"We have to have access to 100% of America's population. Although relatively few in number, we're talking about talented and trained Americans who are serving their country with honor and distinction. We want to take the opportunity to retain people whose talent we've invested in and who've proven themselves."
Said Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, ending the ban on trangender people serving openly in the military.
१३३ टिप्पण्या:
In the immortal words of Barry Goldwater: "You don't need to be straight to fight and die for your country. You just need to shoot straight." (If that upsets you, pretend that I wrote "immoral.")
No chance that'll hurt unit cohesion.
Sure, you have a mental disorder. We'll make sure you're called the pronoun and name you wish....
Yeah, in the middle of a war, let us expend resources on social engineering instead of winning the war. Typical Obama, a commander in chief who never served a day in the military and who uses the military as a play thing.
Carter, like Goldwater, well stated a moral principle: it doesn't matter who you are or what you think you are so long as you're willing to serve well.
We've got non-citizens serving well in the USA military.
Learn to love the lie.
If you want to mutilate your genitals, then the military will now pay for such nonsense.
My opinion that the transition should physically complete before that person is accepted into the military.
It depends on what the "mission" is these days. If it's social engineering and climate change fealty, then a very different sort of enlisted and commissioned personnel are required. I can't wait for the first Medal of Honor to be awarded for climate change heroics or civil rights sacrifice.
I'd like to read some comments from a few of the vets here.
What matters more, the ability to heft an 180-pound load on your shoulders, or the thoughts in your head?
I've never liked the word 'openly' in this context. "Serve openly" "Openly gay"
There's a whiff of in-your-face-edness to it.
I think a better way to announce this is would be to say that the Government wants you to do a good, nay, great job, and things going on in your life that are unrelated to how you get your work done are not important, or not the Government's (or your co-workers') business.
I only hope enough of these treasonous idiots in charge are still around for the court-martials.
Generations of my family have served in the military, including my father, my brother, myself, and both of my sons. Bullshit like this is why I'll actively discourage any of my grandchildren from joining. When politically correct nonsense takes priority over combat effectiveness, the primary result will be a lot of unnecessary deaths. Let the liberals send their kids to the military for a change. My family has done enough.
Why have any standards? Surely the mentally ill and the mentally challenged can serve. Why not paraplegics? Many jobs just require sitting at a chair looking at a tube and pushing buttons. They can be missile silo officers.
Though the distraction of this latest SJ engineering effort is relatively minimal, it does attack the morale of the force.
Carter said.."We don't want barriers unrelated to a person's qualification to serve preventing us from recruiting or retaining the soldier, sailor, airman or marine who can best accomplish the mission. We have to have access to 100% of America's population," he added
Just like my arguments about infantrywomen, "Civil Rights versus Force Effectiveness" does anybody think that allowing the tiny fraction of 1% of the population into the military pool increases our effectiveness, or distracts from the warfighting mission?
PS: Next Step in SJ Engineering? Read Carter's statement again. He telegraphed it. Illegal immigrants in uniform. And NO, they aren't allowed today, though a few sneak in by lying on their oaths, and stealing SSNs. Legal immigrants are encouraged however.
It is hard to keep up with the progressive issues of the day.
This is about Cpl. Klingers who actually believe they are girls?
An enlisted person interviewed on NPR pointed out the advantages not only of sanctuary from any discrimination but also of complete medical service now available via the military option.
While trans are in fact a minuscule percentage of the population, transitioning medicine is a bit more than plantar wart removal. I wonder how this will play among competing consumers of VA services.
Still, it must strike renewed terror in the hearts of our adversaries to learn that we will now fight ISIS down to the last transsexual.
"We want to take the opportunity to retain people whose talent we've invested in and who've proven themselves."
Delivering the crumpets, the scones, and the lipstick refills in the modern military forces should be done with the greatest honor.
Bob Ellison said...
What matters more, the ability to heft an 180-pound load on your shoulders, or the thoughts in your head?
It's mostly f'ing SJ distraction from the mission of killing and breaking things, but it does demonstrate again that this administrations mission is not to improve the effectiveness of the force.
Clearly the load more than the mental status of the soldier, but think about that for a second. The TH community has a very high suicide rate. There is an argument that TG is more mental illness than mental attitude.
Do you think that the morale and effectiveness of a parachute infantry company led by a person with 180 pounds on zir back, wearing a skirt is going to be as high as that of the next company?
What is worse than this story is another today that the Secretary of the Navy is using adherence to climate change doctrine (a forbidden religious test) as a factor in promoting senior Navy Officers.
Mabus is by far the worst SecNav evha..
