Watch with me.
ADDED: Thanks for all the comments! And here's my son John's live-blogging. His bottom line: "Winner: Chris Wallace."
I watched, but I'm going to wait for the transcript — and the morning — to weigh in.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
1 – 200 of 356 Newer› Newest»If only SMOD would show up tonight! I am beginning to think SMOD is like the Great Pumpkin, though.
Brave woman. I'd rather watch snakes swallow puppies.
No one could pay me enough to watch this debate.
I'll be "watching" it here, where it's nice and quiet.
Working at job #2 tonight -- can't bother with watching millionaires.
I don't have TV here but I'm going to try live-streaming it. Not the greatest Wifi signal, though, so it will probably work in fits and starts, if at all.
Tonight will be like Patton's Third Army going farther and faster than any other Army in the history of warfare. Trump has not yet begun to fight.
I wouldn't miss this for the world.
I'm going to watch a South Park episode. I feel about the same way as they do re: the candidates.
My wife and I will tonight watch the very last episode of "Wonderfalls" but you all have fun.
I'm sitting in the living room, right now, while she's in the family room watching "The Last Man on Earth," which annoys me, a lot.
But the dog is in here, with me, comfortably dozing, and that feels like some sort of vindication.
Like, why?
I have known I was going to vote for Trump since he won the nomination. If, in fact, he came out on the stage with a sack full of puppies, and fed them, one by one, to an anaconda, I would still vote for him. And I suspect most of the people who are going to vote for Hillary feel the same about her. What kind of a low-grade moron would you have to be to be undecided about this election?
What kind of a low-grade moron would you have to be to be undecided about this election?
The kind that doesn't understand that there's a very large anaconda constituency.
Prof. I visit your website the morning after the debate to get a summary. My perspective is same as yours. So, please do consider (as a professional courtesy to your supporters) to post a separate blog-post of your summary of the debate. The reason is that I cannot watch the debate. I cannot stand Queen HRC and the feeling that she will be the next POTUS makes my blood boil. And, of course, the fact that Trump won the GOP nominee fair and square with primary GOP voters not realizing that Clintons play dirty.
PS: To ALL who feel that Wikileaks threaten our democracy, I have two words: Up Yours! Our democracy is stronger to fear email leaks. Besides, there is NO SUCH THING as Illegal Information. Clintons play dirty, very dirty, very, very dirty. To see the dirty laundry is a pure delight. Sad that it is not covered so well.
I am going to watch unless they try to "act presidential" and give out with the usual twaddle.
I have trouble understanding Trump the way he uses, or rather misuses, the language, but Hillary!'s breathtakingly brazen lies ring clear as bells. And I do mean breathtakingly!
I've forgotten what the current Trump scandal is, but it will lead off the debate.
The reason for the debates is how it affects women.
That derives from the audience for news being women.
So it will always be soap opera results.
I voted today, defiantly.
Doesn't matter what my shitass state does anyway. Three votes for us.
What kind of a low-grade moron would you have to be to be undecided about this election?
@Jupiter, they're out there. Trust me, they're out there.
Imus signed another 2 year extension on his contract. The press release had a comment from station official A and station official B about boilerplate pleased etc and Imus's comment that he has no idea who either of these two people are.
About once a year Imus does something subversive and hence funny. Instead of daily as he used to.
The moderators are station officials.
King Kong vs.Godzilla! Yayy!!!
Chris Wallace says we have to behave because we're guests. Screw him, we're voters. We're the people they are playing for.
She's in White Tonight. To contrast her from Darth Trump.
Hillary's wattle is very prominent tonight.
It's difficult not to laugh out loud when Hillary Clinton is talking about "dark, unaccountable money" in elections.
She's a smart lawyer (So I hear) that has no idea of or respect for the constitution.
She is the worst of America.
He's a fucking maroon.
We get sedated Trump to start the night. The pills wear off, fortunately.
Supreme Court: Hillary describes a super legislature. Trump babbles.
Hillary's "toddlers" commentary on the Second Amendment is the dumbest thing in any of these debates so far, and that's saying something.
