"Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is my first choice. I also admire the fact that he fights for the people and he also is going to fight for you. He is a solid, solid person," Trump said, praising Pence for leading his state well despite what he said was obstruction from the Obama administration.ADDED: "So if Clinton and Pence are both experienced, and you prefer Trump over Pence, you somewhat automatically extend that thinking to Clinton – with all of her boring experience – and imagine her to be a weak version of Trump as well."
"What a difference between crooked Hillary Clinton and Mike Pence," Trump said, saying that the Indiana governor would never be afraid to say the words, "radical Islamic terrorism."
१६ जुलै, २०१६
"I'm here today to introduce my partner in this campaign and the White House to fix our rigged system — we are in a rigged, rigged system..."
"... and to make America safe again, and to make America great again," Trump said.
३३७ टिप्पण्या:
337 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»One of Trump's best speeches. He has really improved but still in his unique style.
The nomination of Hillary proves that the Democrat primary system is rigged.
The nomination of Trump proves that the GOP primary system is not rigged.
Trump has learned to ramble on and on like a politician, does that help prove he's capable of being Presidential? Pence says he is a Conservative before he is a Republican, which is the problem with the Republican Party, it is running out of people who consider themselves Republicans first. I miss the Grand Old Party.
Just think if Scott Walker had chosen to support Trump instead of Ryan and Cruz. That could be Scott on the stage and headed for the Presidency after Trump's 8 years.
Also, Melania stayed home.
Hillary Clinton must never become president.
- Krumhorn
Trump is inarticulate but his basic philosophy is sound. I think most people get it. But I do feel like slapping him every time he says, 'incredible' or 'amazing. Can't his advisors come up with some other adjectives?
It's kind of weird that being able to say "radical Islamic terrorism" turns out to be a credential.
Has anybody done an analysis of Trump's style of speaking? Not just mockery at the "yuuuge" and funny short declarations. But the repetition of adjectives. Frankly, I'm telling you, it's very, very effective in a demotic way.
For the elites, used to a very different manner of speaking, it seems to rub them exactly the wrong way. Which only adds to his fun.
I hope that by 2020 we will have come back to "governing the country" and have forgotten this B.S. about "fighting for this or that or whomever."
Eric the Fruit Bat @ 11:35 AM: "t's kind of weird that being able to say "radical Islamic terrorism" turns out to be a credential."
Weird. And sad.
I think we will be saying that phrase for a very long time.
Maybe the rule of the deniers is coming to an end. Don't know.
The additional tagline of Make America Safe Again is perfect.
But I do feel like slapping him every time he says, 'incredible' or 'amazing. Can't his advisors come up with some other adjectives?
7/16/16, 11:35 AM
"Fab" might help with the gay vote.
"Islamic Terror Deniers" has a nice ring to it.
Very odd dynamics on that stage. Immediatly Trump leaves the stage as if in a hurry, facial expression retstarined. Maybe that is the key, he has been restrained by his handlers which seem to include his adult children. I don't think this is sitting well with him. He has been diminished. Now he's going to have to dial down his own personality to compete with or at least not contrast negatively with the more dignified Pence. No wonder Trump had serious doubts with choosing Pence and wanted to know if he could change his mind, making midnight calls in frantic indecision. Trump is not Presidential, Pence makes him look even less so, the contrast is too stark.
Current events are overshadowing er trumping Trump's ramblin' minutiae. Had completely forgot about this.
The ratings for the convention(s) will continue downward even the corresponding choirs may not watch.
And his childish 'crooked Hillary' is wearing extremely thin. I know, Althouse cons love it, but he already has "most" of your votes.
Hopefully he uses it at the debate(s) ...
"Maybe the rule of the deniers is coming to an end. Don't know."
It may end violently, though.
There can be but little doubt that Turkey will be in upheaval for some time, no matter how things shake out in Ankara. There is even less doubt that ISIS and al-Qaeda are putting out an all-points bulletin to jihadis to converge on Turkey to exploit the situation there. This is but the first detonation, following on Nice. More alas is likely to come.
The last 48 hours have blown the hinges off NATO's southern door. The European Union was relying on Turkey to stand between it and the chaos of Syria. Now the wall is threatening to collapse on Frau Merkel. The chaos she sought to keep at bay may have moved one country closer to the heart of Europa, a Europa which the French security failure suggests is defenseless against the fire which it, itself, has started within its borders.
There is some interest in the fact that Erdogan is blaming the coup attempt on an obscure Turkish imam in Pennsylvania.
