She's going to be on "The Tonight Show" Monday, and Trump was on the show last night. Jimmy Fallon ended the interview by asking to mess up Trump's hair. Trump agreed!
That took some nerve. And yet if Trump had said no, it would have seemed stiff and prissy. Trump took a risk. He leaned in. It was a risk to let Jimmy have control of how much to mess it up, and then a risk to stand exposed with messed up hair and to look prissy by trying to fix it up afterwards.
Unlike with the Commander-in-Chief Forum, Trump went first. He put in a great performance, but Hillary has the advantage of seeing what Trump did before she goes on. I await her entry into the Hair-Messing Challenge.
The whole interview is excellent — relaxed and entertaining. Other clips are: "Donald Trump Talks Media Coverage, Polls and His Vocal Transformation," "Donald Trump Clarifies His Relationship with Vladimir Putin," "Donald Trump Returns for Another Mock Job Interview for President," and "Donald Trump on Board Games, His Health and Fast Food Habit."
UPDATE: Later, I realize that Jimmy Fallon did already get his hands into Hillary Clinton's hair, and that it was she who challenged Fallon to do this bit.
७७ टिप्पण्या:
Don't wake the Dragon, Jimmy!!
wow - he's got long flowing hair..
"Does Jimmy Fallon get to mess up Hillary Clinton's hair?"
Bukkake Joke goes here.
I am Laslo.
His tie seems very very long.
Hillary's Choice.
Either let Jimmy mess up her hair or dunk a basketball after jumping on a small trampoline.
You must chose! Just like Meryl.
I'd like to see Fallon ask to see Hillary's arms. There's a reason that Hillary seems to bounce back rather quickly, and I wouldn't doubt if she's getting a shot of something for her fainting, coughing, falling episodes.
Deplorable AllenS
When Hillary is on, Fallon should ask if she will pull up her long sleeves and show her shunt and/or IV marks on her arms.
AprilApple said...
wow - he's got long flowing hair..
A reverse mullet.
I think it's safe to assume Hillary won't be doing any pickle gags with Jimmy.
Hair aside, Hillary is still a liar and a crook.
That's pretty damned funny, ARM!
Having spent too much time watching the clips now - he seemed very relaxed and Presidential.
What if he musses her hair and it comes right off her head?
Well, then she can go with the "trying the bald look meme."
Trump enjoys the campaign and likes being with all kinds of people. Hillary does not.
Just watched the clip -- it's a winner. Self-deprecating and in good humor.
Everybody (and by "everybody," I mean the few online articles I've read) uses the verb "mess." Shouldn't it be "muss"?
After all, George C. Scott used that term in "Dr. Strangelove."
If you want to see a great interview of Trump check out the one he did with David Faherty of the Golf Channel. I think you get to see A Trump that's not "on." It will give you a wqhole different perspective of the man. Well, not Chuck, but the rest of you.
Matter of fact, check out all of Feherty's interviews. They're awesome.
Either let Jimmy mess up her hair or dunk a basketball after jumping on a small trampoline.
Hell, set the bar lower: Pass two of the three parts of the standardized field sobriety test
The thing I like about a Trump presidency is he won't play the part of the Big Celebrity like Obama has. Trump won't be filling out his NCAA brackets and giving us a Super Bowl message. At least I hope he won't - we need a president who will only be around when needed. IOW, a president should try and fix 2-3 big things and for the most part STFU.
Fallon should lay a Blackberry on his desk and hand her a hammer.
This guy connects with everyone in the room. It is amazing how nice he has become.
No wonder he is pulling from the Black middle class voters enough points to make Hillary's gang reissue The Obama Birth Certificate issue. That is a patriotic call to blacks to defend the First Black President.Even if it was true, the question offends that black middle class.
Stay tuned and see how he handles it, as he gets a twofer of publicity for his new Hotel opening at the Old Post Office.
That Fallon was surprisingly deferential to Trump shows that Fallon knows his audience, and knows what his show is all about.
Trump won't be filling out his NCAA brackets and giving us a Super Bowl message.
I know even presidents have to relax, but spending your time filling out NCAA brackets seems kind of a trivial waste of time to me. It makes me think he spends way to much time focused on sports.
