My young son lives there, works at Epic. I find myself agreeing with you on most things political and admire the way you write but I have to admit a big part of "following" you is to see what's blooming there or passing over in the sky. Thanks for that.
Do either you or Mead ever get seized, yea, veritably seized, by the uncontrollable urge to sing "Red Sails in the Sunset" while taking these photos of Lake Mendota?
Trump is surely going to lose this election because he's tanking in all the polls.
For example, Reuters has him down to Hillary by +6 for Clinton.
Bloomberg has the same thing. +6 for Clinton.
Just last month, in July, Reuters had Clinton at +11.
The last time Bloomberg ran a poll was in June and Clinton was +12.
Can't you see he's tanking?
Or maybe it's something else. I'm old enough to remember the Primaries where #NeverTrump kept demanding we all back Cruz, Rubio or Kasich in order to defeat Trump. When that didn't work, #NeverTrump demanded we change the rules at the convention so that someone could replace Trump. Now that that hasn't worked, #NeverTrump is demanding Trump drop out of the race, otherwise, we'll lose to Hillary.
I've stated previously that if #NeverTrump didn't finally come around after the convention and losing in the primaries and losing at the convention and finally getting on board, that Trump would lose the election.
I think it's going to happen. He's going to lose. Because #NeverTrump is working their tails off to see to it he loses.
NotquiteunBuckley said... Is Hillary Clinton Ayn Rand, one of Crack's 400 year old diety's?
Sure sure plausible deniable situations could occur, but for now my truth is Hillary Clinton is Ayn Rand.
7/25/14, 10:03 PM NotquiteunBuckley said... "There are ways of dealing with such wickedness, and, in fact, right reason itself enjoins them." --Chambers
Okay looks like I might have made a mistake.
But I haven't read Twain on Cooper yet again so keep your knickers dry.
But the above, quoted from Whittaker Chambers, might just be one of the best sentences ever.
CONTACT: -Find Out If Your Husband/Wife or Boyfriend/Girlfriend Is Cheating On You -Let Us Help You Hack Any Website Or Database -Hack Into Any University Portal; To Change Your Grades Or Upgrade Any Personal Information/Examination Questions -Hack Email; Mobile Phones; Whatsapp; Text Messages; Call Logs; Facebook And Other Social Media Accounts -And All Related Services ReputableHacker Will Get The Job Done For You TESTED AND TRUSTED!!!
Since it costs a lot to win, and even more to lose, You and me bound to spend some time wondering what to choose. Goes to show, you don't ever know, Watch each card you play and play it slow, Wait until that deal come round, Don't you let that deal go down, no, no.
I been gambling hereabouts for ten good solid years, If I told you all that went down it would burn off both of your ears. Goes to show you don't ever know Watch each card you play and play it slow, Wait until that deal come round, Don't you let that deal go down, no, no.
Since you poured the wine for me and tightened up my shoes, I hate to leave you sitting there, composing lonesome blues. Goes to show you don't ever know Watch each card you play and play it slow, Wait until that deal come round, don't you let that deal go down.
Remember when Democrats would show up in front of any and every TV camera to defend Obamacare as if it would succeed if lefties just won the political battle? All that time and effort and resources to win hearts and minds?
Funny, those pictures make me homesick. Although I've spent most of my life in the Los Angeles area (and yes among many many many other things, learning dirty words in Spanish) I do miss my family, my Grandma, and standing on the dock at Pelican Lake in Orr, Minnesota and then hurrying inside as the thunderstorm is about to break loose. We could stand more than a couple of those in Southern California these days. I think I'll try to get back there next summer. I like the pictures, thank you.
Looks like Ace found God, or, more likely, sadly, as have I, discovered Milt Friedman was right reason in many instances and cases and cased incidences and uncased.
Blogger rehajm said... Remember when Democrats would show up in front of any and every TV camera to defend Obamacare as if it would succeed if lefties just won the political battle? All that time and effort and resources to win hearts and minds?
Well that was a waste.
If this were a Republican administration, those "Doctors" who stood behind Obama in white lab coats for the Obamacare photo op would all be on TV right now being asked if they still stand by the legislation.
