How much does a handshake mean? That you are friends? I guess Neil told him not to play his song,"Rockin' in the Free World," which Trump didn't even love anyway.
२४ ऑक्टोबर, २०१६
I'm getting a kick out of "The 281 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter." I don't know why.
It's just so absurd — 281 people, places, and things — all with at least one insult, some with it looks like 100 insults, and a hot link for each insult, sometimes the same insult over and over, like every time he called Hillary "crooked" and the 3 times he called Karl Rove a "clown." Some targets have only one insult, like Neil Young, who's a "total hypocrite" — hot-linked to a tweet with a photograph...
६६ टिप्पण्या:
The perpetually offended.
Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see any insults directed to any alt.righters, neo-nazis, white supremacists, or Jew haters. I saw lots of insults directed at ordinary Republicans. Just saying.
"Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see any insults directed to any alt.righters, neo-nazis, white supremacists, or Jew haters."
What! All 23 of them? Even if there were, what makes you think the NYT would feature them? To be fair, what makes you think that today's jew haters are on the right? Don't be the punchline of your own joke.
Wow. Neil Young has turned into Uncle Billy from It's a Wonderful Life.
Was listening today to the talk show after Rush on KOA in CO, and a caller told the host that she had no excuse for backing Trump because he is sexist, racist, misogynist, homophobic, etc. My thoughts were that the Crooked Hillary camp is getting desperate, throwing these claims around, with little to back them, except repetition. The host calmly explained that we are essentially stuck in the 8th year of the Obama Recession, and Crooked Hillary has repeatedly stated that she will continue Obama's policies that have kept us mired for so long. The caller was having nothing of that, because Trump is racist, sexist, misogynist, etc.
Oh, wait, I just insulted her by calling her "Crooked". Sorry about that. It has become a habit, which I am sure I won't kick in the foreseeable future if she is elected. Sorry about that.
Latest stink - Trump pointed out that Crooked Hillary failed the DC bar (but passed the Arkansas bar exam, which is why she moved there to "practice" law). How do you fail the DC bar exam? They make it esp. easy because of the racial makeup of its residents. Back when I first took the MBE, my score got me automatically admitted to CO (where I had taken the test), and DC would have been automatic, with a 30+ point lower cutoff. Somehow it is mean of Trump to point this out, and that she couldn't be that smart if she did fail the test.
I liked this: Trump’s Right – The System Is Rigged And We Don’t Owe It Our Default Acceptance. He calls the Crooked Hillary people "Team Fake Pearl Clutch".
Meanwhile, Wikileaks has Hillary in email referring to Jews as "kikes" and "that fucking jew bastard". If Trump said this, the Left would stoke themselves into a pearl clutching fervor by claiming he wants to reopen Auschwitz.
If Hillary wants ducks on the ground then my god we'll put ducks on the ground.
Oh, I missed this: Concern Grows Over Soros-Linked Voting Machines: Sixteen states may be using balloting equipment from a company tied to the leftist billionaire. Keep a lookout for Smartmatic voting machines. Company apparently bragged that they were being used in important battleground states like Florida and Arizona, but apparently aren't certified for use in this country. And, they wonder why so many people don't trust the electoral process. (Esp. with the recent evidence showing how polls are being intentionally biased).
If you enlarge the photo they could pass for brothers. Both have unusual hairstyles for men of their age, nice white teeth that stand out strangely in their old man faces and ungroomed brows. Their nose, cheekbones and coloring are also quite similar. I still don't get the Trump hair. He gives the impression of being rather vain yet none of the ultra stylish women in his life have been able to convince him to try a different hairstyle.
Bruce: How do you fail the DC bar exam?
Hey Bruce, I got a sidebar if you have time.
Been dealing with a federal Public Defender. Has to be the worst example I have ever seen of someone over-estimating their own intelligence and perception. My understanding is that Law School is kind of a mental boot camp - they sharpen your analytical skills, deductive reasoning, critical thinking, etc. In fact, some people go to law school not for a career in practicing law, but simply for the mental training.
This woman must have fucked her way through law school. Has NONE of those skills. Jumps to conclusions based on false assumptions and partial information. In fact, she's been 180 degrees wrong on 4 of 4 instances so far. She is an Inspector Clouseau who regards herself as Sherlock Holmes. Makes her very dangerous, like dealing with an incompetent judge - better to just bypass her when you can.
