... but this ham-handed effort to cut him down made me side with him. Why is the ABC reporter sneering and yelling at the person he's interviewing?
"I think America's had enough of nice manners. If my rudeness provokes conversation, if my rudeness provokes people into, first of all, into saying 'Oh! What a monster!' and blah blah blah and then 20% of the people talk about what I was actually saying, I will consider my career to be a terrific success."
१९४ टिप्पण्या:
"Why is the ABC reporter sneering and yelling at the person he's interviewing?" Back to faux surprise?
Never followed the guy either. I thought he acquitted himself very well. Punctured all of MSM balloons in 7 minutes. Terry Moran, and by extension all the liberal elites, do not know how to deal with an unapologetic flamethrower. The gay Trump.
I was not aware that ABC distorts news stories so tendentiously.
The last time I watched ABC News was at least 40 years ago.
I love Milo.
What a bizarre interview. The ABC show was just trying to burnish its pro-SJW bona fides. I like how the reporter in his voiceover called Amy Schumer a best-selling this and that, to contradict Milo's assertion that she's talentless ... incredible how matters of taste and opinion can trigger some people. I also thought it was interesting how the reporter gratuitously described Milo as a dropout, as if his life and career would be any better if he had stayed at Cambridge. Talk about an immature mode of argument.
Leslie Jones looks like a man and isn't funny. That's a fact.
ABC reporter also called Milo an 'idiot'. Isn't ABC reporter guilty of everything he finds offensive about Milo?
Unrelated: I've never heard of ABC Reporter.
A gay Hitchens.
'Twould be nice if we lived in a world of universal civil discourse.
The left demands unilateral disarmament of uncivil discourse from the right. That's what political correctness means.
I've never heard of this Milo dude. "America's tired of good manners?" Fuck him.
Hard to know what's more objectionable, the reporter's attempt to tar Milo with things other people tweeted or his unwillingness to allow Milo to answer a question without talking over him. Pathetic.
My fear about Milo is that he will flip at some point. Come out as a leftist very suddenly, like that guy at littlegreenfootballs. Most of the famous switchers are from left to right, but we see some bizarre ones going right to left.
It betrays mental weakness, and Milo doesn't have that. He does have a huge love of publicity, though, and that's scary.
Good manners has been a cover for PC talk. If the truth offends someone (aka every lefty) then you must not offend. Milo thinks otherwise. Tell the truth.
Gee, did they ever bother to mention Milo is a gay conservative? I'll confess that I stopped watching after 3:35 due to my 'total disgust' meter pegging.
So a protected group person being abused by a white cisgendered male... Where is the outrage?
Terry Moran, the interviewer in the clip, is actually known for his rather nasty and abusive demeanor on-camera with those whose politics he disagrees with.
So, no surprise at all.
What Trump and Milo both show is that the last weapon the left has is to cow the right into behaving according to the myth of collective guilt of racism, sexism, and an increasingly atomized "privilege." Finally, the right is getting all I never owned any slaves; you never picked any cotton, and it is:
1. About damn time.
2. Driving the left even more batshit insane.
Bob Ellison: My fear about Milo is that he will flip at some point. Come out as a leftist very suddenly, like that guy at littlegreenfootballs. Most of the famous switchers are from left to right, but we see some bizarre ones going right to left.
Exhibit A, Arianna Huffington, as in Huffington Post.
Democrats, progressives, the main stream media, collectively the left, are full of hatred for people who disagree with them. No surprises here. The Left believes they are preemptively stopping the next Hitler.
Same Terry Moran who say that the Duke Lacrosse players got what they deserved.
Hope Milo has a unedited copy of the Interview.
I recall that a woman named Sarah Palin, the governor of the state of Alaska and someone who'd accomplished a lot more in life than some movie actress, was subjected to far worse abuse in pre-twitter 2008. Did ABC defend her against those who mocked her college education, her accent, her children and her faith?
No...they joined in the fun.
This hit piece was beneath contempt, even by MSM "standards." Go, Milo!
I've heard of Leslie Jones and Milo, and I'm familiar with the controversies that surround them. This is despite the fact that I've never read Milo or watched Leslie. They have that weird kind of celebrity status where their fame is greater than their achievements.......Apparently Milo made fun of Leslie and other people on the Internet joined in. This is something I'm supposed to care about........OK, I'll bite. Would Terry Moran sympathize with the plight of Ann Coulter? Isn't calling her horse faced kind of a racist stereotype against Anglo Saxon women who are so often afflicted with this look. As the result of a Comedy Central roast, people are mocking Ann Coulter far more than Leslie Jones. So far as I can tell, unlike Leslie Jones, people in the media have been piling on rather than warning against the excesses. It's not sexism or bullying if you dump on horse faced Anglo Saxon women with conservative leanings.......I think Milo probably emerges as the winner in that maybe I'll make an effort to read his stuff. My interest in Leslie Jones has not, however, been piqued. I gather she's someone like Lena Dunham who has made a career out of not being beautiful in Hollywood. My favorite chunky star is Melissa McCarthy. I don't think there's room in Hollywood for more than one chunky star, but recently they keep turning up. Something to do with the obesity epidemic I guess.
"America's tired of good manners?" Fuck him.
Pegged the irony meter! Good one,Robert Cook! I hope it was intentional.
From 'The Community of Color Gazette':
"Man of Color Thinks Friend is Gay, Is OK With It"
Clark Bellows,, a Black Man of our Community of Color, thinks his friend Rudy is gay, and is comfortable with this alleged orientation.
"I like Rudy just fine," Mr. Bellows confirmed. "Don't matter to me which tree he chases the cat up."
When asked if anything would change in their relationship now, Mr. Bellows paused, then gave the following response.
"I don't think so. It's not like we take showers together or nothing."
Eddie Walters, a friend of both men, says he, too, has suspicions about Rudy's orientation.
"Sh*t man, the cat is gay. Gay gay gay. Everyone knows that."
Asked if he had any reservations about his friend's alleged orientation, Mr. Walters gave the following reply.
"The dude makes good barbecue."
When asked about Mr. Bellows and Mr. Walters, Rudy, who would not give his last name, confirmed they were his friends.
"We been tight since high school. Oh yeah."
Rudy was also pleased to hear Mr. Walters' opinion of Rudy's barbecue.
"Hell yeah it's good barbecue. I like to experiment in the kitchen. Man, I've got some crazy sauces."
When asked about his alleged orientation Rudy had the following to say.