I don't know what the vibe is in WI, but for me, in Western WA, I count on July (and especially) August to have totally awesome weather.
There was a time when I thought it was nice to spend winters in Santa Monica, but it turns out that living there seems lame, extended visits are better, imho. But, if I stick around up North for some of the darker months, it's nice to brighten up for July (and especially) August. Imho.
"Give me the narcissistic demagogue over the criminal."
Narcissist: A person who is overly self-involved, and often vain and selfish. Demagogue: A rabble-rouser, agitator, political agitator, soapbox orator, firebrand, fomenter, provocateur.
Narcissist yes, what politician isn't, but demagogue? Trump surely is not any kind of a spell-binding speaker?
No matter how oblivious to the United States armed forces and their honor and their sacrifices I am, I just had a healthy laugh knowing with Patton-grade confidence of abilities to execute/perform so as to exceed all peers known, post contemporary, many men made the same comment I just thought: many years latter as it happens.
Oh yeah, you'll get warning. It shall be triggered too even, although sadly Tootse not just for you does that warning bell toll.
Is what "they" "might" "use" to "oppress" "victims."
So they feel enlightened by using direct assasination attempt diction on any and all, forever, based on ignorance of a word and the law and God's will for America.
Because, as Keynes knew, unlike you or me or us presumably, the very-most profound thing to know: we all die not after but within "the long run" so fuck it.
And fuck everyone: Neither Tupac nor I was born into Utopia (as we think we By God Should Have) so all shall burn
Bulletin: Just heard regarding the Olympics pool closure for green water: 'We are learning that chemistry is not an exact science'. Wow! It certainly was when I studied it. But, then, that was quite a while ago....
You cons who are complaining about the Olympics should be praising them and be thankful for all their Brazil disasterness.
Imagine if they had been awarded to Chicago. Not only would you have all these American victories making folks feel like winners, but BHO would likely have even higher approval ratings as he posed for Olympian photo ops.
I often wonder what tourists think if they come into Port Townsend at the wrong time. The aroma can be distinctive, and the road that goes into town passes through a potent concentration. But, seconds later it's quickly forgotten.
Anywho, at one of the places I live I received mail from lawyers. I think they were trying to do some sort of class action thing to get rid of the only notable industry in the entire county (which has the third oldest average population in the country, and almost a third of the men who are in their prime working years for some reason (not just unemployment--Jefferson has "odd ducks") don't work.
I've also received a garbage can warning for throwing out the wrong stuff at my place in the city.
I often wonder what tourists think if they come into Port Townsend at the wrong time. The aroma can be distinctive, and the road that goes into town passes through a potent concentration. But, seconds later it's quickly forgotten.
I worked in a research facility in Seattle [and then Federal Way]. But, yes, I am familiar with the pulping aromas.
Did you get the sweet industry scholarship? My son got it and he ended his freshman year with fat stacks in the bank. Alas, he dreams of rockets, so he told the pulp & paper guys that he wouldn't be pursuing that line of engineering. Hopefully that works out. I was impressed with the aggressive internship program the p&p folks have.
No, but the company wanted to send me for a Masters Degree, an offer I declined. Yes, they have an excellent internship there. Great company to work for. I was one of only two women in their R&D facility when I joined the company in 1974, other than the office staff. The lab was on Harbor Island in Seattle at that time.
It's interesting that Weyerhaeuser is moving into town. And, Amazon (when the towers are completed (they're now under construction) and including the other buildings) will have 10 million square feet of space right in town, too. Not to mention all the stuff Paul Allen is putting down there, and all the other stuff going up. Not that they have much of a footprint, but Starbucks is essentially downtown-ish.
I guess rich folks today want to be in town. Not too long ago, it was cool to stick Microsoft and Costco and Boeing (if not in Chicago) a little out of the center of town.
Anywho, even though it's no fun to have your house's tax assessment routinely go up plus or minus the 100 thousand dollar mark every year, it could be worse.
