That's Donald Trump, last February. Trump paces around, throwing his hands up and shaking his head in mock puritanism. The "he" — do you remember? — was Ted Cruz.
Marco Rubio performed outrage: "My boys wanted to know, 'What was the word? What was the word?' I said, 'I can’t tell you.' I had to make something up."
At the time, I said:
This is ridiculous drama. When you call someone a "pussy" to mean that they are timid, you are referring to the little animal, the kitty cat. It's like calling someone a mouse. It shouldn't even be regarded as a bad word.Who knew the word "pussy" would come back so strong?
It's true that "pussy" can be used to refer to a woman's genitalia, but so can "box" and "snatch." As George Carlin said in his famous "Seven Dirty Words" routine:
Now the word twat is an interesting word. Twat! Yeh, right in the twat. Twat is an interesting word because it's the only one I know of, the only slang word applying to the, a part of the sexual anatomy that doesn't have another meaning to it. Like, ah, snatch, box and pussy all have other meanings, man. Even in a Walt Disney movie, you can say, We're going to snatch that pussy and put him in a box and bring him on the airplane. Everybody loves it. The twat stands alone, man, as it should.Now, when Donald Trump calls somebody a twat, let me know. In public, I mean. And I'll show a brief flutter of outrage. In private, they're all free to call each other twats. And pricks. Because I'm for gender equality.
Bonus George Carlin joke: "Yes, you can prick your finger, but don't finger your prick. No, no."
And by the way, this post gets the civility bullshit tag. I hope you understand the restrictive use of the civility bullshit tag. It's for political speech calling for more civility. My working theory is it's always bullshit. In this case, with Rubio, it obviously is. I'm also giving this my using children in politics tag. I don't like it.
How is Rubio handling the new pussy controversy, which is so much worse than the one that got him expressing outrage — replete with father-and-sons angst — last February? Rubio is running for reelection in Florida, and his Democratic opponent Patrick Murphy is naturally trying to wring Rubio's neck with Trump's "pussy."
In a morning call with reporters, Murphy said Rubio needs to do more to “stand up to Trump” instead of “silently standing by” while Trump “boasts about sexually assaulting women.” He repeated his challenge to Rubio, urging him to either “withdraw his support for Trump or withdraw from the race. "Florida women and families deserve better than a tweet,” Murphy said.Rubio's tweet was: "Donald's comments were vulgar, egregious & impossible to justify. No one should ever talk about any woman in those terms, even in private."
“Rubio offers up meaningless rhetoric when he has to and stays completely silent when he can get away with it," said Murphy. "That’s not leadership; that’s cowardice.... It’s Marco Rubio’s silence that is once again proving no matter what the issue.... Marco Rubio will always put his political ambition above Florida families."
१०९ टिप्पण्या:
The other thing Hillary should understand is that saying something in private isn't the same as saying something in public. I swear all the time but I never swear in a work meeting. This is all just posturing and sophistry.
"It shouldn't even be regarded as a bad word." Depends on who is doing the regarding. If used by cons and regarded by progs, it's bad; otherwise, not so much. Prog linguistic ethics is strictly situational.
And an ass is an animal, like a horse's ass.
I always thought it was deliberately used to emasculate men with a fig leaf of: "I meant a cat!"
Hillary! Unchained?
Paul Ryan & Co. may just have made sure that what they feared most will come to pass.
Sticking with Trump, Trump might have gone down, but they would have held the House and the Senate; now they may lose the whole shmear and their jobs.
Hillary! may be one of them "in private," but she is going to have to dance with the party that brung her.
I still think this thing of the tape appearing, but being sat on for two days before being publicized, and then the sudden pile-on within hours by all the usual suspects smell of a coordinated atttack.
As a child I once overheard my father sharing a joke:
Stewardess to passenger: "Would you like some of our TWA coffee?"
Passenger: "No, but I'll take some of your TWA-Tea."
I didn't get it at the time.
Radio stations bleeping the pussy in the Trump cut are actually indulging in political advocacy.
"It's so so bad that we can't even air it."
Whereas it's nothing, and a slightly creative figurative use if anything.
Nobody ever explains why it's bad; or better explain why women need this protection without reference to the word at all, as if it were an independent analysis of the world.