A Gülen-allied organization, the Alliance for Shared Values, has condemned the coup unequivocally and denied any involvement. And there is no evidence as of this writing that Gülen or any of his groups or followers were involved in the slightest. Gülen was formerly a close ally of Erdoğan’s government, but they had a massive falling out in late 2013. Since then, Gülen and his movement — now officially designated as a terrorist group in Turkey — have emerged as one of the government’s favorite targets. So it’s very possible that Erdoğan would target Gülen even if he played no role in the events.
Some of Vox's opinion may be biased. The Gullen movement may represent dissatisfaction with the Islamist trend of Erdogan's rule in Turkey.
Gülenists insist they believe in secular democracy, and they have relatively progressive views on many social issues: For instance, boys and girls are educated on equal footing in Gülen schools. The movement stresses interfaith cooperation, and Gülen had a good relationship with Pope John Paul II, spurring criticism from more conservative Muslims in Turkey.
They are reported to be in the Sufi branch of Islam. This is more passive and mysticism is more a feature than jihad.
Interesting times we live in.
Trump being politically "inarticulate" goes down as a positive attribute, not a negative one. It's part of his rejection of political correctness.
Speaking of debates, how will Trump comport himself during a debate with Hillary? I suspect he will get very flustered, red faced, start making those faces that he did at the Republican debates. Pence diminishes Trump by comparison, Clinton will finish him off during the debates, if he debates her that is. I predict he will have another fundraiser rather than risk debating her.
Trolls are thick here today.
Trump's inarticulate way of speaking only appeals to about 30% of the voting population, maybe even less.
He could have done a lot worse so that's good. All the right people don't like Pence, he is not a gimmick and seriously qualified.
For all of Trump's speaking habits, its not as bad as the teleprompter reading machine we have now. ummm... ummm.. 57 states Corps Man Our Fault guy.
He talks like a three-year old.
"Clinton will finish him off during the debates"
Haha you're delusional.
Whomever Trump picked would have been demonized by the Left and media (somewhat redundant). I liked Joni Ernst, but Pence, I hope, will work.
Learning to love Trump has been an interesting exercise for me. Before the primary, I thought he was a boastful, New York, loudmouth millionaire. During the primary, I thought he was a bored millionaire, performing a political publicity stunt.
But he capitalized on some serious miscalculations by the GOP establishment and conservatives and won the nomination fair and square.
Now, he is about 2 points away from winning the whole enchilada.
Putting aside his showmanship, on the merits Trump is much better than Hillary on (1) SCOTUS picks, (2) reducing illegal immigration, (3) combatting radical Islam and (4) possibly Trade issues, where many blue collar Union guys here have lost their jobs and livelihoods (bitterly clinging to guns and religion, as a famous pol once said).
Also, as Althouse noted, Trump is softer on conservative social issues - he won't demonize gays, he's probably pro-choice, he's probably not racist at all towards blacks (whose jobs have been threatened by low wage illegals). But evangelicals are indeed warming towards him, because he's made the right enemies (media stooges, leftists, La Raza, college kids at Oberlin, Pajama Boy, et al).
It may be awkward, it may be a bit unorthodox, but it seems to be working. He fights harder than Romney did. He's a street brawler. And, maybe the GOP and some of its choir boys like Paul Ryan could use a healthy dose of what he's got.
How does Pence fit in? A normal stable, conservative contrast to Trump - nothing more needed.
I say Vote Trump in November!
It's kind of weird that being able to say "radical Islamic terrorism" turns out to be a credential.
Well, it isn't that it is a credential so much that not being able to say it is now a disqualifier in the minds of many. Put another way, common sense is the credential, I suppose. There is a reason the fable of the naked king resonates through history, no?
Owen wrote: "For the elites, used to a very different manner of speaking, it seems to rub them exactly the wrong way. Which only adds to his fun."
I think Trump just speaks the way he always has. I believe it has been very smart of him to not change it, and the criticism he gets only reinforces that belief- it seems and is unhinged.
Indiana law championed by Pence -- "A person may not intentionally perform or attempt to perform an abortion before the earlier of viability of the fetus or twenty (20) weeks of post fertilization age if the person knows that the pregnant woman is seeking the abortion solely because the fetus has been diagnosed with Down syndrome ... or other [non-lethal] disability"
Crooked Hillary looks better all the time.
Hillary's sociopathic corruption only appeals to about 30% of the voting population, maybe even less.
"Put another way, common sense is the credential, I suppose."
Yup and it is rare these days, especially in Washington.
We are in a fight for our lives and the left is worried about LGBT bathrooms.
Clinton will finish him off during the debates
I'm betting Trump is loaded for bear for when debate time comes. There's so much there to work with. If this were Jeopardy, "Crooked Hillary" is the category, and the column below it is almost infinite.
"We are the law and order candidates!"
