[A] man in the crowd was ejected for yelling “PEPE!”, the name of the iconic green frog meme that has become the alt-right’s mascot, as soon as she mentioned the movement....And then what happened? At Breitbart.com, we got "the 20 worst lies" in the Hillary speech, which not address her use of the term "Alt-Right," and this quickie interview with Milo Yiannopoulos, who said:
"I proudly consider myself a member of the Alt Right… now saying that, or admitting that publicly has its drawbacks because of the false narrative being peddled by the regressive left that the Alt Right is all Neo-Nazi Russian Agents, hell bent on establishing a White Supremacist world takeover, all bullshit" said Sean in an interview with [a Breitbart reporter, Charles Nash]. "I call myself alt right because the conservative establishment right in this country does not represent my views, they are just as much to blame for the disaster taking place in America as the left, the alt right to me is fiscal responsibility, secure borders, enforcement of immigration laws, ending the PC culture, and promoting AMERICA FIRST (Not Sharia First)... If you come to this country legally, follow the laws, learn our language, and love the country, you are equal, no matter your color, or religion. Basically alt-right is to separate ourselves from the failing establishment right."
“Hillary Clinton created the alt-right that she spoke about yesterday, her and people like her, and now she thinks the solution is to keep calling people names and to widen the net of name calling from a couple of people she doesn’t like on the Internet and her political opponents to millions of Americans that she is now describing as racist and sexist... It’s going to have electoral consequences."That fails to claim that the Alt-Right is something good. He's reinforcing Hillary's idea that it works as name-calling.
The NYT has "Hillary Clinton Denounces the ‘Alt-Right,’ and the Alt-Right Is Thrilled," which is what I read that inspired this post and made me ask the question I use for the post title.
Mrs. Clinton’s speech was intended to link Mr. Trump to a fringe ideology of conspiracies and hate, but for the leaders of the alt-right, the attention from the Democratic presidential nominee was a moment in the political spotlight that offered a new level of credibility. It also provided a valuable opportunity for fund-raising and recruiting.Okay, so it's an opportunity, a spotlight. And then look at the next paragraph:
Jared Taylor, editor of the white nationalist publication American Renaissance, live-tweeted Mrs. Clinton’s remarks, questioning her praise of establishment Republicans and eagerly anticipating her discussion of his community.The NYT reader is expected to lock "Alt-Right" to "white nationalist" and never think twice.
Mr. Trump has publicly kept his distance from the alt-right, but his critics have accused him of offering subtle cues to invite its support. His appointment of Stephen K. Bannon, the head of Breitbart News, to be chief executive of his campaign was cheered by alt-right members who are avid readers of the Breitbart website.So that's how the anti-Alt-Right, anti-Trump forces can and did play the opportunity.
The alt-right claims to support the preservation of white culture in the United States, and many of its members want to see an overhaul of the entire political system. However, its views are widely seen as white supremacist and anti-Semitic.
Many who align themselves with alt-right philosophies say that they do not subscribe to all of Mr. Trump’s policies, but that electing him would be a step in the right direction because of his “America First” worldview and his hard line on immigration....
There's more like that. Rolling Stone has "Call the 'Alt-Right' Movement What It Is: Racist as Hell/Calling these people anything less than vile racists is morally reprehensible and intellectually fraudulent." NPR has a neutral headline "What You Need To Know About The Alt-Right Movement" and the racist charge made in vague, agentless language: "The views of the alt-right are widely seen as anti-Semitic and white supremacist."
I could go on. But I just want to say: If there's an Alt-Right that is NOT okay with getting painted as racist, it did not win the day yesterday.
३६६ टिप्पण्या:
366 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»What the 'Alt-right' should NOT do is fall into the trap of playing defense on these accusations.
The alt right is as opposed to the junge right.
The MSM will flood the zone.
The two reactions are being informed by it, or deploring it.
Stuff you knew before.
The right, free speech, reaction is to double down on politically incorrect and give the reasons. But the MSM won't run it.
Terrorists for Hillary!
He got thrown out just for shouting, "Pepe"? It didn't even cause an interruption in her speech.
mockturtle speak heap big medicine..
The alt-right doesn't care if it is called racist.
Someone needs to explain to me why I should care about any of this.
And I don't mean Althouse shouldn't be writing about it. I mean....why Hillary is talking about it and why the news media thinks it's worth covering.
To me, it seems like a Twitter war with words.
rhhardin is right. The MSM will simply ignore/distort the alt-right msg, and, as AprilApple has once mentioned elsewhere, the majority of those who will decide this election regrettably STILL get the maj of their news from the same 'ole MSM..
This really is the stupidest election ever.
One of the most successful arguments for Hillary has been Trump is a racist. Whatever fits the bias confirmation is useful. When Trump hired Bannon, it created an opportunity to put that in the template. "Alt-Right" was the leverage to do that. Bannon came from Breitbart.com, Breitbart is the home of Alt-Right, and Alt-Right is racist. Therefore Trump is racist, but you already knew that. Toxic! Don't even consider voting for Trump! He's a disgusting pariah.
That's pretty effective on a lot of people, I'd say.
"This really is the stupidest election ever."
It's the election that shows us how stupid we are. We did this. This is America. We need to take some responsibility for it.
Watch some Alt Right videos, someone posted a couple yesterday. Of course they aren't going to refute what Clinton said about them, they admit it, they embrace it, they revel in it. They love it when they get publicity because they want to become more mainstream and Trump has done that for them, knowingly...or not. Embrace your Alt-Rightness, Althousians, it been obvious for quite sometime that is exactly what about 75 percent of you folks are.
He got thrown out just for shouting, "Pepe"?
Speaking Pepe to power.
Imagine a vast darkened hall, full of slack-jawed drones, eyes fixed on an immense telescreen image of Mom, er, Hillary, as she inveighs against the hated White Males in her grating bandsaw voice... and then a single runner, a young man with fabulous hair, runs towards the screen... at the last minute, he hurls a small, green frog... and the screen explodes into sparkling shards, as the audience is suddenly enlightened...
We're living in a golden age of ideological racism, but nobody notices because much of it is on the Left.
"Whaaaat?" say many of my liberal friends. Well, go read this Wikipedia article on Standpoint Theory, a "big thing" on the Left, as it is the philosophical justification for identity politics. Take a look at this line:
A standpoint is the point where we view the world around us. The standpoint theory strives to understand the world from the standpoint of women and other marginalized groups in society. Generally, the standpoint theory gives insight into specific circumstances only available to the members of a certain collective standpoint.
So, what we've got here are people who are claiming that e.g. race, determines consciousness. If you're a Marxist & you claim that class determines consciousness, well, then, you're by definition classist. If you believe that race determines consciousness, you are, in the best definition of the 19th C "scientific racists" like Arthur de Gobineau & Houston Stewart Chamberlain, the very epitome of a racist.
Sorry, babe, not ifs, ands, or buts. Racist, straight up.
"This really is the stupidest election ever."
"It's the election that shows us how stupid we are. We did this. This is America. We need to take some responsibility for it."
80% of the blame goes directly to the right.
"We need to take some responsibility for it."
Absolutely. One conversation I haven't been seeing enough of is: how did we end up here again? Which is about much more than Trump or Hillary.
Yes this is an election cycle, we have earned. All of us.
The alt-right is name calling. Like saying something was "freaking amazing" when what you are really saying is that it was "fucking amazing".
alt-right is all the bad things you don't say but clearly imply.
Shame on me.
"Toxic! Don't even consider voting for Trump! He's a disgusting pariah. That's pretty effective on a lot of people, I'd say." Effective in that it tells people what they want to hear and reinforces their sense of their own precious identity. Not clear how, in the short run, cons of any stripe can "effectively" counter the racist meme, given the MSM flooding the zone and race-baiting being the prime prog mobilization tool. Of course, running a clueless clown doesn't help, nor do the fools jumping on his bandwagon (not saying everyone on the bandwagon is a fool). I thought running Rubio/Cruz would provide some immunity and present a strong alternative to Granny/old white guy, but the voters preferred courting disaster.