"None of your f**cking business."
So there it is: a Story of Change in our Community of Color. For more stories like this please read 'The Community of Color Gazette'.
I am Laslo.
I personally don't like Milo. He has said and written some vicious things about women. Not just certain women he has a beef with, but all women. That's ugly and unacceptable to me. Just because a man is gay doesn't make all women subhumans. He's not just "not polite," he's unnecessarily nasty and hateful. And whether the reboot of Ghost Busters was good or not (I did not find it to be funny at all), the things he and his cult-like followers tweeted to and about Leslie Jones was appalling. I know it's the cool thing right now to just LOVE us some Milo, but I am not on that bandwagon.
I guess what I am saying is that, for many conservatives, Milo makes good barbecue.
I am Laslo.
Terry Moran is a gay bashing bigot. I threw up in my mouth watching him attempt to bully Milo.
Like Bill Clinton under a moon in full, these bully-rapists have gotten away with so much abuse they operate as Jimmy Seville around the most vulnerable members of society.
Any means conceivable must be used to rid us of these imminent bully-pedophile-rapists.
The whole Leslie Jones fiasco is bizarre. I wasn't aware that we are responsible for our Twitter followers and that if someone follows us and then says reprehensible things to a third party, obviously it means they are doing our bidding.
It betrays mental weakness, and Milo doesn't have that. He does have a huge love of publicity, though, and that's scary.
9/5/16, 7:59 AM
That's true, but Milo also loves being the contrarian, the rebel. If he joins the left, he'll be just another gay leftist, just another member of the pc media chorus. I think he would prefer to remain the Most Fabulous Supervillian on the Internet, even if it means that he has to continue to travel with security because of constant death threats, dead animals left on his doorstep, and syringes and bags of filth thrown at him by the oh-so-civil characters on Robert Cook's side.
Milo offhandedly mentions that in a podcast with Joel Stein of Time, who did a cover story on Internet trolls. Milo wasn't trying to play the victim, he merely noted that Stein somehow neglected to mention in his article that SJWs have not only threatened, but committed actual violence against conservative speakers.
Remember when Lenny Bruce was a leftist icon and free speech martyr? I wonder what he would think of today's pitiful crybullies? "Oh, noes, he hurt a celebrity's feelings!!"
This is an example of a news business unknown trying to make a name by attacking a much better known celeberty. But more than that, it is a dying communications operation, ABC News, trying to steal some life-force from a vital youth. Vampires are all over TV anymore.
Love the blog Ann. I get here via Instapundit.
Who is Amy Schumer? :-D
Milo has stolen the gay hatred label from the MSM slander arsenal.
This is a desperate attempt to make it into hatred of women.
Stay tuned.
Socially Awkward Guy Who Makes No Eye Contact says:
I think a lot of the people who know me think I'm gay.
Even people who don't know me will call me 'Faggot': it just happens.
Just because I don't have a girlfriend doesn't mean I'm gay; it just means most girls don't like me.
I asked one girl I know if women don't go for me because they think I'm gay.
She said, no, it's just that most women think you are a creep.
Okay: that was my sister that I asked. Still.
I have no desire to pee on a man, no desire whatsoever: I am straight, and only want to pee on women, as part of a healthy heterosexual relationship.
I could try to explain this to a woman, but I don't think any woman would understand. She'd probably think I WAS a creep. Sometimes I don't explain things that well: that is the problem.
It sucks being lonely.
Like no one else thinks these things.
I hope the Girl with the Blue Hair is working at McDonalds today.
I am Laslo.
Milo brought this to mind:
“Like a mackerel by moonlight, he shines and stinks”. - John C. Calhoun’s line about Henry Clay
I'm...actually not tired of nice manners.
Just putting that out there.
exiledonmainstreet, I hope you're correct.
Lenny Bruce (whom I don't remember; before my time) seems like an ideologue. He wanted to make a point, several points, about what was or should be permissible.
Lots of leftist comedians and actors can do entertaining work. Conan O'Brien, Amy Schumer, Alec Baldwin. It's OK. We don't pay them to tell us what to think, and most of them know that, most of the time.
Milo acts like someone trying to teach us what to think, and I recoil. He's a good speaker and debater and a really quick wit, but that's mostly just comedy. I prefer his right-side nemesis, Ben Shapiro, when it comes to serious argument.
RC said:
"I've never heard of this Milo dude. "America's tired of good manners?" Fuck him."
I'd says that was prime sarcasm but I don't believe RC does sarcasm.
Bing seems to think enough of Moran's effort to continue ( for days now) to feature a link to the "interview" in their homepage news scroll.
ndspinelli@7:51, Bob Ellison@7:52 Rob@7:54 and Humperdink@7:37 pretty much score bigtime, although almost everyone here is well in the ballpark this am..
I wondered at the clips they chose to show of Leslie Jones. They don't make her appear funny at all - they show her slapping a woman in "Ghostbusters" and making sexually harassing comments to a man on "SNL". Then I got it. It was a counter to Milo calling her a man. A man would have been demonized for that behavior (even in character) and a woman isn't, so she's obviously not a man.
I prefer his right-side nemesis, Ben Shapiro, when it comes to serious argument.
9/5/16, 9:05 AM
I like Shapiro too. He's a deadly debater. Both men are tremendously brave and it's too bad they are now enemies.
I've looked up older clips of Milo, from British TV. He wasn't terribly flamboyant and came across as earnest and serious. He had his naturally dark hair, there were no jokes about black cock or his own terrific fabulousness. I think that when he came to America and looked at our media circus he decided that to be heard -and to further enrage the left - he had to dial the campiness up to 11. But he's every bit as capable for wiping the floors with his opponents in debate as Shapiro is.
Moran knows that, which is why he had to continually interrupt and insult Milo. Milo still managed to make his points, because he talks faster than most people can think.
Maybe you need a portmanteau tag made up of hack, journalist and activist to describe this execrable Terry Moran dude?
[added a space, then added italics back in]
"We confront the dark underbelly of social media."
LOL - thanks for your concern, pro-democrat hacks.
"Up next on ABC, we mock Ann Coulter relentlessly. "
It's to reassure soap opera women that the narrative can defend itself.
Bing seems to think enough of Moran's effort to continue ( for days now) to feature a link to the "interview" in their homepage news scroll.
The first thing I did when I switched to Edge was disable that home page news scroll. Though oddly, it took me several tries. Chrome allows you to change your home page with pretty much one click. Anyway, after Bing front paging a story about Trump University when the news should have been flooded with more evidence of Hillary lying to everybody's faces, like her husband did about Monica that time, I was motivated to disable it.
