Rick Perry — as a Trump proxy — was on Jake Tapper's show ("The Lead").
Tapper showed an old clip of Perry saying "For too long, we Republicans have been content to lose the black vote because we found we didn't need it to win. But when we gave up trying to win the support of African-Americans, we lost our moral legitimacy as the party of Lincoln."
Asked if Trump need to pay attention to that "warning," Perry talked about how Trump's policies are actually better for African-Americans, and Tapper said, "But Hillary Clinton, whatever you think of her and her policies, she was in Philadelphia today reaching out directly to many in the African-American community."
When Perry continued with the idea that Trump's policies are better and wondered why African-Americans keep voting for Democrats, Tapper sledgehammered his idea: "Well, I guess the point I was making is because they're showing up and asking for their vote."
Perry seemed a little annoyed at the idea: "Is that all it takes? If just a Democrat shows up and asks for their vote, that is enough?" He proceeded to characterize the showing-up-and-asking idea as "denigrat[ing]" African-Americans, who, in his view, "want to see action."
But who knows? Maybe the key is asking for the vote. Trump did show up — later that day — near the scene of the unrest in Milwaukee. Last night, in West Bend, Wisconsin, Trump said: "I am asking for the vote of every African-American citizen struggling in our country today who wants a different future."
I'm just observing notion that there are special words and that those words happen to have been said. But here's an excerpt from the transcript, if you want to see Trump's argument why black people should respond to his request:
During the last 72 hours, while protestors have raged against the police here in Milwaukee, another 9 were killed in Chicago and another 46 were wounded. More than 2,600 people have been shot in Chicago since the beginning of the year, and almost 4,000 killed in President Obama’s hometown area since his presidency began.
How are we serving these American victims by attacking law enforcement officers?...
The Hillary Clinton agenda hurts poor people the most.
There is no compassion in allowing drug dealers, gang members, and felons to prey on innocent people. It is the first duty of government to keep the innocent safe, and when I am President I will fight for the safety of every American – and especially those Americans who have not known safety for a very, very long time.
I am asking for the vote of every African-American citizen struggling in our country today who wants a different future.
It is time for our society to address some honest and very difficult truths.
The Democratic Party has failed and betrayed the African-American community. Democratic crime policies, education policies, and economic policies have produced only more crime, more broken homes, and more poverty.
Let us look at the situation right here in Milwaukee, a city run by Democrats for decade after decade. Last year, killings in this city increased by 69 percent, plus another 634 victims of non-fatal shootings. 18-29-year-olds accounted for nearly half of the homicide victims. The poverty rate here is nearly double the national average. Almost 4 in 10 African-American men in Milwaukee between the ages of 25-54 do not have a job. Nearly four in 10 single mother households are living in poverty. 55 public schools in this city have been rated as failing to meet expectations, despite ten thousand dollars in funding per-pupil. There is only a 60% graduation rate, and it’s one of the worst public school systems in the country.
1 in 5 manufacturing jobs has disappeared in Milwaukee since we fully opened our markets to China, and many African-American neighborhoods have borne the brunt of this hit.
To every voter in Milwaukee, to every voter living in every inner city, or every forgotten stretch of our society, I am running to offer you a better future.
The Democratic Party has taken the votes of African-Americans for granted. They’ve just assumed they’ll get your support and done nothing in return for it. It’s time to give the Democrats some competition for these votes, and it’s time to rebuild the inner cities of America – and to reject the failed leadership of a rigged political system.
I’m not part of the corrupt system.
१३३ टिप्पण्या:
Here's a story that Tip O'Neill liked to tell:
"One lesson was learned on the last day of the campaign from his high school elocution and drama teacher, a neighbor who lived across the street from his residence. On that fateful day, Mrs. Elizabeth O'Brien approached the aspiring politician and said "Tom, I'm going to vote for you tomorrow even though you didn't ask me." O'Neill was puzzled as he had known Mrs. O'Brien for years and had done chores for her, cutting grass, raking leaves and shoveling snow. He told his neighbor that "I didn't think I had to ask for your vote." She replied "Tom, let me tell you something: People like to be asked."
Perhaps this is a function of Trump's emphasis on his business background. Every good sales pitch leads to "the ask." So the language of asking fits in well with Trump's efforts to convince everyone that he's the ultimate dealmaker, ready to make deals both with and for you.
If Trump had gone into the black community, or any non-traditionally Republican communities, early in his campaign, before things got so poisoned, and made these arguments, he could have seen real results. He could have used his celebrity and his particular brand of brashness to make an enormous change in the way these things work.
But at this point, it's too little, too late.
I'm not so sure the way to go is to tell black people they suck because Democrats.
But at this point, it's too little, too late.
I'm not convinced of that. I'm sure there is a portion of the Black Community, just like the White Community, that would never ever vote for Trump. (Many of these people seem to be my facebook friends) But there are likely voters out there still wrestling with the horrible choice foisted upon them, and a nice ask won't hurt.
Trump forgot the hot sauce.
If you've read Tip O'Neill's book, "All Politics Is Local", he writes about how forgetting to ask people to vote for him cost him an election. A big part of GOTV is asking people for their vote. A lot of it is done by surrogates once you move into bigger arenas, but it's still important to ask. Any script given to the surrogates who call or canvas that doesn't include a request for a vote in the candidate's name needs that added for maximum effectiveness. Good for Perry if he got Trump to ask African-Americans to vote for him.
Asking for black support you is a good start. It's necessary, but not sufficient.
The truth is 95% of blacks vote Dem and this is a bad thing. It's obviously bad for the GOP, but it's bad for blacks. It tethers them to the Dems who, at best, take them for granted, at worst, impose an artificial leftist vision on their community.
It'd be better for everyone if blacks voted, say 70 Dem, 30 GOP. This is closer too to what the natural political split is. It would also give blacks more political leverage to implement their political objectives. Most blacks, like most Americans, want safe schools, safe streets, good jobs, thriving community churches. Instead, they get a lot of race-bating rabble-rousers, like Sharpton and BLM.
My 2 cents.
More seriously, R's should be reaching out to blacks in the four years prior to the damn presidential campaign. Speeches, bake sales, help clean up downtown, whatever it takes. Don't start this three months before the election. It might take a campaign cycle or two, but if D's lose any amount of black voters (or any amount of a any of their subdivisions of voters) they're toast.
I'm not so sure the way to go is to tell black people they suck because Democrats.
That's not the message..the message is Black people's lives suck because of Democrats.
Blacks have marginalized themselves. I pissed off a few in college by asking why would any politician do anything to ever help them?
Democrats know they have their vote no matter what they do.
Republicans won't get their vote, no matter what they do.
Therefore, NEITHER side has any need to do anything to get their vote.
I'm not so sure the way to go is to tell black people they suck because Democrats.
I don't agree. If you vote for the same party, over and over, and nothing improves --- why do you keep supporting that party?
Milwaukee hasn't had a Republican mayor since the Cubs won the World Series. How much worse can things actually get if a Republican is given a chance? You've given the Left a CENTURY to fix shit up. It seems to have not worked.
