She tries to turn it into a joke: She's "allergic" to Trump. But this was painful.
IN THE COMMENTS: Marty Keller said:
Inexplicably, she keeps coughing into the mike....I can explicate it... 3 ways:
1. She doesn't understand electronic devices and mishandles them... as we have seen.
2. She'd like you to think she doesn't know how to handle electronic devices. Bolsters her story.
3. She wanted to exaggerate the coughing fit: She's looking for a way out.
१५३ टिप्पण्या:
Do you think we'll see a repeated loop of HRC sipping water on the Rachel Maddow Show, just like Marco Rubio?
I don't think you'd need to loop this.
Stronger, to get her.
Humpty Dumpty sat out pressers into the Fall
Humpty Dumpty cannot abide by a Wall
Is Humpty Dumpty choking on the glue holding her all?
Inexplicably, she keeps coughing into the mike. Thanks for sharing, Hillary!
Conversation with my wife in the car, about an hour ago:
"Do you think Hillary will be impeached?"
"She may not live long enough for that!"
How awful it would be if she croaked on stage and in mid-sentence. That would be just awful.
Don't get your hopes up. Given it's a dry cough it's probably something benign, like gerd or drippy snot throat.
Her coughing fit was more interesting and authentic than the pathetic opening, that "trying to figure out where to go -- let's go to Cleveland!" shtick. If she really wants to win, she should hide in a closet for the next 63 days. Every time she shows up, any normal person has to wonder, just a little, whether Trump is so bad that it would be worth suffering through four years of Hillary! to avoid him.
This ridiculous woman has done something I thought was impossible: she has made Donald Trump a viable candidate for POTUS.
What. The. Fuck.
"trying to figure out where to go -- let's go to Cleveland!"
Right. Cleveland pops into everyone's heads when they're trying to figure out where to go.
Do you think we'll see a repeated loop of HRC sipping water on the Rachel Maddow Show, just like Marco Rubio?
Marco Rubio purchased a boat once. The Clintons collected 250 million since Bill left office. Which one will Rachel Maddow focus on?
4. She doesn't care about the other people who have to handle the microphone and so she spews her germs all over it.
How many drugs do you think will be pumped into Hillary to keep her from have a coughing attack at a debate? Enough to make her woozy and careless? If you were Trump, what would you do about a Hillary coughing attack at a debate? Think a moderator will quickly cut to a commercial to save her? What if she has to leave the stage to recoup? Is she immediately done as a candidate? Do you wonder if Hillary's team is up late at night worrying about scenarios like this?
People who seem to know think she has had a brain event with some resulting handicaps.
This is the definition of a chronic condition. Add in her stupidity or mendacity, and a complete medical evaluation seems warranted.
Add in her stupidity or mendacity, and a complete medical evaluation seems warranted.
She can fake it as a candidate but what's the protocol for the health audit of The President? Bethesda doesn't seem like the kind of place willing to fudge it for a chronic liar.
At least she's not hanging on to the podium..err...lectern.
Hope they brought her out to Cleveland Rocks
Reminds me of when I get into a long gabfest on the phone with a friend. Both of us invariably start coughing at about the 25:00 mark. Too much talking, poor technique with the receiver..I figure Hillary's voice just can't take all the public speaking. She's hoarse all the time. And the mic does throw a person off for some reason.
Men's voices are usually more robust.
Sugar, run get Grammas Chloraseptic out of the Escalade. She's having the ne of her coughing spells.
If it had happened to anybody else, it would have been painful to listen to. Since it was happening to Hillary!, I found it amusing.
"How many drugs do you think will be pumped into Hillary to keep her from have a coughing attack at a debate?"
How many chemicals are in embalming fluid besides formaldehyde?
She doesn't understand our strange electronic ways. She's just a simple unfrozen Yalie cavewoman lawyer.
Just can't do anything gracefully, can she?
Hey, at least she's not barking anymore. I guess.
Traditionally the MSM will find a doctor somewhere to give an opinion without examining the patient. A long distance diagnosis, so to speak. Where are those docs now? Some doc must have an opinion.
Per Drudge Report link, Dr. Drew Pinsky issued such a long distance diagnosis on her DVT and concussion and CNN sacked him.
