"Hello Secretary Clinton. Thank you for taking the time to talk with us. Can we get you a mint juleps?"
"My pleasure, my dear. Yes, a mint juleps would be fine. Make it a double. Or a triple. You know, I worked up such a thirst coming over here. Ft. Marcy Park is so hot this time of year."
"Uh... F - Fort Marcy Park, Madame Secretary? Here is your triple Mint Juleps, by the way. Do you need a pillow?"
"That would be nice, yes. You look like a fine young man. I do hope that you enjoy walking through parks? I would recommend staying out of Fort Marcy park at night, though, if you know what I mean."
"I certainly hear you, your worshipfulness! Thank you for coming; allow me to help you to the door!"
"Much obliged young man. I can tell you'll be a fine asset to the Clinton Foundation." Sound of door closing, and we hear a muffled "Barman! I need a triple shot of whisky, quickly!"
Amazing how our Federal Government seems to exist for the sole purpose of serving Hillary's interests. Wouldn't it be great if we were all treated that way?
“Clinton stated deliberation over a future drone strike did not give her cause for concern regarding classification,” the notes said.
It didn’t cross her mind that information on upcoming military operations might be classified? Yes, by all means let’s make this woman Commander in Chief!
Donald, pound her.
Late April, 2017,
"Mahmoud [Abbas, editor], how are you? Long time, long time, we haven't spoken since my election."
"Yes, yes, everything's going well. No, I'm not the one playing golf; that's the other guy. I'm usually just playing canasta with Huma. You remember Huma, doncha? I think you know her mother pretty well. We all met up at that Jihad-is-Fun seminar in Ramadi back in '13."
"Anyway, what I wanted to tell is that them f/**/kin' Israelis are gonna conduct some surveillance over Gaza, and they asked me for a couple of Seals to give them some training on the drone."
"Yeah, yeah, I know what I promised when I got your money. Believe me, I tried to stop all of it. But ya gotta understand, I can run interference only so far. Ya know, optics. Anyway, they're gonna do it next Friday, starting at 10pm. I insisted on a better time for you so it won't interfere with the Friday prayers for jihad. So you can thank me for that."
Another interesting revelation. This whole scandal broke at the beginning of March in 2015. First week of March she tweeted that they were turning over all of their emails to state. End of March they used bleached bit to wipe the server.
I always thought wiping the server happened before this whole thing broke. But it didn't happen until the end of March 2015.
Apparently, Hillary managed to "lose" several blackberries filled to the brim with classified information. And get new ones, fill them up, and lose them again.
No one knows where they are.
This woman is either treasonous or dumber than a labrador that's been dead for three days.
How Comey couldn't make a case out of this is beyond me.
Oh, he could. And he knew he could. He just didn't [dare]. And I'd say Bill's friendly little grandkids-discussing visit with the AG on the tarmac looms pretty large here.
And I'd say Bill's friendly little grandkids-discussing visit with the AG on the tarmac looms pretty large here
To be fair, I don't think Comey's decision had much to do with Bill and Lorreta's tarmac tête-à-tête. I mean... assuming he isn't mentally retarded... he most have already deduced that there was no chance in hell that the Justice Department would ever actually prosecute Hillary for anything regardless of what he said or did. He made the coward's choice because he is a coward without honor.
There weren't just a couple Blackberrys that disappeared, but rather. Apparently 11 of them. And they lost one of her servers purportedly in the mail, or something. Maybe even scarier that the classified material sent or received OCONUS, was that all of her email was transferred to Gmail when it was transitioned from an Apple server to MSFT Exchange. All of it, classified and unclassified, transferred to a private server owned and controlled by Google. A server that I can not ethically use for attorney confidential communications. Apparently because Google provided free tools to aid the transfer, but Apple and MSFT did not.
Apparently, the deletion of "personal" emails went just as we had been led to believe. A keyword search was done looking for names of members of Congress, high level govt officials, etc, as well as some other words like Benghazi. Everything else was then deleted (and then subject to BleachBit wiping). The potential work related emails were then printed out (making sure that no one could read the unprinted information in the email headers, including routing and full distribution lists), and her attorney then reviewed all the potentially work related emails, shredding all those that weren't work related, turning over the remaining hard copies. In short, they used a crude word search, then manually eliminated false positives, but didn't bother looking for or evaluating for false negatives - which we know by now were not insignificant in number. Which, of course, means that Crooked Hillary was again caught lying, this time in her assertion that she had turned over all of her work related emails.
One of the really funny items was that an email went out to her department under her name instructing her employees not to use private email facilities for their work related emails. Needless to say, she denied ever seeing or reading this email that supposedly came from her (but probably didn't).
And I haven't finished reading the first document.
Apropos of nothing in particular, I submit this link to a just-published column by Steve Hayes of the Weekly Standard. It is another one of his groundbreaking attacks on Hillary Clinton's mendacity. "Absolute, Categorical Lies."
I throw it out, because Steve Hayes is one of the more dedicated members of the NeverTrump movement. Hayes isn't soft on Mrs. Clinton. He's one of the very best anti-Clinton advocates we've ever had. He just really, really hates Trump, and the people who put Trump where he is.
I agree with everyone that this ought to be completely devastating news for the Clinton candidacy. Unfortunately, we have Donald Trump roaming around talking about how "Hillary bleached her server!"
. Unfortunately, we have Donald Trump roaming around talking about how "Hillary bleached her server!"
No worries, this is expected at this point. Huge Hillary scandals? MSM, Democrats and #Nevertrump scramble to distract with anything. Trump could comment on the sky being blue and theyd find a way to make an issue of it.
No, eric; with all of the attention on Trump, he might say something intelligent about it. Some careful, solid criticism of Mrs. Clinton. Something that would be taken seriously, and not laughed at.
But Trump's just not good at that. When Obama was busy ruining the national health care system, Trump was going around questioning Obama's birth certificate.
No, eric; with all of the attention on Trump, he might say something intelligent about it. Some careful, solid criticism of Mrs. Clinton. Something that would be taken seriously, and not laughed at.
But Trump's just not good at that. When Obama was busy ruining the national health care system, Trump was going around questioning Obama's birth certificate.
But you, a lifelong Republican, immediately believed Obama,without question? Although he had previously claimed to be born in Kenya? Why? Because Grandma and Grandpa put a birth announcement in the local paper?
I read as much as I could stomach of the document dump. Hillary is not senile. Nor is she as incompetent as she comes off in her FBI interview. She is Hillary! and if you do not think she is answering truthfully to the best of her ability during that FBI interview, she really does not care and she knows it does not matter. She is untouchable.
Full Moon are you a birther, like Trump? What an embarrassment. What idiotic foolishness. Where the hell do you think Barack Obama was born, with a birth announcement in the two Honolulu newspapers, where his mother was living at the time? Do we have to keep arguing the Birther nonsense because Trump got the nomination?
