That actually is pretty terrifying to a Trumpophobe. Only a 14% chance one month ago and now he's up to 40.4?
ADDED: I get email from both parties (and never give to either). Here's what just arrived from Trump:
This is terrific — you have a chance to travel with me on the Trump campaign plane. But you only have a limited time to enter. Contribute $3 to be automatically entered to win a trip with me on the Trump campaign plane. You and another guest will get your own seats aboard the Trump campaign plane as we head to another rally.So Hillary wants me to feel bad about Trump and Trump wants me to feel good about America.
While Hillary Clinton spends all her time with liberal elites at closed-door fundraisers, I am out and about with the hard-working and patriotic Americans who are the backbone of our country.... Unlike Hillary, I am proud of Americans like you. I want you to be back in charge of your government. I want you to feel good about your country and your place in it....
११३ टिप्पण्या:
If they wanted to really scare them they could have used the Now-cast, where it's 53-47, and she's really only one or two unfavorable polls away from Trump leading.
I may not support Trump today and I definitely do NOT want a President Hillary, but the delight I have had these last two weeks of watching self righteous liberal elites shit themselves is boundless. I am seriuosly so happy everyday that people ask me why I am smiling. Because, I tell them, at least for today the worst people in America are losing and they know it. And that means a great day for America!!
I must be in no way a Trumpophobe.
Make that 42.9!
I keep hearing about how Trump is a fear-monger. Yet somehow it is the Hillary supporters who always seem to be afraid.
Must be one of those dog-whistle things liberals are so good at hearing...
@ Brent
Schadenfreude is real.
I'm not sure what polls they were looking at to make Arizona blue; it's almost as silly as putting Colorado red.
Preference cascade!
The great orange beast is going to devour all the good little libs if tribute is not payed to the great queen of pantsuits.
I'm calling my shot. Wisconsin goes for Trump.
Swing states for Trump:.WI, MN, IA, MI, OH, NC, PA and FL.
The "smart people" tell me that Trump is intemperate in what he says, but Clinton is the one accusing her opponent of treason ("giving aid and comfort" to ISIS) for doing no more than FDR did in calling for unconditional surrender, or Lincoln did with the Emancipation Proclamation--speaking with clarity about wartime goals and in doing so giving the enemy a talking point. Media reaction: "She's right. What a genius!"
I used to think the Left and esp its media lackeys were mostly just ill-informed and too lazy to be bothered to challenge their assumptions, but that really does not suffice to explain the arrogance and incompetence they now not just show but glory in; not to mention the hatred and venom they spit at everyone else.
I mean, going after MATT LAUER for asking about her emails and not calling Trump a liar, which he also didn't do to Clinton who was at least as deserving? Matt Lauer, noted liberal hack TV personality and Clinton Fdn contributor? REALLY? He is not loyal enough to the team?
These people are really sick.
"Throw good money after bad" is not the most appealing fundraising slogan.
So Hillary wants me to feel bad about Trump and Trump wants me to feel good about America.
No, Trump wants you to register for the chance at a junket on Trump Force One, so that they get your email address. And in all fairness, "they" are the Republican Party, which is now doing the fundraising and the catch-up ground work for the Trump campaign.
But just yesterday, our local news carried the story that Michigan governor Rick Snyder's PAC was doling out money to various legislative campaigns. Nothing for Trump; nothing to do with Trump.
So Hillary wants me to feel bad about Trump and Trump wants me to feel good about America.
Ann, you've defined the major difference here. I honestly believe that Trump is in this race because he loves America and wants to save it. Hillary is in this race because she wants to be the first female President and she doesn't give a fat rat's ass about our country.
Real Republican Chuck hardest hit.
Trump seems to enjoy campaigning. Bill used to be really good at it. Hillary not so much.
Of course it's more fun to be winning than losing, but Hillary has always been ahead and still is today. Does it look like she's enjoying this or having fun?
More like grim determination - forced by some sense of duty mixed with entitlement.
More like greed, ambition, and fear that she may lose it all.
3-to-2 Hill wins. Trump path to 270 is narrow. No need for progs to panic, though faking it is useful.
Little did Trump realize...that appealing to Ann as a "hard working American" was the exactly wrong way to go.
Chuck said: "But just yesterday, our local news carried the story that Michigan governor Rick Snyder's PAC was doling out money to various legislative campaigns. Nothing for Trump; nothing to do with Trump."
That cuts both ways. It's remarkable how well Trump is doing without the support of the party and others who traditionally view themselves as essential to the success of R's. The radio talkers in SE Wisconsin fancy themselves as very influential conservatives able to rally the base to mirror their opinions. In some sense that is true, as they all hate Trump and he got demolished here in the primary. Knowing how little support he had makes it almost unbelievable that Wisconsin is even close. No real party support, no talk radio support in a state that hasn't voted R for president since Reagan.