As for pussy, it's a great word and capable of entertaining performances in your text.
And of course why in the world would women want to be played like this.
Have you no brains at all?
Put the cunt back in country. Vote Hillary.
Snatch catch.
Context is everything....
This is ridiculous drama. When you call someone a "pussy" to mean that they are timid, you are referring to the little animal, the kitty cat. It's like calling someone a mouse. It shouldn't even be regarded as a bad word.
Maybe in Ann Althouse world. When men use it - against other men, never against women, where one might use a feline meaning - it means that the man referred to is, soft, warm, moist, pliable, and yielding, like a vulva/vagina.
Nookie nab.
Twat tackle.
As for objectifying women, it's the opposite. It's focusing on what cannot be objectified because precisely it makes no sense to the guy. That's how it gets to be erotic.
Part for the whole, the woman cannot be objectified either, if she's eroticized.
The complaint is actually that they guy isn't interested in her mind; well show a mind that's interesting. Your pussy isn't the problem.
So Trump is saying, of O'Dell or whoever she is, that her mind isn't interesting. With the fake tits too, so she's trying to eroticize herself.
Say something interesting, lady.
"Little Marco" is going to be a United States senator in 2017 and beyond. Debating and voting on federal judiciary nominations, treaties, federal budgets, healthcare policy, and immigration/national security matters.
And Donald Trump will be masturbating in front of his tv set in Trump Tower, awaiting another fraud trial.
Trump did not "threaten to throw Hillary! in jail;" he threatened to have her "investigated" and presumably prosecuted according to law. There is nothing "banan republic" about that.
(Actually the investigation part has already been done; it would only take a new Attorney General's office to sort out what could be salvaged after the immunities being given and present the FBI evidence as is to a grand jury.)
Megyn Kelly accused The Trump Four of being liars. Not so, but they were all reluctant dragons hauled out into the public eye by others. Juanita Broddrick in particular, but finally testified and recanted her previous denials when Ken Starr threatened her with a grand jury.
"I have such an interesting mind that you can't talk about my pussy."
It ought to go the other way. An interesting mind has fun with it.
In "The friendly skies of United Airlines": Coffee, tea, or me?
The pussy is about the only object that can't be objectified.
Hence it's a textual resource.
This campaign is so depressing.
The way to do hurricane prediction is to regard it as a giant pussy.
It's unpredictable because you don't know what's going on in how you look at it.
Also of course when it's gone you have no house and no car.
"Murphy said Rubio needs to do more to 'stand up to Trump' instead of 'silently standing by' while Trump 'boasts about sexually assaulting women.'"
I don't get it. Rubio stood silently by in 2005 while Trump boasted of this? Rubio is culpable for not knowing about this before Murphy did?
That's not a defense of Trump; it just seems like a pretty weak line of attack against Rubio: Hey, the guy you ran against, and lost to, was just revealed to have said disgusting things about women, and I don't think you're hitting him hard enough with 11-year-retroactive outrage!!
Nice try, though. Gotta tie it in somehow.
My understanding was that the word "pussy", when talking about a person, came from pusillanimous which Merriam-Webster defines as "weak and afraid of danger". Not an anatomical part or an animal.
I'd still like to see our hostess do the work and make the argument that what Trump said is sexual assault.
Im guessing the syllogism goes something like this.
Premise 1) Trump said he grabs women by the pussy.
Premise 2) Grabbing women by the pussy is sexual assault.
Conclusion: Trump admitted to sexual assault.
However, because no one will make the argument one can't argue against it.
Sorta pointless to argue against assumptions. Is the above the argument, or is there something I'm missing?
It means you are weak and a coward like a woman. Pussy cat, LMAO.
Is rap music now going to be taboo?
Trump is right, Meaghan Kelly is a bimbo. She is fake outraged by Trump. Who wants to bet that she didn't vote for Bill Clinton and didn't think he deserved to be impeached. In the meantime the Clinton and now Obama scandals deepen and worsen and pussy talk is the issue of the campaign. And speaking of foreign policy and Hillary's reset button, her and Obama are resetting all the way back to October 1962 but this time in the Baltics but Trump is the moron. And just like 1962 she like Jack Kennedy thought a few special forces quietly on the ground is all that is needed.