I have no dog in this fight, except insofar as the country risks going down the drain further, but a reasonably responsible MSM would play up alt-right Sean's repsonse: "I call myself alt right because the conservative establishment right in this country does not represent my views, they are just as much to blame for the disaster taking place in America as the left, the alt right to me is fiscal responsibility, secure borders, enforcement of immigration laws, ending the PC culture, and promoting AMERICA FIRST (Not Sharia First)... If you come to this country legally, follow the laws, learn our language, and love the country, you are equal, no matter your color, or religion. Basically alt-right is to separate ourselves from the failing establishment right." Nationalist, yes; racist, no.
The stupid is in the dynamics of the MSM audience and the business model, soap opera women.
The MSM needs money to run, the soap opera women give it to them by tuning in.
What's what the MSM runs. It's not an ideological bias but a narrative structure bias.
Breitbart is dead and unfortunately can't lead his movement from the grave. If he was alive this would all be going down differently. These folks lack leadership and it is a splintered political movement at best. Trump is all they have and he's doing the best he can.
Consider Megyn Kelly's first question, for an abstract of the entire campaign coverage.
"80% of the blame goes directly to the right."
Talk about taking responsibility.
Just about everything that happened this election season was deeply screwed up. I don't know how any individual could have stopped the cumulative clusterfuck. I know when it came to be my turn in the primaries, I voted for someone I couldn't stand. That was my best option at the time and it will be my best option in November... short of not voting at all.
There's an extreme right (Jared Taylor) that thinks blacks can't handle our culture without special safeguards and thinks they shouldn't get them and an extreme left (the safe spaces crowd) that thinks the same but thinks they should.
But what Trump is saying is that before globalism as we know it and before government overreach, employment among the blacks was much higher. In the Great Lakes area 84 % of black men were employed in the Seventies. So restoring an American economy decimated by trade deals and government over-regulation would help the blacks with jobs, rather than "helping" them with sandwiches handed out after riots or with segregated dorms in colleges or segregated grading of standard college course work.
For example, as fracking brought down prices of energy there began a revival of manufacturing in Cleveland and other cities near the fracking area. That meant jobs for blacks again. But Obama is working to crush fracking and this has slowed down that revival. So blacks lose out as consequence of the policies of the Democrats and Hillary will continue those policies. Sandwich handouts and a new segregation (with genocidal abortion policies going on in the background) that is what Hillary is supporting when she talks about "The New Normal." Who is racist here? What would blacks lose if they voted for Trump? And they might gain jobs - that is Trump's goal for them as for everyone else.
That's pretty effective on a lot of people, I'd say.
I think it could be, but it seems to me she's trying to use Bill's "Militia" strategy and make it new with "Alt-right". But that is too confusing. People can understand guys in camo with guns. Who understands "Alt"? Who besides twitter users care about twitter wars? What old lady voter in Florida is going to grasp who Milo is?
She wants to say Trump is racist, fine, say it. Have the NAACP put out an ad with a black man getting dragged behind a truck again, like they did with Bush. Talk about the Mormon church's history like they did with Romney.
But this.....this exists too much in a bubble. It's un-relatable.
i think this is a good litmus test for conservative/libertarian ideas and their popularity... finally voters are getting a choice between center and right... everyone always talks about most people being center-right... well we should see how that holds in this election... my feeling is that when the tea party and far right politicians have their 'moderate' fig leaf removed most americans will turn away and look elsewhere for leadership ... but althouse is correct we all have created this and have to deal with the consequences together..
The tea party got the same treatment, where it was the most benign political force ever to come into existence. Demonstrations left the place cleaner than when they came.
If that can't break through the MSM narrative, nothing can.
The sex divide in voting comes from men mostly not buying the MSM narrative. They're not the audience for it.
"80% of the blame goes directly to the right."
Talk about taking responsibility.
The "I don't got a problem. You've got the problem" attitude starts at the top.
We need something to bring the country together again, like Princess Di or JFK Jr dying.
"Talk about taking responsibility."
What went wrong didn't first just start with the primaries.
Why should the left take the blame for what the right wrought. Sorry, that's not going to happen. The blame lies in 8 years of blowback by the right to the rest of us having elected Obama twice. It's too bad the alt right, then just plain racists immediatly jumped in with two feet to try to destroy The Obama presidency, and the Republican Congress encouraged it. So no, we, the left, won't take the blame.
Jessica in the well was the first modern national moment.
Just about everything that happened this election season was deeply screwed up. I don't know how any individual could have stopped the cumulative clusterfuck.
Define "racism" for me?
I can't keep up.
The blame lies in 8 years of blowback by the right to the rest of us having elected Obama twice.
Remember Obama's attack that McCain wasn't media savvy because he couldn't use a keyboard?
Remember the left's freak out that McCain was feeding racist black man white woman rape stereotypes by putting Brittney Spears in an ad slamming Obama as a celebrity?
Remember "Jessus was a community organizer!"?
Remember the halos in Obama photographs? The idea that he was "The One"? (from Oprah)
Remember what a racist Bill Clinton was in 2008?
This didn't start after Obama was elected. The 2008 election was incredibly stupid.
Isn't today's "alt-right" what William F. Buckley spent the first part of his career defeating?
George Will, writing in the National Review:
"[Trump] is an affront to anyone devoted to the project William F. Buckley began six decades ago with the founding in 1955 of National Review — making conservatism intellectually respectable and politically palatable. Buckley’s legacy is being betrayed...
"So, conservatives today should deal with Trump with the firmness Buckley dealt with the John Birch Society in 1962. The society was an extension of a loony businessman who said Dwight Eisenhower was 'a dedicated, conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy.' In a 5,000-word National Review 'excoriation' (Buckley’s word), he excommunicated the society from the conservative movement.
"Buckley received an approving letter from a subscriber who said, 'You have once again given a voice to the conscience of conservatism.' The letter was signed, 'Ronald Reagan, Pacific Palisades, Cal.'"
Today, we no longer have Birchers declaring that President Eisenhower was a dedicated communist. Today, we have Breitbarters declaring that Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich and Jeb Bush are "cuckservatives."
Trump doesn't take responsibility for his many failures either, it's the media's fault, the election is rigged, or he'll lose because masses of black people "cheated" when voting. What do you think he meant when he said "cheating will go on on certain areas of the cities", if he loses. Learn to take responsibility for your own messes righties.
"Alt Right is all Neo-Nazi Russian Agents, hell bent on establishing a White Supremacist world takeover"
I thought vampires were involved somehow. Nazi Russian Vampires.
A goofus at the LATimes says alt-right "rejects American democracy".
Nu, so what else is new? It's still vast, yes? And still a conspiracy, yes?
Nobody knows who the Brietbart guy is.
The "Trump is racist" isn't new. It's already baked in... and all the people who thought he was a racist months and months ago, still do.
Hillary is making it official. Again - we chose wrong. We picked a guy with higher negatives. How stupid!
Prof. Althouse: "Cumulative clusterfuck" is good. Pithy, vivid, and IMHO terrifyingly accurate.
Just a writhing mass of alien flesh, generating nothing good.
Racism means mentioning any difference between the races.
Then you're supposed to react to this racism as you would if it were whites favoring enforced segregation.
Much as modern rape is supposed to get the same reaction as rape rape did.
X narrowly is taken to be the right handle to take hold of the bunch of X broadly.
Political as well as literary trick.
I just remembered, the vampires are part of the Control+Shift+Alt-right Conspiracy.
It's too bad the alt right, then just plain racists immediately jumped in with two feet to try to destroy The Obama presidency,
Do you remember anything about Bush 43's first inauguration? People throwing things at his limo. People accusing the CIA of fixing the election for Bush's father. Some congresspeople refusing to certify the electoral results for their states (that happened in 2004, too).
How in the world can you think this started when the right rejected Obama?
Our corrupt media will not focus on her corruption and pay-to-play insanity at the State dept - so - Trump is a racist works.
So no, we, the left, won't take the blame.
You mean, for choosing the most corrupt candidate perhaps in the history of the country (certainly in the top five)? The entire Democratic Party machine got together & you guys picked Hillary Clinton, & you think you don't bear any blame for that?