She is lying about the Second Amendment.
I don't think Clinton is actually very interested in restricting 2nd amendment rights. Too difficult politically. She speaks gun control as a second language.
Hillary looks good. In particular, her neck is a lot better than at previous debates. I hope Chris Wallace asks her to share her beauty secrets.
She is serious about defending abortion rights. She is much more specific and coherent on this topic.
Is there any way to ask questions at the debate tonight? Trump is putting it all on the line for pro-life. All of you c*********** with your consciences go out on November 8th and save some lives, vote for Trump!
Don't worry Ann, your granddaughter can always go from Texas to Connecticut to get her D&C. That's great, right?
She is the worst candidate I've ever seen. Who is she talking to? Who is listening?
Hillary to Trump: You should meet women who are pregnant and need an abortion.
Trust me, he has.
Trump just did very well on partial birth abortion - graphic but true. Hillary sounds like a lawyer, but Trump is talking about kids.
Five minutes ago she was trying to take my guns away to save toddlers, and now she supports ripping the heads off of babies.
Trump is on point. He is speaking in a style suited to the meanest understanding.
U wish they would talk detail on China.
Too bad Trump could not have responded better to the question about originalism v living document for the Constitution. Originalism is a phantasm because the ill-defined words in the Constitution are not defined in the Constitution. The argument began 225 years ago when the Anti-Federalists pointed out that there were phrases in the Constitution that they didn't understand. Scalia is wrong on that issue. The other side calls for a living document which is nothing more than the world of Humpty Dumpty - words mean what I say they mean and nothing more. Both sides are wrong and they use it as a bright, shiny object to distract the American people.
She looks like she wants to hit something all the time she's listening, then when it's her turn she turns on the smile; it's not working.
Hillary returning fire with imagery of "ripping immigrants out of the sanctuary of our cities"
Most Americans are ambivalent on abortion, but if you keep the topic on late-term / partial birth, then the pro-life argument wins.
My kids were both born at around 3 pounds. How can you convince me that a baby twice that size can be aborted on a whim?
They both seem like idiots.
Hillary made the case for a House Of Lords using Citizens United as a reason for it. Queen Hillary and her Lordships.
Wallace moving into 3rd debater mode....
Huma fucked up, she told the laundry extra starch on Hillary's jacket. Either that or that jacket has 20 layers of canvas as facing. Notice how her head moves and the jacket doesn't, bullet proof vest?
BIGLY!! Drink a double, said it again, drink
Thank you for your dedication, Professor. I'm still working on getting that sock drawer sorted.
They both look messed up.
WikiLeaks is actually good for democracy, don't you think Madam secretary?
Meade sounds bored
"In a speech you gave to a Brazilian bank, for which you were paid $200,000 . . . ".
She also speaks 'internets' as a second language.
Attack on the emails with the putin reference...come on Don
Did Hillary have her upper bridge sent out for grills to be added? She'll be our first hip-hop president.
The AMA repeatedly testified that there is NO medical situation in which a partial birth abortion is the safest procedure for the mother.
And it is one of the most monstrous, evil acts ever perpetrated in history. Seriously, the Nazis didn't approach that kind of evil. Sticking a spike into an infant's skull and vacuuming the brains out until the skull implodes. Mengele was a piker.
And she supports this for NO other reason than to gin up hate by her constituents against pro lifers that the Left has driven to treat abortion as a religious sacrament.
Anyone who would support partial birth abortion should be executed by having their brains vacuumed out.
Putin will run circles around her.
He is less orange today. Haven't checked other channels.
I thought he would go nuts when she said he choked when meeting with the Mexican president, but he didn't.
Trump seems to be giving his best Mussolini look.
Hillary calling Trump a Russian agent and subverting the US, how rich is that from her and her violations of the Espionage Act.
Clinton effectively and cleverly steers the discussion onto Putin. Trump takes the bait. He is completely undisciplined.
Better debate this time. Kudos to Moderator Chris Wallace.