Trump did not "threaten to throw Hillary! in jail;" he threatened to have her "investigated" and presumably prosecuted according to law. There is nothing "banan republic" about that.
Funny, on NPR this morning Diane Rehm and her guests had no problem reciting the Trump threatened to jail Hillary lie.
I can only imagine the fun if the right began taking up the sport of lying about its opponents as casually as the left does, simply putting words in their mouth at will, such as quoting Hillary saying Bill would prefer someone younger and slimmer than Monica if possible. Just lie and lie and lie and echo it and, lo, an alternative reality can be created to fit the needs of the moment. And, of course, then back it up with "fact checkers":
Fact Check: As Bill's procurer, did Hillary really say Bill would prefer someone younger and thinner than Monica?
Mostly True: Hillary never used the word "thinner". What she actually said was "slimmer".
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "And Donald Trump will be masturbating in front of his tv set in Trump Tower, awaiting another fraud trial."
It's almost as if "lifelong republican" Chuck isn't a republican at all.
It's almost as if "lifelong republican" Chuck might be something else altogether...
As a female, I always felt like it was a double-put down when I'd call a guy a pussy.
I've never really thought about the genesis of the word--did it mean "scardey cat" "chicken" or "like a girl"--thinking about it, to me it implies all, yet none of those things. It stands on its own. You are either acting like/are a pussy, or you're not. But then again, since it seems to have more impact when a female calls a male one, and given that I've never called a female a pussy, there's obviously much more to it.
I'm trying to think of what word I use to imply the same thing to a female. Interestingly, I can't think of one. Most likely, the opposite would happen, instead of denigrating someone, as calling a man a pussy would be (or saying "don't be a pussy"), women probably tell each other positive things, such as "be brave" "lean in" "you can do this!" etc.
"Pussy", Christ! Chris Cillizza Now Complaining that Trump called Hillary, "her" and she" during the debate. Does Cillizza always look like he's excited on TV to you, like today is the day his Blue Boy mag comes in the mail.
See how I called him a fag, without using the word?
"Sexual assault" means "rape-rape" to most citizens, I would think.
Would not "grab by the pussy" be better described as "assault and battery"?
Possibly "aggravated assault and battery," so it should still get you a substantial jail sentence if convicted in court.
There's nothing more secure than a pussy willow. They bend with the wind instead of breaking.
Assumming they don't uproot.
Premise 1) Trump said he grabs women by the pussy.
Premise 2) Grabbing women by the pussy is sexual assault.
The problem is that Trump never said he did grab anyone by the pussy, only that one can.
The "assault" he copped to is "suddenly start kissing them" - the way one's hostess might do upon entering her party: there she is, and - zooooom! - she's in your face and has just planted a wet one on you, all 320 rippling pounds of her.
Assault and battery isn't a figure of speech, usually. Too technical.
The problem for Rubio and other anti-Trump Republicans is that the polls show a high correlation between presidential and congressional voting. That unfortunately means going after Trump big league puts your colleagues and, in the case of Rubio, yourself at risk. That's the sort of calculation Trump never makes, which is why he's the nominee but is also why he is going to lose to Hillary.
Tie Ethel's Tubes
60s political poster
i also can't wait for this to be farce to be over.. the bloggers here really are in some alternate male reality, rationalizing and excusing what trump said/meant etc...wait for the 'victims' of his sexual assaults to come forward and be sitting in the audience at the next debate... eric is the best at interpreting trump for us but in this case i don't think we need any interpretation... how many on this blog would put up with this behavior from someone dating your daughter... there really are no depths left to descend to at this point - thanks donald... where is out friend mick who has been promising a trump landslide all along.. if that happens, i hope he gets his own TV show...
Let's go to the tape:
Even forget context. Simply compare what Trump actually said to the game of Telephone/Chinese Whispers being foisted off as contemporary journalism.
When you talk pussy, you're descending into the gutter.
And so the 21st century begins with a pussy riot.
Democrats would rather talk about pussies than Hillary's shortcomings. Understandable, but deplorable.
The saddest part?