They couldn't pay me enough to live in Seattle today, though I did love it at one time. My late husband and I lived in Normandy Park, a suburb south of Seattle, so it was an easy drive to Federal Way when the move was made.
Maybe Bezos et. al. plan to be large enough in numbers such that they can overcome the Kshama Sawant wing of Seattle politics. I sure hope so.
Non-Seattle folks could understand Kshama Sawant, who is on the city council, as a version of Bernie, but a thousand times more dedicated to socialist nuttiness. I know, it's hard to image....until you live in Seattle.
I love Mt. Rainier. My daughter an I are going camping there in a couple of weeks. The San Juans are great, too. We used to have a boat and would cruise up there--so beautiful!
I'm guessing that when you say "camping", you mean hanging in an RV. That's cool. But, some of us old school Eagle Scout types tend to mean something else when we say camping.
Btw, I know it's lame to point it out, but I'm pretty proud of my trolling in the thread about the old dude in the subway. The use of the word "shorts" reoccurs in supposedly different contexts on purpose.
Me and DJT are smarmy idiots who are full of themselves. Not necessarily POTUS material. Just sayin.
I'm guessing that when you say "camping", you mean hanging in an RV. That's cool. But, some of us old school Eagle Scout types tend to mean something else when we say camping.
RV for me, tent for her. I used to tent camp, both backpacking and kayak camping, until two years ago, when I sold my kayak. My little 4X4 RV takes me where I want to go in relative comfort now.
I'd like to do more overnight stuff in a Kayak. I've only kayak camped one night, and even that was w/ Kayak Academy as part of their five day training thing.
On Monday, I'm heading to a cabin near Forks, so it's not like I think I need to be on a 100 mile hike (though I've done those) to "get out there." But, for the record (and my cred), I've never RV camped.
I forgot, I did the Green River in Utah in one of my kayaks. That was close to a week. And, you had to pack out your shit (literally). How could I forget that?
I forgot, I did the Green River in Utah in one of my kayaks. That was close to a week. And, you had to pack out your shit (literally). How could I forget that?
BTDT at a few places in WA. We used wag bags so no big deal.
One really great place to kayak/kayak camp is Diablo Lake in North Cascades NP.
My sister and her husband did the Green River in UT and said there was so much silt in the water that their fingers were raw. AK.
"One really great place to kayak/kayak camp is Diablo Lake in North Cascades NP."
I know it well, we have a reoccurring reservation for the Ross Lake floating cabins. Have you been up to Kerouac's hangout?
BTW, I don't know how you deal with the wag bags, but after a week the seals seem to not be as good as they should be. We bring a 4" ABS Pipe w/ a cap glued on one end, and a fitting that accepts a male plug (w/ pipe dope) on the other end. No smell at all (except when the plug is off because you're shoving the newest bag into the pipe.)
And, the silt nastiness depends on how low the river is. But, no matter what you'll be cleaning silt out of the boat for a month after getting back. I have no idea where it hides in there.
200 rounds fired from 18 weapons and only one death.
By "Lol" is hereby with the intent of humiliation.
You lil Denver gangcunts ever want to compete with men you'll find one kill after 200 rounds is worth me killing you with one shot one kill on principle alone.
Don't you dirty white-hating whites or non-whites ever even dream of being me: justified jealousy is your only pose until I murder you dead.
I love your 88 IQ more than your comprehension allows.
I guess th3 war zone problem at 16th Street Mall is too big for me to handle, me a mere civilian and all.
Wish I had control, compassionate ruthlessness can quickly be learned by even the meanest, most powerful, especially after their family doesn't suck worms but perpetually attempts logic, continued degradation, other than blood lust, repeatedly as their ideology destroys every and all foundations their passion emotes is their and the only reason to exist.
"Alan Keyes says I want to introduce sex eduacation for kindergarteners."
(Audience laughs)
Obama chuckles.
"I didn't know what to tell him: but it's the right thing to do. "
No no racist, Obama knows your 6 or 7 year old is a bigot, but fear nit, he won't kill the little bigot save their humanity. He will ensure the toddler-or-older whites know they stole from immaculate betters, and are, forever, guilty.
