and subpoena. It is clear that the Clintons and media want people to vote on facile and superfluous issues

Okay, but really, is this new information? Is it surprising? To the contrary, I thought from the start that it was pretty much inconceivable that Obama and the White House staff didn't know Clinton II was using a personal email server for her email, since there was literally no other way for them to email her or her staff.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Balfegor, bravo! That should be a great big "duh" to a critical thinker, which Achilles is not.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"Who hasn't complained at least 10 times? Everyone is a big whiny baby, so no one is. And the things in the Hillary emails... I don't think there is anything in there that makes me like her less than the completely public stuff..."

Agree completely.

Trump is being treated unfairly, and we do see cheating happening. The only way to deal with that in politics without complaining is to get physical. Is someone suggesting Trump start cracking heads?

The Wikileaks stuff makes Clinton's staff and Democrats in general look like hypocrites, but she's way past that mild criticism herself.

Achilles বলেছেন...

What was podesta's clearance level? Does anyone know?

If he didn't have a clearance he anyone who did have a clearance and communicated this stuff to him committed treason and has committed much bigger crimes than mishandling classified information.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Achilles, Clinton so far surpasses any accomplishments you have in your own life. It''s hilarious you don't see her as having accomplished anything worthwhile, considering you post comments 24/7. Your own accomplishments are obviously lacking, or you wouldn't be spending so much time here.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"I thought from the start that it was pretty much inconceivable that Obama and the White House staff didn't know Clinton II was using a personal email server for her email,..."

Of course, but probably 40% of the electorate would be happy to pretend they didn't know that if they could be left alone to do so. That's why making an issue of it is important. There is pure ignorance out there, and there is ignorance of convenience used to justify ignoring serious corruption and lying. You have to make it uncomfortable if not impossible to feign ignorance and disbelief.

damikesc বলেছেন...

Clinton is far more of a centrist than what we knew about her before all the email dumps.

"She's lying to everybody but US!"

Reason hates Trump way more than Hillary. Which is odd since she is dramatically worse on civil rights than he is.

sojerofgod বলেছেন...

This is an attempt at persuasion.
The Clinton article was all about things done by the campaign or staff members. It was weak sauce and shed no light on the real scandals, like violating secrets statutes or obstruction.
Trumps article was all personal attacks on his character. "He's whiny" is an attempt to make him less likable.
I don't know who they think will be reading this, but I don't think a hell of a lot of undecided voters will be.

Achilles বলেছেন...

"Okay, but really, is this new information? Is it surprising? To the contrary, I thought from the start that it was pretty much inconceivable that Obama and the White House staff didn't know Clinton II was using a personal email server for her email, since there was literally no other way for them to email her or her staff."

So before it was people like me who had inside experience who could reason this out.

Now it is clear to everyone in black and white that Hillary and Obama broke the law and should be in jail. People are not trying to decide whether to believe a bunch of spooks or believe Hillary. We know she broke the law and it is inarguable. The question is whether you support the rule of law or not.

Before the dimwits like Inga were saying "There's no proof!" Now the dimwits like inga are saying "We knew this all along!"

Nonapod বলেছেন...

Balfegor, with regards to polls apparently swinging all over the place, I think you may have been assuming that these polled people are generally rational, objective, have good memories, and aren't easily swayed by whatever the hyperlocal ephemera of the day may be. I admit that up until this election cycle I believed that to be the case too, despite a great deal of evidence to the contrary. But it turns out there's a whole lot more people out there who are (apparently) nothing more than mercurial shells reacting to immediate impulses than I would have previously believed.

Fabi বলেছেন...

The email leaks prove the criminal activity that we suspected all along; and for that reason, it is news.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Achilles, your self professed very limited "experience" doesn't impress and only serves to impress upon readers that you don't know what you're talking about. We knew this all along.

eric বলেছেন...

Blogger Unknown said...
Achilles, your self professed very limited "experience" doesn't impress and only serves to impress upon readers that you don't know what you're talking about. We knew this all along.

Speaking of things we've known all along. Sean King writes Today about how David Brock is paying millions for online trolls to support Hillary.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Hillary is a Centrist? BS. I met a women that knew Hillary at Yale and she was a Lefty back then, too. She said that even the Lefties started to avoid Hillary because that's all she wanted to talk about. And she would rag her fellow Lefties that they weren't doing enough to fight the good fight. Hillary has been playing the long con. She will put on her Commissar hat once she gets the top job.

Eric the Fruit Bat বলেছেন...

