१२ ऑक्टोबर, २०१६
A great ad for Hillary Clinton is a horrible admission of the reality...
... that a lot of people would like to just be able to vote for Obama again. Close your eyes, hold your knows,* think a happy song — here, he'll sing it for you...
... and you can believe if you want to believe: You're not really voting for Hillary Clinton. You're voting for Obama.
* I assure you I intended to write "hold your nose." I only saw the mistake after I published. I'm leaving the mistake though, because sometimes a mistake is delightful. I wish I could imagine a mistake that could get us out of the jam we're in with this election. Leaping into dreadful uncertainty, hold your knows!
१११ टिप्पण्या:
Is this post a mistake?
Here is a tag: Obama as Nixon. Or Filegate the new Watergate.
The post isn't a mistake. The post has a one-word typo -- a homophone typo.
Trying to think if there's an uplifting Trump ad like that (or like the Bernie S&G ad). Can't think of one.
Oh... I see. I doubled it.
Will fix.
Ha Ha
Cuba wants to make sure the link is everywhere.
Anywho, the same con media w/ unnamed sources that has you all riled up told us, before the decision, that if there was no indictment we'd have a huge number of folks resign as a protest. But, nope.
Comments copied from the accidental duplicate:
MadisonMan said...
2+ minutes. No.
tl; dw.
10/12/16, 4:51 PM
Hagar said...
"hold your knows" - a Freudian slip?
10/12/16, 4:54 PM
sojerofgod said...
Soooo... this is the democrat equivalent of 'Lie back and think of England?'
10/12/16, 4:54 PM
Hagar said...
I hope they play this a lot all over the country.
10/12/16, 4:58 PM
Tommy Duncan said...
Wow, that's a full year supply of virtual reality.
I have never understood how politicians can say the things they say with a straight face. Clear consciences are not an issue for the character impaired.
10/12/16, 4:59 PM
PBandJ_Ombudsman said...
Of all I've seen this cycle (incl the one Althosue is pointing to), by far I'm most in to this one:
I grew up in Christian schools, w/ a best friend who was Mormon. I've hung out, and continue to hang out w/, Mormons essentially my entire life. But, not until a month, or so, ago did I ever think that these Mormons may have something going on v Christianity. (I know they consider themselves to be Christians.)
Anywho, I'm impressed, and that plus six bucks will get you a cup of coffee.
10/12/16, 4:59 PM
PBandJ_Ombudsman said...
Decaf, as any Mormon knows.
10/12/16, 5:00 PM
Tommy Duncan said...
Meanwhile, Drudge is exploding with news the mainstream media won't report.
Wikileaks, Trump and Drudge have taken off the gloves. Hillary is crying they are mean and low, an area where Hillary is a subject matter expert.
10/12/16, 5:08 PM
cubanbob said...
I apologize for my lack of HTML skills but if copied and pasted the below should work:
This is way beyond Watergate. Trump is right. Special prosecutors for the White House, Treasury, State, Justice and the FBI. Most likely the corruption has to be systemic throughout the government. Obama better start having lawyers doing the legal research to see if he can pardon himself. If not, he has a yuuuge problem. Imagine him resigning after the election and making Biden prez for a day to get himself pardoned.
10/12/16, 5:13 PM
John said...
Think of it as a PSA... The more you knows.
10/12/16, 5:13 PM
holdfast said...
Granted, the current shite show with Clinton and Trump does make Obama sort of look like a statesman.
If one forgets the fact that he's also basically an internet troll, he's just smoother than Trump.
Rule of law is on the ballot. It is destined to lose.
Hopefully we won't burn through forty comments before folks are able to grasp what happened.
I'll help.
Carry on.
Never Trump is all about never holding your knows.
Tommy Duncan at 5:00
Pretty sure that Obama has absolute immunity from prosecution for any act he performs in his capacity as president. He can be impeached but not prosecuted.
I didn't vote for Obama the first two times. Why in hell would I want to vote for him now? A lot of people voted for Obama because he is a racial minority. Makes us look fair and tolerant. Plus, he was spouting a rather centrist ideology in his first campaign. If this tactic is effective, I truly despair for our country.
