"... she... seemed to impersonate Margaret Thatcher...."
Because she's a woman, so, exhibiting political strength, she gets compared to a woman (the only woman who's held her position).
And didn't you — if you watched that and if you're, like me, American — think about Hillary Clinton? Why doesn't Hillary Clinton step up to challenging questioning by opponents? She hasn't even done a press conference — and the press is on her side — since last December!
Well, soon enough, we'll see her in a debate with Donald Trump. She'll have practiced, with somebody who'll be trying to impersonate Donald Trump, and she'll have worked out some steely demeanor to counter his domineering presence. Maybe she'll impersonate Margaret Thatcher.
७६ टिप्पण्या:
"Why doesn't Hillary Clinton step up to challenging questioning by opponents?"
It's tough keeping all her past lies straight. Best to avoid the exposure.
Hillary will avoid real (non softball) reporters and press conferences indefinitely if she can get away with it. So far, she has gotten away with it--the media grumbles a bit, but hasn't made her lack of transparency enough of an issue to force her hand.
And it makes sense--what could she possibly gain from it? She's a constant, compulsive liar but she's not good at it like some politicians. She stumbles like Nixon used to, and comes away less trusted. Her only hope is that she can scare enough people about Trump to get past the finish line. Actually getting voters to like her (rather than tolerate her) is a bridge too far.
To use the horse race metaphor, the GOP may be working with an erratic, crazed and untamed horse, and trying to get it to stay on the track. The Dems are like the jockey trying to drag his limping, badly injured horse past the finish line.
The whole thing is entertaining but not pretty.
I have no doubt Hillary will be tough at a debate with Trump, but will Trump even show up? Doubtful. He may be the first Presidential candidate in recent history to not release his taxes and to not debate his opponent.
Hillary can't impersonate a person with integrity, honor, ethics, morals, responsibility and grit. She doesn't even know what those things are.
Hillary should make a deal with Trump, if he releases his taxes, she'll do a press conference.
Darn, May video won't play on my iPad.
"Hillary should make a deal with Trump, if he releases his taxes, she'll do a press conference."
No, the deal should be he releases his taxes, she releases her medical records.
Hillary Clinton isn't worthy to lick Maggie Thatcher's balls
If you watched the video Hillary is clearly the anti-Thatcher. She's more like the leftie MP with the Greg Brady haircut...
What do you think are in her medical records that would disqualify her from serving as President? Trump's medical records were a joke, do you recall them?
Years ago I read a book on how to flirt, desperate times calling for desperate measures and all that. I still remember the advice to "borrow" the personal style of somebody successful at such things when speaking to a woman. Harrison Ford was suggested.
Probably good advice, I thought at the time, but it also seemed as if some effort would be required on my part so that was the end of that.
The more people see of Hillary, the more they dislike her. Hiding her is probably their best strategy.
"Hillary can't impersonate a person with integrity, honor, ethics, morals, responsibility and grit. She doesn't even know what those things are."
Truer than probably any of us fully realize. I've met some compulsive liars before and they all seem to share a distinct remove from reality. They're actually seem unaware that they're lying because everything relating to them is first filtered and warped through some corrupt inner sieve.
Hillary would collapse without the hack press propping her up.
I may be mistaken in my assumptions, but I believe the British incorporate learning to debate in the college educations. At least the elite do. We don't do that so much here. Maybe we should.
You don't see the same dynamic with Trump? Remember this isn't the Primary.
Hillary can never be effective in a public appearance of any kind that is not scripted and rigged beforehand to control questions. She has only one talent. Keeping everything a secret and threatening her co-conspirators with disclosure of their secrets.Secrets are the currency of the Realm in HillaryLand.
After all, it's not like she can talk about her achievements.
Hillary is a loser, a corrupt loser and I don't think she is going to beat a winner like Trump. Some are trying to find comparisons of this election to 1968 but I think it is more like 1980.
"OMike, What do you think are in her medical records that would disqualify her from serving as President? Trump's medical records were a joke, do you recall them?"