The government has finally found a way to get its female Green Beret.
You echoed my thought, Hagar. There is probably nothing left that is permissible to laugh at in MASH nowadays.
If you like your genitals, you can keep your genitals.
If not...
The Drill SGT, thank you for your comments.
I would expect that the kind of person who could consider him/her/zeself a soldier would also tend toward a high suicide rate. That's basic sociology. These people tend to act, not cower.
I tried to look up "TH" and "TG", but failed to figure them out.
That infantry with 180 pounds on the leader's back, in a skirt...that's quite an image. Spielberg stuff.
Only officers should be allowed to be transsexuals.
We have to have access to 100% of America's population.
What percent of the population is trans-gender?
I'm fine with the military having to accept transgenders, so long as we get assurances that the US Navy will have to accept straight men.
What is worse than this story is another today that the Secretary of the Navy is using adherence to climate change doctrine (a forbidden religious test) as a factor in promoting senior Navy Officers.
I've seen a variety of presentations on this topic at Meteorological Meetings -- and the Navy's Mission includes -- I'm paraphrasing badly -- patrolling the Oceans, so if there is a chance that the Arctic will open, they have to be alert to that possibility and anticipate and plan for its occurrence.
That might look like adherence to climate change doctrine, but I think it's also bureaucrats being bureaucrats and planning for possibilities. Let's have a Telecon!!
@Terry and @Bobby win the internet in a tie today.
"There is an argument that TG is more mental illness than mental attitude."
There is also an argument that bears shit in the woods.
I tried to look up "TH" and "TG", but failed to figure them out.
I shortcut transgender as TG.
TH was a stupid typo :)
Hmmm. In 1944, a lot of brave young American men died storming the beaches of Normandy to liberate Europe from the Nazis.
The objective was achieved without transsexuals - so I don't see how adding the product of LeftWing social engineering improves anything.
We have to have access to 100% of America's population.
What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs in the Persian Gulf?
MadisonMan said...
and the Navy's Mission includes -- I'm paraphrasing badly -- patrolling the Oceans, so if there is a chance that the Arctic will open, they have to be alert to that possibility and anticipate and plan for its occurrence.
Navy officer's would get relieved (fired) for standing up in a Sunday service and testifying about how Jesus had saved them, but now they'll also get fired for not being outspoken to the troops able the evils of AGW...
“What the Navy has done that’s been really interesting, Ray Mabus said he’s starting to actually evaluate his – you know, the military lives by evaluation – they’re starting to evaluate their base commanders on how well they communicate the risk of climate change about the base,” Whitehouse said.
“So, if you’re the base commander of Norfolk, or of Naval Station Newport, or of – what is it, Cherry Creek Marine Air Station in North Carolina – you are suddenly have on your checklist of what you’re evaluated on how well you’ve communicated what the risk of climate change is,” he said.
“And, for those bases, for Navy bases particularly, it’s a really real risk,” Whitehouse said. “They’re on the sea. Sea level rise is going to swamp what they do. It’s really practical. So, when people hear it from as trusted a source as a uniformed military officer it will make a big difference, and they have not been very forward about it from the uniform side of the military. DOD has been good. Mabus has been the best.”
religious tests, not mission planning. So when the next GOP President arrives, and the Navy stops paying $23/gal for bio-diesel, and the Sailors notice that their officers just spout whatever PC rubbish their political masters want, don't you think that dramatically impacts morale?
I know that when my military superiors lied to me, it was a dagger in my chest...
I heard numbers ranging between 25,000 and 11,000. I don't believe it. One to two thousand. Tops.
We have to have access to 100% of America's population.
So is he telling me I need to go online today to register my six year old daughterand ten year old son for Selective Service? How about my 78 year old father, and 75 year old mother? What about the infirm or handicapped? What about folks with mental illnesses beside gender dysphoria? There are plenty of people in the population that are barred from serving, for various reasons. If those reasons are defensible bars, why are other bars to service not defensible?
Let's sees:
Transgenders integrated
Women in combat
Allowing sleeves to be rolled up in summer
Big month at the Pentagon. Rest easy America you are well protected.
Next month
Better place settings at the mess hall
Color choices for the M4
Fuzzy bunny slippers for all troops
There is an old saying that if you think everyone is crazy, the crazy one is you.
Based on recent elections we are slightly more than half way there for me.
You probably want a pure sociopath working the joystick for a Predator drone.
Tie this in with the report our military officers are being evaluated based on their global warming fervor. Our political leaders just aren't serious people.
