"This system sees police wantonly murdering people as part of the normal order of things," [said party co-founder Carl Dix]. But he added that people take issue with protests in response to those killings. His group advocates dismantling the police.
The Revolutionary Communist Party was founded in 1975, with a sharp focus on issues affecting black Americans. Dix repeatedly said party members are seeking to "dismantle" police and other government systems. The group is distinct from the Communist Party of the USA....
"If anybody wants to allege that our people were actually committing those acts, they should bring that to us. That wasn't what we went up there to do."
१६ ऑगस्ट, २०१६
"A Chicago-based communist revolutionary group blamed by Milwaukee's police chief for stoking a second day of violence said that some of its members did go there to 'support a revolution'..."
"... but didn't set out to cause trouble." The group called the civil disorder "righteous rebellion."
५६ टिप्पण्या:
The group is distinct from the Communist Party of the USA
No, not really.
I hate Illinois Commies!
Cute: Communists condemning a system where the police wantonly kill people.
...but didn't set out to cause trouble...That wasn't what we went up there to do.
Weasel words of Clintontongue. Everything must now be parsed.
Follow the money: Where does this revolutionary group get its money?
Oh bullshit. Communists are all about violent revolution.
Once again, it's comic books and games that get the essential dynamic crystal clear. In Batman: Arkham Asylum, at a certain point, Mark Hamill's Joker says to Kevin Conroy's Batman "Here's a bit of civil unrest I cooked up just for you!" before opening all of the doors in Arkham Asylum's penitentiary.
"Oh, we didn't intend violence. We only intended civil unrest. You can't hold us responsible!"
Did they drive their little station wagon off the unfinished interstate on ramp?
The need for government is supposed to fall away, but that is after the people has realized the wonders of socialist society.
Communism is about the "Dictatorship of the Proletariat," which is a very severe form of government indeed, though only a "temporary necessity."
The African American employees that work in our shop are mostly from the NW Side. They are hard working people who seek out the work; take the overtime for extra pay when it is available. Most of them are married with dual income families.
They have a much different take on the violence from this last weekend than the communists and the SJW on twitter. They too are sick of the agitators. They try and move as far west as they can. Things get quieter and more safe the closer they can get to 91st Street.
Communists and BLM -- I can feel the groundswell of good will from my back porch.
Carl Dix, co-founder of the Revolutionary Communist Party:
This system sees police wantonly murdering people as part of the normal order of things
Wikipedia has an interesting article called "NKVD prisoner massacres". Here are some excerpts:
The NKVD prisoner massacres were a series of mass executions carried out by the Soviet NKVD secret police during World War II against political prisoners across Eastern Europe, primarily Poland, Ukraine, the Baltic states, Bessarabia and other parts of the Soviet Union from which the Red Army was retreating following the Nazi German attack ...
Estimates of the death toll vary between locations; nearly 9,000 in the Ukrainian SSR, 20,000–30,000 in eastern Poland (now part of Western Ukraine), with the total number reaching approximately 100,000 victims of extrajudicial executions in the span of a few short weeks.
... In occupied eastern Poland, the NKVD was given the responsibility of evacuating and liquidating over 140,000 prisoners (NKVD evacuation order No. 00803).
In Ukraine and Western Belarus 60,000 people were forced to evacuate on foot. By official Soviet count more than 9,800 were reportedly executed in the prisons, 1,443 were executed in the process of evacuation, 59 were killed for attempting to escape, 23 were killed by German bombs, and 1,057 died from other causes.
“It was not only the numbers of the executed,” historian Yuri Boshyk writes of the murders, “but also the manner in which they died that shocked the populace. When the families of the arrested rushed to the prisons after the Soviet evacuation, they were aghast to find bodies so badly mutilated that many could not be identified. It was evident that many of the prisoners had also been tortured before death; others were killed en masse.” ...
After the war and in recent years, the authorities of Germany, Poland, Belarus and Israel identified no fewer than 25 prisons whose prisoners were killed — and a much larger number of mass execution sites.
This is the Bob Avakian cult, which is about as weird and sad as communist groupuscles get.
It's a Pro-Choice quasi-religion. What did they expect when they wantonly debased human life, resurrected [class] diversity schemes, and other selective (i.e. unprincipled) measures under the color of a State-established Church.
The Revolutionary Communist Party was founded in 1975, with a sharp focus on issues affecting black Americans.
No, these guys (Bob Avakian's cult, as mesquito mentions above) are in no way associated with what remains of the CPUSA. Matter of fact, they hate each other. The reason? The CPUSA is (was) pro-Soviet, and so was much more Stalinist & thus more classically Marxist in its orientation. The RCP is Maoist, to the point that Bob Avakian himself chucked a brick through a window in the Chinese Embassy in DC when the Deng regime went after the Gang of Four.
The reason the RCP is working with the blacks is the same reason Mao worked with the peasantry -- the Maoists think that classes other than the proletariat can develop revolutionary consciousness, in this case, the most definitely non-proleteriat black ghetto culture.
