১৪ অক্টোবর, ২০১৬

"If you can’t handle some of the basic stuff that’s become a problem in the workforce today, then you don’t belong in the workforce."

"You can’t be negotiating billion-dollar deals if you can’t handle, like, you know."

Said Donald Trump Jr. in the middle of some chatter on "The Opie and Anthony Show" back in 2013.

Just reading the quote — under the HuffPo headline "Donald Trump Jr: Women Who Can’t ‘Handle’ Harassment ‘Don’t Belong In The Workforce’" — I thought it was awful. Naturally, I linked "harassment" to Trump Sr.'s "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." I imagined Trump Jr. saying women who want to be in the billion-dollar-deals workplace need to put up with pussy-grabbing and other forced, physical intrusions.

But I listened to the audio...

... and I think that they are talking about the kind of sexual harassment claim that is based on rough language — jokes and remarks with sexual content — and the photographs of naked women that might get displayed on some guy's computer screen. 

At some point, speech and the display of pictures in the workplace really can properly be seen as creating unequal conditions for women in the workplace, and people who care about that equality should want to think about where that point is. There are also freedom of speech interests on the other side. "The Opie and Anthony Show" isn't a good place to display your knowledge and thoughtfulness on this subject, and that's why it might be a good idea not to indulge in this kind of banter if you're going to get involved in politics.

I'm inclined to shrug this one off. It's years ago, it's Trump's son, and it's casual banter. I'm most uneasy about the idea that women are being too fussy and therefore should stick with jobs that are already designed to accommodate female sensitivities. That's bad, but I can imagine a decent person who might just blurt that out.

I'd like for it to be possible for a free-speaking, real person to run for office. When I've found Trump (Sr.) appealing, it's because it has seemed that he'd broken down barriers and shown that it is good to speak expressively and to come right out and say the things it had seemed we weren't supposed to say. About a year ago, I had a dream in which I thanked him for showing that we don't have to be so repressed.

But at some point, these things accumulate, and you think: That's too much. And yet: Be careful. When a person has opponents, and they know these things accumulate, they can dribble out one thing after another and cause you to think it's too much. There are just so many things! But the things, individually, may, on careful inspection, be nothing. A lot of zeroes are not a lot. They're still nothing.

With Trump, the things are not all zeroes, and we may be so fed up that we don't care enough anymore to look closely to see what is really a zero or close to zero. If so, we empower the dribblers.

They can dribble anything now.

২০৮টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   208 এর 201 – থেকে 208
Original Mike বলেছেন...

I don't care if Trump has 10 witnesses. It's a suckers strategy. Obamacare, immigration, Hillary's corruption.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Original Mike said...
BL - I take the word "support" to mean "I agree with his policies; I think he would make a good President".

Yet, I voted for him. I'm sure I don't have to explain why. But "support" him? Not so much.
10/14/16, 6:37 PM

No, I mean support as in help; give money, volunteer, advocate - be willing to tell people that you voted for Trump and why, that they should too and why, be willing to provide whatever positive support you can for his candidacy and whatever negative support you can for his opponent's.

Say and do things that get him elected, I.e. that defeat Hillary. He doesn't have to be loved too, he just needs to be elected. Then we shall see what we shall see.

Doesn't it make sense that, having voted, you want the party for whom you voted to win? Work towards that end. That's all I'm saying.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Blogger Original Mike said...
I don't care if Trump has 10 witnesses. It's a suckers strategy. Obamacare, immigration, Hillary's corruption.

Yep. It's a "Kansas City Shuffle" While you're looking over there at Trump, Hillary is getting away with murder behind you.

jr565 বলেছেন...

I will also shrug off Trump saying he kisses women and they let him do it. THat is NOT saying he sexually assaults women. It simply is not. It is saying he kisses women, AND THEY LET HIM DO IT. Which women? Who is THEY? Does anyone who is claiming he is saying he's for sexual assaulting women know? THen how can they determine that when he says "they let me do it" that they dont in fact LET HIM DO IT.
There's a woman that had a T-shirt that says "Trump can grab my pussy" that was linked to on Drudge. And this highlights the fact that IT"S OK TO GRAB PUSSY IF THE WOMEN LETS YOU GRAB IT.

It is literally impossible to disprove the statement that trump made that the women he says let him do it did not in fact let him do it. Therefore it is impossible to call it assault.

If he said "I grab the pussy even when the ladies say NO. I just grab the pussy" then he'd be admitting that he doesn't care if THEY say no. But he is saying that whatever pussy grabbing is done is consensual.

And he gets a lot becuase he's a star. I'd imagine this is true. Stars get a lot of pussy. Ralph Fiennes had sex on a commercial flight, with a stewardess he met on the plane. And she banged him because he was Ralph Fiennes. If Ralf Fiennes was just some average joe shmoe do we really think he'd be getting sex so readily. A lot of women will fuck stars. They are star fuckers, groupies. And then there are just women who are considered sex positive and watch porn, and think its ok to have sex and not feel guilty about it (think of Samantha from Sex and the City for example). If those women consent to being kissed, and/or groped and they "let men do it" then who are we to say that the person who did the groping was in any way wrong.

We doint have ANY information on who Trump was talking about. He said THEY. Who is THEY. give me some names. Can anyone, who is promoting the idea that he said it was ok to grope women agains their will, name one person that he was talking about?

jr565 বলেছেন...

I will also defend Trumps statement about going into womens changing rooms. Because.... he never did that. He never bragged about doing that, and he never did it. He JOKED about that being an excuse he could use to do it, but he was not being serious when he said it. The conversation in which he provided that nugget was on the Howard Stern show. And they had asked him if he had sex with the models. and if htere was a confict of interest in having sex with the models. He said, in fact that there was, but joked that there could be ways around that.
They then had a conversatoin about EXCUSES THAT HE COULD GIVE TO GET AROUND THAT LOOPHOLE. and they were all jokes. Not serious.
His suggestion started off "The funniest would be" or something to that effect. Meaning, the funniest excuse to use. And then he role played it as if he was doing it. But if you listen to his excuses "how's everybody doing" and "just here to inspect" its quite obvious that no one would ever take those excuses serious as to why he would be in a changing room.

Thats' why it was a JOKE.

At the end of that he says "But I've been good" Meaning, he could have gotten around the loophole. But he was good, and DIDNT. NOTHING HAPPENED.

So he didn't BRAG about doing something. He joked about something that he woudn't do.

jr565 বলেছেন...

i would also defend Trumps statement as not being about sexual harrassment per se. Since he says "if you can't handle basic stuff" sexual harrassment is not "basic stuff". Nowhere does he say "if women can't handle being harrassed". So, shoudn't people get a clarification from him about what he means by "basic stuff" before they condemn him outright?

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

I would defend Trump's statement as THE WORLD IS ON FIRE WHO CARES.

Chuck বলেছেন...

I reserve the term "mouth breathers" for a particular demographic; those self-styled "Republicans" who voted for Trump in the 206 primaries, and who later voted for Roy Moore in 2017. The people who cheer Steve Bannon as he declares "war" on the "establishment GOP."

If I have come close to describing you, then yes that is exactly what I meant. If not, then I didn't mean to apply it to you at all.

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