Ann: Wouldn't it be AWESOME if Hillary asked Obama to be her secretary of state. :)
PBandJ_Ombudsman said...the same con media w/ unnamed sources that has you all riled up told us, before the decision, that if there was no indictment we'd have a huge number of folks resign as a protest. But, nope.
Hard to give up the guvment pay/bennies over mere accountability.
"Hold your knows" reminds me of a quote by my favorite all time civil servant...
"In February 2002, Donald Rumsfeld, the then US Secretary of State for Defence, stated at a Defence Department briefing: 'There are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we now know we don't know."
..especially if they're "oldies"/geezers on the cusp..eh Jelly?
This is clearly an outreach to black voters. There are no white people (or other racial or ethnic groups in the ad) until nearly halfway through. The one hope that I had for Obama (that he would begin racial healing in this country) has turned out to be the biggest disappointment.
I'm sorry, who was president when Hillary was wrecking the Middle East? Who presided over the Executive Branch while the DOJ and the IRS were politicized? Who designed and rammed through Obamacare on a party-line vote that's squeezing the profits out of small businesses, while guaranteeing the profits of the insurance companies? Who let the bankers walk after the financial meltdown and is only now letting the secret parts of the Iran deal trickle out? Who's running the drone kill program and ramping up the NSA? Who called ISIS "the JV team"?
Hillary is awful, but Obama is somehow untainted? Please.
When I'm really poking fun I roll out the "golden gals and guys" stuff.
BTW, I know some fairly young (twenties and thirties) and very hot gals who love that Golden Girls TV show.
WTF is that?
FWBuff said...The one hope that I had for Obama (that he would begin racial healing in this country) has turned out to be the biggest disappointment.
Yet..can you point to any indication he would? You might not have been led astray if say..academic records (of a primarily academic person) weren't sealed.
He did have a mighty impressive pants crease..
Blogger PBandJ_Ombudsman said...
When I'm really poking fun I roll out the "golden gals and guys" stuff.
Right. The other stuff is more revealing though.
With Obama it was a defense of the candidate and [unrepentant] individual. With Clinton it's a defense of the candidate and [unrepentant] individual. Democrats have to do double duty, but Pro-Choice should enable their progress.
It seems like body cams and cell phone video are, eventually, going to bring racial healing.
Everybody wins if situations can be seen and evaluated as they actually occurred. The race hustlers can't make up all sorts of phony versions of what happened. And, the cops can't either.
Anywho, this data re drug arrests, broken down by state, seems like an issue that that should be looked at:
If folks want to help w/ racial healing in this country they should probably vote against any campaign that has a CES who comes from a website that serves the Alt-right.
If you feel like doing that is a bridge too far for you, STFU re caring about racial healing. You can keep blathering about lower taxes for rich folks and less environmental regulations for factories and lower minimum wages, but it's going to be a stretch to believe you care about racial healing when you're supporting a campaign CEOed by an dude who came w/ a background of catering to the Alt-right.
"Andrew Breitbart despised racism. Truly despised it," former Breitbart editor-at-large Ben Shapiro wrote last week on the Daily Wire, a conservative website. "With Bannon embracing Trump, all that changed. Now Breitbart has become the alt-right go-to website, with [technology editor Milo] Yiannopoulos pushing white ethno-nationalism as a legitimate response to political correctness, and the comment section turning into a cesspool for white supremacist mememakers."
You support DJT = you support DJT's race hustling CEO.
Remember that Trump is the lewd one. Ann wants to vote for obama again. Here is obama being the classy guy he is. But trump said pussy...
CNN has been sitting on that since 2008
You don't even have to try to hard to find the videos of the Clinton speeches being interrupted by people reminding them bill is a rapist.
"You don't even have to try to hard to find the videos of the Clinton speeches being interrupted by people reminding them bill is a rapist."
BTW, Alex Jones is paying folks $5000 each to do this.
PBandJ_Ombudsman said:
"This guy said that guy wasn't racist but this other guy is so trump supporters are all racist."
You are lame.
"You support DJT = you support DJT's race hustling CEO."