And how about an independent medical exam of Hillary?
"Men's voices are usually more robust."
Carol, I take it you've never been married to a woman.
They could have turned this around, if Tim Kaine (in the picture behind her I think) had gotten up and rescued her while she cleared her throat. I tend to think that what she needed was not just a cough or two but a chance to really clear her throat. That sounded like what the primary care physicians call "a productive cough." Kaine would have looked gallant and useful, and she wouldn't have looked like such a bumbling cripple.
Kaine could have made a few humorous comments, nothing much serious, and then given her back the mic, saying, "Now for the person you really wanted to hear, the next President yada yada yada... Hillary!"
I wish she was able to transform these coughs into barking. That was one of her finer moments.
Having fallen victim to violent coughing spells more than a few times (I am not the best cleaner of CPAP stuff, hence I tend to catch a nasty respiratory infection a couple times a year), it is believable to me that this could have gone on for 4 minutes and that she isn't faking.
The thing is, if this was a short term dry cough or respiratory infection, there are medications available to suppress the cough. I once caught a dry cough so badly that co-workers would ask if I was dying and the frequency was enough that it was bruising my ribs. Benzonatate was prescribed to suppress the cough, and that worked wonders. I am rather surprised Hillary would appear in public if there was any chance that cough would go out of control like this.
I'm guessing:
1) Too much vodka
2) A Huma pube
3) Both
It is painfully obvious to anyone with an IQ over 60 that Hillary is very ill. Chronic coughing is a symptom of many things and is not normal.
At her age; with the issues that they have admitted to and given her history of falling, brain injuries, double vision glasses, constant need to rest, dizziness and inability to walk up a few we want to seriously have this woman in such a stressful and powerful position? You would put your Nonna in such a position at her age?
Not only the illness and physical disabilities.....consider having to listen to that voice and view her atrocious clothing choices for the next 4 years. Please not Hillary!
Actually, the real issue is that she would be picking Supreme Court justices who would irrevocably alter the course of our country, gut the Constitution and continue to push the progressive/socialist agenda on the country by judicial fiat. We might as well throw in the towel as a country, forget about the United States of America and just shred the remains of the Constitution.
Plus...please...her pantsuits. Spare us!
Men's voices are usually more robust.
I remember Bill used to get very hoarse while campaigning.
so, when she starts the coughing fit;
she drinks some water, the coughing continues.
she picks up something from the podium, unwraps it and pops it into her mouth... The coughing continues.
we then see the VP candidate stand up, reach into his pants pocket, pull out what appears to be the same thing, and start to hand it to her;
then an unidentified person hands her one, which she unwraps and pops.
So, does everyone with her have orders to carry whatever these things are?
Kaine in the background clapping...sheesh! What a ninny!
Hey Chuck.
Figure out a way to make this anti-Trump or we will put a stop payment on your most recent paycheck.
--The Hillary Online Troll Team Manager
As mentioned above, at least the coughing is authentic, nothing else is.
Could be a cough from a a statin.
Very uncomfortable watching this.
Frail, pale. Her first grab at the water glass was desperate, and she was shaking.
As far as not dropping the mic, the thought never crossed her mind.
She has been trained for decades to stay on script---even if it kills you.
She would have been thanking the politicians on stage behind her from a gurney if it came to that.
Or she couldn't stop coughing.
Jack Wayne said... [hush][hide comment]
How many drugs do you think will be pumped into Hillary to keep her from have a coughing attack at a debate? Enough to make her woozy and careless? If you were Trump, what would you do about a Hillary coughing attack at a debate? Think a moderator will quickly cut to a commercial to save her? What if she has to leave the stage to recoup? Is she immediately done as a candidate? Do you wonder if Hillary's team is up late at night worrying about scenarios like this?
Aside from the coughing,Hillary is on other performance enhancing drugs. Trump is considering requiring a blood test for participants in the debate.
Also, Hillary should have stopped her speech, coughed until she was done, then simply said, "Damn, that was a bad one". Might have seemed like a normal person.
"Could be a cough from a a statin."
No. Ace inhibitors cause coughing in 10% of the population but those people get prescribed a different medicine.
