"To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the 'basket of deplorables'. Unfortunately there are people like that, and he has lifted them up."
Half of them. Just half of them. And some, I assume, are good people. (The italicized words should be familiar. If not, here.)
By the way, is a basket of deplorables anything like a binder full of women?
ADDED: Why "basket"? Because of "basket case"? From the (unlinkable) OED, "basket case" originally referred to soldiers in WWI who had lost both arms and both legs. (A 1919 U.S. government bulletin said: "The Surgeon General of the Army... denies... that there is any foundation for the stories that have been circulated... of the existence of ‘basket cases’ in our hospitals.") Later, it had come to be used quite casually to refer to mental breakdown caused by stress, like this, from 1953: "By New Year's, 1935, after three months in the new house, I realized I'd wind up a basket case if I didn't take a vacation."
AND: As long as I'm in the OED, "Deplorable" means "To be deplored or lamented; lamentable, very sad, grievous, miserable, wretched." I've noticed that "sad" is getting used a lot in this year's political discourse. Trump uses it. It's very tweetable, being only 3 characters long. But "deplorable" is a good word for speech. It makes you seem lofty, which is good for looking down on people. To "deplore" is, according to the OED, "To weep for, bewail, lament; to grieve over, regret deeply." But in speech these days, it's used quite casually. You don't really need to be wailing and weeping. It's more just frowning imperiously. That's how I see it.
I did a search of my blog archive for "deplorable." I think I've only called something "deplorable" 3 times in the 12 years of this blog: 1. "resistance to the workings of the criminal trial ," 2. some political attack ads, and 3. the "'wall of text' approach to argumentation."
It's not really one of my words. And I've never used it, even as an adjective, to refer to a person, as in "X is deplorable." Hillary used it as a noun. To call a person "a deplorable" is dehumanizing. We should just be grieving over these people, our fellow Americans.
१४३ टिप्पण्या:
I would rather be put in a binder full of women than in a basket of deplorables.
You know that won't get any ways near the play that Romney's 47% got. Also, I suppose conservatives already realize that smug liberals think they are beasts.
I'm more interested in "lifted them up".
There are these deplorable people—I'm guessing poor, uneducated types, as far as she's concerned.
And Trump is lifting them up. But this is bad! These deplorable people should be kept down! Hillary guarantees that, if you're among the half of Trump supporters that she considers deplorable, she will make sure you're kept down.
Somehow I am not seeing this as a winning electoral message.
You're up early.
Sydney hits on the first thing I thought of--Romney's 47%. And not for a moment do I expect it to play out the same way. Unless Trump is the driver. The media certainly won't be.
Sydney and tim maguire beat me to it. And yeah, the media won't cover it much because they agree.
What an infelicitous choice of words. There's no music in it, and it conjures a strange, awkward, contrived image. A wicker shape filled with vague humanoid shapes. But you can't see them until you take that conclusory abstraction --"deplorables"-- and imagine what specific types would qualify. By the time you've chewed your way toward comprehension, the moment has passed.
At least with "bitter clingers" you could visualize them, their sunburnt necks under their dirty wife-beaters, sitting on the sagging porch in a broken sofa, cleaning their Grandaddy's lever action.
But this? Hopeless.
With Bill mocking the coal miners as well, we can see that we are "stronger together" but it all depends on who 'we' are.
Her 47% moment
Remember she wants to be the president of these people.
I am now a proud member of the "basket of deplorables"!
The stupidest thing about all of this is the "deplorables" exist in the Twitter world. Politicians- actually, politicians, businesses, and news organizations need to stop getting all spun up about Twitter. It isn't the real world, and nobody should lead the country or their organization based on what they see there.
Here's Joan Walsh, agreeing with Hillary:
Joan Walsh @joanwalsh 7h7 hours ago
And journalists who side with the pearl clutchers are deplorable.
Joan Walsh @joanwalsh 7h7 hours ago
Joan Walsh Retweeted Michael Cohen
I'm going to concede this: "Deplorables" is bad language. But what she said was true.
Such strange words. Especially strange in that someone probably wrote them for her, and that's someone she chose and approved to write for her.
Don't self-parody, lady.
We are better together with these deplorables!
America is already great with these deplorables in it!
Love! We are all about love and we love these deplorables.
(Basket of Deplorables sounds like something you'd fill freight cars with and send out into camps in the countryside)
This is a woman who has a foundation that accepts millions from the Saudis. and other dictators. And she calls American voters "Deplorables".