I think Ms. Clinton's hairdo is pretty nice.

I assume that's not at all a controversial thing to say.

Eric the Fruit Bat বলেছেন...

I am, indeed, a big whiny baby.

I hate myself for it.

That makes me special.

Or maybe not so much.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"there's basically nothing new coming out"

Not to you, and not to me, and not to a lot of people of experience who take an interest.
Thats the measure of the effectiveness of the mass media system.

A great number of people don't really have a conception of the reality of the situation because its never been in their face before.

Eric the Fruit Bat বলেছেন...

My saving grace might be that people seem to find my griping to be highly amusing.

At least in real life.

I'll give away the secret and it is this: Instead of complaining about something or someone, complain about being cursed with the knowledge that you know that you are really complaining about yourself and all your complaining and that being you is a living hell because of it; far, far worse than anything that has ever been inflicted upon anybody else, ever in the entire history of the entire world and I really mean it.

You're welcome.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Eric TFB, You are not as amusing as you think, Comrade.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"Achilles, your self professed very limited "experience" doesn't impress"

Mine isn't limited, or rather, no more limited than anyone's who isn't actually a player in these games. And I, and many of the rest here, have MORE experience of the relevant sort than the players in these games. We differ from them mainly in being more specialized and having less power.

Birkel বলেছেন...

I await the list of accomplishments of Hillary Clinton that Inga is sure to provide at any minute now.


Darrell বলেছেন...

Inga is too busy becoming Wisconsin's Jabba the Hut.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Blogger Unknown said...
"Achilles, your self professed very limited "experience" doesn't impress and only serves to impress upon readers that you don't know what you're talking about. We knew this all along."

I had a TS/SCI clearance in the army. Most people don't know about SIPR or NIPR and certainly not about SOSA. Anyone who actually handled this information knows how you move it onto and off a network and why it is done that way. In order for me to put information on the NIPRnet where most of this work was done you had to burn the information to a CD-ROM and have it scanned by S2. In order to take information off NIPR you had to send it to S2 and wait while it went through a process I didn't have experience with. If you plugged a thumb drive or any storage device into a NIPR computer people were at the station before it auto loaded and you had an investigation to deal with.

Hillary ripped massive amounts of information off the secure network because it was inconvenient and subject to FOIA. What she and her staff did is so far outside the normal realm of activity that it would be totally unthinkable to anyone in the community. There are dozens of service members in jail mostly for having a few pictures of themselves taken in the wrong place on a personal computer.

Every one of us knows we would be in jail for multiple life sentences if we did what she did.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"complain about being cursed with the knowledge that you know"

I am cursed, I know. I am cursed as the Princess Cassandra was, with the gift of prophecy and the knowledge that nobody can be convinced.

This is a curse that falls on all engineers in one way or another, and thats what I teach. That they will predict, and be ignored.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"And I, and many of the rest here, have MORE experience of the relevant sort than the players in these games"

I kill at table tennis.

Let me know when that's the game du jour.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Blogger Unknown said...
"Achilles, Clinton so far surpasses any accomplishments you have in your own life."

Still waiting for the list of Hilary's accomplishments. You couldn't even post it in your ignorant little bleats here.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

Do kankles count as an accomplishment?

buwaya বলেছেন...

"I kill at table tennis."

I was quite good at foosball, If I say so myself.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

Now if we can recruit a curlinger (is that what they're called?), the Althouse team will be complete.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"Do kankles count as an accomplishment?'

Interesting re cankles - this was a long running meme in Spanish culture.
Way, way more than here - it was the mark of a peasant girl, a redneck.
Pretty girls of the gentry had slim pretty ankles.
Gypsy dancing girls had slim pretty ankles.
Yes, ankles were a thing.

But, time passes, and the peasants get rich (well, richer, with disposable income).
So, cankles, by the 1960's acquire a degree, of, well, cute.
The cankles (exaggerated ones) became a fixture in images cartoons, dolls, you name it.
Curious how that works.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Blogger PBandJ_Ombudsman said...
"Do kankles count as an accomplishment?"

That was intemperate and pithy.


david7134 বলেছেন...

Yes, Trump should just shut up and take it, just like Romney, wait Romney lost. The fact is that Trump has had the media against him almost 100%, even with FOX, which has been shown not to be a conservative as we thought. Then the recent leaks and videos all show that the Dems are doing unethical and illegal things (big surprise). Finally, I have not seen a thing on MSM about the revelations of Hillary's sexual issues. Even though this is in the Enquirer it mirrors what I have heard in our area (very close to Arkansas). The Clintons should be in jail and the fact that they are not shows that our country is gone.