Once the left has destroyed the conservative culture of our military, their march through our institutions will be complete. Then it's game over for America.
I wonder if this is going to become a regular path to get the government to pay for the transition.
I think we should start by only allowing females that identify as males to serve. They would have to meet the physical requirements of biological males. They may already be serving. Males that identify as females should start in non-combat roles in the medical field. Oh wait, I just described Cpl. Klinger!
You echoed my thought, Hagar. There is probably nothing left that is permissible to laugh at in MASH nowadays.
Once Alda really took over that show, little was left to laugh at anyway.
We have to have access to 100% of America's population.
Our blind sniper division is a marvel to behold.
Our "Special" Forces are a sight to behold.
Brutally overweight Airborne Rangers bring fat fear from the sky.
Yeah, we need all people in the military. Fuck, let's scrap standards at all to do that.
Who knew that Corporal Klinger abandoned his quixotic quest for a section 8 discharge, and eventually worked his way up to Secretary of Defense?
"We have to have access to 100% of America's population." And continue the SJW indoctrination 100% of the time.
The Army always did want androids. So this is a big step forward.
"Yeah, in the middle of a war, let us expend resources on social engineering instead of winning the war."
I think everyone is interested in winning the war. There's just disagreement about which war is most important.
Imagine my dismay when an 'important announcement by the Secretary of Defense", a few days post-Istanbul, was about TRANSGENDERS!!! WTF??? Secretary Carter was visibly embarrassed and seemed relieved when most of the questions were related to military strategy. I would have resigned.
The 19 countries confirmed as allowing transgender people to openly serve in their militaries are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States (from July 1, 2016).
"We have to have access to 100% of America's population. Although relatively few in number, we're talking about talented and trained Americans who are serving their country with honor and distinction.
Yeah, because we're only cutting the military to its smallest size since before WW II. Clearly we're so short on recruits that we can't survive without these very special individuals.
Next Step in SJ Engineering? Read Carter's statement again. He telegraphed it. Illegal immigrants in uniform.
Who will be loyal to the executive branch, not the country as a whole.
The military won't take you if you are 8 foot 6 inches tall. You would impose special costs since you would need special uniform, bunk, etc. The trans impose special costs as well. This move is all about putting virtue signaling above war winning.
This is not the action of a serious nation.
Maybe they could serve exclusively in Afghanistan? One would think our "allies" who are into the young-boy-dancing thing would probably be cool with this. Its just so crazy it could work.
Will each branch be able to meet their soon-to-come quota, when there are actually so very few transgendered individuals available who will volunteer for duty? Will this lead to the draft, with transgendered individuals nationwide facing immediate call-up for duty?
I love unintended consequences, especially when Monty Python has already made fun of those that can be expected from this social engineering.
Unknown [and Unknowing]: You apparently don't get it. It is not the inclusion of transgenders in the military that most of us object to, but the timing of such an announcement and the importance afforded it when we are faced with obvious military challenges.
Just talked to a retired Chief Petty officer. His take is that anyone in leadership that can retire, will. Who wants to risk their career/retirement on dealing with this crap?
How does one handle a discipline problem with a tranny, knowing that will it will instantly be labelled sexual harassment.
Also, what category will the tranny be measured for annual physical fitness test? According to him, the Navy has different standards for men vs. women.
So on the whole, rather than opening up the military to whole population, we are limiting those with leadership skills and experience. Quite a transformation indeed.
Also, what category will the tranny be measured for annual physical fitness test? According to him, the Navy has different standards for men vs. women.
In the Army, the man's failing score is about the female perfect score...
Not only that, we want to give them a Top Secret clearance and the nuclear codes, and set them loose in Berlin to party, party, party!
Nothing could go wrong..., go wrong...
Wait a minute. The VA is famous for poor and corrupt medical care and those with body dysmorphic disorder want to trust their female/male parts to it?
So, transgender/homosexual, transgender/crossover, transgender/ambiguous, and perhaps other classes in the transgender spectrum disorder. I wonder if they will favor masculine orientations (e.g. transgender/crossover female, the masculine partner in a transgender/homosexual couplet, and spin the [Russian] roulette for others). Or will they follow their civilian counterparts lead and be pro-choice.
With a renewed emphasis on progress -- positive progress, presumably -- they're bitter clingers to [class] diversity specifications and quotas. Hardly a merit-based system that recognizes individual dignity and context-appropriate qualifications.
The objective was achieved without transsexuals
How do you know? This is a serious question.
"but the timing of such an announcement and the importance afforded it when we are faced with obvious military challenges."
America is always faced with obvious military challenges. Always.