Too bad the trolls chased off Micheal K.
I'd love to hear an informed opinion.
Clinton will never release her actual medical records.
Though she may work out a good set of lies to release.
Muhammad Ali had Parkinson brought about by brain injury and some people think Hillary's symptoms are Parkinson like. She has suffered a very serious brain injury.
It is noteworthy that the coughing spell is at the very beginning of the event. This was not the result of shrieking for 45 minutes.
Perhaps this is why Hillary is not making public appearances.
Chuck said: They could have turned this around, if Tim Kaine (in the picture behind her I think) had gotten up and rescued her...
Have you listened to Tim Kaine speak? Does he seem to you like the kind of guy who could quickly assess an off-the-script situation and take control? This was not on the teleprompter, so Tim just sat back as Hillary struggled.
I see Hillary is back to wearing clothes from the Romulan collection.
I see Hillary is back to wearing clothes from the Romulan collection.
The Chairman Mao Fall Collection 2016 doesn't debut until tomorrow.
A couple things about this bothered me.
1) Like already mentioned she is coughing into the mic. I tell my kids all the time, cover your mouth! Why cant she cover her mouth?
2) Why does she keep going? Take a freaking break. Geesh. It's just hard to watch her struggling like that. Sit down. Rest a second. You'll be fine.
The joke about trump was funny though.
"The Chairman Mao Fall Collection 2016 doesn't debut until tomorrow."
Here is the dress code for these people.
The last time I had a cough like that I wound up in the hospital with 15% heart function. If you have to worry about your candidate lasting two months to Election Day, you probably shouldn't be thinking of giving her a four year term of office.
Well, this'll be interesting. We haven't woken up one day to find a near-stranger was suddenly president since April 12, 1945.
"Bethesda doesn't seem like the kind of place willing to fudge it for a chronic liar."
Really? Quantico turned out to be.
That is so uncomfortable to watch. She better hope that doesn't happen at the debates.
This isn't her first coughing fit for those of who are ignorant or her coughing fit history. Here are just three links but there are plenty of others.
And there is this.
Curious George @ 5:12:
Regarding possibility #2: You're hopelessly out of date. Women Huma's age no longer have pubic hair. Get with the times!
The difference from Paul Tsongas is that I wanted to vote for Paul Tsongas.
She's become Wanda White, propping up her criminal empire between coughing fits long enough to leave something....for the family.
My favorite part is when she holds up her hand and coughs into the mic. It's like she's saying, "Wait, there's more!". I think there's a 4th option. She's just not very bright. And a 5th option. She's not very healthy. I've watched her for years now. Seen her speak to all manner of crowds making no sense (in various dialects). I've seen her try to defend all sorts of ridiculous situations which no sane person would get themselves into. I've seen her make up shit a 7 year old wouldn't believe. She was an average Senator and that may just be where she should have kept herself. As Secy State- she was a nightmare and we're going to have to deal with her work for years to come (and Obama's). As a defender of women's rights...she's a lost soul. On the other hand, if you have a few bucks that you need to turn into a quick $400K, who better to get advice from?
rehajm said...
Don't get your hopes up. Given it's a dry cough it's probably something benign, like gerd or drippy snot throat.
Of course it is a Dry Cough: there hasn't ben anything Moist in Hillary for decades.
I am Laslo.
Why did Hillary keep coughing into the mike? (1) She forgot she was holding a mike. Then (2) she forgot how long she'd been coughing.
Unfortunately, she can't use a surrogate or a video tape or anything other than her own self to address a live audience. I have felt for a long time that she is unwell. But it's possible, as she tried to explain at one point, that she has been talking to people too much and has worn out her voice.
This calls into question her judgment and discipline. This is her first public appearance in quite a while, and it will be scrutinized. Could she not REST her voice for most of the day to get thru this moment without mishap?
Or are we looking at anxiety and fear manifesting. Disturbances in the crowd leave her looking between anxious and terrified.
She may be perfectly healthy physically but mentally unable to deal with the strain of the campaign. She has wished for this for so long, or so they would have us think.
The woman is a mess. That much we know.
Browndog: "Her first grab at the water glass was desperate, and she was shaking."