We deserve to know the reason and consequences of her fall and concussion.
Trump would be wise to insist that only people with integrity ask the debate questions.
NO Clintonopolis
No Candy DNC Crowley
No fascist thought-herders like Gwen Iffil. (that leaves precious few - we know)
We all know the debate questions will be fixed for Hillary. Hillary cannot survive without props and cheating. Trump better put his foot down and insist on fairness up front.
"Why doesn't Hillary Clinton step up to challenging questioning by opponents?"
A. She's a coward.
B. Hard to keep her lies straight.
C. Why bother?
D. She's Queen.
E. All of the above.
Hillary won't step up to challenging questions by opponents for one simple reason: she isn't interested in freely exchanging ideas, she's only interested in expressing her will to power. She wants to control our lives.
The deal she made with Husband Bill is the tell. How utterly humiliating and embarrassing it must be to have a famous, charismatic husband cheat on you so publicly and so prolifically. It leaves scars and causes resentment. Most dignified, intelligent women - especially with her earning potential would have left Bill years ago. But she stuck it out. Why? Because of the long term deal.
"ok, ok, I will look the other way, you sonovabitch, but you better get me to the White House"
She really is a horrid, deeply-flawed lady. The 8-year interruption by Obama has only made it worse. And, yet, she's only 3 months away from realizing her ambition - with only 1 remainng obstacle in her path, The Donald.
"They're actually seem unaware that they're lying because everything relating to them is first filtered and warped through some corrupt inner sieve."
That seems to describe Trump. What about all those Muslims celebrating on the roofs after 9/11? How about those people (who are they) who were just recently calling for a moment of silence for the Dallas shooter? Trump's ghost writer says Trump believed his own lies.
Press conferences become a liability when you choose to build your public service career around lies, corruption and illegal activity.
Well the answer to the difference between Margaret and Hillary is quite obvious.
Thatcher believed deep down on her heart in certain values and principles concerning how a nation should be governed. When she spoke she was not representing Margaret she was representing those deeply held ideas. Even if you did the agree with, or opposed those ideas you had to respect the genuineness of her person. I don't think it's even necessary for me to make the comparison to Clinton, but I'll try; Shallow, and self absorbed.
I don't think people give Hillary enough credit as a speaker. She's spent, what, a solid 24 years in front of the public eye in various capacities. She does well. Her Benghazi testimony, probably the toughest public role of her life, went well for her despite a pretty odds-stacked-against-her event.
She doesn't have the fiery oratory or charismatic skills of these British female PMs, no doubt, but she's not awful either.
The lack of press conferences is troubling though. She must trust find that the more public she is, the worse it is for her. Even at a time of intense and growing dislike of her, she still isn't risking it.
Clinton and Obama's redistributive change has great appeal to the 1%. However, whereas Obama's dark skin provided a healing salve and validation of "good" Americans, the appeal of Clinton's female sex is neutralized with her chauvinism. Female chauvinists have as much and actually less (e.g. selective-child) redeeming qualities than their male chauvinist counterparts.
I DEEPLY wish our President would do Open Question time with Congress. I get why he does not (he's not a MEMBER of Congress, so it's not an obligation), but I think it'd open stuff up more.
Hillary will avoid real (non softball) reporters and press conferences indefinitely if she can get away with it.
This assumes that there ARE reporters who wouldn't ask her softball questions. If there are, it is a pitiable small number.
Hillary should make a deal with Trump, if he releases his taxes, she'll do a press conference.
He should offer to release his taxes when she releases her charitable foundations books for independent examination. Given that she won't even release speech transcripts, she won't do that.
That seems to describe Trump. What about all those Muslims celebrating on the roofs after 9/11? How about those people (who are they) who were just recently calling for a moment of silence for the Dallas shooter? Trump's ghost writer says Trump believed his own lies.
Do you HONESTLY want to compare lies?