I'll tell you what is really deplorable. The rhetoric the Dems CONSTANTLY use: If you don't vote for us you are a racist and a hater. A form of virtue signally.
No. We don't vote Democrat because we disagree with you. Racism has nothing to do with it.
But this is all that Hillary has. "I'm a woman and not a racist." She leaves out she IS a criminal and incompetent.
Trump needs to hammer her on this. I'm now convinced Hillary loses. We will then be treated to the criminal trials of Huma Danger, Cheryl Mills and David Kendall.
^^virtue signaling
Trump was a racist xenophobe for saying some of the Mexicans crossing the border illegally were rapists and murderers and we ought to stop them from coming in. Hillary says half of Trump's supporters, millions of Americans, are deplorable. I've seen this theme before in this campaign. Hillary attacks Americans and is cheered on for it, but Trump gets pilloried for being pro-American and saying something uncouth about foreigners.
"basket case" originally referred to soldiers in WWI who had lost both arms and both legs.
Wow! There's my horrifying fun fact of the day.
What wouldn't have been done to preemptively stop Hitler?
Clinton claims her political opponents are Nazis. The Lefts' characterization of their political opponents as evil removes all ethical, moral and legal limits on Leftists opposition to their political opponents.
Deplorable lives matter—just not to Hillary!
This deplorable comment by the Coven Queen coupled with Bill's attempt yesterday to turn "Make America great again" into a racist dog whistle tells me the Clinton camp is in panic mode right now. They have risked the Romney 47% fallout in order to possibly peel a few leaning Trumpers back their way out of fear of being labeled a racist.
Panic. And panic produces bad tactics usually. Trump is winning.
It's no surprise that the White Witch knows the Deplorable Word.
“Make your choice, adventurous Stranger,
Strike the bell and bide the danger,
Or wonder, till it drives you mad,
What would have followed if you had.”
Diogenes of Sinope said...
What wouldn't have been done to preemptively stop Hitler?
Yeah. I was thinking about this year's election coverage, and how early in the process a twitter meme got started- would you kill baby Hitler. And I wonder who started it, because it certainly seems like it was someone setting the stage.
Amazingly, this isn't as "bad" as Romney's "47% comment".
With Bill mocking the coal miners as well, we can see that we are "stronger together" but it all depends on who 'we' are.
I hope his handlers give Trump a good way to bring that up.
"When you say 'we are stronger together', does that include those buckets of deplorables you mentioned a few days ago?"
Remember she wants to be the president of these people.
As we saw with Obama, no, she doesn't. She will demand their tribute, but she intends to do harm to them.
Hillary thinks in a Globalist Mode about everything. Communist vision sees everything globally and Internationally. Nations are seen as historical artifacts and a mere stage in the doing away with Nations. In the interim the old Nation State governments can be used to regulate people for the benefit of International Industrial Capital flow.
That is why Trump puts his finger on Hillary's big weakness by saying that she is a bigot. People are never valuable in her Global assessment. Their Governments are valuable or not valuable depending on having a noble Communist intent to disappear and merge internationally. The People and tribes are moved around as pawns and eliminated at a whim to display power of the UNITED NATIONS. It is as anti-human as thought gets.
What a awful despicable piece of human trash.
“And I've never used it, even as an adjective, to refer to a person, as in "X is deplorable." Hillary used it as a noun. To call a person "a deplorable" is dehumanizing.”
That is the effect of the approach. I won’t go as far as to say it’s the intent, but it’s the effect to dehumanize half of the country, to overwhelm them by instantly legalizing a population 50-100% of the population of Canada, and then wait for them to die off so you don’t have to deal with them anymore.
This is our government. These are our leaders. And they exist in the Republican Party as well.
It isn't at all deplorable that every single day we read comments by the Althouse commentariat calling Clinton and liberals in general, deplorable and far worse.
PC, I thought that Trumpists eschewed it.
"“It’s so much easier,” he said, “just to discredit people and call them names.” So says Bill Clinton lamenting at an event Tuesday in NC per NYT.
So his wife thinks, yup, we are, so let me lay my name calling on those dirty, nasty Trump supporters.
Clinton also said: "That other basket of people are people who feel that government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures."
This bothers me more, though it's not news to me that liberals view the world this way.
As I have said before, if Trump wins it will be due to HC's handing it to him.