Paul Snively বলেছেন...

"...a digital currency called Ven, which on its website states that part of its value 'includes carbon futures, so the more Ven in circulation, the more carbon assets held in reserve.'"

OK, I'll bite: how does this work? Because it sure isn't how money works. The value of money is the money itself, which is to say, money itself is a commodity whose value is set by the market, at least under ordinary circumstances (i.e. when the government doesn't illegalize real money and enact legal tender laws to force you to use their fiat funny money).

Looking at the site:

"Our conservative approach is why we don't yet offer public 'cash-out' for Ven - this requires deep regulatory partnerships."

Uh, yeah. So definitely not a currency, crypto or otherwise.

"With Ven you can buy real items and services from Hub Culture or invest into exciting programs and projects to help make the world better."

So super-not a currency. It's just scrip to use at the company store.

So of course Podesta has a problem with Bitcoin's "libertarian Ayn Rand schtick." Because that's how real money works, and if there's one thing the politicians in Washington (other than the Pauls) can't stand, it's the citizenry being allowed to use real money, which wouldn't inflate and can be used for all transactions anywhere, legal, illegal, "good," "bad," etc.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Potty break.

David বলেছেন...

The ten top about Hillary are mostly trivial. In the tank indeed.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Hillary's great Accomplishment, so far, is that she's gotten away with it. Because vagina.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Wow. Those articles are both weak. And calling most political reporters sleazy is spot on anyway.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

If Trump isn't a Clinton plant, he could play one on TV.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"But I'm dubious of whether or not it makes any kind of difference in the election."

I fear you may be correct and it's a shame and probably a tragedy.

It is amusing to see Inga accuse someone else of having no accomplishments and still be bold enough to post comments here.

How about we match accomplishments, Inga ?

gadfly বলেছেন...

The reason that Trump will not survive Pussygate is the video which doesn't show Bill Clinton or Hillary or Jack Kennedy, it catches The Donald bragging about abusing women. I am reminded how a short answer to a common question did in the leading candidate to replace Dick Lugar as Indiana's Senator in 2012. From Howey Politics:

It was late in an Oct. 24, 2012, debate between Republican Richard Mourdock and Democrat Joe Donnelly in New Albany, IN, when Mourdock (pronounced Murdock) was asked whether abortion should be allowed in cases of rape or incest. The question and the former Indiana Treasurer's response, changed the outcome of the election.

Mourdock answered, “I struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize life is a gift from God. And I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something God intended to happen.”

In the reporter’s gallery, there was a brief pause, with someone saying, “Did he just really say that?” Within a minute, a social media firestorm erupted. [. . . ]

“Then it was as if everything else fell away while Twitter processed Richard Mourdock’s comments on rape, abortion and God.”

Within a day, Mourdock became nationally famous, for all the wrong reasons, becoming the butt of jokes on Jay Leno’s and Stephen Colbert’s shows. . . . Colbert lampooned Mourdock: “Fellas, you may not be aware of this, but in 1920, women got the right to vote.” And since then, Colbert said, “among likely voters, rape’s approval rating has plummeted.”

Donnelly and his UAW buddies pushed the flub and won the election - explanations be damned. So Trump Trolls need to put on their seatbelts and get ready to follow Donald to the land of Cable TV which he thinks will happen because people like to see him on the tube. Yeppers - he is done with this election stuff, so he just has to mend a few fences to become the greatest all over again.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Another thing being ignored is how poorly Hillary treats subordinates.

“[Redacted] explained that CLINTON’s treatment of DS agents on her protective detail was so contemptuous that many of them sought reassignment or employment elsewhere,” the FBI documents state.

“Prior to CLINTON’s tenure, being an agent on the Secretary of State’s protective detail was seen as an honor and privilege reserved for senior agents. However, by the end of CLINTON’s tenure, it was staffed largely with new agents because it was difficult to find senior agents willing to work for her,” the interview summary states.

There is a book by a secret service agent that describes many incidents that would get you fired as a boss in the private sector.

She is truly an awful person.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

The Clinton artice is a complete whitewash. How does the Politico "Because I'm a hack", please edit my story email not make tbe list? I saw several others that were just as bad. How about mentioning that George Soros gets mentioned in the emails over 50 times?

buwaya বলেছেন...