I didn't see any of that. Her hands looked completely steady all three times she took a sip.
Does someone know how large that audience was in Cleveland? Was it all pulled together by public employee unions and SEIU for labor day hot dogs and lemonade?
Crooked Hillary has two "Tells" when she is lying. Coughing fits are one.
Not coughing is the other.
John Henry
I don't know if someone else in the comments has noted this, but Fox News was showing Hillary answering questions from the press gaggle on her plane about 6 p.m. EDT tonight, and she went on another coughing fit that ended the press availability. Twice in one day.
Maybe someone owes Dr. Drew Pinsky an apology?
It looks awkward and uncomfortable. You don't want to be telling the crowd how we're going to be "stronger together" in such a voice. Also, the way she kept persisting looked more stubborn than tenacious. Not a performance to inspire the masses. Fortunately she's a Dem so any attempt to call attention to this will be considered dirty politics.......You never know how these things will work out. Wendell Wilkie looked the picture of health and vitality in comparison to FDR during the 1940 race, but, as it turned out, he died several months before Roosevelt....Both of them look like they're on an ego trip, but Hillary is white water rafting and Trump is traveling first class--perhaps on the Titanic, but, nonetheless, first class.
All politicians should have voice lessons or a vocal coach. Her problem is breath support -- she needs to learn to breath deep to her abdomen and use the breath to support her vocalization. SIngers spend hours and hours practicing this. Non-singers try to talk louder or more forcefully by doing it "from the chest up" which strains their vocal chords and causes coughing fits. As I recall there was a politician (Spiro Agnew?) who had to take time off from campaigning because he didn't know how to make speeches day after day.
I hate Hillary and think she is the most corrupt person to run for President in my lifetime (and I'm old enough for that to include LBJ and RMN). But I think anti-Hillary-ites are making too much of this.
She did have a brain event. It was widely reported, covered in the NYT and WaPo at the time. It happened 3-1/2 years ago.
She had a stroke. This is according to her medical team.
They did not call it a stroke, they called it either a Cerebral Venous Thrombosis or a Sinous cerebral thromobsis. It varies in different articles.
The American Heart/American Strok Association defines that as a "Stroke"
If she is under the stress of a debate, and has that coughing attack, could it trigger another stroke? Any doctors here?
She did not got to Mexico when invited last week. I suspect that the reason has to do with health. Mexico City is a quarter mile higher than Denver. Add in that it is highly polluted and a woman with a chronic uncontrollable cough like Crooked Hillary might have some serious breathing problems.
If she meets with Peña-Nieto at all, I predict that it will not be in MC but at some place closer to sea level.
John Henry
Hillary's host in Cleveland was Congresswoman Marsha Fudge, which brings to mind this ditty:
Clinton needs a nurse's aide,
Around the corner Fudge is dismayed.
I heard another take on Dr Drew's sacking from John C Dvorak.
Drug companies, such as Bristol Myers Squibb pump huge amounts of money into CNN and other TV networks. Dvorak's theory is that when Dr Drew called Warfarin an old fashioned drug he may have offended BMS.
Another theory of his is that Dr Drew, by saying that Clinton's docs did not seem competent "Someone she knew long ago in Little Rock" I think he said, there may be a case for slander against CNN/Dr Drew.
In any event, Dr Drew issued a pretty abject apology.
"She's just not very bright. And a 5th option. She's not very healthy." Correct. The key takeaway from the emails, besides the obvious corruption and law-breaking, is that "often confused," "pls print" Hillary is empty and clueless, a mere out-of-it figurehead for a posse, which is now desperately trying to prop her up and drag her across the finish line.
Blogger F said...
Regarding possibility #2: You're hopelessly out of date. Women Huma's age no longer have pubic hair. Get with the times!
Huma is the daughter of a fundamentalist Muslim woman who believes in genital mutilation. Huma grew up in SA where this is common.
Chances are good that not only doesn't Huma have any pubic hair, she doesn't have any other ladyparts either.
I have long thought this explains Weiner's behavior.
John Henry
Wait till she starts spitting blood. Then she will have some real explaining to do.
Birkel said...
Hey Chuck.