How could Hillary believe that Bill didn't have an affair with Lewinsky until the day before his testimony? How did she turn a $1,000 investment in a futures trading market with the aid of an exec from Tyson Foods into $10,000 (especially since the fund she tried WITHOUT his help was far less successful)? How about how a video was behind the Benghazi attack? How about dodging sniper fire? How about saying all Secretary of States before her did what she did in regards to emails? How about saying that she didn't have ANY classified info on her servers?
...I can continue, if you so wish.
I don't think people give Hillary enough credit as a speaker. She's spent, what, a solid 24 years in front of the public eye in various capacities. She does well. Her Benghazi testimony, probably the toughest public role of her life, went well for her despite a pretty odds-stacked-against-her event.
She stonewalls well. She lies expertly. I will give her that.
Thatcher caught hell for closing down some of the coal mines. She did this because they were unprofitable, especially when competing with the North Sea oil that was coming on line. This led to a lot of coal miners being thrown out of work. The criticism she received for this action was intense and unrelenting.......It is evil and wrong to throw miners out of work for economic reasons like Thatcher did, but to do so for environmental reasons is ennobling and a testament to the steadfast courage that Hillary sometimes exhibits. Hillary sticks by her environmental principles the way she sticks by her man. She is one of the stickiest politicians our country has ever produced.
Not to mention her advanced alcoholism get Original Mike.
And what's up with that grotesque hacking cough.
She'll have practiced, with somebody who'll be trying to impersonate Donald Trump, and she'll have worked out some steely demeanor to counter his domineering presence. Maybe she'll impersonate Margaret Thatcher.
Why change? As you noted, the wilting flower impression worked in the past.
She really is a horrid, deeply-flawed lady. The 8-year interruption by Obama has only made it worse. And, yet, she's only 3 months away from realizing her ambition - with only 1 remainng obstacle in her path, The Donald.
The obstacle is how much voters stomachs are turned by supporting her. Clearly there are limits to what even liberal loyalists will tolerate. Despite the consequences, there weren't enough lefties in Massachusetts that could bring themselves to pull the lever for the reprehensible cold cod Martha Coakley.
Hillary makes Coakley seem like Mrs. Claus.
Clinton made her interrogators look like fools in the 11 hour long Benghazi hearing. She did an outstanding job of answering tough questions and did not fall apart under pressure.
Why doesn't Hillary Clinton step up to challenging questioning by opponents? She hasn't even done a press conference — and the press is on her side — since last December!
Narcissists make demands of their codependents, not the other way around.
we'll see her in a debate with Donald Trump.
If there even is a debate, it'll be right after the Dem convention, which gives enough people time to forget there was one.
I'd bet they don't even have one.
Clinton made her interrogators look like fools in the 11 hour long Benghazi hearing. She did an outstanding job of answering tough questions and did not fall apart under pressure.
What color is the sky on the planet you live on? Does Spock have a beard?
Callahan did you watch any of that hearing at all?
8 Scandals That Could Plague Hillary Clinton's Campaign
Being as criminal and thieving as she is, why not impersonate Ma Barker?
Besides her obvious problems with lies and corruption, Hillary also comes across as being very low energy. She looks and acts like an elderly person. It's very understandable why they want to keep her out of the spotlight.
There will be no presidential debates this year. Clinton will pretend that she can't stand on the same stage as a lying, misogynist ignoramus; the press will applaud her then roll over to have their tummies petted.
It is sad how poorly British people now speak of Thatcher--I like several British comedians and they'll casually refer to her as "that bitch" and no one in the audience reacts at all.
As that clip amply illustrates she was one hell of an impressive person.
"How did she turn a $1,000 investment in a futures trading market with the aid of an exec from Tyson Foods into $10,000..."
I believe she "turned" her $1,000 investment into $100,000.