That said, Trump will have to be leading WI in the polls by 5 on election day eve or he won't win here.
I think there are a lot of people who are going to vote for Trump who won't say so. In my middle/upper class neighborhood which borders Detroit, I see very few Trump signs (a few Hillary signs are around). I think this is because people who support Trump are afraid of their homes being vandalized. Haven't seen any bumper stickers for the same reason.
Begley, do you want to bet, on Michigan? I say Trump does not win the state's 16 electoral votes.
McCain won the primary here, and got slaughtered in the general.
Mitt Romney, a native son and the child of a popular Michigan governor, lost here after an early declaration that, unlike McCain, the national campaign would never bail out of the state in the waning weeks. They did. They had to.
"So Hillary wants me to feel bad about Trump and Trump wants me to feel good about America."
Split those statements into two campaign sign slogans. Yet people wonder why Trump is gaining.
Begley: "Swing states for Trump:.WI, MN, IA, MI, OH, NC, PA and FL."
I get FL, IA and OH, possibly NC. But WI, and MN? I fear you may be engaging in political porn. Individually PA or MI might be an interesting speculation, but both? Be still, my beating heart.
Nobody seems to think it's good to be part of the spleen of America.
"So Hillary wants me to feel bad about Trump and Trump wants me to feel good about America."
Respectfully, Professor Althouse: projection.
Trump wanted us to feel bad about Jeb Bush, then Rubio, then Ted Cruz. In order, as the timing suited him. Trump wants us to feel bad about free trade, and vaccines. Trump wanted us to feel bad about Obama and his place of birth. Trump coined "Crooked Hillary" to make us feel bad about her.
There's never been a nastier piece of work in the modern history of American political negativity, than Donald J. Trump.
"More like greed, ambition, and fear that she may lose it all."
She has also collected many millions from very nasty people who might want a refund if she loses.
"The Godfather" as a political campaign movie.
I find the graphic telling, in that it is a visual representation of the large swath of America which can simply be defined as deplorable.
I get FL, IA and OH, possibly NC. But WI, and MN?
WI and MN are interesting and considered by some to be 'in play' because of some similarities to voting patterns and preferences in OH. Ohio saw a large swing towards Trump after Hillary's horrible weekend but there's been little or no polling in WI MN or PA since then. History would suggest it would be difficult for Ohio to move so far without a corresponding move in the other states.
She takes rat poison every day, it's bound to wear her down as time goes on.
And as an aside, did you miss the piece about how the Hillary campaign systematically over charges the the bank accounts of small donors who only intended to give small one time donations? But always less than 100 dollars which might trigger fraud investigation s?
There's never been a nastier piece of work in the modern history of American political negativity, than Donald J. Trump. - Chuck
Yes there has Chuck, the detestable Hillary Rodham Clinton, and her despicable husband Bill, to name to that come to mind and are extremely relevant.
Or is calling somebody who accuses your husband of rape a liar because the victim's husband once hit her in the mouth not nasty?
If Trump was running against Jim Webb, I'd probably be right there with you Chuck. But he's not.
There's never been a nastier piece of work in the modern history of American political negativity, than Donald J. Trump.
This is satire...right?
And as an aside, did you miss the piece about how the Hillary campaign systematically over charges the the bank accounts of small donors who only intended to give small one time donations? But always less than 100 dollars which might trigger fraud investigation s?
I hope an advisor is suggesting Trump mention that issue during the debate. "My small donations are given willingly, not fraudulently". That this isn't a big issue is a bit infuriating. She is robbing poor people whose only mistake was supporting her financially once.
Bush, Rubio, Cruz, and Hillary aren't "America", Chuck. Lulz
So Hillary wants me to feel bad about Trump and Trump wants me to feel good about America.
Yes, that's how I read it too. Earlier the Trump campaign was raffling off coffee with Ivanka and I almost bit. Almost.
That map ought to scare the "Trumpophobes" for the following reason. If Silver's map is correct then all Trump has to do to win is hold all the states that lean his way and either (1) take Pennsylvania away from Hillary, or (2) take two of the following five states away from Hillary: Virginia (13 electoral votes, latest poll has Clinton up 3%), New Jersey (!) (14 electoral votes, latest poll has Clinton up 4%), Michigan (16 electoral votes, Clinton up 4%), Wisconsin (10 electoral votes, no September polls of which I am aware but late August Clinton +3%), or Colorado (9 electoral votes, latest poll has Trump +4% but Silver shows "leans Clinton"). By contrast Clinton has to hold all her leaners, including Pennsylvania, except she can afford to lose no more than one of the states listed above.
tim, I carry no brief for the Clintons. But for every negative campaign tactic that you can list for the current nominee and her husband who is not exactly running for anything, I'll give you four for Trump.