Gary Johnson probably can't name one pussy he'd like to grab.
They're really getting a lot of mileage on this one. Makes sense--every day we're talking about it we're not talking about anything that can hurt Hillary, like the Goldman Sacks transcripts or something of relevance to the campaign, like her record.
I can't blame Trump for this distraction though, because unlike a lot of his previous bleatings this was said in private years ago and then leaked. But none of this should be surprising.
Also, do we really mean "cat" when we call someone a "total pussy"? I'd venture most people using the term are referring to vaginas.
"Gary Johnson probably can't name one pussy he'd like to grab."
Showing how fair and balanced they are, the media is now going to quiz Johnson on naming parts of female anatomy.
When a man calls another man a pussy, it means exactly this- he may as well have a vagina. I wonder if people like Ms. Althouse don't get this, or don't want to, because the implied statement is itself demeaning to women? When a woman calls a man a pussy, I can't say for certain what she is implying- maybe they really do mean a kitten.
How many would know if the daughter is dating a guy that talks like this or if their daughter is a mattress back? Probably 0.5%. Is Trump crude, shure, it's signaling.
If I had a dollar for every time I told a female or male, in athletics, politics or career situations, to "Don't be a pussy and go do your magic", I'd be driving a new BMW.
You got me. It is high time I confess that my masters in the Democrat party are paying me. And rather well, too. My job is to produce the content that is broadcast to you, emanating from fixed-orbit satellites that send signals to the fillings in your teeth.
I can make it stop for you, if you will beat the amount of money that the Dems are paying me.
Let me know, and I can send you payment instructions. In cash of course.
Actually "Cunt" is the word you can't say in America, it's nuclear. It nukes relationships.
"i also can't wait for this to be farce to be over.. the bloggers here really are in some alternate male reality, rationalizing and excusing what trump said/meant etc...wait for the 'victims' of his sexual assaults to come forward and be sitting in the audience at the next debate... eric is the best at interpreting trump for us but in this case i don't think we need any interpretation... how many on this blog would put up with this behavior from someone dating your daughte"
Spot on.
These Trump apologists were shocked at Joe Biden's behavior around women. But this by Trump? It's all of us prudes and cuckolds and something or other.
The first rule about Trump supporters is never talk about Trump. It's always something else.
This man is a disgrace, his movement is disgraceful, and the whole thing is just absurd. It's like a bad reality show.
the left in this country has done more to lower the discourse and destroy traditional morality of people in this country. They constantly are attacking people for having basic and traditional morality. Hollywood, which is leftists beyond dispute, has further debased our culture. The music industry debases our culture with its filthy lyrics. Everything all the time is sex, sex, sex. Sex sells! Parents have no choice but to turn off the tv and radio and video games because of all of ht dirty language, nudity, sex, etc. they normalize sexual perversion in schools, give condoms away to children, tell kindergartners about anal sex and ridicule people with the sense to question it. Porn is a billion dollar industry in this country and it isn't because no one watches it.
Bill Fucking Clinton blew his load on an intern in the oval office and it was on the news every fucking day for months and something Trump says upsets you? NOW, people are having a meltdown because Donald Fucking Trump said "pussy" 11 years ago in a private conversation? Really?
Fuck off, hypocrites. You're lies are not interesting. You're no more offended by what Donald Trump said than anything else you see on TV or at the movies or in sex ed or all of the other times you claim to be offended. How anyone who's see 1% of what Hollywood puts out and still be offended by Donald Trump saying "pussy" or anything else is either a fucking retard or a liar or both and just a political hack.
"Actually "Cunt" is the word you can't say in America, it's nuclear. It nukes relationships."
Unless you say it with a British accent. Actually, a British accent will get you out of almost any jam.
Or as the British call it, "pudding."
'E's a daisy, 'e's a ducky, 'e's a lamb.'E's a inja-rubber idjiot on the spree. 'E's the on'y thing that doesn't give a damn for a regiment o' British infantree.
My Irish kinsmen pronounce it "coont." And that word, along with "fook/fookin' constitutes roughly 75 percent of the Irish spoken language. I daresay without those words no Irishman could complete a sentence.
the left in this country has done more to lower the discourse and destroy traditional morality of people in this country
True, very true. Completely true.