Blogger Laslo Spatula said... I am really glad mockturtle is here.
I am Laslo.
8/12/16, 10:59 PM
Actually no and, somewhat uniquely, fuck no.
Glad folks, even talented glad folks, but not as mega-uniquely talented in terms of laughter-killing skills, the epitome paradigmed, might be assumed especially really glad folks are here and heard, but not Sunday through Saturday 12-12.
Dwight Yoakum sang "Blame it on the Vein" and forgetting that I shan't soon be doing.
Bored? Check Guccifers Hack page, call Congress and their staff on their cells.
Operator, Well let's forget about this call. Nobody there I really wanted to talk to. Thank you for your time, Well you've been so much more than kind. You can keep the dime...
Well, there is Planned Parenthood that offers prime cuts. There are prenatal stem cell cocktails. Aborting your child extends your quality of sex life by at least a few years.
Blogger Laslo Spatula said... I am really glad mockturtle is here.
I am Laslo.
8/12/16, 10:59 PM
Actually no and, somewhat uniquely, fuck no.
Glad folks, even talented glad folks, but not as mega-uniquely talented in terms of laughter-killing skills, the epitome paradigmed, might be assumed especially really glad folks are here and heard, but not Sunday through Saturday 12-12.
Dwight Yoakum sang "Blame it on the Vein" and forgetting that I shan't soon be doing.......
Hahaha ! Guild, you a crazy guy, in a real good way.
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७४ टिप्पण्या:
Miserably humid day.
My young son lives there, works at Epic. I find myself agreeing with you on most things political and admire the way you write but I have to admit a big part of "following" you is to see what's blooming there or passing over in the sky. Thanks for that.
I used to kid myself, and think that Hillary had to win the election to keep the skeletons buried.
I no longer kid myself.
Do either you or Mead ever get seized, yea, veritably seized, by the uncontrollable urge to sing "Red Sails in the Sunset" while taking these photos of Lake Mendota?
I don't think I could resist.
Trump is surely going to lose this election because he's tanking in all the polls.
For example, Reuters has him down to Hillary by +6 for Clinton.
Bloomberg has the same thing. +6 for Clinton.
Just last month, in July, Reuters had Clinton at +11.
The last time Bloomberg ran a poll was in June and Clinton was +12.
Can't you see he's tanking?
Or maybe it's something else. I'm old enough to remember the Primaries where #NeverTrump kept demanding we all back Cruz, Rubio or Kasich in order to defeat Trump. When that didn't work, #NeverTrump demanded we change the rules at the convention so that someone could replace Trump. Now that that hasn't worked, #NeverTrump is demanding Trump drop out of the race, otherwise, we'll lose to Hillary.
I've stated previously that if #NeverTrump didn't finally come around after the convention and losing in the primaries and losing at the convention and finally getting on board, that Trump would lose the election.
I think it's going to happen. He's going to lose. Because #NeverTrump is working their tails off to see to it he loses.
Our thunderstorm watch has been sadly underwhelming.
NotquiteunBuckley said...
Is Hillary Clinton Ayn Rand, one of Crack's 400 year old diety's?
Sure sure plausible deniable situations could occur, but for now my truth is Hillary Clinton is Ayn Rand.
7/25/14, 10:03 PM
NotquiteunBuckley said...
"There are ways of dealing with such wickedness, and, in fact, right reason itself enjoins them." --Chambers
Okay looks like I might have made a mistake.
But I haven't read Twain on Cooper yet again so keep your knickers dry.
But the above, quoted from Whittaker Chambers, might just be one of the best sentences ever.
7/25/14, 10:55 PM
-Find Out If Your Husband/Wife or Boyfriend/Girlfriend Is Cheating On You
-Let Us Help You Hack Any Website Or Database
-Hack Into Any University Portal; To Change Your Grades Or Upgrade Any Personal Information/Examination Questions
-Hack Email; Mobile Phones; Whatsapp; Text Messages; Call Logs; Facebook And Other Social Media Accounts
-And All Related Services
ReputableHacker Will Get The Job Done For You
Looking forward to being in beautiful Madison this weekend.