Besides, she's has Gods work to do in running her foundation.
Trump should make the point that only a very small sliver of Hillary's supporters are deplorable. Problem is: Hillary's "deplorables" are the insiders with all the power. It would be natural part of Trump's theme that the Democrats have failed their working class and minority base.
Meanwhile, Hillary has to make the case a vast swath of Trump supporters are "deplorables" and it's the Republican insiders who are the virtuous. Good luck with that. Clinton has painted herself into a tough corner.
Trump could also do a video ad.
Introduce a representative group of his supporters and play the video of Clinton's remarks.
Then ask her which half are the "deplorables".
Well, this 'deplorable' family is looking to go to the York (Pa) fair and participating in further deplorable activities. Deploringly, no doubt. My guess is that there won't be a Clinton booth or visible supporters in evidence.
Now that I think about it, I believe George III told the Privy Council that those in the Colonies were 'basket cases of deplorables' back in 1774. How did that work out?
"That other basket of people are people who feel that government has let them down,
Well then color me deplorable for wanting to drown the @#¥$## government in the bathtub because of career ruling class elites like HC setting up private servers to evade foia and oversight and then destroying evidence after getting caught.
The nerve of some people. HC is not fit to be a county clerk, much less potus.
I also think that Laszlo should create a 'Deplorable' character.
Hillary's after the implorables.
Unless you open your wallet to the Corrupt Clinton Crime Family, you are deplorable.
What a coincidence - her corrupt hack media use "othering" tactics, too!
And people say the Donald runs his mouth too much.
Tell us what you really think, Hillary.
Seems to me that NeverTrumps are deplorable to the Trumpets!
This deserves the "Hillary's in trouble" tag. How desperate she must feel to say this openly.
She said this at a fundraiser in NYC where tickets were reported to start at $1,200 and go up to $250,000. The event was announced by an email saying "We will come together on Friday evening September 9 in New York to celebrate equality, build support for our campaign for a stronger America and aim our focus squarely on continued progress by sending Hillary to the White House."
We want to celebrate equality...except for those deplorables.
I sent Hillary's quote about "half the people" who support Trump are racist, homophobes, bigots, Islamophobes and all that to four of my acquaintances who are likely Trump supporters. I asked them to decide which two of them are bigots and deplorables. None of them have raised their hand and fessed up.
Look it's one thing to attack Trump. It's another to attack his supporters and say, in essence, that they are dog faeces and not welcome in polite company. The appropriate reponse to such an attack is a big eff U Hillary! Of course those ignorant redneck voters are lost to her anyway, so she may as well demonstrate her moral superiority to those who will vote for her.
"To call a person "a deplorable" is dehumanizing. We should just be grieving over these people, our fellow Americans." Jeez, cut the schoolmarm shtick. And who exactly are "these people" that we should be "grieving" over? You aren't racistly referring to Williamson white trash, are you? Or do you cruelly-neutrally mean just anyone who happens to oppose illegal immigration and affirmative action and SSM and Roe?
Interesting. I don't feel deplorable.
The leaders of the American Left think they are better than you. Many of their followers agree. In Hillary's statement, half of Trump's supporters are deplorable irredeemable racists and phobes of various categories. The other half are confused losers. This is what she really believes. This is what her donors and many of her supporters believe. The Left does not trust or respect the people they want to govern.
I grew up in south Mississippi in the 50's. During the 50's and 60's, I never saw the segregation and racism that was supposed to be rampant in the area. You have seen it on TV and films, but we had the opportunity to see the films be made and staged as we lived there. None of it was real. The point is that I did not see bigotry and racism till I had my first visit to NYC in the 90's. It was on full display there. But to the credit of Yankees, I got the idea they hated everyone and thought themselves better than most of the world. Traveling the world, I have definitely seen the power of Northern, Yankee bigotry and how other countries laugh at these folks strutting around, when they aren't looking. Hillary is just showing us the bigotry and hate of these folks and herself and likely does not understand what she is saying as it is part of her mental attitude and world out look. She is better than everyone and she will have government programs to make sure we tow the line. If she wins get ready for the Orwellian world they hope for or the revolution.
This is what panic looks like.
Flop sweat.
I just hope Trump stays safe. There is a real possibility of attempted assassination.
Or does she say "deplorable" when she means "despicable?"
She probably thinks that's cleaning it up.
What a SCREAMINGLY stupid thing for Clinton to say, twice, in two different venues.