And remember, Trump has been in the political profession for a matter of months. The Clintons (for whom I have never shown any support and won't start now) have about five major campaigns and almost 40 years of politics to answer for.
Trump still out-negatives them. This is not to make the Clintons look good. I'm not sure how that would even work. This is about me backing up the claim as to Donald Trump's unprecedented eruption of outlandishly negative personal attacks.
Fabi said...
Bush, Rubio, Cruz, and Hillary aren't "America", Chuck. Lulz
Ya got me. Melania Trump is the real America. Miss H1-B. Right out of the pages of GQ.
There's never been a nastier piece of work in the modern history of American political negativity, than Donald J. Trump.
@Chuck, across the whole of American history your statement is patently false. Consider John Breckinridge in 1860 or McClellan in 1864 or Woodrow Wilson running on the slogan "He kept us out of war!" in 1916 while secretly plotting to get America involved in World War I. However the most obvious counterexample to your claim is right here in the election of 2016, with the Democrat candidate.
Liberal policies (e.g. smoothing functions, immigration "reform") are unsustainable and a first-order cause of corruption in the long-term.
@Chuck, don't you go knocking Slovenians!
Sorry, Chuck -- you conflated those four as "America", not me. It has nothing to do with Melania.
The Crooked campaign ripping off old ladies who only wanted to make single donations is not a big story for the same reason that the Obama campaign turning off credit card verification so that they could take foreign donations wasn't a story. The answer is that the MSM is in bed with both of those candidates, protecting them, and trying to drag them across the finish line.
Big Mike;
That is why I qualified it as "modern" history. And why I aimed the notion at "political negativity" in campaigning.
And yeah, I get the personal loathing you have for Mrs. Clinton. It's like my personal loathing for Trump. My particular problem is that the asshole for whom I have so much personal ill will is also the nominee of my party.
Fabi, what do you say as to a press bet on Florida; that non-American Marco Rubio gets a better percentage of the state's vote than Trump?
Right now, Trump is down about 5 points, and Rubio is up by about 5 points.
14% is the Russian Roulette odds with one bullet in a seven-chambered revolver. 40% is the odds after you have loaded two more bullets.
Florida makes me wonder if there might not be a perverse Trump Effect this year...
Republicans who vote their party for Senate, but who won't vote for Trump. There surely aren't many Trump voters who would vote for the Clinton-backed Democrats in down-ballot races. Right?
We usually think of the top of the ballot influencing downward. What if the opposite happens?
There's somebody else at the Universty of Wisconsin who has a mostly politia; blog:
I suppose the Universty of Wisconsin is a retty big place.
John Graber:
Student studying history and political science at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. My intention is get a doctorate in the former and a major in the latter. I Previously went to the University of Wisconsin in Waukesha where I achieved two associate degrees in the subjects I'm pursuing. I created this blog to publish my interests and comment on the latest issues. I hope that my passion encourages more people in my age group to become interested in politics and history. This blog isn't exclusively about those two subjects, but also other things I feel like posting about.
I wanted to type the words "mostly political"
what polls they were looking at to make Arizona blue; it's almost as silly as putting Colorado red.
What the polls show is that both Arizona and Georgia are clsoer than expected.
Both of these states have high immigrant populations, and maybe illegal immigrants, and anti-immigrant movements, and, you know what?
People don't want illegal immigrants deported!
They may believe in border control first but not deportation first.
Chuck said... [hush][hide comment]
So Hillary wants me to feel bad about Trump and Trump wants me to feel good about America.
No, Trump wants you to register for the chance at a junket on Trump Force One, so that they get your email address.
Umm, yea, Chuck, they send an email to AA so they can get her email address. That's Gold Chuck, gold !
did you miss the piece about how the Hillary campaign systematically over charges the the bank accounts of small donors who only intended to give small one time donations
I did't see that. What I did see is that the Trump campaign enables people to sign up to give monthly contributions, but there's no way to stop it, although you can change the credit card number. The charges also could probably be disputed. And the credit card company will send you a new cad.
Fullmoon said ..."Umm, yea, Chuck, they send an email to AA so they can get her email address. That's Gold Chuck, gold !"
I saw that too. Thanks for raising that point.
Ann Althouse said..."ADDED: I get email from both parties (and never give to either)."
