I couldn't put up with the whole thing. Maybe you can get farther than I did:
I bailed at 0:30. I'm glad someone saw fit to count and to make a montage.
I blame the moderator to a great extent. Is Kaine getting criticized for disrespecting the moderator — the one female moderator of a debate this fall? I'm sure he's getting attacked for being uncouth in order to say that Trump is uncouth.
८९ टिप्पण्या:
She did her job, as defined by the DNC-MSM-HRC complex.
I thought interrupting was a a sign of male dominance over a woman. It was last week anyway.
That makes Pence a woman, right?
Have you no decency Senator Kaine?At long last have you no decency even to a female moderator on your own team?
The post debate comments have amounted to a Censure of Senator Kaine. I bet he never wins another election.
It was the Kaine mutiny. The question is, at what point did he cut his own towline?
I only watched part of the debate but Kaine came across like a weanie during the parts I watched.
I diagnose it as Intermittent Mansplaining, and I bet that under that table there was Acute Manspreading.
Kaine said he is Hillary's right hand person, he's not much of a man.
Even the tingle man Chris Matthews said Kaine lost the debate. The tingle man/person didn't feel the tingle.
The moderator could have stopped the debate and insisted that Kaine respect her moderator role.
As it turned out, though, Kaine revealed his obnoxious personality.
Kaine is just like almost every progressive out there. He is rude, dismissive, and when what he is actually saying is analyzed really quite stupid.
I remember not so long ago democrats saying Romney was dumb for saying Russia was bad and being hard on Putin. That was right around the time Hillary was taking millions of dollars from rosatom and uranium one and the state department was okay it the sale of North American uranium to Russia.
There is absolutely zero intellectual honesty in the Hillary campaign.
Is it just me or does Kaine look like the Grinch?
Pence was so on top of the issues in comparison. He was mentioning things like the crisis in Allepo and Tim Kaine was interupting. But not only was he interrupting, he was interrrupting with commentary that suggested he didnt really think about any issues very deeply. His interruptoins often had NOTHING to do with what the question was even about. It was really maddening.
ANd I though Donald Trump could be vague and talk around issues.
"Is it just me or does Kaine look like the Grinch?"
You're a dumb one... Mr Kaine.
Maybe you will like this clip better. Eric Trump goes on CNN after the debate, where they attack his dad, keep asking about taxes over and over, and why didn't Pence defend him. They won't acknowledge anything he says but he does a pretty good job. Dad needs to take notes.
One of the pundits gets pissy each time he makes a point about Clinton, like...
”The difference between my father and Hillary Clinton is Hillary Clinton has lived off of the government her entire life. She’s never created a single job.”
From pointing out the disaster in the ME, Hillary's Foundation mess, emails, etc., the response is 'what about your taxes?'. The bias and hostility is blatant.
"I'm sure he's getting attacked for being uncouth in order to say that Trump is uncouth."
That was the math I did early on. This is the HRC folks having their cake and eating it too. 1) Show that Pence won't backup DJT regarding a bunch of the particulars DJT has said (something that DJT very well may notice as much as anyone else.) 2) Get lots of cons complaining about blustery interrupting, and then get ready to play the hypocrite card on Sunday.
Does anyone doubt that the HRC folks have had a plan that is scheduled to build and unfold on a daily (if not more regularly) basis all the way until the election is over?
Even the tingle man Chris Matthews said Kaine lost the debate.
Losing the Vice Presidential debate is kinda like losing a nickel.
"Bob Boyd said...
Is it just me or does Kaine look like the Grinch?"
No, former Wisconsin BB coach Bo Ryan does.
"I'm glad someone saw fit to count and to make a montage."
Well, that someone really wasn't a someone but the RNC.
Tim Kaine is so bad, I'm now more concerned about Hillary's health than my own.
Barry Dauphin, w 'weanie' is Scottish for baby, although the Urban Dictionary says 'A very small penis, named after a thin hot dog sausage in the states.'
I think (could be wrong) you mean weenie (M-W Dict.: a weak person who is easily frightened, frankfurter, penis or nerd).