Nonsense. Support Hillary and Al Sharpton, why don't you ?
Bend over and vote for Hillary because my ass is on the ballot, too.
Is Al the CEO of the HRC campaign? I hadn't heard of that promotion. Thanks for the scoop.
Out of the woodwork they come.
Its going to be 4 weeks of fun. Fasten your seatbelts.
Blogger PBandJ_Ombudsman said...
"BTW, Alex Jones is paying folks $5000 each to do this."
If lefties like you were honest decent people Bill Clinton would be in jail for rape and assault and Alex Jones wouldn't have to pay 5000$ to get the truth out the media is covering up. If Bill Clinton was a republican he would be in jail.
But you are not honest nor decent.
Blogger PBandJ_Ombudsman said...
Is Al the CEO of the HRC campaign? I hadn't heard of that promotion. Thanks for the scoop."
The point is that you asserting bannon is racist doesn't make it so retard. You are clearly dishonest and posting in bad faith.
So, to clarify:
a)Are folks here saying that Bannon has expressed support for the Alt-right, which is racist, and that means that DJT hired a racist supporter as the CEO for his campaign?
b)Or, are you saying it doesn't matter if Bannon is pro-Alt-right because you deny that the Alt-right is racist?
c)Or, are you saying that Bannon did say his website was supportive of the Alt-right, and the Alt-right is racist, and for this reason you like that DJT hired him as CEO
a), b) or c)
Blogger PBandJ_Ombudsman said...
It seems like body cams and cell phone video are, eventually, going to bring racial healing. Everybody wins if situations can be seen and evaluated as they actually occurred.
Nah..if you've been paying attention, you know there will always be another unseen incident to manipulate.
..or seen by those willing and allowed to commit perjury: Hands up don't shoot
PB&J, you have become a more annoying troll than Unknown. Wait! Maybe you are one and the same!
You are trying to make broad assertions based off of your own stupid speculations and leaps of logic. A, B, and C are all flawed projections from your failed logic. If you are smart enough you will see the holes in your logic. If you are honest enough you will accept them.
But you are neither smart nor honest.
If you think the people here would like to vote for Obama then your aknowsmia is worse than I thought!
Didn't you just nose this election would be all about him?!
I don't like either current candidate. What's appealing about the idea of voting for Obama right now is: I think he's an honorable man and there is a sense of harmony that we're going to miss when it's ripped away.
Somewhat astonishing that despite the images, not once is Clinton's name mentioned. It really is all about Obama.
Yes..it's been quite harmonious.
2008 lives..
I think he's an honorable man and there is a sense of harmony that we're going to miss when it's ripped away.
She's trolling, but it's her blog, and her rules!! Enjoy the outrage!!
Then I'm performing my assigned role.
"I think he's an honorable man and there is a sense of harmony that we're going to miss when it's ripped away."
An honorable man? Perhaps. But, "a sense of harmony"?
Nope. Sorry. Can't buy that one. "If I had had a son, he would have looked like Trayvon." Obama is no Al Sharpton, but neither is he the poster child for "a sense of harmony."
W and Obama are both honorable decent fellows. But they couldn't do the job. It's a very hard job. Trump and Hillary can't do it either
and they are not decent, honorable people. People who can do the job don't run anymore. It's not worth the grief
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
"I don't like either current candidate. What's appealing about the idea of voting for Obama right now is: I think he's an honorable man and there is a sense of harmony that we're going to miss when it's ripped away."
This is pathetic.
Worship his cock Ann. You people get down in front so the ladies in back can see. Just lockeroom talk right there.
Get on your knees when you worship the obama cock. But trump said pussy so he is bad.
he's an honorable man and there is a sense of harmony that we're going to miss when it's ripped away.
Perhaps if you live among the lotus eaters of Madison. He's been a dishonest man who piled up one failure after another while corrupting the presidency. So it goes. At least he had strong erections that he could wave around to entertain the girl journalists.
Ann said: What's appealing about the idea of voting for Obama right now is: I think he's an honorable man and there is a sense of harmony that we're going to miss when it's ripped away.
So which is it?