West Bend is 98 percent white, right? Maybe 30 miles north of northern Milwaukee? It's certainly not "right here in Milwaukee."
Odd place to reach out to the black community.
Give me a break.
Trump has been positioned by Trump himself, with a ton of video evidence to back it up, as Racist and Unqualified. You might think African-Americans are stupid but they know a RACIST when they see and hear one.
Ditto all Brown colored people including Hispanics, Latinos, Muslims, Indians et al and Asians.
As a TV mega-star, Trump should have understood that whatever he says will be used in TV attack ads. What a dumb ass.
They really need to drop the hyphens.
That said, People want and need opportunity, not public welfare or even private charity, not redistributive change (i.e. trickle-up poverty, without a robust Posterity excision/abortion protocol). The latter are short-term smoothing functions that sponsor progressive corruption and in the long-term catastrophic dysfunction.
Welcome to the Party my fellow Americans.
As we now live in an age where any white person who isn't a grovelling white submissionist is a racist white supremacist who wants dogs and deathcamps, I don't really give a damn one way or the other as to what induces the dindu. The time of the magic blacks is over anyway; Hispanics are now the favorite minority by volume, Muslims are the favorite per-capita.
Throw in the fact that 'black' increasingly means 'fresh off the boat Somalis' and the "traditional" African-American bloc is diminished even further.
I don't care anymore. Hispanics vote Democrat not because they give a rip about Democrats, but because they see that the Democrats currently cater to things that they think are good for Hispanics. Fellow travellers. Blacks, Asians, Muslims, Jews - they'll vote for the side that they perceive to providing in their racial/ethnic/cultural interests.
No shame in that - every distinct peoples on the planet exist because at some point, they formed a group and defended it. Which is why I now support policies and politicians that are promoting the interests of white people.
Pandering to a decreasing, hostile minority that's primary policy issue is transfer of money, through taxation, from whites to themselves is not in my interests. In fact, it's not only bad, it's catastrophic, as this incentives black birthrates in general and black bastardy in particular, while depressing birthrates of the white middle-class who believe they can't afford as many children, and delay the (less than replacement) ones they do have.
I think "denigrating" is a dog whistle.
I wonder if Republicans with a message of principled inclusion (i.e. tolerance) can neutralize the Democrat policy of selective exclusion.
Both the police officer and the man he shot went to the same high school. Presumably they faced many of the same challenges in life. The cop had an honest job, and the man he shot was a career criminal. If the cop had been killed, there would have been no demonstrations, and he would have no mourners in the black community outside of his immediate family........White people are always being asked to check their white privilege card. Maybe black people could also profit from a little introspection about the uses of their victimization card.
Donald Caster is right. Anyone in sales knows that you need to ask You might still close the sale without asking but closing rates are much, much, higher than if you do not. Too many salespeople are too timid to ask for the order. As Zig Ziglar used to say "Timid salesmen have skinny kids"
John Henry
Lamar Gonna Set You Straight....
Oh, so now White people are asking for my Vote? You might as well ask me to cross the street and piss on you because you're on fire: I ain't doing it...
If you want to ask me for my vote why don't you come to my door and ask me in person? Or are you afraid to go where blacks really live? You probably are all worried about some gangstas getting up in your face, right? Damned right you should be scared. I LIVE here and sometimes I'm scared. I'll show you the bullet holes in my wall from some asshole shooting at the wrong house...
White People want my Black Vote so White People can have White Power. I don't see anything in it for me, bitches...
Maybe on Voting Day I'll just stand outside some White People's' Voting Place and shoot some Mean Black Man looks with my arms crossed, make some White People all uncomfortable. Until the Whites call the Police and have my Black Ass hauled away, for doing nothing but standing there, being Black...
You think you got Problems? Fuck You.
I am Laslo.
It IS important to ask for someone's vote, as part of a larger agenda to actually care about them and their vote, and be seen as doing so.
I might have agreed with Perry a few months ago, but it struck me this Spring, looking at how the GOP establishment was denigrating and insulting its own white base voters, how much more so they have told minorities, in a thousand ways big and small, that, "You are basically not welcome in the GOP. Oh, we'll take you vote if you give it to us, but we won't give you any respect or a seat at the table."
The Democrats have been terrible for most minorities, except the few who directly benefit from affirmative action or get insider jobs and contracts, but at least they pretend to care, which is more than the GOP has done since Eisenhower was President and Brownell his Attorney General.
I saw part of Giulani and part of Trump, perhaps 30 minutes, last night. I did not hear him specifically ask for the black vote but I thought the entire speech was about asking for the black vote. This is something that few politicians have ever done before. Demmies because they don't think they need to and Repos because the Demmies have them locked up.
I was amazed to hear, for the first time that I can recall from any politician, how Demmies have been shitting all over blacks in cities like Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Ferguson and elsewhere since forever. I was amazed to hear Trump(?) point out that it had been more than a century since Milwaukee had a Republican mayor. I was amazed to hear Trump point out how this century of democrats had giving blacks crappy security and high crime, abysmal schools, lack of job opportunities and generally treated them like crap. They can do it because the Demmies own, or feel with good reason like they own, the black vote.
Trump doesn't need to peel off too many votes, 15-30% to make a huge difference. The question is whether urban blacks are stupid enough to continue voting for the folks who are crapping on them. Trump may not be any better, though I think he would be. He certainly could not be any worse.
John HEnry
You say Trump has positioned himself as a racist. I assume you are talking about his immigration policies, neither of which involve race. Islam is a religion and Mexicans et al are nationalities, not races. And Trump's objections are not to those, either. His objections and restrictions on immigration are security and economic based. Both sets of restrictions help black Americans.
So how has Trump been racist to black Americans? What has he done or said that make you claim he is racist?
John Henry
I heard one of Reince Priebus's post mortem reports after Romney lost in 2012. I asked how he accounted for the GOP's success in the states in light of their failures in the presidential elections. He said that in state politics, the successful people go and ask for votes everywhere and make their case in very venue to every group.
Let's hope Trump persists in asking for every vote from every group.
OK, Laslo,
What have Democrats ever done for you as a black man? Why would you give them your vote?
A bit OT but I read today that Trump is going to start making some massive media buys.
It will be interesting to see if and how treatment by the media changes when he becomes a customer.
I predict that they will still not like him but we may see some articles along the lines of "I still won't vote for him but maybe this Trump guy has some good ideas."
Especially if he ties his media buys to being treated more "fairly" by the media. Trump seems like the kind of person who might insist on that.
Defining fairness rather vaguely above.
John Henry
What a load of crap about the Dems not asking for the Black vote.
At the DMC in July, Obama "told" his supporters to "carry" Clinton just as they did him in 2008 and 2012. That is code to the Black community to go and vote for Clinton. It is also code to all Brown people too now.
Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton turn up at Black events, colleges, churches etc. and ask for their votes. They've been doing this for decades.
Trump makes a ridiculous statement in front of a White audience and you think Black people are going to vote for him. FFS wake up.