RE:PC in military. recently met a 20 year navy guy at neighbors home. I complimented him that the Navy seems to have the best cursing and insult artists. He said they are not allowed to berate the new guys anymore, 'cause it might hurt their feeelings.
He said they are not allowed to berate the new guys anymore, 'cause it might hurt their feeelings.
You have to move to the private sector for that.
"TH was a stupid typo :)"
-- I was trying to figure out what transhumanists had to do with this.
The objective was achieved without transsexuals
How do you know? This is a serious question.
We never know. Given the miniscule sliver of a fraction of the population they are, it is exceedingly unlikely.
But, when looking at this:
ending the ban on trangender people serving openly in the military.
We know, for a fact, they weren't openly serving. If people don't know, they don't care. Trannies now are trying to make people care.
I have 21 years in the United States Army Reserve, I have been deployed twice, I have served as a squad leader, platoon sergeant, First Sergeant and Command Sergeant Major. I spent two years as the CSM for a multi-component unit. That is a unit that had a full time active duty mission that included both reserve and active duty soldiers.
This policy will create yet another protected class in the military and be yet one more blow to unit cohesiveness and over all military effectiveness. We have added yet another protected class in the military that will not be touched by command the second one of these individuals runs to the IG and screams discrimination.
I could write a book on the nonsense that occurs on a daily basis in the military that is caused by congress using the military as a grand social experiment.
In my 21 years in the military I spent a myriad of hours celebrating women, Hispanics, blacks, Asian Pacific Islanders, etc... Never once did I spend a moment celebrating my presence in the military. I just had to sit in EEO briefing after briefing explaining how I had to take special care to celebrate and never offend everyone else. Believe me, that sends a message to people like me.
uniformity (usually uncountable, plural uniformities)
1. The state of being uniform, alike and lacking diversity.
2. The absence of alternativism.
nonuniformity (countable and uncountable, plural nonuniformities)
(uncountable) The condition of being nonuniform
(countable) A nonuniform thing
Blogger madAsHell said...If you want to mutilate your genitals, then the military will now pay for such nonsense.
That is precisely the magnet that will draw and concentrate transexuals into the US military. Service is secondary.
Hmm... Barriers unrelated to a person's qualification.
[class] diversity, female chauvinism, Affirmative Action, welfare/subsidies
Matthew Sablan:
Transhumanists may refer to abortionists and cannibals. They are people and corporations who express an orientation that cuts down human lives for casual and lucrative causes, respectively. Their victims are disarmed and are not even given a fighting chance or voice to secure life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
I agree with Unclebiffy. Another group that will need to be treated with kid gloves. And if there are problems, the upper level brass will not be able to say anything about it.
Justice finally comes for Frances Clayton.
My personal opinion is that transgenderism is a form of mental disorder in a lot of folks, much like anorexia (thinking one is too fat, absent any evidence) or body integrity identity disorder.
That said, given the broad spectrum of humanity and population numbers, I can imagine that there are a few folks who are genuinely cross wired where transitioning could help them.
The practical effect that I foresee, unless they change the lower Physical performance requirements allowed for women to serve, is that MTF will rise higher in the ranks than real females, due to higher PT scores giving them an edge.
There were quite a few females serving as males in the Civil War. I have some examples in my two books. In one interesting example, a husband and wife served as officers in a Confederate unit. The wife was captured and delivered a baby while in a Union POW camp in Ohio. I don't know, in her instance, if she was serving as a male.
Who knew there were so many transgendered so well suited for military service and life in the trenches.
Perhaps some day under enlightened leadership the military will return to its original purpose.
All fetus are sexless up to about 8 weeks. The basic template for the human body is female. You can see this in that both sexes have nipples and mammary glands.
There is a distinct difference in the brain of males and females. This occurs after 8 weeks when the different chromosomes produce different quantities of different hormones.
Now suppose something goes wrong. Not enough testosterone is produced. Maybe just enough for testes and penis, but not enough for the brain. Poof, you have the recipe for a woman with a penis. Either a homosexual or a she-male.
The template uses very little hormones to assign sex (the penis and testes are almost a throw-away), but requires large quantities of testosterone to modify itself to create a male brain. Without this hormone, the brain is left in the female template.
The question now, should these people with female brains be given a club and a spear?
With modern mechanized warfare, the answer is that assigned sex no longer matters at the tip of the spear. It may matter in the way battles are planned. A woman will design a battle differently than a man. In the end, this may just be a secret sauce.
"We don't want barriers unrelated to a person's qualification to serve preventing us from recruiting or retaining the soldier, sailor, airman or marine who can best accomplish the mission."