"Deal" by the Grateful Dead
Since it costs a lot to win, and even more to lose,
You and me bound to spend some time wondering what to choose.
Goes to show, you don't ever know,
Watch each card you play and play it slow,
Wait until that deal come round,
Don't you let that deal go down, no, no.
I been gambling hereabouts for ten good solid years,
If I told you all that went down it would burn off both of your ears.
Goes to show you don't ever know
Watch each card you play and play it slow,
Wait until that deal come round,
Don't you let that deal go down, no, no.
Since you poured the wine for me and tightened up my shoes,
I hate to leave you sitting there, composing lonesome blues.
Goes to show you don't ever know
Watch each card you play and play it slow,
Wait until that deal come round, don't you let that deal go down.
Wait until that deal come round, don't you let that deal go down,
Wait until that deal come round, don't you let that deal go down,
Don't you let that deal go down, don't you let that deal go down.
Songwriters: HALL
Deal lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner/Chappell Music, Inc., Universal Music Publishing Group
Lyrics term of use
How much shameless greed graft and felonious behavior can the voters swallow? Give me the narcissistic demagogue over the criminal.
Remember when Democrats would show up in front of any and every TV camera to defend Obamacare as if it would succeed if lefties just won the political battle? All that time and effort and resources to win hearts and minds?
Well that was a waste.
Funny, those pictures make me homesick. Although I've spent most of my life in the Los Angeles area (and yes among many many many other things, learning dirty words in Spanish) I do miss my family, my Grandma, and standing on the dock at Pelican Lake in Orr, Minnesota and then hurrying inside as the thunderstorm is about to break loose. We could stand more than a couple of those in Southern California these days. I think I'll try to get back there next summer. I like the pictures, thank you.
Looks like Ace found God, or, more likely, sadly, as have I, discovered Milt Friedman was right reason in many instances and cases and cased incidences and uncased.
For the moment.
This all means nothing transcendental.
Or "" as it were.
Rain! At long last.
Arriving in Indiana early tomorrow.
I really like that second picture, Professor; thanks for sharing.
It's very good and comforting to wish some authority will make everything all better, until adulthood.
If you are not, in your decision's results, actively not cynical, I applaud you no matter ideology.
Cynicism is just too damn easy, easily wasteful of beyond my or any (save God) potential awaiting only to be fruitfully fruited likely works.
Blogger rehajm said...
Remember when Democrats would show up in front of any and every TV camera to defend Obamacare as if it would succeed if lefties just won the political battle? All that time and effort and resources to win hearts and minds?
Well that was a waste.
If this were a Republican administration, those "Doctors" who stood behind Obama in white lab coats for the Obamacare photo op would all be on TV right now being asked if they still stand by the legislation.
"1 – 17 of 17
Blogger Original Mike said...
Miserably humid day.
8/12/16, 6:44 PM"
Well, thank your lucky stars indeed misery loves cunts.
I don't know what the vibe is in WI, but for me, in Western WA, I count on July (and especially) August to have totally awesome weather.
There was a time when I thought it was nice to spend winters in Santa Monica, but it turns out that living there seems lame, extended visits are better, imho. But, if I stick around up North for some of the darker months, it's nice to brighten up for July (and especially) August. Imho.
"Give me the narcissistic demagogue over the criminal."
Narcissist: A person who is overly self-involved, and often vain and selfish.
Demagogue: A rabble-rouser, agitator, political agitator, soapbox orator, firebrand, fomenter, provocateur.
Narcissist yes, what politician isn't, but demagogue? Trump surely is not any kind of a spell-binding speaker?
Katie Ledecky must be part dolphin, part shark.
"Katie Ledecky must be part dolphin, part shark."
I felt sorry for the World Record line.
Trigger warning.
No matter how oblivious to the United States armed forces and their honor and their sacrifices I am, I just had a healthy laugh knowing with Patton-grade confidence of abilities to execute/perform so as to exceed all peers known, post contemporary, many men made the same comment I just thought: many years latter as it happens.