Trump was getting a very enthusiastic reception on the Jimmy Fallon show. I wonder how much of that audience is made up of New Yorkers and how many are tourists?
AJ Lynch- yes! I will be so happy not to have a president who feels the Superbowl and the NCAA championships need to share their spotlight with him.
That feels so North Korea to me.
(remember his first year when he did the mandatory address to school children? Complete with a worksheet on how they can help the president achieve his goals?)
The thing I like about a Trump presidency is he won't play the part of the Big Celebrity like Obama has.
WTF!? You believe this. The man is a freaking Reality Show star.
YouTube comment:
Jimmy. You've failed me for being so nice to Trump.
I actually expected more of these types of comments. I still anticipate Fallon getting heat for not treating Trump with industry-approved contempt.
Jimmy. You've failed me for being so nice to Trump.
If Trump wins the wailing and gnashing of teeth will be something to behold.
That reminds me, must stock up on popcorn.
WTF!? You believe this. The man is a freaking Reality Show star.
Yeah, I think Trump will bring the celebrity just as much as Obama has.
Trump came off as very likable. A fail for Fallon. The goal of everyone in the entertainment and news industry should be to make Trump look bad. Fallon should have asked Trump to open a pickle jar that had previously been welded shut. Maybe a few questions about gonococcal scarring of the urethra. These late night comedy hosts and their writers are paid big money. They have to do better than this.
Well, Trump already is a celebrity. Obama was a failed community organizer. Trump doesn't have to fill out NCAA brackets to look cool, he can spend his spare time climbing all over Melania.
The libtard Twittersphere is alive with progs condemning Fallon for even having Trump on his show, losing all respect for Fallon, screeching that Fallon is humanizing a monster, normalizing fascism and hate and vowing never to watch his show again.
Libtards: It's not just that they're stupid; They're also deranged.
Twitchy has a round up of all the negative tweets on this. The approved slur was that Trump is a monster and Fallon humanized a monster.
I was shocked to see how many people believe Trump is a monster.
The media has a lot of influence over weak minds.
Damn, Jason just beat me to it.
I kinda feel like Obama has used his presidency to leverage his celebrity,
And Trump is using get his celebrity to leverage his presidency.
It doesn't bother me that much that Obama does all his cool and trendy sports stuff, because it seems like he spends all of his other free time just dreaming up ways to diminish middle class white men, and all he thinks they stand for.
I think it's a safe assumption that won't be Trump's objective.
" I wouldn't doubt if she's getting a shot of something for her fainting, coughing, falling episodes."
No, the use of sublingual apomorphine for freeze episodes in Parkinson's has been shown to be just as effective as injection.
In this open-label study, APL-130277 appeared to provide a convenient, rapid, and reliable method for treating OFF episodes.
It explains the quick recovery last Sunday.
It wouldn't surprise me if Fallon were a closeted Trump voter.
I appreciate that Freder Frederson agrees that Obama has been a reality show (and tournament bracket) president.
Trump isn't your typical milquetoast Republican. He can be quite nasty. Fallon's bosses are sufficiently self-aware to know what a Republican Congress with a nasty Republican President can do to copyright laws. I suspect the networks are sensing a change and if I am right the attacks on Trump by the entertainment divisions will be more moderate and even handed in the next few weeks. Of course all bets are off if Trump starts talking unscripted trash again, always a possibility with him.
If I were Trump, I'd hire 50 photographers and give them vintage Speed Graphic cameras with old-time flash bulb flashes to use on Hillary when the debate begins. The flash bulbs that make a big pop.
Speaking of a different, retired, late night host:
"When you have the crap beat out of you, you learn how to negotiate, you learn how to deal with people," Leno told [The Hollywood Reporter] at the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance last month.
Ah, Jay, you are aware that Trump wrote "The Art of the Deal," which I have seen described in print as "the bible of negotiation" are you not?
Maybee- yes I do remember that. We need a president who says "why is my opinion on that relevant" when asked about the NFL or NCAA or the hottest TV show.
And Freder- get a grip - it's going to be a long 4 years for far left whackos like you.
That's gay!