Buwaya; yes, Mrs. Clinton's staff seems to have used BleachBit to wipe her server. BleachBit ain't no "cloth," we can agree. Real mendacity on her part, I think we can agree.
It's just that Trump sounds so fucking stupid, yowling about bleaching her server. Donald J. Trump, who seems to have never used email himself (he seems to prefer calling in the telephone, as a Mister Baron, or a Mister Miller) is not a real credible technology critic.
If she thought the (C) was a way to put paragraphs in alphabetical order, why didn't she think it was strange that the only markings to put paragraphs in order were (C), (U), (S), (TS) or that there was no (A), (B), (D), etc. It's the DOD standard that every paragraph is marked with one of these. Four years as SOS and she never figured this out? That crosses the border to the land of incompetence. I learned it in the first day dealing with classified documents.
I really can't fathom how anyone with a college education could be that stupid.
See Martha's comment at 5:15. The question isn't how stupid she is. It's how stupid she assumes key officials, and a key plurality of voters, will pretend to be on her behalf.
Anyway, please don't conflate education and intelligence. They're two different axes.
@DB: "David Kendall at the heart of the matter." Agree. All paths lead to and from him. Maybe he'll dish on his deathbed.
@JPS: "It's how stupid she assumes key officials, and a key plurality of voters, will pretend to be on her behalf." Right. But no one is actually stupid. Of course, that makes it worse. The FBI and DoJ and her staff and Kendall and the MSM and pretty soon the voters willingly and knowingly aided and abetted the Clinton outrages.
I wonder how Martha Stewart feels reading all this about Hillary!'s FBI interview and the FBI's - perhaps especially James B. Comey's - conclusions drawn from the interview as compared with her own experience.
This report is utterly damning. It is abundantly clear to me that James Comey is one of two things- either cowardly to the core or, just maybe, he realized that if he recommended indictment, the Democrats would install Joe Biden in at the convention and then pardon Clinton after November. Perhaps this was the only way to get at her given the DOJ.
The most damning part of this report is what took place after the NYTimes reported on the e-mail account and Congress had subpoenaed the e-mails. Platte River Networks had all the e-mails stored on the server at that time, though Clinton and her staff thought they had ordered them deleted the prior December. Between two bookending conference calls including a staffer at PRN and "President Clinton's staff" on March 25th and on March 31st, that worker BleachBit-ed those files, and the second of those conference calls also included Kendall's law firm and Cheryl Mills. All the while, Clinton was publicly proclaiming she wanted all the e-mails shown because they would be shown to be innocuous.
This is a case of where there's fire, there's fire.
Full Moon are you a birther, like Trump? What an embarrassment. What idiotic foolishness. Where the hell do you think Barack Obama was born, with a birth announcement in the two Honolulu newspapers, where his mother was living at the time? Do we have to keep arguing the Birther nonsense because Trump got the nomination?
Birth announcement in paper? I could put an announcement in the Times that you were born yesterday. Doesn't make it true. Obama said in printed brochure, or something that he was born in Kenya. I don't care. But I do not dismiss those that do as being obviously stupid. Sure did take an awful long time to come up with the birth certificate.
Its exceedingly smart, under modern conditions, to only use a (hopefully secure) phone or personal conversations in such cases. Certainly not private email systems. Do you understand what a mess it is to secure that?
Hes not a technology critic, hes a procedure critic. Its sound criticism of fundamentally dishonest procedures.
This is not a matter of "sounding" stupid, the "stupid" is in the mind of his political opponents trying to divert to style away from substance.
As per the motto of the Order of the Garter, "Honi soit qui mal y pense".
Trying to follow your logic. Obama's mother put a birth announcement in the Hawaii paper on the day Obama was born in Kenya because she wanted to leave him the option of running for president some day? What a mother she was!
Trying to follow your logic. Obama's mother put a birth announcement in the Hawaii paper on the day Obama was born in Kenya because she wanted to leave him the option of running for president some day? What a mother she was!
9/2/16, 10:12 PM Your comment is offensive in it's stupidity.
On page 8 it says that, due to an error on the part of the contractor, Hillary's emails were stored on the 'cloud.' The 'cloud' consists or real data stored in real places. I wonder if her 'cloud' emails ended up being physically located on a server in another country? Some place where US laws do not apply? Yep, the most prepared candidate for president in history, sez Obama.
I had no idea how stupid you really were. So I'll do this in short, direct sentences without any big words.
Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4, 1961. His birth was noted in an announcement in the Honolulu Advertiser on August 13, 1961, and in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin on August 14, 1961. About the contemporaneous newspaper announcements, there is no doubt. (These words are not too big for you yet, are they?)
Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, was a U.S. citizen born in Kansas. About that, there is no doubt.
On two separate counts, as it were, Barack Obama is a natural-born U.S. citizen; birth within the United States, and birth to a mother who was a citizen.
Now, sometime in 1991, the New York-based book agents for the then newly-minted Harvard lawyer Barack Obama, a firm named Acton & Dystel, produced a promotional pamphlet for use within the publishing industry. The youngish Barack Obama had not yet published a book. The pamphlet was intended to serve as a promotion of Obama to publishers and agents. Obama had been the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. So he was being sold as such. My guess is that somebody -- maybe an agent, maybe Obama himself -- wanted to present him as sort of exotic and sophisticated.
And so now, I will let Snopes pick up the story, because I want all the quotes to be correct and I am too tired to type them all out from a .pdf of that pamphlet in question...
I would have been unperturbed, if this whole story had come in careful and measured tones from Donald Trump. But it didn't. Ben Shapiro (now a card-carrying NeverTrump-er) at Breitbart helped break that story. Ben Shapiro never wrote, and doesn't believe, that any of it proved that Obama was not a citizen. On the other hand, Donald Trump spent months bloviating about how there was something wrong with the Obama birth certificate and that Trump was sending private investigators to Hawaii and that they would come back with "amazing things." They never did.
So there are some modestly interesting parts of this story, and some banal parts. (Can I use a word like "banal" and still count on you to keep up?) Obama might have had something to do with the phony literary pamphlet, but the author of the pamphlet says he didn't. As far as she recalls. Obama doesn't look great in any of this; he also doesn't look like a Kenyan national, legally.
The one and only guy who comes out of it looking like a complete asshole is Donald Trump.
How Comey couldn't make a case out of this is beyond me.
He'd have to prosecute her in D.C., where Democrats outnumber Republicans 9 to 1. That's your jury pool. All it would take is one of those jurors to realize that voting guilty would all but guarantee a Trump victory, and vote not guilty in spite of all of the evidence.
There's no way he'd secure a conviction of Hillary in D.C., even if there were 100 eye witnesses and a signed confession.
Chuck will tell you all day long he is voting for Trump, but he will never bash Hillary. That is because he is only positioning himself as anti-Hillary to somehow gain credibility.
I wonder how Martha Stewart feels reading all this about Hillary!'s FBI interview and the FBI's - perhaps especially James B. Comey's - conclusions drawn from the interview as compared with her own experience.