Terry Moran needs to be punched. by a girl. Like me.
I'm...actually not tired of nice manners. -Carol
Me neither, but I am tired of people putting their power politics in terms of "good manners."
Terry Moran; apparently trying to prove (and succeeding) that if you give a jerk a microphone--he becomes just another microphone holding jerk. Some things never change.
But all this kerfuffle didn't much affect me. I don't watch ABC, or CBS or NBC. Haven't done so for years. Will occasionally watch cable news, but even that is becoming unwatchable. As for the local news, how many car chases can you watch? The weather ladies though are usually looking good.
The pro-corruptocrat pro-mind crime pro-thought crime media is full on Pravda now.
Milo is great. People need to go after liberals sacred cows, while they are trying to stifle all speech that criticizes them. Because, this latest breed are totally regressive and totalitarian. And obnoxious.
And Leslie Jones is not above criticism. She had no problem making racist statements on Twitter prior to the Milo incident. But suddenly she gets people kicked off Twitter because she doesn't know she can mute people or block them? Instead, she cries like a victim about how horrible and unique her circumstance is. She got mean tweets!!!!!! Gasp! If you are a celebrity and you wade into the swamp that is Twitter, and you further are provocative yourself you will get so much backlash from Trolls it's scary. That is par for the course though. Don't like it? Start blocking people, ignoring them, or get off Twitter.
If you walk into a thieves den are you going to be shocked that you got robbed? That's what happens in thieves dens.
And Milo made none of the racist tweets. He simply said her movie sucked and when she pushed back by insulting him he insulted her right back. Which is totally fair.
exiledonmainstreet: Remember when Lenny Bruce was a leftist icon and free speech martyr? I wonder what he would think of today's pitiful crybullies? "Oh, noes, he hurt a celebrity's feelings!!"
We don't have Lenny, but we do have his daughter. And George Carlin's. And Richard Pryor's. Right here.
The roast of Rob Lowe, tune in tonight and see how Ann Coulter is treated by the wonderful liberals.
Never heard of the Amy chick they featured in the interview.
Mike @7:40, ABC is appalling. Last Friday night local ABC 11:00pm news, which always has something negative about Trump, did not have one word to say about Clinton and the FBI interview release. Not. One. Word. Unbelievable.
And to this day, just say "Palin" to a prog, and you'll not just hear hate, you'll feel it eminating from their body. I pray to God that Trump wins, and that Palin and Milo are his press secretaries. (He's Trump, he can have two!)
What I found fascinating was that they showed the piece. Milo (whom I barely know) got the better of the guy, but I'm pretty sure in the liberal glass house of network media, they thought Moran won.
Also, that was the edited piece, no doubt carefully crafted too make sure Moran looked as good as possible. Can you imagine how bad Milo made Moran look in the uncut version?
AS ABC "reports" on all this "hate", they do it with such.... hatred.
I found JuJu Chang's surly introduction both the most deceptive and unfair aspect of that entire hit-piece.
Moran's own exaggerated "oh, come on now" reactions to Milo's responses undercut his own objectivity and seriousness.
It even undercut ABC's unfair post-production editing.
Milo goes after SJW behavior. Terry would say something like "that's misogyny!!!!" Or hate speech. But really, has Terry been listening to what's been coming from the regressive left these days? Has he been on college campuses? Has he heard about the incident where a guy identified himself as "Hugh Mungus" to a SJW BLM feminist? Did he hear about the incident where the feminist was triggered by a Hula doll in a lift cab? Such behavior is deserving of criticism, because its pretty disgusting behavior. And those who engage in it like to wrap themselves up in their virtue by claiming that responding to their antics means you hate women, or are racist.
More Milo, less Terry Moran.
His offense was he went after a protected species, blacks and even worse a black women.
EDH - I found JuJu Chang's surly introduction both the most deceptive and unfair aspect of that entire hit-piece.
I did as well. Opinion masquerading as news. ABC are not curious journalists. They are advocates pushing correct-think.... and telling their viewers who to hate.
Leslie Jones reminds me of a water buffalo.
Like that could be construed as racist.
I am Laslo.
I really enjoyed the compassion and empathy conveyed by the newswoman leading up to the video.
tim in vermont: I'm...actually not tired of nice manners. -Carol
Me neither, but I am tired of people putting their power politics in terms of "good manners."
Ditto to both Carol and tim.
There are people I vehemently disagree with politically. I'm thinking of one gentleman I'm in a "Future Economy" Meetup with. At our last meeting, he started describing why you need an elastic money supply, and I shook my head harder and harder, and he said, grinning, "You disagree!" I said "If you had to pick one thing..." and he finished my sentence, saying "You were just gonna say 'No!' to..." and we both laughed.
That's good manners and even, dare I say it, camaraderie, because we respect each other, and that's primarily because we each know how deeply and carefully the other has thought about the issues, recommended books to each other and discussed them, etc. even though we continue to reach different conclusions.
Like tim, however, I'm fed up to my eyeballs with phony calls for "civility" from a left that cynically uses manners as just one more target for Rule #4.
Unknown said...
I personally don't like Milo. He has said and written some vicious things about women. Not just certain women he has a beef with, but all women. That's ugly and unacceptable to me. Just because a man is gay doesn't make all women subhumans. He's not just "not polite," he's unnecessarily nasty and hateful. And whether the reboot of Ghost Busters was good or not (I did not find it to be funny at all), the things he and his cult-like followers tweeted to and about Leslie Jones was appalling. I know it's the cool thing right now to just LOVE us some Milo, but I am not on that bandwagon.
Hear, hear.
Terry Moran has carp lips.
Milo has class. That confuses the industry that preaches it hates those southern red necks. They have no handle to grab on him except for his using the Internet.
Every minute ABC spends on Milo and the vastly important issue of Internet trolling is a minute they don't have to spend reporting on the Continued Mishaps of Madame Pantsuit.
This is not really about ABC rushing to the defense of poor oppressed Leslie Jones, it is mainly motivated by the desire to delegitimatize prominent Trump supporters as being racist, sexist and beyond the pale.
Thanks for the link to that clip, Paul. It is good to see the daughters of Bruce, Carlin and Pryor coming out against the PC speech Nazis.
You have to love Cookie.
He is such a tolerant and open minded liberal.
That was sarcasm.