Are you trolling for posts?
Are you being sarcastic?
Are you impersonating a mushy headed liberal college student?
Have you reverted to UW Madison conformity?
Have the long term effects of youthful acid use come back to haunt you?
Or is this just one of those days you are intentionally contrary, the truth be damned?
Peanuts PB&J--don't be a dick.
After Hillary becomes president, Obama is going to look a lot better, much like W started looking better after Obama and will look even better after Hillary. Even Trump will start to look better after Hillary.
Men are too skeptical ("How do I know it's a ball of wax. I don't see all if it.."). Women are too foolish ("He means well").
It shows up in voting.
Trump is the only one in sight, including Republicans, who's not responsible for present government corruption. He may do well or he may not.
A Vote For Obama-Clinton = A Vote For Benedict Arnold
Interesting how his speech is so disconnected from reality.
You have to wonder if he's suffered some kind of brain damage.
Ann Althouse said......and there is a sense of harmony that we're going to miss...
Three part: wailing, whining, and weeping...
I think too many have taken your advice to 'Hold your Knows." That is such a great phrase.
So are they all, all honorable men.
"I think he's an honorable man"
I think he's meaningfully grown beyond some of the lib-prof stuff that he started w/. For example, I think, but, obviously, can't know for sure, that quite a while ago he started to better grasp the meaning of his flag pin.
Of course he started w/ an intellectually arguable POV for not wearing the pin. That is, sticking a chunk of (made in China) metal on your suit doesn't do a thing to actually help anything or anyone. Then, he quickly buckled because of political expediency when he became a pin wearer. But, I'm sure he soon recognized the heartfelt impact of the pin on others. And, I speculate that he came to genuinely appreciate the pin's meaning to himself.
It'll be interesting to see if he still wears the pin after his term is up.
Riots in Ferguson, Baltimore, and Charlotte.. BLM protests shutting down cities.
Terrorist attacks or killings in Arkansas, Ft Hood, Minnesota, NY, Boston, Orlando, San Bernadino, New Jersey.
Protestors taking over Madison, what they did to Scott Walker, and the John Doe prosecution.
The Bundys taking over federal land in protest.
Murder in major cities climbing.
Heroin deaths skyrocketing.
Pro football players kneeling during the national anthem.
Yes, our country is operating with a great sense of harmony.
I think the only harmony we have that we'll miss is the forgiveness Obama gets from the media, and the lack of a constant drumbeat against him (Like we had with Bush and even Bill Clinton). Trump, if he wins, will have the media disgusted by his every word. And Clinton is simply more corrupt.
Quotes roughcoat: So are they all, all honorable men.
"O judgment! thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason."
Obama's nut-cupping onstage during the pledge sure goes nicely with his boner-boasting on a plane video. He had Kaepernick beat by a mile!
I think the only harmony we have that we'll miss is the forgiveness Obama gets from the media, and the lack of a constant drumbeat against him (Like we had with Bush and even Bill Clinton). Trump, if he wins, will have the media disgusted by his every word.
So, according to you, the media will still be in harmony. Nothing to miss.
We currently have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, we're fighting in Syria. Iran is shooting missiles at our ships off the coast of Yemen.
And how much do we hear about any of it, compared to what we heard about Bush's wars?
So, according to you, the media will still be in harmony. Nothing to miss.
Oh, I don't know. Clinton is so outrageously corrupt, I don't know that the agencies under her will hold up. It sounds like the FBI and intelligence agencies are already pretty upset with her. And I think any Republican Congress/Senate would feel more free to make a big deal about her. They are afraid to push back against Obama too much.
I think he's an honorable man and there is a sense of harmony that we're going to miss when it's ripped away.
Ann, you seem like a nice person but you are very, very naive.
Oh, you think some of the lame stream media may go after HRC, therefore breaking the media harmony.
But, w/ DJT they'll all be together against DJT, so harmony is maintained.
Got it.
Wisconsin nice.
Haven't folks written things in these threads saying there's some sort of complexity or subtle counter meaning to WI nice?
I think he's an honorable man and there is a sense of harmony...
