"I don’t think it was pre-arranged. He just started walking over and [even {Loretta Lynch's} security] can’t tell him, 'you can’t do that.' He walked in her plane for at least 20 to 25 minutes and the FBI is standing face to face with the Secret Service and just chatting on the hot tarmac like, 'what the hell.'... Then her detail finally got her off the plane, now much delayed, and departed for her day’s events. She had a series of visits planned for Tuesday.... I don’t agree with her politics and all that, but I knew from the beginning that she got caught off guard and her staff was already talking about it that it’s going to be a political problem for her. Her staff was flipping out. We didn’t think about the political part until we saw her staff flipping out. For the security guys, it was more of a 'I’ve got armed guys coming into my perimeter' problem. But the staff guys saw right away that it was a political problem. After Clinton got off, they were like, 'that wasn’t good.' And I know from others who were in the actual car with her that her people knew immediately the political ramifications of it and were very upset."
That's the inside picture as portrayed by an unnamed security person quoted in The New York Observer. (The principal owner of the Observer is Jared Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law.)
१०९ टिप्पण्या:
Bubba accosted another poor woman and she is feeling screwed no doubt.
There goes Rush Limbaugh's breathlessly-told theory that a third plane had been arranged for a secret, coordinated meeting.
That's the problem with private jets and FBI-security guards these days. You just can't control who is in your neighborhood, knocking on your door.
Regardless of what they discussed on the plane (which had to touch on the investigation in some way) it does make you wonder if Bill is trying to sabotage his wife's campaign. Surely he'd know there's no way the meeting won't look good, and would force Lynch to go the extra mile to indict if she has any leeway at all.
Bill Clinton is an optimist. He saw a chance to stir the pot, and maybe something will turn up that can be spun in the Clintons' favor.
And Loretta Lynch just got a lesson in the hazards of making nice with the Clintons.
And here we are with one candidate more corrupt and power hungry than Bill and the other with worse impulse control. Feel the Johnson.
Chuck seems awfully eager to make this obvious display of impropriety look legit. No third plane? They must have talked about grandkids!!
Chuck is a Dutch Oven Republican.
This all reminds me of the defense of Sandy Berger. "That crazy Sandy! He is always wandering off with papers in his socks!! It's just who he is!"
"And Loretta Lynch just got a lesson in the hazards of making nice with the Clintons."
This. Thank you, Hagar.
If this is the truth of it, it just points out what a slime Billy is. And we want him as First Gentleman? Really? That is beyond twisted.
Remember, the DOJ will prosecute you for lying to the FBI. But Har har har, Loretta Lynch can tell us she was just talking to Bill about Grandchildren and Golf! And he was a little rambling and it was all so unavoidable and embarrassing!
How did Bill Clinton know Loretta Lynch's plane was going to be on the tarmac by his?
Is there some alert all the private plane people get? Maybe they all have an app.
An assertion based on facts not in evidence or personal intuition (i.e. inference).
I don’t think it was pre-arranged.
Nobody but Lynch. Where's a deep throat and celebrated Journolist from The Washington Post when you need one.
Neverending BS.
“Fair is fair. I’m a conservative-leaning [person] [gender-identifying word redacted]. I don’t support anything this administration does. I don’t know much about the attorney general’s past, except she has a good reputation. But I really don’t like this executive’s office, so that said, politically, that’s where I’m at. But I just happened to be in a position to know firsthand what went down that day.”
Of course.
According to the rules of ethics she should recuse herself. But she won't. This is an absolute outrage. Imagine the screaming from WaPo, NYT, CNN and MSNBC if it was a Republican AG.
And what a pathetic lie that the MSM completely accepted. Thirty minutes on two grandkids? Absurd.
There goes Rush Limbaugh's breathlessly-told theory that a third plane had been arranged for a secret, coordinated meeting
So we're left with two Democrats behaving badly....which funnily enough, doesn't seem to bother you all that much.
The FBI agents were too busy stopping anyone from taking pictures.
I'm hard-pressed to think of a more credible source than an unnamed security person.
I found video of Clinton and Lynch on the tarmac.
Loretta Lynch is a Harvard educated stupid ass and a bald-faced liar.
Lynch knew and knows this meeting was screamingly unethical. Again our Ivy League elites play us for fools.
Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton because Chuck was unavailable.
Sorry, but the concept of Bill Clinton just happening to come across the jet of the AG and going over for a chat does not pass muster.
1. Look at a satellite view of Sky Harbor airport. It is huge facility and since neither of them used the airline terminals, which FBO did they utilize?
2. How was Bill able tell that a particular jet belongs to the AG and not the head of the Agriculture Dept?
3. FBO's usually discourage folks from just walking around the ramp area. The security details of both Bill and the AG would have had a hissy-fit if an unknown person approached the aircraft.
4. Lastly, why meet at the airport anyway? Deniability. Assured privacy from electronic monitoring. And if caught (or ratted out), give the lame excuse that you just crossed paths (as if you were at the yacht club).
So how does one arrange a private meeting with a senior government official anyway? They don't have listed phone numbers. They don't have email addresses in their own names. In the thin atmosphere of "senior" politicians; one would have your people call their people and arrange the meeting. Hence, not a happenstance.
This meeting had to have been totally planned in advance and I wonder if the tapes of the radio comms from Ground Control to the aircraft would show how much coordination there was.
Buried lede: Bill Clinton a pro at penetrating security. He just started walking over, and no one stopped him!
What Clinton did was show her how powerful he is. He can do whatever he wants.
Intimidation move.
I can easily believe he is capable of wasting thirty minutes on a story about his grandkids, and how wonderful Hillary is with them/ Probably relating some of the cute incidences described in the deleted emails about "yoga and family matters".
Oh, and expect a federal investigation into Limbaugh's attempt to mislead the country, haha!
Wave an unopened pack of $100 bills around a private plane park and Loretta Lynch will find YOU.
Hopefully Clinton does not get indicted. The ideal outcome would be the FBI and Justice Department careers employees recommend Hillary be indicted and Lynch decides not to proceed.
So the BEST case scenario is that the Attorney General didn't have the huevos to say "I'm sorry but I can't meet with you for ethical reasons."?
I don’t think it was pre-arranged. He just started walking over and [even {Loretta Lynch's} security] can’t tell him, 'you can’t do that.'
WHY, exactly, can't they? Where is this list of people who get unfettered access to the AG at any time?
I'm betting if I walked up to her plane on the tarmac, they'd have few issues telling me to scram.
When you are the attorney general and you can't just *not invite* that whacky Bill Clinton into your plane, the only solution is to have the FBI tell people they can't take pictures.
It's the American way.
The meeting was due to an Epicurean swerve in the forward course of atoms.
How did Clinton know that Lynch is there? For one thing, he has a Secret Service detail who know about that sort of thing, and no doubt that her security detail probably knew he was in the vicinity. If nothing else, they are all going to want to know about other armed security details in the neighborhood, esp if they are likely to include some legally carrying concealed automatic weapons. And who to call on if in need.
I wonder how many other chance contacts happen between two people with such rigorous schedules.
I also wonder if they'd both be happy to release their schedules for the day.
For one thing, he has a Secret Service detail who know about that sort of thing, and no doubt that her security detail probably knew he was in the vicinity.
So his security detail said, "Hey, by the way! Loretta Lynch is coming in the afternoon and you are going to be plane neighbors!"
I'm sure Bill Clinton will release his schedule right alongside his schedule from the day Broaddrick accused him of forcible rape.
They were careless people, Bill and Hillary - they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.
So what other incidents have their been with this administration where the Clintons got special access/privileges?
Now we know what happened in Benghazi. Sheer coincidence, doc. A million to one.
I am still bothered about the fact that the meeting was apparently on a neutral third plane. That took planning, and doesn't fit into the narrative about a spontaneous meeting.
That said, the political and optics are interesting. Lynch seemingly was put in a box a bit by this, as evidenced by her promise to abide by whatever her career prosecutors decided. Except, that a lot of them were hand picked and hired by the leftists running the DoJ (aren't apparently that many moderates or conservatives left there after almost eight years of Obama, Holder, and Lynch), so they may be safe. And she didn't promise exactly to do what was suggested by her people, but rather to listen to them. Still, if the FBI says indict, it is going to be hard politically to resist, esp with Trump calling corruption.