My father was a big shot attorney, and I grew up surround by his cronies. So maybe they were really super smart and my expectations are unreasonable, but it seems a minimum level of intelligence is required to become a lawyer.
Would she had to have passed the DC bar to become a Public Defender working for the federal government? Is their standard so low that its "known" in most lawyer's circles as being a joke? Trying to get a read on this dingbat and how she managed to get through the system....
Case in point, she managed to void her own insurance. In writing. How is that possible for a lawyer to do that? I feel bad for the poor that she is "representing"
Did he get express consent befor shaking Neil Youngsters hand? Becaise that could be seen as assault. Sure they're smiling, but they touched. And I bet neither of them asked first.
Keep on rockin' in the ME world!
After reading them all, I was amazed at how perceptive and accurate of a judge of character DaTrump is. The list left out their strong traits, but Trump was accurate on each ones weak traits.
We love him for the enemies he has made.
We all need hobbies.
281 insults? Deplorable.
"To be fair, what makes you think that today's jew haters are on the right?" Who said they were all on the right? Yes, there are plenty on the left - the BDS crowd in particular. But I'm talking about the very vocal far right Jew haters and racists backing Donny on twitter and elsewhere. If there are so few of them, you'd think that Donny wouldn't mind directing some of his insults their way. But he never did that, not once. How hard would it have been for him to Sister Souljiah some hapless alt.righter, insulting and belittling him with the same disdain that he directs at ordinary Republicans? Apparently too hard. Sorry, Donny, you're dead to me.
Donald Dice Trump says:
Neil Young? The guy has two kids with cerebral palsy, each from different mothers: I trust Neil's thinking like I trust his sperm.
I am Laslo.
Commenters here winnowing down to that grumpy core
Donald Dice Trump says:
Neil Young? The guy trades in his wife a few years ago for a Hollywood Star: that I get.
But Darryl Hannah?
You trade in your wife for Darryl Hannah -- IN THE EIGHTIES.
I am Laslo.
Donald Dice Trump says:
Neil Young? The guy was big in the Seventies.
When people were too stoned to realize he was not Bob Dylan.
I am Laslo.
"How hard would it have been for him to Sister Souljiah some hapless alt.righter, insulting and belittling him with the same disdain that he directs at ordinary Republicans? Apparently too hard. Sorry, Donny, you're dead to me."
You are upset that he didn't respond to the false narrative the Left created. The alt-right has nothing to do with Trump. "Support" from them has been in the form of "we need rules for immigration and those rules should be enforced". Along with "we need tax relief to jumpstart the the economy so we can have jobs". Ooooooh how radical.
The alt-right is the Left's new boogyman. They are not what you have heard. They are mostly a bunch of people tired of all the PCBS and who use the slur "nigger" simply because it makes people like you faint. You want to know how marginalized the *real* racists are? The Charleston church shooter was a lone wolf because he couldn't FIND a group in North Carolina to ally with his sick worldview. North Carolina.
And I can't take your disgust seriously. It would be like if I damned you for not denouncing rape: C'mon now. The "studies" say 1 in 5 women on campus are raped. And that *you* need to be taught not to rape. That's the narrative. And your failure to denounce rape just one time is indicative of how big a problem you have with women. ...see how that works? Its bullshit, just like the "outrage" that Trump hasn't denounced some fringe group that agrees with him on Border Control and Economics.
Yeah you're right. Lumping them in with alt.righters, neo-nazis, and white supremacists. How could I have got the impression that you were implying that jew haters were right wing? But now I understand.
Fen and CWJ - If Donny didn't want the support of the Jew-haters and white supremacists, he sure had a funny way of showing it. Bill Clinton attacked some no-one-ever-heard-of black radical named Sister Souljiah to tell the world that he didn't want anything to do with the black radical agenda. Donny coulda done the same thing, but all he cares about is attacking people who prick his vanity. Too bad, so sad.
Fen and CWJ - If you think that the alt.right is purely imaginary, I suggest you browse a little bit through @DavidAFrench's timeline or @BenShapiro's timeline. Get back to me after you do that.
@Douglas, when the pogroms come -- and I no longer think it's an "if" -- it will come from the left side of the political spectrum.
There are all sorts that come out of the woodwork in times like these.
Ref classic silly science fiction short story by R Bretnor "The Gnurrs Come From the Woodwork Out". Yeah, only a real SF geek would remember that.