Same for candidates too? Or was the above sentence an example of lawyerly wordsmithing?
Trump told a pretty important lie in the Commander-in-Chief forum - that he'd opposed the second Iraq war before it happened - but Hillary had already mentioned it.
Bill Clinton told a worse lie iin 1991/1992, claiming taht he was the only Democrat running for president who had supported the Gulf War - when actually he hadn't supported it.
He really twisted hmself up in knots about that in the end. He supported the war he said but he would have voted against it.
Fullmoon 9/21/16, 11:46 AM
they send an email to AA so they can get her email address. That's Gold Chuck, gold !
The idea is that they are trying to develop an e-mail list of people who will give money, not just people who signed up to get e-mail from he campaign.
"14% is the Russian Roulette odds with one bullet in a seven-chambered revolver."
As it happens, the most common Russian revolver, the 1895 Nagant, has 7 chambers, which is a bit unusual as revolvers go. I got to shoot one once some years ago. Its very old-fashioned but not bad.
Umm, yea, Chuck, they send an email to AA so they can get her email address. That's Gold Chuck, gold !
I should have been clearer, FullMoon. They have some email addresses, from a list. So Ann and I get an email with the salutation, "Dear Friend." (At least that was one of the three different fundraisers I got. Obviously not the list that would have my full name, address and info on all the other events I have attended.) And they want a better list. In addition, of course, to the donation that is part of the mailer. They want email addresses of hot prospects. It is all about constantly refining the data and all of the lists. Lists of people who will give $3. Lists of people who will give $75. Lists of people who will give $75,000.
David Begley said...
I'm calling my shot. Wisconsin goes for Trump.
Swing states for Trump:.WI, MN, IA, MI, OH, NC, PA and FL.
NC and PA are a serious stretch. IA and OH are looking better for him, as is FL. I wouldn't count on MI but it's possible.
Anyway it still feels early and I remember all too well looking at maps in 2012 and feeling sure things were going to break for Ol' Mitt...but I agree it's nice to see the Dems panic a little.
Bg Mike: If Silver's map is correct then all Trump has to do
basically is gain a few percentage points over Hillary in the popular vote nationwide. Taht will translate into all of that.
A lot depends on how people handle third parties. Hillary will lose if the percentage of the 2-party vote is below 75% - or maybe it's 80%. I tthink it's pretty hard to poll exactly what people will do. Mention the third parties and you exaggerate their vote; leave them out (bit record when volunteered) and you minimize. Adding the names of Gary Johnson and Jill Stein to a poll tends to reduce Hillary's margin by 1% to 3%.
The Dems are saying the race is tightening in the hopes of prying more campaign donations. It is a double edged sword if Scott Adams' thesis of the shy Trump voter is correct. If the tide appears to be turning, the shy Trump voters will head to the polls. Dems are advertising that the tide is turning, but talking loudly might help Trump more than Hillary.
Chuck said...
Fabi, what do you say as to a press bet on Florida; that non-American Marco Rubio gets a better percentage of the state's vote than Trump?
Right now, Trump is down about 5 points, and Rubio is up by about 5 points.
9/21/16, 11:17 AM"
Have you seen who the Democrats are running for Senate? It wouldn't surprise me that a lot of Hillary voters have noticed and just might split the ticket. The guy is just that bad.
Chuck said...There's never been a nastier piece of work in the modern history of American political negativity, than Donald J. Trump
Oh, I dunno; I think it was pretty nasty to imply that George W Bush was ok with James Byrd being murdered (by being dragged behind a truck by white supremacists) and it was pretty nasty to blame Mitt Romney for a woman dying of cancer...but that's just me I guess.
Some people thought it was nasty of Michelle Obama to argue that Bill Clinton's cheating meant Hillary Clinton wasn't suited to be President back when Hillary was running against Barack.
The Media has been saying for a few decades now that the Willie Horton ad run against Dukakis (you know, the one that blamed his policies for a rape & robbery Horton committed while on furlough) was the most racist and nastiest ad ever run.
Maybe nasty in the eye of the beholder? I guess so...
@Chuck, your dislike of Donald Trump may be personal, but my dislike of Hillary Clinton is not personal -- in her I see the most corrupt major party candidate since James Blaine in 1884, and I do not believe that an individual that corrupt ought to be President of the United States. You claim that Donald Trump is a nasty piece of work, but has he ever driven a subordinate to suicide?
It's not personal.
HoodlumDoodlum said...
Chuck said...There's never been a nastier piece of work in the modern history of American political negativity, than Donald J. Trump
Oh, I dunno;...
Hood, I could give Chuck this: Trump may be the hardest-hitting REPUBLICAN in recent memory. (Though the Republican attacks on him are roughly comparable.)