Figure out a way to make this anti-Trump or we will put a stop payment on your most recent paycheck.
--The Hillary Online Troll Team Manager
No problemo, chief!
Just think, how a decent Republican nominee could be mopping the floor with the Hillary candidacy. She's easily the worst Democrat nominee since Al Smith. (Election of 1928; lost to Herbert Hoover who won 444 electoral votes to Smith's 87.) It's bad enough, the prospect of losing to Hillary; losing to Hillary when she has turned out to be this terrible of a candidate, and losing it in the way that Trump seems to be losing it (with sheer incompetence at the highest level) just makes it all the worse.
How'd I do, boss?
2/10. Don't quit your day job.
We have a lot of off the wall medical diagnoses here. It's sort of like people who have never met Trump trying to psychoanalyze him.
I do not think she is particularly healthy. I base that on her weight, her apparent lack of exercise and the way she moves. On the other hand she testified before the Bengazhi committee for 10-12 hours and held up very well physically. The cough may or may not be an important health issue. But it certainly is an important political issue, and it seems to me she has not handled it very well politically.
Or it could just be anxiety. She is used to being surrounded by helpers. Out there with the microphone there are no helpers.
Will Trump pounce on this? I think it would be a bad move. Let her deal with it with the public. If anxiety is a factor, it will be even worse tomorrow.
Hillary has a bad case of kennel cough or is it yoga cough?
I think maybe she has got TB from all those stage prop illegal aliens she used at the convention.
I expected her to keel over at any moment! If that happens during a debate she's toast.
"Too bad the trolls chased off Micheal K.
I'd love to hear an informed opinion."
Pogo has demonstrated more flair for this sort of speculation.
Also, does any one else think it's cool that Althouse is, again (as w/ BHO) gabbing about folks who she thinks may want to get out of running for POTUS?
"2) Why does she keep going? Take a freaking break"
That's the coolest thing about this. MSNBC was running it live, but nobody else.
I wouldn't be surprised if this was known by the campaign and HRC. The cables like blathering about upcoming stump speeches being shown as soon as the candidate starts talking. So, the HRC folks wouldn't have even needed to hear directly from some MS person, they could just follow the coverage on the tube to know HRC would be shown live.
Knowing you're live could give you more reason to try and push through, even you know that doing so could exasperate the problem.
Hillary is an alcoholic stroke victim. One of the primary long term side effects of a stroke is further brain degeneration and long coughing fits.
The alcoholic part doesn't affect this. She just likes to drink too much.
She is also a disgusting human being. The world will be a better place soon. Much better if before November.
Maybe the Russians are poisoning her.
She only had about 300 people at her "rally".
The interesting that nag to me is the question of why she is running. Maybe it is for all the bribes she collected in advance. But, still, I think that the Presidency could easily kill her. She seems to be trying to minimize stress by only speaking to already vetted sympathetic audiences, like all the fund raisers that she has been doing. But what happens if and when she wins? Sure, Obama has managed a fairly low stress Presidency, but he has always been pretty lazy. I don't see a micro--managing control freak like her putting the federal govt back on autopilot. And even, if not, even with the best doctors in the world, she is likely to stroke again. Heck, with her health the way it is, Kane could probably invoke the Presidential Succession Act (or whatever it's name is) the first week in office. But what happens if she doesn't get that far?
Thing is, Hillary's been in politics making speeches for a long time without coughing. This is new and evidently not under control. She's had time to rest. The Clintons have doctors. The Dems/Clintons thought the cough was fixed or Hillary wouldn't have scheduled an appearance. The cough has to be serious in the sense that it is a symptom of something and of something they can't fix with cough medicine or rest. But whatever you think of her, don't expect her to stop the show for anything short of her own death. She's past all the usual motives and now she won't stop on her own for any reason whatsoever.
Peggy - where did you find that info?
Never mind the cough, has she recovered from her apparent brain damage yet?