Okay. Find me one, just one, that's all that's required, ONE- transgender who is actually best at the job. Any job. Aside from the obvious job of female impersonation.
I have 21 years in the Reserve Component, just like Uncle Biffy. I have served as a platoon leader, executive officer, detachment commander, S-4 and multiple stints as a company commander, in infantry, armor and military intelligence units.
I am in full agreement with Uncle Biffy. This is utter poison.
You know, a year or two ago, the military was so broke it was slashing EDD benefits that allowed service members to attend college while serving on active duty.
Apparently they're so flush all of a sudden that they can take on this huge medical liability. And the troops be damned. The mission be damned.
We are no longer led by serious people.
I'd take one soldier who's 2 percent over the allowable body fat percentage over ten of these little transgender nutcases. These people are already mentally ill even before they walk in the door. Their health care utilization and discipline issues are going to be off the charts.
This is stupid on stilts. It's like a page out of "Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds." These libtards are all lining up to buy tulip bulbs.
It's insane.
But speak the truth and you'll get passed over for sure, and eventually booted. The warfighters are checking out in droves, mid-career. Why stay in when you hit that 6, 8 or 12 year mark?
I remember going to drill, we'd draw weapons, go to the field, or to the range, and fucking TRAIN. It was awesome. There was no bullshit. We trained and maintained. We talked warfighting and logistics, and taking better care of Soldiers. It was grand.
Look at RC training schedules now. They're larded up with garbage SHARP briefings, EEOC briefings, stand-downs for this and that. And it's not even commanders and NCOs doing the training: More and more of it is outsourced to computer-based training firms run by SJWs with political connections to get sweet contracts, with Sen. McCaskill vetoing anyone who doesn't toe the line.
Commanders and 1SGs are pushed to the limit just maintaining compliance with these briefings.
It's going to take a generation before we undo the damage the libtards have done. If ever.
I would have gotten on fine with Uncle Biffy. Would love to have someone like him as a 1SG or CSM.
However, in today's command climate, neither of us are likely to be selected to those billets anymore.
In Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers, everyone was accepted for military service if they were mentally capable of understanding the oath. Only veterans were permitted to vote:
The people of the Terran Federation are either "Citizens" or "Civilians". Everyone is born a "Civilian", and at age 18 every "Civilian" has the right to enroll for a minimal 2-year term of "Federal Service". In theory a completed term of Federal Service ensures a "Citizen" is willing to put the needs of the community before their own personal well-being. This is because Federal Service is tough and dangerous (by design). It can involve joining the military, being a human guinea pig, testing survival equipment, or manual labour. The Federation makes it quite easy to quit a term of service before completion (even during war-time), but once someone has quit they are never allowed to enroll again. This is to ensure that all volunteers are dedicated, whilst also discouraging people from leaving.
The Federation makes the opportunity of Federal Service open to everyone, able-bodied or not. A doctor giving a medical examination says "if you came in here in a wheelchair and blind in both eyes and were silly enough to insist on enrolling, they would find you something silly to match. Counting the fuzz on a caterpillar by touch, maybe." The only impediment that can render one ineligible for federal service is if a psychiatrist determines that one cannot understand the oath of service.
I'm late to this story and this comments thread.
Has Donald Trump condemned this executive branch action? In what terms?
"We have to have access to 100% of America's population" he left out 100% of the part of the population that agrees with the SJW transformation and degradation of the services.
Chuck: That totally sounds like a talking point from whatever black-hat PR source Garage used to use.
So some trans people are going to sign up in order to get medical service...at the VA hospitals??? Doesn't this call into question their sanity?
No. Active duty troops don't normally use the VA. They use the military health care system/Tricare. Which allows them access to some private providers, depending on the version of Tricare they select.
As soon as large numbers of trans people start enlisting, nearly every doctor currently doing gender reassignment therapy/surgery will quickly become authorized Tricare providers - just as surely as a U.S. Cavalry store and a payday loan place and a used car tote-the-note dealership opens up outside of every main gate.
It's amazing how many fecking idiots who never served are so confident about what they know when they don't know shit.
In my 21 years in the military I spent a myriad of hours celebrating women, Hispanics, blacks, Asian Pacific Islanders, etc... Never once did I spend a moment celebrating my presence in the military. I just had to sit in EEO briefing after briefing explaining how I had to take special care to celebrate and never offend everyone else. Believe me, that sends a message to people like me.
Is it about time for white men to stand up to this nonsense?
Why do people just ASSUME that white men are specifically incredibly racist and sexist?