"So Trump Trolls need to put on their seatbelts and get ready to follow Donald to the land of Cable TV "

This seems likely.

On the other hand, it means the ongoing disaster remains the ongoing disaster.
No recovery, no recourse, decline and degeneration for the next two generations, unless it is at some point all resolved and renewed through violence.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

You know what the Goldman Sachs speeches amount to? Insider trading. She is selling her inside views on issues to privileged insiders, for money, so they can arrange their investments based on the government's true policies, rather than the mushroom fertilizer that she feeds to the public at large.

The Clintons have built their entire, not inconsiderable, fortune in this way. All the while parking political operatives in the Clinton Foundation.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

John Podesta: I think Teddy’s idea scratches the itch, is pretty safe and uncomplicated.
On the picture ID, the one thing I have thought of in that space is that if you show up on Election Day with a drivers license with a picture, attest that you are a citizen, you have a right to vote in Federal elections.

Clinton's campaign manager advocates a "safe and uncomplicated" method of voter fraud. Nothing to see here! Not even on the top ten.

These people are going to win and democracy is over.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

And the things in the Hillary emails... I don't think there is anything in there that makes me like her less than the completely public stuff that makes me dislike her. In fact, some of that stuff makes me like her more.

Like what? Some rationalization about the supposed "need" to be two-faced?

god help this nation.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

The libertarians and progressives are the only credible factions for bringing needed change to this country. All that's wrong with it are the doings of the statist, regressive duopoly. It is stagnating us as a nation. We stand at a crossroads. Republicans and Democrats are barely distinguishable from each other. They both seem to stand for nothing. Certainly nothing positive. They are destroying us and have to go. And there is a credible majority or at least plurality that could make that happen, if they were only sufficiently coordinated.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Imagine the next three decades of nothing but Toni Morrison in High School. Or, more likely, something worse.
Books will most certainly go out of fashion. Who would want to risk such torture?
That's my image for your future, a stone faced state torturing all your children, in their generations, with Toni Morrison.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Before the dimwits like Inga were saying "There's no proof!" Now the dimwits like inga are saying "We knew this all along!"

The female version of a bootlicker is a high heel licker.

A knee-high licker.

No ability at all to accept criticism. American women are the ultimate low-self esteem narcissists - and finally they have a candidate who can relate to their complete inability to accept their imperfections. And they are hanging on to her with the death grip of a billion manicured nails.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"Clinton is far more of a centrist than what we knew about her before all the email dumps."


It's long been obvious. You just weren't paying attention.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Achilles, Clinton so far surpasses any accomplishments you have in your own life.

So build a fucking shrine to her then. We get it.

It''s hilarious you don't see her as having accomplished anything worthwhile, considering you post comments 24/7.

And Stalin censored comments 24/7. Just like Hillary would do if she got her wish of "droning" Assange. And wasn't Stalin accomplished? Can it really be denied... how much he did for the Russian people? Or at least, how much he did to the Russian people?

American women have no concept whatsoever of moral leadership. Absolutely none. They squirm with wild abandon and glee at the thought of combining lots of power with a completely unethical, unprincipled exercise of it.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

I liked her more when she finally admitted that the Russians are behind a lot of the noise against fracking.

It is funny to see her admit in print that she wants the ACA to unravel, but to have Republican fingerprints on the murder weapon.

It is highly amusing to watch her riff on war with Iran. A war that might happen, since fracking has destabilized and greatly weakened the Saudis, and the Iran deal has convinced Iran of our lack of resolve and topped off their war chest. A good way to get into a fight is to convince somebody who wants what you have that you are not willing to fight for it, then be forced by circumstances to fight for it when the war begins.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

You know what the Goldman Sachs speeches amount to? Insider trading. She is selling her inside views on issues to privileged insiders, for money, so they can arrange their investments based on the government's true policies, rather than the mushroom fertilizer that she feeds to the public at large.


The Clintons have built their entire, not inconsiderable, fortune in this way.

That too.

And the Clintonistas have no fucking defense for it. Not a one. You can tell when all they utter are counter-revolutionary accusations. Sexist! Racist! Address the charge. You know, women and minorities aren't above the law.

But this is how they roll. They really don't care. It's the ultimate cult of personality and they are about as low-information a voter as they come. There is one skill that the Clinton Camp (her advisors, not her followers) possess: Total Machiavellian manipulation when it comes to ham-fisted trials at writing and re-writing "narrative." You will find this word ad infinitum in their emails. And that is because fact has no significance to them. It's all about the storyline, and facts will be cherry picked, dismissed or even invented in order to write the "correct" storyline.