That's your takeaway from this, Chuck?
portrayed by an unnamed security person
Unnamed security person gets promoted to unnamed security manager.
@Maybee - maybe more on the lines of him asking who interesting was around, their responding "AG Lynch", and him thinking that this would be a good time to stroke her. (Not that way - her husband was apparently there too). His personal charisma is legendary, and in 70 years, probably has no doubt how his presence affects everyone around him.
It's not what it looks like!
Love that comment, Bill.
I'd say bucksnort but a lot of people don't know what that means.
What actually happened here was Lolo and BJ conspired to send a message. "The Clintons are friends of mine. Indict Hillary and you'll be cleaning toilets in Nome, Alaska"
Among his names are BJ and Blythe. Maybe I live in a novel.
Now that they've decided to remake the Clinton movie, the part of Susan McDougal will be played by Loretta Lynch.
I wonder who gets to be Vince Foster this time?
In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
There is no revolution taking place. There is no one telling the truth. It will be years before we finally (if ever) learn what is happening.
"Is there some alert all the private plane people get? Maybe they all have an app."
There is a website sort of like that. It shows tail numbers (?) at airports. The numbers tell who owns the planes. I know someone who uses it to see who is flying into our local airports each day.
Where's a HAL 9000 computer when you need one?
Bill Clinton is ex-President with Secret Service escort and Loretta Lynch is the U.S. Attorney General wth FBI escort. This is not Kevin Costner deciding to jump into his airplane and fly to Vegas for lunch.
Maybe the plan is to force an independent prosecutor, which would likely delay any action until after the election. At that point there would be enormous political pressure not to do anything. Bill must have talked to Hillary before the "chance" meeting to get her okay.
I don't get why the FBI hasn't talked to Hillary yet. She isn't taking the Fifth. You want to lock her in a story before she has the opportunity to learn what everyone else says and tailor her testimony accordingly. It isn't like they get just one shot at the apple. They can talk to her as much as they want. After all, she agreed to talk to anyone at anytime, didn't she?
During a jovial interview with Capeheart Lynch joked that Holder should have told her "where the lock on the plane door was." So the administration and their media followers have obviously decided to throw Bill under the bus and save Loretta. I guess the calculation is that voters have already factored Bill's bad behavior (rape/sexual assault in oldspeak) into their decision, so this will not negatively effect Hillary. Since Hillary's biggest claim to the Presidency and entire reason for being elected Senator is her marriage to Bill - this seems wrong.
The NY Post has a great headline on their cover for this, "Snakes on a Plane".
Remember, we are dealing with the King and Queen of chutzpah here. If the Attorney General rules against them, the Clintons will claim that she was just trying to avoid a charge of being compromised by this meeting, and if she steps aside and the next DoJ level rule against them, they will claim it was just retaliation for impugning the integrity of the Attorney General and the Department.
When it comes to Bill meeting a woman on a plane with no reporters allowed, isn't it a bit insulting to Attorney General Lynch to throw out the possibility it was a booty call?
One of the things Lynch is investigating is Hillary's inappropriate, off the record meetings.
Did Lynch intend to record on her calendar the time she spent with Bill? Had she already done so or did she change it after the reporter questioned her about it? The Clintons aren't just corrupt, they corrupt everybody around them.
Blogger Bruce Hayden said..."I am still bothered about the fact that the meeting was apparently on a neutral third plane. That took planning, and doesn't fit into the narrative about a spontaneous meeting."
The reporting is that it was not a third plane, but rather was Lynch's plane.
Considering the source, both sides wanted to leak this and pin it on BC. If they are on the same Tarmac I don't see BC taking pains to avoid her. Why should he? He is a gregarious guy. This is much ado about nothing but benefits Trump people and Obama alike. Remember Obama is not on Clinton side.
He just started walking over and [even {Loretta Lynch's} security] can’t tell him, 'you can’t do that.'
Bullshit. Both President & Mrs Clinton are no longer in government service. They are "civilians" &, in theory if not in practice, have no right to just interfere with government employees in the course of their duties as they please.
Left out of this discussion for now is that this may very well not be the first time these legally dubious meetings between Obama administration officials & the Clinton campaign have occurred. This is just the first time they got caught.