It's time to take these required "courses" to court. Because it is unbelievably sexist and racist to assume ALL whites need these.
"Doesn't this call into question their sanity?"
Being a tranny calls into question sanity, at least the presence of "Gender Dysphoria."
It's a question, Jason. Not a talking point. Do you have an answer?
Coupe said...With modern mechanized warfare, the answer is that assigned sex no longer matters at the tip of the spear. It may matter in the way battles are planned. A woman will design a battle differently than a man. In the end, this may just be a secret sauce.
Sorry, Mech Warfare still involves hiking with heavy loads and the equipment it uses puts a major premium on upper body strength. Try serving a 155mm howitzer, or maneuvering inside a bouncing tank while carrying a 45lb shell in your arms. FWIW, tanks are evil machines. Turrets are designed to eat soft squishy bodies if you lose your balance while crossing rugged terrain at 30mph.
"the answer is that assigned sex no longer matters at the tip of the spear."
You are clearly clueless in this matter. Have you not been paying attention the past 20 years? There is more to warfare in today's world than shooting Hellfires from drones.
For the first time in my adult life, I'm proud of the US military.
Call her Pvt. Caitlin, but don't be surprised if she balks at having her boy parts removed.
Shut up! There's nothing mentally ill about that.
I like the lie of having access to 100% of the population. I suppose that means 80-year-olds are now eligible to serve? They're in that lovely and inclusive 100%. Embrace the diversity, bitches!
So, currently women don't have to serve in combat roles. What does this do then for men, who may not want to serve in combat roles saying they are women. Can they serve as transgendered and get out of combat roles?
"All fetus are sexless up to about 8 weeks. The basic template for the human body is female. You can see this in that both sexes have nipples and mammary glands.
There is a distinct difference in the brain of males and females. This occurs after 8 weeks when the different chromosomes produce different quantities of different hormones"
I thought fetuses were just parasites at this stage. Now we are giving them sexes despite not being born yet? It's almost as if development proves life or something.
Chuck said...
I'm late to this story and this comments thread.
Has Donald Trump condemned this executive branch action? In what terms?
7/1/16, 12:34 PM
Bitch, does somebody have a job answering your asshole questions?
The Drill Sgt, Unclebiffy and jason ALL score a shack! (bullseye for the non-pilot crowd) Morale is ALREADY dropping like a stone and we have a HUGE shortage of fighter pilots already as well as pilots in general and it's getting worse, worse, worse with this shite. Civilians have NO IDEA about the physical demands placed upon the human body even in "hi-tech" situations. Ever pulled 9gs in a hi-speed turn while trying to keep the bad guy in sight?
We are also having to spend $ we DON"T HAVE to re-design ejection-seats because female spines can't take the g-force of standard seats as well as developing time-consuming special weight training programs to strengthen the neck muscles of female fighter pilots because few have the musculature structure to withstand prolonged hi-g combat maneuvers. I could go on, but you get the picture. NONE of these expensive programs would be needed absent women in the Air Force. And DON'T even get me started about Trannies, open homosexuality and their effects on unit morale and cohesion
Are future wars going to be separated into leagues, like the PGA and LPGA?
"What is worse than this story is another today that the Secretary of the Navy is using adherence to climate change doctrine (a forbidden religious test) as a factor in promoting senior Navy Officers."
That's good on the off chance that Climate Change concretizes into a physical being that we can fire missiles at.
The Coast Guard replaced the original Mackinaw with a lighter version, because of the fact of global warming, and help had to be called in two years back. This past El Nino winter was warm, but now it is over and we have a blank Sun. Cue ball. So it will be interesting to see what is coming in the Great Lakes. Since I don't have religious faith, I am not certain what to expect.
"That's good on the off chance that Climate Change concretizes into a physical being that we can fire missiles at."
Have you read my script?
Ann, I think you need a new tag: "chuck-Trump"
It's not just the 9g turns, it's hauling extra water and 60mm mortar rounds in your rucksack on a 5 day mission in the mountains. The Khojak pass is over 8,000 feet high. That's a Denver and a half. And there are lots of places higher than that. The fecking Hindu Kush mountains run through Afghanistan, and women's bodies have a fraction of the VO2 capacity of a man's, and we're trying to pretend they are fit infantry.
How do they think tank ammo gets crossloaded after an engagement? hint: it isn't by fucking crane.
How are wounded moved to the casualty collection point? Their gear?
How are wounded pulled from the hatches of burning armored vehicles?
Here's a fucking hint... NOMEX tank crew uniforms have a handle sewn into the nape of the neck. You have to pull them out with brute strength.