Where have you been for the last 8 years? Honorable? Bring a gun? Racebaiter extraordinaire, yes. I don't speak Austrian, either. Nothing quite like an Ivy education, is there.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
I don't like either current candidate. What's appealing about the idea of voting for Obama right now is: I think he's an honorable man and there is a sense of harmony that we're going to miss when it's ripped away.
I suppose this is how it looks from a tenured position at a law school in Wisconsin. As a small business owner in Texas, I feel that we are teetering on the edge of the frightful abyss of civil war. Obama led us to this point, Ann. He has been the front man for a dreadful makeover of American culture. Do you have the least respect for the founding values? How do you square them with current reality? Any sense of harmony with Obama is in the mind of the beholder. Enjoy the vision while it lasts.
Ann Althouse said...I don't like either current candidate. What's appealing about the idea of voting for Obama right now is: I think he's an honorable man and there is a sense of harmony that we're going to miss when it's ripped away.
10/12/16, 7:14 PM
That's outright delusional in so many ways, especially considering the state of the economy. Of course, from the POV of a retiring academic, everything's honky-dory.
why would you vote for Obama again? Every thing he did is complete and utter shit. His signature achievement Obamacare is about to collapse. Syria is worse than ever ISIS is worse tahn ever. Iraq needs more troops. AFter a failed reset the dems are now doing RED SCAREMONGERING becuse they think Trump can be tied to Russians, even though all the problems we have with russia highlight their utter incompetence. They say he's friendly with Russia. Well they tried to be. And that's why Putin played them> And yet they're telling us to trust HILlary with fixing Russian problem by threatening an air war.
Obama care is about to collapse on itself. The economy is at a 1.5 growth rate with one of hte most anemic recoveries
Why is Obama out there taking victory laps?
PBandJ_Ombudsman said...Oh, you think some of the lame stream media may go after HRC, therefore breaking the media harmony.
But, w/ DJT they'll all be together against DJT, so harmony is maintained.
Got it.
10/12/16, 8:42 PM
At least journalists will have to think and work for themselves again for a change.
@Althouse: Obama is not and never has been the Jimi Hendrix of race relations. Deal with it.
althouse wrote:
Ann Althouse said...I don't like either current candidate. What's appealing about the idea of voting for Obama right now is: I think he's an honorable man and there is a sense of harmony that we're going to miss when it's ripped away.
A sense of harmony? THat guy was smug and stiff since day one. He always came across like a sneering jerk who strutted around like he was hot shit.
IF you see the video where he supposedly has an erection on the plane in front of his staff he gets up and sticks his leg out to show that he has an erection like everyone will be so impressed. That's how he's been the whole time he's been president.
And he hasnt' achieved ANYTHING. But if you like Obama, I guess you like Obama. SOme people saw something in him from the beginning and thought he could make mesmerizing speeches. But he alwasy looked still. Cool, maybe. But not in a good way. Haughty.
I'll be glad when he's gone.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...What's appealing about the idea of voting for Obama right now is: I think he's an honorable man and there is a sense of harmony that we're going to miss when it's ripped away.
I have thought that he was "all politics, all the time". And that leaves him very short in the honorable man category and not very presidential. Such things he didn't do as in working to avoid the government shutdown showdowns, and putting a "my way or the highway" on almost all legislation, prove my point. If not for Joe Biden stepping in, there would have been no compromise on any legislation.
"the dems are now doing RED SCAREMONGERING"
Historically, have the Russians ever broken our laws and spied on us so they could find and publicly release info to support the POTUS they want?
If they were trying to influence our election to support HRC would that be worth noticing?
Prager: "You need an advanced degree to be this stupid."
ripped away??????????? It's the end of his 2nd term. It's what America agreed to in amending the Constitution.
How are a GOP Senate and/or House going to "push back"?
Hold hearings that nobody cares about?
Subpoena evidence which the HRC Admin will just destroy, and suffer not consequences for it? And of course she'll have Executive Privilege.
Refuse to fund the government? Yeah, that worked out great for Ted Cruz.
