And Democrats been criticizing Donald Trump for saying "I alone can fix it." As Chuck Todd said, interviewing him on "Meet the Press" yesterday:
One of the phrases you used, "I alone can fix it." And to some people, that sounded almost too strong-mannish for them. Do you understand that criticism and what do you make of it?"Michelle Obama just said the same thing about Hillary.
६२ टिप्पण्या:
"There is only one person" who is "truly qualified" to be President — Michelle Obama says — "and that is our friend Hillary Clinton."
The truth shall set you free!
Why is she speaking? No one cares what she thinks or says.
New qualifications include Gruber, lying, money grubbing, DNC insider money lobby, MSM corruption ring and more Gruber with a side of Gosnell.
They have no respect. Not for Bernie, not for his supporters, and not for her supporters, not for you and not for me. They only want to continue their 'change' and they think hillary is the way forward. And they probably have the dirt on her to make it happen. I'm sure it just wasn't the Russian, and French, and Israelis, and Chinese, and Koreans, and the pimply faced kid in the basement who hacked her servers.
"There is only one person who is truly qualified to be in federal prison, and that is her friend Hillary Clinton"
"Michelle Obama just said the same thing about Hillary."
No, ..see...., your error is in actually thinking about what was said.
Stop that. Stop that right now.
Warren is falling flat.
What an incredibly bizarre thing to say. I understand it's all theater, but even the most brain-dead Donk must have stifled a chuckle when Mich said that.
Althouse your con minions appear to be united in watching the Dem convention.
Hillary is already bringing the country together!
And please explain how truly qualified is related to I alone can fix it.?
Michelle also mentioned building a village, listening to others, etc.
I yield the balance of my time back to Althouse ...
Bizarro world. Pretty much every one of EW's grievances apply to Hillary more than Trump.
Well, it's true that Obama was never qualified to be President.
One out of Johnson, Stein, Trump and Clinton. Duh.
And the criticism of Trump was Caesarism. He'll do it without help from anyone. Clinton has a track record of working with Congress at State and with Republicans in the Senate. But this speech is not for the Trumpistas.
Nah, I'm watching Seinfeld reruns on Hulu.
Interesting to see all these people wanting change and hope, who are saying that this needs fixing and this is wrong and this system is rigged. All this after eight years of Obama.
Clinton has a track record of working with Congress at State and with Republicans in the Senate
*scratches chin*
And to some people, that sounded almost too strong-mannish for them.
Women don't understand anything that's not politically correct.
That's how Megyn Kelly got her first question long ago. Women's concerns, where any man gets what Trump was doing.
Qualified, eh? The FBI seems to think she's too stupid to know how to do email.
Presidenting is easy-peasy compared to that though I 'spose.
The media tent is nice. There were complaints this morning about it as tacky and hot, and it is tacky and hot and evacuated and leaks as well. And the Wifi doesn't work.
Armstrong and Getty said on the DNC emails that Hillary was delighted to have something new to lie about for a change.
"Michelle Obama just said the same thing about Hillary." Well, yeah, but: 1. it was a woman privileging another woman, a good feminist thing to do; 2. foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little conservative minds: Dems have more important things to worry about; 3. from a Dem point of view, she is the only one sufficiently sleazy, corrupt, and likely to win, which are all the qualifications their hacks need (and Bernie lacked); 4. it was really a sly dig at Barry. So it's all good.
I biked the usual trip to the store in the humid heat and found it very pleasant. It's when you stop and the wind stops that trouble sets in.
If the media circled on bicycles they'd be okay.
" One out of Johnson, Stein, Trump and Clinton. Duh."
Wouldn't matter if it was one out of any number of third-graders and Clinton. There is no field where Hillary is the most qualified one to be president. She's a manifestly corrupt and incompetent clown.
Shortest path in the thesaurus from unity to disunity
unity communion conversation colloquy debate disagreement disunity
The only person ever to be truly qualified to be President of the United States was George Washington -- because they wrote the job description in Article II of the Constitution around him.
Unquestionably the least qualified person was Abraham Lincoln, a man whose entire resume consisted of one term in the House of Representatives and a failed campaign for the US Senate. Yet both their faces are sculptured on Mount Rushmore. Go figure.
As to Bill Clinton's wife, I'd consider her qualified if she had any successes to show for the positions listed in her resume. However I think it very fair to say that the world is worse off for having her as Secretary of State than it was before she took up her position. Her centerpiece as First Lady -- her healthcare reform initiative -- was a failure due to her excessive secrecy and unwillingness to compromise, and in fact resulted in Republicans taking control of the House and Senate. Her eight years in the Senate were undistinguished, to put it charitably.
She is still the only First Lady to have ever been subpoenaed.
"She's a manifestly corrupt and incompetent clown." Hillary "pls print" Clinton.
Michelle doesn't think her husband is qualified?