I'm wondering how the FBI can legally continue prosecuting people for the same crime Hillary did and are using the identical defense Hillary used.
We are a banana republic. Progressives don't realize what all you lose when that happens.
He'd have to prosecute her in D.C., where Democrats outnumber Republicans 9 to 1. That's your jury pool.
I wonder why that'd be the case. Her crime was against the nation. No requirement for DC to be the location.
I wonder how Martha Stewart feels reading all this about Hillary!'s FBI interview and the FBI's - perhaps especially James B. Comey's - conclusions drawn from the interview as compared with her own experience.
Yeah, both Martha Stewart and Scotter Libby must be beside themselves.
I'm no Birther. Obama is/was eligible for the Presidency.
But I'm from Obama's vintage, and I don't get how there were two newspaper announcements of his birth. That was not how humble people like my family handled births.
Obama's whole biography really does read, as Bill Clinton noted, like a fairy tale. Born bi-racial in Hawaii, lived there a while (not a bad place to be!) and smoked a lot of pot, mother and father both abandoned him, yet he traveled the world, eventually went to Occidental College (extremely expensive) and then transferred (ditto) to Columbia (ditto), then Harvard Law (ditto), made friends with an American terrorist and an America-hating preacher, never held a real job, became a state Senator, then a US Senator, and then, almost immediately, POTUS.
Really, really weird story. Where did all the money come from? How were all the stories buried?
Interesting take on this by Ashe Schow: Ten takeaways from the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server. She starts off with: "Hillary Clinton is really incompetent (Part 1)" pointing out that Crooked Hillary didn't understand how the classified system worked. What she didn't put together in that article was that she had an obligation to understand it, to know what sort of things should be classified (those drones strikes she discussed in her emails) and what shouldn't. Not just because she (CH) was a govt employee working in an agency tha had a lot of classified documents information, but because she ran the agency and was in charge of all that classified information. At the time, she was one of four original classifiers in the federal govt (presumably President, Sec of State, Sec of Defense, and Nat Security Dir). All classified documents in the federal govt fell under the authority of one of these four. All of it. If a secretary put (c) on a document, it likely would have no effect. When one of the four original classifiers in the federal govt does so, it instantly becomes classified. Imagine that - one of the four original classifiers of national security information in the federal govt had no clue as to how the classification system worked. The person in charge of all of our embassies and consulates around the world had no conception about the classification and security of all of the diplomatic documents they produced. Those Marine guards at the embassies? Their primary job is not to protect the embassy, but rather, to make sure that the classified documents at the embassy get destroyed, if the embassy gets overrun. Diplomatic pouches? To transfer things like one time code books. This was the sort of thing that she was in charge of, and, apparently had no clue as to her responsibilities or how to carry them out. So what if she used her Blackberry when OCONUS, like in Russia or China. She was a Clinton, and her convenience was more important than the security of the classified information she was dealing with.
Of course, she didn't know how the classified system worked (despite being one of four original classifiers in charge of it) because she apparently never took the mandatory security classes and briefings that she was required to take every year. She couldn't recall for the FBI whether she had or not, but the State Dept has said elsewhere that they have no record whatsoever of her taking a single security class or briefing, despite them being mandatory, and her being the one in charge of the classified information that the security briefings and classes are supposed to help protect. Needless to say, her closest aides weren't much better at taking those required security briefings and classes, because they too felt too special to have to follow the rules that everyone else did. Which may be why they too aren't going to prison for facilitating her gross breaches of security.
Of course, she didn't know how the classified system worked (despite being one of four original classifiers in charge of it) because she apparently never took the mandatory security classes and briefings that she was required to take every year. She couldn't recall for the FBI whether she had or not, but the State Dept has said elsewhere that they have no record whatsoever of her taking a single security class or briefing, despite them being mandatory, and her being the one in charge of the classified information that the security briefings and classes are supposed to help protect. Needless to say, her closest aides weren't much better at taking those required security briefings and classes, because they too felt too special to have to follow the rules that everyone else did. Which may be why they too aren't going to prison for facilitating her gross breaches of security.
She also had to have those briefings while serving on the Senate Armed Forces Committee. So her concussion erased her memory of that, too. It doesn't seem unreasonable to demand more detailed health info since she is using head trauma as a defense here.
An unknown individual using the encrypted privacy tool Tor to hide their tracks accessed an email account on a Clinton family server, the FBI revealed Friday.
The incident appears to be the first confirmed intrusion into a piece of hardware associated with Hillary Clinton’s private email system, which originated with a server established for her husband, former President Bill Clinton.
The FBI disclosed the event in its newly released report on the former secretary of state’s handling of classified information.
According to the bureau’s review of server logs, someone accessed an email account on Jan. 5, 2013, using three IP addresses known to serve as Tor “exit nodes” — jumping-off points from the anonymity network to the public internet.
. . .
The new report also revealed that one of Clinton’s IT aides enabled Remote Desktop Protocol on the server, despite known vulnerabilities in the protocol. FBI investigators also could not determine if the widely recommended security protocol TLS was ever enabled.
MtM said. . . . ." He'd have to prosecute her in D.C., where Democrats outnumber Republicans 9 to 1. That's your jury pool. All it would take is one of those jurors to realize that voting guilty would all but guarantee a Trump victory, and vote not guilty in spite of all of the evidence."
The thing that I can't understand it why Comey/Lynch didn't walk the whole mess through a DC based federal Grand Jury. They would have gotten a a clean "no bill", and been able to walk away without a scratch. "Hey, we tried - we put it to a GJ and got nothin"
The thing that I can't understand it why Comey/Lynch didn't walk the whole mess through a DC based federal Grand Jury. They would have gotten a a clean "no bill", and been able to walk away without a scratch. "Hey, we tried - we put it to a GJ and got nothin""
First Comey can't bring it to a Grand Jury. Second, Lynch got "the talk" from Bill. Both don't give a rats ass about perception.
Congressional subpoenas got you down? Freedom of Information Act requests nagging at your heels? Do your emails incriminate you in pay-for-play schemes with foreign dictators and enemies of the state? Do they show you selling access and influence to the highest bidders? Have you "accidentally" and unintentionally traded secret and top secret documents using your personal email server? Maybe your husband emailed some embarrassing photos from his trip on the Lolita Express, or Pedo Island?
Fear not, my friends. Get yourself a copy of BleachBit and bleach your problems away, just like I did! If it's good enough to keep me, Hillary Rotten Clinton out of the slammer, it's good enough for you.
CG said . . . . ."First Comey can't bring it to a Grand Jury. Second, Lynch got "the talk" from Bill. Both don't give a rats ass about perception."