"Why doesn't Hillary Clinton step up to challenging questioning by opponents?" Her "opponent" was Bernie. As crazy an old uncle as he was, even he kept his eye on the ball, which is power. There are no challenging questions among Progs: disagreements are matters of degree: raise taxes a little or a lot? screw the police publicly or quietly? make college "free" right away or gradually? go easy on Muslims or very easy? express mild disapproval of "extreme carelessness" or just shrug your shoulders? pay lip service to the "Constitution" or go full Tushnet? increase Ocare subsidies or add public option? And so on.
"She hasn't even done a press conference — and the press is on her side — since last December!" So?
"she'll have worked out some steely demeanor to counter his domineering presence." It's all she's got: the emails shows she's too dumb and clueless to actually develop any thoughts, and playing the steely-but-unfairly-maligned woman will get her the single women vote, which is the key to Dem victory.
"Maybe she'll impersonate Margaret Thatcher." That I'd want to see. But I'll give her this: the scandals and Libya and the email fiasco and the foundation corruption show the Clintons to be completely calculating, cold-blooded, amoral grifters with no concern for anything or anybody. We could use a little coldblooded calculation on behalf of the US of A.
The reporters want future access. The public would ask difficult questions. I predict that Trump will turn the debates into a cross examination of Clinton. Questions like, "Why did you repeatedly lie to the American people about your email?" and "Didn't you delete your 33,000 emails to hide your bribery scheme with your husband."
"Why doesn't Hillary Clinton step up to challenging questioning by opponents?"
Because it is hard to sound like Maggie Thatcher when you don't believe a word you are saying.
Thatcher, Reagan and John Paul II made a hell of a team. We could really use some of that greatness today.
Unknown, I watched some of the Behghazi testimony by Hillary. She dissembled, evaded, shifted blame, knew little and remembered less, leading up to her amazing explanation of her lying about the cause of the attack to the American public, when she asked, ""What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"
The difference her lying then makes is that she self-identified as a person in a position of authority who believes a public lie about important public matters for personal, momentary political gain - a lie that required a person be imprisoned - is an acceptable policy to use.
You can have your winner, Hillary. She is shit.
All Donald Trump has to do in any debate with Hillary is to say enough outrageous things to trigger her rendition of Corvus brachyrhynchos, the American Crow.
Let's take a moment to enjoy her together, shall we?
Few fence-sitters will hear this and think "first woman President"; older ones may think fondly of Stella Mudd.
I watched every minute of that 11 hour kangaroo court. Hillary comported herself well and answered the questions directly. How do you think Trump would've held up to such scrutiny?
How do you think Trump would've held up to such scrutiny?
I don't think he'd have to, because he would have sent the military in, and either saved those men, or avenged them.
One thing I must point out, is that neither candidate has come-up through the ranks of politics. Neither has been elected to low office, and advanced to high office.
In the end, Americans seem to like figureheads, and it has been a bad trip.
Clinton's doing the right thing. Every day she advocates another billion for some great cause.
I mean, why not, it's only paper... Who wants to have a party with a miser.
Yes, and perhaps the screech owl will impersonate the eagle. Or the lightning bug the lightning.
Unknown must admire how Clinton evaded the FOIA and several Congressional subpoenas for email, with a great assist from the State Dept. flacks, and successfully stonewalled six committees for three years. State testified repeatedly, with straight faces, that "no emails existed" that met the request of any committee.
Really? ZERO emails for four years of service?
Only when Gowdy's committee noticed that in another State employee's email was a reference to an email to clintonemail.com did that thread start coming loose from the garment of lies she had woven. Only then did she start formulating the new tissue of lies about her secret server. That's pretty admirable and a stand-up performance there!
And of course, Unknown must really appreciate her screeching the famous phrase, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" in response to questions about why those dead Americans were even in Bengazi.
Priceless grace she showed there buddy! So cool. So professional. Yes because psycho narcissists like Hillary have no shame.
I remember during the Iran hostage crisis under Carter, TV news shows having counters showing how many days they hostages had been held.
FOX News should have a counter showing number of days since Hillary's last news conference.
One thing I must point out, is that neither candidate has come-up through the ranks of politics.
I'm not a big fan of Trump, but he's earned his place. No one handed it to him.