It ain't just the Righties who think she's a lying scumbag. Depending on the poll, between 60 to 65% of the country thinks she's untrustworthy. Her unpopularity numbers are sky-high. They just happen to be slightly lower than Trump's.
The Republicans started off with 19 candidates, with the "smart money" & the electorate sharply at odds, and it got whittled down to Trump. It was a perfect example of "The people have spoken, goddamn them!".
But, with the Democrats, everything legal & illegal that could be done to insure the coronation of HRC was done straight from the top. Is this the best the Democrats can do? A 70 year old socialist from a marginal state who wasn't even a Democrat & a woman who never, ever, has been free from scandal for her entire public career? That's the best you can do?
The Republicans are fucked up, for sure. But, the Democrats are even more fucked uppier, & HRC just proves it.
Trump's Mexican racism is actually Americanism.
He favors segregation of Americans from non-Americans, with what is called a border.
In purely political terms, great timing by the clintonites in checking trumps 'telepromter pivot'... let's see how long he can hold it before the orange head explodes and he reverts to trump being trump... which is probably him at his best anyway... go down with guns blazing... butch cassidy style..
Trump doesn't take responsibility for his many failures either
Right. Taking responsibility for failures seems not to be a feature of our current leadership class.
Have you looked at our foreign policy lately? It's a disaster while Hillary talks about something her staffer told her about from Twitter.
It's not a corrupt media. It's a business. They go for daily audience, and they have one. Women.
Politicians just free-ride on the narratives.
Here is a real question.
What is Clinton/the Left's response to the movie or book Clinton Cash?
The NYTs wrote about the Uranium deal.
Is there a solid, fact based rebuttal out there?
. I don't know how any individual could have stopped the cumulative clusterfuck
A few more individuals voting Romney last cycle would have done it.
Bankruptcy isn't a Trump failure, by the way. It's a legal system defining responsibilities that makes the market work.
Transaction costs are hugely reduced because agreements are enforced by the courts, so you don't have to worry about trust dealing with strangers.
You get what you agreed to for various outcomes.
Except of course GM and Chrysler bondholders. They got screwed over by Obama.
Women's inability to deal with political reasoning is why we have affirmative action for them.
Clinton's "corruptness" pales in comparison to Trump's very real corruptness. He owes a lot of money to Chinese and Russian banks. A lot of money. Why does he praise Putin at every chance. Who changed a plank in the GOP platform to be more pro Russia, who bashes NATO?
Also, why doesn't he release his taxes, what is he hiding? And please no talk of being audited.
Women don't feel Trump means well, so they won't vote for him.
Obama on the other hand means well, even if everything he touches immediately turns to ruin. Women would vote for him again.
Clinton's "corruptness" pales in comparison to Trump's very real corruptness. He owes a lot of money to Chinese and Russian banks. A lot of money. Why does he praise Putin at every chance. Who changed a plank in the GOP platform to be more pro Russia, who bashes NATO?
Trump owes bondholders, not the Chinese or the Russians. All the Chinese and Russians can do is sell the bonds to somebody else. They can't demand the money from Trump until the bonds mature, and even then, if Trump inc. can't pay it, they get the bankruptcy deal, not something from Trump.
Debt is just a way to finance, like equity. Typically both are used, and different classes of investors buy the two kinds of investment.
"Obama on the other hand means well, even if everything he touches immediately turns to ruin."
Alt- Right at the core.
I don't take responsibility for the corrupt liberal media or the crooked Democrats. The corrupt liberal media dwarf the conservatives so they get to control the spin/narrative however detrimental it is for conservatives and our country.
It's the media's fault!
No RH - emotional men swept Trump in - the guy who is in it to hand it to a woman!
Old wine in new bottles.That's the narrative the Clinton campaign wants to foster. Alt-right to them is just today's KKK and just short of the Nazi party. Working pretty well for them as that's all they've got.
Finance means something takes current resources to produce, so you need money to get those current resources - say bricks, steel, land.
Having produced what you produce, the income from that allows you to pay off the financing, and the investors come out ahead, or not, depending on how it works. That's the risk and reward in investing.
Investing in something that's a bad idea is a bad idea, in a free market doesn't happen often.
Hillary likes to invest in bad ideas but somebody else pays.
A few more individuals voting Romney last cycle would have done it.
I thought when he lost and Obama's FP turned out to be such a disaster (and Romney turned out to be so right about it), we would feel chagrin about the ridiculousness of the "binders full of women!" "outrage". But no. That became the model- the template- for this election.
Renfro Jeffries. Nazi And Proud Of It!
This 'Alt-Right' Shit is just White People who are starting to get it, but are afraid to fully complete the Journey to protecting their Rights as White Citizens...
The Government Media Cosmopolitan Complex will not care of any small distinctions you may make in your Beliefs: you are on the wrong side of the barbed wire, friends...
Us Nazis know what it is like to be treated unfairly by the Government Media Cosmopolitan Complex, and we are not afraid to say Fuck You to Power...
So play your little semantic Word Games about how you aren't really who you really are: I'll be here, keeping the Gate open for you when you realize WE are your Last Chance...
Helter Skelter is coming, and it's coming with Cattle Cars: don't say I didn't tell you...
I'm Renfro Jeffries, Nazi And Proud Of It!
I am Laslo.
Trump is the PC killer, is why men like it. If you can mention problems, you're on the way to solving them finally.
What Trump will do is an open question, but anti-PC is the sine qua non.
So take the step that works.
It may be that women defeat it, sure.
"It's the media's fault!"
Isn't Althouse saying that the liberal media is creating and winning the narrative that Alt-Right is racist?
'Conservatives' then should try to increase their 'cohort' and therefore the voice... unfortunately a couple of decades of conservative governments and missteps, it seems to be swinging the other direction... this election will be a good indicator of where we are after seeing how conservative model works...
i am not a troll and still not laslo...
Also, why doesn't he release his taxes, what is he hiding?
You know what he is most certainly hiding. Paying a low tax rate. Not making as much as he claims.
Which will make zero difference to anyone.
Now do you have any answers to Clinton Cash? I'm assuming it was a one-sided study. Who has written a thorough rebuttal?
"No RH - emotional men swept Trump in - the guy who is in it to hand it to a woman!"
Calm down, Trump is going to win.
I go into debt every month and then pay it off every month. Who uses cash anymore.
We need to: Ctl Alt Del on all the political class.
Wildswan: You are 100% correct. If Hillary gets elected expensive and tax-subsidized Green power wins. We will blow our fracking advantage. OPEC has never been a friend to us and we finally had the ability to rid ourselves of our dependence on them but the Dems won't let us. The millions OPEC has paid the Clntons is a huge reason Hillary is so much in favor of renewables. Renewables need high oil prices to half-way work. The perfect triangulation.
The media is reporting what is obvious. The media didn't need to tell the left what they already knew 8 years ago.
Why does he praise Putin at every chance
See? This is what is so stupid. Surely you know people remember the "reset" button. The approval to sell uranium to a Russian-owned company. The "90's called and they want their foreign policy back".
The "I'll have more flexibility after the election"
That was just 4-8 years ago.
Do you think it works to just suddenly decide Putin is the worst guy on earth and you don't even have to explain why he was ok just a little while ago?
When I, at one unfortunate time of my life, read the Boston Globe, I'd routinely go the editorials, scan to the last, concluding paragraph, and then be told what would be the most bone-headed approach to any discussed issue.
Like liberals generally, Always wrong, but never in doubt.
In the early 1960s, just after the John BIrch Society was formed, the then MSM gave attention to the JBS through belittlement and innuendo. The attention was great for the JBS as many, many Americans did some investigation and discovered that they agreed with the JBS's common sense approach to government. Which basically was then, and still is today (the JBS is still around), contain government through strict adherence to the Constitution.
If government is allowed to grow, then problems would predictably increase.
But the early 1960s was a time when the alt-right did not have a means of widely communicating its approaches. Man, are things different today. We have a voice, and Hillary the Harridan knows it. And she knows she has to confront it.
Because if the harridan ignores the alt-right, she risks the possibility that the truth will get out. But if she talks about the alt-right, it brings attention to the alt-right.
What's a bitchy candidate to do?
"Also, why doesn't he release his taxes, what is he hiding?"