1 Comey can't - Thats why a noted "Comey/Lynch". She deploys prosecutors and prosecutors can/do.
2 Both don't give a rat's ass - True kinda. She doesn't need to. He. . . .well I thought they might throw him a bone for playing along and being the face and giving the statement. But you're right at the end of the day He was in third position at best and had no real cards to play
After thinking this over, I have concluded that the FBI has does the best thing with this ridiculous woman and this impossible situation. Through Comey's press conference and the release of this investigation summary the American public is going into the 2016 election with full knowledge--as best it can be reconstructed--of Clinton's folly and irresponsibilty while holding a high state office in the American government. A prosecution was never going to be forthcoming from the Obama/ Lynch heavily politicized Justice Department. Now theTrump campaign can prosecute her to the jury that counts--the American voting public. Trump may not win the election, but Clinton's irresponsibilty and deviousness are laid bare. On to November.
I had no idea how stupid you really were. So I'll do this in short, direct sentences without any big words. ...etc...etc...etc....etc....etc..
I have many times acknowledged my ignorance and paucity of education. So, I appreciate you taking your valuable time in attempting to inform me. Your appeal to Snopes as authority,serves to lessen my respect for you. Not quite in there with your threat to physically attack Greta van Sustern, of course, a few months ago when you were in a tizzy over some little thing. While you have somehow mis-construed my simple question in order to somehow lump me in with "birthers" and question my intelligence, you have, in your rather long missive, failed to respond to my simple inquiry...
"But you, a lifelong Republican, immediately believed Obama,without question? Although he had previously claimed to be born in Kenya? Why? Because Grandma and Grandpa put a birth announcement in the local paper? "
"We are a banana republic. Progressives don't realize what all you lose when that happens."
Oh, I think it isn't that they realize what is lost, but rather what they gain that matters to them. They know they control the bureaucracy, even if they don't control the elective offices completely, yet. With that level of control, a banana republic is the goal- with that you can use the government to persecute your political opposites right into prisons.
I noticed that, too. It is an indication of just how damaging the release was. I am guessing the word went out to not try to defend Clinton's actions, but to lay low over the weekend, and then start the middle of next week with the "old news" routine combined with "Comey, a Republican, refused to prosecute".
Oh, I think it isn't that they realize what is lost, but rather what they gain that matters to them. They know they control the bureaucracy, even if they don't control the elective offices completely, yet. With that level of control, a banana republic is the goal- with that you can use the government to persecute your political opposites right into prisons.
The oppressed are FAR better armed than the oppressors. And they cannot rely on the military to attack their fellow Americans.
Not saying violence is the answer...but it is hard to ignore that it very much IS an answer.
Meanwhile, Everett D. Mitchell, the Director of Community Relations at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is also an attorney, pastor, and community leader.
At a recent panel discussing "Best Policing Practices," Mitchell said that police should stop prosecuting individuals who shoplift from Wal-Mart and Target.
His reasoning? He simply does not believe that police have any justification to engage in policing practices with thieves who steal from Wal-Mart or Target because they are big box stores with insurance.
Archibald Cox, Elliot Richardson and William Ruckleshous all unavailable for comment. Also, the tag for this post should be retitled "Hillary's not in trouble"
tim in vermont said... Chuck will tell you all day long he is voting for Trump, but he will never bash Hillary. That is because he is only positioning himself as anti-Hillary to somehow gain credibility.
Whynare you engaging him? Unless you're playing him. He's about as deepas a wding pool. Yeah.We get it, Chuck. You don't like Trump.
Meanwhile, Everett D. Mitchell, the Director of Community Relations at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is also an attorney, pastor, and community leader.
At a recent panel discussing "Best Policing Practices," Mitchell said that police should stop prosecuting individuals who shoplift from Wal-Mart and Target.
His reasoning? He simply does not believe that police have any justification to engage in policing practices with thieves who steal from Wal-Mart or Target because they are big box stores with insurance.
Does UW not prosecute thieves? If I steal books from the university bookstore, they won't punish me?
Director Comey can't prosecute because the George W Bush administration, in their desire to protect the Vulcan foreign policy team that marched us to war, lifted the bar of prosecution at Justice so high that it's impossible to exceed. Another Republican mess that President Clinton and the Democrats are going to have to clean up.
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९३ टिप्पण्या:
Is it document dump Friday?
Is that what the R stands for in Hillary R Clinton?
"Hello Secretary Clinton. Thank you for taking the time to talk with us. Can we get you a mint juleps?"
"My pleasure, my dear. Yes, a mint juleps would be fine. Make it a double. Or a triple. You know, I worked up such a thirst coming over here. Ft. Marcy Park is so hot this time of year."
"Uh... F - Fort Marcy Park, Madame Secretary? Here is your triple Mint Juleps, by the way. Do you need a pillow?"
"That would be nice, yes. You look like a fine young man. I do hope that you enjoy walking through parks? I would recommend staying out of Fort Marcy park at night, though, if you know what I mean."
"I certainly hear you, your worshipfulness! Thank you for coming; allow me to help you to the door!"
"Much obliged young man. I can tell you'll be a fine asset to the Clinton Foundation." Sound of door closing, and we hear a muffled "Barman! I need a triple shot of whisky, quickly!"
End Transcript.
There are currently no items in this folder.
Not sure if that'll change, but so far nothing is actually up as far as I can tell.
There's a lot Hillary could not recall. In her defense, however, the woman is suffering from brain damage.
Amazing how our Federal Government seems to exist for the sole purpose of serving Hillary's interests. Wouldn't it be great if we were all treated that way?
One revelation,
" Clinton told the FBI she thought the (C) classified marking on emails was a way to put paragraphs in alphabetical order."
Seriously? This is so dumb it hurts. Who the hell puts paragraphs in alphabetical order?
This is either a lie, which is most likely, or, the most qualified person to ever run for president is an idiot.
One of Hillary's hench creatures apparently used Bleach Bit to wipe any vestiges of the .PST files from the archive.
here's the story
She set it all up for graft. Hillary used her position at State to stuff Family Foundation coffers. Then she burned bagged it and bleachbited it.
How naive to buy her "I do not recall" bull.
The FBI had her and they let her go.
From the article:
“She relied on State officials to use their judgment when emailing her ......,”
How Presidential. No need to tell people what to do, just let them use their own judgement. That way, nothing is her fault.
On the second PDF, Hillary's birthdate is redacted. That should jumpstart the right-wing conspiracy theorists. Yikes.
And a bad lie.
Williams & Connolly and David Kendall at the heart of the matter.
And did you see how they searched?
At one point Hillary decided she didn't need any emails older than 60 days. Right.
She's gonna need a bigger bus.
A three month gap of no emails. Just like Nixon.
It was at the start when she was setting up her bribery scheme.
“Clinton stated deliberation over a future drone strike did not give her cause for concern regarding classification,” the notes said.
It didn’t cross her mind that information on upcoming military operations might be classified? Yes, by all means let’s make this woman Commander in Chief!
Donald, pound her.
Late April, 2017,
"Mahmoud [Abbas, editor], how are you? Long time, long time, we haven't spoken since my election."