@Big Mike
Yeah, Leno always struck me as one of the more intelligent hollywood celebrities, but when I saw that statement earlier today I was forced to reassess my impression of him.
It's amusing how Trump's haters are surprised at his strengths. There is a widespread refusal to admit that Trump is likable. That has ALWAYS been his shtick -- you don't want to like him but after 10 minutes you can't help it.
Allowing your hair to be mussed up is NOT PRESIDENTIAL!!!
This is another action by Trump that disqualifies him from being President, proving that he is a "National Disgrace" and "International Pariah" as that great statesman Colin Powell might say.
Trump is playing the media today and they don't even know it.
He is holding a press event at the opening of a new hotel. What I heard on the radio this morning is pretty common Trump babble from the media. That Trump was going to say stupid things.
They always set the bar really low for Trump and they don't even realize how easy they are making this for him. Now while they wait for him to speak and hold the cameras, he parades around war heroes.
So brilliant. If I didn't know the media, I'd think they were willing dupes.
re: eric -- you are right. This is kind of like Rush Limbaugh 20 years ago -- you'd read constantly about how terrible an idiot he was, then one day you listen to his show and he turns out to be quite entertaining and fairly sharp, regardless of the politics involved.
AJ Lynch said...
The thing I like about a Trump presidency is he won't play the part of the Big Celebrity like Obama has. Trump won't be filling out his NCAA brackets and giving us a Super Bowl message. At least I hope he won't - we need a president who will only be around when needed. IOW, a president should try and fix 2-3 big things and for the most part STFU.
9/16/16, 9:24 AM
AJ is dead-on. I share the same hope, that Trump is more "show than tell", more STFU than our current office holder.
One memory from the very earliest of days of President GW Bush's term...I remember thinking to myself, "This president, unlike Mr. Clinton, isn't on the front page, or leading the evening news every damn day."
And it was delightful to be free, ever so briefly, of that oppressive, suffocating, top-down, what's-outrageous-today atmosphere. With the last years of Clinton, I just wanted to say, "Stop yourself. Get out of the news. End this." Like I have the last 7.5 years now.
Trump let Jimmy mess up something that is extremely important to the Donald -- his hair.
When Hillary makes her Fallon appearance on Monday, will Jimmy get to mess with something extremely important to Hillary -- her balance? Perhaps they can play a good-natured game of pin the tail on the donkey. Give Hillary a couple blind-folded spins and see what happens. It would be more entertaining than opening a jar of pickles.
Old hand John King admitted that Hillary Campaign operatives started the Born in Kenya and Un-American Meme about Obama in 2007.
Then the rest of the young and energetic Slander Team repeated over and over that it was all a total lie started by Trump.
Trump has made the Nets schizophrenic.
Darrell said... [hush][hide comment]
If I were Trump, I'd hire 50 photographers and give them vintage Speed Graphic cameras with old-time flash bulb flashes to use on Hillary when the debate begins. The flash bulbs that make a big pop.
Frozen stiff, or floppin' like a fish.
Great idea !
What if he musses her hair and it comes right off her head?
She's power through, I bet.
"When you have the crap beat out of you, you learn how to negotiate, you learn how to deal with people," Leno told [The Hollywood Reporter] at the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance last month.
Didn't Leno use a hard-assed agent to negotiate for him? How would he know how to negotiate?
They always set the bar really low for Trump and they don't even realize how easy they are making this for him. Now while they wait for him to speak and hold the cameras, he parades around war heroes.
I told my wife the media has it so that Trump cannot conceivably lose a debate. It's "The Most Qualified Person in History" against "A Joke". He cannot conceivably ever do WORSE than expectations nor can Hillary potentially match expectation (why she has high ones is odd because she is a horrible debater). Blasting Trump is almost making him invincible now.
The Crooked Hillary appearance is going to be interesting. Trump was very good. Some parts were quite funny, and it was enjoyable throughout. He even seemed to have enjoyed Fallon imitating him. He came across as a genuinely genuine and funny guy (ok, the double "genuine" is a bit weird). He is someone who is truly comfortable in this medium. What other person in his position would show as much enjoyment mugging for the cameras? I think that it is a big risk for Clinton, because this is his element, not hers, and a lot of people are going to be comparing their performances.