Any inroads Pence made by being coherent (despite having amnesia about what Trump actually said) will be undone by Trump on Sunday. Enjoy the few days in the glow, in won't last. As Pence was saying that Clinton was the worse insulter, Trump was on Twitter sending out insulting tweets, lol. Kaine was overeager, but nothing he said was untrue. Pence didn't defend Trump on the majority of charges against him, Pence was thinking about his own future after Trump. I love how Pence veered away from Trump's stance on Putin and Russia, very telling.
The Dems have nothing to offer about the future and so that is what we get.
I'd like to hear how Pence thinks he will enforce his future anti abortion laws. How will he force women to carry their unwanted babies? BIG government on steroids.
I take it by the logo that the video was put together by the RNC?
What a horrifically incompetent job. Even when they get something handed to them, they eff it up. Watching this video - I got to about 40 seconds -- it does not appear that Kaine was interrupting Pence, but that Kaine and Pence were interrupting each other. They way the RNC smashed it all together, without any pauses, it is just one big collection of the two of them talking over each other. Idiots (RNC).
The debates need a major restructuring. The interruptions and cross talk can be dealt with by enforcing the time limits with mic cutoffs and the standard light system alerting the speakers to wrap up their thoughts.
In addition, this needs to be a panel of moderators picked by the candidates, not the debate commission. Even better, in my opinion, is to do away with the moderator altogether except for the function of announcing when a candidates time starts.
Kaine kept interupting because his primary job was to keep Americans from hearing the Donald Trump message delivered in the Mike Pence style.
Hey Unknown, you lied to us about Hillary only getting money from the Russians before she was Secretary of State:
Clinton was one of the voices on the Committee on Foreign Investment to approve the deal, but she didn’t disclose people associated with the Uranium One deal donated $8.65 million to the Clinton Foundation between 2008 and 2010.
It would probably be easier to be a troll for somebody who wasn't constantly lying.
Kaine kept interupting because his primary job was to keep Americans from hearing the Donald Trump message delivered in the Mike Pence style.
Like the trolls in the comments section of articles damaging to Hillary. They just keep cutting and pasting nonsense to destroy the threads.
Elaine is not the only female moderator of a debate this fall, there is also Martha coming up Sunday for the town hall debate.
And what are you blaming the moderator for, making Tim Kaine look bad? I'd say he did that all by himself. Or maybe for pinning Mike Pence to an answer on religion and abortion that you don't like?
Classic case of VPOTUS Interruptus.
Or maybe for pinning Mike Pence to an answer on religion and abortion that you don't like?
Well you know, she could have pinned down Kaine on some answers you wouldn't like too, like why so many of Hillary's staff took the Fifth, but she didn't even try. The press only do their job when dealing with Republicans. That is the problem here.
I'm trying to decide who is the bigger bore, Unknown or Chuck. So predictable. So repetitive. I mean at least garage made me laugh once in a while.
Actually, TWO women moderators, Quijones (VP) and Martha Raddatz (w/ Anderson Cooper) fro the Oct. 9th presidential debate. Although, to be sure Quijones is the only SOLE female moderator.
The Democrats are jerks and the Media are both stupid and hypocritical. About this who is surprised?
It won't matter. What do wooooooomen think about the VP debate? Did Pence make Trump acceptable to all those wooooomen Trump has driven into the waiting arms of Hillary? No? Doesn't matter, then.
72 Interruptions.
72 Virgins.
'72 Miami Dolphins.
Illuminati confirmed.
Inga/Unknown weighs in with: I love how Pence veered away from Trump's stance on Putin and Russia, very telling.
Only to you Inga. Only to you. Hillary sold 20% of US Uranium to Putin in return for secret "donations" to her slush fund.
Trump has too much water (misogyny) under the bridge for him to ever appeal to the majority of woooooomen voters. So the answer is no.
@tim in vermont said...
Like the trolls in the comments section of articles damaging to Hillary. They just keep cutting and pasting nonsense to destroy the threads.
Trump Trolls do the same thing in the negative blog posts about The Donald. Sites like American Thinker get inundated after midnight on any anti-Trump article - thousands of posts, all ugly stuff attacking conservatives. I operate under the theory that these folks are getting paid by the Trump campaign.
I thought interrupting was a a sign of male dominance over a woman. It was last week anyway.
...said who? I mean besides you.
Also love how "Putin is a better leader than Obama" is the same as "Putin in a good leader" to Dems. You can be better than Obama and still be fucking terrible...
Kaine is pretty much a douche. So this was supposed to make Hilary look better?