"Yes, yes, everything's going well. No, I'm not the one playing golf; that's the other guy. I'm usually just playing canasta with Huma. You remember Huma, doncha? I think you know her mother pretty well. We all met up at that Jihad-is-Fun seminar in Ramadi back in '13."
"Anyway, what I wanted to tell is that them f/**/kin' Israelis are gonna conduct some surveillance over Gaza, and they asked me for a couple of Seals to give them some training on the drone."
"Yeah, yeah, I know what I promised when I got your money. Believe me, I tried to stop all of it. But ya gotta understand, I can run interference only so far. Ya know, optics. Anyway, they're gonna do it next Friday, starting at 10pm. I insisted on a better time for you so it won't interfere with the Friday prayers for jihad. So you can thank me for that."
Another interesting revelation. This whole scandal broke at the beginning of March in 2015. First week of March she tweeted that they were turning over all of their emails to state. End of March they used bleached bit to wipe the server.
I always thought wiping the server happened before this whole thing broke. But it didn't happen until the end of March 2015.
There are currently no items in this folder.
It depends on the meaning of the word releases.
Apparently, Hillary managed to "lose" several blackberries filled to the brim with classified information. And get new ones, fill them up, and lose them again.
No one knows where they are.
This woman is either treasonous or dumber than a labrador that's been dead for three days.
"First week of March she tweeted that they were turning over all of their emails to state. End of March they used bleached bit to wipe the server."
How anyone can believe her innocent is beyond me.
How anyone can believe her innocent is beyond me.
How Comey couldn't make a case out of this is beyond me.
This will be a Field Day for Trump.
Will Matt, the Foundation contributor, bring this up at the CINC forum next week?
More: Hillary said she thought the (C) bit was meant to sort the paragraphs in alphabetical order.
Yes, really.
Next, she said that she cannot remember her "How to treat classified info" briefing because of her head trauma and concussion!
She admitted she's mentally damaged! Ye gosh!
My damage is not brained""
Blogger Unknown said..."More: Hillary said she thought the (C) bit was meant to sort the paragraphs in alphabetical order.
Yes, really"
Wow. I thought eric was making a joke.
Something I just read in the documents,
The FBI discovered, "hundreds of emails classified CONFIDENTIAL, during the State FOIA process were sent or received by Clinton while she was OCONUS"
OCONUS means she was outside the continental united States on official business.
A list of things Hillary "could not recall.
Some of them are doozys.
"Did not remember giving staff direction to create private email account."
How Comey couldn't make a case out of this is beyond me.
Oh, he could. And he knew he could. He just didn't [dare]. And I'd say Bill's friendly little grandkids-discussing visit with the AG on the tarmac looms pretty large here.
And I'd say Bill's friendly little grandkids-discussing visit with the AG on the tarmac looms pretty large here
To be fair, I don't think Comey's decision had much to do with Bill and Lorreta's tarmac tête-à-tête. I mean... assuming he isn't mentally retarded... he most have already deduced that there was no chance in hell that the Justice Department would ever actually prosecute Hillary for anything regardless of what he said or did. He made the coward's choice because he is a coward without honor.
Next, she said that she cannot remember her "How to treat classified info" briefing because of her head trauma and concussion!
She admitted she's mentally damaged! Ye gosh!
Mind you, she had the exact same briefing when she was in the Senate. The concussion knocked out shit she learned YEARS ago.
This SHOULD be an issue.
There weren't just a couple Blackberrys that disappeared, but rather. Apparently 11 of them. And they lost one of her servers purportedly in the mail, or something. Maybe even scarier that the classified material sent or received OCONUS, was that all of her email was transferred to Gmail when it was transitioned from an Apple server to MSFT Exchange. All of it, classified and unclassified, transferred to a private server owned and controlled by Google. A server that I can not ethically use for attorney confidential communications. Apparently because Google provided free tools to aid the transfer, but Apple and MSFT did not.
Apparently, the deletion of "personal" emails went just as we had been led to believe. A keyword search was done looking for names of members of Congress, high level govt officials, etc, as well as some other words like Benghazi. Everything else was then deleted (and then subject to BleachBit wiping). The potential work related emails were then printed out (making sure that no one could read the unprinted information in the email headers, including routing and full distribution lists), and her attorney then reviewed all the potentially work related emails, shredding all those that weren't work related, turning over the remaining hard copies. In short, they used a crude word search, then manually eliminated false positives, but didn't bother looking for or evaluating for false negatives - which we know by now were not insignificant in number. Which, of course, means that Crooked Hillary was again caught lying, this time in her assertion that she had turned over all of her work related emails.
One of the really funny items was that an email went out to her department under her name instructing her employees not to use private email facilities for their work related emails. Needless to say, she denied ever seeing or reading this email that supposedly came from her (but probably didn't).
And I haven't finished reading the first document.
Again: Hillary Clinton foundation, Corrine Brown foundation.
Compare and contrast.
Black woman:20+ felony counts. HRC: Nothing.
Trump could have a LOT of fun with this when talking to black audiences.
David Kendall set this up so the bribery emails would be considered personal and hence destroyed.
Apropos of nothing in particular, I submit this link to a just-published column by Steve Hayes of the Weekly Standard. It is another one of his groundbreaking attacks on Hillary Clinton's mendacity. "Absolute, Categorical Lies."
I throw it out, because Steve Hayes is one of the more dedicated members of the NeverTrump movement. Hayes isn't soft on Mrs. Clinton. He's one of the very best anti-Clinton advocates we've ever had. He just really, really hates Trump, and the people who put Trump where he is.
I agree with everyone that this ought to be completely devastating news for the Clinton candidacy. Unfortunately, we have Donald Trump roaming around talking about how "Hillary bleached her server!"
. Unfortunately, we have Donald Trump roaming around talking about how "Hillary bleached her server!"
No worries, this is expected at this point. Huge Hillary scandals? MSM, Democrats and #Nevertrump scramble to distract with anything. Trump could comment on the sky being blue and theyd find a way to make an issue of it.
No, eric; with all of the attention on Trump, he might say something intelligent about it. Some careful, solid criticism of Mrs. Clinton. Something that would be taken seriously, and not laughed at.
But Trump's just not good at that. When Obama was busy ruining the national health care system, Trump was going around questioning Obama's birth certificate.
Trump could comment on the sky being blue and theyd find a way to make an issue of it.
If they can make something of Romney's nothing on the size of the trees...
When asked if she understood that (C) stood for a classified, Mrs. Clinton responded, "I thought C is for cookie; that's good enough for me".
Chuck said... [hush][hide comment]
No, eric; with all of the attention on Trump, he might say something intelligent about it. Some careful, solid criticism of Mrs. Clinton. Something that would be taken seriously, and not laughed at.
But Trump's just not good at that. When Obama was busy ruining the national health care system, Trump was going around questioning Obama's birth certificate.
But you, a lifelong Republican, immediately believed Obama,without question? Although he had previously claimed to be born in Kenya? Why? Because Grandma and Grandpa put a birth announcement in the local paper?