Why should Trump provide the corrupt liberal media and the crooked Democrats any ammo. Instead, let us have a look at the sick and crooked Hillary's medical records.
MayBee, yes and maybe more, it's the "more" that he's hiding.
"The Alt-Right is racist" coming from the Grifter is rich. This blog would be considered "Alt-Right" by the Southern Poverty Law Center standards, they think all free speech by the right is racist dog whistles. But what about the "Alt-Left", has Hillary denounced her Soros or US Communist Party or racist Black Lives Matter or the KKK of California support?
How could anyone whose read Breitbart think it was racist? The American Renaissance is a sight that 99.9999999% of the "Alt-Right" has never even heard of. The American Renaissance is about as racist as the MSMs' black experts seen nightly. The truth is the plantation owner Grifter Hillary felt uneasy having a Yankee Carpetbagger Trump talking to her slaves, she had to do something.
What presidential candidate in decades hasn't released his taxes? This doesn't concern you folks? Now that is something you should take blame for.
More what, Unknown? And what is in there, do you think, that will make a big difference?
Hey.....did you hear the State Department won't release Hillary's schedules as Secretary of State? Do you care?
This was her position in Government. Accountable to the people. Do you care?
Every Republican Presidential candidate has been called more or less the same thing since I can remember. Nazi, racist, this or that. Four years from now, nothing will have changed. The same labels will be attached to that person.
Hard to imagine that some (intelligent?) people would fall for it, but they do, every four years.
I am a certified Independent but clicked on this since it is Saturday.
Although I am probably in the 98th percentile of being interested and informed on politics, I have no idea what alt-right is, just as I have no idea what cuck or cuckservative is from earlier this year. They are just stupid made-up controversies by pseudo-promoters that remind me of Dr Suess "Star-belly sneeches" and in similar fashion are made up largely so the consultants make off with the money. Such labels are irrelevant to this election.
Whatever smear Hillary Clinton is trying is required by her own stark shortcomings. She is corrupt beyond belief and the headlines this week continued to rise in severity and ominousness for her.
"What presidential candidate in decades hasn't released his taxes? This doesn't concern you folks? Now that is something you should take blame for."
I think it should be obvious by now that Trump doesn't play by the corrupt liberal media and the crooked Democrats' rules.
Will- yes, thank you! I don't know either and I'm on the political internet all the time!
Brilliant idea. BLM and Soros are the alt-Left.
If there were anything damaging in the Trump income tax forms, we'd know about it already.
Blogger Hagar said...
"Define "racism" for me?
I can't keep up."
I'm not sure, but I think they're claiming "stupid" is a race now.
I'll try this for unknown, or anyone on the left
Do you think Hillary is withholding her State Department schedules for the same reason Trump is withholding his tax returns, or for different reasons?
"The media is reporting what is obvious. The media didn't need to tell the left what they already knew 8 years ago."
The corrupt liberal media for sure doesn't appeal to the better angels of their natures.
Unknown- come on. You are obviously very in touch with the Clinton message. What good material do you have against Clinton Cash?
"If there were anything damaging in the Trump income tax forms, we'd know about it already."
That is a very good point especially given the recent history of the corrupt IRS and their mostly crooked Democrat employees.
Renfro Jeffries. Nazi And Proud Of It!
What does the Average White Person new to prison do? They desperately try to hook up with the Aryans: it is their only defense against the various prison gangs of the Black and the Brown...
When your back is to the Wall you achieve Clarity: only the Aryans will keep that massive black cock from being rammed up your pale ass like a pile-driver...
You don't need to be in Prison to know that this is the Natural State of the World. In prison Hate is Pure, and knowing this is Essential to Survival: there is no Mealy-Mouthed Reasoning that is going to keep that Mexican cock out of your mouth full of missing teeth...
Of course, you can continue to go solo in the Outside World and hope that it is respected, but lets see how that works when you are outnumbered on a dark corner.
You are on the wrong side of the barbed wire, friends.
Helter Skelter is coming, and it's coming with Cattle Cars: don't say I didn't tell you...
I'm Renfro Jeffries, Nazi And Proud Of It!
I am Laslo.
What good material do you have against Clinton Cash?
That it is bullshit of the alt right.
AA: That's pretty effective on a lot of people, I'd say.
And playing defense on this score is known to be entirely ineffective, so....?
This is the beginning of a long game. I think you're right that playing the "racist!" is still "effective on a lot of people". But Pepe has been conjured into MSM space. What an age we live in.
That is a very good point especially given the recent history of the corrupt IRS and their mostly crooked Democrat employees.
If Trump's tax returns got leaked, it would swing the election to him.
That sort of stark proof that the feared & hated IRS was a tool of the Democratic Party would strike fear into many Americans that the IRS will cough up their information if it suits political purposes. That would strike a near-fatal blow against Americans' trust in their government.
My guess: Trump's taxes have been leaked to the Clinton campaign, but they know that if they make them public, there will be hell to pay.
Playing the "racist!" card, that is.
"It may be that women defeat it, sure." Um, yeah, there's that.
We all know that it doesn't matter what the alt-right say or do now that they have been called out by Ms. "vast right-wing conspiracy" Hillary. Politics-- especially among the "decent" folks who lean left-- is all about hating the right people. The alt-right are now officially the latest trend.
The list of Americans it is necessary to hate in order to be fashionable is getting long-- the Tea Party, conservatives, Republicans, Christians, red-necks, gun-owners, white-people in general, and now the alt-right... have I left anyone out? It could get difficult to keep up-to-date. Luckily we have the media -- mainstream and social-- to remind us daily.
Hillary's primary instinct is to go to battle against Americans who dare to criticize her. She makes Nixon, with his "enemies list", look like an amateur. As President, with our propagandist media aiding-- and abetting-- her, Hillary will become a fashion icon.
Breitbart.com states that Schweizer is a Breitbart News senior editor. Breitbart .com is barely a step up from WND, who Trump praises.
Ann Althouse said...If there's an Alt-Right that is NOT okay with getting painted as racist, it did not win the day yesterday.
That's correct, Professor, but too narrow; your point is generalizable as: the Right does not win when it tries to defend itself from accusations of racism.
Google "Mitt Romney racist." Tons of hits. Mitt Romney!
Accusations of racism can't really be fought off, at least not if you're on the Right (and/or a white guy). It's a trump card (pardon the expression) and immediately ends any argument or even discussion. It wins. It will keep winning, I think.
I've read Jarod Taylor. I've read Steve Sailer. I've read Charles Murray. I've read John Derbyshire. These are smart, thoughtful people and most of them are good writers. They have ideas, they make arguments, they use evidence, etc. In mainstream America, though, NO ONE engages with them. Why? Because, of course, they're racists! See? Easy. You just have to call them racist and then you're done--it would obviously be offensive to even talk to or grant legitimacy to a racist by engaging in a debate!
That wins. Labeling your opponents racists wins. It will continue to win. On the one hand that's almost a compliment to the American people (in that it shows how sensitive we are to the possible harm against minorities, sensitivity to people's feelings, etc), but on the other hand it means we won't ever have actual "conversations" about a whole host of important issues and topics.
Night Owl: The list of Americans it is necessary to hate in order to be fashionable is getting long-- the Tea Party, conservatives, Republicans, Christians, red-necks, gun-owners, white-people in general, and now the alt-right... have I left anyone out? It could get difficult to keep up-to-date.
Wreckers...they're everywhere.
Thank God we have a candidate like Hillary to protect us from the millions of paranoid fear-driven wreckers out there...
Trump took a good tactic in responding to Clinton's vast alt right racist conspiracy meme.
He pointed out that Hillary was not just calling him, Trump, a racist but calling every single one of you out there who supports or might think of supporting someone other than Hillary racists. You are ALL racists. You are all alt right fanatics, Nazis, anti Semites, hateful people because you don't support her.
Are you, all of you, going to accept this? Being called racists? Lie down and let Hillary smear all of you?
I have no idea what the alt right is, but if it is anti-Hillary, then I want to join.
And speaking of releasing tax returns, how about a legitimate health release for Trump? Clinton released three pages in her report, Trump's "doctor" admits he jotted something down in five minutes while the limo waited outside.