Liberals today are yesterday's Stalinists ... and tomorrow's Clintonistas.
That is reality.
Want my number. Here is some serious sexual harrassment.
Sneering is as good as it gets on ABC these days. It's not limited to Nightline. Most of the interviews of conservatives on This Week with G.S. are variations of the sneer. The problem with Moran, is his amateurish execution of the sneer as you point out.
Carol said...
I'm...actually not tired of nice manners.
Just putting that out there.
9/5/16, 9:01 AM
I'm tired of only the right being required to have nice manners while leftists can say and do any damn thing they want. I believe that is what Ann refers to as "civility bullshit."
Good manners are lkke good diplomacy
Never be insulting unintentionally
John Henry
What "vicious things about women" has Milo "said and written"?
Curious George said...
Terry Moran has carp lips.
"Last time I saw a mouth like that it had a hook in it."
I just watched the video. Things have not changed in the 25 or so years that I have avoided Network News. They are, as Glenn Reynolds points out, Democratic Party operatives with by-lines.
They do seem more obvious than in the past. It smells of desperation.
Trad guy
"Milo has class".
Uh - no.
Milo is as class-less as it gets. It's all part of his anti-PC show. I have no idea what really happened in the great Twitter war between him and the ghost busters actress. I don't care, either. I suspect Milo was unfairly blamed for much of it. Perhaps not? The larger story here is the same. ABC isn't "news" - they are advocates and spinners for "correct-think."
Milo is pro-Trump - and he is gay, so he must be destroyed.
That's the real story.
Milo has said that ironically, third wave feminists rely on the natural chivalry of men to rush to their defense when people like Milo attack the feminists for their blatant anti-male slurs. That's entirely true. Milo is anti-woman only if you equate the raging blue-haired meanies that populate college campuses these days with all women.
I'm wondering what leftists and progressives think of Hillary and her latest scam to act like a dumb-blonde? She hit her head, she has no idea what classified even means, she cannot remember a thing about her time at State and all that mingling of State and Family Foundation. Poor dumb female. We should pity her? ... and look over there - a Milo Squirrel.
The thing about Milo is he is quite intelligent, often entertaining and usually has a point if you can wade through all of the drama and outrage.
What's wrong with looking like a man?
Seems like anti-trans bigotry to say it's wrong.
Is there a real alliance between L's, G's, and T's? They're cultural outsiders to some extent, in some communities. But that's a made-up alliance, kinda like KKKers and Black Panthers agreeing that middle America doesn't like their politics, so let's gun up.
I think that's part of Milo's schtick.
The rules are:
All comedians can mock anyone on the right mercilessly, with the hatred of a thousand Hitlers.
The right must shut up, and take it.
One thing that will bug them is how much Milo doesn't give a shit about them.
He has said fat women are unlikely to be happy with men since most men don't like fat women. Harsh? Yeah, but is it incorrect? Is it better to humor delusions?
Milo was banned because several people of Twitters "niceness police" are hypocrites from Gamergate that he has nailed for their own behavior that violates Twitter's TOS.
He is terrific. He is harsh because he has been attacked harshly for years.
How do you know when you've arrived?
Hard to believe that Cook didn't know about this guy. Ann here has talked about hi on multiple occasions in the past. But Cook does appear and disappear for stretches, so may be telling the truth. Not surprised though by Crooked Hillary toady and shill Unknown, who has bviously believes that Milo's antics should only be allowed on the left, where they are so commonly found that they have now become unremarkable. Of course Unknown doesn't like this guy. He doesn't like anyone off the reservation.
Blogger Rob said...
Hard to know what's more objectionable, the reporter's attempt to tar Milo with things other people tweeted or his unwillingness to allow Milo to answer a question without talking over him. Pathetic.
I particularly loved when the reporter talked over him trying to explain himself and then, having completely ignored what Milo was saying, called him an idiot for believing the things the reporter said.
"Ann Althouse said...
What's wrong with looking like a man?
Seems like anti-trans bigotry to say it's wrong."
And really, isn't something anti-something and likely to be wrong at every turn these days? Or, at least that's the case when the something and the anti-something are aligned with Leftist, collectivist politics.
Or something.
I don't watch much TV. JuJu Chang and the interviewer are over-the-top.
Very funny.
They don't seem to have control of the medium. Also, they're trying to get attention by attacking a guy who's trying to get attention by attacking a lady who's trying to get more attention.
Exhibit A, Arianna Huffington, as in Huffington Post
I'd say David Brock is Exhibit A for this particular prototype.
Biological female that identifies as a woman is to be protected from anti-trans bigotry.
I'm not even drunk yet.
I am Laslo.
" AprilApple said...
EDH - I found JuJu Chang's surly introduction both the most deceptive and unfair aspect of that entire hit-piece.
I did as well. Opinion masquerading as news. ABC are not curious journalists. They are advocates pushing correct-think.... and telling their viewers who to hate."
I know, and it is getting bolder and more insidious every day. What I don't understand is what do they want? What do they see as their purpose or mission? What do they want this country to look like? I just don't get it.
I imagine Cook somewhat like Bernie Sanders. Or maybe like the old socialist fossil we met in D.C., who hangs around coffee shops and then jumps into action organizing protests whenever there's some injustice. Roberts Rules and everything.
Doesn't matter too much the cause.
***Maybe doing some art criticism here and there. A little too 'wild' or 'unlucky' to be on the faculty somewhere...
Milo has said that gays owe nothing to feminists...which they do not. He has said it's time to end that "relationship "
Meeeea - They are all in bed with the Clinton Money Machine. They want in on the action. They want a slice of power. They are all ideological cogs in the corrupt machine. The leftwing press want power, while the rest of the nation rots. They are protected in their gated communities.
Also, in answer to what Bob Ellison said about Milo's lack of seriousness, I actually think he supplies something the Right has been lacking, something that P.J. O'Rourke supplied in his prime - a sense of humor and irreverence that appeals to young people.
I became a big Milo fan when I saw a clip of him making his grand entrance into an auditorium being carried litter by college men wearing Trump caps. It was utterly absurd and very funny. Certainly much more fun than watching Dinesh D'Sousa droning on about campus speech codes. There are plenty of entirely serious conservative pundits making entirely valid arguments about third wave feminism, Hillary, the Left's increasing Stalinism and so forth. And how much of an impact are they having on the culture at large? On young people?
Milo clowns around and has fun - and then makes serious points.
Modern feminism is Lena Dunham. Pudding that excuses corruption.