Put them both in separate wired booths (like they used to use in game-shows) with speakers and mikes. Each can hear everything, but cannot see the other and the moderator controls the on/mute button for each microphone so that interruption becomes impossible.
Also, maybe take this a step further. Wire each of the debaters up to a lie detector and have a little feedback dial displayed above each booth.
You don't think people would tune in to see this? I sure as hell would.
10-seconds was enough. Not worth it to watch two hack wind-bags.
Pence too pensive?
Obama is such a very low bar.
Remember the "liberal" Democratic motto: "It's only bad when THEY do it."
Virgil Hilts
I'm thinking maybe a electric shock dog collar for Kaine. I'd pay money to see that.
Annie said... [hush][hide comment]
Maybe you will like this clip better. Eric Trump goes on CNN after the debate, where they attack his dad, keep asking about taxes over and over, and why didn't Pence defend him. They won't acknowledge anything he says but he does a pretty good job. Dad needs to take notes.
Watched the vid. Eric is surprisingly impressive at turning the question into a reminder of how bad Mrs. Clinton is. I always thought he was the dumb one.
"Trump Trolls do the same thing in the negative blog posts about The Donald. Sites like American Thinker get inundated after midnight on any anti-Trump article - thousands of posts, all ugly stuff attacking conservatives. I operate under the theory that these folks are getting paid by the Trump campaign."
A lot of comment sections aren't worth reading for this reason. They get swamped with trolls, shills and the occasional scammer, and it becomes a chore to find any comments worth engaging with.
As for the interruptions--I don't see why it is not a given that they cut the mike for anyone who does not have their turn to speak. What's the benefit of leaving a mike on when it's the other person's turn? So we can hear their witty rejoinders?
It was annoying when Trump did it, and I assume (having not viewed it) equally annoying when Kaine did it. I think the idea is to deprive the other person of a sound bite they can use (can't really use your clip in an ad when there's a "you're wrong!" breaking into it) but I think it backfires. Not only makes you look rude--let the other person finish!--but frankly, you're better off letting them dig their own hole, then destroy them when your turn comes up. It's not like any of these candidates are rapier wits who will use such a brilliant rhetorical flourish that you can't come back from it. And you're more likely to want to use THEIR statements in your ads--and your interruptions make that impossible.
Cut the mike. Let them sound silly with a distant voice trying to cut in.
A minute 18 for me. That smirk is a bad look.
I'm glad I missed it. I had a very through eye exam in the late afternoon and then had to wait until my vision cleared up to drive home. I started my drive home of 25 miles on the LA Freeway system around the time it began and got home around the time it ended, 90 minutes later. I didn't listen to it on the radio because I remembered that people who heard the Kennedy-Nixon debate on radio thought Nixon won. Nixon had a voice for radio. I saw the above clip elsewhere this morning and agree; Kaine came across like a squawking magpie. I can't judge the moderator but it doesn't surprise me that most people think she was biased. The media have lost their compass deep in the woods.
@PBandJ Ombudsman
Curious choice of handle. Ombudsman in Swedish means "I can get it for you wholesale." Ha. Ha.
I'd like to hear how Pence thinks he will enforce his future anti abortion laws. How will he force women to carry their unwanted babies?
Call me silly, but if doctors stopped offering abortions, I would think there is very little enforcement needed. The number of true believer abortion docs out there is not very high, most are in it for money and/or the fact that they're not very good doctors.
" I operate under the theory that these folks are getting paid by the Trump campaign."
You mean the Trump campaign that is being outspent 50 to 1 by Hillary?
I will grant that there was a lot of nasty pro-Trump staff last spring but I haven't seen much lately.
The left wing bogs block anyone who does not agree. I used to read them and comment but they are in another world now.
I got 34 seconds in. I wanted to hit him over the nose with a rolled-up newspaper last night while watching live.
What a rude S.O.B.
"Is Kaine getting criticized for disrespecting the moderator — the one female moderator of a debate this fall?"
I woke to radio reports similar to that...poor, poor moderator. It wasn't the moderator who was being disrespected. She let Kaine interrupt and would cut off Pence as well.
The number of true believer abortion docs out there is not very high, most are in it for money and/or the fact that they're not very good doctors.
Many OBs do it as part of their practice but the mills are all staffed by people you would not want caring for a family member.