Oh yeah, you'll get warning. It shall be triggered too even, although sadly Tootse not just for you does that warning bell toll.
The psychology is fascinating.
Is what "they" "might" "use" to "oppress" "victims."
So they feel enlightened by using direct assasination attempt diction on any and all, forever, based on ignorance of a word and the law and God's will for America.
Because, as Keynes knew, unlike you or me or us presumably, the very-most profound thing to know: we all die not after but within "the long run" so fuck it.
And fuck everyone: Neither Tupac nor I was born into Utopia (as we think we By God Should Have) so all shall burn
Bulletin: Just heard regarding the Olympics pool closure for green water: 'We are learning that chemistry is not an exact science'. Wow! It certainly was when I studied it. But, then, that was quite a while ago....
Pool is green and smells like farts.
Oh yeah, you'll get warning. It shall be triggered too even, although sadly Tootse not just for you does that warning bell toll.
"Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell." Macbeth.
"Wow! It certainly was when I studied it."
What's your background? Chem E for me. Of course, I didn't stick w/ that for long. Not that there's anything wrong w/ that.
You cons who are complaining about the Olympics should be praising them and be thankful for all their Brazil disasterness.
Imagine if they had been awarded to Chicago. Not only would you have all these American victories making folks feel like winners, but BHO would likely have even higher approval ratings as he posed for Olympian photo ops.
As it is all Chicago news is about murder.
I was Pre-med but, due to life circumstances, didn't get to med school and ended up in pulp & paper chemistry [Weyerhaeuser Co.].
PS: Eight years of college [not consecutive] but only a Bachelor of Science degree.
When the pool is green, chlorine.
Bored? Check Guccifers Hack page, call Congress and their staff on their cells.
"ended up in pulp & paper chemistry"
I often wonder what tourists think if they come into Port Townsend at the wrong time. The aroma can be distinctive, and the road that goes into town passes through a potent concentration. But, seconds later it's quickly forgotten.
Anywho, at one of the places I live I received mail from lawyers. I think they were trying to do some sort of class action thing to get rid of the only notable industry in the entire county (which has the third oldest average population in the country, and almost a third of the men who are in their prime working years for some reason (not just unemployment--Jefferson has "odd ducks") don't work.
I've also received a garbage can warning for throwing out the wrong stuff at my place in the city.
In other words, I'm familiar w/ libs gone wild.
I often wonder what tourists think if they come into Port Townsend at the wrong time. The aroma can be distinctive, and the road that goes into town passes through a potent concentration. But, seconds later it's quickly forgotten.
I worked in a research facility in Seattle [and then Federal Way]. But, yes, I am familiar with the pulping aromas.
"and then Federal Way"
Presumably in the cool looking building.
mockturtle said...
I was Pre-med but, due to life circumstances, didn't get to med school and ended up in pulp & paper chemistry [Weyerhaeuser Co.].
32 ECT B-flute, all day long.
I am Laslo.
I am really glad mockturtle is here.
I am Laslo.
Thank you, Laslo! I'm glad you are here, too! :-)
Presumably in the cool looking building.
That is the Corporate HQ building. The Technology Center is behind it, out of view. It is cool, too.
Did you get the sweet industry scholarship? My son got it and he ended his freshman year with fat stacks in the bank. Alas, he dreams of rockets, so he told the pulp & paper guys that he wouldn't be pursuing that line of engineering. Hopefully that works out. I was impressed with the aggressive internship program the p&p folks have.
No, but the company wanted to send me for a Masters Degree, an offer I declined. Yes, they have an excellent internship there. Great company to work for. I was one of only two women in their R&D facility when I joined the company in 1974, other than the office staff. The lab was on Harbor Island in Seattle at that time.
It's interesting that Weyerhaeuser is moving into town. And, Amazon (when the towers are completed (they're now under construction) and including the other buildings) will have 10 million square feet of space right in town, too. Not to mention all the stuff Paul Allen is putting down there, and all the other stuff going up. Not that they have much of a footprint, but Starbucks is essentially downtown-ish.