What Clinton did was show her how powerful he is. He can do whatever he wants.
Intimidation move.
Yes. And Bill is also a potential target with the Foundation under investigation.
And what Blogger Bill said...
They were careless people, Bill and Hillary - they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.
They were described as "A tornado that went through peoples' lives."
@Tommy Duncan is exactly right.
In this article with have a security individual within earshot of the conversation who self identifies as opposed to the Obama administration willing to speak to the press about a private conversation between the AG and Bill Clinton without authorization. If this interview was actually not authorized how long do you think it would take for this individual to be identified and find themselves assigned to guard the water fountain in the Old Post Office Building.
The news media already is full of how Loretta Lynch "has promised to follow the recommendations of her staff," which she has not exactly promised. I think they do not trust her, and there is going to be one hell of a howl if she takes more direct action against the Clintons than the staff recommends.
"There is going to be one hell of a howl if she takes more direct action against the Clintons than the staff recommends."
-- The chance of her doing MORE against Clinton than her staff suggested was literally 0%, so I don't think we have to worry about this scenario. Seriously, if the FBI walks in to the politically charged office Lynch is running and said: "Good news, you don't have to do the hard thing!"
She is not, for the first time in her political career going to say, "You know what? Screw it. I'm making the difficult choice the one time everyone thinks I shouldn't."
She doesn't dare tell him he can't come into her private plane, but she will totally dare indict his wife.
pm317 said...
Considering the source, both sides wanted to leak this and pin it on BC. If they are on the same Tarmac I don't see BC taking pains to avoid her. Why should he? He is a gregarious guy. This is much ado about nothing but benefits Trump people and Obama alike. Remember Obama is not on Clinton side.
7/2/16, 11:20 AM"
What brand of absurd credulity pills do you take? Yeah, Bill just strolled over to say hello to the AG. The fact that he himself, his wife and now it appears his son-in-law are persons of interest to the FBI have nothing to do with it. As for Obama there is no benefit to him since all most of Bill's and Hill's criminal conduct took place on his watch with his tacit approval. If it benefits Trump, what of it? It wasn't Trump that engaged in the Clinton's criminal conduct. Lynch is truly a fool for allowing herself to be hustled by Bill Clinton. She should have made sure that it was a photo opp and with plenty of people present if it was just an impromptu meeting exchanging social pleasantries. Or was it something else in which case she herself may become a person of interest; does the term obstruction of justice register with you?
The promises are not about what the FBI submits, but about what the DoJ decides to do with whatever the FBI submits, and there could be lot of parsing of sentences involved.
(The FBI is sort of a state within the state. It is an agency within the DoJ, but largely independent of it. J. Edgar may be dead, but his spirit lives!)
We all know how this works itself out. The spinning has already begun. You know, Bubba is a really friendly guy. He is such a lovable rogue. Even if he was intimidating the AG, it was because he loves Hills so very much. The VRWC is a real thing. Who wouldn't pull-out all the stops to prevent the right wingers from destroying the USA? Look how much good the Clinton Foundation has done around the world, especially in Haiti.
Bill Clinton's approval number goes up! Blowjobs for abortions. You know the drill!
So President Smiley makes a fool of female AG two weeks ago. Now former President Scamp compromises here integrity this week. Sounds like a war on woman. Black woman at that!
You'd think a pretend lawyer and real Republican would be more concerned with the monumental impropriety involved than the completely irrelevant third plane theory. Keep wallowing in your own stupidity, Chuckles.
Notice how the excuse and the story keeps morphing and changing...
Code Red!
Carvile, Begala, Lanny, Steppie, Nina, ...! All hands on deck!
Get booked on a show tomorrow. You know what to say!
These guys make that Rhodes fellow look like a novice.
I bet you didn't know Lynch made a YouTube video with golf pointers for Tiger Woods.
#Check Your Privilege.
Still no evidence it wasn't a booty call.
Blogger MayBee said...
"She doesn't dare tell him he can't come into her private plane, but she will totally dare indict his wife.
Shhhh! The dog and pony show must unfold as planned. If you don't applaud you will be suspect.
The media do not feel all that comfortable about their candidate's security. They are all pointing out that Comey is a Republican - I don't know on what evidence - which sounds like preparing for a "vast rightwing conspiracy" defense.