But on the bright side she has popularized a new phrase "basket of deplorables".
Hillary not only broad brushed a quarter of Americans as racists and bigots, she called them not real Americans. They're worse than illegal immigrants.
She's a terrible person.
david7134 said...I grew up in south Mississippi in the 50's. During the 50's and 60's, I never saw the segregation and racism that was supposed to be rampant in the area.
You are a moron. Maybe just blind.
It certainly flies in the face of her recent comment that she'd be President for all the people, Democrats, Republicans and independents – “for all those who vote for me and those who don’t.”
Including, we can infer, the deplorable.
This is Hillary's desperate attempt to win over the undecided voter. She can't sell herself to them based on her strengths 'cause she has none. So she is forced to go negative. And since attacking Trump hasn't worked, she's decided to go after his supporters. She's running the final lap of her campaign using a classic demagogue move of pitting "us" against "them". In contrast to Trump's demagoguery that pits Americans against foreigners, Mrs. "We are stronger together" Clinton chooses to pit Americans against Americans. Hillary is hoping that her one true talent, a thing she is most proud of-- her hatred of Republicans-- will work, since it's really all she's got.
@MK - not that worried about Trump's safety. He apparently wears a Kevlar vest and has Secret Service protection. And, contrary to his opponent, they appear to like him (I have heard him compliment/thank them on multiple occasions), so they may be more willing to step in front of a bullet than they would be for her.
Still, the level of violence we have seen this election on the Dem side against, in particular, Trump supporters, has been worrisome. I think that they are lucky that Republicans tend to be a lot nicer than Democrats, because I would expect that Trump supporters are better armed, by a factor of several to one, as compared to Crooked Hillary supporters. And that may help keep Trump safe - not enough of her supporters are skilled enough to get through his Secret Service protection.
Pence has responded: “Hillary, they are not a basket of anything — they are Americans and they deserve your respect,” he stressed. “No one with a record of failure at home and abroad, no one with her avalanche of dishonesty and corruption and no one with that low of an opinion of the American people should ever be elected president of the United States of America.”
"Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic."
Sounds like these people belong in camps!
Way to make friends and influence people, Dora the Deplorer.
Hillary calling Trump supporters "irredeemable" is the expression I find Deploeable!
"Unfortunately, there are people like that."
Can't the government do anything about that?
Right around the corner is the Progressive Left's next burning issue: Can those who have been placed in the "Deplorable Basket"legitimately claim they have human rights?
"Can those who have been placed in the "Deplorable Basket"legitimately claim they have human rights?"
No, it turns out we're "irredeemable". But not to worry. The UN has a plan.
It might be a sign of desperation, but I think it is just another example of tone-deafness on the part of Clinton. Note her acolytes above- how they compare the commentariat's use of language about liberals and Clinton herself, and how that justifies the use of such language by the candidate herself. The two situations aren't equivalent- it takes an enormous amount of self-delusion and tone-deafness to actually believe otherwise.
A candidate for president has a much higher standard of decorum to which he/she must adhere in regards to the supporters of an political opponent. This sort of thing is pretty much understood by most people- that those in authority have far less scope socially for denigrating those who are or will be under that authority, even if those on the lower strata actively despise you. It would be harsh, but socially acceptable, for Clinton to call Trump a deplorable candidate and a bigot, but it is socially unacceptable for her to say that about his supporters in such a general way. It is why Romney's 47% comment was so damaging- it isn't socially acceptable for a candidate to say such things- it will cost you quite a few more votes than it can ever deliver.
"Basket of deplorables"? What a weird, ungainly phrase. Methinks Hillary misheard something Huma was trying to tell her in her earpiece.
And, I will point this out even though I really shouldn't have to do so- Clinton's statement isn't an example of being politically incorrect. It is an example of using the very core of today's politically correct speech to smash over one of the better aspects of political and social etiquette.
What was really surprising to me, though, was that this was combined with Bill Clinton's whining yesterday on the stump. That takes the tone-deafness to an extraordinary level.
I am really tired of these political gotcha games, so I will roll my eyes at this just as much as I rolled my eyes about th 47% comment.
But I think the same people that were turned off by the Romney comment are also turned off by this one. So I do feel some schadenfruede. Actually a lot of schadenfreude. Turn about is fair play.
Yeah..half..at this point in a somewhat tightening race..is a lot to throw into that basket. Romney was in comparison stating allegiance due to dependence. That may or may not be core criticism depending on one's perspective.