But for a Democrat, mild. Average. Tuesday afternoon.
Chuck doesn't see this, or doesn't admit it, because Chuck is a Stockholm Syndrome Democrat. He's a Republican who's been raped so hard he's Democratic by injection.
Now that he sees someone fighting back, he's got the shakes.
Plus which, how much campaign money would have made its way to Chuck by now in an ordinary moronic GOP presidential campaign?
I assume Romney had to pull out of MI on account of money. I just don't see Trump having that problem. Because he isn't shoveling it into the furnace of campaigning-as-usual.
....said Chuck, the Hillary Clinton supporter.
Add that to everything Chuck writes and his comments become more entertaining. Also, more honest.
I get these emails from both candidates. Ignore them except for the weird "surveys"
Marquette Law poll out. Clinton only up 3. Dead heat.
@Sammy - what you may be missing about AZ is that it is close to Ground Zero with the illegal immigration gyration problem. Ranches near the border turning into no-go zones for the owners and ICE. A lot of illegal immigrant crime. Illegals driving (often drunk) without licenses, or, maybe more importantly, insurance. The illegals have driven even the legal Hispanics out of some trades, such as carpentry, or driven wages down significantly. Sherriff Joe picking the illegals up for crimes, and the Obama Administration releasing them as quickly back into the community. Realistically, with all the CA transplants moving there, the state should probably be trending more blue than it seems to be.
My view on CO is a bit weird what seems to be missed is that the Dems there are not mostly labor Dems, but more tech oriented types, who have a libertarian streak. A lot of CA (and NY/NJ) transplants, but mostly not the working class. The Dem governor was a business owner (pub owner) who went into politics later in life. That sort of thing. Don't like career or machine politicians or insiders (outside the City and County of Denver). Like independence in their (our) politicians. Voted for Obama because it was the cool thing to do. My view is that a lot of them don't like her statist politics. Nor her corruption. Nor being the insider politician. But disliked Trump's personality more. They are more upper middle class, and his working class attraction repelled them. A pretty good #NeverTrump vibe going for awhile. But, he has moderated that a lot, and that seems to be having an effect. At least some Republicans I know who were #NeverTrumpers a couple months ago have come around. And some Democratish types are now more concentrating on her rampant corruption. I think that she still has a decent chance there though because there just doesn't seem to be the volume of middle class voters there willing to crawl across broken glass to vote for him that you see in more blue collar states. The left leaning independents may just sit home this time, and outside mostly Denver, there just aren't enough true-blue Democrats who can be carted to the polls, to vote for whomever the party bosses decide on. Which is a long way of saying that whatever lead she may have is quite fragile - not from the point of view of numbers, but rather from the point of view of motivation, while the Trump fever seems to be increasing. We shall see.
People are hysterical over Trump. A professor friend linked a post that posits Trump would put Muslims in camps, force Hispanics to wear special patches, and lock women who have miscarriages in prison.
Clearly, Trump hysteria goes to 11.
David Begley said...
Marquette Law poll out. Clinton only up 3. Dead heat.
538 indeed adjusts the result to 'Tie'. Interesting to me is that the result is little changed from their late August poll. Zombie Hillary did little to change minds in WI...
I also don't buy into that MT was light red. Her corruption and willingness to lie is deeply offensive to a lot of Montanans. A man's word is still his bond throughout most of the state. Haven't seen a single Clinton sign or bumper sticker, even in left wing Missoula. The Dems who win statewide tend to do so with a lot of pictures of them driving combines and handling firearms.
Freeman Hunt:
Does that professor think Donald Trump will be as bad as FDR(D)? Or perhaps he thinks he'll be as bad as Andrew Jackson(D) who marched the Cherokee to Oklahoma in defiance of a Supreme Court ruling?
Ask that professor which other Democrats Trump will emulate as president.
People are hysterical over Trump. A professor friend linked a post that posits Trump would put Muslims in camps, force Hispanics to wear special patches, and lock women who have miscarriages in prison.
Oh, don't forget that Trump's going to institute forced attendance at Saturday afternoon barbeques in every town, which will end with the ceremonial "Throwing of the Gay From the Tower".
Folks have just gone nuts in their anti-Trumpanalia.
So Hillary wants me to feel bad about Trump and Trump wants me to feel good about America.
Most excellent.
Realistically, with all the CA transplants moving there, [Arizona] should probably be trending more blue than it seems to be.
@Bruce Hayden, much the same happened here in Virginia -- people moving from deep blue states such as New Yawk and Murrilend into Fairfax County because Virginia was a better place to live, but bringing their stupid voting patterns with them therefore leaving Northern Virginia as deep blue and poorly run as the places they hastened to leave.