You've already joined the alt right, you just didn't know it yet.
@Chuck: "Today, we have Breitbarters declaring that Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich and Jeb Bush are "cuckservatives."" But no Buckley and no Reagan to tame the neo-Birchers. It's one of the key challenges for a new leader: to marginalize the insane right, to mobilize the rational right, to fuse it with the cuckservatives, and to make a serious play for the middle. Some on the more-or-less rational right thought Trump might do the trick. The hope made sense but the judgment was wrong: he's clueless, he has no settled principles or policies, and he antagonizes groups he needs. Trump is a foreseeable disaster. At least for people who want to win (not sure how that applies to Trumpers in general), supporting Trump is therefore deeply irrational. So the further challenge is for a new leader to lead the Trumpers back to sense.
And yet it is the cis-Left that features class diversity schemes (i.e. "skin-color"-based discrimination) as its hallmark policies. Well, that, and abortion rites in a final solution. Planned Parenthood to channel Mengele. Also, anti-native policies that have ravaged the Middle East, North Africa, Ukraine, Serbia, etc. Progressive wars a.k.a. social justice adventurism. Advocacy for mass exodus from second and third-world nations including illegal immigration and refugee crises. The bigotry of the cis-Left and trans-Left are unparalleled.
Yeah, the corrupt liberal media turned the Tea Party which was composed mostly of middle-age people concerned with spending and the national debt into racists. The corrupt liberal media always wins the narrative especially after realizing their power to define George Bush.
"And speaking of releasing tax returns, how about a legitimate health release for Trump? Clinton released three pages in her report, Trump's "doctor" admits he jotted something down in five minutes while the limo waited outside."
I think Trump is healthier than Hillary. What do you think?
MayBee said...
I thought when he lost and Obama's FP turned out to be such a disaster (and Romney turned out to be so right about it), we would feel chagrin about the ridiculousness of the "binders full of women!" "outrage". But no. That became the model- the template- for this election.
For this election, and for the next one, and so on until it loses. Which...why should it? If it won in 2008, it'll definitely win in 2024, right?
Trump as the nominee didn't help--it hurt quite a bit--but I am thoroughly unconvinced that the #NeverTrump crowd's assertion that "any other Republican would be trouncing Hillary" is correct. It is a dark thought, but it sure seems like she'd win, using this same playbook, against pretty much anybody. Certainly against Cruz, probably against Rubio, against Bush it'd be more about foreign policy but with the same undertones...
Look, politics is downstream from culture. The Right has lost the culture wars--many Right-ish ideas and policies are doing ok at the local level, but at the national level there's no question that the Left has won and will continue to win. Any Right national candidate comes in at a disadvantage, on top of which is piled the Media's influence and things like demographic factors, etc. Trump has made more missteps than your average Republican candidate would have, but that may just mean the difference between losing big and losing relatively small. It's still a loss, and that loss means hope is lost that the Federal Judiciary can be saved from the Left, that long-term policies concerning the size and scope of the government can be changed, etc.
The template they used was successful. For it to not be successful centrist-type people would have to reject it. Rejecting that model would require them to go against the Media narrative and against the current of the national culture. I see no reason for them to do that...if the utter failures you mentioned (plus our current finances, plus Obamacare's failures and unsustainability, plus plus plus...) don't do it, what will?
I think Trump is healthier than Hillary. What do you think?
Dreams, I think we don't know a thing about Trump's health. I think Trump who outweighs Clinton by probably 100 pounds and is older than her by a year or two, plus being a male, has a far greater chance of dropping dead.
What could possibly be worse than Hillary Clinton?
A racist...they're hoping.
"A racist...they're hoping."
No need to "hope".
I'd bet that Trump could dodge sniper fire better than Hillary.
@Dave Begley: If Hillary gets elected expensive and tax-subsidized Green power wins. We will blow our fracking advantage. OPEC has never been a friend to us and we finally had the ability to rid ourselves of our dependence on them but the Dems won't let us. The millions OPEC has paid the Clntons is a huge reason Hillary is so much in favor of renewables. Renewables need high oil prices to half-way work. The perfect triangulation.
So true and this really, really needs to be blogged, tweeted and shouted from every rooftop between now and November! The green meanies don't care but the rest of us should.
That it is bullshit of the alt right.
No, the NYTs wrote about the facts about the Uranium deal. They are real. The NYTs says it was done at a time when Clinton and Obama saw Putin in a favorable light. Which is true. But that didn't turn out well.
There are facts in Clinton Cash that either have mitigating factors or they don't. That's what I'm asking for.
I bet Trump has secret info that Obama is really a Kenyan.
Is that what is going on?
We are seeing this Alt-right criticism as a way to make Clinton Cash the product of racism or at least racists.
It seems to me that is a really good tactic if you don't have facts to refute the evidence.
What about Trump's son saying the brunt of their business deals are with Russia? What about Trump borrowing money from Russian (Russian Mafia) banks? Why did Trump have a plank in the GOP platform changed to be pro Russian? Why does Trump continuously bash NATO?
And I don't mean Althouse shouldn't be writing about it. I mean....why Hillary is talking about it and why the news media thinks it's worth covering.
Trying to separate the "respectable" Republicans (who, mind you, she listed as being proud of them being her enemies) from Trump.
Absolutely. One conversation I haven't been seeing enough of is: how did we end up here again? Which is about much more than Trump or Hillary.
I've seen plenty of hand-wringing on the Right over Trump. I've noticed WAY LESS on the Left over Hillary.
What presidential candidate in decades hasn't released his taxes? This doesn't concern you folks? Now that is something you should take blame for.
What candidate ever kept their daughter in charge of their family's "charity" where they accept foreign donations and where it is proven that giving to their charity tends to get you goodies from the US? This doesn't concern you?
So the further challenge is for a new leader to lead the Trumpers back to sense.
Republicans doing what they campaigned on would've been immensely helpful.
Dreams, I think we don't know a thing about Trump's health. I think Trump who outweighs Clinton by probably 100 pounds and is older than her by a year or two, plus being a male, has a far greater chance of dropping dead.
Yet Clinton always seems to be on the verge of death.
*crosses fingers*
Also, why doesn't he release his taxes, what is he hiding? And please no talk of being audited.
Being audited is a valid and legitimate reason not to disclose.
Why would you want to see them anyways? They're filled with things you wouldn't understand, like numbers.
What about Trump's son saying the brunt of their business deals are with Russia?
The brunt?
Anyway, maybe because Trump followed Obama's lead on believing in the big Russian reset? Maybe he saw us sell Uranium rights to Russia and thought that signaled trade with Russia was a good thing?
Look, this Red Scare from Democrats is hilarious. Who do you think it is working on?
What about Trump's son saying the brunt of their business deals are with Russia? What about Trump borrowing money from Russian (Russian Mafia) banks? Why did Trump have a plank in the GOP platform changed to be pro Russian? Why does Trump continuously bash NATO?
Why did Hillary help give Russia US uranium?
Why won't Hillary's "charitable foundation" stop accepting foreign donations if she wins (the ENTIRE foundation, not parts of it)?
Why won't Hillary have her people and daughter removed from the Board of their "charitable foundation" as it is ridiculous conflict of interest?
I think Unknown has been outed.
It's the ghost of A. Mitchell Palmer.
"Being audited is a valid and legitimate reason not to disclose."
More bullshit. More stuff to blame yourselves for buying into.
HoodlumDoodlum: That wins. Labeling your opponents racists wins. It will continue to win.
It will continue to win, until it doesn't. I think rhhardin is right about politics at present being driven by "soap opera women". But in the end politics - political ideas, political movements, political leaders - is made by men, not women. Women are now politically "empowered", but in a senescent system. The more feminized it becomes, the less it interests men, who wander off to start a new system, elsewhere.
The "alt right" phenomenon attests to that reaction among white men, young white men. But the whole finger-wagging, nagging, scolding, overbearing governmental freak show, especially as emobodied in the Diana Moon Glompersiest politician in history, has to be slowly but surely alienating normal males of any race. I mean, I can't stomach the bitchy old pharisees (of both sexes) governing the West these days, and I'm an old lady. These people must be absolutely insufferable to normal young men all hopped up on testosterone.