It was a perpetual infestation of the other flavor of Gnurr that for @15 years have afflicted Michelle Malkin for instance. She used to compile these for amusement.
Douglas -- Do you have proof that the tweets you reference were sent by the so-called alt.right? We've seen recent proof of the left astroturfing violence at Trump's rallies, so it's not much of a leap to see an online smear-by-association campaign.
Douglas: Fen and CWJ - If you think that the alt.right is purely imaginary
See how dishonest and corrupt you are? I never said they were "imaginary". I said they are not what you have been led to believe by the media. They have been demonized to get your lazy butt off the couch and to the polls.
And sorry, but some Twitter cat fight? Seriously? We already have PROOF (wikileaks emails) of the Hillary campaign paying and sending their Brownshirts to Trump rallies to *start* fights so the media could pretend it's the Trump people who are violent. And we know the alt-right doesn't have a doorman or gatekeeper - anyone can walk in.
So, knowing that Team Clinton sent in Brownshirts to create a false narrative, do you really think they didn't do the same thing with the alt-right? Come on, be smarter
Fen beat me to the punch.
Naw I had to move back two spaces and lose a turn for editing my grammar.
The Ninja is yours.
Really wish we had an edit function though...
If Trump wins, there sure are going to be a lot of cranky old rockers.
The list of disgruntled rock stars for Rodham keeps growing!
Are there any gruntled rockers for Trump? Surely there must be one!
Douglas: "If you think that the alt.right is purely imaginary"
BTW, I'm just curious - did you deliberately distort what I said or was it a mental mistake?
I keep seeing this on social media, and others here have noticed it too - you routinely distort what our side is saying so you can work yourselves up into Outrage Mode. Time and time again I have seen liberals all diving for the fainting couches, and when I ask for proof to back up their dishonest paraphrases, they just point and say "its over there somewhere".
Are you guys aware that you do this? As in deliberate cheap debate tricks? Or are you unaware, because you have a subconscious need to protect these false realities you've created at low tide?
Ted Nugent! I forgot about the Nuge!
Let's have a list of all the "folks" Hillary insulted with her "deplorables" crack. Bet it's more than 281.
"My father was a big shot attorney, and I grew up surround by his cronies. So maybe they were really super smart and my expectations are unreasonable, but it seems a minimum level of intelligence is required to become a lawyer."
Lawyers are not smarter or dumber than most. They are able to hang around for 8 years and afford the cost. They can memorize and regurgitate. Some can think and some are very smart just like any other profession. But most are average people with patience to stay with school and memorize.
281 is a pathetically small number. There are millions of Hillary supporters who are idiots and/or have flushed their souls down a toilet.
I'm surprised Douglas didn't call Trump "Baby Satan."
Douglas why don't you enlighten us on the BDS supporters for Hillary or her pet Huma's ties with the Muslim Brotherhood or disavowing Black antisemitism.
Trump has two principles:
if it makes you look weak, don't admit it
if they attack you, attack them
Ya know, you'd think a con-law professor would be hip-deep in the news and nuances of the congressional investigations into Crooked Hillary's national security crimes, the criminal collusion of the White House/State Department/FBI/DOJ, the constitutional crises created by the clearly illegal and obviously unethical acts of departments of the federal government tied to the White House, the Clintons and the democrat party. But instead it's day after day of kvetching about what Trump said to some guy 20 years ago, or his taxes from 1990, or how he once asked a whore "How much?"...
Basically this blog has become a microcosm of the democrat party media complex. "We already dealt with Hillary's peccadilloes in a blogpost last week! But look here's SNL mocking Trump, here's an old hippie hating Trump, here's something about Trump's hair, here's something about someone who said Trump said something mean to her 20 years ago, here's Trump ruining baby-kissing for everyone, here's Trump saying mean things about lots of people..."
Maybe AA has already been hired by MSNBC, and that's why she could quit her job teaching...
"Meanwhile, Wikileaks has Hillary in email referring to Jews as "kikes" and "that fucking jew bastard". If Trump said this, the Left would stoke themselves into a pearl clutching fervor by claiming he wants to reopen Auschwitz."