Hillary is a sterile, heartless, left-wing lawyer. But she's very powerful and ambitious (and ruthless).
Trump misses a great opportunity - should have said "if you have so much respect for our intelligence agencies, why did you retain their top secret work product on your unsecured server"?
And if you don't want to get hacked by the Russkies or random Romanian misfits, why not practice at least rudimentary cyber-security?
Clinton's warmed over economic pablum...
BAG: Yes. She is also soulless. That is the worst part. That is what puts her over the top and crosses into evil.
Chris Wallace is the best moderator so far.
Clinton still feels the need to give a call out to the Bernie Bros. She is not completely confident that she has this won.
Hillary is going to help small business, they're all going to become cattle futures traders.
I don't know how she does it; once more she looks quite different from any other time I have seen her on TV.
Hillary! is a Democrat; she thinks government employees are productive (in the sense of GDP).
Hillary is a big corporate hack. Small business will be extinct after she is finished with us.
Clinton has memorized a ton of shit.
Anyone timing this? Clinton seems to be getting a lot more time than Trump?
Even more of the Obama stimulus. I can't take any more stimulus.
"Thank you sir!"
Clinton is getting twice time as Trump, and more rebuttals.
Wallace won't interrupt her.
I thought Trump would pivot far to the Left after the primaries, but I have to admit, he hasn't. He's staking out solid and correct conservative positions. I'm still very wary that he'll move Left after he's elected, but I may actually be able to pull the lever for him with no more nausea than I felt voting for Romney or McCain.
Clinton: "I will not add a penney to the debt."
Obama wasn't going to add a dime to the debt. Hillary is 10 times the deficit hawk of Obama.
Because there's nothing better for small businesses, like restaurants, than raising the minimum wage.
No budget proposal during a presidential campaign ever adds up. I wish we could stop this charade. They are both lying. Just call them on it.
Clinton is going to legislate a vibrant economy.
Trump really loved to interrupt . . . . himself.
No budget proposal during a presidential campaign ever adds up. I wish we could stop this charade. They are both lying.
Can't really argue with that.
She's totally overrunning the clock, and Wallace is allowing it.
@Limited blogger said...
Clinton is getting twice time as Trump, and more rebuttals.
If true, this would be the first debate since August last year that someone else besides Trump gets a word in edgewise. I have to take your word for it, Limited, because I cannot stand to listen or watch either one of them.
Clinton does know her shit. Trump was mocking her today for taking five days off to prepare but it shows, and not to Trump's benefit.
I find most of Trump's points to be overly simplistic, and often partial misses. But they are fairly snappy.
Do you think it plays in Peoria?
The $6 billion that disappeared from State has been debunked? Since when? She's lying again, I suspect. Wait, of course she is.
Clinton's self righteousness over her 'service' versus Trump's mercantilism is not a smart look.
She is indeed very well trained for this show.
I think I am going to turn off the TV nd read some more about Genghis Kahn now.
Brookings analysis said Hillary's tax plan raises taxes on everyone, top to bottom.
Trump can give Hillary a spot in his administration. She's a career politician, she could be helpful in DC.
@Qwinn - He does better when he keeps it short. They both like to ramble, so getting less time might actually work for him.
Why would those women make up these stories? Well, those $6 billion gotta wind up somewhere.
And YES, he's brought up the Veritas videos. Kudos, Trump!
"Five minutes ago she was trying to take my guns away to save toddlers, and now she supports ripping the heads off of babies."
Trump could have used that line, but he did not.
Is the clock even running when she talks?
Do you Ever think Clinton tells what she really believes?
I used a variation of holdfast's quote on my FB page. It is a great point.
Nice attack on the emails...
Clinton should avoid this topic like the plague but she wants to make a play for women's vote by focusing on Trump's comments about the women's appearance. And, Trump fails to capitalize. Imbecile.
Oh man, she actually bashed him for violence at his rallies when she orchestrated it?!? He callex her out hard on that, well done.
Thank you CW for the foundation q
By the way, I'm visiting my son here in Verona, right next to Madison. Went to the Botanical Gardens today and drove around the lake. I did not spot Ann. But I thought of her when I was taking pictures.