Milo ... gay, but not a friend of Queers for Palestine or Feminists for the Burka. Americans are a little slow in discovering that homosexuality and conservatism can go together well. He’s an interesting provocateur who does a good job of annoying “progressive” fools.
"What I don't understand is what do they want?"
Cushy jobs in the Ministry of Truth, telling the proles what to think and who to hate.
I am a Conservative, socially and fiscally, and I approve of Milo. (including his stances on "gay" issues)
who has bviously believes that Milo's antics should only be allowed on the left, where they are so commonly found that they have now become unremarkable.
I am so tired of hearing this nonsense. Where are there similar antics on the left? Provide an example of a prominent twitter stream or website on the left that is as nasty, spiteful and racist as Milo or Breitbart (or Drudge, Rush or Hannity for that matter). Provide someone on the left who is as dishonest and distorts reality as much as James O'Keefe or the idiots who accused Planned Parenthood of selling baby parts (which although it was proven to be false is continually repeated on the right as true). Who are the equivalent of Steve Bannon or Roger Ailes working for the Clinton campaign or running a major news network.
It is simply untrue that "both sides do it".
No, Charles Johnson and Andrew Sullivan are the two who come first to my mind. Probably because I used to read both, and they altered so sharply.
Incidentally, your cat looks exactly like the one we used to call "Delta" back in San Rafael, because when she was sitting, seen from the front, she looked like a perfect equilateral triangle :-) But yours is a boycat!
he's perfect for the teabaggers in here...a dick and proud of it.
Milo acts like someone trying to teach us what to think, and I recoil.
No, he's just trying to get people to reject "goodthink". You must understand he comes from a country where you can go to jail for what you post on Facebook.
I prefer his right-side nemesis, Ben Shapiro, when it comes to serious argument.
They both serve their purpose.
Anxiously hold my breath, waiting for Terry Moran to take-on Dan Savage. Savage is considered a "speaking truth to power" warrior, but is no less provocative the this Milo character! Difference is, Savage is one of the cool kids!
You'd think after 10 years of unsuccessful daily discount offers the NYT would be offering me 99% off instead of 40% off.
I think Milo's best speech was the one at which he was the most serious -- right after the Orlando shooting:
(Gavin was good, too.)
Robert Cook said...
"I've never heard of this Milo dude. "America's tired of good manners?" Fuck him."
Relax, Bob. It's only a homo.
It's the DNC-MSM's Othering of Milo.
What I like about Milo is his FU attitude towards it. "Yeah - I'm the "other" so what?"
"Anxiously hold my breath, waiting for Terry Moran to take-on Dan Savage."
Yeah, Savage deliberately put his own spit on doorknobs in order to make GOP staffers sick. That's not behaving like a 13 year old, though. That's the sort of "transgressiveness" that liberals like.
Freder, Leslie Jones twitter was more racist and offensive than Milos.
machine said...
he's perfect for the teabaggers in here...a dick and proud of it
9/5/16, 10:44 AM
The irony...
Progressive democrats support Kapernick because "WE need to have this conversation about race". They also shout down opposing opinions because SHUT UP, HATER!
So Freder asks: "I am so tired of hearing this nonsense. Where are there similar antics on the left?"
machine responds later: "he's perfect for the teabaggers in here...a dick and proud of it."
Beautiful. (You may have to think hard to get the correlation lefties)
Terry Moran was so offended by Milo he looked as if he were about to cry.
Terry Moran needs a safe space NOW.
If a big Black man said the sexually charged innuendos Leslie Jones says to Colin Jost in her SNL Weekend Update skits, he would be charged with sexual harassment or worse. Roger Ailes has been charged for less.
It's hard not to like Milo. He's got guts.
At first he irritated me because I thought he was overstating too much, but after the events of this year, I now see he was wiser than I was at the time.
One example was his statement that the West was throwing gays under the bus in order to favor Muslims. That, I thought, was true in parts of England and Europe, but not in the US. (I don't like unnecessary controversy about groups.) Well, after Pulse, I mentally doffed my hat to him and I am now making an effort to keep up with what he is saying. But there are others.
Milo is smarter and more creative than his critics. They hate that.
What a jerk! He is perfect for Trump.
Milo now represents the counterculture - and the gray dull group think conformists on the left, like Freder, can't stand it.
Here's Milo's grand entrance at UCSB:
One imagines the boring, santimonous SWJs in the audience standing there with pained expressions, rather like the prim old lady in "American Gothic." Everyone else is having a great time.
"What a jerk! He is perfect for Trump."
And Moran and the lead-in reporterette are purrrfect for the left. Decrying horrible manners, while exhibiting their own.
I didn't think this weekend could get any better, and then I read Laslo. All the best to you, sir!!
Milo Yiannopoulos is a Brit who works as the "tech" editor of Brietbart but he is alternately described as "conservative" by BuzzFeed and "alt-right" because he wrote the supposed expose on the underlying alt-right organization and he calls Donald Trump "Daddy." Two feminist reporters excitedly wrote that they spent time with Milo in his hotel room, calling the openly gay blogger "a gentleman."
Well, there is no way that this pretty boy is conservative, having requested that his Twitter followers bombard selected people with racist and demeaning tweets. That is what leftists like Donald Trump do.
Having read what he wrote about the alt-right and its many factions and originators, I conclude he knows just enough about the subject to obfuscate the very existence of such an organization. Or perhaps the obfuscation was deliberate but I think that gives him too much credit.
In any case, let's not raise another nobody to celebrity status.
"We have a presidential candidate who has deleted emails and done things illegally and is a presidential candidate. That doesn’t make sense to me because if that was any other person you’d be in prison."
I despair of you sometimes, hypothalamus.
Per Laslo: I guess what I am saying is that, for many conservatives, Milo makes good barbecue.
Excellent! We need more barbecue, less quiche.
Milo missed a chance to mock the interviewer's looks. The dude looks like he tried to cover up his Downs Syndrome with bad plastic surgery.
@Gahrie said...
I am a Conservative, socially and fiscally, and I approve of Milo. (including his stances on "gay" issues)
Well, well a social conservative who approves the granting of favorable treatment of one group over all others? Better check your definitions. Milo's personal causes need not become yours.
@JaimeRoberto said...
Milo missed a chance to mock the interviewer's looks. The dude looks like he tried to cover up his Downs Syndrome with bad plastic surgery.
Yeah, right! We need more Trump behavior during interviews.