Trump is a racist, a bigot and sexist. The evidence is in a ton of videos.
John Henry,
1. Trump isn't anti-white. Therefore he is a racist. His policies will either delay or reverse whites becoming a minority in the United States, which has been celebrated as the best thing to come, ever, for decades now. Stopping that is basically Hitler.
2. Appeals that X is a nationality and Y is a religion is rhetorically useless. Nobody cares, especially not the people who are on the wrong side of it, or want to signal that they are on the anti-white side without explicitly using that word. But in the case of Mexico, they even have a bit of a point: let's face it, Trump Wall (tm) isn't going to just stop Mexicans but let it Colombians, Guatemalans, et. al. Nor are deportation squads only sending back people with a return address to Guadalajara or Mexico City. Any immigration/deportation policy on the southern border is a racial issue for Hispaztlans - it's just a racial issue that's fully justified and nobody else's damn business anyway.
3. Media buys didn't change how the media felt about Romney, McCain, Bush... so I doubt it will have any effect here. Plus, why would it? If Trump's campaign believes they have to reach eyeballs that are watching channel X, they're going to advertise on channel X and that equation doesn't change just because people at channel X hate Trump.
4. Doesn't help. If Trump needs media buys, he needs them. Demanding to be treated 'fairly' as a prerequisite accomplishes nothing.
Trump is right in asking Blacks to vote for him, but he should then also be looking for venues in Black communities or as near as he can find a suitable arena.
From the Black side:
Medgar Evers was criticized for working with George Wallace. Evers answered: "Look, this guy's reputation is so bad he has to live up to his promises!"
Evers also had some rules for dealing with politicians, like only ask for what they can do for you, and only concrete things that can be measured, and set dates for milestones to be fulfilled before the next election. IOW. B.S. don't count.
One other thing:
Trump has been invited to speak at many Black events including the NAACP and the Urban League but he turned down all the invitations.
Funny that.
And everybody should get off this African-American crap. When even "respectable" news outlets write about "African-Americans" from Somalia, it has gone too far already.
I was reading James Taranto's Twitter yesterday. He retweeted some reporter who made the observation (this is not a direct quote), "Trump appears to be asking for the black vote, all faces in audience appear to be white"
James Taranto's response, again, not a direct quote, was something like, "Maybe you've heard of this thing called television?"
Blogger Carter Wood said...
West Bend is 98 percent white, right? Maybe 30 miles north of northern Milwaukee? It's certainly not "right here in Milwaukee."
Odd place to reach out to the black community.
Darn. I should have read the comments first. I could have smarmily replied, "Maybe you've heard of this thing called television" and said nothing of Toranto.
Blogger Amadeus 48 said...
I heard one of Reince Priebus's post mortem reports after Romney lost in 2012. I asked how he accounted for the GOP's success in the states in light of their failures in the presidential elections. He said that in state politics, the successful people go and ask for votes everywhere and make their case in very venue to every group.
Let's hope Trump persists in asking for every vote from every group.
I've heard some #NeverTrump comment that not only has Trump not asked for their vote, but he has said he doesn't need it.
Maybe it's not to late to ask.
Of course Trump's speech reads rather well, because some Republican pros wrote it for him.
As for the notion of Trump actually asking people for their votes, of course it is a good idea and of course I suggested in a comment on this blog a couple of weeks ago that Trump really ought to try that. In particular, Trump ought to try it with the voters who are already predisposed to vote for a Republican and against a Democrat; those college-educated Republicans who have voted for Republicans all of their adult lives.
I wouldn't want to suggest that Trump shouldn't try the same thing with African-American voters; of course he should. But the payoff for that effort will of course be marginal at best. The best strategy for Republicans would be to depress the reliable 97% Dem turnout in black enclaves. You do that with a polished media attack on Mrs. Clinton and by not inflaming the community activists with wild quotes. The opposite of what Trump has done.
What a big steaming loada crap! The Master Baiter, er uh Master Persuader is asking Blacks for their vote? This dumbass has defiantly been telling his own base that he doesn't want or need their vote! "I don't need Republicans to vote for me I don't need Republican money!" But now, he is " asking " for the vote of the most unlike bloc of voters? Have we forgotten that more Republicans voted for someone other than Trump in the primaries?
Who will Hannity blame when he loses, NeverTrumps or Blacks? What will Dilbert say?
Master Persuader my ass!
Finally. Hope it's not too little, too late. Glenn Loury said this months ago - Trump ought to be spending a large part of his time till the election speaking specifically to black audiences. What the heck else does he need to do that's more urgent? Go to black audiences and say these things. They have been taken advantage of by the Democratic Party for long enough. They don't care about Muslim immigration, or they oppose it. They think he's a racist, but he can talk some of them out of it. Or talk some of them into caring more about their kids' schools. Tell that that the Democratic Party listens to the teachers unions and not to them.
He should be doing this now, it could win him the election, no one but him can do it, and I can't think of anyone else he needs to speak to more.
If it worked, it could change the whole dynamics of politics in this country.
Skip everything else and speak to black audiences.
Lyssa said: "But at this point, it's too little, too late."
The argument that Democrats take blacks for granted, make empty promises and produce negative outcomes for blacks can be made in 2 minutes. The argument that Trump's providing opportunity, respect and jobs will benefit blacks can be made in another 2 minutes.
It's not too late, but the case needs to be made in every campaign event.
There are too problems for Trump: (1) A hostile media that will obscure, spin and mock the arguments, and (2) a 4 minute message to an audience with a 15 second attention span.
Blogger jacksonjay said...
What a big steaming loada crap! The Master Baiter, er uh Master Persuader is asking Blacks for their vote? This dumbass has defiantly been telling his own base that he doesn't want or need their vote! "
I keep hearing this from #NeverTrump but can't find this anywhere. I find the claims, but when I look at what he has said, I don't see him having said anything like this. You even put quotes around words Trump hasn't said. Which I find telling.
Trump has been positioned by the Dems in the minds of all Black and Brown voters that he is Unqualified and a Racist. Most women class him as Sexist too.
Look at the latest polls. Job done.
Jason Riley had a column in WSJ a couple weeks ago noting that "The Apprentice" enjoyed very high black viewership; suggesting that Trump may have some built-in advantages in the black community that he should not throw away.
John said...
OK, Laslo,
"What have Democrats ever done for you as a black man? Why would you give them your vote?"
Non sequitur.
From the writing, Lamar doesn't seem to believe Whites in Power have done anything useful for Blacks. He makes no mention of party, only color.
Lamar's anger (here and previous writings) can be seen as directed at all that pretend to help the Black Man but have only enriched themselves...
He is Lamar.
I am Laslo.
The Republicans have also done a truly horrible job of asking for the Hispanic and Asian vote(s).
There is zero outreach, zero funding, zero propaganda, zero media to any of these. And all of them have serious beefs with the Democrats, even Hispanic/Asian Democrats. They are in the Democrat camp because they are the object of the ethnic-Democrat political machines. There are no ethnic-Republican machines, anymore.