I guess rich folks today want to be in town. Not too long ago, it was cool to stick Microsoft and Costco and Boeing (if not in Chicago) a little out of the center of town.
Anywho, even though it's no fun to have your house's tax assessment routinely go up plus or minus the 100 thousand dollar mark every year, it could be worse.
They couldn't pay me enough to live in Seattle today, though I did love it at one time. My late husband and I lived in Normandy Park, a suburb south of Seattle, so it was an easy drive to Federal Way when the move was made.
Maybe Bezos et. al. plan to be large enough in numbers such that they can overcome the Kshama Sawant wing of Seattle politics. I sure hope so.
Non-Seattle folks could understand Kshama Sawant, who is on the city council, as a version of Bernie, but a thousand times more dedicated to socialist nuttiness. I know, it's hard to image....until you live in Seattle.
"They couldn't pay me enough to live in Seattle today"
I really love the city. But, I also love Bainbridge Island and Port Townsend and Forks and traveling. The mix and variation is, for me, nirvana.
Who wouldn't love living in a city like Seattle? If nothing else, making fun of the hipsters is so awesome, although a little too easy.
I love Mt. Rainier. My daughter an I are going camping there in a couple of weeks. The San Juans are great, too. We used to have a boat and would cruise up there--so beautiful!
I'm guessing that when you say "camping", you mean hanging in an RV. That's cool. But, some of us old school Eagle Scout types tend to mean something else when we say camping.
The mix and variation is, for me, nirvana.
Deliberate reference? ;-)
"Deliberate reference? ;-)"
Thank you.
Btw, I know it's lame to point it out, but I'm pretty proud of my trolling in the thread about the old dude in the subway. The use of the word "shorts" reoccurs in supposedly different contexts on purpose.
Me and DJT are smarmy idiots who are full of themselves. Not necessarily POTUS material. Just sayin.
I'm guessing that when you say "camping", you mean hanging in an RV. That's cool. But, some of us old school Eagle Scout types tend to mean something else when we say camping.
RV for me, tent for her. I used to tent camp, both backpacking and kayak camping, until two years ago, when I sold my kayak. My little 4X4 RV takes me where I want to go in relative comfort now.
Every time I hear your name I wanna die.
Quick where be authorities?
With the "good shit" aka drugs.
The check didn't cash?
Then I'll murder more than crow conglomerates.
I'd like to do more overnight stuff in a Kayak. I've only kayak camped one night, and even that was w/ Kayak Academy as part of their five day training thing.
On Monday, I'm heading to a cabin near Forks, so it's not like I think I need to be on a 100 mile hike (though I've done those) to "get out there." But, for the record (and my cred), I've never RV camped.
I forgot, I did the Green River in Utah in one of my kayaks. That was close to a week. And, you had to pack out your shit (literally). How could I forget that?
I want to make it clear that when Hillary's assassins come, I will murder their conscious with simple words such as "what might have been."
Really I am happy to kill though, experience of any sort not with standing, that devil inside the Rulers. Or the cunting shits.
Fact is, advanced as my mind be maybe, I worship killing Muslim folks who have pretty young daughters they brought to land I walk.
My bigotry is my only beauty.
Sorry, I forgot I don't (yet) worship death more than life.
Can we all just outlaw Jesus?
Pretty please.
We, us with the knowledgable wisdom, know Jesus disrupted Utopia Earth because Jesus loves human tears and Muslm calls to Allah five times per day.
Super dooper cool, except Jesus hatin' again on all.
Damn record.
I forgot, I did the Green River in Utah in one of my kayaks. That was close to a week. And, you had to pack out your shit (literally). How could I forget that?
BTDT at a few places in WA. We used wag bags so no big deal.
One really great place to kayak/kayak camp is Diablo Lake in North Cascades NP.
My sister and her husband did the Green River in UT and said there was so much silt in the water that their fingers were raw. AK.
"One really great place to kayak/kayak camp is Diablo Lake in North Cascades NP."
I know it well, we have a reoccurring reservation for the Ross Lake floating cabins. Have you been up to Kerouac's hangout?