She has a memorized answer, deflection for everything.
Wallace trying to get answers, how cute.
Blogger AReasonableMan said...
Clinton's self righteousness over her 'service' versus Trump's mercantilism is not a smart look.
10/19/16, 8:52 PM
If Bill had never met Hillary, he would probably be pretty much what he is now, an ex-president and a powerful figure in the Dem party.
If Hillary hadn't met Bill -- I picture her as a senior partner (but not THE senior partner) of an established, mid-rank Chicago law firm, with close ties to mid-rank Democrat politicians, single, possibly two ex husbands, one child, no more, who is married with a family she rarely sees. And she would be an alcoholic. Everyone in the office would be looking forward to the day she retires, and she would wonder, as she put in those long hours, why no one seems to like her.
She says the Clinton Foundation spends 90% on charity. I've seen numbers like 10% and 15%. What's right?
Trump completely blew that last segment. He has to neutralize women's dislike of his comments/attitudes. He had to bring up Bill and make the case that he is no worse than Bill. It is a weak argument but it is the only argument he has in order to minimize his problems with women.
OMG she is lying so horrifically on Haiti. The CF gave 10% to Haiti, not 90! The Prime Minister of Haiti said the Clintons are nothing but common tbieves!
There's a special place in Hell for this woman.
DAMN I wish I was smart enough to not pay income tax.
Economist oct 1-7 says only 64% of CF money spent on programs vs overheads. She might be lying.
Original Mike said...
She says the Clinton Foundation spends 90% on charity. I've seen numbers like 10% and 15%. What's right?
Depends on how you count it. The 10% is funds disbursed to other non-profits. The 90% includes money spent on programs in-house.
Debate is over, chaos mode beginning, make your choice wisely, America.
"I've seen numbers like 10% and 15%. What's right?"
They count Blumenthal as charity, It's all salaries. And first class or private jet airfare.
Clinton foundation mostly spends on the administration and consulting around charity. This keeps friends of the Clinton's in the money. Only a small portion goes to actual victims.
"It's all salaries. And first class or private jet airfare."
That's overhead.
Trump should have been prepared for that. I've heard her use the 90% figure before.
He won't accept the results of the election.
Unless he wins of course, then he will.
Anyone who votes for him is a joke.
WOW does Clinton get two times the time as Trump.
Trump should also have been prepared with the Veritas tape on voter fraud.
Back to the "hot spots".....
Just like the Democrats and Gore accepted his Defeat? Really.
Trump did point to the Veritas videos.
"Allow ISIS re-constitute itself"? When was ISIS un-constituted?
Mark said...
He won't accept the results of the election.
Unless he wins of course, then he will.
Anyone who votes for him is a joke."
Why should he meekly accept a stolen election?
Anyone who votes for her has larceny in their heart.
Clintons made 154M on for profit speeches.
50M of which Willy trolled while she was at state.
Trump lost this debate. He is losing educated women voters by the folder-full and once again she killed him on respect for women. He just doesn't have a clue. She is so vulnerable on this issue but she went there and walked away unscathed. Political malpractice.
And he doesn't know shit about the middle east.
What a dumb program. I can't follow the plot.
I think the train is doomed, and we are all going to die, not just the evil twins.
"Trump did point to the Veritas videos"
The voter fraud tape? Maybe I missed it. I only heard the enciting of violence tape.
She keeps repeating herself.
Trump should announce he's going to spend half his remaining campaign funds on hiring election watchers, and lawyers to prosecute any cases of voter fraud, regardless of if he wins or loses.
Sigh ... so Huma Abedin is granted immunity, fails to testify and may become chief of staff. Cheryl Mills is granted immunity, negotiates to protect her hard drive, walks out on her FBI interview and will be White House Counsel.
How is no one questioning this?
She will be lost at sea if Huma and Cheryl are not confirmed.
And she talks a lot. She is definitely talking more, why allowed
"She will be lost at sea if Huma and Cheryl are not confirmed.