As if on cue, machine comes along two comments after Freder Frederson and demonstrates exactly the type Leftist tolerance Freder Frederson denied existed.
(at 10:44 comment above)
Excellent! We need more barbecue, less quiche.
These things together with a mason jar of sweet tea beats the snot out of anything Thomas Keller could cook up.
Gadfly, Milo has said legal protections for gays aren't needed.
The still of Jones that the producers imposed w/ the gorilla stuff around the two minute mark was something. Earlier in the tape they did show the flattering image w/ her in the red dress, but that weird still around two minutes was odd. Trollish?
Also, did anyone else notice that they kept reshowing the insulting tweets and restating the same insulting stuff? Is that repetition an odd way to oppose the dissemination of such? Also, is it odd to repeatedly show Jones smacking another lady in a piece that is about Jones being an abused victim? And, they show her pretending to bite some dude. There were a bunch of stills of Milo which made him look cool. ABC also managed to include an image of schumer looking like a hag, too.
Anywho, I saw this differently than Althouse and the other knee-jerks here. IMHO, the interviewer and the especially the producers/editors who put this together, stylistically speaking, displayed the sincerest form of flattery toward Milo, on purpose. Content-wise, they set him up w/ softballs, and they fairly showed him whacking them. Althouse should be less foggy in her thinking, for this ABC piece Terry the TV dork pretending to be a troll is only the proverbial tree in the forest. This piece isn't the result of someone rolling an iPhone as Milo chit chats, it's interesting to consider all the pro-Milo/anti-Jones work and choices that ABC put into this piece, imho.
You might want to learn more about a subject before making yourself look so foolish. As damikesc said, Milo thinks laws that single out gays are not needed.
"Why is the ABC reporter sneering and yelling at the person he's interviewing?"
Did ABC hire Dan Rather?
Could you specifically mention, please, how ABC could have found and used an attractive picture of Leslie Jones? I would be interested to learn that such exists. Also, if you have a clip showing Jones being funny it would be useful to the discussion. I have yet to find any in existence.
There are hundreds of Dan Rathers to go 'round. CBS never had a monopoly.
-Good manners are important.
-Did you learn that in South Africa, Mr. Candy?
My brothers told me that good manners cost
us Magerfontein, Stormberg and Colenso.
Six thousand men killed and 20,000
wounded, and two years of war.
When with a little common sense and bad
manners, there would have been no war at all.
Also, if you have a clip showing Jones being funny it would be useful to the discussion. I have yet to find any in existence.
I find this quite funny. Jones might be sucked along in the slipstream of funnier people, but her role seems fitting for her.
Is there anything more humorous than hearing a liberal/Leftist talk about the need for "good manners" or being concerned about vulgarity?
The satire writes itself.
There are two things about Milo Yiannopolous that stand out in that interview- first he never backed down to the relentless attack by Moran- not once. Secondly, his thought processes to expression, brain to mouth, are so quick and deadly that Moran's attempts to over-talk him were noticeable failures; and I am assuming that Moran did his best at editing it in his own favor- and still failed. In short, Moran was badly outclassed on a pure brain-power level.
And I don't know who made the editorial choices for the clips of Leslie Jones shown in that interview, but they were laughably inappropriate for the point that Moran was attempting to make. Clueless comes to mind as a description.
Scowling does not comedy make. So while I appreciate your effort that was not a clip of Jones being funny.
So while I appreciate your effort that was not a clip of Jones being funny.
To each his own, but her threatening line takes advantage of her stature. Comedy gold. I think you're blinded by the politics of it all...
I considered that. However, being familiar with Moran's previous work, there is literally no evidence he would do such a thing. I think Yiannopolous simply got the better of Moran because the entire game was played on Milo's home field.
And he's right...why is he responsible for his followers when literally nobody else is.
Not at all blinded by politics, rehajm. And I have no idea how you could claim "to each his own" and deign to tell me what is in my head.
I love the observational comedy of George Carlin and I disagree profoundly with the positions he took about politics. I appreciate the mania of Robin Williams. I appreciate the careful storytelling of heyday Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor.
I enjoy Lily Tomlin (from high chair to her Jane Fonda series of today), Jane Curtin, Amy Poehler and many others. Heck, I enjoy Sandra Bernhard.
The one thing all of those people have in common is an ability to tell a joke.
You're giving Milo too much credit. It was not on his feet thinking to throw out the stuff about Beyonce, Gomez and the rest. That, as well as the other stuff he said, is his boilerplate. ABC lobbed stuff that he's seen time and time again. Of course he nailed the answers.
That's not interesting. It is interesting to look at the other pro-Milo and anti-Jones stuff that saturate the piece. You say it is the result of cluelessness. That's a lot of work and chooses and people looking over the production process that would be involved to end up w/ so many anti-Jones elements, it's not obvious that this would just randomly happen on it's own because of cluelessness.
I wait for your links to attractive pictures of Jones that ABC could have used.
Not at all blinded by politics, rehajm. And I have no idea how you could claim "to each his own" and deign to tell me what is in my head.
Your comment lectured me on what's funny when I'm entitled to decide. Now you know how I feel.
Milo Yiannopoulos for Presidential debate moderator.
With him and Trump it will be the greatest show on earth.
It will be the most watched Youtube debate ever. Clips will be appropriated and shown for decades.
Clinton would be a necessary prop, but Im sure they can work around that.
You will find, please, where I told you what to think. And when you don't, then you will apologize or I will adjust my opinion of you accordingly.
As for ABC, they are part of the propaganda machine of course.
They do as they are told, in great detail and in coordination with other parts of the machine.
I think ABC's editors thought the choices were devastating- that is what makes it seem clueless. It is quite possible that there are no choices available of Jones, for example, that could have made their points.
Basically, you are asking me to believe that Moran and ABC wanted to make Yiannopolous look good, and that they failed to use the most devastating material against him, however, there evidence that Moran and ABC would want to do this, and plenty of evidence that they wanted to damage him. They just failed.
"ABC lobbed stuff that he's seen time and time again. Of course he nailed the answers."
Because that's what the Left does. "You're a racist, sexist, meanie. You hater!!" Of course, it's easy to "nail the answers" when you keep hearing the same stupid attacks over and over again.
Milo defends himself instead of groveling and issuing a profuse apology for having offended people who don't give a rat's ass if they give offense to those they hate. That's what makes him a "jerk" and an "asshole" in the eyes of the Left.
"Milo Yiannopoulos for Presidential debate moderator.