As Belmont Club says, Obama is only trying to outrun the consequences of his programs.
Hillary is there for everything to collapse on.
She's starting early, is all.
Good Lord, how did anyone ever take Bernie seriously? In both mannerisms and appearance he looks like he was cut from the cast of Young Frankenstein for over-acting.
Bernie has one critical theme: Free Stuff!
He's definitely on board with Hillary. Perhaps, he negotiated a real good deal with her?
When a liberal says we need to invest in...'your favorite program here'...what they mean is take your money for my non-working 'insert down-trodden voting block.' Hold on to your wallet.
And she replayed the same old racist tripe about the White House being built by slaves. which is pretty offensive to the all the skilled tradesmen involved. Slaves where only really used in the white-washing of the building.
Wow Bernie in full sell-out pander mode. And either his acolytes will full stop cheer everything thing he says no matter what or they managed to shove the disgruntled outside the Fence of Inclusion.
Here's what I'm dying to know. When the Bernie supporters were chanting "Lock her up!"... for what? Her private server scandal? Are they finally admitting conservatives were right about that? Seems hard to believe, as I doubt they could bring themselves to admit something like that even if they knew for 100% sure it was true, that's just how they roll (look at our resident leftists here for examples). What precisely do *they* think she's done that she deserves to be locked up for?
"Clinton has a track record of working with Congress at State and with Republicans in the Senate."
Citation needed.
Maybe Bernie's fans were chanting "Lock her up" with Debbie Wasserman Schultz in mind, not necessarily Clinton. I doubt they give a damn about her email server.
Trump mentioned "change" many times in his speech. I kept thinking why he and Melania couldn't get any of their own ideas and kept ripping them off the Obamas.
The FBI is reporting that they warned the DNC they were being hacked but the DNC did not act on the warning for months. Extremely carelessness seems to be a pattern with the Hillary camp. DNC responds to criticism by suggesting that Russia is working for Trump. DNC further suggests that Trump is working for Russia because the RNC changed its platform on arming Ukraine to the policy followed by Obama Administration. (don't arm them) I can't imagine the spokesman from the DNC doesn't know he is lying to the American people. How do they justify such complete dishonesty?
Interpreting Obama's words to suggest that she does not think Sanders is qualified seems tendentious. She said, "I am here tonight, because in this election, there is only one person who I trust with that responsibility, only one person who I believe is truly qualified to be President of the United States, and that is our friend, Hillary Clinton."
You've read the domain right out of the sentence. There are only two people in this election, Clinton and Trump.
You might want to argue that the election includes all of the process, primary and election. There is nothing else in her speech to suggest that she is doing any retrospective look backward. Everything in her speech suggests she is drawing a contrast between Clinton and Trump. So to argue that this sentence was intended to refer to Sanders is to insist upon an interpretation of the sentence which goes against the intuitive notion of "election" as well as the broader context of the speech itself.
(You might think that she could have been more careful, given the criticisms of Trump. Perhaps, I'm no expert on that. The speech seemed to do a fine job of indicting without stooping to me.)
Progressive wars. Violent, opportunistic regime changes. Progressive debt. Resetting the cold war. Imperiling American security. Refugee crises, immigration "reform", and other anti-native policies. Class diversity schemes. Selective exclusion. Abortion rites. Planned Parenthood. Yeah, Clinton is ready to lead the Pro-Choice Church.
Craig, I also took it to mean the choice was between Trump and Clinton, the two candidates. Michelle probably wouldn't stir up even more discord by a reference to Sanders in that context. Her speech was uplifting and positive.
I didn't watch Michele's speech but hearing Wolf Blitzer gushing over it was sickening enough.
about those claims,
The most gag-inducing part of the speech was Her Ugliness demanding to know just who dares to think America isn't a great country- It's the greatest country evah!, crowed the First Lady. Of course, even as she spoke these words, my mind was recalling her declaring that the election of her husband as POTUS was the first time that she'd ever felt proud of her country. Sure enough, one of the talking heads gushing over the speech noticed the incongruence and chimed in on just the point I made. Then he said, "Of course, I think what she was saying was that it was the proudest she had ever been for her country. And then the far right jumped on it..." You know, cleaning up for her, the same way they do for republicans....
well her lips were moving,
"Her Ugliness"? Speaking of ugly, is that your daughter in your avatar?
shiloh wrote: Hillary is already bringing the country together!
...for a necktie party in Chappaqua. First the Hill, and then the Bill.
Just to be clear, you selectively omitted the qualifying phrase "in this election." Bernie is no longer in the election. I don't have the patience to read all the other comments where I'm sure at least a few people pointed this out, but this seems rather un-Althousian in its misdirection.
For the second time in Michelle Obama's adult life she is proud to be an American.