Ever broke track on a Bradley or M1? Or M88 for that matter?
Women have stress fractures at 8 times the rate of men in basic training as it is, and that's without trying to pretend they're infantry.
Damn these delusional libtard idiots and their enablers.
There are medical conditions that exclude one from military service. I assume this is part of managing cost. I would think that treating transgender people would be expensive, but perhaps I am wrong.
Greasham's law.
how many men and women will refuse to join or will leave at the end of their enlistment because of this?
So, Obama is going to arm insane people with automatic weapons. What else could one expect.
As for the "100%" crack, that is inane BS. I knew a quite fit woman discharged for a minor thyroid condition. There are myriads of conditions that will not only exclude one from admission, but get one ejected out.
Anyone on sex hormone treatment really should not be in the active military. There are issues involved.
Not even going to touch the psych stuff, because that can be evaluated person by person. But really - think of the qualified, trained military personnel discharged by medical boards every year, and think of how they feel reading/hearing that comment. It's just rubbing salt in the wound.
I invite any of you who think this is even remotely logical to read through the official standards. Bad lipids requiring more than one medication, or inadequately controlled? NO - but hormone therapy yes? If you have headaches bad enough to require prescription medication more than twice a year, no.
We're not even pretending to be rational any more. Not even pretending. Now read through this (about what transsexuals really experience and require):
There are substantial risks involved to the individual, and definite side effects.
virgil xenophon: The Drill Sgt, Unclebiffy and jason ALL score a shack! (bullseye for the non-pilot crowd).
Add yourself to the list.
Great rants, gentlemen.
Ever broke track on a Bradley or M1? Or M88 for that matter?
For grins back in the 80's there used to be a alternate "Tankers" PT test.
The 5 events were
1. rolling a tank road wheel (100lb) around the bases of a ball field (timed)
2. picking up and pressing above your head, a 105mm tank round (40lb) (63 times) (the loadout of a tank) (timed)
3. carrying a track block (70lb) 10 yards, putting it in a neat pile, then running back 10 yards to get another (10 times)(timed)
4. low crawling towing a 100lb tow cable for 20 yards (timed)
5. a timed run
The question about Trump's reaction to the Ash Carter transgender announcement was intended to make everybody uncomfortable; Trump, Trump's Manhattanite kids, Trump's New York society friends, Trump's blue collar supporters in the Midwest and Southeast, and even Ann Althouse.
Althouse; who I presume is presently undecided about the presidential race, and might even be tempted to vote for Donald Trump if she were to understand that Trump stood for a brand of limited government in which the federal government was smaller, and run better, without the influences of many of the traditional left-wing special interests, but also -- through Trump's New York values -- was mostly pro-choice, and pro gay rights and generally favorable to the LGBT community.
Trump and a transgender military is what I see as a "wedge" issue in Trumpism.
For the last few years the Air Force has been saying that the airlines are hiring all their best pilots. But the exit rate is beyond what the airlines could hire.
The reason people are leaving is the hours are long, there is no end of the war in sight, and they are just plinking the enemy. The planes are broke, the maintenance troops have no spare parts, and squadron life is non-existent.
So, they have decided to reduce training requirements to produce more pilots. An idea is to fly Saturday and Sunday, and stagger the maintenance troops so they don't have to work 12 hours a day seven-days a week.
Alas, more experienced pilots are leaving than they can replace with pilots with basic skills. They are leaving because they hate the new normal.
Pilot Shortage
I just read a fascinating book about the fall of Austria-Hungary, "A Mad Catastrophe." It starts by describing the successful 45-year campaign by the Hungarians to neuter the Empire's military, and then describes the consequences when they actually had to fight in 1914. Not just the weak, hollow forces, but the kind of political animals that rose to command in that environment, as good people stayed away.
The motivations are completely different, but the idea of a politically adept and powerful part of society undermining the military for its own purposes, and then the consequences when you suddenly need to fight, are highly relevant to what has been going on in this country, I fear.
The reason people are leaving is the hours are long, there is no end of the war in sight, and they are just plinking the enemy. The planes are broke, the maintenance troops have no spare parts, and squadron life is non-existent.
Have crews work all night to get the birds ready to strap on. Fly a multi-hour mission because we refuse to take the risks to forward deploy birds to Turkey or Kurdistan. Can't have head count in theater. Overfly the AO, but don't drop any ordnance on 3/4 of the missions, because there is a chance that the guy down there in jeans next to the ISIS fuel tanker is a civilian rather than an ISIS fighter. Fly home, debrief, rinse and repeat the next day.
morale? what's morale?