With him and Trump it will be the greatest show on earth."
It would be, which is why it will never happen.
My original comment noted the they did show her in a red dress w/ a panning shot from her feet up. Up to the neckline area it looked pretty good. They could have at least shown this image as many times as they showed her smacking another lady. Or, they could have showed that image instead of repeatedly reshowing and repeating the same offensive tweets. Or, they could have showed that instead of the odd still that they chose for around the two minute mark.
Also, since ABC did find this one good, sub-neckline, image, presumably others exist, too. I'm sure she has some sort of a press pack w/ images.
OTOH, Milo's teeth are a mess, but ABC went w/ his glamor shots instead of chosing images that highlight his lowlight grill.
You will find, please, where I told you what to think. And when you don't, then you will apologize or I will adjust my opinion of you accordingly.
"So while I appreciate your effort that was not a clip of Jones being funny."
This is a lecture, do not wait for an apology, and your opinion of me is none of my business.
If he was their bully, he'd be a hero.
Again the left shows itself to be complete hypocrites. If being transgender is completely normal, then why care if someone says a woman looks like a dude. Why do they consider that an insult?
Exiledonmaintstreet at 9:25am is right, I think: my impression is that MY, attempting to further his career, migrated to LA where, as we all know, quiet seriousness doesn't get much attention; I think that at some point when he was still doing tech and freelance journalism in the UK, however, he made some decisions about how he was going to deal with his public persona (he did the private Twitter account in addition to @Nero when he was still London-based).
This is where am going to allow myself to retail my amusing MY anecdote; I resisted yesterday or whenever AA posted about nonsense at l'Osservatore Romano. He had written a sardonic essay for the Catholic Herald about media treatment of Pope Benedict XVI (October 2011), 'a guide for journalists'. The text is here (but I don't find it online elsewhere-- one suspects that it doesn't mesh well with the 'new Milo'); anyway, some little time later l'Osservatore Romano published an Italian translation (I can't be more exact about that because the search function there is laughably inexact and incomplete). I tweeted congratulations (he had been, justly, critical of the Holy See's insanely user-unfriendly online presence); he replied, "what?"-- he had had no idea that the translation had been done or that l'Osservatore Romano was publishing it. Have always wondered if he got paid anything for it.
I'm thinking ABC wanted Jones to provide her POV on camera, audio, or (at a minimum) in writing for their piece. When she and/or her folks turned it down they decided to use editing to stand in for her. The not too subtle message is: if you don't give us access, instead of going w/ your POV and your glam shots (like we did w/ Milo), we'll use images to visually concoct a POV for you, and you may not like it.
Milo doesn't bash WOMEN, he bashes FEMINISTS. There's barely any overlap in that Venn diagram.
OK, can we see a seven minute segment of Milo Yiannopolous interviewing Terry Moran?
Female chauvinists. Male chauvinists. Transgender/homosexual chauvinists. Class chauvinists, welcome. Others should act their politically correct identity.
"I am so tired of hearing this nonsense. Where are there similar antics on the left? Provide an example of a prominent twitter stream or website on the left that is as nasty, spiteful and racist as Milo or Breitbart (or Drudge, Rush or Hannity for that matter). Provide someone on the left who is as dishonest and distorts reality as much as James O'Keefe or the idiots who accused Planned Parenthood of selling baby parts (which although it was proven to be false is continually repeated on the right as true). Who are the equivalent of Steve Bannon or Roger Ailes working for the Clinton campaign or running a major news network."
Easy GAWKER and Jezebel to nmae two
Freder Frederson said...
"Provide someone on the left who is as dishonest and distorts reality as much as James O'Keefe or the idiots who accused Planned Parenthood of selling baby parts (which although it was proven to be false is continually repeated on the right as true)."
Umm, Freder. Planned Parenthood takes babies apart, and gives the parts to corporations, which then give money to Planned Parenthood. You do know that, don't you? They don't deny it. They merely claim that the money they get is not payment for the baby parts, it is reimbursement for the expenses associated with obtaining the baby parts. The logic here is, "Since we are not making a profit, we cannot be evil".
And they aren't evil, are they, Freder. They just run death camps for babies. Nothing wrong with that.
Hey look - Hillary Clinton is playing dumb again.
+700,000 in donations from big oil? Never heard of it.
David Sirota - an actual journalist
You seem to think me expressing my opinion of Jones is telling you what to think. How odd.
My opinion is adjusted.
I recently listened to 5+ hours of Joe Rogan interviewing Milo. Milo is filling the void left by so many comedians who, instead of provoking debate or making people think, are more concerned about upholding the status quo, are more concerned about not appearing to be "mean." He's eating our lunch.
Does anyone not remember the cruel remarks about Carly Fiorina on The View?
I am clearly out of step with the Althouse crowd, and Althouse herself, and I plan to stay that way. This "well, the other side does it, so you can't complain when our side does it" line of argument doesn't wash for me. First of all, I don't see life, even politics, as being that binary. But also, if you don't like what you perceive as "the liberal media" slanting things and insulting those who don't think like them, why do you then decide that the solution is to champion someone who does the same thing from a different perspective, like the odious MY. It's similar to all the folks who insist to me that whatever Trump does is okay because "Hillary is worse."
Sorry, but MY is not just a provocateur but a bully-- a lot like his hero, Donald Trump. And yes, I have had him on my radar screen for a while, and even admired his take on Gamergate in the beginning. But like most issues he takes on, he pushed it too far, in my opinion. Sorry, but I don't see why being obnoxious has become so admired of late-- MY, Ann Coulter, Donald Trump, etc. MY loved the Nightline attention, and would love this collection of admiring comments in his 'defense' as well. It's sad to see what Breitbart has become and I fervently wish they'd take Andrew Breitbart's name off the product. MY is no AB.
rehajm said...ABC reporter also called Milo an 'idiot'. Isn't ABC reporter guilty of everything he finds offensive about Milo?
Pretty much..throwing out a list of negative adjectives around 4:49...even education shaming him for dropping out of Cambridge.
I'm not a fan of Milo..I've said before he strikes me as that MadTV character playing the kid on the body harness going "Look what I can do!"
But the reporter was..worse.
Trying to talk all over him..all the indignation while "trolling" himself.
I love Moran's reaction at 6:00. He's so red..kinda looks like he's been weeping.