These people make me and any right-thinking American nauseous.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

It is funny to see her admit in print that she wants the ACA to unravel, but to have Republican fingerprints on the murder weapon.

Yeah, well hey. Public and private positions and all. Apparently that's what Honest Abe was all about so Clinton's got her custom-made narrative to cover that one, also.

The ultimate justice would be if she lost use of her tongue and had to type out all her answers/excuses/lies/bullshit. Usually people have sympathy on the handicapped. But they would read just one of her meandering non-sequitur deflections and walk away.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Obama reminds me of the halfway decent king who picked the wrong successor and left the realm in chaos upon his demise.

Tale as old as time. The ogress WILL have her power!

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

You have to hand it to Hillary.

She lost Bill control of congress in '94 by trying to ram through Hillarycare. That was a great accomplishment, as the Republicans hadn't controlled the house for ages and ages.

She had the nomination for the NY State Senate seat handed to her because she was married to Bill. She did get one bill passed to name a Federal Building.

She got the Secretary of State job because she was married to Bill. Went back to her fuckup ways by first giving the "Reset" button to the Russians, which, it turned out really said "Overcharge." A Freudian slip, I am sure, since she took millions from the Russians for her political slush fund while Secretary of State.

She help destabilize Syria by arming a side in their civil war. She got us and NATO to destabilize Libya. These two actions created enough refugees to destabilize Turkey, and even Europe! Wow, what accomplishments! She's the farce that launched a thousand ships!

She has earned millions and millions of dollars personally by selling the information on her genuine policy goals, as opposed to the boob bait she drones on about in public, and doesn't go to jail! Martha Stewart spent time in jail for that!

Hillary should win an Olympic skating medal!

My accomplishments do pale in comparison.

narciso বলেছেন...

Murdock as Secretary of State if memory serves, saved the delphi pension fund, from the haircut, that the auto czar delivered to gm, lugar who had endorsed obama over mccain, was willing to stick the shiv in murdock, also the crippling of the tea party by the irs and other agencies had a little to do with it,

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

tim in vermont wins the thread @7:09. Bingo.

And whoever these fucking robot idiots are in the Democrat party (and the jerkoff Republicans jumping on board) are never the wiser to it.

I don't fault Republicans for moving away from Trump. He's kind of a disaster in his own way.

But this willing blindness to all of Hillary's disastrousness... I just don't get it. Yes, there's hero worship. And then, there's elitism establishment worship.

Never before has a more foul coalition been assembled.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

4. Clinton said in 2014 that she was against marijuana legalization "in all senses of the word."

One of the leaked emails revealed concern among the Clinton campaign that Clinton's staunch prohibitionism and "gateway drug" talk might need a "scrub," or a revision going forward to maintain consistency with past pronouncements, no matter how dumb.

Well, it's not like she hasn't already proven her penchant for failure in actual wars. Why not double-down on the disastrously failed drug war? Throw lots of money around and re-militarize the police, throw a million or more black males in prison, decimate these communities further. Everything a black voter should want.

If I live in a state that legalizes weed and she comes to take it, I will warn her first and get a lighter that doubles as a flamethrower.

She really is the worst. No psychoactives ===> Better mind control.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

I recommend reading the Wikileaks emails (despite what the brilliant legal minds at CNN say, it is not illegal to do so. Not yet.) and watching O'Keefe vids to anybody who needs to lose a few pounds because they are vomit-inducing.

At one point, Podesta refers to Hill's opponents as, I kid you not, "enemies of the state."

I seem to recall other political operatives using that exact phrase in various countries at various points during the 20th century.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

At one point, Podesta refers to Hill's opponents as, I kid you not, "enemies of the state."

It is astounding, jaw-dropping to not realize how disqualifying this is. Even to just have someone like that in her employ.

These people will pose the greatest threat to the republic in living memory, if not ever.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Tim in Vermont and R&B - I'm enjoying your back and forth very much. Spot on!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Hillary thinks we are deplorable. If we don't give the sociopath what she wants - she has no use for ordinary Americans. That's why hollywood is so important. They bring the BS, propaganda, and the money.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

It is funny to see her admit in print that she wants the ACA to unravel, but to have Republican fingerprints on the murder weapon.

I saw that. Major news! Hack Media sure to ignore.

Sam L. বলেছেন...

Unreasoning REASON.

Glory বলেছেন...

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