Please make a note of Chuck's concern. He's very concerned about this issue. He's concerned about wedgies. So noted, brave real Republican!
Chuck said...The question about Trump's reaction to the Ash Carter transgender announcement was intended to make everybody uncomfortable; Trump, Trump's Manhattanite kids, Trump's New York society friends, Trump's blue collar supporters in the Midwest and Southeast, and even Ann Althouse.
Remind me what Trump's reaction was. I vaguely recall him saying that Caitlyn Jenner could pee wherever she wanted to in Trump Tower and that he'd do nothing about bathrooms because it would hurt businesses. Did I miss something?
In Chuck's world, Obama does something stupid and demoralizing to the military and it becomes Trump's fault.
Note to Chuck: You're supposed to direct that ire towards Hillary who is the sworn third term of Obama.
"You're supposed to direct that ire towards Hillary who is the sworn third term of Obama."
Chuck has this block mentally. Trump is living inside his head.
Chuck, you really need help.
Martin@6:14pm captures in ALL in a nutshell in his last para..
** "it" viz "in"
Chuck: Stay OUT of lake monona.
chickelit; I was the one who asked what Trump's reaction was. I don't know; I think he's been mostly silent on it.
chickelit said...
In Chuck's world, Obama does something stupid and demoralizing to the military and it becomes Trump's fault.
Of course not. I never, ever, not once said it was "Trump's fault." My only question was whether Trump has ever agreed with you; that the Obama decision was "stupid and demoralizing to the military"?
Will the Trump kids, at cocktail parties on Fifth Avenue and in the Hamptons, say that "it was stupid and demoralizing to the military"?
Will Professor Althouse support Trump if Trump makes it his personal goal to overturn Obergefell, like Hillary Clinton (and maybe Trump too!?!) has made it her personal mission to overturn Citizens United? Honestly, I don't know how anybody can plot to "overturn" either decision. Amend the Constitution? Obtain assurances of "overturn" positions from SCOTUS nominees?
jr565 said...So, currently women don't have to serve in combat roles. What does this do then for men, who may not want to serve in combat roles saying they are women. Can they serve as transgendered and get out of combat roles?
That sounds like a bridge too Farr.
Klinger on the other hand was clearly a full hetero, having both an American wife (Laverne) and later a Korean one (Soon-Lee).
Will Professor Althouse support Trump if Trump makes it his personal goal to overturn Obergefell, like Hillary Clinton (and maybe Trump too!?!) has made it her personal mission to overturn Citizens United?
Trump would be foolish to make overturning Oberbefell a personal goal. Whether Althouse supports Trump or not is her own business, but she'd be foolish to vote for any candidate who vowed to pack the courts to garner partisan decisions (like Rodham has sworn to do). We've lived through foolish Althouse POTUS picks before and will continue to do so.
Comment by Chuck blocked.
7/1/16, 8:10 PM
Comment by Chuck blocked.
7/1/16, 8:18 PM
Did you say something Chucklenutz?
Transgenders are ok because Progressives outlawed war. Now war is fought with PowerPoint slides and joysticks. We wouldn't dream of prosecuting a war with the goal of unconditional surrender of the enemy. That's not inclusive enough, and that isn't our shared values.
If morale is low now, just imagine how it will be with a woman as C-in-C.
We wouldn't dream of prosecuting a war with the goal of unconditional surrender of the enemy. That's not inclusive enough, and that isn't our shared values.
To preempt President Obama: "That's not who we are"
I note with interest that diabetics are still not allowed to join the military in any capacity.
Barry Jacobs said...
I note with interest that diabetics are still not allowed to join the military in any capacity.
7/1/16, 10:53 PM
Interest? INTEREST?
Whadadr'ya NUTS?
Yeah, right, crawl right up to 'em and give them a big friggin shot. during a battle.
Symptoms of diabetes include
increased urine output,
excessive thirst,
weight loss,
skin problems
slow healing wounds,
yeast infections,
blurred vision, and
tingling or numbness in the feet or toes.
Yeah, since normal people don't have those problems, let's let the medics coddle this disability too!
Maybe we can let Trigglypuff in too!
She looks like she could kill Daesh by falling on them.
Trump's Manhattanite kids, Trump's New York society friends, Trump's blue collar supporters in the Midwest and Southeast, and even Ann Althouse.
Sounds like a gain to me and my party. While I am not a :life long Republican" I was a Democrat for a while, like everybody I knew, that bastard Reagan won me over. Chuck would no doubt be whining about Reagan too.
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