The GOP leadership in Congress is permanently ball-less. If HRC wins she will have a tongue-bath press and a useless (or friendly) Congress. She will be the closest thing to a dictator America has had since Lincoln.
I think Barack Obama is a very devious person with entirely his own agenda that is not such that he could disclose it even to his own party supporters.
And that is not "honorable" behavior.
Ann, you must be anti-semitic. Because you knew your jewish followers, who didn't eat all day, would be dying to stuff their face right around the time you posted this crap, and then they wouldn't be able hold food down for another 12 hours. Thanks!
Dr. Althouse: What's appealing about the idea of voting for Obama right now is: I think he's an honorable man and there is a sense of harmony that we're going to miss when it's ripped away.
What the what? As the Instapundit points out from time to time, Obama makes Jimmy Carter look like the best case scenario. Obama's qualifications are indeed unique: usually, a Democratic administration is only a disaster on foreign and economic policy, but on domestic policy it does reasonably well. The Obama administration, not being satisfied with 2 out of 3, is going for the perfecta. A nuclear Iran, a Russia annexing the Crimea, a China contesting the South China Sea, a collapsing "insurance industry," actual unemployment (including those no longer bothering to look for work) in excess of 12%, unending wars e.g. in Syria, and oh yes, dramatic worsening of race relations to the point they're the worst they've been in the life I've lived since 1965. That's setting aside the weaponized IRS harassing conservative groups, the racially politicized DOJ, the trampling of religious freedom, and the you-have-got-to-be-f'ing-kidding-me bought-and-paid-for FBI not charging a criminally negligent Hillary Clinton with criminal negligence.
It's not the crime. Hell, it's not even the cover-up anymore. It's the active collusion from the unelected bureaucrats to Journolist to the "moderators" at the "town halls." It's the abdication of genuinely tough decisions that affect some 330 million people in favor of a Nobel peace prize immediately upon being elected and a piece of "signature legislation" rammed through on a party line that would have made court-packing FDR blush. It's being an empty-suit red diaper baby "community organizer" who did, in fact, "pal around with terrorists", who somehow manages to get called a "constitutional law professor" when he never was, who never published a single paper in the Harvard Law Review, and who by his own admission was a blank slate onto which to project... whatever people wanted. Which, given the intense racism of the left and its largely unconscious but accurate self-judgment about it, turns out to be the ultimate Magical Negro.
Dr. Althouse, you know I'm a fan. But on this point, I'm afraid your delusion is spectacular—I mean, literally, you are making a spectacle of yourself, because there is simply no way you reached your position by employing reason.
Dr. Althouse, you know I'm a fan. But on this point, I'm afraid your delusion is spectacular—I mean, literally, you are making a spectacle of yourself, because there is simply no way you reached your position by employing reason.
Snively, I agree with you. But it's times like this that I shrug and assume that Althouse is just trolling for more hits of blog. That's when I get bored and tune out.
But, w/ DJT they'll all be together against DJT, so harmony is maintained.
No, I don't really consider a cacophony of voices against something to be harmony.
Perhaps it's me, but I read harmony to mean a peaceful getting along.
Jely asserted: Historically, have the Russians ever broken our laws and spied on us so they could find and publicly release info to support the POTUS they want?
The Soviets used disinformation as far as I know. What's your evidence that Russia is behind Wiki Links? I mean besides what Hillary says?
Great dissertation, Mr. Snively!
I don't like either current candidate. What's appealing about the idea of voting for Obama right now is: I think he's an honorable man and there is a sense of harmony that we're going to miss when it's ripped away.
Althouse was delusional in 2008, and she's delusional right now. Lady, if you think Obama is in any way, shape or form an honorable man then you wouldn't recognize words like "honor" or "integrity" if they bit you in the butt.
Building on what chickelit wrote, I'd like to remind people that by the admission of her closest advisors, Hillary Clinton views the Internet as a "vast right-wing conspiracy."
I believe that Putin's analysts read each and every one of Hillary Clinton's Emails, and I believe that because Mikhail Fradkov kept his job after it came out that Clinton was using a poorly-secured server for her Email traffic. If the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) had overlooked such a treasure trove of intelligence material he would have been "retired" with a 9mm headache or at the very least exiled to Siberia instead of retiring a couple weeks ago with honors.