Then why are the Trump supporters going along with this coarsening?
Let's not forget WHY Trump called Ted Cruz a "pussy". It was because (and I'm paraphrasing) Cruz suggested he would have to consult the constitution in determining how to deal with terrorists.
You may think some things we do to terrorists are constitutional, and you may think sometimes we have to do unconstitutional things in wartime. But if you think a man is a "pussy" for considering the constitution, then you are unfit to lead this country and you are a mark of shame for a political party that prides itself on standing up for law and order.
I have no idea why so many people thought Trump was a good idea. This is a nightmare.
"I hope you understand the restrictive use of the civility bullshit tag."
Feedback loop..
"And Donald Trump will be masturbating in front of his tv set in Trump Tower, awaiting another fraud trial."
Hey..that's unacceptable discourse...
The first rule about Trump supporters is never talk about Trump. It's always something else.
This man is a disgrace, his movement is disgraceful, and the whole thing is just absurd. It's like a bad reality show.
The high minded would prefer to let Hillary take over. Then things will be peaceful.
"I have no idea why so many people thought Trump was a good idea. This is a nightmare."
He master persuaded them. He said "believe me" enough times, and they believed him. They believed he is a self made multi-billionaire, who got ahead through sheer business genius, and everyone calling him a crook is a biased liberal even though they were calling him that back when he was a Clinton supporter. They believe he is a true conservative because he just said so recently. They believe he will build a wall because he tells them he would, and he doesn't go back on promises, like releasing tax returns. They believe he won't release the returns because he is under audit, which is a real thing.
As long as people who can fall for that hold sway in the GOP, it'll always be prey for hucksters. Normally, the huckster gets into a primary, makes a small splash, then gets a book deal or a TV show. This time, they nominated one, and are about to blow an election to Hillary Clinton.
As I stipulate America, in Europe the C word is use similar to our Pussy term, female organ or coward.
Trump's mistake was talking about "grabbing." If he had talked about "cigaring," Democrats, the bedwetters and the mediaswine would have embraced him.
I think it is great we are talking about pussy.
We needed a national conversation on pussy and we got it!
Grab em by the pussy.
The election isn't over.
My guy Cruz should have known better. Cruz already had the Constitutional rule of law position locked up.
What about Pussy Galore from Goldfinger? That wasn't censored and that was back in the day.
My mother took me to see Goldfinger. Of course my father always suspected she voted for Kennedy.
I can say cono all I want and nobody cares.
Do we not often call men 'dick-heads'? What about 'assholes'? Why should 'pussy' be off-limits? Actually, I'm with George Carlin on this [and nearly everything else].'ve got someone 'by the balls'. Would it be less offensive to say you've got someone by the testicles?
I do have a question for the bedwetters and Hilltrolls here - you know who you are: If my refusal to dump Trump means I endorse his shortcomings, does deferring to Hillary mean you embrace grifting, the D.C. Way, enabling a sexual predator, concealing emails, destroying Libya, unbridled immigration, arming terrorists, etc?
Just askin'.
Blogger Clayton Hennesey said...
Premise 1) Trump said he grabs women by the pussy.
Premise 2) Grabbing women by the pussy is sexual assault.
The problem is that Trump never said he did grab anyone by the pussy, only that one can.
Apparently no problem at all to many.
another element of that is that the type of woman in that scenario makes a difference as well. Not likely just back from bible study.
"The problem is that Trump never said he did grab anyone by the pussy, only that one can."
In an of itself, the statement really is much ado about nothing. Crude, yes, suggesting sexual assault, yes--but it was, like much of what Trump says, empty boasting that does not mean he actually did those things. Most of these late defections are probably more to do with looking for an excuse to bail, as those endorsers are reading the poll numbers and the fact that we have just a few weeks left.
But Trump has been accused by a few women of actually doing some of this stuff to them--if more emerges about that and the public focus goes to that for another few weeks, it may be the end of this campaign. There's just not a lot of time to bring this thing back on message.
"another element of that is that the type of woman in that scenario makes a difference as well. Not likely just back from bible study."