But.."deplorable" has no hedge quotient at all.
Will make great fodder at Trump's rallies if he chooses to bring that up.
"Look at this huuuge room! She thinks half..HALF! of you are deplorable! DeeePloooraabble!"
Or at a debate..pointing straight into the camera..with a sphincter clenching Hil in the split screen.
"Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic."
Ms. Clinton forgot to include " Hillary!phobic"—
I am in that basket.
Hillary will be the first modern President who can't attend large public events. She would be booed to the echo at any MLB stadium in the country. She wouldn't dare risk that mega-viral video. Truly remarkable.
Birches said... the same people that were turned off by the Romney comment are also turned off by this one.
Really? See how that plays out.
Are Clinton supporters a flock of fools?
I, for one, found Romney's comment inconceivably stupid. [I wrote in Ron Paul. Again.] Hillary's comment is even more inconceivably stupid. Birches: Yes, schadenfreude, for sure.
Wait, didn't our hostess post a NYT article just yesterday saying that Hillary was going to be more positive.
And now she calls me deplorable? Ugh.
I am Spartacus.
So, one of every four people she seeks to govern belongs in the "basket of deplorables"? Really? Really? Way to go, Hil, writing off a quarter of the country like that.
I haven't seen anything like this in my lifetime.
I don't have any idea how she intends to reconcile the Islamophobes and the homophobes in her comment, given that a large fraction of American Muslims are homophobes, and would cheerfully toss the nearest gay they could find under a wall and topple it over, as I understand is the traditional method of execution. Many aren't especially keen on women's rights, either. But the Muslim/gay/female tangle is all in a day's work for your SJW.
Jeez. Except that if I say that, I'm a Christian supremacist, yes?
Blogger Sydney said...
You know that won't get any ways near the play that Romney's 47% got. Also, I suppose conservatives already realize that smug liberals think they are beasts.
I'm with you. I didn't see this as a binders full of women moment, like our hostess did. I saw this as a 47% moment.
This could be her 47% moment, or just her Jesus and Guns moment, depending on how well the MSM protect her. Right now, I am thinking the former, since she continues to show them very little respect. How much better to have Trump in the White House, so that they can attend his press conferences and be entertained, than have to deal with her hand picking the reporters that she will allow at her once or twice yearly pressers. And, of course, any reporter who was audacious enough to actually ask her anything harder than a softball question would be banned from any future press conferences. So, despite almost all of them being essentially Dem operatives with bylines, I just don't see that many of them going to the mattresses to defend her here.
I am not sure if it was desperation or arrogance. My hunch is that it was the latter. It may hasten the end, but I just don't see her being aware enough to realize that she has lost momentum, at least for the present. We shall see.
Who wrote this line? I find it very awkward. It needs to some alliteration. I've been racking my brain to come up with the same meaning in a quote worth repeating. If it doesn't ring a bell in your head it is just a term, not a slogan. I think she was reaching for a slogan. This isn't it.
Her slogan is "Stronger Together"--just like Mussolini and his bundle of tied sticks. He'd appreciate her avoiding 60,000 felony counts and a similar number of years in jail.
And the media/left wonders why poor whites aren't voting Democrat...
Trump insults some Hispanics - they don't support him.
The media says its because he insulted them.
Trump insults some Muslims - they don't support him.
The media says its because he insulted them.
Obama ('bitter clingers/ lazy')
Hillary insults some deplorable basket case whites—
when those deplorables don't supprt Obama or Hillary!
The media says its because they're racist/sexist.
my version of a comment :http://www.powerlineblog
Is this line the work of Robby Mook? In any event, it is what the Dems really think. If you don't vote for us you are a racist.
I saw Basket of Deplorables open for Metallica, those guys could thrash.
One hour ago as she tries to walk it back, "New York (CNN)Hillary Clinton expressed "regret" Saturday for comments in which she said "half" of Donald Trump's supporters are "deplorables," meaning people who are racist, sexist, homophobic or xenophobic.
"Last night I was 'grossly generalistic,' and that's never a good idea. I regret saying 'half' -- that was wrong," Clinton said in a statement in which she also vowed to call out "bigotry" in Trump's campaign.
The Democratic presidential nominee sparked an uproar late Friday when she described Trump's supporters at a fundraiser."
Maybe 10%.