I know you guys think this stuff is hair-splitting, but among themselves these Lefties take this shit very seriously indeed.
""This system sees police wantonly murdering people as part of the normal order of things," [said party co-founder Carl Dix]. But he added that people take issue with protests in response to those killings. His group advocates dismantling the police."
I call bullshite on this. BLM is a murderous, democrat militia.
A Chicago-based communist revolutionary group blamed... for stoking a second day of violence...
For a moment there I thought they were talking about the Obama administration.
Our members are good boys! They Dindu Nuffin!
What I don't get is...WHY can't these groups be dealt with if they cause things they didn't "intend" to cause?
The CFO of Enron didn't INTEND to participate in massive accounting fraud --- he was just really, really bad at his job and didn't know what he was doing. It served as a poor excuse for this behavior there.
YounHegelian is correct. But I think it's all a bit less arcane and hair-splitting in its present-day significance. It appears BLM has a very extreme Marxist program itself, one that in fact has little to do with the police issues it organized protests around. Like the Maoists of 1969 and the 1970s, all these fanatics see blacks as a tool to use to disrupt bourgeois society for other objectives. The New Left salivated over the Panthers for the same reason. They had to turn their backs on the traditional working class as a revolutionary agent, an agent that had rejected them thoroughly. Taking up the cause of the ethnic minoirities or Third World denizens was a substitute, because the workers were not buying. The workers are again not buying. (Sadly, they are buying Trump, an even bigger con operator than the fanatics of the left.) It was back in the 70s and is now a radical version of the bait-and-switch pandering to minorities the current liberals of the Democratic Party engage in. Identity politics substitutes for the dicatorship of the proletariat. In both cases, the proles get dictated to and get crumbs at best otherwise.
They're not there to cause trouble, but hey, if some happens, score!
Where do they get their money?
Ford Foundatiuon to give Black Lives Matter terrorists up to $100 Million.
Tell me again how the democrats are going to "get money out of politics" when they have a huge financial advantage with all these ultra-liberal "non-profits" funding street theater. Oh, and that dwarfs any spending the Koch brothers have undertook at any level of political engagement. When the Koch's give $100M it's for a new hospital wing. Not for terrorism in our cities.
RCP. A blast from the past.
Back in 79 or thereabouts I hung out with / dated a young woman member of the RCP. (Yeah, insert old joke here...) Her explanations of their philosophy were along the lines given by Young Hegelian. I attended a meeting (in Berkeley, of course) which was quite surreal, even for Berkeley. They considered the CPUSA to be sellouts to the US "system", and only looked up to (IIRC) North Korea and Romania. China had fallen from their favor by then, and the USSR might as well have been run by WWII Nazis for all the sympathy that government got.
At the time they were all excited about some members having participated in the "Houston Rebellion" (a run-of-the-mill rent strike at some slumlord's apartments). It was pretty clear they were not influential enough to START anything, but were big fans of attaching themselves to other folks' disputes.
She eventually disappeared east with another guy who was staking her playing blackjack in casinos - she claimed to have been thrown out of too many Nevada casinos to make staying in CA viable.
Ah, youth!
The Tea Party, though, they're scary. Donald Trump--ooh, so scary!
I wonder if this organization's on any SPLC watch lists? Ha!
The Dem Party and its voters are fellow travellers with communists of all stripes.
No, [the RCP] are in no way associated with what remains of the CPUSA. Matter of fact, they hate each other.
Yeah. Oh, yeah. Splitters. Splitters...
I know you guys think this stuff is hair-splitting, but among themselves these Lefties take this shit very seriously indeed.
Point is killing any of them is a good day's work. All f$%^ing communists should hang, that is, those that you find inconvenient to burn. When the last Maoist is strangled with the guts of the last Stalinist, that will be a good day for Planet Earth.
Somebody walking down the road in a white bath robe = panic, the Klan's invading, they're everywhere, I don't feel safe! All Republicans are to blame.
Leftist self-described revolutionaries rioting, burning things down, etc = they don't represent the cause, a little violence is healthy sometimes; no Democrat or Left-leaning groups are tarnished by these actions.
Nothing to see here. Also? "Burn this bitch down!"
What Young Hegelian said.
On the very far left, there is nothing but splittism. They hate each other more than they hate the right.
Sister of the criminal who got himself shot says -
“Burning down shit ain’t gonna help nothin’,” yells Sherelle Smith.
“You’re burnin’ down shit we need in our community.”
“Take that shit to the suburbs. Burn that shit down!” she demands.
“We need our shit! We need our weave! I don’t wear it, but we need it!”
Apparently CNN omitted "Take that shit to the suburbs. ..."
Apparently CNN omitted "Take that shit to the suburbs. ..."
As well they might...anyway it's terrible advice. Many people in the suburbs will shoot back.
As well they might...anyway it's terrible advice. Many people in the suburbs will shoot back.
So why is it terrible advice?
Just a bunch of community organizers doing some community organizing.