There really arent any "Lawrence of San Bernardino" types working these populations.
Maybe Republicans or some PAC can make a series of ads juxtaposing Hillary's racially insensitive comments (super predators, birtherism in 2008, recent joking about C.P.T.) with her "don't feel no ways tired" pandering. That might be the only way to "win" the black vote, i.e., by convincing enough of them to stay home.
Hispanic Democrats vote Democrat mainly because their elites have been given government jobs and careers, that is the prize for them.
Asian Democrats vote Democrat because they have been indoctrinated in High School and College, and because it seems to be the upper-class consensus. They are Asian, they are practical and follow the consensus of the powerful; if it seems like that is what one must be to aspire to Harvard and Stanford, or anything approaching those, they will adjust accordingly. They are also extremely trusting of powerful white people, an interesting phenomenon.
They can ask and they should ask but its not going to happen.
Eric, maybe you should try a little harder to find references to Trump saying he doesn't need Republicans! I grant you, when Trump proclaims something, with great enthusiasm, it is anyone's guess what he really means! Use Google, you'll find something! Just last week he threatened to stop funding the GOP!
Around 40% of blacks and 35% of Hispanics receive some form of federal government assistance versus about 13% of whites in an average month. Furthermore, 50% of female-led households received assistance versus about 15% of married households. So it kind of makes sense that a party advocating a tax-and-spend welfare state would be disproportionately made up of black, hispanics, and single women versus a party for married couples and those dreaded white men.
p.s. America is doomed.
A war was fought, a war was won, a period of rehabilitation was offered, the offender did not repent or reform, the war was fought to completion, the reconstruction and reconciliation effort was aborted... then progressive wars and anti-native polices were carried out in every nation near and far, and a subsequent global coverup of their consequences.
Interestingly, the USC/LA Times polls have the race within one point and seem to show an uptick in support for Trump among African American respondents (as well as generally). They also seem to have consistently had Trump doing better than most other polls. A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma indeed.
It's commonly believed among the progressive set that once white men become a demographic minority, utopia is right around the corner. You know, just like all of those majority black or Hispanic countries that these same progressives would abhor having to live in.
If Trump is to be believed as being sincerely interested in improving the lot of the black community, he would've given his speech last night IN MILWAUKEE. To ask for the black vote in West Bend, WI that is just 1% African American only shows what a fraud he is. If Trump cared about African Americans he would've not vacillated on rejecting the endorsement of David Duke and the Klan way back in spring. He wouldn't have retweeted memes about black people that came form racist sites. Trump sees minorities as stupid, unable to see through his bullshit, he's wrong.
African-Americans, especially men, tend to be a lot more skeptical of immigration from Latin America than their fairer-skinned Democratic cohorts, so that might explain some of it. Black men tend to be disproportionately represented in lower skilled jobs and are thus more affected by the wage dampening effects of migrant and immigrant labor.
No matter what Trump does or says, the MSM will portray him as a racist. It's more than just 'controlling the narrative'. It's pure propaganda. And we used to scoff at TASS.
"If Trump cared about African Americans he would've not vacillated on rejecting the endorsement of David Duke and the Klan way back in spring. He wouldn't have retweeted memes about black people that came form racist sites."
Wow. If that's the extent of the Trump-is-racist-aginst-blacks oppo research file, it's a laughably weak case.
If only Trump could find a way to make minorities feel guilty of racism if they don't vote for him, he would win. IOW, he will lose.
"John said...
Trump doesn't need to peel off too many votes, 15-30% to make a huge difference. The question is whether urban blacks are stupid enough to continue voting for the folks who are crapping on them"
Clearly they are. I mean isn't a half century proof enough?
I was kind of "up" this morning, anticipating how the media was going to respond to Trump's speech. Of course, I expected something like (if Trump had ascended into Heaven on God's right hand) "Trump fails to say Good-bye!"
Sure enough, Trump has failed again. By not going to a Black Community to ask for their vote, just going to television (do they have tv's in Black Communities?) he has demonstrated his racism once again. By the way, was Hillary in a Black Community when she made her recent racial comments? Of course, she had black people behind her in the audience - why couldn't Trump have thought of that? Because racist! ybeast.com/articles/2016/08/17/donald-trump-in-whitest-wisconsin-finally-makes-his-pitch-to-african-american-voters.html
Blogger jacksonjay said...
Eric, maybe you should try a little harder to find references to Trump saying he doesn't need Republicans!
You can't find something that doesn't exist.
Farmer, if you think that it's not important to African Americans that Trump didn't immediatly reject David Duke's endorsement and pretended not to know who he was, you are more deluded than he is. David Duke and tne Klan aren't just jokes to black America.
I don't think just showing up and asking for their vote makes much difference--Republicans have done that for years. Blacks simply see Dems and their policies as better for them than Republicans, and think Dems care about them and that Republicans at best don't care about them, and at worst are hostile to them. I don't really see how that's going to change.
I guess you're right, Eric! Republicans are all in lock step supporting Trump! National Review has seen the light! NeverTrump is history! Now he can move on to Black voters!
Did you miss the won't endorse-oh yeah, endorse of a few weeks back? Direct quote, "I'm not there yet." Petty , childish bullshit does not win support within your own party. He is the candidate of the party! He is supposed to seek unity, right?
Farmer, if you think that it's not important to African Americans that Trump didn't immediatly reject David Duke's endorsement and pretended not to know who he was, you are more deluded than he is.
He did not pretend not to know who he was. Duke made the remark on February 24th, and Trump was first asked about it on February 26th during an appearance with Chris Christie: “I didn’t even know he endorsed David Duke endorsed me? OK. Alright. I disavow. OK?"
Duke made the remark on his radio show, which practically nobody in the country even listens to. In fact, Duke's remarks only became widely known because they were megaphoned by the national media eager to use guilt-by-association to paint Trump as some kind of white nationalist/supremacist. Newsflash TV nitwits: just because white supremacist support immigration restriction does not mean that immigration restriction is a bad idea.
So, after being asked and disavowing Duke's endorsement on the 26th, Trump was interviewed by Jake Tapper on the 28th and repeatedly questioned about Duke's endorsement (as if Trump is responsible for the individual views of all of his supporters).
"David Duke and tne Klan aren't just jokes to black America."
They should be. David Duke is a sexagenarian with a fax machine, and the Ku Klux Klan is a practically nonexistent force in American life today. When you consider the actual problems that exist in the black community--illegitimacy, crime, and educational underachievement--caricatures like Duke are a laughable sideshow.
“Well, just so you understand, I don’t anything about David Duke, OK? I don’t even know anything about what you’re talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. Did he endorse me, or what’s going on? I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists,” Trump told Tapper.
Tapper rephrased the question and tried again but Trump said he “had to look at the group” and asked for a list of the white supremacist groups. When he asked Trump specifically about the Ku Klux Klan, Trump simply repeated that he had never heard of or met Duke.