"What's appealing about the idea of voting for Obama right now is: I think he's an honorable man and there is a sense of harmony that we're going to miss when it's ripped away."
If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance.
What's appealing about the idea of voting for Obama right now is: I think he's an honorable man and there is a sense of harmony that we're going to miss when it's ripped away.
Harmony? Good God are you blinkered! We're in the midst of a race war not seen since the 60s, and you sense harmony? You demonstrate once more that Madision is 30 square miles surrounded by reality.
"...there is a sense of harmony that we're going to miss when it's ripped away."
"Ripped away", like a band-aid off a wound; it's violent imagery.
Ignoring the question of whether Obama is an honorable man or not, the latter part of the statement makes sense. Let's substitute "harmony" and "ripped away" with their definitions:
"There is a sense that we exist in a relationship which is characterized by a lack of conflict or by agreement, as of opinion or interest..."
Doesn't really jibe with the reality outside the ivory towers of the elite... But it's just a sense or a feeling, and feelings can be wrong or deceiving.
"... that we're going to miss when it's pulled quickly or forcibly away from us", or
"... that we're going to miss when it comes apart violently."
The latter seems to be the more appropriate interpretation of "ripped away" in the context of the sentence.
The statement can therefore be interpreted in this way: The left-wing elite, and their hanger-ons (hangers-on?... whatever), have spent 8 years convincing themselves that all people-- the decent ones anyway-- are united under Obama, and they are dreading the violent slap in the face they are about to get from reality after this election-- the reality that we, as a nation, are strongly divided.
I think the elite sense/fear that no matter who wins, there will be violent protests from the losing side. Reality is making an unwanted appearance to people who have, for quite a while, had the option to ignore it.
" What's appealing about the idea of voting for Obama right now is: I think he's an honorable man and there is a sense of harmony that we're going to miss when it's ripped away."
It's this sort of naive trust that I find so adorable about you, Althouse. To be honorable implys that one has honor. Tell me please. What has Obama ever done that indicates he has any honor?
What's appealing about the idea of voting for Obama right now is: I think he's an honorable man and there is a sense of harmony that we're going to miss when it's ripped away.
Why do you say things you don't mean?
When I write here, I like to think of myself as a guest in Professor Althouse's house. The Trump trolls on this thread are as boorish as ladyfingers himself. You've already lost the election, and you can go away now. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
From the reactions to "honorable man", perhaps you meant "hold your noes" in the original post.
Obama's just been looking good lately because we're so focused on Clinton and Trump. When's the last time Obama was the focus of any story? He stumps a bit for Hillary but that's still more a Hillary/Trump story than an Obama story.
The smarter campaign here is the one that hides its candidate.
Brando- agreed. As far as I know, he is barely involved in any domestic policy currently, and his foreign policy is a disaster but gets little coverage and he certainly gets no questions about it. So Obama looks good(ish) by default.
Blogger EsoxLucius said...
The Trump trolls on this thread are as boorish as ladyfingers himself. You've already lost the election, and you can go away now.
Yes..only thing worse than a true troll is someone using the term/label to try to silence others.
Don't like the posts? You know what to do.
Your honorable man, not about to honor the tradition of American support for Israel:
"Israel faces a unique window of danger from Nov. 9 to Jan. 20: What might President Obama do in his final days in office to slam the Jewish state?
"Start with Secretary of State John Kerry’s recent flat refusal to promise a US veto on any upcoming anti-Israel resolution in the UN Security Council.
"On Saturday, Haaretz reports, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Kerry he’s counting on Washington to stick to its policy of nixing anti-Israel resolutions. Kerry’s reply: The administration has yet to make a decision on the matter."
walter: I was commenting here two years before you, and lurking two years before that. I have not abused my privilege by repeatedly writing sexist, racist, and spurious comments on this blog. This used to be an educational place, were cogent argument reigned. Now it's all-Breitbart-all-the-time. I stay here in anticipation of the return of its former glory. You lost, now you go away.