Of course, the non-whites among them may just go in for getting rid of the old white cucks and taking over the joint for the benefit of their group...but anyway, just an undeveloped thought.
It absolutely doesnt matter what anyone says, alt-right or other, or what "mistakes" Trump makes or doesnt. You arent dealing with a free press. This all is an organized, centrally managed propaganda system that will say whatever they are told to say. This media is absolutely unconstrained by market issues because they are subsidized as a political asset.
You all, or most of you, are still stuck on a state of affairs thats changed on you entirely. Its a different world now. That government policies have failed or that persons in government are grossly corrupt or that the economy is in irrecoverable decline - these arent going to make it into the mass media in any way as to have an impact.
And besides the media, the courts and schools are part of the system of control, they arent independent in any important way.
You are, most of you, now dissidents in a new-born totalitarian system.
Your best chance out of this is to be as disruptive to the system as possible. This is a pre-revolutionary situation.
We are seeing this Alt-right criticism as a way to make Clinton Cash the product of racism or at least racists.
It's all about getting the blacks to the polls, Maybee. The high water mark was 2008 in both terms of percentage & absolute numbers. If those numbers fall by even eight percent it could be a disaster for the Dems. After eight years of a black president, things aren't any better for them, & their spirits are low. Will a white woman make any difference? Is Trump, who they've seen for years & years, on to something --- make a change by voting differently?
It's all about whipping up Fear, Uncertainty, & Dread among the blacks -- "The Republicans want to put y'all back in chains!". The Democrats don't know what else to do, because their old answers certainly haven't worked.
"You are, most of you, now dissidents in a new-born totalitarian system.
Your best chance out of this is to be as disruptive to the system as possible. This is a pre-revolutionary situation."
Who is the guy who foments insurrection? Is he a citizen of this nation? Is he a agent of a foreign nation? CIA, are you reading this stuff?
The IRS Scandal, Day 1206, but the Clintons would never do something like that right? Just wondering any word on whether they've got to the bottom of Fast and Furious yet.
"I've seen plenty of hand-wringing on the Right over Trump"
I've seen plenty of Chuck-level caterwauling, but remarkably little insight. Come on, Republicans! Why did your celebrated "deep bench" lose to the likes of Donald Trump?
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "Isn't today's "alt-right" what William F. Buckley spent the first part of his career defeating?"
How "coincidental" it is that "lifelong republican" Chuck just happens to use logic which parallels the lefts oft-repeated and hilariously easily disproved lie that all those southern dems in the 60's immediately switched to being republicans to now impugn the "alt right", whose cultural leader is without question Milo!
Yeah "lifelong republican" Chuck, that Milo, he's a regular Bircher, just like in the 50's!!
Good old "lifelong republican" Chuck. Gee, it's almost as if he really isn't a lifelong republican or something.
"Unknown"* and other amoral accessories after the fact trying to cover Hillary's grifting and other criminality are hard at work trolling to maintain Hillary's alt definition of Alt-Right.
Hillary is conducting a dishonest campaign and running against her fellow Americans. The Clinton's are grifters. America is their mark.
*The obsessive, idolatrous "Unknown."
YH- I agree the racism stuff in general is to get black people to the polls. It's their path to victory for sure.
But this Alt-Right business is so obscure. "They're going to put y'all in chains!" is so much easier. That's why I have to assume there is more to it.
And that "more" is either the political class is so in the social media bubble they don't see that this is obscure for most people
they want to paint the most compelling arguments against Clinton- her corruption via the Clinton Foundation- as part of the Great Racist Plan.
Alt-right? Never heard of it. Never got the membership card. It seems more like disaffected tabloid effort.
Who is the guy who foments insurrection? Is he a citizen of this nation? Is he a agent of a foreign nation? CIA, are you reading this stuff?
Hey, aren't you clowns the sort of assholes who drive around with bumper stickers that read "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism"?
Except when it's dissent against your Party, huh?
You really are a Stalinist bitch, Unknown.
The more feminized it becomes, the less it interests men, who wander off to start a new system, elsewhere.
I would hope so. We have more than our share of Gaia goddesses running things now.
I am not a citizen of this nation, merely a foreigner with some experience in totalitarian governments and revolutionary situations.
Btw, I have known many "Unknowns", so to speak, as spokesmen for the said totalitarian governments. Wormtongue, demon-owned, I have met you before.
Unknown: "Who is the guy who foments insurrection? Is he a citizen of this nation? Is he a agent of a foreign nation?"
Maybe he is just someone who wants to fundamentally transform it and punch back twice as hard.
People do tend to be motivated more by fear of losing what they have than by desire for what they might gain.
As Mel Brooks put it:
“They make us live in the crap, and now they're taking the crap away? No! ”
The dupes who think Trump is the answer to all that is wrong, hombre and at very least 75 % of Althouse readers. Blame yourselves for this mess.
YH: "Hey, aren't you clowns the sort of assholes who drive around with bumper stickers that read "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism"?"
It's Fen's Law, all the way down.
Really, the left should be spending more time organizing food drives for their latest "success" story out of Venezuela.
The reason I'm all over Clinton Cash is this:
I thought it was going to be stupid rabble-rousing. I only watched it because my sister asked me to help my parents get it on their TV via YouTube.
And it's compelling It seems fact based. The NYTs has corroborated much of the reporting. So I'm thinking, "What am I missing? Surely there is a great, fact-based rebuttal out there" But it turns out there isn't. The rebuttal is Breitbart Racist Alt-Right.
Which is dispiriting. I'm someone who *wants* to be told what I'm not being told about the facts about it.
This situation is a new thing in this country. You dont have the instincts for it, yet, because it is so unfamiliar.
Hillary is planning on using every Federal agency to punish her enemies. Trump gets audited every year. Hillary? Never.
Unknown: "The dupes who think Trump is the answer to all that is wrong,..."
Trump is potentially the "answer" to about 5% to all that (an important 5% no doubt) though we are not even sure that 5% would be in the bag if he were to win.
What most Trump "supporters" know is that everyone else on either side is 100% not the answer to any of that.
But we get it. The Hillary supporters believe Hill and Bill deserve at least another $10Billion or so for all their troubles and no peasant complaints should be allowed to interfere with those Dear Leaders accumulating their rightful due.
Insurrection is noble when warranted, when it's not, it's treason.
I never heard of the alt right until just recently. As proselytizers or propagandists I think you can safely say they have not been terribly successful......One seldom hears about anything but Black Lives Matter. They've successfully caused traffic jams in several jurisdictions and, arguably, may have inspired two shooters.......,Can anyone point to any substantial damage the alt right has caused. I don't know anything about them. I suppose a lot of them are kooks and cranks, but America is full of kooks and cranks. I don't see them as a dark, sinister force......In any event, Hillary is far more intimately wedded to BLM than Trump is to the alt right. I'm more suspicious of BLM than the alt right. I suppose that makes me a bigot.
The Leftist Media added everyone they don't like to the "Alt-right." That's why even the alt-right don't know what they are talking about.
When BP encourages treason, he will get called on it by myself. And I hope some alphabet agency reads this stuff.
The people that saw that Republican Paul Ryan was giving Obama everything he wanted and more were the first people to call themselves alt-right. They were sick of getting Republicans elected only to have them set aside Republican principles once they were in office. They were sick of the traditional right telling them to have patience and watch their non-existent master plan unfold.
Its not about Hill or Bill. These are figureheads, tokens. Whether they personally make billions or not is irrelevant in itself. Your opposition isnt them, but the system they serve. That is your real enemy. It hides behind Clinton masks. I think it also used to hide, on occasion, behind Bush masks, but those have been discarded as useless.
As for who is behind all this, follow the money.
It would be a shame if the current Unknown falls into a giant septic tank.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
"It's the election that shows us how stupid we are. We did this. This is America. We need to take some responsibility for it."
Exactly right, Professor. The dilemma is how to take responsibility. Meanwhile, I cannot think of a choice that doesn't put my country at greater risk. However, I will never vote to put an habitual grifter and her sexual predator husband back in the White House.
My wife, a better, wiser Christian than I, says, "God will give us the leaders we deserve." All I can think of in response is, "Oh no. Not that!"