Paul Ryan rebukes Trump's KKK controversy, saying 'This is the party of Lincoln'
Mar 01, 2016
In a press conference on Capitol Hill Tuesday, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) rebuked Donald Trump's Ku Klux Klan controversy, demanding Trump denounce racism. "This party does not prey on people’s prejudice. This is the party of Lincoln," said Ryan, who expressed he's tried to avoid getting involved in the Republican presidential race. Ryan said he was compelled to weigh in today because Republicans condemn David Duke and the KKK.
Courtesy of Speaker.gov
Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/article63445357.html#storylink=cpy
Jake TAPPER: “I want to ask you about the Anti-Defamation League, which this week called on you to publicly condemn unequivocally the racism of former KKK grand wizard David Duke, who recently said that voting against you at this point would be treason to your heritage.
“Will you unequivocally condemn David Duke and say that you don’t want his vote or that of other white supremacists in this election?”
TRUMP: “Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke. OK? I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don’t know.
“I don’t know, did he endorse me or what’s going on, because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists. And so you’re asking me a question that I’m supposed to be talking about people that I know nothing about.”
TAPPER: “But I guess the question from the Anti-Defamation League is, even if you don’t know about their endorsement, there are these groups and individuals endorsing you. Would you just say unequivocally you condemn them and you don’t want their support?”
TRUMP: “Well, I have to look at the group. I mean, I don’t know what group you’re talking about.
“You wouldn’t want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. I would have to look. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them. And, certainly, I would disavow if I thought there was something wrong.”
TAPPER: “The Ku Klux Klan?”
TRUMP: “But you may have groups in there that are totally fine, and it would be very unfair. So, give me a list of the groups, and I will let you know.”
TAPPER: “OK. I mean, I’m just talking about David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan here, but. . . .”
TRUMP: “I don’t know any – honestly, I don’t know David Duke. I don’t believe I have ever met him. I’m pretty sure I didn’t meet him. And I just don’t know anything about him.”
Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article63492082.html#storylink=cpy
“Well, just so you understand, I don’t anything about David Duke, OK? I don’t even know anything about what you’re talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. Did he endorse me, or what’s going on? I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists,” Trump told Tapper.
Hillary had the Orlando shooter's father at her event. He endorses her.
Not hearing anybody demand she denounce him.
TAPPER: “But I guess the question from the Anti-Defamation League is, even if you don’t know about their endorsement, there are these groups and individuals endorsing you. Would you just say unequivocally you condemn them and you don’t want their support?
I'd ask for the relevance.
Is he expected to denounce every bad group out there? How would anybody have time for anything else? Has Hillary denounced Anthony Weiner, who is sleazy and markedly closer to her? Has she been asked to denounce race hustler Al Sharpton?
Is Hillary ever asked to denounce any bad group?
Has Hillary disavowed Mateen's father and the repugnant pro-Taliban ideology he espouses?
Apparently, she has disavowed Mateen. But what took her so long, huh? Doesn't she know who he is and what his views are? For shame.
Blogger jacksonjay said...
I guess you're right, Eric! Republicans are all in lock step supporting Trump! National Review has seen the light! NeverTrump is history! Now he can move on to Black voters!
Somehow I'm thinking you didn't read what I wrote.
When did I say, or imply, Republicans are in lock step?
There is a very vocal group out there known as #NeverTrump. I'm well aware of it.
The relevance to your accusation against Trump, on the other hand, escape me.
"Hillary Clinton's campaign late Tuesday disavowed support from the Orlando gunman's father, who attended one of her rallies earlier this week.
Clinton "disagrees with his views and disavows his support," a campaign spokesperson told news outlets."
Gunman's father attended the Clinton rally on Aigust 9th. Clinton disavowed him on the 10th
The Duke stuff didn't help. And while it may seem unfair that Hillary hasn't had to denounce Al Sharpton (who is a parallel to Duke, and worse in some ways) it still was a mistake. It doesn't matter if you denounced him five other times, you hem and haw one time and that's what people are going to remember.
I mean, what did it gain him? Just an unforced error. And in a tight race you don't need those.
The Jake Tapper interview was two days after Trump disavowed the endorsement during his appearance with Chris Christie. So not knowing about the endorsement and disavowing it isn't enough? He needs to super duper disavow it? Also, David Duke hasn't been associated with the Klan since at least the early 80s, so that's another non-issue that has nothing to do with anyway. And again, Duke is a fringe character who has next to no influence in American political life. He's words are only opportunistically seized upon when they can be used as a cudgel to accuse supporters of immigration restriction of being racist, xenophobic, bigoted, white nationalist (fill in your favorite SJW madlib). Politifacts big smoking gun against Trump trying to dismiss any invented connection between he and Duke were a remark about the Louisiana election in 1991 (25 years ago) and by his presence in the Reform party in 2000 (16 years ago). And in both instances, Trump made negative remarks about Duke and his influence.
Trump's remarks during the Tapper interview were not him saying that he didn't know who David Duke was but rather that he doesn't know about his activities or his endorsements and is not generally informed on his activities. Again, he was asked about Duke's remarks at a press conference two days before the Tapper interview and he explicitly disavowed it. That's not enough?
I stand by my original conviction: if that's the best you got, you've got nothing.
Blogger Unknown said...
"Hillary Clinton's campaign late Tuesday disavowed support from the Orlando gunman's father, who attended one of her rallies earlier this week.
Clinton "disagrees with his views and disavows his support," a campaign spokesperson told news outlets."
Huh. No one asked Clinton? They just took her campaigns word for it?
I wonder why the media had the opportunity to ask Trump directly but not Clinton.
Just kidding. I don't really wonder about that.
Trump is a racist, a bigot and sexist. The evidence is in a ton of videos.
A ton of links forthcoming, no doubt.
The Duke stuff didn't help.
You're in your bubble. Not many people give a shit about David Duke.
Obfuscation and/or equivocation. The truth is in the transcript.
J. Farmer:
I do not offer their motives the same benefit of the doubt, and judging from your posts you probably agree. The propagation and exploitation of the belief that white men are the unique and universal cause of everything wrong rests on the premise that competing interests can be defeated without a shot fired through demoralization, disenfranchisement, and discrimination. Class warfare by other names is the Lefts' strategic leverage. I do not form classes based on such trivial measures. Well, we'll see how Americans vote, or are reported to vote.
Black people care about David Duke and the Klan. To deny this is just another symptom of how insulated some white people are.
"Black people care about David Duke and the Klan. To deny this is just another symptom of how insulated some white people are."
XX% of 12% of Americans is not a force majeure.
Just out of curiosity, what do you think about Clinton's record of vocally cheerleading stupid foreign wars that have destabilized entire regions, created refugee crises in the Mediterranean, and gotten tens of thousands of innocent people killed? Is that worse than being a racist, sexist bigot?
Black people and other minorities are growing in number. You make a serious mistake in downplaying the influence they have on elections.
"Obfuscation and/or equivocation. The truth is in the transcript."