Bill: "I want you to know that we appreciate everything you do for (H)ill.Everything you do for (H)ill."
Fact is, Bill knew Hillary was going to be interviewed by the FBI this weekend and just sauntered over to get a heads up on the line of questioning.
No big deal, although Scooter Libby could have used such heads up.
Everything is going according to plan.
Bill Clinton is not only a consummate politician, but an accomplished criminal.
Thanks to the compliant and or stupid mediaswine the potential benefits of this meeting are substantial, while the risks are minimal.
Blogger hombre said..."Fact is, Bill knew Hillary was going to be interviewed by the FBI this weekend and just sauntered over to get a heads up on the line of questioning."
He certainly knew that the interview was this weekend.
Keeping in mind that Lynch kept the Clinton meeting secret; I wonder how many other unethical secret meetings Obama and his administration have had during his two terms which Obama successfully kept secret?
William Bolton,
The private plane FBO is on the south side of the north runway. I've been there many times. You just don't see that many jet aircraft there. It's not that kind of town.
>>I wonder if the tapes of the radio comms from Ground Control to the aircraft would show how much coordination there was.
I bet if you ask, you'll be told the hard drive they were on crashed, and then the server was wiped. With a cloth.
Well, Clinton needs to be charge with TSA violations as his actions were clearly against the law.
Legal experts say investigators could be looking into potential violations of Section 1924 of Title 18, which deals with the unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material, or even the Espionage Act, which makes it a crime for anyone “through gross negligence,” to allow the loss, theft or removal of classified information or fails to promptly report such mishandling to his superior.
Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article87312972.html#storylink=cpy
Hmmm. Bill was trying to plea bargain for Hillary? If this is what the FBI is also looking at a lot of people in the Obama Administration have a problem including Obama himself. Then there is the corruption aspect of this scandal which puts Bill in the crosshairs himself.
This story smells worse than the "we just talked about grandchildren" fib. Why anonymous? What's the risk? Is Lynch going to fire a security man for supporting her story? Why the New York Observer, why not the Times or the WaPo? Assured publication and credibility. The Observer is a minor newspaper without a staff of reporters and stringers outside of Manhattan. They could never get a scoop on a major national story unless the story happens in New York or unless from out of the blue a call comes from out of the blue with a scoop to offer on condition of anonymity. The Observer is also known as conservative-leaning, which in Manhattan means slightly to the right of Barrack Obama; they've also not endorsed a candidate. The NYT and the Washington Post are already well known for their rabid anti-Trump rhetoric and as Clintonistas of the first water. One doesn't plant such a story in one of those papers because it would be rightly seen as desperate pro-Hillary bullshit, but a tiny, struggling upstart with a reputation yet to be built, that's fertile ground for disinformation.
This all was done with Hillary’s knowledge and approval. Rules are for the little people......
WTF?! A former president has access to anything, anywhere, and anytime? No fucking way.
He's due some respect as a former president (even for this impeached, sexual predator), but he had no right to get on that plane with out Lynch's permission and her security detail had every right to deny him and his secret service detail access.
If Bill showed up on my doorstep, I'd ask him if he had an appointment. Since he wouldn't have one, I'd ask him to leave the premises immediately. I have young females about I need to be concerned with.
Neither the administartion, Mr Clinton, Mrs Clinton care about how this event looked. How it looked, even the mere appearance of impropriety, should matter. But this administration has simply boiled the frog.
It was obviously a good idea and it paid off. Why?
CNN just announced that sources have told them no charges will be brought against Hillary.
There you have it folks.
So she was surrounded by advisors who knew it was a bad idea and she still did it? What does that say about her?
If this account is true, of course. It reads like classic spin. Wasn't our idea. Oh no. All of a sudden here was the former President of the United States climbing the stairs of our plane. We had no idea. We thought it might be Pizza Hut delivering. And they discussed grandchildren. Even though Lynch has no grandchildren. She might have some someday, and she was glad to get grandkid advice from Clinton.
(Advisors, do you think this will hurt Loretta's Supreme Court chances? They looked so good just a few days ago.)
Just look at the personal attacks on me in this post. There was TCom:
TCom said...
Chuck seems awfully eager to make this obvious display of impropriety look legit. No third plane? They must have talked about grandkids!!
