I find the statement creepy. Why do my neighbors need to know? Why should I "make sure" my neighbors know what I'm expected to believe they think I'm supposed to do?
I mean, it's sort of true that if one were for Donald Trump in my neighborhood, one wouldn't feel secure putting up a sign. So the absence of a sign could raise a inference that you might want to dispel by putting up a Hillary sign... even if you were for Donald Trump.
If only there were a "Hey, everybody, I never put up a sign" sign. But it might just prod people to think that's probably because you realize we'd have to hate you if we knew what you thought.
"And if my thought-dreams could be seen/They’d probably put my head in a guillotine" — Bob Dylan.
८२ टिप्पण्या:
My neighbors who follow me on facebook know that I cannot stand Hillary, that I think she is a false feminist, and that the Mainstream Media is doing their utmost to see that she is elected. Does that count as supporting this team?
There aren't many Presidential signs in the neighborhood (although I did see a Trump sign on Madison St down behind Mickie's Dairy Bar) at all.
A Trump sign in Madison? Wow! I have not seen one.
Not many Hillary signs though either.
Personally I hate campaign signs and bumper stickers. In fact I generally hate all signs, bumper stickers, t-shirts, pins, and posters of a political nature even if I happen to agree with the sentiments they contain. They just strike me as aggressive and unnecessary.
Living in a high rise building solves this problem unless one of the candidates names is prominently displayed on the exterior.
There are more Trump signs in Vermont, including one that seems to have been torn down that was homemade and said "Trump the bitch!", than Hillary. The only places you see Hillary gear around here are the wealthier suburbs of Burlington.
If you're not with this team you're against this team.
Living in a high rise building solves this problem unless one of the candidates names is prominently displayed on the exterior.
I'm off the hook since my condo association prohibits signs.
Different signs but they say the same thing: 'The people who live here are kinda jerks.'
Bernie stuff can still be seen a-plenty though.
Very few Trump or Hillary signs and bumper stickers here in the 'burbs of Milwaukee.
I think many people are just tired.
"A Trump sign in Madison? Wow! I have not seen one."
There was one on Hillcrest awhile ago. I don't think it survived.
I mean, it's sort of true that if one were for Donald Trump in my neighborhood, one wouldn't feel secure putting up a sign.
Sound like a great place to live.
"Come to Madison. Our tolerance only tolerates one point of view".
What an absolute joke of a town.
Why do my neighbors need to know? Why should I "make sure" my neighbors know what I'm expected to believe they think I'm supposed to do?
Cause "Nice place you got there. Shame if something were to happen to it..."
I have a great idea for the Trump campaign; signs, bumper stickers and logo-apparel all saying, "Trump: He's the least-worst option." Or, "Trump: The Lesser of Two Evils."
My great problem with any sign of support for Trump at this point is that it could be misinterpreted as a signal that I was always a fan. And that my support is enthusiastic. I've seen a surprising number of cars in and around Ann Arbor with two paired bumper stickers; a Bernie and a Hillary. Their way of signaling that she wasn't the first choice but now she's the best choice. And I thought that at least Bernie wasn't hurling insults at Hillary. There are patchable differences, and not a lot of policy differences (at least not on stuff that is remotely imaginable).
In California, you will not generally see any bumper stickers or signs supporting the Republican candidate, no matter who it is. Jesus Christ himself could be running on the republican ticket and you would have your car keyed or worse. Safety and self protection.
However, this year we see hardly any Hillary signs or bumper stickers. And...anecdotally, many of the Democrat supporters, Libertarians (lots of Libertarians here) and lefty people that we know all HATE Hillary. That may not mean that they are going to vote for Trump, but they have said, NO to Hillary.
We do have many many State of Jefferson signs, bumper stickers, flags, license plate holders, decals on cars and trailers. We have a 3 x 5 State of Jefferson flag attached to the backside of our barn, high up so it can be seen from the road. Very common. Gadsen Flags are also pretty popular. Make of this what you will :-D
I might also add to the signage report of what is common in this area.....Molon Labe.
I'm seeing a lot of real hostility towards any attempts to be neutral/3rd party/not willing to state a preference in the left-leaning spots I frequent. The plague on both your houses statement is not considered acceptable; one must wholeheartedly support Clinton. It's ugly.
I think there are very few Hillary signs because even her supporters don't like her, and there is really no pride in casting that vote. She can't even draw a big crowd on friendly turf. A Clinton-Kaine sign in your yard basically says "I'm an idiot, and a follower".
The Trump people, like the professor suggested, are probably light on signs due to safety reasons. But their sign is the consistent, massive attendance at his rallies. They can feel safe among each other.