Team Hillary would likely cream themselves over the thought that Team Trump would bring that up as a defense. They'd be better off talking about Clinton and the Epstein parties.
And, if Trump isn't completely full of hot air on that, now would be a good time to spill the beans. Might not help defeat Hillary (unless she was on the plane too) but it might distract everyone a bit.
@eric: Your syllogism at 11:19 is bullshit. Trump prefaced his comments with "they let you do it."
A consensual pussy grab is in no way a sexual assault unless you are a Hillshill trying to cover for Bill's transgressions.
Of course if you are for Hillary, grifting, lying, immolating the M.E. with Libyan weapons, etc., is all a-okay, right?
Well..the more we learn about direct media/Dem party coordination, it gets harder to imagine counteracting it. No matter..Trump is a sexist pig that must fall on his__.
Blogger Brando said...
Team Hillary would likely cream themselves over the thought that Team Trump would bring that up as a defense.
I agree. That it's true doesn't mean it's allowable.
"A consensual pussy grab is in no way a sexual assault unless you are a Hillshill trying to cover for Bill's transgressions."
"Of course if you are for Hillary, grifting, lying, immolating the M.E. with Libyan weapons, etc., is all a-okay, right?"
In defense of the Hillary trolls, the fact of the matter is we have apparently consented to the grifting, lying, and immolation. The country is literally rotting from the inside out.
Simply mind boggling. Hillary is married to a sex pervert and her secretary is married to a sex pervert.Remember these two perverts actually performed perverse sexual acts That is acceptable with hardly a whimper from these women and yet Trumnp talking trash is horrendous according to Hillary. We truly live in an Orwellian world. BTW Ann frequently talks dirty here. Is that befitting a tenured{?} constitutional law professor. Should she be fired?
Earlier this summer I worked on a film where the crew stayed in a pretty close quarters. One woman in the crew covered in tats with blue hair and nose ring greeted me the first day with "Hi handsome". Of course, I was terribly offended. Later she wound up regularly screwing another guy in the crew. She was gone for a day and when she returned, she walked up the stairs with him asking "Did you miss the pussy? Did you?". To which he dutifully responded "Yes, yes, I missed the pussy". I wonder if she let him grab it.
AprilApple wrote:
"I have no idea why so many people thought Trump was a good idea. This is a nightmare."
I didn't support Trump through the primaries, but I understand why he was selected. A tipping point has been reached where a significant portion of the entire electorate has become disillusioned with both parties in D.C.- I put that percentage at about 40%. This 40% is the force behind both the 2010 and 2014 mid-term election results, and they realized sometime in 2015 that their efforts on behalf of the Paul Ryans and Mitch McConnells of D.C. were for literally nothing at all since Congress refuses to use the power it actually has because its leaders fear the media that is almost a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democratic Party. If they are unwilling to fight, there is no reason to vote for them in the first place- that is what that 40% started to feel with real intensity in the last year.
That 40% looked on the Republican field and found exactly two candidates who could plausibly be seen as outsiders willing to fight, Trump and Cruz, and it is no accident that they were the only two with any support in the primaries. Rubio would have been the ideal candidate all but for one big mistake he made right from the start- he let Chuck Schumer con him into supporting amnesty for illegal residents. Indeed, someone should have told Rubio last year that he would get no money from any big donors because of this one issue alone- the same applies to Bush and Kasich. If that had been done, it is likely Cruz would be the nominee today, and not Trump. However, the leaders of the party in D.C. would likely be just as unhappy today with Cruz as they are with Trump. I am not even sure Cruz would have run a lot closer race or been ahead at this point compared to Trump- the media would have been probably even more unhinged and relentless in their assaults against him- but he wouldn't be vulnerable to things like bawdy sex-talk recordings.
My position all along is it probably doesn't matter who the Republicans nominated if that candidate were a standard issue D.C. Republican- the Democrats have built what is close to an electoral lock demographically, and are intent on cementing that with executive amnesty and offer of citizenship. I think only Trump or Cruz could have changed that dynamic, and probably Cruz would have failed simply because he had no appeal to people left of center. Trump is what you are left with.