Hillary attributed the follow-up coughing fit on the plane to "seasonal allergies". Is it beneath these "reporters" to ask what seasonal allergen she is allergic too. The Weather Channel website shows "no activity" nationwide for tree pollen, weed pollen and grass pollen. All of my family suffers from different seasonal allergies and each suffers symptoms for less than a month. There have been reports about Hillary's coughing fits for months. Also, our symptoms are eliminated by taking Claritan, Allegra or Zertec. Hard to believe that if the cough is caused by seasonal allergies that Hillary can't take an OTC product to eliminate the coughing.
@Althouse, since you are so good at generating hypotheses perhaps you can tell me why Kaine is appearing jointly with Hillary? Shouldn't he be in front of his own audiences, so that the ticket can reach out to more people? Is Pence appearing jointly with Trump?
"Is it beneath these "reporters" to ask what seasonal allergen she is allergic to" Yes. She has been lying to them her whole career. The point of it, as it was in the old Soviet bloc, is to make the liee complicit. So why would they call out her BS now?
I'm just amazed she left the confines of her walled-in compound. She usually only does that for fundraisers.
What's the big deal? She's just trying to convince us that her health is not a problem.
Curious George said...
I'm guessing:
1) Too much vodka
2) A Huma pube
3) Both
9/5/16, 5:12 PM
4) The demon inside her is trying to get her to spew green pea soup all over the audience while her head does a 360 ala Linda Blair in "The Exorcist" and Hillary has to choke it back.
Maybe they can do a sequel to the movie Dave and call it Doris, except in this re-make, Doris is one of Bill Clinton's many liaisons and the scheme has been all along to get the VP in as president.
Obama likes to be seen, but Hillary does not seem like the type who wants to be seen much. The press won't complain about the invisible President, even if all we see of Hillary for 4 years are pre-taped messages from the Oval Office, tightly controlled photo ops, and not much else. Even if she's too physically infirm to travel, I imagine they'll concoct the excuse that she's teleconferencing to be "green" even if in the process they destroy the conference junket gig for the rest of the parasitic NGO crowd.
If that's still too much, well, didn't Dick Cheney run the government for 8 years for Bush? Say hello to Acting President Kaine/Abedin/Mills/BJ/Whoever the Clinton Foundation sold the decision to for the highest bid.
Honestly the last person I heard cough like that who didn't have a cold was my ex, who was a 2 pack a day smoker. He died 2 years ago of lung cancer.
Hillary doesn't smoke, but that sure sounds like a smoker's hack to me.
She's coughing because she's shouting instead of using the electronics for volume.
That irritates whatever is pre-irritated in her vocal cords and she coughs.
Really, if she does this during the debates (if she actually agrees to debate), it might be a game changer. Trump is old too, but he seems to have boundless energy. She looks sick and frail.
Blogger rhhardin said...
She's coughing because she's shouting instead of using the electronics for volume.
That irritates whatever is pre-irritated in her vocal cords and she coughs.
Her coughing fit started on the airplane on the way to Cleveland, so, you know-
Bruce Hayden said,
The interesting that nag to me is the question of why she is running.
Of course, I have no idea what the true state of Hillary's health is, but I suspect she simply is determined to be the first woman president, damn the torpedoes. If she collapses during the inauguration, fine with her. At least she has that special place in history.
I really wish Congresswoman Fudge would marry a man named Packer.
I'm guessing:
1) Too much vodka
2) A Huma pube
3) Both
We can safely eliminate #s 2 and 3 as impossible. These aren't the 1980's. God damn it.
Her coughing fit started on the airplane on the way to Cleveland, so, you know-
9/5/16, 9:26 PM
I've also seen other clips of her where she had a coughing jag, although not as prolonged as this one. It's chronic.
I stand by the conjecture I made at 9:14.
I live in Columbus and her speech was carried on our local channels. When they panned the camera back it was a tiny crowd. I called one of our tv stations and asked about the crowd and attitude and what were the numbers. The nice reporterette said it was about 200, possibly 300, she said it like it was 2 million.
Lots of people with coughing fits have asthma and don't know it because many people don't know that asthma often presents this way and therefore never report it to their doctors.
Not that she definitely has asthma. But she could. And if she did, it wouldn't be a big deal. A couple inhalers would probably take care of it.
If you watch it without sound, it is amazing.
I think the shitty Cleveland pandering was worse than the coughing, frankly.