Freeman Hunt said...
People are hysterical over Trump. A professor friend linked a post that posits Trump would put Muslims in camps, force Hispanics to wear special patches, and lock women who have miscarriages in prison.
That is indeed hysterical.
But we have commenters right here at the Althouse blog, who claim that Barack Obama is legally not a "natural born" citizen per the Constitution, and who suggest that the Clintons were responsible for driving Vince Foster to suicide. Among some of the milder suggestions.
What Bruce Hayden said. Because of all the border violence and the cartels and coyotes, AZ will not go blue this round.
Do you really think the Dems will have lower voter turnout in CO? Mail in ballots insure that everyone will vote, even if the person doesn't actually fill out the ballot.
" and who suggest that the Clintons were responsible for driving Vince Foster to suicide."
To be fair, that seems to be correct. There was clearly a prior stressful disagreement btn. Foster and Hilary Clinton and complaints of poor performance.
And, for that matter, Obama seems to have hidden some potentially embarrassing material. That includes some of his college records, which probably echo his literary agency bio on the "Kenyan" origin, or something along those lines I think. A Republican would have been made to cough up and be made public fun of. Imagine if Sarah Palin had claimed to be French in some official application.
Obama had a great number of sketchy associations also, many of which seem to have been suppressed or concealed. Some future biographers will have much fun.
Regarding all the ridiculous Trumpophobic rhetoric, do you think these idiots really believe these things or are they being disingenuous? Next they'll be saying Trump cooks and eats babies. Oh, no, wait! Progs don't like babies, anyway.
“The Hillary material is pretty major and how she triggered the suicide of Vince Foster, according to the FBI agents who interviewed White House aides,” Kessler continued. “They reported that a week before Foster committed suicide, Hillary humiliated him in front of White House aides [during a meeting about a health care legislation she was proposing] and called him a small-town hick lawyer. After that, his friends and the aides reported that he was already depressed, but then he really went downhill after that and became totally withdrawn and, a week later committed suicide.”
Kessler writes that those present at the meeting told FBI agents that Clinton “violently disagreed with the legal objection Foster raised at the meeting” and thus “put him down really, really bad." - FIRST LOOK: 'Secrets of the FBI' Reveals New Details on Marilyn Monroe Death, Vince Foster Suicide
Leave it to Chuck to defend Hillary at every turn without knowing the evidence.
Chuck is doing his updated Crack EmCee shtick.
tim, I carry no brief for the Clintons. But for every negative campaign tactic that you can list for the current nominee and her husband who is not exactly running for anything, I'll give you four for Trump. - Chuck
Then you are just covering your ears and eyes then Chuck, like ARM presuming all of the smoke and stink since the '90s on the Clintons is just made up. You always seem to give Hillary the benefit of the doubt, no matter how many lies she tells.
Here's some video for you Chuck. It's refugees being rescued as their ships capsized. These are the lucky ones whose ship went down near an Italian naval vessel. Now imagine all of the ships that have capsized where there was no rescue at hand, as has drowned thousands of refugees fleeing Hillary's war in Libya.
You tell me "four things" Trump did that were worse.
Oh yeah, and the Clinton "charity" was paying Sydney Blumenthal ten thousand dollars a month to give her advice to start that war the refugees above were fleeing.
Go ahead, I love it when people call bullshit, I will be happy to provide links.
Of course! Trump is little Miss Sunshine, always saying what a great country we aren't. He says one positive thing and his sychophants swoon.
@Chuck, you doubt that Hillary drove Vince Foster to suicide? Maybe instead of pointing a finger and going "ah hah" like a cartoon character on "The Simpsons" you might want to actually do the research? It is pretty well-established that Hillary Clinton publicly berated Vince Foster just prior to his suicide. You can also read here, if you'd like.
Vince Foster was depressed, and a person he once thought of as a friend turning him into a public whipping boy was the trigger that pushed him over the edge. If it wasn't, then what was?
“First, brava! This is a historic moment and you will be credited for realizing it,” he wrote in the August 22, 2011 memo to Clinton. “When Qaddafi himself is finally removed, you should of course make a public statement before the cameras wherever you are, even in the driveway of your vacation house. You must go on camera. You must establish yourself in the historical record at this moment.
So how does she establish herself "when Qaddafi is finally removed"?
She said "We came! We saw! He died!" - HRC Then she chortled over the war she precipitated with the power we entrusted her as a nation!
The Vincent Foster story told to kessler is what they wnt people to believe.
He killed himself with what gun? Why out there in Ft. Marcy Park?
