And here's a WaPo op-ed written by the litigant, Gavin Grimm:
I did not choose to announce to the news media that I am transgender. My school board made that decision for me. But now that I am visible, I want to use my position to help the country see transgender people like me as real people just living our lives. We are not perverse. We are not broken. We are not sick. We are not freaks. We cannot change who we are. Our gender identities are as innate as anyone else’s.The case is Gloucester County School Board v. G.G., and you can tell by the name that the school lost in the court below. That means that if the 8-person Supreme Court splits evenly, Gavin Grimm wins.
If the Supreme Court does take up my case, I hope the justices can see me and the rest of the transgender community for who we are — just people — and rule accordingly.
७५ टिप्पण्या:
I just read the headline in my head as Sausage Court instead of Supreme court. Is there a term for Freudian misreading?
Bathrooms are about plumbing. Your gender identity is neither the school's business nor their concern. ( It is the school's concern if students are bullying each other, no matter what the basis of the bullying. ( Bullying, as in physical threats or assaults, not teasing, mocking, etc, which all kids routinely face. ))
Ted Cruz can lead the call to keep the court at 8, but it won't change this. What lovely thought to start the weekend with.
Transgender people are, by definition, freaks.
>> We are not broken. We are not sick. We are not freaks. We cannot change who we are.
.......... but you HAVE changed who you are
..... there are things decided by the universe, before you were born, that all the hormones, make up, cosmetic/elective surgery and sexual justice bullshit you can spew were never meant to change.
..... sorry, that's the way it is.
The final answer will have to wait until we get several Trans Gender Justices to rule on this. This outdated tradition of Normal Human's Privilege is so wrong in so many ways.
A Grimm prospect.
OK, make all bathrooms unisex. Many in Europe are that way. Stall walls go all the way down, no urinals (women will love this one). I do draw the line at transgender using the "opposite" sex from their genitals locker rooms. I bet Obama would not like his daughters taking a shower with a couple of transgender males.
He wins what, precisely?
Keeping your mouth shut and pissing where you want was the road untaken.
Scalia will come back from the grave to write a dissent to the eventual decision in this case
But now that I am visible, I want to use my position to help the country see child molesters like me as real people just living our lives. We are not perverse. We are not broken. We are not sick. We are not freaks. We cannot change who we are. Our sexual desires are as innate as anyone else’s.
A transgendered girl in the girl's room would be a more sympathetic case for the school
District. The transgendered girl in the girl's locker room is the most sympathetic case for any school board
I want to use my position to help the country see transgender people like me as real people just living our lives.
Horseshit! They want to be news. In the headlines. Out there. Just like the Gay Pride people flaunting their eccentricities [and if you've seen their parades you know what I'm talking about] instead of just 'living [their] lives'.
Give Me The Sexless Shit-House or Give Me Death
A few blogs ago we were told about a nadir...
A ruling class bought by billionaires, printing money and warring with other nations for their oil, and the people having no rights to confront this class, the highest court in the land will spend millions more printed money on debating the value of the sexless shit-house.
Makes you feel ashamed to be an American.
I'm always confused about what a Transgendered Male is, but from the article it seems female becoming male. Anyway, this quote struck me:
Every day brings that little bit of extra planning and that nagging feeling that someone is going to find a new way to single me out.
How is this different from my own High School experience? Not much. There is none so wary as a high school student. But you don't realize that until years later.
Even if confirmed, I think Merrick Garland should recuse himself from hearing a case brought by Gavin Grimm.
Or Joseph Merrick or Garland Greene for that matter.
Our gender identities are as innate as anyone else’s.
Clearly not.
Anyway, whatever. I have two strong boys - so I guess I really don't care if someone else's daughter is attacked in a bathroom or change room by a boy pretending to be a transgender person. Time to pop some corn and watch the world burn.
I don't even really care about this case, but it will be hilarious if Republican intransigence results in bathroom, uh, integration. And yes, I get that an Obama nominee would probably come down on the tranny side of this case anyway, but if it's deadlocked and they have to pass on it, I'm gonna laugh my dick off. Wait.
Yay. More lawmaking from the judges.
I'm curious as to what percentage of transgendered people are male to female as opposed to female to male. My uneducated guess would be a much higher percentage (80%?) are male to female.
So why do we have elections again? I mean besides for appointing and approving the judges?