So why do you keep ignoring my central point that he disavowed and dismissed Duke's endorsement two days before the Jake Tapper
"Black people care about David Duke and the Klan. To deny this is just another symptom of how insulated some white people are."
Never mind how you know what "black people care about," or what that phrase even means, my question is why should they? Can you think of a single black person who has been effected in any significant way by David Duke or the Klan in the last 30 years? Are Duke and the Klan somehow responsible for the huge problems of illegitimacy, criminality, and educational underachievement that plague the black community?
Have Democrats disavowed their endorsement of abortion chambers and Planned Parenthood's Mengele division? Debasing human life for money and leverage. They don't really believe in spontaneous conception.
Have Democrats disavowed their endorsement of [class] diversity schemes (e.g. racism, sexism) and other policies that selectively, arbitrarily deny civil and human rights? Judging people by the color of their skin is a first-order cause of transforming intrinsic bias to progressive prejudice.
Have Democrats addressed mass emigration (e.g. illegal immigration) from second and third-world nations? Excessive insourcing and outsourcing are first-order causes of economic disparity. The refugee crises from progressive wars? Social justice adventurism creates a climate of fear and has catastrophic consequences.
Have Democrats addressed the devaluation of capital and labor caused by their liberal fiscal policies (e.g. progressive debt)? The ecological disruption and destruction by "green" blight. #EnvironmentalistsKnew
Black people and other minorities are growing in number."
Actually, the share of the population that is black is only expected to increase by about 1% by mid-century. Most of the change in demographics is a result of an increased share of Hispanics.
And that's from the Southern Poverty Law Center, ground zero for diversity fetishism. So if tensions are mounting now, things should be going really swimmingly by 2050.
Black people care about Democrats and the Klan.
As a monolithic bloc (i.e. [class] diversity scheme)?
As a clump of cells aborted and harvested by Planned Parenthood et al?
As serfs in Democrat-controlled feudal estates (e.g. ghettos)?
As victims of illegal and excessive immigration, and catastrophic anthropogenic global refugee crises?
"You're in your bubble. Not many people give a shit about David Duke."
My bubble must be pretty big. Trump is doing worse than Romney did among black voters, even though Romney was running against our first black president. And a lot of white voters recoil at the idea of a major party nominee who has no problem calling out literally every major public figure who aggrieves him, but then pretends not to know who David Duke is (while at the same time claiming he already disavowed him? Talk about great messaging...).
Look, Trump is doing great among Trump fans. It's just he's having trouble getting a serious dent in the rest of the country which he needs. It's just the way it is, and putting Omarossa up on TV isn't going to undo the Duke gaffe. It's part of the risk of nominating a wild card.
And even if "no one cares" about David Duke, are you seriously telling me that if Trump could go back and do that interview again you'd advise him not to change a thing? That saying "I don't know anything about Duke" was the way to go?
At least recognize when you're making an error.
Trump needs to do a townhall style meeting in the inner city with a select group of parents and grandparents who want more and better policing and access to better paying jobs. Trump's promises to clamp down on mass low-skilled immigration and "to bring our jobs" from overseas are tailor made for this audience. He could also point out how the black caucus in Congress has sold out the very people they claim to represent to special interests on the issues of trade and immigration just like the rest of Congress.
(while at the same time claiming he already disavowed him?
He had, two days before the Jake Tapper interview during a press conference with Chris Christie.
If black people make their voting decisions based on whether someone disavowed David Duke and the Klan fast enough - well, that doesn't speak well for them. Trump should go and ask them about it.
But he needs to go to truly black neighborhoods.
He should also ask them about voter IDs. How many people in the audience think they cannot get a picture ID? Close to zero, right? When are you going to stop voting for a party that thinks you're that stupid?
And the two incidents that politifact was able to dig up of Trump making public statements about David Duke (1991 and 200), both were negative. And remember, this whole issue started because David Duke said something on a radio show that has practically no listeners. I think Trump's been asked about Duke more than Obama's been asked about that 16-year-old American kid he had assassinated in Yemen. So yeah, I'm gonna say this is a stupid tempest in a teapot. But then again, the average American can name more Kardashians than they can Supreme Court justices. People are stupid.
There is a several decade history of republican candidates walking in to the big NAACP conventions and asking for those votes. They are always rejected in the most condescending way possible.
There is a plantation existence to be maintained and damned if the the "leaders" are gonna let it slip
I read the whole speech thanks to someone's link. It is an impressive "ask" of the black community seeking to assure them that Trump will seek to provide safety, education and jobs to people who have been mistreated by Democrats for generations. Whether they pay attention or not, at least-once again- he is dealing with the issues head on. If he can put together a team that will get this message out ( pissing up a rope a bit) there will be a big resurgence for him.
"He had, two days before the Jake Tapper interview during a press conference with Chris Christie."
I know he had--in fact he ripped on Duke back in 2000 when Trump was first starting to talk about running on the Reform ticket. Which makes his statement that he didn't know anything about Duke odd. Just say "I already disavowed him, quit asking me about that guy".
"But he needs to go to truly black neighborhoods."
I don't know--I remember when Jack Kemp was doing that inner city thing, figuring if he could just reach out he could bump up the GOP share of black votes. I don't think it's the sort of thing that can change with one campaign.
Someone remind me when Romney or McCain asked for my vote, because they never did. Either a person can evaluate the candidates and chose one to vote for, or they can't.
Statewide Survey of Louisiana Likely Voters on David Duke
I guess the 14% of black Louisiana residents who are supporting David Duke in his Senate run aren't the "black people" whose thoughts and feelings are so intimately known by "Unknown."
"So yeah, I'm gonna say this is a stupid tempest in a teapot. But then again, the average American can name more Kardashians than they can Supreme Court justices. People are stupid."
I agree with that. For black people with poor job prospects and a fear of crime and distrust of the police, whether a candidate sufficiently disavows an obscure racist shouldn't have any bearing. But it's just another example of the "wild card" strategy giving the Dems plenty of advantages.
The big issue should be why the Dems are racializing everything when everyone is worried about stagnant wages and rising health care costs, and the sort of things that can crack their coalition. But that discussion gets sidelined when we have these little starbursts to de-focus everyone's attention.
"I guess the 14% of black Louisiana residents who are supporting David Duke in his Senate run aren't the "black people" whose thoughts and feelings are so intimately known by "Unknown.""
So David Duke is doing better among black voters than Trump? Does that mean Duke should disavow Trump?
Holeeeey Sheeet. Trump wants to bring Lt.General Flynn with him to his first Intel briefing, yes that Flynn who also has a too cozy relationship with the Russians. Anyone wonder what's the deal with all the Russia/ Putin love?
Trump adviser Michael T. Flynn on his dinner with Putin and why Russia Today is just like CNN
Donald Trump said Wednesday he was wary of relying on the U.S. intelligence community because he does not trust them and believes they've made "bad decisions."
During an interview with Fox News, Trump was asked about his upcoming intelligence briefing and whether he does "trust intelligence."