What Hillary really meant to say: "I know these Trump supporters. They're all those damned hicks, hillbillies, and rednecks. Do you realize I spent all those years down in Arkansas and all there was on the radio was that damned Tammy Wynette. It was humiliating when my husband lost the governor's race, and he had to go teach at that.....law school. I hate those people; they're such haters."
Tammy Wynette derangement syndrome strikes again. Now she's sorry she let the mask slip.
"Why "basket"? Because of "basket case"? "
Could be. Or maybe she was thinking that these are the ones that are headed to hell in the proverbial handbasket.
It's an odd phrase to use. Surely someone didn't write this for her, did they? I guess this is what we get when Hillary decides to go off script and tries to "connect directly with voters by sharing a more personal side of herself."
Basket of deplorables, huh... Do tell Hillary. Don't hold back; tell us how you really feel about your fellow Americans. "Let the hate flow through you..."
Blogger eric said...
And now she calls me deplorable? Ugh.
Just half of you..
Hillary said she might show mercy to the deplorables. If she is elected.
Maybe she's been hanging out with Ragin' Cajun' Carville. (Btw, he has a "big ugly head") Maybe she can revise/revive the "drag a dollar bill through a trailer court"
Carville genuinely looks like a result of inbreeding. Does he play the banjo?
She's on record using basket of deplorables for some time. What was new was putting a number on it (although I don't think she realized she was doing that. She proved against Obama she's not good with numbers.). So she had the same entourage that was fine with her server and blackberry fine with this phrase. Obama must now rue that his win in 2008 was not as amazing as it seemed at the time.
"Last night I was 'grossly generalistic,' and that's never a good idea. I regret saying 'half' -- that was wrong," Clinton said in a statement in which she also vowed to call out "bigotry" in Trump's campaign."
So, maybe more than half? Maybe all?
Really? See how that plays out.
I'm talking about the white working class, people who live in Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania. If we were looking at 2008, it would be the people who showed up to vote for her. If we're looking at 2012, it was the people who stayed home and didn't vote for Romney.
Btw, mockturtle, what are your thoughts on the Seattle game tomorrow? I think that the protest is not going to be a protest at all, but maybe holding hands during the anthem or something similar.
If they protest tomorrow, they're going to piss off a lot of Seattle fans. My Facebook is filled with Seattle fans saying the rumors aren't true and Seattle would never do that.
Blogger Darrell said...
Hillary said she might show mercy to the deplorables. If she is elected.
Why would she do that? She also said they are irredeemable. Why show mercy to those who cannot be redeemed?
By the numbers, Hillary thinks 32 million Americans are deplorable.
"I regret saying 'half'
OK, fine. We're a fair bunch. Give us a number, Hills.
Deplorable or despicable? Maybe she used the first to suggest the 2nd.
The use of basket suggests eggs and then rotten eggs. Maybe the speech writer had just watched the Great Escape:
"We have in effect put all our rotten eggs in one basket. And we intend to watch this basket carefully."
Birches: WR Doug Baldwin says they are doing a 'lock their arms together, standing' show of 'unity' during the anthem. I guess that's OK. If this sitting protest takes off, it could be the ruin of football. Or all sports. Even the fans will get involved, taking sides and, after a few beers, squaring off with one another.
One thing I love about regional sports is that it truly does bring all groups together toward a common purpose. It feels good to all be rooting for the Hawks. Let's keep it that way. My daughter knows Doug Baldwin and has been trying to dissuade him from protesting after he said he was 'thinking of supporting' Kaepernick.
Hillary, and the entire MSM-Indusrial-Democrat Complex, HATE America and anyone not dependent upon Government. Fuck her and them! I love liberty!
Why did she put the deplorables into "baskets"? That's an easy one. It's a not so subtle reference to the French Revolution. The Progressive Leftists of those days used baskets to catch the heads of all those unfortunate deplorables they sent to the guillotine.
Has anyone noticed her knitting shrouds? Or maybe that's Huma's job.
Speaking of the French Revolution, I read Thomas Carlyle's history just a few years ago. The first few chapters were tough sledding but once I was swept into the flow of his narrative, I was hooked. Quite simply, the best account of the FR ever written, IMHO. And I've read quite a few.
Yeah, I mixed a couple of metaphors.
"Who wrote this line? I find it very awkward. It needs to some alliteration. I've been racking my brain to come up with the same meaning in a quote worth repeating. If it doesn't ring a bell in your head it is just a term, not a slogan. I think she was reaching for a slogan. This isn't it."