BTW, I don't know how you deal with the wag bags, but after a week the seals seem to not be as good as they should be. We bring a 4" ABS Pipe w/ a cap glued on one end, and a fitting that accepts a male plug (w/ pipe dope) on the other end. No smell at all (except when the plug is off because you're shoving the newest bag into the pipe.)
And, the silt nastiness depends on how low the river is. But, no matter what you'll be cleaning silt out of the boat for a month after getting back. I have no idea where it hides in there.
200 rounds fired from 18 weapons and only one death.
By "Lol" is hereby with the intent of humiliation.
You lil Denver gangcunts ever want to compete with men you'll find one kill after 200 rounds is worth me killing you with one shot one kill on principle alone.
Don't you dirty white-hating whites or non-whites ever even dream of being me: justified jealousy is your only pose until I murder you dead.
I love your 88 IQ more than your comprehension allows.
I guess th3 war zone problem at 16th Street Mall is too big for me to handle, me a mere civilian and all.
Wish I had control, compassionate ruthlessness can quickly be learned by even the meanest, most powerful, especially after their family doesn't suck worms but perpetually attempts logic, continued degradation, other than blood lust, repeatedly as their ideology destroys every and all foundations their passion emotes is their and the only reason to exist.
"Alan Keyes says I want to introduce sex eduacation for kindergarteners."
(Audience laughs)
Obama chuckles.
"I didn't know what to tell him: but it's the right thing to do. "
No no racist, Obama knows your 6 or 7 year old is a bigot, but fear nit, he won't kill the little bigot save their humanity. He will ensure the toddler-or-older whites know they stole from immaculate betters, and are, forever, guilty.
Billy Ayers will kill Whitey's like hm, kids too.
History has already proven beyond any/all doubt I am superior to any thing (aka human) I can victimize.
Alan Keyes doesn't get it, what a loser!
So I see that the recent troll invasion has reduced Althouse to 20-30 comments per post.
Blogger Laslo Spatula said...
I am really glad mockturtle is here.
I am Laslo.
8/12/16, 10:59 PM
Actually no and, somewhat uniquely, fuck no.
Glad folks, even talented glad folks, but not as mega-uniquely talented in terms of laughter-killing skills, the epitome paradigmed, might be assumed especially really glad folks are here and heard, but not Sunday through Saturday 12-12.
Dwight Yoakum sang "Blame it on the Vein" and forgetting that I shan't soon be doing.
"So I see that the recent troll invasion has reduced Althouse to 20-30 comments per post.
Troll , we all know beauty lies in beholder's eyes.
Make some million(s) and contribute for real cheapie.
You ain't no Marty Augustine. I know this even if your shut brain convinces you other.
Yeah yeah I know you know you owe me and you feel unworthy: save it. Sorries in a sack son. George Castanza told ya and will reveal likewise.
FullMoon said...
Bored? Check Guccifers Hack page, call Congress and their staff on their cells.
Well let's forget about this call.
Nobody there I really wanted to talk to.
Thank you for your time,
Well you've been so much more than kind.
You can keep the dime...
Who wants to live forever?
Well, there is Planned Parenthood that offers prime cuts. There are prenatal stem cell cocktails. Aborting your child extends your quality of sex life by at least a few years.
Let's see...
"Young blood antiaging trial raises questions" --
This is what raises questions?
Yeah, its a Choice. Once you debase human life, it's a progressive slope.
The Tell-Tale Hearts beat ever louder.
Bojack Horseman has gone full SJW. I liked that show. Too bad about it.
Guildofcannonballs said... [hush][hide comment]
Blogger Laslo Spatula said...
I am really glad mockturtle is here.
I am Laslo.
8/12/16, 10:59 PM
Actually no and, somewhat uniquely, fuck no.
Glad folks, even talented glad folks, but not as mega-uniquely talented in terms of laughter-killing skills, the epitome paradigmed, might be assumed especially really glad folks are here and heard, but not Sunday through Saturday 12-12.
Dwight Yoakum sang "Blame it on the Vein" and forgetting that I shan't soon be doing.......
Hahaha ! Guild, you a crazy guy, in a real good way.
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