I'm waiting for the case to hit the Supremes where Obama ordered some poor school district to force the kids to share sleeping quarters. Because they did. Some overnight trip and Obama's administration told the school they had to let the kids sleep together. Because bigotry otherwise.
I am so glad the federal government has time for this.
Who pees, where, and when? Great minds at work on one of the cenrtral mysteries of the universe.
Most of the civilized world went 10,000 years without all this, so it can't be "innate".
Any exceptions were local, where some people had the resources and privilege to become decadent.
This is another matter of fashion, habit, socialization.
It bothers me that this is being directed at children first.
I thought we were protecting children. But not we are experimenting with them.
"We are not perverse. We are not broken. We are not sick. We are not freaks. We cannot change who we are. Our gender identities are as innate as anyone else’s."
Crock o'shit, from start to finish.
Especially the last: what is the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE that your "gender identities" are as "innate as anyone else’s"?
Transgender/crossover. One of several behaviors found under the transgender rainbow.
no urinals (women will love this one)
Yeah, American men are going to become cucks, and accept the perverse notion that are all to become "sitzpinklers".
Women will love that men have to sit to pee, as they do. EVEN THOUGH they are anatomically not required to do so.
Yeah, that's it... and they'll tell you it's "settled science".
The children? First, they came for the babies. The Church rejects both individual dignity (e.g. class diversity) and intrinsic value (e.g. abortion rites).
This is their solution. Their only solution. Their final solution.
[transgender spectrum disorder] ... they'll tell you it's "settled science"
It's political (i.e. social) science based on the principle of congruence ("=" or selective exclusion) established in the Church's Pro-Choice doctrine. We are in Western civilization's twilight years.
Not 10,000-years. It's been the last 3,500-years since monotheism invented out of whole clothe by desert outcasts with sun-baked minds decided that the best way to get the tribe to unify, convince them people were born sick and are condemned for eternity unless we give money to Billy Graham.
Before then, no one cared who is banging who. This psychic straightjacket came from the same place and from the same people as Islam. The real shame is that the noble Vikings gave up Paganism for this shit.
I honestly cannot remember if I ever went to the bathroom in High School. (In the building, that is).
Those were the days.
Mental illness, what can't it do?
Well, Tim, it can't grasp the concept of tails on a normal bell curve so it substitutes fear and hatred instead.
Gavin Grimm asserts he is not a girl. I can understand that he doesn't relate to how girls behave and their interests. Does that mean automatically that he is a boy? I don't think so. Not to be hurtful, but he looks like a very soft little boy, not masculine at all. We recently saw another story of that male transgender with breast cancer who also looked like a very feminine man after transitioning, (but retaining ovaries). I sympathize with Gavin as a human being lacking a strong gender identity as a female but question the need and demand to be identified as a boy. In other words, "he" believes he is a male, but don't men vary in their sense of themselves as men? Gavin's sense of being a boy is his/her imaginative interpretation of what it is to be a boy. I don't know the whole story, does he hang out with boys and his he one of the guys? Or is he already sort of isolated and the bathroom issue makes him feel even worse?
I think that insisting on being identified by others as either male or female is the major sticking point about transgenders, especially transgender women with penises insisting they are women. It just goes against common sense and ignores the reality of the vast majority of humanity.
If Gavin uses the boys' bathroom in a limited school situation where everyone knows everyone else there is no problem. But I don't believe that automatically translates to the general society where he is not known and people do not each other. Also, if I were him I'd be a little fearful to use men's public restrooms in certain neighborhoods where he could easily end up getting raped if guys found out there was a girl in there. Statistically there is much more violence towards transgenders in communities of color.
If the Supreme Court does take up my case, I hope the justices can see me and the rest of the transgender community for who we are — just people — and rule accordingly.
He's hoping to have it enshrined in the law that we have to humor delusions.
Especially the last: what is the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE that your "gender identities" are as "innate as anyone else’s"?
As I've always said, if the claim was as innate as anybody else's, they'd have geneticists verifying it, not psychologists.
Before then, no one cared who is banging who.
The amusing part is that I think you're serious.
Just remind Kagan, Ginsburg, and the (in)wise Latina that voting to affirm means that hetero perverts can come into their bathroom.
I thought polygamy would be the next battle after "gay marriage." That that "victory" morphed so quickly into tranny rights was a complete surprise. What next? There's got to be a next.