Either the polls are right and Hillary wins, or they are wrong and the rally attendance will be clear in hindsight that we all should have known Trump was going to win. We'll see.
And don't forget:
nonapod: "Personally I hate campaign signs and bumper stickers. In fact I generally hate all signs, bumper stickers, t-shirts, pins, and posters of a political nature even if I happen to agree with the sentiments they contain. They just strike me as aggressive and unnecessary."
What you said! Doubly true in terms of car bumper stickers - there is already enough road rage out there. Provocative items do NOT belong on cars for this reason.
I cannot wait until this is over and the pre-arranged Hillary coronation is completed. I am sick of people around me using the slightest pretext to insert their hatred of Trump into the conversation such as:
"Traffic was really slow into downtown today; damn that Trump for being such an ass that Seattle residents can't concentrate on their driving."
Lyssa, I tell them "Fuck you! Trump supporters say voting 3rd party is a vote for Hillary and Hillary supporters tell me it's a vote for Trump, it's neither, it's the only vote my conscience allows." If they want to inflict Hillary or Trump on the country, let it be on their conscience.
Why do my neighbors need to know? Why should I "make sure" my neighbors know what I'm expected to believe they think I'm supposed to do?
Because it'll make it easier for her New Stasi informants to report tabs on you. Not supporting Hillary! is double-plus ungood thoughtcrime.
I'll be voting for Trump and have a "Never Hillary" bumper sticker.
"Gusty Winds said...
I mean, it's sort of true that if one were for Donald Trump in my neighborhood, one wouldn't feel secure putting up a sign.
Sound like a great place to live.
"Come to Madison. Our tolerance only tolerates one point of view".
What an absolute joke of a town."
I lived in Madison on and off for a number of years and it is not a very tolerant place. I would be cursed, flipped off, and worse. Especially for Walker stuff. There's a reason for little or no counter demonstrations during Capitol crap.
Hillary can't help it. Her evil burns.
My great problem with any sign of support for Trump at this point is that it could be misinterpreted as a signal that I was always a fan. And that my support is enthusiastic. - Chuck
Don't worry, nobody thinks anybody is enthusiastically supporting anybody.
I'd pay good money for a "I'd rather be dicking bimbos at home" bumper sticker.
Gusty Winds said...
Either the polls are right and Hillary wins, or they are wrong and the rally attendance will be clear in hindsight that we all should have known Trump was going to win. We'll see.
10/5/16, 11:03 AM
Sorry but even if Trump gets 70% of all registered voters, Hillary will still win. She will get the lion's share of the feminists, the minorities, the illegals, all of the dead, and a lot of multi-voters.
The fix is in and has been. Ask the Bernie voters.
Larry J is right. There is a Stasi aspect to this campaign.
I advise against putting up a political sign for anyone--you never know what kind of nut will drive by and do some vandalism. And definitely no bumper stickers--you can't know the politics of the person who pulls you over (or worse, the thug kids dirt biking around your car).
I'd suggest a sign saying "support the smart candidate"--everyone will assume you're supporting their preferred candidate. Win win!
Our neighborhood has a few "Trump" and "Hillary for prison" signs and a few "Johnson Weld" signs. I haven't seen any "Hillary" signs. I gather we're in a red neighborhood in a blue state.
I'm off the hook since my condo association prohibits signs.
I think he was making an extremely subtle reference to one of the many Trump high-rises scattered around America.
I just hope that if it comes down to a coin toss somehow, that Trump brings his own coin, because Hillary sure will!
I think I see more faded Obama/Biden bumper stickers than I do new Clinton/Kaine ones.
I know lots of folks who plan to vote for HRC. Very few of them seem enthusiastic or stoked about it.
If my "thoughts/dreams" could be seen, I would get slapped in the face by women all day long, and possibly banished to some monastery somewhere.
"YoungHegelian said...
I'd pay good money for a "I'd rather be dicking bimbos at home" bumper sticker."
The Clinton campaign are having a difficult time getting people to put up their yard signs. Bernie people had signs. Walking through the eastside of Madison during the primary I saw more Bernie signs than Recall Walker signs back in 2012. The Bernie people have rebelled against putting up the Queen's sign. Clinton people have tried to schmooze it by making signs w/ just "H" and an arrow, but it has not worked. There is a paucity of Hillary signs on the front lawns of the bellweather eastside of Madison. They are starting to sweat! There is a wide enthusiasm gap.