"Not so much from the people that have been doing it for our country. Look what's happened over the last ten years. Look what's happened over the years. It's been catastrophic," he said in response. "And in fact, I won't use some of the people that are sort of your standards, you know, just use them, use them, use them. Very easy to use them, but I won't use them because they've made such bad decisions."
Trump did not make clear --and was not asked -- whom he would rely on outside of official channels.
"Which makes his statement that he didn't know anything about Duke odd."
Yes, it could have been better phrased for sure. But to chalk up to some kind of lie or deception on his part requires taking the most concrete, literal reading of his word. "I don't know anything about him" is not the same thing as "I don't know who he is." I imagine Trump knows Duke was formerly a Klan member and is associated with white separatism and that's about it, which isn't a whole lot. And again, is there a scintilla of evidence from Trump's past that he has ever been supportive of white nationalist or white supremacist organizations?
Again, the whole gaffe is that Trump didn't disavow comments made about him by some guy on a radio show quickly enough. Pretty lame stuff.
So David Duke is doing better among black voters than Trump? Does that mean Duke should disavow Trump?"
Ha. Good question. We'll have to wait for "Unknown" to chime in. S/he seems to have the inside track on what "black people" care about.
Obama/Clinton were both supportive of a reset with Russia in the post-Bush era. Do you consider this Russia/Putin love? If you haven't noticed, Russia is a significant world power and our interests are far more convergent than they are divergent. Why would you want a President to pursue a needlessly antagonistic relationship with Russia?
Flynn has a lot of other problems, but Russia/Putin love isn't one of them.
"Donald Trump said Wednesday he was wary of relying on the U.S. intelligence community because he does not trust them and believes they've made "bad decisions."
Being wary of intelligence agency claims is a very prudent stance. And it goes back way longer than just 10 years. Never mind the Iraq fiasco. They predicted widespread continuing support for the Shah about six months before the Iranian Revolution broke out. They missed the imminent collapse of the Soviet Union. They were caught off guard by Iraq's secret nuclear arms program discovered after the First Gulf War.
"Yes, it could have been better phrased for sure. But to chalk up to some kind of lie or deception on his part requires taking the most concrete, literal reading of his word. "I don't know anything about him" is not the same thing as "I don't know who he is." I imagine Trump knows Duke was formerly a Klan member and is associated with white separatism and that's about it, which isn't a whole lot. And again, is there a scintilla of evidence from Trump's past that he has ever been supportive of white nationalist or white supremacist organizations?"
Yeah, a charitable reading would say he meant "I don't know anything about what Duke said about me" not "I don't know who Duke is". Still, the takeaway is, when your enemies are already trying to associate you with a Klan leader, don't hesitate when they ask you to disavow. I know it's not fair--when was Hillary last asked to disavow Al Sharpton and his ilk?--but it's the rules. Not just for the black vote, but a lot of whites are afraid of being seen as racist. They feel like voting for Trump would be admitting they're racist. Silly, but that's the effect of branding.
"Not just for the black vote, but a lot of whites are afraid of being seen as racist. They feel like voting for Trump would be admitting they're racist. Silly, but that's the effect of branding."
Yeah, America is doomed. Try going to Japan and telling them how much better their country would be if it was 50% less Japanese. They'd rightfully look at you like you had two heads. "Diversity is our strength" is absolute secular religion in this country despite all historical evidence to the contrary.
Donald Trump is receiving foreign policy advice from a former U.S. military intelligence chief who wants the United States to work more closely with Russia to resolve global security issues, according to three sources.
Flynn declined to comment when asked by Reuters whether he is advising Trump. Asked to describe his views about ties with Russia, he referred Reuters to his public statements.
Flynn resigned from his position as the head of the Pentagon's main intelligence agency a year before his term was officially due to end.
Flynn raised eyebrows among some U.S. foreign policy veterans when he was pictured sitting at the head table with Putin at a banquet in Moscow late last year celebrating Russia Today, an international broadcasting network funded by the Russian government.
Here Flynn seems to suggest that it was GW Bush who "founded" ISIS.
Flynn was also quoted this month as telling German magazine Der Spiegel that the Iraq war launched in 2003 by then-President George W. Bush was a mistake that gave rise to Islamic State.
Moscow’s Five-Star Treatment of a Three-Star Army General
Russian propaganda os more specific than that - it's not that the U.S. created the conditions for ISIS but actually got ISIS going.
Lamar Gonna Set You Straight....
See? The conversation was SUPPOSED to be about asking Blacks for their Vote, and yet you White People turn it into an argument amongst yourselves over who's the REAL White Racists. Like that's for YOUR White Ass to decide? Really? THAT'S how strong your White Privilege is, you won't even let a Black Man decide for himself on which Whitey is more Racist against Blacks? Try a mirror, White Man. Shit, you White People are Fucked UP…
Know what's Racist, motherfuckers? White People shipping Black Jobs to China: THAT'S Racist. You think a Black Man got to vote on THAT? It's just more of what happens when White People Do what White People do: White People get Rich and buy their Apple iShit and the Black Working Man gets fucked over by a Chinese woman with tiny-yellow-ass fingers……
You think you got problems? Fuck You.
I am Laslo.
Where are Trump's products made, "Lamar"?
So, David Duke is a "klan leader," but is there actually a following?
Lamar Gonna Set You Straight....
Unknown said...
Where are Trump's products made, "Lamar"?
I don't know which White People I hate worse, the Trump Supporters or the Trump Haters. You are ALL so Damned White...
Let me break it down for you: White Businessmen make shit in China, and White Politicians don't make jack shit at all.
Of course, the White Politicians don't seem to mind letting in millions of Mexicans to keep the wages low of any job a Black Man COULD get, and the White Businessmen don't seem to mind hiring them...
You all are Evil. Discuss THAT.
You think you got problems? Fuck You.
I am Laslo.
Yooo-hooo, Unknown.
You ever taken a look at David Duke's web site? Here it is. (NSFW, as it's no doubt classed as a "hate site").
Notice, if you will, that while Duke does speak of "defending the white race", & he's certainly not sitting around the multi-culti campfire singing "Kumbaya", the web site lacks the usual KKK racist tropes & their constant invocation of their "Christian heritage".
Maybe that's because David Duke left the Klan in 1981 to do his own thing. 1981. A long time ago.
What David Duke is very much into is antisemitism. He supports the Arabs states, including the Palestinians, against Israel. Just like a bunch of lefties do (absolutely de riguer in European left-wing circles). He supports better ties with the Iranian regime. Just like the Lefties, including the Obama administration. He's worried that poor ol' Vlad Putin feels surrounded & besieged by NATO forces, and that'll it lead to war. Just like the Lefties.
You know, you might actually learn something if you'd pull the strap-on out of your ass & actually read the sources rather than accept the Hildabeast's & her drones' word on everything. They lie. They lie all the time.
Social reality is not reducible to partisan sound-bites.