Ya know folks, IIRC, Althouse linked to a WaPo article a while back. One of those end-of-the-year kind of articles, it listed what a number of activists wanted to see in the upcoming year. Might have been 2015 or 2016...but I DO remember the transgender activists saying something like:
"I want to see transgender issues dominate the mainstream press".
Well. And look what has happened in the past couple of years in terms of the number articles about this issue.
What next? There's got to be a next.
@CWJ, yup. The neverending culture wars.
"I want to use my position to help the country see transgender people like me as real people just living our lives."
Gavin Grimm wants the right to use a urinal? How does that work when you have a vaj? Sounds like it might get messy.
"Before then, no one cared who is banging who."
Just a kind reminder that every people has taboos, especially about sex and reproduction, and every society has favored reproduction in its customs.
The Han of Confucius day would have found that idea pernicious, at least, if not criminal. They most certainly did care.
Among the wild tribes of Northern Luzon, the Ifugao, Kalinga, Bontoc, etc. , just in the last century has the effective law changed. Formerly the proper treatment for nearly all sexual deviance was a proper spearing. And that's typical of indigenous pre-Muslim and pre-Christian tribes in that part of the world.
Who gets to hang out in which bathroom is not a critical federal issue. The Left got screwed by the crazy same sex marriage ruling and lost the LGBTQ marriage issue. This is just the current vehicle for the radical Left.
I can't wait to read Anthony Kennedy's new argle bargle.
The boys would welcome girls in their bathrooms. There's half the problem solved.
Point taken buwaya puti, but anti-homo feelings among the northern european tribes started after the adoption of desert monotheism. Fortunately, evolution is slowly killing off that obsolete belief system.
"Fortunately, evolution is slowly killing off that obsolete belief system."
Evolution is killing off the northern european tribes much faster than that.
Howard is trying desperately to troll but nobody's biting.
Howard pines for the morality of the Vikings.
I wish you could experience it, Howard. I really do.
Are we even pretending there is some question of law here?
This is a case of Love v. Hate.
CWJ: "There's got to be a next." Indeed there must. But simple geometry tells us that, when we are down to the last 1% or so of the population --whether that fragment is genetically ordained or the product of choice-- we are fighting over nothing really. On the one hand we can honor this struggle of this painfully self-regarding troupe of freaks and misfits, and on the other hand we can ask, "Who gives even the smallest ****?"
As a matter of local drama, it gets attention. As a matter of overall social concern, it gets (or should get) virtually none.
This is not a value statement. It's just geometry.
OK, make all bathrooms unisex.
Easier than even that... just make all bathrooms private. One occupant at a time. But that won't fly, because the people virtue signaling how much they "care" about transgender issue aren't willing to wait an extra 5 mins to pee.
wholelottasplainin' urinals (women will love this one)
Well yah, since the silent protest will be men deliberating pissing all over the seat.
Howard: It's been the last 3,500-years since monotheism invented out of whole clothe by desert outcasts with sun-baked minds decided that the best way to get the tribe to unify, convince them people were born sick and are condemned for eternity unless we give money to Billy Graham. Before then, no one cared who is banging who.
Your bigotry and hatred has clouded your Reason.
Before then, they DID care. You should know why - your own Occupy tards discovered it when they tried to reinvent the wheel and set up a "new" society. They wound up creating "rape free" zones for women, and forced the homeless to camp at one end, as far away from the "99 percent" as possible.
What really happened 5000 years ago? Some village elders had a meeting after a dozen men killed each other fighting over a woman. A dozen less men means a dozen less hunters, which puts the village at risk of starvation. A dozen less men also means a dozen less warriors, which encourages that tribe in the next valley to kill and enslave us. So no more fighting over sleeping rights. We'll make up some rules, call it "adultery", make it punishable by death because one execution is better than another dozen. And we'll backstop the new rule by assimilating it into our spiritual lives, so that even future generations forget *why* the rules exists, they will still follow it.
That makes more sense than your ignorant bigotry about "sun-baked minds". For bonus points, consider that most of those people were more intelligent than you. You have this blind spot that the ancients were idiots, but you don't even know how to feed yourself.
Spoke too soon Mock.
The issue isn't "who you are," Gavin. The issue is about who other people are and which bathroom you use.
The narcissism of the genitalia people is really getting old.