Another interesting observation. I grew up in a CT town that is ethnic, blue collar, and Dem going back generations. I was back there a few weeks ago. I saw many more Trump signs than Hillary signs. I was shocked. The Clinton people are projecting a phony confidence. But, I can smell the sweat.
holdfast. Great observation. I see the same. I see more Bernie signs as of yesterday, than I do Hillary signs on the eastside of Madison. I'll be interested to see how many write-in votes Bernie gets.
Be the first Hillary sign in your neighborhood.
how about we just smear lamb's blood across our doors so the demonic spirits won't kill our first born?
In his last run for the senate I had a pro Ted Kennedy bumper sticker. It said " vote for the swimmer" For some reason I got a lot of dirty looks but nobody ever said anything.
"how about we just smear lamb's blood across our doors so the demonic spirits won't kill our first born?"
Then they'll think you're voting for Jill Stein.
Real American said...
how about we just smear lamb's blood across our doors so the demonic spirits won't kill our first born?
10/5/16, 11:34 AM
Well depending on which Democrat you ask, it has no rights until it is actually, willfully born or not until it leaves the hospital or some other time. So, depending on if you are listening to Hillary, Pelosi, Boxer, or others, your first born could be in jeopardy...
Clinton was on The View Tuesday morning and disgustingly invoked Roe vs Wade when proclaiming a baby has no rights even hours before they are delivered.
Barbara Boxer: “I think when you bring your baby home, when your baby is born … the baby belongs to your family and has all the rights.”
tim in vermont said...
My great problem with any sign of support for Trump at this point is that it could be misinterpreted as a signal that I was always a fan. And that my support is enthusiastic. - Chuck
Don't worry, nobody thinks anybody is enthusiastically supporting anybody.
Tank is voting enthusiastically for Trump. That does not mean I agree with every position of his or his manner of getting his point across. But he is an actual chance to change the way business is being done, which so many of us say we want. No other candidate of any party will do that, most will make things much worse. Trump is a chance to make America great again. He may fail, the others will not try. I cannot remember the last time I enthusiastically voted for a pres candidate. I will this time.
I'm not judging anyone for how they vote this year. We all have to figure our own way to deal with this mess. But anyone who has enough enthusiasm to put up a yard sign is nuts.
A close family member of mine a couple of years ago made a big deal about how they hated all the political material sent their way by Facebook friends, and they politely pointed out their page was non-political and all political material was unwelcomed. I noted the other day the page was filled with several pro-Hillary posts.
This race is corrupting in the extreme.
"I'm not judging anyone for how they vote this year. We all have to figure our own way to deal with this mess. But anyone who has enough enthusiasm to put up a yard sign is nuts."
I second that. If I had to disown the Trump and Clinton supporters, I'd have maybe four friends left and no relatives. Everyone deals with this mess their own way.
Also, except for "low visibility" races (where most voters may not know the candidates, e.g. state legislature, local judge), I don't see the point of a yard sign. Who sees a yard sign and then thinks "hey, Trump makes a good point! I'll vote for him"? It's not like we don't know who's running.
Maybe a political yard sign is sort of like a mezuzah on your door frame or one of those Mary-on-a-half-shell things on your front lawn.
Jesus Christ himself could be running on the republican ticket and you would have your car keyed or worse.
Yup. I did see one Trump bumper sticker and it was on a Tesla !
My wife now has a "Hillary Prison 2016" on her car. I think she is safe because the lunatics probably think that's pro-Hillary.
Also, she doesn't venture into west LA.
What Tank said.
But I still hold with W.C. Fields: "I never vote for anyone. I always vote against."
Anecdotally, here in Oak Ridge, TN, I have seen very few presidential yard signs this year. There were a couple of Hillary! signs that someone painted over the H immediately following her collapse at the 9/11 service, but those were the only two Clinton signs in the hundreds of front yards I pass by every day. Have seen only three Trump/Pence signs.
In 2012, the same route at this time had dozens of each candidate.
My feeling is that there is going to be a significant under-prediction for Trump's vote in November, I just don't know how large. I don't think there has ever been a candidate for any office for whom it has been this socially unacceptable to voice support. I would have said the same thing for Clinton, but the media being about 95% in support every single day probably makes voicing support for her acceptable even for those who might be embarrassed to have to vote for her. Guess we will get an answer in a month's time.
Barbara Boxer: “I think when you bring your baby home, when your baby is born … the baby belongs to your family and has all the rights.”
This is what I call the "This Magic Moment" problem in the morality of abortion. At the end of the process of pregnancy, there's this baby, & everyone (with the exception of folks like Peter Singer) thinks that this baby has the right to life. But, where in that process of development is "The Magic Moment" when the baby/fetus/embryo has an inviolable right to life?