I love reading all the whining and justification here. "But, but... it's just words... but but... Hillary did this". It's desperation people. Elections are not won by getting people to vote against your opponent. They are won by getting people to for your candidate and their plans for America. Get busy doing that, rather than trying to dig up every piece of dirt you can on Hillary, and maybe Trump has a chance. Otherwise, the whining will go on for four more years like they have for the past eight. The Breitbart brand will continue to grow but the country will march leftward. If you like that kind of thing then bravo. [For the record I do - so do many non conservative Americans].
Yes..Hil is definitely winning because of her "plans for America".
Steve Martin:
"I had this girlfriend once, man, she had the best pussy.
OH COME ON NOW, I meant her cat!
That cat was the best fuck I ever had."
A tipping point has been reached where a significant portion of the entire electorate has become disillusioned with both parties in D.C.
I'm not so sure about that. I think that's true of Republicans, but not of Democrats. Democrats are, I contend, generally satisfied with the system of Democratic/Progressive governance, and Hillary is merely a representative of that system. Some may not like Hillary all that much, but they're generally okay with the system, will therefore vote for Hillary. That's why even Sanders supporters will vote for Hillary. Republicans, on the other hand, i.e. a very large number of Republicans, have grown to hate both the GOP elite hence the party as a whole. The GOP is in the throes a real political civil war; the Democrat Party isn't.
And that's why Hillary is going to win.
To be more precise: Democrats are generally satisfied with the direction of the Democrat Party and system. GOP voters are not.
Donald Trump, doing for the Republican party what he did for the USFL.
"My position all along is it probably doesn't matter who the Republicans nominated if that candidate were a standard issue D.C. Republican- the Democrats have built what is close to an electoral lock demographically, and are intent on cementing that with executive amnesty and offer of citizenship. I think only Trump or Cruz could have changed that dynamic, and probably Cruz would have failed simply because he had no appeal to people left of center. Trump is what you are left with."
The Dems have an electoral advantage, but it's not quite a lock--and in the right year with the right Dem nominee (like Hillary) the GOP can pull out a win, maybe even a big win (taking a few blue states with all the purples). There's no guarantee that another nominee wouldn't have imploded like this, but Trump has been in rare form this year. Almost every good opportunity he has had, he squandered. He's not getting good advice, or he is and he refuses to listen to it.
Trump's success this year (in the primaries) may be due to a number of things, but the big thing is his celebrity. What other "outsider" candidate could phone in to TV shows and get put on the air any time he wanted? What other candidate could campaign via tweet and get free, fawning interviews on talk radio? What other candidate could be so well known that the other candidates are repeatedly asked about him? Notice that Trump clones (candidates in downballot races who embraced Trump and his issues) have not done well this year. It suggests this is about him and his personality, and his celebrity, more than any issue.
Besides, with his flip flopping (deport them all, then ok maybe not some people, then maybe the wall could be a virtual one) it's clear that his stance on his big issue--the one that distinguished him from the others, we are told--is no stronger than his opponents, most of whom were also anti-amnesty.
The fissure is still there, and the GOP's problems are still there, but Trump did what he did because of who he is, not what he represented.
Grab em by the pussy!
Someone put that on a hat-abs love the comment-it is so direct, not bullshit. straight up facts.
grab em by the pussy
Per Roughcoat: To be more precise: Democrats are generally satisfied with the direction of the Democrat Party and system. GOP voters are not.
Not if you include Sanders supporters as Democrats. Both parties are going to have to reshape themselves--or be reshaped--whether they like it or not.
"Ain't no use sittin' around like a bunch o' pussies."
Six-year-old female Hushpuppy, Beasts of the Southern Wild, 2012
Maybe, like the NFL, Trump can wear a pink breast-awareness ribbon to win women back.
The scandal in this month isn't Trump. It's women.
Who would think they were such morons.
Of course women are the chief news audience, which isn't a good sign.
Like Trump or not, pussy has zero to do with anything at stake. There should be no poll movement from it at all.
cubanbob said...
Is rap music now going to be taboo?
10/11/16, 11:22 AM
people have been criticizing rap lyrics since the 1980's.
Globalist Hillary co-ordinating with George Soros is going to lose. Obama better start issuing the pardons now.
Code Pink: Vagina! Vagina! Vagina!