"Document dump"?
So apropos.. given her server location.
It's high time-ing. She wants it...including the FBI.
Fabi said...She's gonna need a bigger bus.
..or a bigger rug.
I read as much as I could stomach of the document dump.
Hillary is not senile. Nor is she as incompetent as she comes off in her FBI interview.
She is Hillary! and if you do not think she is answering truthfully to the best of her ability during that FBI interview, she really does not care and she knows it does not matter.
She is untouchable.
She did "bleach" her server, with bleachbit. That's the app they used.
It's all spin.
This is an organized campaign, Chuck included.
Hillary couldn't remember the Rose Law Firm records either. Her mind turned to yello, as the Limbaugh parody song went.
Add CRS Syndrome to her long list of (alleged) ailments
That's it. Antipathy! The opposition to paths.
Perhaps the opposite of sympathy maybe? empathy even? But against paths.
According to the Urban Dictionary, Path is an abbreviation when referring to someone as a pathological liar.
"Omg, did you hear what [Trump] just said? That was so path!"
Full Moon are you a birther, like Trump? What an embarrassment. What idiotic foolishness. Where the hell do you think Barack Obama was born, with a birth announcement in the two Honolulu newspapers, where his mother was living at the time? Do we have to keep arguing the Birther nonsense because Trump got the nomination?
Buwaya; yes, Mrs. Clinton's staff seems to have used BleachBit to wipe her server. BleachBit ain't no "cloth," we can agree. Real mendacity on her part, I think we can agree.
It's just that Trump sounds so fucking stupid, yowling about bleaching her server. Donald J. Trump, who seems to have never used email himself (he seems to prefer calling in the telephone, as a Mister Baron, or a Mister Miller) is not a real credible technology critic.
If she thought the (C) was a way to put paragraphs in alphabetical order, why didn't she think it was strange that the only markings to put paragraphs in order were (C), (U), (S), (TS) or that there was no (A), (B), (D), etc. It's the DOD standard that every paragraph is marked with one of these. Four years as SOS and she never figured this out? That crosses the border to the land of incompetence. I learned it in the first day dealing with classified documents.
I really can't fathom how anyone with a college education could be that stupid.
See Martha's comment at 5:15. The question isn't how stupid she is. It's how stupid she assumes key officials, and a key plurality of voters, will pretend to be on her behalf.
Anyway, please don't conflate education and intelligence. They're two different axes.
@DB: "David Kendall at the heart of the matter." Agree. All paths lead to and from him. Maybe he'll dish on his deathbed.
@JPS: "It's how stupid she assumes key officials, and a key plurality of voters, will pretend to be on her behalf." Right. But no one is actually stupid. Of course, that makes it worse. The FBI and DoJ and her staff and Kendall and the MSM and pretty soon the voters willingly and knowingly aided and abetted the Clinton outrages.
I wonder how Martha Stewart feels reading all this about Hillary!'s FBI interview and the FBI's - perhaps especially James B. Comey's - conclusions drawn from the interview as compared with her own experience.
This is the Operation Barbarossa of Long Weekend Friday Afternoon Document Dumps.
This report is utterly damning. It is abundantly clear to me that James Comey is one of two things- either cowardly to the core or, just maybe, he realized that if he recommended indictment, the Democrats would install Joe Biden in at the convention and then pardon Clinton after November. Perhaps this was the only way to get at her given the DOJ.
A few days after Bill and Loretta meet in a plane on a tarmac, FBI lets it all go.
The most damning part of this report is what took place after the NYTimes reported on the e-mail account and Congress had subpoenaed the e-mails. Platte River Networks had all the e-mails stored on the server at that time, though Clinton and her staff thought they had ordered them deleted the prior December. Between two bookending conference calls including a staffer at PRN and "President Clinton's staff" on March 25th and on March 31st, that worker BleachBit-ed those files, and the second of those conference calls also included Kendall's law firm and Cheryl Mills. All the while, Clinton was publicly proclaiming she wanted all the e-mails shown because they would be shown to be innocuous.
This is a case of where there's fire, there's fire.
Hillary to FBI, "I dunno' nuffin' ".
Obama tells us she is the most prepared person ever to run for President.
Chuck said... [hush][hide comment]
Full Moon are you a birther, like Trump? What an embarrassment. What idiotic foolishness. Where the hell do you think Barack Obama was born, with a birth announcement in the two Honolulu newspapers, where his mother was living at the time? Do we have to keep arguing the Birther nonsense because Trump got the nomination?
Birth announcement in paper? I could put an announcement in the Times that you were born yesterday. Doesn't make it true. Obama said in printed brochure, or something that he was born in Kenya. I don't care. But I do not dismiss those that do as being obviously stupid. Sure did take an awful long time to come up with the birth certificate.
Its exceedingly smart, under modern conditions, to only use a (hopefully secure) phone or personal conversations in such cases. Certainly not private email systems. Do you understand what a mess it is to secure that?
Hes not a technology critic, hes a procedure critic. Its sound criticism of fundamentally dishonest procedures.
This is not a matter of "sounding" stupid, the "stupid" is in the mind of his political opponents trying to divert to style away from substance.
As per the motto of the Order of the Garter, "Honi soit qui mal y pense".
Trying to follow your logic. Obama's mother put a birth announcement in the Hawaii paper on the day Obama was born in Kenya because she wanted to leave him the option of running for president some day? What a mother she was!
h: Bleach? Like with Clorox?
Blogger steve uhr said...
Trying to follow your logic. Obama's mother put a birth announcement in the Hawaii paper on the day Obama was born in Kenya because she wanted to leave him the option of running for president some day? What a mother she was!
9/2/16, 10:12 PM
Your comment is offensive in it's stupidity.
On page 8 it says that, due to an error on the part of the contractor, Hillary's emails were stored on the 'cloud.' The 'cloud' consists or real data stored in real places. I wonder if her 'cloud' emails ended up being physically located on a server in another country? Some place where US laws do not apply?
Yep, the most prepared candidate for president in history, sez Obama.
Full Moon -
I had no idea how stupid you really were. So I'll do this in short, direct sentences without any big words.
Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4, 1961. His birth was noted in an announcement in the Honolulu Advertiser on August 13, 1961, and in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin on August 14, 1961. About the contemporaneous newspaper announcements, there is no doubt. (These words are not too big for you yet, are they?)
Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, was a U.S. citizen born in Kansas. About that, there is no doubt.
On two separate counts, as it were, Barack Obama is a natural-born U.S. citizen; birth within the United States, and birth to a mother who was a citizen.
Now, sometime in 1991, the New York-based book agents for the then newly-minted Harvard lawyer Barack Obama, a firm named Acton & Dystel, produced a promotional pamphlet for use within the publishing industry. The youngish Barack Obama had not yet published a book. The pamphlet was intended to serve as a promotion of Obama to publishers and agents. Obama had been the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. So he was being sold as such. My guess is that somebody -- maybe an agent, maybe Obama himself -- wanted to present him as sort of exotic and sophisticated.