The pro-lifers have problems with their "This Magic Moment" beginning at conception. For example, how many individuals are there in a fertilized egg? Until the appearance two weeks later of the primary organizer(s), you have no idea how many individuals (e.g. twins, triplets) will arise from that fertilized egg.
But, the pro-choicers have problems with their "Magic Moment" on the other end, especially with viability now going back earlier & earlier thanks to improved neo-natal care. Is Boxer saying if yo Mamma don't love you, we get to flush you down the toilet if we like? Sure sounds like it. It's just real hard to make that sort of thought jive with a classical Liberal understanding of rights as belonging inalienably to a specific individual. How far into the gestational process does a baby have to get before it has rights? It just becomes nonsensical after a while to say about a baby "On one side of the vulva, fair game to be killed, on the other side, not". As much as everyone bad-mouths Peter Singer, I'm afraid that if one is pro-choice, his only problem is that he's being embarrassingly consistent.
The other day I saw a sticker placed on a stop sign.
It had an unflattering photo of Donald Trump's face and the legend "I'm an idiot" or something along those lines.
Somebody actually bothered to do that.
The mind boggles.
Wanting to presume the best about people and the things they do, the best I could come up with was the possibility that somebody lost a bet.
I would not claim to know exactly when the magic moment is. I do know that my kids were each born weighing less than three pounds. The older one never needed a respirator - the only "help" he needed was food and liquids, which we all need and which all babies need "help" to obtain. The younger one needed a respirator for a while. Both kids are tall and healthy - the older one is great at math and drawing, and hits like a wrecking ball (potential rugby star) - the younger one isn't as tough, but he's wicked smart and also incredibly compassionate.
So in my unscientific mind, it's very hard for me to see any baby/fetus of three pounds or more as being "just a clump of cells".
Not as many signs in Blacksburg as in past elections. But on the way out to Eggleston (to go to a seriously good restaurant) we saw a lot of Trump signs. If you can't figure out where Trump's support is coming from (or why) it's worth a visit.
Very, very few presidential election signs here in SoCal -- I've seen maybe one HRC sign, and one for Johnson, but no Trump. Lots for our local State Assemblyman battle though. Who knew? Must be a super tight race. I wonder who is funding that with mailers dropping literally everyday, and many opposing signs on lawns.
People are much more anxious about declaring their tribe publicly this time around ...
YoungHegelian said...
10/5/16, 12:09 PM
I "feel" you. Part of the "conundrum" with this is that "it" is or is not "a baby" depending on how the mother feels. Based on current Democrat policy, at 8 months, 3 weeks, 6 days, 23 hours, and 59 seconds, if mommy says "not a baby, be gone", let it be written, let it be done. Yet if the mother of a 4(?) week old fetus is assaulted and as a result looses the "baby", the perp can be charged with the death of a "baby".
The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".[1]
So which is it? Clump of cells or baby? Depends on what mommy (or Prosecutor) "feels".
I tend to hold to the position of "viability". If current pre-natal medicine is able to allow 22 week olds to survive, then that is where the line should be drawn. I would prefer sooner (have evolved on this) but can understand real-world practicalities.
Regardless, I am tired of the left getting to have things both ways and would take a hard line. This would hurt the most innocent of us but would also give a clear line and force the left to decide. When is it a baby? Prior to that women can abort AND no one can be charge per "The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004". After that no abortions and everyone is subject to the UVofVA. Done is done.
Why don't you put up a sign, to wit:
"If that's what you're thinking, fuck you.
Here in Las Vegas I see absolutely no bumper stickers for either presidential candidate. This state being a toss-up in the polls, it doesn't make sense to have half the other drivers hate you. If I had any bumper sticker here, it would be "Tommy Bartletts Water Show, Wisconsin Dells". We don't see too many of them here, either.
How about signs like these:
-- Hillary Needs Kaine
-- I'm with Him
-- I'm a Deplorable
-- Immigrant Here, and Not a Rapist!
-- <> Says Feel the Johnson!
-- One Month Left, thankfully ...
Oops, that was supposed to say "Monica, Gennifer, Paula, you picks says ..."
"If you're not with this team you're against this team."
Wow. The problem with politics stated in most clear terms. Although they certainly don't see it that way.
Yard Sign/Bumper Sticker Totals as of Oct 5, 2016:
Trump: 67
Clinton: 30
Johnson: 6
Stein: 0
Totally unscientific and does not account for geographical biases.
How about "This year, the only winning move is not to play..."