A possible scenario:
In this the beige is athird party candidate, probably Evan Mcmullin if it takes off.
Another highly intelligent friend compared the rise of Trump to the rise of the Third Reich and expressed worry that all the Nazi horrors could happen again under Trump.
I blame media. Some outlets have pushed hysterical narratives, and they're creating irrational panic.
"Another highly intelligent friend compared the rise of Trump to the rise of the Third Reich and expressed worry that all the Nazi horrors could happen again under Trump."
I wonder if you're friend is a "liberal." (And by "liberal" I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping State fellator.") If so, I would ask him if the rise of Trump would cause him to re-evaluate "rule by executive fiat," so popular with "liberals."
Or if it would cause him to re-evaluate "liberal" jonesing for gun control, if not gun confiscation. As William F. Buckley Jr. wrote when "liberals" were claiming Nixon was bringing about fascism, "Then surely we should be encouraging rather than discouraging the traffic in firearms. I for one want to have a well-stocked armory when the storm trooper comes knocking on my door."
Forgot to add, Freeman, that I would also ask your friend to place Trump on what I call the Statist Scale (or the Coercion Meter), 0 being anarcho-capitalism a la Murray Rothbard, and 10 being total tyranny, a la Hitler, Mao, Stalin, etc. 7-9 would be what I call the State-shtupper Zone (Hillary Clinton, Obama, etc.) Given that Hillary supports rescinding or gutting the Second Amendment, and Trump does not, that at least would put Hillary closer to the Tyrant Zone than Trump. Does your friend honestly thing Trump closer to a 10 than Hillary. If so, why? If not, then why does Trump inspire your friend's fear of tyranny, and Queen Cacklepants does not?
William Chadwick,
This sort of thing isn't about logic, its all feelings, rationalizations and tribalism.
In both directions to be fair.
From my point of view the most I can say is that Trump is fairly independent of "the system", the corporatist establishment, based on its unified opposition to him. Whatever else happens, should he get elected, there will be an executive that is a bone in the systems throat, for a while anyway.
Clinton and Company seem to think this is about money, advertising money especially. There's a parable about dog food that should be instructive.
On the matter of corporatism -
Just out, the 2016 Fraser Institute report.
This is actually about the situation in 2014, based on 2014 data, just to be clear.
The US is #16 overall, same as in 2015 (2013 data), down from #3 in 2000
The trend is bad.
The other interesting bit is that most developing countries are succumbing to the curse of Schumpeter, since 2000, though the downward trend is not as steep. That's why so many have passed the US by. Canada for instance.
If the world is becoming more free its because the Third World is improving, notably China and India.
OMG; Professor Althouse, if you are out there in the blogosphere... look what has happened to your blog in the Age of Trump. You've attracted a seeming plurality that believes that Vince Foster was murdered or pressured into suicide by the evil Clinton cabal.
David Begley said...
I'm calling my shot. Wisconsin goes for Trump.
Well, I live near Milwaukee and I wouldn't bet on that, but something rather amusing happened today. I went to the gas station near my place to pick up some half-and-half and there were two young neck-bearded hipsters in line in front of me. One had a guitar and Bernie stickers were plastered all over his guitar case.
I couldn't resist. When he glanced my way, I said, "So, are you voting for Hillary now?"
He said,angrily, "Vote for that old bitch? No fucking way! She stole the nomination from Bernie!"
Both looked like they were ready for a fight with a Hillary fan. Of course, they assumed I was one. I fit the Dem demographic - middle aged white woman in affluent suburb. No Trump signs around here.
I said "OK, OK" and looked crestfallen and they backed off. Inwardly, of course, I was laughing. I don't care if they write in Bernie or vote for Johnson or Stein. They are not going to vote for Hillary. If many Bernie bros feel the same way, she's toast here.
" that believes that Vince Foster was murdered or pressured into suicide by the evil Clinton cabal."
He wasn't? Pressured - put under stress, certainly. Is there a contrary opinion?
The screaming at Foster by Crooked Hillary, maybe a day before his death, has been confirmed by multiple sources. The wolves (I.e vast right wing conspiracy, plus federal investigators) were circling on multiple scandals. Notable of those were the Madison Federal billing records that ultimately showed that Clinton, Hubbel, and Foster had materially facilitated the Ponzi/pyramid scheme that ultimately led to the S&Ls failure, and felony convictions for the McDougals. She was the billing partner, and had claimed that the lawyers involved were low level associates. Nope. One of the three was apparently present at every meeting where the fraudulent transactions were set up. But, of course, they weren't found (in the private area of the WH) until the statute of limitations had run. In any case, responding to the Clinton scandals was apparently a good part of what probably drove the Foster, with his depression, to suicide. And, maybe making things worse, there is a good chance that he was the one sitting on the incriminating billing records (and the object of the illegal midnight raid on Foster's office by her minions, right after his death). Any self-respecting, somewhat ethical, attorney (which obviously eliminates Crooked Hillary) would be highly stressed sitting on documents that would both implicate both his client and himself.