Technically, I found it interesting that the editors allowed Milo's voice to match, even dominate Moran's intrusions at times. It would be standard practice to record their voices to separate tracks and decide relative levels during edit. And some of those pics of Jones put on screen were less than flattering. Someone in the process was on his side. But as someone above alluded to..works as distraction from Hil. Despite Milo's rise being largely due to politics.
All the liberal women of The View should be pushed into a burning building.
So Milo says mean things about women, using over-broad generalizations, and taking the actions of the worst as representative of the whole?
That makes him a real feminist, because he's merely bringing some balance to our national conversation about gender.
Even saying he dropped out of college was kind of a praise-shame, since it was Cambridge.
Is this a sorta example of the Streisand Effect? Not so much attempting to hide or remove or censor Milo, but an attempt to discredit him, "expose" him and hope he subsequently disappears, only to end up with the unintended consequence of exposing him more widely? I know the Streisand Effect normally applies to the internet. Maybe this is the "ham-handed" (dinosaur media) television version. Allegedly it made the professor "side with" someone whom she has "never bothered with one way or the other."
using over-broad generalizations, and taking the actions of the worst as representative of the whole
"skin color"-based [class] diversity schemes. Principles not included.
Planned Parenthood ... death camps for babies
Abortion chambers. Then there is Planned Parenthood's Mengele division. A progressive slope. Still, people find comfort in a sincere belief in the fantasy of spontaneous conception. There are too many "good" Americans lead by a minority cult that find a compelling interest in not only tolerating but advocating for the final solution etc.
That said, unfortunately, the problem set is not the same as in "one-child", where the corruption of the minority did not reflect the will of the majority. Selective-child in liberal societies is a hard problem.
Nightline, like 60 Minutes, doe not have reporters. They are entertainers. Those shows are pure entertainment, not serious reporting or journalism. Sneering and yelling is just acting a role.
I kinda agree with PB& J as I thought the same thing when I watched. The thing is, from the trailers, there wasn't much to praise from Ghostbusters. The Jones character seemed like a really lazy stereotype and written by anyone else would have been savaged as racially insensitive. So there wasn't a lot to work with.
On the other hand, I think ABC might have thought all those Milo glamour shots would be offensive, as it illustrates his obvious homosexuality. Our Coastal Media Elite is counting on the bigots in flyover country to recoil from teh gays.
And I hope Dan Savage answers Freder pretty well.
Or the anchor who laughed on air about Bristol Palin being assaulted.
This all is no longer a matter of finding comfort in some balance of virtues. The stakes of the struggle are too high, and its nature is no longer a matter of reasonable argument, because there is no room or use for reasonable argument. Anyone who values reasonable argument, at this point, is just a hobbyist, taking a vacation from the world. I sympathise, I am one of those also, but the reality does not conform to my preferred fantasy.
No, this is all like WWII, all or nothing, one side or the other, you take your allies where you can get them and you do what you have to do regardless of anything else.
The other sides propaganda machine is a machine, simply that, there is no arguing with them. They are mechanical, amoral thing, have no eyes or ears or heart, and to it you are just another insect in the grain it is reaping. To fight a machine you need another machine, just as mighty, just as single minded, and just as cruel.
The Vulgarians are here and Trump is their leader. The liberal establishment doesn't know how to counter it yet.
What's with Milo's hair? Looks like David Brock's. Interesting, since Milo seems an updated version of him.
Buwaya at 4:23: Great insight. Thank you for saying these things so much better than I could.
Real women have curves...and sometimes also cocks.
Disagree and you are a vicious sexist and will be dealt with accordingly.
...Continued Mishaps of Madame Pantsuit.
love it.
PBandJ_LeDouanier said...OTOH, Milo's teeth are a mess, but ABC went w/ his glamor shots instead of chosing images that highlight his lowlight grill.
9/5/16, 12:50 PM
Oooh, body shaming! Criticism of physical appearance! Boo Hoo Hoo!!! Safe space! Safe space!
The ABC reporter has quite the whiff of Puritanism around him. He looks like he's smelling a particularly SBD all the time.
Milo (never heard of him) did very well in that interview.
The problem with Ghostbusters is not the acting talent, although they don't seem all that talented in the clips I've seen. It's not a funny concept to take an old idea and add diversity to it, it's a Stalinist concept. But that's not it either. Ghostbusters is a remake and a story idea only has so many lives before it gets worn out. This latest version of Ghostbusters is a remake of a remake. The second version of this film was the 1984 boomer version. But that was a remake as well. The original version of Ghostbusters was a Bob Hope movie from the 1940's called Ghostbreakers. The latest version of Ghostbusters is like a 1949 Dodge with new modern rims and a dayglo paint job.
If y'all want to see libs rip apart a con using sexist gal jokes, it's rough for Coulter at the Rob Lowe roast.
And, if that's not enough for you, they all like joking about Rob doing a sixteen year old.
Still not enough, how about joking about Pete Davidson's dad roasting when he died on 9-11 as a firefighter trying to save people.
Anywho, I think we can all agree that, even if you think they're terrible, it's probably better to have old libs who like nasty jokes instead of the current generation of delicate-snowflake libs.
Also, delicate-snowflake cons whining about the mean lib media is also lame, imho.
Where are there similar antics on the left?
I'm sorry but you were you even alive during the Bush years? And did you watch any TV or read any news or social media when Palin was running? Can you even be serious?
Provide an example of a prominent twitter stream or website on the left that is as nasty, spiteful and racist as Milo or Breitbart (or Drudge, Rush or Hannity for that matter)
ROFL! Really? You've never been on Twitter then have you? This is such a tired , lame, unthinking response it makes me think Freder is just mailing it in now. He can't cite one example of hate speech from the group he indicts. It's the old "I don't like sean hannity so i call it hate speech" bullshit from the left. Twitter is an avalanche of leftist HATE speech in the mold of "you're a whore and I hope your john kills you" that swarms the feeds of rightish writers like Michelle Malkin but you'll never call out the punks on the left for that.
Nope. Rush is a hater because he made fun of Hillary and Chelsea again. Or called the fat dowager "cankles" again. Oh my. Get the smelling salts Freder! So when ONE guy on the right (who happens to be flamboyant and gay) gives the smackdown as good as he gets you're all no no no you can't be mean like us! Your hate speech card is maxed out and not working FF.
Civility bullshit indeed.
What is it with ABC News? So many of its anchors (David Muir, Tom Llamas) and various reporters talk with the painful urgency of having a full bladder to empty.
That was maybe the worst interview I have ever seen or even heard of, including back on my high school's student paper.
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