Chuck is a Dutch Oven Republican.
And then there was Darrell:
Darrell said...
Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton because Chuck was unavailable
This question was put to me:
exhelodrvr1 said...
That's your takeaway from this, Chuck?
And Fabi, who admitted to misquoting me and mischaracterizing me previously, attacked me this way:
Fabi said...
You'd think a pretend lawyer and real Republican would be more concerned with the monumental impropriety involved than the completely irrelevant third plane theory. Keep wallowing in your own stupidity, Chuckles.
Let's not forget Gahrie, with this typically insightful analysis:
Gahrie said...
There goes Rush Limbaugh's breathlessly-told theory that a third plane had been arranged for a secret, coordinated meeting
So we're left with two Democrats behaving badly....which funnily enough, doesn't seem to bother you all that much.
Well, well. Let's get to it. I'll bold this, in the hope of gaining the attention of my detractors.
TCom: No, I never said a word about this meeting appearing "legit." I think the meeting was at a minimum a stupid and unsightly political blunder by Bill Clinton and the AG. At worse, it was... well I don't even know. A breach of DoJ rules? A felony? Your guess is as good as mine. I don't think the meeting was "legit." I never thought it was "legit." And I never suggested that it was "legit."
Darrell: Fuck you and your trashtalk. Do yourself a favor, and maybe keep yourself out of trouble, by spending the rest of this July 4 weekend looking for my comments supportive of Democrats. Be sure to report back with all of your evidence. I could be wrong, but I am going to guess that I have spent more hours volunteering for the Republican Party than you have.
exhelodrvr1: No, Rush Limbaugh's having falsely reported on a "third plane" was NOT my "takeaway." Rush Limbaugh's false report was a subject of a comment of mine. One comment from me was not my "takeaway." And my comment was prompted by the blog's hostess and proprietress having done a blog post on Rush Limbaugh's analysis of this story. You want my takeaway on this story? It's a bad story; bad for Bill Clinton, bad for Hillary Clinton, bad for Loretta Lynch, bad for the Obama Department of Justice. I don't care for any of them. I wish success for none of them.
And then there's Fabi, who so surprisingly seems to have learned nothing from the last time that I was challenged, and Fabi ended up apologizing. I don't know, and don't much care about being accused of "pretend lawyer" status. The State Bar of Michigan and Martindale-Hubbell would be surprised and disappointed at my listing with them for thirty years. The "third plane" might actually be irrelevant, Fabi. But only because it was a fiction. That's bad for Rush, who reported it as truth. I correct Rush; and I'm the stupid one?!?
Oh and last -- and least -- there's Gahrie, presuming that the Clinton-Lynch meeting "didn't bother me much." Wrong. I've already filled you in on my view on the meeting's legitimacy. Gahrie did what so many readers of this blog have done. That is to presume that because I have criticized Trump, or Rush, or any of their lowest-common-denominator ilk, that I must be a Democrat sympathizer. Hell; many of you are less critical of Professor Althouse, and she did what I never even considered, which was to vote for Barack Obama.
Chuck. Get over yourself.
Can anyone POSSIBLY believe a very senior official who is a lawyer and knows exactly what is proper, would do what she did? Either she is grossly incompetent or crooked as Hillary (but not as Machevillian.)
Either way she should be fired or resign.
Were you available?
My apologies then.
Gahrie did what so many readers of this blog have done. That is to presume that because I have criticized Trump, or Rush, or any of their lowest-common-denominator ilk, that I must be a Democrat sympathizer.
No, that's not it at all. I have criticized both Trump and Rush, and managed to do it without insulting the Republican base, which you are apparently unable to do. Now that doesn't make you a Moby. There are plenty of Republican Establishment lackeys who act that way.
What makes you a Moby is that you attack Republicans on threads about Democrats behaving badly, and never attack Democrats at all.
Was this in her plane, or a neighboring plane?
I don't think it was pre-arranged on her part, but he same thing woukldn't go for Bill Clinton!
"but he same thing woukldn't go for Bill Clinton!"
I get three quarters of what you type.
PLEASE slow down.
You can sort of file this one under, " honest to god. I just slipped and fell right on the cucumber, and THAT's how it wound up in my ass." kind of coincidence.