Just wait for the Dems to publish your voting record and address.
@Chuck, no sense in trying to laugh away the truth. The truth won't change just because you, personally, don't choose to believe it. Foster was in over his head, he was depressed, and he was publicly screamed at and humiliated by a person whom he thought was a friend. It broke him. You can stop your giggling now, it's unbecoming.
Now back to Silver's map, which I find very interesting. I wish I still lived in Fairfax County so I could get a handle on how ordinary citizens plan to vote. Right now that's the bluest part of the State of Virginia. Tim Kaine and the NRA are both working overtime to convince gun owners to vote for Trump, and the southwestern tail of the state has gone from medium blue to deep red since 2010 thanks to Obama's war on coal. I have a feeling that Trump is going to carry my state, but it depends on turnout and voter enthusiasm across the state. If the Dumbocrats turn out big for Hillary in Fairfax County and Charlottesville, then she may win this state yet. If the gun owners and coal miners and middle class outside Fairfax Country turn out for Trump the efforts to turn this state blue will be blown away. McAuliffe was supposed to cement this state for Hillary, but in true Clintonian fashion he's botched the job.
@Big Mike: Maybe VA voters are not comfortable with the threats to what remains of their liberty made by Clinton? A few probably don't want a clearly ailing oldster for this too powerful job. Kaine couldn't help.
Nonsense. Trump will win NY, OH, FL, NC and TX it is over. The "D Team" knows it's over, thus the total panic in the media, and the pre-emptory blame for the Crooked Old Lady's loss in HuffPo, and Harvard.
Yikes. - Chuck
Brilliant riposte Chuck, a fact filled rebuttal of each of the multiple sources, one of whom was a business partner of Hillary's doing time in prison for fraud. Is it impossible to believe that Hillary might have used vicious language in dealing with a already depressed lawyer who was starting to weaken maybe in defending all of the corruption that the Clintons brought to the White House?
Is that laughable? Yes, if you are "see no evil from Hillary" Chuck.
One reason (among many) that I am certain that you are a unhinged from reality and a potentially dangerous paranoid moonbat, tim in Vermont, is that you continually pursue the fantasy that I like Mrs. Clinton and want her to win. You simply cannot accept that I really don't like any Democrats.
If you had comprehended my comments on this blog long before Donald Trump became a candidate for anything, you'd know that. But Trumpism has robbed you of comprehending much of anything.
I don't really know how to address anyone who, with nothing but presumption and innuendo, and with zero facts in support, and with lots of contradicting facts, would causally (and with actual liability) link Hillary Clinton to Vince Foster's suicide. I don't care. I really want nothing to do with your sector of the lunatic political fringes.
Remember, sport, that I have repeatedly said that I am personally disappointed and confused that Mrs. Clinton wasn't charged with federal crimes this year. I have regularly touted the harsh Clinton attacks from the columnists at the Weekly Standard, NRO, and the WSJ.
But that doesn't register, in your tiny, sick brain. I criticize Trump? I must be destroyed. Make me a lover of Hillary. Despite all the evidence. Just like with Vince Foster.
and with zero facts in support, and with lots of contradicting facts, - Chuck
Share some please. Myself, and others have provided links to independent sources of this story. I don't think you know what "zero facts" means. A denial is not a "contradicting fact," please share some of these "contradicting facts" of which you speak.
Once again, you come to Hillary's defense. Fine, if the facts are on her side, let's hear some 'facts.' Not expecting to hear anything, but this would seem like a great opportunity for you to apply a real spanking here Chuck!
Chuck said...
I like Mrs. Clinton and want her to win.
9/22/16, 9:10 AM
Thanks for clearing that up.
Tim, please say that you will now vote for Trump. IMHO, Chuck lies when he says he will vote for Trump, so you are needed to cancel him out. Plus, it will set his teeth on edge.
Tim, please say that you will now vote for Trump.
Only if my wife says she is going to vote for Hillary.
Shh, just say it, it will annoy Chuck and maybe make him rethink him his attitude. (Like I think he is just saying he's a Republican and will vote for Trump.)
Also, Tim, as far as your wife goes - secret ballot, you know. By all means if you're actually *going* to vote for Trump, you needn't tell her, or anyone.
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