And so now, I will let Snopes pick up the story, because I want all the quotes to be correct and I am too tired to type them all out from a .pdf of that pamphlet in question...
I would have been unperturbed, if this whole story had come in careful and measured tones from Donald Trump. But it didn't. Ben Shapiro (now a card-carrying NeverTrump-er) at Breitbart helped break that story. Ben Shapiro never wrote, and doesn't believe, that any of it proved that Obama was not a citizen. On the other hand, Donald Trump spent months bloviating about how there was something wrong with the Obama birth certificate and that Trump was sending private investigators to Hawaii and that they would come back with "amazing things." They never did.
So there are some modestly interesting parts of this story, and some banal parts. (Can I use a word like "banal" and still count on you to keep up?) Obama might have had something to do with the phony literary pamphlet, but the author of the pamphlet says he didn't. As far as she recalls. Obama doesn't look great in any of this; he also doesn't look like a Kenyan national, legally.
The one and only guy who comes out of it looking like a complete asshole is Donald Trump.
How Comey couldn't make a case out of this is beyond me.
He'd have to prosecute her in D.C., where Democrats outnumber Republicans 9 to 1. That's your jury pool. All it would take is one of those jurors to realize that voting guilty would all but guarantee a Trump victory, and vote not guilty in spite of all of the evidence.
There's no way he'd secure a conviction of Hillary in D.C., even if there were 100 eye witnesses and a signed confession.
Funny thing about the birthed story is Hillary is the original birther and chuck can't even criticize Hillary for that.
The entire #nevertrump movement is full of just plain awful people.
Chuck will tell you all day long he is voting for Trump, but he will never bash Hillary. That is because he is only positioning himself as anti-Hillary to somehow gain credibility.
I wonder how Martha Stewart feels reading all this about Hillary!'s FBI interview and the FBI's - perhaps especially James B. Comey's - conclusions drawn from the interview as compared with her own experience.
I'm wondering how the FBI can legally continue prosecuting people for the same crime Hillary did and are using the identical defense Hillary used.
We are a banana republic. Progressives don't realize what all you lose when that happens.
He'd have to prosecute her in D.C., where Democrats outnumber Republicans 9 to 1. That's your jury pool.
I wonder why that'd be the case. Her crime was against the nation. No requirement for DC to be the location.
I wonder how Martha Stewart feels reading all this about Hillary!'s FBI interview and the FBI's - perhaps especially James B. Comey's - conclusions drawn from the interview as compared with her own experience.
Yeah, both Martha Stewart and Scotter Libby must be beside themselves.
Comey is nothing if not inconsistent.
I'm no Birther. Obama is/was eligible for the Presidency.
But I'm from Obama's vintage, and I don't get how there were two newspaper announcements of his birth. That was not how humble people like my family handled births.
Obama's whole biography really does read, as Bill Clinton noted, like a fairy tale. Born bi-racial in Hawaii, lived there a while (not a bad place to be!) and smoked a lot of pot, mother and father both abandoned him, yet he traveled the world, eventually went to Occidental College (extremely expensive) and then transferred (ditto) to Columbia (ditto), then Harvard Law (ditto), made friends with an American terrorist and an America-hating preacher, never held a real job, became a state Senator, then a US Senator, and then, almost immediately, POTUS.
Really, really weird story. Where did all the money come from? How were all the stories buried?
If only Richard Nixon had BleachBit (and a compliant press).
I'm looking forward to SNL running a fake ad with Hillary Clinton as spokesperson for BleachBit.
Interesting take on this by Ashe Schow: Ten takeaways from the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server. She starts off with: "Hillary Clinton is really incompetent (Part 1)" pointing out that Crooked Hillary didn't understand how the classified system worked. What she didn't put together in that article was that she had an obligation to understand it, to know what sort of things should be classified (those drones strikes she discussed in her emails) and what shouldn't. Not just because she (CH) was a govt employee working in an agency tha had a lot of classified documents information, but because she ran the agency and was in charge of all that classified information. At the time, she was one of four original classifiers in the federal govt (presumably President, Sec of State, Sec of Defense, and Nat Security Dir). All classified documents in the federal govt fell under the authority of one of these four. All of it. If a secretary put (c) on a document, it likely would have no effect. When one of the four original classifiers in the federal govt does so, it instantly becomes classified. Imagine that - one of the four original classifiers of national security information in the federal govt had no clue as to how the classification system worked. The person in charge of all of our embassies and consulates around the world had no conception about the classification and security of all of the diplomatic documents they produced. Those Marine guards at the embassies? Their primary job is not to protect the embassy, but rather, to make sure that the classified documents at the embassy get destroyed, if the embassy gets overrun. Diplomatic pouches? To transfer things like one time code books. This was the sort of thing that she was in charge of, and, apparently had no clue as to her responsibilities or how to carry them out. So what if she used her Blackberry when OCONUS, like in Russia or China. She was a Clinton, and her convenience was more important than the security of the classified information she was dealing with.
Of course, she didn't know how the classified system worked (despite being one of four original classifiers in charge of it) because she apparently never took the mandatory security classes and briefings that she was required to take every year. She couldn't recall for the FBI whether she had or not, but the State Dept has said elsewhere that they have no record whatsoever of her taking a single security class or briefing, despite them being mandatory, and her being the one in charge of the classified information that the security briefings and classes are supposed to help protect. Needless to say, her closest aides weren't much better at taking those required security briefings and classes, because they too felt too special to have to follow the rules that everyone else did. Which may be why they too aren't going to prison for facilitating her gross breaches of security.
Of course, she didn't know how the classified system worked (despite being one of four original classifiers in charge of it) because she apparently never took the mandatory security classes and briefings that she was required to take every year. She couldn't recall for the FBI whether she had or not, but the State Dept has said elsewhere that they have no record whatsoever of her taking a single security class or briefing, despite them being mandatory, and her being the one in charge of the classified information that the security briefings and classes are supposed to help protect. Needless to say, her closest aides weren't much better at taking those required security briefings and classes, because they too felt too special to have to follow the rules that everyone else did. Which may be why they too aren't going to prison for facilitating her gross breaches of security.
She also had to have those briefings while serving on the Senate Armed Forces Committee. So her concussion erased her memory of that, too. It doesn't seem unreasonable to demand more detailed health info since she is using head trauma as a defense here.
An unknown individual using the encrypted privacy tool Tor to hide their tracks accessed an email account on a Clinton family server, the FBI revealed Friday.
The incident appears to be the first confirmed intrusion into a piece of hardware associated with Hillary Clinton’s private email system, which originated with a server established for her husband, former President Bill Clinton.
The FBI disclosed the event in its newly released report on the former secretary of state’s handling of classified information.
According to the bureau’s review of server logs, someone accessed an email account on Jan. 5, 2013, using three IP addresses known to serve as Tor “exit nodes” — jumping-off points from the anonymity network to the public internet.