One of my classmates opened an abortion clinic in LA back in the 70s. He was the one who would have been voted "Most likely to be convicted of murder."
He shot and killed his girlfriend who was working in his clinic. I hope he is still in prison.
Kind of a broad disrespect for life..that doc.
"Does anyone doubt that the HRC folks have had a plan that is scheduled to build and unfold on a daily (if not more regularly) basis all the way until the election is over?"
Well, its not really an HRC plan. The campaign, considered narrowly, doesn't have much of an effect in communication, and I suspect not even in campaign strategy. Its certainly an MSM plan, HRC and her campaign, like the MSM and the DNC, being just a component in the system, a figurehead in the case of HRC.
There is a much bigger organization here that has a plan and central direction.
bagoh20 said...
I diagnose it as Intermittent Mansplaining, and I bet that under that table there was Acute Manspreading.
I suspect sphincter squeezing..
It's the Kaine suicide belt. He gets 72 interruptions.
Klavan points out that what you want anyway is one virgin and 71 party girls.
Kaine's strategy: he knows Pence is a seasoned politician and will make Trump sound sensible. Therefore the only way to use that to his advantage is to:
1. Say a lot of stuff about Trump - some misquoted and most of it out of context.
2. When Pence talks, interrupt to keep him from responding.
3. When time runs out, say Pence "could not refute" every statement made, thus impugning the entire Trump agenda in one fell swoop.
"Kaine's strategy: he knows Pence is a seasoned politician and will make Trump sound sensible. Therefore the only way to use that to his advantage is to:..."
It's much simpler than that. Kaine's job was to keep the focus on Trump, and Pence's was to keep the focus on Clinton. Whichever is more on the mind of "persuadable" voters come November 8th, will lose.
It remains to be seen what effect the VP debate had in terms of focusing on Trump vs. Clinton. If we're talking mostly about Pence and Kaine, though, I suspect it'd have little effect on the bottom line.
It could be Kaine was deliberately horrible. Maybe he took one for the team so we'd be talking all about him today instead of Bill Clinton's "off the rez" remarks, which were (and this is almost verbatim): Obamacare is the "craziest thing in the world!" Small businesses and individuals -- people who 'bust it' for maybe 60 hours a week -- are getting screwed. Their premiums have doubled and their coverage has been cut in half! "It's the craziest thing in the world!"
And heck, Clinton's rant might have been deliberate, too. In any event, cue Al Gore, who -- don't look now, masseuses! -- is about to enter the Clinton campaign, stage right.
Same playbook as Biden against Ryan -- no moderator nor anyone on the Left will call out a fellow "teammate" for such obnoxious interrupting.
Bringing in the crazed sex poodle.
I dislike both Clinton and Trump. However, if Clinton is impeached or dies, we're stuck with Kaine. If Trump is impeached or dies we get Pence. A reason to hold my nose and vote for Trump.
Something tells me that neither "Mike Pence: Issues Guy" nor "Mike Pence: Victim" is gonna get the traction so many here would like.
Call me silly, but if doctors stopped offering abortions, I would think there is very little enforcement needed.
But how would the doctors be prevented from offering abortions? It’s turtles all the way down, folks.
Hillary Clinton Tim Kaine before the debate every time he interrupts Pence, he will get a virgin.
What cures an asthma attack and eats peanuts? An epiphant.
"Kind of a broad disrespect for life..that doc."
There actually was a guy at U of Illinois medical school who was voted something like that.
There is a good book about him "Blind Eye" which describes his career as a serial killer.
Stewart is an excellent science writer.
I was once asked to help investigate a serial killer in Indiana who was a nurse.
There have been quite a few medical serial killers. One was a surgeon who was killing the patients of a competing surgeon. I don't know if he was ever prosecuted. It's hard to prove.
It could be Kaine was deliberately horrible.
Kaine appeared the way his mistress commanded he appear. Had she wanted him in a red latex gimp suit, the talk today would have been how the tiny breathing hole made him hard to understand.
Wow. Team Hillary doubled down on smug here.
@Professional Lady,
Well done -- no right of center person can tolerate Clinton-Kaine, no matter how many qualms one has about Trump.