Unfortunately, the right has already fallen in that septic tank.
Blogger Darrell said...
"It would be a shame if the current Unknown falls into a giant septic tank."
That would be called "going home."
now dissidents in a new-born totalitarian system
We are observing progressive corruption (i.e. cis-Left) and may witness the dysfunctional conclusion of the American republic preceding the rise of the far Left (i.e. trans-Left). The resumption of abortion rites (i.e. final solution), clinical cannibalism (Planned Parenthood channeling Mengele), class diversity (i.e. racism, sexism), selective exclusion ("="), progressive wars, refugee crises, progressive debt, and redistributive change (i.e. trickle-up poverty), were unmistakable indicators of this progression.
The stink of the alt right is permeated into your skin by now.
Regarding Hillary's health, there is this.
"Four years ago, she had a concussion, and a blood clot in her brain sent her to the hospital. Later, her head was still so injured that she was seeing double. That’s why she wore those Fresnel prism glasses: to counter double-vision.
Have you seen that video of her apparently having a seizure while being asked a question? The Clinton spin doctors say that’s just a joke. Really?
And then there’s the guy who is always with her, but he’s not Secret Service. He’s a paramedic — you can see by the badge he sometimes wears. He carries an injection device, maybe it's anti-seizure medication. He’s been seen talking her through a stressful situation."
Good lord Dreams, you believe this dreck? "The Rebel Media". Yes you folks need to place the blame directly on your own shoulders. Just read Althouse on any given day. I rest my case.
Unknown: "Insurrection is noble when warranted, when it's not, it's treason."
Lenin, Stalin and Mao could not have said it better.
"Good lord Dreams, you believe this dreck?"
Let us see some more of her emails and her medical records, we need to know.
dreams: "Let us see some more of her emails and her medical records, we need to know"
Aren't the "facts" that Hillary had to dodge sniper fire in Bosnia (who could forget something that traumatic?) and was not allowed to join the Marines (which she desperately wanted) enough to make you stop asking questions of our Dearest of Dear Leaders?
Who do you think you are? Don't you know who SHE is?
And remember, when Hillary comes bopping on by you and the rest of the peasants behind the rope line, do not make eye contact with her. She famously does not like that.
And I hope some alphabet agency reads this stuff.
Suuuurrrrre, because those agencies love HRC so much.
Have you read up on the exchange between Clinton's staff at State & the NSA over a secure Blackberry for Hillary? You know, the one that ends with the NSA support staff telling Hillary's staff to "Sit down & color"? Have you ever wondered if NSA is behind some of the recent email leaks to Wikileaks, Unknown? Opportunity, capability, & motive, as they say in law enforcement.
And when that revolution breaks out, who owns the lion's share of the 300 million guns in this country? You know what 60% of the enlisted men in this country call Bible Thumpers? "Mom & Pop". You think that the cops, most of them ethnics of one sort or another, are going against a tide like that for the likes of what constitutes the modern Democratic coalition?
Like BP, I think we are in a pre-civil war situation. Like the first one, in which the South saw its historically out of proportion political power ebbing because of societal changes, now it's the coastal regions who see their power eroding, & they're trying desperately to make the rest of the country knuckle under.
My guess as what will light the fuse? When the Democrats try to strip the tax-exempt status of religious organizations for not being LGBTQ-friendly, the shitstorm will begin in earnest. My Catholic FB friends talk in terms of cultural withdrawal in the face of persecution, the "St. Benedict" option. Bullshit! This is Uhmerica! It'll be the full bore St. Louis, Roi de la France option.
Unknown: "Yes you folks need to place the blame directly on your own shoulders. Just read Althouse on any given day."
The world's condition from time immemorial to now has been driven by Althouse Commenters.
Who can forget how Robert Byrd was forcibly shoved into a Grand Dragon role in the KKK by Althouse commenters?
And remember, all those racists immediately became republicans in the mid-60's.
Ann Althouse said...
"This really is the stupidest election ever."
It's the election that shows us how stupid we are. We did this. This is America. We need to take some responsibility for it.
My first reaction is: What's this "we" shit. Beyond that, any analysis is an oversimplification. We watch the forever arguments here between what I consider "brain-dead" Trump supporters and the conservative base of the GOP and shake my head at the absurd argument that Trump is the only alternative to the sure-fire election of Hillary Clinton as president. Trump supporters want to know how we can possibly not vote for Trump and an unfavorable election is our fault. Nevermind that Trump lied his way into achievement of the nomination assisted by their vote not ours. Trump unpopularity has now reached up to be the highest in history for presidential politics, for gosh sake.
On the other hand, the Dem voters with rings in their noses have been won over and are controlled by the ruling progressives. Heavy handedness works with that political party but not ours. The GOP hasn't yet figured out that conservatives not showing up at the polls for Romney is the reason he lost. The Trump answer was to bully the party to go to a radical who would stand up for us (heh!).
So now we are chasing "alt-righters" (much like CO2 which represents only 3% of the atmosphere but is blamed for global warming), who simply are not of sufficient numbers to effectively influence elections. As might be expected the loosely connected far-right is made up largely of free-thinking "little l" libertarians of one sort or another, who, by their diverse organizations, have demonstrated no ability to agree upon a policy that fits every one of their beliefs.
Its clear that a more clearly totalitarian system of control is waiting in the wings.
- The internet is going to be much more closely patrolled than before. There have been prior cases of blogs and websites kicked off by hosting companies; this is likely to escalate.
I forsee nearly all of these moving offshore, and many individual dissidents expatriating and cutting financial ties to the US to reduce their vulnerability.
- Banks and Insurance companies are already being leaned on to avoid disfavored entities, like knife and gun makers. I suspect opposition media hate sites will be included. As for books and other media, Amazon is becoming such a monopoly that it seems a likely target for implementing a publication filter.
- California has already experimented with jailing and seizing assets of opposition journalists - wait and see what powers Kamala Harris gets. With a Supreme Court in their pocket investigative journalism will become a guerrilla act.
- The Wisconsin political prosecutions will absolutely be a model for the future, given an accommodating Supreme Court.
- Political funding will be unavailable, as official and unofficial harassment of opposition funders will become standardized, down to Brendan Eich levels.
- The Great Firewall of China is a model already available to block dissident media; I suspect this is in the works for the US with respect to opposition media, being as they are hate sites - the Alt-right speech is a start, isnt it?
Strategic planning is required, so the effects of these likely measures can be mitigated.
Real life is complicated, reality has fine-grained detail that fiction doesnt, so there is only limited utility in such works as Orwells 1984. But the spirit of the thing is correct, the world-view there is close to correct.
I'm old enough to remember when every "good dem" knew that Bill and Hill were racists and thus every "good dem" had to support obambi.
Colin Kaepernick's guaranteed annual salary for the next 6 years is approximately 5 to 6 times my lifetime earnings, and he is the poor and oppressed one?
Dessert is the highest form of patriotism.
You folks need to chill and be more civil to one another... we are all in the same boat trying to get somewhere together... as soon as you get to name calling and conspiracy theories you lose you credibility UNLESS you can back it up with facts...
i am not a troll... the truth is out there... just not in this blog...
Buwaya: "Its clear that a more clearly totalitarian system of control is waiting in the wings."
It has always been and will always be thus. It is the most "normal" of political conditions over the whole of human history. I'm afraid our relatively short (in political "geological" time) "holiday" from this history is just about over. One could say it was inevitable given our nature.
buwaya: "California has already experimented with jailing and seizing assets of opposition journalists - wait and see what powers Kamala Harris gets. With a Supreme Court in their pocket investigative journalism will become a guerrilla act"
How many States Attorney Generals are going after AGW opponents for having the temerity to speak the truth about this leftist-driven BS?
In the end you will not only be expected to acquiesce to the totalitarians lies, you will be expected to become full-throated voicers of such lies.