. . .
The new report also revealed that one of Clinton’s IT aides enabled Remote Desktop Protocol on the server, despite known vulnerabilities in the protocol. FBI investigators also could not determine if the widely recommended security protocol TLS was ever enabled.
MtM said. . . . ." He'd have to prosecute her in D.C., where Democrats outnumber Republicans 9 to 1. That's your jury pool. All it would take is one of those jurors to realize that voting guilty would all but guarantee a Trump victory, and vote not guilty in spite of all of the evidence."
The thing that I can't understand it why Comey/Lynch didn't walk the whole mess through a DC based federal Grand Jury. They would have gotten a a clean "no bill", and been able to walk away without a scratch. "Hey, we tried - we put it to a GJ and got nothin"
"Jay Vogt said...
The thing that I can't understand it why Comey/Lynch didn't walk the whole mess through a DC based federal Grand Jury. They would have gotten a a clean "no bill", and been able to walk away without a scratch. "Hey, we tried - we put it to a GJ and got nothin""
First Comey can't bring it to a Grand Jury. Second, Lynch got "the talk" from Bill. Both don't give a rats ass about perception.
Congressional subpoenas got you down? Freedom of Information Act requests nagging at your heels? Do your emails incriminate you in pay-for-play schemes with foreign dictators and enemies of the state? Do they show you selling access and influence to the highest bidders? Have you "accidentally" and unintentionally traded secret and top secret documents using your personal email server? Maybe your husband emailed some embarrassing photos from his trip on the Lolita Express, or Pedo Island?
Fear not, my friends. Get yourself a copy of BleachBit and bleach your problems away, just like I did! If it's good enough to keep me, Hillary Rotten Clinton out of the slammer, it's good enough for you.
If you BleachBit, they must acquit!
CG said . . . . ."First Comey can't bring it to a Grand Jury. Second, Lynch got "the talk" from Bill. Both don't give a rats ass about perception."
1 Comey can't - Thats why a noted "Comey/Lynch". She deploys prosecutors and prosecutors can/do.
2 Both don't give a rat's ass - True kinda. She doesn't need to. He. . . .well I thought they might throw him a bone for playing along and being the face and giving the statement. But you're right at the end of the day He was in third position at best and had no real cards to play
After thinking this over, I have concluded that the FBI has does the best thing with this ridiculous woman and this impossible situation. Through Comey's press conference and the release of this investigation summary the American public is going into the 2016 election with full knowledge--as best it can be reconstructed--of Clinton's folly and irresponsibilty while holding a high state office in the American government. A prosecution was never going to be forthcoming from the Obama/ Lynch heavily politicized Justice Department. Now theTrump campaign can prosecute her to the jury that counts--the American voting public. Trump may not win the election, but Clinton's irresponsibilty and deviousness are laid bare.
On to November.
Chuck said... [hush][hide comment]
Full Moon -
I had no idea how stupid you really were. So I'll do this in short, direct sentences without any big words. ...etc...etc...etc....etc....etc..
I have many times acknowledged my ignorance and paucity of education. So, I appreciate you taking your valuable time in attempting to inform me. Your appeal to Snopes as authority,serves to lessen my respect for you. Not quite in there with your threat to physically attack Greta van Sustern, of course, a few months ago when you were in a tizzy over some little thing. While you have somehow mis-construed my simple question in order to somehow lump me in with "birthers" and question my intelligence, you have, in your rather long missive, failed to respond to my simple inquiry...
"But you, a lifelong Republican, immediately believed Obama,without question? Although he had previously claimed to be born in Kenya? Why? Because Grandma and Grandpa put a birth announcement in the local paper? "
No Unknown's to defend Hillary in this thread? Where's PB&J?
Damikesc wrote:
"We are a banana republic. Progressives don't realize what all you lose when that happens."
Oh, I think it isn't that they realize what is lost, but rather what they gain that matters to them. They know they control the bureaucracy, even if they don't control the elective offices completely, yet. With that level of control, a banana republic is the goal- with that you can use the government to persecute your political opposites right into prisons.
Original Mike,
I noticed that, too. It is an indication of just how damaging the release was. I am guessing the word went out to not try to defend Clinton's actions, but to lay low over the weekend, and then start the middle of next week with the "old news" routine combined with "Comey, a Republican, refused to prosecute".
Oh, I think it isn't that they realize what is lost, but rather what they gain that matters to them. They know they control the bureaucracy, even if they don't control the elective offices completely, yet. With that level of control, a banana republic is the goal- with that you can use the government to persecute your political opposites right into prisons.
The oppressed are FAR better armed than the oppressors. And they cannot rely on the military to attack their fellow Americans.
Not saying violence is the answer...but it is hard to ignore that it very much IS an answer.
Meanwhile, Everett D. Mitchell, the Director of Community Relations at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is also an attorney, pastor, and community leader.
At a recent panel discussing "Best Policing Practices," Mitchell said that police should stop prosecuting individuals who shoplift from Wal-Mart and Target.
His reasoning? He simply does not believe that police have any justification to engage in policing practices with thieves who steal from Wal-Mart or Target because they are big box stores with insurance.
Still want to send your kids to UW where they will absorb the ethics of the faculty and staff?
Archibald Cox, Elliot Richardson and William Ruckleshous all unavailable for comment.
Also, the tag for this post should be retitled "Hillary's not in trouble"
"As per the motto of the Order of the Garter, "Honi soit qui mal y pense"."
OK.We know you're smart, but now you're just being an asshole.
tim in vermont said...
Chuck will tell you all day long he is voting for Trump, but he will never bash Hillary. That is because he is only positioning himself as anti-Hillary to somehow gain credibility.
Whynare you engaging him? Unless you're playing him. He's about as deepas a wding pool.
Yeah.We get it, Chuck. You don't like Trump.
Meanwhile, Everett D. Mitchell, the Director of Community Relations at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is also an attorney, pastor, and community leader.
At a recent panel discussing "Best Policing Practices," Mitchell said that police should stop prosecuting individuals who shoplift from Wal-Mart and Target.
His reasoning? He simply does not believe that police have any justification to engage in policing practices with thieves who steal from Wal-Mart or Target because they are big box stores with insurance.
Does UW not prosecute thieves? If I steal books from the university bookstore, they won't punish me?
I mean, the university ALSO has insurance...
DanTheMan said...
Again: Hillary Clinton foundation, Corrine Brown foundation.
Compare and contrast.
Black woman:20+ felony counts. HRC: Nothing.
Trump could have a LOT of fun with this when talking to black audiences.
9/2/16, 3:49 PM
he could but i doubt this kind of inequality bothers him.
Director Comey can't prosecute because the George W Bush administration, in their desire to protect the Vulcan foreign policy team that marched us to war, lifted the bar of prosecution at Justice so high that it's impossible to exceed. Another Republican mess that President Clinton and the Democrats are going to have to clean up.
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