NOBODY for President
NOBODY really cares about the middle class
NOBODY can bring peace to the Middle East
NOBODY can get the Big Money out of politics
NOBODY truly believes in gender equality
NOBODY will crack down on Wall Street
NOBODY lives forever
NOBODY is perfect.
Hat-tip to Wavy Gravy, c. 1975.
Hillary is a narcissistic paranoid control freak who wants you to do what she says and will not EVER tolerate you talking back. Tell your goddamn neighbors right now!
We were looking at houses and found one neighborhood that allowed no political signs of any kind.
"So in my unscientific mind, it's very hard for me to see any baby/fetus of three pounds or more as being "just a clump of cells".
In 1969 I operated on a baby that weighed 1 pound 10 ounces. She had a bowel obstruction. I delayed half a day to see if she would keep breathing. There were no baby respirators then. She thrived and went home at 4 pounds. By that time she could kick her way down to the end of the incubator (The one modern neonatal thing we had then).
The neonatology progress makes the issue very complex. And I am basically prochoice but with some limit.
There's a Decon rat poison ad embedded right above you post. Bwahahaha!
Hat-tip to Wavy Gravy, c. 1975.
Nobody used the phrase "gender equality" in 1975. I was there. They might have talked about "gender agreement" if they were teaching a foreign language.
NOBODY likes a wise-ass.
I mean, it's sort of true that if one were for Donald Trump in my neighborhood, one wouldn't feel secure putting up a sign.
@Althouse, do you realize what you just wrote?!?! How can you stand to live in such an intolerant place?
I saw one driving to the grocery store, a rectangular yellow sign that simply read, "Lock Her Up."
Because progs think exactly like this jerk from the comments on an article about new fed regs for cigar manufacturers. Mark my words, if Hillary God forbid wins, "neighbors" will be rewarded for turning in smokers, gun owners, right of center thinkers, parents that allow their kids to ride in the block without a helmet...
"I went running last night and as I passed one home, I could smell cigarette smoke, meaning it went into my lungs. As a reflex, I said, "fu**ing smokers." They probably heard me. I don't care. The crap travels and unfortunately, smokers are too damned self-centered to care.
George Fowler Belton, Texas
Did you go get your lungs xrayed?
Jon Frugoli Los Angeles, California
You smelled cigarette smoke coming from someone's home? Oh no! I hope you called the police.
Mike Pulsifer
Jon Frugoli They were on their front stoop. The smoke travelled off their property into my lungs. At that point, it's no longer just a matter of what they were doing on their property. They polluted public property.
Lyssa "I'm seeing a lot of real hostility towards any attempts to be neutral/3rd party/not willing to state a preference in the left-leaning spots I frequent. The plague on both your houses statement is not considered acceptable; one must wholeheartedly support Clinton."
Remember when Obama told his acolytes to get in their neighbors' faces?
"how about we just smear lamb's blood across our doors so the demonic spirits won't kill our first born?"
That's the first time I've seen Democrats called Demonic Spirits.
"NOBODY likes a wise-ass"
Too true... too true.
I know why the campaign feels it's necessary to do this. I live in "coal country", southwestern Pennsylvania. 25 years ago, a Republican would have had a hard time getting elected dog-catcher around here. That's been slowly changing, and McCain and Romney both won the county I live in, and a Republican represents us in the Congress (mostly because of re-districting, probably).
I used to see a few Bernie yard signs, and I see many, many Trump yard signs. The only Clinton yard sign I've seen yet says "HILLARY FOR PRISON 2016". Even the yards that have signs for Democrats running for other offices (such as representative in the state General Assembly) have no Clinton sign.
Even the Democrats don't like her.
It's important that your neighbors know you support Hillary now, because in the future your rations will depend on your history of loyalty.
She must have received an early run of tonight's Blackish episode, the fam was watching Michelle O on TV essentially saying get out and tell your neighbors, do what you did in '08 and '12, etc. I usually love that show, but tonight was too over the top partisan.
But everyone likes a little ass.
If you believe your parents do not support Hillary for President, please report their names and addresses and email addresses to the following:
I wonder how many downtown Madison businesses succumbed to the pressure to display anti-Walker signs...not that they'd make that public.
I see zero campaign signs in my subdivision that I jog around daily.
But the across the street neighbor had a Recall Walker bumper sticker back in the day...both earners in public sector. It was weird how they just assumed their jobs would be gone back then. Of course..Walker is Hitler..in the way Trump is.
Hitler loves all the continuing tributes.
And he probably thinks her sign is about him. He's so vain.
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