Vaclev Havel said it best:
snip: “Government by bureaucracy is called popular government; the working class is enslaved in the name of the working class; the complete degradation of the individual is presented as his or her ultimate liberation; depriving people of information is called making it available; the use of power to manipulate is called the public control of power, and the arbitrary use of power is called observing the legal code; the repression of culture is called its development; the expansion of imperial influence is presented as support for the oppressed; the lack of free expression becomes the highest form of freedom; farcical elections become the highest form of democracy; banning independent thought becomes the most scientific of world views; military occupation becomes fraternal assistance. Because the regime is captive to its own lies, it must falsify everything. It falsifies the past. It falsifies the present, and it falsifies the future. It falsifies statistics. It pretends not to possess an omnipotent and unprincipled police apparatus. It pretends to respect human rights. It pretends to persecute no one. It pretends to fear nothing. It pretends to pretend nothing.”
No wonder the left hated this anti-communist poet so.
Blogger Unknown said...
"The dupes who think Trump is the answer to all that is wrong, hombre and at very least 75 % of Althouse readers. Blame yourselves for this mess."
You have no clue what we think. (See, e.g. Drago at 12:57.) You don't pay attention and you don't think.
What you do is spew Clintonspeak, Obamaspeak and the rest of the horseshit Democrat narrative we've been listening to and reading for years. You know that Trump is not racist. You know that we are not racist. You know that Hillary broke the law with her email server. You know that Bill is a sexual predator. You know that they are unabashed grifters preying on America. You know all this and you don't care.
You are an amoral partisan troll and probably nothing more. The best we can do for you is pray you don't have children, a charitable act since our children will bear the brunt of the grifting and policy mistakes of the sleazeballs you endorse.
But Gwash,
We obviously arent all in the same boat.
And everyone is not trying to get to the same place.
This is what I mean by reliance on obsolete world views. The current state of affairs is enormously different, and you havent adjusted.
You have interests that are in complete opposition, and the contest, given the nature of the modern US economy, is a zero sum game. For some to win some must lose.
GWash: "i am not a troll... the truth is out there... just not in this blog..."
Unless...unless...the truth IS here in this blog, and you, a troll pretending not to be a troll, seek to troll us out of seeing the truth which IS here in this blog, in which case you would make the very argument you just made.
I agree, Havel is another source of the correct world-view.
Solzhenitsyn is another.
Havel had "Unknown" down to a tee.
Havel: "Because the regime is captive to its own lies, it must falsify everything. It falsifies the past. It falsifies the present, and it falsifies the future."
Because Unknown is a complete intellectual captive of the left, he/she does the that very thing here every single day.
Falsifies the past, present and future. Because he/she must. The regime demands and requires it.
But we are supposed to be civil and your arguments are supposed to enroll people to your point of view.. if we are not all trying to work together than we really are broken... 200 years of elections and changing governments peacefully without rancor and submitting to the laws of the land.. what is your recourse? another civil war? this is not like most countries in the world but an experiment in all types and cultures getting along in a civil way.. not pipe dream, it has worked but arguments like this are unproductive and you will not be getting much support this way..
Buwaya saud: This situation is a new thing in this country. You dont have the instincts for it, yet, because it is so unfamiliar.
Emphasis added. Very true. However, Americans are known for being quick learners and innovative applications. I think we can catch on pretty quickly.
If you've had much to do with US High Schools and colleges recently, you will have seen that the falsification of the past is well advanced, implemented in curricula very cleverly through calculated omission, for the most part. And this is by design.
buwaya puti: "I agree, Havel is another source of the correct world-view.
Solzhenitsyn is another."
It seems like only yesterday that my Transcendental Meditation-addled Public High School philosophy teacher brought in a typically moronic lefty stooge (similar to "unknown" here) to speak of the wonders of Marxist systems and beauty of the Castro revolution and it's results. When I began questioning her about the "Gulag Archipelago" she, of course, did what every "Unknown" would do: She falsified the past, present and the future.
She had to.
To deviate even the smallest amount from the "path" is not allowed.
It is unfortunate for her that the left had not yet established "speech codes", "hate speech" "limitations", safe spaces, etc. Standard practices of the left every where every time since Robespierre.
"then we really are broken"
You are broken.
That is reality.
Besides many other changes-
The nature of your polity has changed fundamentally. The bulk of social and economic power no longer is in private hands, but lies with the unelected, unrestrained bureaucracy and their private sector dependents. This is a new thing in the US.
Your country has changed under you while you werent looking.
this is not like most countries in the world but an experiment in all types and cultures getting along in a civil way.
And when the beliefs of all the Orthodox Jews, Muslims & "traditional" Christians are declared to be "hate speech" by the Federal government, what becomes of that experiment, GWash?
buwaya puti: "If you've had much to do with US High Schools and colleges recently, you will have seen that the falsification of the past is well advanced, implemented in curricula very cleverly through calculated omission, for the most part. And this is by design."
This is well established and no longer even hidden.
In the end though, whether or not this republican experiment survives (it will not), reality will.
Soon enough there will be sufficient sharia-believing muslims in the US who will do to lefty areas what they've already done in East London (gays are not welcome there and the jews dare not be noticed), we will continue to grow our drug-cartel culture in key urban areas with the unrestricted influx of LATAM migrants, diseases commonly wiped out prior with reemerge, access to medical care will revert to the "olden ways", etc.
Again, this is pretty standard stuff across the globe.
buwaya puti said...
That government policies have failed or that persons in government are grossly corrupt or that the economy is in irrecoverable decline - these arent going to make it into the mass media in any way as to have an impact.
The MSM is covering the important stuff quite thoroughly - did you know that Trump used a six-pointed clip-art star? Three of them in a row make a 666 pointed star!
The internet is going to be much more closely patrolled than before. There have been prior cases of blogs and websites kicked off by hosting companies; this is likely to escalate.
"The Department of Commerce is set to hand off the final vestiges of American control over the Internet to international authorities in less than two months, officials have confirmed."
buwaya, history is always interpretive .. we've been fed a bunch of misinformation about american history and how special we are... but in reality there's a lot of bad along with the good... i seriously doubt if it's a calculated omission... and it's not by design.. this is paranoid thinking unless you can point to a real instance of this and a reason that makes sense..
Unknown said...
The stink of the alt right is permeated into your skin by now."
"The stink...." Like I said at 1:33, "Clintonspeak" describing her fellow Americans, the ones who are not grifting, molesting women, conducting political investigations, being paid to troll, rioting, etc.
You know, the law-abiding, Constitution-supporting, gun-owning, God-worshipping, hard-working Americans Hillary and Unknown despise and would have investigated by "alphabet agencies."
YH, i don't get it... not sure what you are referring to... yes, 'religious' groups can use speech in a hateful way... i've never heard anything from the 'govt' impinging my religious expressions...
"Woe to that nation whose literature is cut short by the intrusion of force. This is not merely interference with freedom of the press but the sealing up of a nation's heart, the excision of its memory. " Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn [emphasis mine]
This is exactly what our 'educational' system and our media are up to. Excising our memory. Wiping our heritage 'clean'.
My favorite example, and from all my correspondence over the last twenty years, this is so universal as to admit no exceptions at all - the treatment of WWII in US history, in High Schools, is entirely - I'm not kidding, entirely - about the internment of Japanese and Hiroshima. There is absolutely nothing said about anything else. Dozens of Millions of people and their doings and sufferings are invisible and not worth comment.
Thats just one. This is by design.
"In a 5,000-word National Review 'excoriation' (Buckley’s word), he excommunicated the [JBS] from the conservative movement."
Except Buckley is now dead, and the Birch Society isn't.
And, to refresh recent memories, it was Buckley's National Review that in its "Against Trump" issue (January 2016) tried to give the Birch Society treatment to Trump, using the essays (aka hatchet jobs) from 20 so-called conservative leaders.
Seven months later Trump is triumphant, NR is greatly diminished, and the JBS is still going strong.
again, mock i have no idea what you are talking about... i see stuff all over the internet and saw that book written about Clinton Cash and ann coulter new book... are you predicting the future or is this happening to you?
buwaya, if i can find a school book that details the story of WW2 (the 'big one' doby gillis reference) would you be a little more satisfied?... my dad was a veteran and he often went to schools to talk about the war... i never heard him say anything about the kids not be aware of the details of the war... there may be a reference to Japanese internment but that is because it was totally ignored for 40 years... and guess what the kids grew up just fine..
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