I can only come up w/ "a drawer of deplorables."
Or, this one may seem odd, but that may be a feature, not a bug, because it makes folks pause for a second to try and make sense of it: how about "a drawer of derps." Sure, it's an odd/incorrect way to use "derp," but I like the way it sounds.
Anywho, she's already backtracking, just in time to hit the Sunday shows where her peeps will get air time to point out that she only meant DJT's klan fans and alt righters. I'm sure that's a coincidence. Anywho, if anyone bothers to watch these shows, could you see how many folks inevitably report that BHO said "religion AND guns [Full stop]" instead of what he actually said? I like noticing that very common error.
How cool will it be when the HRC folks asked a DJT person, after the DJTer has expressed the horror of calling Americans deplorable, if they think the Klan members supporting DJT are deplorable, or not.
How do they wiggle out? HRC's use of 25% number is the easy answer, but she's already taken that off the table. Sure, there's still cover there. But, then what? At some point you need to admit that some of the folks supporting DJT are deplorable. Anywho, I guess you just ignore that and up the indignation and outrage, and hope nobody notices that you couldn't say if the Klan or National Policy Institute or Richwine being hired by Bannon are deplorable. That's the list off the top of my head, presumably the HRC folks will come armed w/ more. There's no way the DJT folks can say these people are deplorable on TV, there going to be following themselves hyperventilating about HRC's characterization. You can't then allow a crack in the dam. Rope a dope.
It's actually less that 25%, but roughly half of half is where I came up w/ that.
At some point you need to admit that some of the folks supporting DJT are deplorable
This is an excellent point.
They should ask Hillary at the debates, "You said half, but you've since backtracked. Can you give us a number? What percentage of Trump supporters are deplorable?"
I will ask, once again, for any unalloyed, positive reason to vote for Hillary Clinton. What reason has been offered by her team?
"They should ask Hillary at the debates, "You said half, but you've since backtracked. Can you give us a number? What percentage of Trump supporters are deplorable?"
She's hoping for that. First she'll say the half number was a gross exaggeration, and then she'll throw in some lovey talk about Americans sticking together blah blah blah. You know: not red, not blue........
And then, she'll ask DJT if he thinks [enter long, long list of deplorable folks who say they support DJT] are deplorable? We know he doesn't back down. Especially here where doing so would confirm that HRC is correct to say deplorable folks support him.
Rope. a. dope.
"I will ask, once again, for any unalloyed, positive reason to vote for Hillary Clinton. What reason has been offered by her team?"
She can hit the ground running w/o learning on the job. And, she has a measurable record of honesty since her ratio of false to true statements as judged by independent fact checkers is low. Sure, all politicians lie, but, IMHO, it's best to go w/ the ones that lie less.
"At some point you need to admit that some of the folks supporting DJT are deplorable"
I admit that. But I also find people that support open borders, a welfare state, high taxes, and who have no regard for the national debt and deficit to be deplorable. By that definition, well more than half of Hillary voters are deplorable.
Describing people as "deplorables" is itself deplorable. And when did "generalistic" become a word that anyone would use in this way? It's grossistic.
That's all well and good. But, this "deplorable" thing looks to me like a setup from the HRC folks. Even your way of responding is to their benefit because if the DJT side retaliates w/ shots of their own, they can't whine about how it's awful and un-American to do so. And, I think the DJT side is going to kneejerk go w/ the "it's awful and un-American" response so quickly that they'll be stuck w/ it. And, then they'll be asked about the awful, un-American deplorables who support DJT.
Also, at a minimum, you must realize that DJT doesn't care about the deficit. You've seen his spending suggestions and heard him say that it's smart to borrow when rates are low not to mention that the US should short change the bond holders as a negotiation tactic. Right?
If the DJT folks fall for it, the debate is going to involve publicly sifting through the list of alt righters and racists who are publicly supporting DJT.
And, it's not just DJT who gets to answer if this or that Alt Righter or white dupremacist supporter of DJT is or is not deplorable. That's right, get ready Ryan et. al..
But, it's still early, and HRC's dip in polls isn't too bad. So I think Bannon will only take glancing incoming this time. The HRC folks may be hoping for some sort of useful comments to shake out, but it's still a little early to make sure DJT can't adjust because the price would be too high. The time will come.
When I referred to the debate, I meant the debate in the public square, not the actual debates.