Agreed that it could be asthma. Mom had it, and coughed all the time. I inherited it, and take Advair, which seems to help. And it sounded a lot like Hillary's -- just on the border of hacking up a loogie, but not quite.
I also agree: Saying "We're stronger together" while you're barely able to speak it laughably bad.
xiledonmainstreet said...
Honestly the last person I heard cough like that who didn't have a cold was my ex, who was a 2 pack a day smoker. He died 2 years ago of lung cancer.
Hillary doesn't smoke, but that sure sounds like a smoker's hack to me.
9/5/16, 9:16 PM
Right? If she weren't known for banning smoking in the residential section of the White House, I would assume she's a smoker. Her skin, especially the wrinkles around her mouth look like that of a smoker too.
A couple inhalers would probably take care of it.
Not anymore. The libtards in the Obama administration banned the most effective inhalers.
I have a beautiful and talented cousin who died of an asthma attack a couple of years ago as a result. At age 14.
Because fucking Global Warming.
At least she isn't wearing that oven mitt.
As gesture of good will,Trump gonna hand her a bunch of flowers at beginning of debate.
If Hillary has asthma, she would/could explain that away in a New York minute. As in, no big deal. Which is why it isn't asthma.
Maybe we should be paying more attention to this Kaine guy.
Btw, I like the way the Brits use the word 'incredible' more than the watered-down way we (like Althouse in this post) use it.
Just sayin'.
Of course, it goes w/o saying that that and the fun way of pronouncing 'schedule' are the only things worthwhile over there, imho.
FullMoon said...
As gesture of good will,Trump gonna hand her a bunch of flowers at beginning of debate.
9/5/16, 11:28 PM
He should hand her a box of cough drops.
"He should hand her a box of cough drops."
Right, do something to confront her. That will work out well, just ask Lazio.
Lord it's the giant gaping collar costume again
Freeman Hunt said...Lots of people with coughing fits have asthma and don't know it because many people don't know that asthma often presents this way and therefore never report it to their doctors.Not that she definitely has asthma. But she could. And if she did, it wouldn't be a big deal. A couple inhalers would probably take care of it.
9/5/16, 10:21 PM
Freeman Hunt, you've hit upon the perfect excuse for CrookedHillary's coughing fits! Clinton staffers have by now already read your comment and forwarded it to KAOS, where the cackling Queen gasps and coughs and nods her approval for the democrat party spin machine to disseminate the news that Her Highness has Late-Onset Asthma, and this is the reason for her coughing jags. Immediately following the announcement will be special network broadcasts explaining the benign nature of CrookedHillary's asthma, an affliction she shares with millions and millions of her fellow Americans, and how this condition only makes her more qualified to be president.
@Bob -,the problem with your theory in my mind is that anyone privileged and self-centered enough to have done what she did with classified information, email, and selling official favors while Sec of State would seem likely in my mind not be running for history, but rather for personal power and money. That is what has semingly been her driving force since law school. If it all in s going to kill her in short order, or turn her into a vegetable, then why do it? We know from the way that she has treated other women over time, starting with that rape victim, and then all of her husband's victims, that her feminism has really only been a front. She seems willing to destroy other women even faster than men, who get in her way, if that is possible.
I've got a cough like that. I take a blood pressure pill that brings it on, but nothing brings it on so much as a visit to my mother.
10ml of rikodeine will see her through the debate if she has the good sense to use it. Most times that will even get me through a visit to my mother, but I will need 15ml now to get over the laugh/cough from some of the comments here.
Top 3 scorers- a Huma pube, maybe we should be paying more attention to this Kaine guy, and wait till she starts spitting blood, then she will have some serious explaining to do.
Someone should hire you folk!
I have a cough like that. I take a blood pressure pill which brings it on, but nothing brings it on so much as a visit to my mother.
If she takes 1o ml of rikodeine that should get her through the debates. It usually gets me through a visit to my mother.
But I will need 15 ml now to get over the laugh/cough from some of the responses here. Top 3- Wait till she starts spitting blood... - maybe we should be paying more attention to this Kaine guy - a Huma pube.
What I don't get is why people call questions about her health "conspiracy theories". Don't conspiracy theories involve conspiracies? It may be wrongheaded, or people might think they are wacky, but there's no suggested conspiracy.