John Chisolm is the DA involved in the Corey Stingley case, the DA who refused to bring charges against the officers involved in the Derek Williams and Dontre Hamilton cases, the person most responsible for incarceration rates in Milwaukee County from 2006-2016, the DA who led the John Doe cases. On August 9 John Chisolm won the Democratic primary by 2-1 margin. Such is the state of ignorance generated by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and its "reporting" that I have no doubt that African-Americans who voted for John Chisolm afterwards threw rocks in protest against John Chisolm's policies with respect to incarceration and the police. How fortunate for Chisolm that the blame for his actions seems to be directed at generic "whites", at Republicans in the suburbs and even at Donald Trump. Because Black Votes Matter - they keep electing John Chisolm.
Martin said...they have told minorities, in a thousand ways big and small, that, "You are basically not welcome in the GOP. Oh, we'll take you vote if you give it to us, but we won't give you any respect or a seat at the table."
That's quite a paraphrasing..or simply stuffing words in people's mouths.
What would you have liked to see to demonstrate "respect"?
Trump disavowed anti-native factions that condone and solicit illegal and excessive immigration that results in aborted, rape-raped, displaced, and disenfranchised Americans.
Have Obama, Clinton, and other politicians disavowed these anti-native factions that represent a clear and progressive danger to Americans? To Germans? To Mexicans? To Libyans?
they have told minorities, in a thousand ways big and small, that, "You are basically not welcome in the GOP.
Yeah, everybody knows that Dr. Ben Carson, Mia Love, Bobby Jindal, Nikki Haley, & Susana Martinez are treated like shit by the Republican rank & file!
Oh, wait. Nevermind.......
"Flynn was also quoted this month as telling German magazine Der Spiegel that the Iraq war launched in 2003 by then-President George W. Bush was a mistake that gave rise to Islamic State."
That is obvious to anyone but the most ardent Iraq War dead enders. The notion that the war was "won" (whatever that means) and subsequently lost by the decision to not maintain a small residual troop presence. Never mind that when tens of thousands of US and international troops were in Iraq, the place was collapsing into ethnic cleaning and sectarian violence. All of which had been predicted a decade earlier.
Now Obama has certainly contributed to the problem, but that's mostly a result of his dumb policy of supporting Syrian insurgency forces. A revolution that the US and Arab Gulf State clients have been fomenting and supporting for years. The US is actually trying to pursue an incredibly idiotic policy of no Salafists and no Assad. A smart policy would support Assad and assist him in holding onto power. And then of course Libya.
The US was goaded into a foolish overreaction in response to 9/11, and we're still trying to clean up the mess we've made.
I think withholding your vote because you haven't been asked is kind of pathetic, actually. Of course, I did vote for a judge once because he gave me a potholder.
Unknown said...
"Black people care about David Duke and the Klan. To deny this is just another symptom of how insulated some white people are."
95% of black people in America vote the straight Democrat ticket, and could not tell you anything else about the people they vote for, except maybe the color of their skin. To deny this is just another symptom of how completely divorced from reality some people are, and how little it concerns them.
Blogger Laslo Spatula said...
First, apologies. You were writing as Lamar but signed it Laslo and I was not sure who to address my reply to. I like what you do with Lamar but sometimes it feels so real that I wonder if you are not actually Lamar writing as Laslo. In any event, keep on doing what you are doing as Lamar, PTG and everything else. I always look forward to your comments.
I get what you are saying about Lamar being angry at all white people. I get the rage. Perhaps he does not vote at all for anyone.
OTOH, lots of young black men in situations similar to Lamar do. My comment was that it was Demmies, largely, who are responsible for putting them in this situation and Demmies, largely, who are responsible for keeping them there. Many of the Demmies responsible for this are black.
I do not see why anyone in their right mind would keep re-electing these folks. Would the Repos be any better? Perhaps, perhaps not. Could they possibly be worse? I don't see how. Maybe try a change.
In any event, as I have noted before and someone noted in these comments, because blacks have sold their souls to the Demmies, and will vote as a solid, 90%+ bloc, the Demmies don't have to do anything for them. The Repos have no reason to.
If the vote were a bit less lopsided, both sides would be competing for it. That would be good for blacks.
John Henry
John said...
OK, Laslo,
"What have Democrats ever done for you as a black man? Why would you give them your vote?"
Non sequitur.
From the writing, Lamar doesn't seem to believe Whites in Power have done anything useful for Blacks. He makes no mention of party, only color.
Lamar's anger (here and previous writings) can be seen as directed at all that pretend to help the Black Man but have only enriched themselves...
He is Lamar.
I am Laslo.
Lamar's anger (here and previous writings) can be seen as directed at all that pretend to help the Black Man but have only enriched themselves...
Would that include other blacks? Perhaps starting with the blacks who enslaved his ancestors? And in the present day the Sharptons, Jacksons, Black Panthers and all of that ilk?
John Henry
What Unknown doesn't know, is that HUD is planning to buy the house next door to the one Unknown lives in, and move Lamar into it. Lamar is not a bad guy, really, once you get past that permanent "I hate you" frown and the clenched fists. It's his "cousins" you've gotta watch out for. Lamar has a lot of "cousins", and they like to stand at the end of Lamar's driveway and check out the neighbor's houses.
Speaking of Demmies, I cannot for the life of me understand why any black person would support a party that:
Elected a former KKK Grand Kleagle (title?) as Senate Majority Leader for many years.
Still calls that former KKK leader "The Conscience of the Senate"
Held the floor of the Senate for 2-1/2 months in a speaking filibuster trying to prevent passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (Republicans were key in eventually breaking the filibuster)
Consistently blocked ALL civil rights legislation including an anti-lynching law for 100 years.
Elected governors like George "Segregation today, segregation forever" Wallace and gave him party positions.
Supported folks who murdered civil rights workers like Chaney et al.
Had an slew of truly odious, virulent, racists in the House and Senate as late as the 80s. (Russell, Eastland, Byrd, Bird, many others)
Whose National Committeeman, Bull Connor, sicced dogs and firehoses on peaceful demonstrators.
And so on.
And several here complain that trump didn't denounce David Duke fast enough. I wonder how may of those doing the denouncing even knew who David Duke was a year ago?
Bullshit on claims that Demmies are or have ever been the friends of blacks or have their best interests at heart.
Perhaps the most racist city in the US, by the numbers, has long been a progressive democrat stronghold. (I'm looking at you, Madison)
Repos may or may not be any better. They certainly could not be worse.
John Henry
John said...
Blogger Laslo Spatula said...
"First, apologies. You were writing as Lamar but signed it Laslo and I was not sure who to address my reply to."
No worries please. I take that as a compliment. And enjoy your comments.
I try to create characters that give voice to viewpoints we might not necessarily see. That does not mean I think the viewpoint is 'right', nor do I think it is worth nothing: satire is a writhing beast.
Godspeed, everyone.
I am Laslo.
Working hard on that list? Baited breath here..
The reason alcohol can be such a dangerous drug ("why didn't you stop after 2 or 3 or 4?") is because with every drink you finish, the more important it is that your next decision (to stop) be a good one, but due to the effects of the alcohol, the less likely it is to be so.
African Americans blindly voting for Progressive policies, is like that.
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