According to the Guardian in 2000 (a couple years before the recent wikileaks. Maybe more than a couple), The "fucking Jew" comment was alleged to have been made with respect to a Clinton campaign worker (Paul Fray) in 1974. That's also a bit before wikileads. Clinton has always denied making the comment. I can't find a reference for the 'kike' claim, but I won't search Breitbart, Infowars, or the Whirled Nuts, so maybe one of those sites full of Trump gunsels is making the claim--maybe just some random gobshite. Sounds like Alex Jones, though. Perhaps he has grow tired of calling Michelle Malkin a "monster."
So, what's your source for your claims and what are the details of the Clinton email?
Gentlemen, Spare me your fantasies about how Hillary agents were the ones who actually sent all the neo-Nazi tweets to Mr. and Mrs. French and to Ben Shapiro (and to me). If you want me to vote for Donny, spend your time persuading him to do what I've asked - to call out some hapless neo-nazi alt.righter and insult him with all the talents that Donny can bring to the table. If he does that, I'll listen to what he has to say. So go to it, guys, tell him that's what he needs to do if he wants a shot at my vote. Otherwise, don't waste my time.
A 70 year old man with the mentality of a 12 year old girl. There's something sad about the impotent rage behind those tweets.
" So go to it, guys, tell him that's what he needs to do if he wants a shot at my vote. Otherwise, don't waste my time."
I think it's pretty clear Trump isn't trying to win votes any more. He's just setting up his core followers for his next big scam, Trump Media. Finally, a safe haven for conspiracy theories and screeching!
On the plus side, if he poaches some of Fox News' lowlights (cough cough, Hannity) it could only improve Fox.
He's just setting up his core followers for his next big scam, Trump Media. Finally, a safe haven for conspiracy theories and screeching! - Brando
Is that your conspiracy theory or are you just screeching?
"Is that your conspiracy theory or are you just screeching?"
It's my audition for a show on Trump TV.
The reason I won't vote for Trump either, along with the possibly thousands of reasons I won't vote for Hillary, is that Hillary can play him like a violin, and he can't shake her game. He could still win.
I also want to get your Atlas folks to recommend oversamples for our polling before we start in February. By market, regions, etc. I want to get this all compiled into one set of recommendations so we can maximize what we get out of our media polling.
- Podesta
"independent" voters in Tampa and Orlando are apparently more dem friendly so the report suggests filling up independent quotas in those cities first. - A report Podesta was hawking.
There are people out there claiming this is all just normal regard for accuracy, but I kind of doubt it given the rest of what we have learned about the media which is acting as the glove for the Clinton hand
More from Glenn Greenwald's site
The more though, I read from Wikileaks, the more prone I am to voting for Trump, I have to admit that.
Fen said...
Meanwhile, Wikileaks has Hillary in email referring to Jews as "kikes" and "that fucking jew bastard". If Trump said this, the Left would stoke themselves into a pearl clutching fervor by claiming he wants to reopen Auschwitz.
10/24/16, 6:43 PM
Fen, be glad for cites on that, help win an argument.
If he does that, I'll listen to what he has to say. So go to it, guys, tell him that's what he needs to do if he wants a shot at my vote. Otherwise, don't waste my time.
10/25/16, 5:45 AM
You Jewish, Douglas? I'm guessing no.
As a Jew, I'm here to tell you that Trump is not putting the Jews in ovens. Your clucking notwithstanding. Thanks for your ersatz concern though. Why does anyone care what you think again?
Trump caused a lot of problems for himself when he first moved to Palm Beach and allowed blacks and Jews into his country club.
Palm Beach has a horrific racial history. If you have ever been to Riviera Beach, which is a very poor, predominantly black city, featured on the first season of Cops, and you wonder why a place so close to the ocean and with such beautiful beaches is so poor, you could look at how Palm Beach was formed. Originally it was like those coastal islands in Porgy and Bess, occupied by the descendants of the enslaved, seems kind of idyllic. Well, the whites who had gotten legal title to the land where these people were living had a huge barbecue on shore, and when the people living in Palm Beach left their homes, their homes were burned.
These are the Palm Beach types that Trump put in a tizzie. But you go ahead and believe that he is anti-semetic because of some random graphic he tweeted.
Tim and Bad - Where did I ever say that Donny is anti-Semitic? I have no clue whether he is or not. I do know that he has been playing footsies with neo-nazi scum for months, and if he wants me to consider voting for him, he has to do a Sister Souljiah on one of them, and drive the rest of them off the TrumpTrain. Now what I'm not getting is why you fellows think that's such an unreasonable condition. Who is he going to hurt by calling out some alt.right scumbag?