I try to take my anti-Hillary bias into account when looking at these things to understand how someone who may not despise her might look at it. But this talk about how "amazingly qualified" Hillary is falls flat. Why are we so sure she's qualified? Because she's held a lot of government positions over a long time? Because she's had so much exposure to federal power and access to power brokers? I think a better question is what she has done that shows good judgment and intelligence.
If you're reviewing a resume, you don't just look at "positions held" but rather "what have they accomplished". For Hillary, that falls woefully short. Can these speakers defend her Iraq War votes, her Libya advice, her Syria advice? Can they point to one domestic policy achievement that they'd be happy with? She voted for the PATRIOT Act, bankruptcy reform, and supported DOMA, Welfare Reform and the Crime Bill when her husband was president. Is any of this a positive in a left-leaning party?
This sounds a lot more like "trust us, she's really qualified" than "let me break down examples that show how qualified she is".
To understand Michelle's comment, you need to consider that she thinks her husband is qualified.
Funny she should say that, since her husband is certainly not "qualified" (eligible) as the British (Kenyan) born son of a British father, who was naturalized at birth (if actually born in Hi. to a US citizen mother, per the Naturalization Act 1952), and thus is not natural born.
Natural born Citizens are born in the US to US CITIZEN PARENTS, where no foreign allegiance, according to Original US Common Law (*law of nations), can exist.
The Usurper, a supposed "Constitutional scholar", knew he was not eligible (capable of election), and even rubbed it in our face, when he wrote (ghost wrote) "Dreams From My Father". He was telling us that his allegiance through his father was FOREIGN, and proved it during the entire time as putative POTUS. Hussein Obama, the Muslim "Kenyan Born" (that was his term for himself) "citizen of the world" put America LAST EVERY TIME. Now he is sticking his finger in our eye again, as he floods America with his Muslim brothers, and at the Southern border (there has been no real "border"), where he has spread TB and Measles to every corner of America, all by his plan to make America "less white". He hates the white race, and has proven that over and over (what do you think "fundamental change" meant?)
Hussein Obama is precisely the person that the framers were forbidding as POTUS. Can you imagine a US Constitutional "law prof" would vote for him? TWICE!!!! The "law prof" and all the other idiots here that supported the Usurper owe America an apology. More than that they owe penence.
"The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners". Minor v. Happersett, 88 US 162 @ 167, (1898)
Mick, at this point, you're just making yourself look unbalanced. Nowhere in the constitution does it say that a president's naturalized status must be demonstrated to Mick's satisfaction.
tim maguire said...
"Mick, at this point, you're just making yourself look unbalanced. Nowhere in the constitution does it say that a president's naturalized status must be demonstrated to Mick's satisfaction".
Of course it does, in Article 2, as determined by the "each state", but that responsibility has been Usurped by the corrupt political parties.
"Pretty much every one of EW's grievances apply to Hillary more than Trump."
I thought the same thing including other speakers.
In fact you could have stirred the passions of the crowd by claiming Trump was going to inflict the Bill Clinton policies/practices on America.
DOMA, anti-crime bill, Don't Ask don't tell, welfare reform, rape victim blaming, selling the White House and more....
Of course the names would be changed and charges like racist, homophobe and a few other terms of endearment would be liberally tossed in....
She's qualified, except for the part about handling highly classified information. There, she hasn't a clue.
"This country is great" - Michelle Obama
Not exactly credible from her is it?
"For the first time in my adult lifetime I am proud of my country?" - Michelle Obama
They have no respect. Not for Bernie, not for his supporters, and not for her supporters, not for you and not for me.
Since the 1990's, the Progs have always ended up getting behind the Dem nominee. It's like clockwork. Why would they have respect for people who they know will knuckle under?
Ever since "Nader gave Bush the White House in 2000", Progressives tend to be willing to knuckle under to whatever shitty Democrat runs because the evil Republican is so much worse...somehow. What Bush has done worse than Obama is never explained.
And please explain how truly qualified is related to I alone can fix it.?
It was the "only one person" part, not the qualified part, that is the issue.
And the criticism of Trump was Caesarism. He'll do it without help from anyone. Clinton has a track record of working with Congress at State and with Republicans in the Senate. But this speech is not for the Trumpistas.
She has virtually no track record of any of it and is on record seeking to completely gut the First Amendment and Second Amendment and unilaterally "change" immigration law.
Her speech was uplifting and positive. - Unknown
Unknown has this habit of telling us the thing she needs us to believe so that she can get her way as an established fact. She doesn't even believe them, but it is important that we believe them.
Clinton has a track record of working with Congress at State and with Republicans in the Senate.
If you call lying to Congress "working with Congress," I suppose. Let's hear about her accomplishments in the Senate.
Here's what Michelle said about Hill when it mattered in Jan 2008:
Michelle Obama, who could become America’s first black First Lady, has launched a scathing attack on her husband’s opponent Hillary Clinton, stating she represents "the same old thing over and over again".
"Our friend"? The one your surrogates accused of racism just eight short years ago?
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