Those positions are not subject to confirmation.
"She keeps repeating herself."
Did you know she killed bin Laden?
Finally the real Trump appears for a few moments.
Nobody who was involved with decision making in the Middle East for the last 10 years, should be allowed to make any more.
Sometimes I think Clinton might pass the Turing test.
I noticed at debate #2 that Trump's skin was mostly normal-person color, but Hillary had on so much bronzer that she was the one who looked orange. Of course, at this point, Trump could come out on stage in whiteface like Queen Elizabeth I and they'd still call him The Orange One.
Love the trojan horse reference..Trump studied for an hour least
Clinton is zig zagging all over the place, trying to get all her rehearsed talking points in before the final buzzer.
@ holdfast ...
Then I just have to sigh again. Bill, Huma and Cheryl will be running the show while Hill naps.
Careful vetting
We just wont tell you where or when we drop them in..
F_You Hillary
Her answer on the no fly zone was about the same as her answer on the border. She doesn't have anything.
I take it Hillary has not keeled over yet. That's what I was hoping to hear.
Go for the sympathy vote.
I think the whole thing should be decided by a game of Go Fish, as a test of memory.
Sad that HC is pushing the idea we should base immigration policy on a photo. This is the second debate she has mentioned a specific photo.
Trump will create a VIBRANT economy. Nobody remembers what that feels like. It feels good, folks.
No one will talk about how to reform entitlements.
They will swamp us. Things will change when the crisis occurs.
Trump is right on trade. It is a shame that all his other baggage swamps this issue. He may not know much but he is passionate about it and reflects genuine concerns of the people in the country.
Clinton is going where the money is! Sounds like Willie Sutton.
Clinton's attack invoking Reagan is not as strong as she thinks it is. The decline in middle class and working class people's economic status dates back to Reagan. Globalization started there.
No one will talk about how to reform entitlements.
That's because even Clinton's spinmeisters cannot come up with happy-sounding answers on that topic.
We're going to thoroughly vet the refugees huh? Like we did the San Bernardino murderers?
Ultimately this is why her policies will always fail. She believes government is capable of doing things it cannot accomplish and thus will implement plans guaranteed to fail again and again. Whether it's Obamacare or vetting people coming from a culture where every institution teaches its citizens to hate America and which is in a civil war she thinks any plan that becomes official government policy it will actually happen.
Sad that there is no pro-growth candidate in this race. (Trump could be it, but doesn't really talk about it effectively.)
Trump should have said something about the Hillary Campaign bus dumping shit all over the streets of Georgia. Toilet paper and shit everywhere
So I was driving down the road, and there before me was a huge turd. I don't know who's turd it was, maybe Huma, maybe Hillary, maybe that pervert Anthony.
So I steered hard and I think I avoided it, but all the piss and water got on my paint, and fuck, how do you get piss and shit off your car? You're going to have to get your hands dirty.
Never did I think that one day I would have to clean Clinton campaign bus shit off my truck! I can deal with farm animal shit, but Washington DC shit, no way.
Obamacare talked about for 30 seconds. These debates are a farce.
Trump -- warm.
Clinton -- cold.
More complete bullshit on the budget from both of them.
Debate is domestic violence, etymologically speaking.
Assault and debatery. War on women.
Only a fool would ever say they would make any cuts. More money for minorities and women from Clinton.
Hillary is repeating herself ... no new ground broken in this debate. Boring, so Trump likely did not move the needle. But perhaps boring is what he needed. And, someone in this debate needed to show a sense of humor.
WHAT???? ObamaCare strengthed MediCare????
She'll say anything.
I will not raise taxes on people making less than 250k.
I will end the cap on Social Security payments. Thereby raising taxes on MANY making less than 250k.
She really lies a lot.
The third and final debase.
What is on her teeth? I was only listening earlier, trying to watch it is very distracting.
rhhardin: but it is being done for the children...
I'm listening to a lecture on black holes and the detection of three gravity waves.
It's less exciting than you might think.