She has a frog in her throat.
No, really!
Earnest Prole said...
Lord it's the giant gaping collar costume again.
It is the Uncle Fester look—Hillary! is summoning her inner Addams family identity.
This morning the AP reported she "powered through " a coughing fit. They made sure to mention her Trump joke and said she recovered to and gave a 20 minute speech. They also reported that Trump has decided illegal aliens are OK but did not give a quote, so I am not sure any of the report is true.
"Kennel cough" was the best comment.
Meanwhile Merkel gets her ass handed to her.
My father used to do this in church, about half way through the sermon. Then walk out and have a smoke, to everyone's relief.
Blogger walter said...
Could be a cough from a a statin.
Or Prednazone?
I bet the same thing happened to her that happened to me:
She got chronic sinusitis from too much air travel.
A number of folks, myself included, made the mistake of traveling with a cold. If your head is already stuffy from the common cold, then the changes in air pressure and jet lag from flying can really blow your sinuses to hell permanently. Then the "cold" becomes permanent.
But what can you do when you need to travel for your job? You can't take time off from work every time you have a simple cold.
"On the other hand she testified before the Bengazhi committee for 10-12 hours and held up very well physically."
Just sitting and most of the time listening to reps from both side blah blash blah.
Tim Kaine's all like 'This is great - she gets elected, kicks the bucket and I'm president - AWESUM!!!'
MayBee: What I don't get is why people call questions about her health "conspiracy theories". Don't conspiracy theories involve conspiracies? It may be wrongheaded, or people might think they are wacky, but there's no suggested conspiracy.
That reminds me of a conversation I recently had in which I referred to the "Church of Scientology" as a criminal conspiracy. "Oh, come on!" one listener retorted. I could only understand it as being the dual to what you describe: merely using a legal term of art that contains the word "conspiracy" resulted in the kind of reaction you expect when you're talking about a conspiracy in the pop-culture "conspiracy theory" sense, as opposed to merely describing more than one person planning to break the law.
Prednisone psychosis. Who is more likely to push the button?
maybe she wears the giant gaping collars because anything tighter makes her cough
She wears them because she is running for emperor, neocon emperor.
@Snively - funny story about the Scientologists. There used to be something called the Cult Awareness Network. They helped people get out of cults. But then made the mistake of classifying the Church of Scientology as a cult. The Scientologists sued for (I believe) defamation, and won, because they had far, far more money. And what were some of the assets of the Cult Awareness Network that the Scientologists managed to seize? Their 800 numbers. Which meant that for awhile, people trying to get out of one cult, by calling those 800 numbers, were being sucked into another, when Scientology recruiters answered calls to those phone numbers.
Scott Adams mentioned a Dr. On YouTube who diagnoses Hillary as advanced Parkinson's disease.
Her coughs and strange Dyskinesia reactions to visual stress are well known side effects to long term Levodopa therapy which is the only treatment for Parkinson's. It is the Meds thatMichael J Fox "came off of" to better show his movements that once got Rush in trouble for imitating.
I hope Donald does not ridicule Hillary with flailing arms. Just hit her for being tired and confused which are the other side effects of Levodopa.
Did she soil her granny diapers?
So if Hillary has an extended coughing fit at the debates do they just extend her time? Could she just cough for an hour and a half and avoid the debates like she does press conferences? Would you really be surprised if the media let her get away with it?
Look at JUST the difference in vitality between the two candidates? Talk about backing the weak horse.
Yeah, it was bad to watch. Y'd think she'd flip the cutoff button on the mic for that. Then there was the guy behind her clapping like a trained seal. Arf! Arf!
Watched the video; not that bad. I don't even see calling it a coughing fit. Back when I had asthma and allergies I would get a scratchy throat and cough once in a while. When I had it _bad_ I would get coughing fits; that's when you can't do anything but cough, for minutes at a time, and people think about taking you to the emergency room. This was nothing.
"Has anyone in this thread seen her her head literally go loco on her neck while all the while she kept that idiot grin plastered on that mask she calls a face?"
and why does she not put her hand up to shield her cough. ?
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