Michael K, would you consider her collapsing last Sunday, as a freeze episode?
Re Speed Graphics - I have three of these, and a couple of cases of vintage flash bulbs. I volunteer.
"Blogger JAORE said...
Fallon should lay a Blackberry on his desk and hand her a hammer.
9/16/16, 9:30 AM"
This is much funnier than anything I could conjure.
Now Slate is putting the pressure on Fallon. Trying to work the refs.
She'll make Fallon put on a surgical mask and rubber gloves before she lets him touch her hair.
damikesc, Jay Leno admits hiding in a closet twice in an effort to save his job.
Sorry Trump punks (including myself as I will be in the Springs tomorrow to see the man himself) but CNN says shit is fucked:
"Washington (CNN)The Trump kids aren't alright.
As the campaign enters its final stretch, some of Donald Trump's children are showing signs of impatience and struggling to stay on message.
In the past 24 hours, Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. have cut off interviews when pressed for answers on tough questions. Trump Jr. strayed from the campaign's talking point about the Republican nominee's tax returns -- that they'll be released once an IRS audit concludes -- when he said unveiling the documents would "detract" from his father's message.
And Trump Jr. caused a firestorm when, during a Thursday interview with a Philadelphia radio station, he raised the specter of the Holocaust by saying if Republicans acted like Hillary Clinton, the media would be "warming up the gas chamber." The campaign later said Trump Jr. was referring to capital punishment, though the Clinton campaign quickly seized on the remarks.
"The particular wording is extremely insensitive, divisive and probably pretty consistent with the type of rhetoric he heard around the house growing up," Clinton campaign chair John Podesta told reporters on a conference call."
OH NO!!!!
OHHH NOOOOOOO!!!~!!!!!!!!!
Chelsea is okay because she is Web Hubbell's daughter; she ain't got none of those damned Clinton genes in her.
Wonder if Eric Bradner's kids are fucked?
"No, the use of sublingual apomorphine for freeze episodes in Parkinson's has been shown to be just as effective as injection."
So that's what she spit into her glass!
What type of rhetoric did the coke whore Gore hear from Al growing up?
And of course Jeb's hooligan kids must have heard shit to make you bleach your ears, hence their crime wave.
If I didn't know better I would think that was an Onion parody.
Trump's flexibility and adaptability is really coming through at the right time. I doubt you will see "angry" Trump over the next 50 days. He knows that 65 Million or so voters aren't angry, but a bit stressed, overworked, and anxious about providing for their families and partaking in the American Dream.
Special Note to Conservatives who aren't quite onboard the Trump train in Nov:
Imagine watching Rachel Maddow on MSNBC, or Don Lemon on CNN or any of these mediocre media scribes, on the night of the election, as Hillary goes down to defeat. You will see the 5 stages of Leftist grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance) compressed into 30 minutes! And, the Romney and the Bush family will feel it too:)
That should suffice!
Vote Trump
Eric Bradner didn't just raise the specter, he in fact has resurrected the Holocaust by talking about Trump's kids raising the specter of it.
Fuck your anti-Semite ass to Hell Bradner.
You come at me with a knife I will shoot you motherfucker.
Bet he didn't try that with Obama!
Blogger AllenS said...
Michael K, would you consider her collapsing last Sunday, as a freeze episode?
Yes, I am now convinced that it was. I was thinking this was related to her head injury but this video converted me to the Parkinson's theory.
It explains the quick recovery Sunday.
He was very good. Likable. Genuine. And I'm NeverTrump. He didn't act like a politician.
Hillary will never come off that relaxed and comfortable. It will be an effort to appear regular and it will show.
You have to try the Chai.
I'm NeverTrump.
When you change your mind, Birches, nobody will hold it against you.
Finally watched the clip. I am sure the hair bit was prearranged, like I'm sure Hillary and the pickle jar was arranged on the other Jimmy show. I find Trump canned, although great at accepting gentle jokes at his expense. And Fallon is always great at putting his guests at ease. There's a reason he's tops in the ratings. (And I say this as someone who finds Kimmel and Colbert both wittier than Fallon.)
Meanwhile we're all done with the toupee conspiracy, right? That's dead and buried like the birth certificate?
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