My personal problem: I have 3 long-time, very close, conservative friends -- who are still stuck on that #neverTrump nonsense. They are fixated on Trump's tone and all the noise about Ms. Piggy, tax returns, Melania, bankruptcies, Megyn Kelly, etc, etc, that they can't focus on what another 4-8 years of leftwing leadership will do to the country.
I need some help!
You are right that "Pence, victim" is worthless. But "Democrat smugly shutting people up" might not be.
Doesn't matter--there's no feminist angle here. The moderator, a woman, was fucking awful--very biased against Pence and bad at just letting them talk. The interrupter is the Dem and he's interrupting a man, so no easy "anti-woman" angle there. (Dems can't be anti-woman, obviously).
IF it's not a story about Republican misogyny then it's not a story. Nevermind that this makes all the "Trump's sexist for interrupting Hillary so much!" stories look so obviously hypocritical...it's the Media, baby; you know how they do.
I made it for 0:48. Congratulations to Pence for not punching Kaine in his goofy face.
Kaine sure came across as an asshole.
I think the American people can forgive a Democrat who comes across as a jerk - I mean, don't they all?
But one who looks and sounds manic, and grins like a madman when he's trying to make a grim-sounding point? Not so much.
Bay Area Guy said...
Same playbook as Biden against Ryan -- no moderator nor anyone on the Left will call out a fellow "teammate" for such obnoxious interrupting."
Exactly. I also think that the Mommy Party realizes they have a real problem with men,white men at any rate. So they realize a male candidate has to project some sort of manliness, but they don't know how the hell to do that because they're bound by their own PC straight jacket. Remember the ridiculous advice Al Gore got about wearing brown and earth tones as some sort of alpha signaling? Besides dubious wardrobe advice (perhaps the same person is telling Hillary that wearing a giant oven mitt makes her look strong), Democrat men seem to confuse behaving like an obnoxious asshole with projecting strength. (Actually, so do Dem women.) Recall how Gore got all up in Duyba's face during the '00 debates? It was GWB's quizzical "WTF are you doing?" glance that projected strength and made Gore look like a posturing doofus.
Of course, Kaine's laughable attempt to project machismo was severely undercut by his description of himself as "Hillary's right hand person." Took the shears and snipped off his balls off right there. It's now apparently un-PC for a man to remind an audience that he does indeed possess XY chromosomes.
They are fixated on Trump's tone and all the noise about Ms. Piggy, tax returns, Melania, bankruptcies, Megyn Kelly, etc, etc, that they can't focus on what another 4-8 years of leftwing leadership will do to the country."
Two words: "Supreme Court."
We can only hope Trump will choose good nominees. We know exactly what we will get from Hillary.
It was GWB's quizzical "WTF are you doing?" glance that projected strength and made Gore look like a posturing doofus.
Yes, that was Bush's best moment in the debate,
I was hoping Ryan would do something like that in 2012 with Biden giggling and making faces,
Mr Vice President, are you all right ?
Didn't do it and has been a wimp since. I blame Ryan for Trump more than anyone else. He could have gone to regular order in the House and the Appropriations Committee, which he chaired. That would have returned us to 12 Appropriations bills debated and passed.
Obama would have had to veto 12 bills. The CR is what brought the Tea Party to the point of revolt.
Of course, you have to know a little about Civics to know it. Harry Reid used the CR to avoid having his Democrat Senators have to vote on anything. It made no sense, except as part of the "Ruling Class" to do the same.
Kaineus Interruptus.
The focus on the Supreme Court is much too narrow. Clinton will surely appoint judges across the whole federal court system and fill the courts with extreme left-wing ideologues. The effects of a Clinton presidency will last for 30 or more years.
As many have said before, there is no way Trump's appointments would worse. I'm no Trump fan. But this is a binary choice. So, I'll go with the odds.
Diogenes, yup, top down, bottom up. Every one she can pack. Then there will be fewer and fewer conservative law students wanting to clerk that will be selected, in the long game, further diminishing any conservative views on the bench. Not to mention the crushing of dissenting voices, religious freedom, parental autonomy, second amendment rights...
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Russ Feingold @russfeingold Jun 3
"Listening To You In All 72" #WISCONSIN72
it's about the entire federal bureaucracy,
Horrible, talentless hack of a moderator got played by her democrat masters.
It wouldn't take much makeup to turn Kaine into one of the scary clowns that are showing up.
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