Also, at a minimum, you must realize that DJT doesn't care about the deficit.
And we know that Hillary's plans to expand Obamacare, remain militarily involved in the ME and bring in more refugees will certainly help reduce the deficit.
Where are you transmitting from in our great state today? Hopefully not in our neighbor to the East, especially Boise, did you know that they've received more Syrians than NYC? The NYT has done two pieces on them.
OTOH, it's got to be less expensive to live in Idaho than NYC.
The greatest (and possible evergreenst) state on God's green planet.
No, I'm not in Idaho. I have read about some issues with immigrants in Idaho. Sad that the media always seem to defend the immigrants, even when they sexually assault children.
Are you on pins and needles for the big team display of patriotism, or whatever, tomorrow?
I'd like to move to a Red state, though--maybe Alaska. I'll be going there again next summer. Arizona desert for the winter. Another red state.
I addressed that issue at 5:34.
AZ's starting to show signs of cracking for the reds.
Anywho, I've hung a fair amount in Southern states (mostly red), my favorite place to be is Santa Fe. I don't really know if it's red or blue, but there's some serious art dough spent there, that could go either way. And, an art dealer friend of mine said they have the second biggest dollar amount of art sold in the States, after NYC. I still don't believe it. But, I guess that doing stuff like selling tapestries for half a million can add up.
I see it now. Your comments are one of the very few I actually read when scanning through. Must have missed it.
"Also, at a minimum, you must realize that DJT doesn't care about the deficit. You've seen his spending suggestions and heard him say that it's smart to borrow when rates are low not to mention that the US should short change the bond holders as a negotiation tactic. Right?"
I assume you're talking to me PB&J,
Unbridling business and commerce from taxes and regulations and pushing GDP from 1% to over 5% takes care of a lot of those problems, no?
Rt1 Rebel (see no acronym),
Is the idea that we'll bring manufacturers back to America because they'll be able to have the lack of regulations and low wages that save them so much dough in places like China? Companies don't produce overseas because it's fun, they do it because the labor and environmental standards are so much lower. You do realize that a lot of Chinese cities have massive environmental problems. You do know that workers over there make a lot less dough. Sure, why not have our workers make less while creating polluted environments. Sounds good.
I get your point, PB&J. We can't have it both ways. IMO, we need to loosen up some EPA regs and accept that we will have to pay more for items produced domestically.
Hillary has many memorable quotes, but none are eloquent. Her entry in Bartlett's will be a a long list of tin-eared clangers from the uncanny valley.
Yep, that's what I want, low wages and a bad environment. Has it occurred to you that doing business in foreign lands is risky, due to uncertain regime changes, and expensive as well, due to ground up plant builds, shipping costs, training expenses, and a plethora of other issues? Yet here we are. Apparently all of that risk and expense is worth it.
The shipping is a legit added expense, but it's shocking how cheap it is to ship junk by sea.
Building plants would cost dough here or there, and there they can do stuff like put lead in paint and expel large amounts of pollution. How cool was it when the Chinese had to shut stuff down (incl people driving) for the Olympics because it's so dirty over there.
Training is a massive advantage overseas. I'm quite familiar w/ the recent generations of American workers. Folks often point out that they're super PC. The bigger problem is that they feel insanely entitled and they're lazy and a disaster to train, IMHO. Obviously, there are plenty of exceptions. But, for many of them, I have no idea what sort of parenting led to these slackers.
"Training is a massive advantage overseas. I'm quite familiar w/ the recent generations of American workers. Folks often point out that they're super PC. The bigger problem is that they feel insanely entitled and they're lazy and a disaster to train, IMHO. Obviously, there are plenty of exceptions. But, for many of them, I have no idea what sort of parenting led to these slackers."
So you do have some reservations about Hillary and Bernie supporters? Do you find them deplorable?
Hillary finally told the truth. Took her freakin' long enough. Trump and his supporters are deplorable.
None of you get it, do you?
Let me explain. She told the truth because she knows she's going to win.
@stargirl - or maybe it was just an unforced error, like Romney's 47%. Nice of you to be confident, but Trump now has the momentum that Crooked Hillary seems to have had after her convention. He seems to have pulled even, or maybe a little ahead in some of the polls, and, as noted, they have been moving in his direction, as he follows his TelePrompTer, instead of freewheeling, as is his wont. They need to turn that around, and this didn't help. Pretending otherwise just looks silly.
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