Oh the RCP. When I went to Johns Hopkins in the mid 1980s, there was a bookstore near campus that had some sort of connection to the RCP. My friends and all (all Italian-American suburban Republicans) would go there for laughs. I am probably in an FBI database somewhere thanks to that.
The RCP are not there to create disorder, they're there to preserve disorder. Richard J. Daley's Ghost
Well, that's OK then. Just went there to incite others to do violence.
Just a bunch of community organizers doing some community organizing.
Maybe they could take their act on the road. They could be bused into cities and towns that lack a sufficient number of angry oppressed blacks. They wouldn't have to be paid, just given permission to keep what they loot.
"So why is it terrible advice?"
Because someone's gotta clean up that shit and it won't be the trash haulers.
Regarding the RCP, is this a real group or is it a cocktail party full of nutters who wouldn't go within eyeshot of a riot?
@Bill Peschel
The RCP is a real group, but it is obviously very small. As others have pointed out it is essentially a Maoist cult.
For some reason there were a bunch of them in Baltimore at least when I went to Hopkins. There also are some here in Chicago.
"So why is it terrible advice?"
Because someone's gotta clean up that shit and it won't be the trash haulers.
'Sarchasm'. Got to use the new word already! Thanks, Gritz!
Stoking and Stalking never appear together...
caulking tips
If you take the media at face value, ordinary blacks and whites in America are on the verge of civil war. In fact the real violence is overwhelmingly the work of a couple hundred Maoist “revolutionaries” from half a dozen cities. In Oakland they specialize in breaking the windows of black-owned small businesses that have the misfortune of being located along protest routes. This is known as “smashing capitalism” and “no justice, no peace.”
""... but didn't set out to cause trouble." The group called the civil disorder "righteous rebellion."
So I guess when they burnt down the gas station that was a change of plans? We didn't INTEND to burn down the gas station. It just happened. All we can say is "oops. So sorry." And we didnt intend to beat up white people who happened to be driving by. But they were driving by so "Shit happens" Sorry, shouldn't have been driving while white in the vicinity.
Mob anarchy is now righteous rebellion". targeting innocent white people for beatdowns is now "fighting for racial harmony"
"His group advocates dismantling the police."
As soon as they hear that shouldn't the interviewer stop the camera and say interview is over? Because no one can possibly assume that is a serious proposal.
“Take that shit to the suburbs. Burn that shit down!” she demands.
One if by city bus, two if by stolen car.
I'm calling "Chicago-based" a dog whistle.
Not what they went there to do... Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
It was not what they went there to do, but they were there, and didn't want to let a crisis go to waste.
This sounds like one of those Obama groups that votes in Chicago in the morning then heads up to Kenosha or Racine to vote again in the afternoon.
Yeah, bring this sh*t to the suburbs.
You know what my street in the 'burbs has lots of? Military vets who collect guns.
More proof the world is full of assholes.
Like all progressives, these folk attempt to determine their righteousness based on intent rather than outcome.
For the rest of us who live in reality instead of fantasy, outcome matters more than intent. A lot more, as outcome is observable reality and intent is a subjective and mutable individually held concept.
I don't care what their intent was, they staged a riot. Arrest, prosecute, convict and charge all rioters. Imprison them as an abject lesson to them, and to others.
Arrest, prosecute, convict and charge all rioters.
You misspelled "shoot and hang" there, mikee.
I keep seeing on social media how segregated Milwaukee is, and how disparate the income levels are between those living in the inner city, and those outside of it. And how it's all the fault of whites because they're racist.
But it's not the color we object to, it's the attitude and the criminality that we avoid, if we can afford to.
I live in Grafton, and it's pretty white here. I mean, really white. But if the white youths of Grafton took to in-your-face aggressive rudeness, drug dealing, knockout games, breaking into cars and houses, armed robbery, stealing cars, carjackings, looting, and burning business to the ground, none of us would care about the color of the perpetrators. If that is what we'd have to put up with by staying, those of us who could afford to do so would leave, moving to where we could be safe. And contrary to what appears to be a popular opinion in the hood, neither the victims nor the police nor the judges nor the juries would look the other way just because the perpetrators were white.
Of course unemployment is high in the hood. What business owner in his/her right mind would move their business to the hood? Who would subject their employees to that kind of environment?
To the good people living in the inner city, I sympathize with you. But it's your sons and daughters, your cousins, your nephews and nieces who are shitting in your nest, and driving out anyone who can afford to leave, including business owners who otherwise would employ you.
A good friend is a cop in Milwaukee, and he had some thoughts on what Sylville Smith and his cohort with a drug conviction may have been up to. Drug dealing in Milwaukee is now conducted by car. The dealer will frequently rent a car for clean plates, have the windows tinted very dark, and employ one person to hold the money and another to carry a gun. A drug purchaser will call a cell phone to place an order, and will be instructed to park his car on a certain block of a street and wait for the dealer to show up. The dealer then parks behind the purchaser. The purchaser gets out, walks back to the dealer's car, and exchanges money for drugs. By one person holding the drugs, another holding the money, and another holding the gun, they all have some plausible deniability.
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