I've always liked Chris Wallace. Excellent debate moderator.
Trump's appeal to Blacks and Latinos with no canned rebuttal was nice.
Every time she goes up and down stairs she courts disaster.
Despite giving Hillary too much time, CW's questions were fair. He was deinitely the best moderator of the 3.
Is it over yet?
Chris Wallace was just more of the same, a leftist leaning so called moderator who interrupted when it favored Clinton and failed to interrupt when it favored Clinton.
Wallace hit policy issues the other moderators skipped.
People are whining about Trump not accepting the results.
Buckle up thieves.
Not the disaster for Trump that I was dreading, but he's no Farage. Missed golden opportunities on trade and immigration and their effects on the living standards of decent, hard-working American families. Yes, I know he mentioned them but he should have forced front and center.
"I'm listening to a lecture on black holes and the detection of three gravity waves."
There's been a third detection?
From my twitter feed it sounds like Trump showed his ass.
Looking forward to a boring lawyer candidate next time.
We watched on NBC-They are all in for hillary. Chris is for Chris and of course he prefers hillary. Most of them do.
Trump should have said he is no Al Gore but the Democrats do have a long rich history of vote fraud and election rigging.
"Blogger 320Busdriver said...
I will not raise taxes on people making less than 250k."
Actually the words were:
"I can make a firm pledge . . . no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase."
Within a month of taking office, Obama had tripled the federal tax on cigarettes, and extended the tax to the fat cats who roll their own from loose tobacco.
And when did $250kyear become rich? That is more money than I will ever make, but a person with an income of $250k/year is not rich, unless rich now means that you have to work for a living or be thrown into the street. $250k/year is moderately successful doctor/lawyer money.
What a nasty woman...Megan Kelly, I mean. Hillary is a robot programmed to lie over and over.
Why would anyone accept Hillary Clinton as president? And Hillary is a nasty woman.
What was with Hillary's bleached Dr. Evil outfit?
Gravity waves used to mean things like water waves, or any wave at a density discontinuity.
The period is proportional to sqrt(gL) where g is gravity and L is any length, gotten by thinking that only gravity and length matter and it has to come out with units of time.
Astronomers go all tensor on you and mean something else entirely.
Put that in the debate and guys might watch.
Trump missed when he did not talk about reforming the lobbying rules in DC
and pushing for Congressional Term Limits.
He needs to make the case for those. They are huge imo.
For years, I've been telling Ann Althouse that Chris Wallace's Fox News Sunday is the best of all of the Sunday interview shows. And this was clearly the best-moderated debate of 2016.
For Clinton not to add a penny to the national debt, she will be taxing far and wide people. Trump will juice our economic engine back to late 1980's levels, a rising tide lifting all boats.
There's been a third detection?
That's what I think the guy said. Gresham Lectures.
Look up the astronomy lectures and go for the early ones, for a lot of interesting other stuff.
Trump is not a good debater.
Hillary is not a good person.
John Podesta, John effing Podesta is giving commentary on NBC. Are they effing serious? Why isn't he hiding under some rock?
I was waiting for Hillary to do the robot off stage.
There is no Social Security Trust Fund. The money is gone; they are borrowing 1/3 of the money to make the payments now.
To me, the SCOTUS issue alone leads me to vote for Trump, although I agree with him on other issues as well. Trump is no debater. He doesn't know when and how to pounce on a ripe opportunity. But debating ability doesn't make a good President, as history has shown.
I agree Wallace did a good job but then Fox loaded the post debate session with NeverTrumpers.
It would be worth a lot to see Trump win like Brexit and send all these creeps into hysterics.
Sadly, I think there is small chance and I am making plans.
It sia pay as you go system.
Trump doesn't know how to argue immigration and trade because he doesn't know the principle involved.
The principle would get widespread agreement, if he only knew it.
For years, I've been telling Ann Althouse that Chris Wallace's Fox News Sunday is the best of all of the Sunday interview shows. And this was clearly the best-moderated debate of 2016.
Gotta agree with you there, Chuck!
Such a nasty person.
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