I totally believe it.
I really do.
"After Clinton got off.. "
Oh, my.
Gahrie said...
What makes you a Moby is that you attack Republicans on threads about Democrats behaving badly, and never attack Democrats at all.
That is a complete, utter, nonsensical lie.
And because I don't like to just tell people they are wrong; I'm the kind of guy who gets in your face and tells you exactly why you are wrong and dares you to prove otherwise...
Here I am commenting at the Althouse blog on John Edwards:
Here I am commenting at the Althouse blog on Bowers v. Hardwick, after Professor Althouse's mention of that case:
Here I am, with the simple comment "Double. Down." That was in response to Elizabeth Warren's preposterous self-defense at the time of her American Indian qualifications scandal:
I wish it were easier to search old comments under my name; maybe somebody knows a better way, than simply relying on a Google search with "Althouse" and "Chuck" as included terms.
Anyway, the notion that I routinely criticize Republicans and never criticize Democrats is largely the opposite of the truth.
"Sorry, you and your spouse are persons of interest in a current criminal investigation and I should not speak with you without recording the conversation in full, with witnesses present and you advised of your Miranda rights."
I don't see how the AG saying that takes more than one minute. And saying anything more should result in her resignation, or if not, her firing.
Anyway, the notion that I routinely criticize Republicans and never criticize Democrats is largely the opposite of the truth.
Maybe it's the contrapositive of the truth, but you do seem to be pretty good about criticizing the enemies of the Clintons, whichever party they are in.
No, tim, that is just not true. I've written more times than I can count, that I am an avid consumer of The National Review, the Wall Street Journal and the Weekly Standard.
I'd submit that among the handful of leading -- and most influential critics of Hillary Clinton and the entire Obama Administration in the matter of the Benghazi attacks is Steve Hayes of The Weekly Standard. Steve is also, like me, a devout hater of Donald Trump.
Has there been a more visible critic of the Clintons in print than Jonah Goldberg of National Review? He is the embodiment of "NeverTrump."
Just yesterday the lead editorial at the largely anti-Trump Wall Street Journal was laying into Clinton, Lynch and this entire mess:
You are free to agree with me about Trump; or you can disagree. What you cannot do is equate "anti-Trump" with "pro-Clinton." It clearly doesn't work, with the carefully edited pages of any of the publications I mentioned. And it doesn't work with me or my own history on the Althouse blog.
The next post Althouse writes critical of a Democrat, Chuck will immediately post about how much he hates Trump, and what idiots Republican voters are.
You know, it's a funny thing. I didn't start in with Trump in the present post. I criticized Rush Limbaugh. And even at that, it wasn't much of a criticism. It was a simple observation that Rush had been wrong about a "third plane." And the general topic of Rush hadn't even been raised by me. It was Ann Althouse herself, a few days ago, who remarked on that particular monologue by Limbaugh (which gave raise to my first mention of Rush's accusation of a "third plane").
So a simple observation about a Limbaugh error, is twisted into my supposed support for a President Clinton.
Does that strike anyone else as weird? Fear and loathing on the campaign trail, 2016.
The next post Althouse writes critical of a Democrat, Chuck will immediately post about how much he hates Trump, and what idiots Republican voters are. - Gahrie
And I predict that the sun will set as per usual this evening. I am betting we could both get about the same odds.
Chuck will only attack Hillary through references to other people's attacks on her. He will never soil his own mouth by speaking ill of her in his own words. That's because he is following the MOBY manual and, as Unknown and Shiloh also demonstrate, it is critical that no direct mention of Hillary ever be made. This is because it will inevitably provoke an avalanche of true and effective rebuttals. Much better for Hillary, as Blogger Chuck does every time, to keep the focus on criticism of Trump, and all mentions of Hillary sort of off stage.
I'm guessing the "unnamed security person" also believes in the tooth fairy. Or is a Democrat. Same difference.
CNN just announced that sources have told them no charges will be brought against Hillary.
Then it's time to do away with all national security laws.
Since the higher-ups are free to ignore them, it seems patently unfair to not allow the lower down on the pole types to not do the same. I would love to see a Republican pass legislation doing away with them.
Call it the Clinton bill.
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