Brando, have you been following Wikileaks? Like Climategate before it, one right-wing conspiracy theory after another has been blown up. AmIright? Um, no, I am wrong. Everything from the Russians being behind anti-fossil fuel groups in North America, a theory long a staple of right wing comentariat, to Democrats' goals to maximize the illegal vote, so many confirmed.
Douglas, if you want to believe everything Hillary tells you, and think about every issue in frames designed by her campaign, feel free. The whole Hillary campaign resembles the process of whipping up a war fever. You are caught up in it. I get it.
Just take a step back. If the issue is so important to you, do your own research on it, with the goal of discovering the truth. Look at the facts of this "footsie" with Nazis, in context.
But that would take effort. Easier just to go with your emotions, no matter who planted them in your mind. Just go with them.
"Brando, have you been following Wikileaks? Like Climategate before it, one right-wing conspiracy theory after another has been blown up. AmIright? Um, no, I am wrong. Everything from the Russians being behind anti-fossil fuel groups in North America, a theory long a staple of right wing comentariat, to Democrats' goals to maximize the illegal vote, so many confirmed."
Has Wikileaks shown that Obama was born overseas, Ted Cruz' dad was involved in the Kennedy assassination, Bush knew 9/11 was going to happen and lied to get us into Iraq, and vaccines may be causing autism? I try to maintain a healthy skepticism regarding leftist theories and ideas taken for granted in the mainstream media, but I don't want to go down any Trump attention whore rabbit hole. I don't believe the man is actually crazy but he's doing a good pantomime of a crazy person in his quest to never miss a bit of attention. And now that he's taken what should have been a good year for conservatives and blown it big league, he can go right on cashing in on his next endeavor.
This isn't his end, it's his beginning.
Two weeks from the election and Douglas isn't sure if he can vote for Trump -- riiiiiight.
Douglas is playing a patsy's game with us, about Trump not openly rejecting one radical group or another. Plenty of vicious, probably much more vicious, groups support Crooked Hillary. But, he doesn't hold her to the same standard. Each may have 50-75 million or so supporters, and they are supposed to openly reject this small group or that one. What about all the people supporting the cop killing BLM movement? Has she openly rejected the support of George Soros, who has been shown to have helped fund the BLM cop killers? Of course not, but rather, her campaign continues to coordinate with his groups at an illegally close level. Murdering domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers and his wife? Oh - I forgot, that was Obama. Rejected the support of the open borders crowd, who push for amnesty for convicted rapists and murderers? How about all of her (often apparently paid) supporters who have been beating up old people wearing Trump shirts? Or trashing their cars? Heck, we find out that she directly, or at the highest level of her campaign, approved the Donald Duck protests, and have tacitly approved the violence done in her name. Indeed, where was Douglas for the previous century and a half, when the Klan was almost exclusively composed of Democrats, and was, indeed, at one point, the party's armed wing? Douglas, to me, comes across as a rank hypocrite on this subject - one, extremely tough standard for Trump, and one, almost non-existent one for Crooked Hillary.
I've been backing @smod2016 for months because both Hillary and Donny seems equally abhorrent to me. There's no chance I would ever vote for Hillary, but I was willing to give Donny a chance - all he had to do was kick the alt.right Jew haters/white supremacists off the TrumpTrain. Why do you think he refused to do so?
How hard would it have been for him to Sister Souljiah some hapless alt.righter
Hapless alt.righters have very little power and don't hold the levers of government.
These are the Palm Beach types that Trump put in a tizzie. But you go ahead and believe that he is anti-semetic because of some random graphic he tweeted.
Yeah, and it's not like he has some Jewish family members or anything.
Also! Is this listicle supposed to make me not want to vote for the man? Total fail. Sad!
"Hapless alt.righters have very little power and don't hold the levers of government." That was also true for Sister Souljiah, a nobody whom President Clinton targeted to show his distance from radical blacks. Donny coulda, shoulda done the same thing to show his distance from white nationalists. Why didn't he, I keep asking, and no one here seems to want to answer.
Douglas said...I was willing to give Donny a chance - all he had to do was kick the alt.right Jew haters/white supremacists off the TrumpTrain. Why do you think he refused to do so?
Given your bloated sense of self importance, my guess is that Trump did it just to personally piss you off.
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