The takeaway for me is another knife into the guts of public education. How many cuts can it take before it collapses?
"They want to be news. In the headlines. Out there."
Exactly. This is virtue signaling. The reason Johns Hopkins shut down their sex change clinic was the number of patents coming back and wanting to go back to what they hd been at first.
This way is easier. Just call yourself whatever gender you choose but don't have the surgery. It makes it easy to switch back if a cute girl comes into the locker room.
Just step into the phone booth and out comes stud man !
Michael K:
So what I here you saying about Johns Hopkins is that we should expect to read headlines about SJWs targeting the JHU Medical School with protests until they get with the program?
For some people 1984 was a training manual, after all.
I think another Supreme Court Justice will die over the Winter, and thus it will be only be seven votes.
I think that they should have special, one-person bathrooms in public spaces, exclusively for the use of people who believe that they are trans-gendered. Instead of a male and female identifying sign or symbol on the door, it should just say, in big, bold capital letters SHAME CLOSET.
"We are not freaks."
Yes you are. And a court full of Ginsburgs can't change that.
Their ultimate goal is to control language to try and control people.
You lost me at transgender.
"school board made that decision for me. But now that I am visible, I want to use my position to help the country see transgender people like me as real people just living our lives. We are not perverse. We are not broken. We are not sick. We are not freaks. We cannot change who we are. Our gender identities are as innate as anyone else’s."
who denied that trans people r real people? The problem with his whole stance though is that if it's accepted it csnt end at bsthrooms. We already have laws that say you csnt discriminate on basis of gender. It's just thst the definition of gender is not this new bizarre gender as a social construct model. So, if a school has women rooms and men's rooms they are already complying with the law and there is no discrimination.
Title IX was written to give women access to sports in school. If we take this new model of gender as valid it U derbies the very idea of Title IX. Becaise men who identify as women could simply play on women's sports teams. Further this pushing this say you don't even have to have gender reassignment surgery to be considered the gender YOU identify as. How then does a school PROVE you are the gender you identify as?
Further, if you ask trans people thereent just two genders. There are millions of genders. There are even genders that deny thst you have a gender. like agender. The idea that you don't think you have a gender is now a gender. It's absurd. And there are variations of agender like gray gender. First, is thst a real gender? Who knows. It's not proveable. But if that's how you identify then is it not true?
But if we take this model of gender and the law says you csnt discriminate on the basis of gender the. How will thst work for all these bizarre genders. Do we have bsthrooms for people who csnt identify as genders? Do sports teams now have to accomodate gray genders?
Rather than looking at the intricacies of such legal decisions, we should just look at the issue as a whole, call it rubbish, and toss it out.
People! @gahrie is being sarcastic!
The large, insane corporation I work for recently decided to rebrand some of the restrooms at its megacampus as "gender neutral". All the restrooms chosen had formerly been marked "women". This makes sense, because at least 70% of the people who work there are male. But I don't think very many of us are "gender neutral", so I was wondering who would use those restrooms now. And how the women would react to the fact that the nearest women's room is now several hundred yards from the tiny, hideous space they are supposed to work in.
At first, no one used them, as far as I could tell. But yesterday I saw a woman entering one. At least, I'd call her a woman. She looked like a woman to me. Hell, twenty years ago I'd have wondered if she had a boyfriend.
My theory is that the very aggressive affirmative action that this company practices has made the female employees feel -- empowered, I guess. Yeah, they're empowered alright. To do what, is the question that arises. Anyway, a man just doesn't need the grief that would ensue, if he used one of those rooms, and some empowered woman decided to make an issue of it. You can't win, but you can surely lose. Besides, we've got our own.
Gender as a social construct does not even make sense when defining an individual. Gender as social construct defines BEHAVIOR. Gender as a social construct would be "boys like blue, girls like pink" Those define masculine and feminine, not BOY or GIRL. So doctors can't assign you a gender at birth. That would mean the doctor woudl say "this boy will like blue" or "this boy will be masculine" but doctors dont tell babies they have to be masculine All a doctor says is whether you are a boy or a girl.
There is no reason then why your gender would ever NOT match your sex.
Because you'd be a boy who was masculine or feminine.
"I want to use my position to help the country see transgender people like me as real people just living our lives."
Obviously not, since this girl doesn't want to live a life of quiet desperation, she wants everyone around her to fake reality for her OR ELSE.
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