Trump: Pussy.
Code Pink: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I am so offended!
I’ll bet that Trump has other women in his past that he has taken furniture shopping. Such illegalities and sex crimes must be punished. His taste in furnishings alone … considering all the gold leaf in Trump Towers … is grounds for indictment.
There’s bound to be some irate female former employees who have an ear for slimy lawyers looking for fame and a big payday. Gloria Allred, perhaps? He said/she said stuff, allegations with no impartial witnesses to corroborate, and more negative material from “confidential,” or “anonymous” sources. He may have even asked these women out to dinner, or something! Criminal!
And I’ll bet that potty mouth has talked elsewhere about certain women’s willingness to get their pussies grabbed, or their “whatevers,” in future dredged up recordings of yesteryear. The cad.
Speaking of yesteryear, many years ago before I gave up on the magazine I read in a Rolling Stone article about a rock group that insisted that their groupies must have pigtails and a slight overbite. I cannot recall anything in the article about the sex criminal aspect of dressing room blowjobs, ordered with the casual specificity of menu items at McDonalds.
And I’m going to have to go full Laslo Spatula and point out that these boys didn’t just talk about it – there’s little doubt that they actually grabbed the pigtails with both hands and shoved their cocks into these willing and eager females’ slightly overbitten mouths. Sex criminals, right?
You want a good girl, but you need the bad pussy.
--Sand Snake
Anyone else remember when Obama speechwriter Favreau groped the Hillary Clinton cardboard cutout? I think he apologized privately, and the matter dropped from public notice.
Bill Clinton told Gennifer Flowers that Hillary had more pussy than he did. Bet she is no stranger to the grab.
The whole "grab them by the pussy" thing does not make literal sense. I assume that Mr. Trump has had his share of female companionship. One does not get that companionship by grabbing, unless they are Bill Clinton. He was speaking metaphorically.
Your assertion that you are/were a Republican is starting to make sense. I do not believe you are a paid Hillary troll. I think that you have become another David Brock who changed dramatically after felating a man of a different political persuasion. No condemnation there. Just stop with the concern troll bullshit.
Francisco D said...
'The whole "grab them by the pussy" thing does not make literal sense. I assume that Mr. Trump has had his share of female companionship.'
Sure it makes sense. As Trump said on the tape: "When you’re a star, they let you do it." Only the Democrats and their flacks in the media are pushing the non-consensual sexual assault nonsense.
It plays well with the low information soap opera fans, tabloid readers and perennial co-eds, without whom Hillary would be toast.
Sure it makes sense. As Trump said on the tape: "When you’re a star, they let you do it." Only the Democrats and their flacks in the media are pushing the non-consensual sexual assault nonsense.
I don't get the confusion, either.
Do they think groupies blow and fuck rock stars because they are so damned hot? No, it's because they're stars.
Every group with any public appeal has few problems getting women willing to fuck men who work in it. That's just reality.
Geraldo Rivera has had sex a ton...does anybody think Geraldo is this smooth player who knows how to really woo a lady? Wilt Chamberlain, while likely exaggerating his number of conquests, had lots and lots of sexy? Fuck, HENRY KISSINGER got tons of tail when he was an advisor for the White House. Bill Clinton had few problems nailing women and he's a pudgy dipshit.
Women, moreso than men, find power and status sexy it seems. If Donald Trump wasn't rich as hell, would he have been able to marry any of his wives? If Bill Clinton didn't have political power, could he have managed to fuck so many "meh" women? Hillary would've been the apex of his conquests if not for political power.
Matt said...
I love reading all the whining and justification here. "But, but... it's just words... but but... Hillary did this". It's desperation people. Elections are not won by getting people to vote against your opponent. They are won by getting people to for your candidate and their plans for America. Get busy doing that, rather than trying to dig up every piece of dirt you can on Hillary, and maybe Trump has a chance. Otherwise, the whining will go on for four more years like they have for the past eight. The Breitbart brand will continue to grow but the country will march leftward. If you like that kind of thing then bravo. [For the record I do - so do many non conservative Americans].
10/11/16, 2:15 PM
Big talker. Tell your candidate all that. If you can find her.
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