"Now it's all-Breitbart-all-the-time. I stay here in anticipation of the return of its former glory. You lost, now you go away."
Don't forget drudge and instapundit and YouTube.
We haven't lost the election though:
Twitter has tried to ban Okeefe for highlighting voter fraud to silence us just like you wish but it won't serve them. And you probably need a dose of the Obama cock to help you with your cognitive dissonance:
EsoxLucius said...
walter: I was commenting here two years before you, and lurking two years before that. I have not abused my privilege by repeatedly writing sexist, racist, and spurious comments on this blog. This used to be an educational place, were cogent argument reigned. Now it's all-Breitbart-all-the-time. I stay here in anticipation of the return of its former glory. You lost, now you go away.
10/13/16, 10:40 AM
You might be right about Trump losing but you won't be sure for another 26 days. So will you be thrilled if a liar, grifter, criminal and traitor becomes president? I don't know about you but I find that more offensive than Trump's comments.
"To be honorable implys that one has honor. Tell me please. What has Obama ever done that indicates he has any honor?"
In the first two months of 2009, President Obama:
o began his presidency by bailing out the last president economically. While W was cutting brush, candidate Obama took time off to relieve the stress on the banks. Whether you believe he did the right thing, sticking his neck out and making the hard decisions saved the country from further depression.
o withdrew troops from Iraq. Again, his predecessor's no-win situation that he could have allowed to fester, he instead cut and ran and took the heat, saving thousands of GI's lives. Allowing al Maliki's Sunni majority to attack the Shia lead to ISIS, but the constitution written in the Bush administration didn't give us any say in the matter.
o attempted to move the Guantanamo detainees onto US soil. Yet another of Bush's messes, prosecution by normal channels would have earned us good will with our islamic allies. Instead, ISIS clothes and treats their captives just like we do before they behead them. Plus, by treating our captives as human beings, we might convince them to turn on their comrades.
o passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which ended the statute of limitations for equal-pay lawsuits. A shot off the bow at the supreme court, he signaled worker rights as paramount.
o reauthorized SCHIP, giving healthcare to four million children. Before PPACA, Republicans just wanted to repeal, and not replace.
o reversed a Bush-era policy which had limited funding of embryonic stem cell research. Study on diabetes, Parkinson's, and CTE that was halted in 2001 could continue.
o revoked the Mexico City Policy prohibiting federal aid to international family planning organizations that perform or provide counseling about abortion. However you feel about abortion, no more subjugating our religious values on other nations.
I could go on, but I'm sure that just these will ignite a flame war that I don't want to start. I'm just tired of the Obama-waving-his-penis, Hillary-dying, Trump-is-an-altruist talk that invaded this board six months ago, and is hopefully going away in a month. There's gotta somebody out there that thinks the same as I.
I love that OKeefe duped those attending a fundraiser for R Feingold in Palo Alto CA where Feingold is heard saying Hillary likely uses EO's to ram gun control measures through. Backed up by leaked Fallon email claiming the same.
First off, what is pure as the driven snow Foolsgold doing raising funds from rabid CA liberals?
Second, note how far the hostess thinks this gun control should go. People living on that part of the peninsula really are living in their own bubble.
The last thing WI needs is another 18 years of a do nothing like Feingold. The guy who is proud of being the deciding Obamacare vote.
"So will you be thrilled if a liar, grifter, criminal and traitor becomes president?"
Please tone down the rhetoric:
liar: every politician stretches the truth. Even your Saint Donald.
grifter: the russian uranium money does bother me. But, at worst, it's a foolish oversight in a campaign to end malaria and promote sustainable growth in Africa. Trump's Foundation, however, seems to do nothing but sustain Trump, a view that the New York Attorney General seems to agree with.
criminal: James Comey, a Republican who would have polished his career had he indicted her, had the chance to prosecute and didn't. The problem is that the Bushies defined perjury so tightly to keep the Vulcans out of jail that nobody can be indicted. Another mess for President Clinton.
traitor: I'm not going to dignify that with a response.
Please keep responding; I am very curious how you arrived at the conclusion that Donald J Trump would be a good President. But please try to make your responses cogent.
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