Hillary, on the other hand, would still be in some two-bit law firm defending child rapists if she hadn't married Bill. She has no real talents or ideas of her own, just a sense of entitlement.
We can ask for Margaret Thatcher, but increasingly we get Margaret Dumont.
"Because it is hard to sound like Maggie Thatcher when you don't believe a word you are saying."
I can fake conviction. Hillary can't because she has none. She doesn't know what a principled stand feels like so she can't act it out.
She did an outstanding job of answering tough questions
I already said she stonewalls and lies quite well. She got her credit for her "testimony"
I believe she "turned" her $1,000 investment into $100,000.
You're right.
Hillary will not debate Trump. Or, she will limit them to one or two. Trump will not answer questions directly, but will divert to "crooked Hillary". Also, he will not respect inquisitors and will call them shills and in the tank for Hillary.
Trump can not keep up with her on issues, but will destroy her with trash talk that appeals to average voters like me and my low life, poorly educated, ill informed peers.
Nobody watched all eleven hours of Clinton's testimony that was not paid to do so.
Hillary lied. Hillary's supporters lie.
There is no redeeming quality in Clinton. She represents the Will to Power and nothing else.
Thatcher was one of a kind. The only female world leader I would compare her to is Golda Meir. Few women make effective leaders but those two were notable exceptions.
Hillary's 8.5 hours in that Congressional hearing was a slow repetition of the following:
Question: Do you admit you are a liar?
Answer: No.
Hi "Unknown No Profile". (first shift)
How ya doin' today?
I understand you lay off the sauce when commenting.
"Hillary's 8.5 hours in that Congressional hearing was a slow repetition of the following:
Question: Do you admit you are a liar?
Answer: No."
That was the problem. If you're going to get the rare opportunity to grill her, get it done methodically with evidence and conflicting testimony, and build a picture for the audience. This is why you need a trained staff lawyer to do it and not preening congressmen who care less about actually getting the truth (or raking a liar like Hillary over the coals publicly) and more about getting their own sound bites onto the cable shows.
Hillary's slippery, but she's not a very good liar and it's political malpractice the way the GOP has bungled around with her.
"Why doesn't Hillary Clinton step up to challenging questioning by opponents?"
She's scared. President fraidy-cat she will be.
Fear is a major source of ill considered aggression. Not a good quality.
I kind of doubt Hillary is smart enough to debate Trump, she is a complete hot house flower. And lets face it, she's not in good health, she may collapse on stage. Best hope the Donald implodes so a debate is not necessary. But hope, as they say, is not a plan.
Prime minister's questions is my favorite part of British democracy. If someone gave me the job of rewriting the US constitution, that's something I'd add. I might even specify it needs to be done in a British accent.
Why doesn't Hillary Clinton step up to challenging questioning by opponents?
Why would anyone want to answer challenging questions? If you're already ahead there's no upside; it's all downside. The press has been willing to pass off her scripted "town hall" stuff as spontaneous, so why would she do anything else?
I have to say, having an alcoholic in the family, that Hillary will be prone to lying for no reason about minor things that make her seem grand, will make quick decisions and not stick to them, be used to hiding for a while rather than engaging with people and events, and always feeling persecuted.
@ Sebastian "But I'll give her this: the scandals and Libya and the email fiasco and the foundation corruption show the Clintons to be completely calculating, cold-blooded, amoral grifters with no concern for anything or anybody. We could use a little coldblooded calculation on behalf of the US of A." The problem is her cold blooded calculation will be on behalf of her and Bill's bank accounts and the Clinton Family Slush Fund.
Blogger Mr. D said...
We can ask for Margaret Thatcher, but increasingly we get Margaret Dumont.
or Margaret Dowd.
Prime minister's questions is my favorite part of British democracy. If someone gave me the job of rewriting the US constitution, that's something I'd add. I might even specify it needs to be done in a British accent.
At the very least, force the president to take questions from Congress at the state of the Union speech each year.
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