This sounds like a guy playing a role, a bad actor. Childish even. He doesn't elaborate How he will be the law and order candidate, but he doesn't elaborate on any of his claims. When he does get pressed into elaborating, he most often puts his foot in his mouth. "Trust me" he says and they do, dupes.
Here's a simple question to consider. Would you rather have had Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton at the helm during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Alex, I take Crooked Hillary for $3.2 billion.
The person upthread who doubted if Trump would show up for a debate with Clinton is probably right. Trump doesn't have a handle on the issues and he's not so dumb that he doesn't know she will make him appear the dunce. He will chicken out as he did before.
Luigi said...
The person upthread who doubted if Trump would show up for a debate with Clinton is probably right. Trump doesn't have a handle on the issues and he's not so dumb that he doesn't know she will make him appear the dunce. He will chicken out as he did before.
That's the beauty of Trump. You guys consistently underestimate him. Consequently he makes you look like fools.
We're strong enough to weather four more years of an Obama/Clinton administration at home. Four years of Trump as commander-in-chief? I don't know.
Crisis of any sort, who should be at the helm?
Clinton, obviously. Trump doesn't have what it takes, he is mercurial, indecisive, narcissistic and not very bright.
Laver10 said...
He talks like a three-year old.
No. He talks like he's talking to a three year old. But, ya know, do whatever you have to do to make him seem small to you.
Once more, Who is more boring than Scott Walker. It was all his until Ryan pulled Scott into supporting a Cruz coup.
Pence is a good communicator at a second grade level, leaving fourth grade level wide open for Trump. Walker could have done that easy.
Of course we all know that Hillary is a great debater - just look at how the DNC showcased the numerous primary debates. (/sarc)
We're at the point in the Clinton campaign where they're hiring people to comment on popular blogs.
The trouble is that Hillary has a track record. As much as I don't like Trump, every good argument against Trump is an even more devastating argument against Hillary.
The trolls are adding comic relief to these days of danger and hardship.
Thanks, Hillary.
These arent so much contests between persons but between peoples. This wasnt the way of US politics, really, in prosperous times, but it is now. The candidates arent so much individuals among whom one can choose, but figureheads for tribes.
The longer term problem for the establishment is that the 30-40% that like Trumps way of speaking hate their guts with a burning passion, and these people are remarkably well armed. And more so every day.
They should consider making large concessions to tone down the hate, but they wont.
"Clinton, obviously."
Hillary has failed at every opportunity she has had 'at the helm.'
Voted for the Iraq War.
Voted against the Iraq War.
Turned Libya into a failed state.
Completely surprised when al Qaida attacked and killed a US ambassador on 9/11/2012.
Invasion of Ukraine. Unable to contain Putin.
Called Assad a reformer.
Did not oppose withdrawal of forces from Iraq, paving the way for ISIS in Iraq.
Unable to handle secure communications.
Laver10 said...
He talks like a three-year old.
No. He talks like he's talking to a three year old. But, ya know, do whatever you have to do to make him seem small to you.
7/16/16, 12:24 PM
Yes indeed, he's talking to people who think at that level. As for the rest of us we want an adult at the helm, someone who knows how to speak to adults and think like adults. This isn't beanbag, it's the Presidency. Wise up.
"Ms. Meadows, Clinically Depressed Therapist"
I have patients that are very distressed over the Election this year. It saddens me to see what little energy they have wasted on such a trivial thing. No President can make us better, the Abyss cares not for our Politics: everything for everybody ends in Defeat, eventually, and I believe it best to simply wait for it quietly...
I do have one patient who has vivid assassination fantasies: I probably shouldn't encourage his thinking, but when he speaks of them it is the only time I see him seem so alive -- sometimes I feel that I even share his excitement, too. It would be a meaningless statement of course, but different people have different ways of trying to tell the world that They Are Here...
Sometimes when I am drunk I try to imagine having the Passion to kill someone. It must feel good to have that kind of Passion: a sense of meaning, of direction, energy. When I am in this mood I scrawl a list of those I would hypothetically consider killing, but I usually decide that killing a stranger would bring the best satisfaction of Futility: if Life is Meaningless, it is Meaningless to Kill someone you don't even know...
So I walk the streets and look at the strangers I pass: I wonder if they can smell the alcohol on my breath. I could just kill one of them, or two, or three, and I will have made the Universe notice me, if only for the briefest of moments. Of course, the Despair would inevitably return, but the respite might be worth it...
That is the best my patients and I can hope for: a brief respite...
I am very drunk, but I will drive to the Liquor Store to get more alcohol. It's OK, I make the drive drunk all the time...
I am Laslo.
And amazingly she still looks preferable to Trump. No one else could lose with Hillary as the opponent, except for Trump, that just how bad he is.
The person upthread who doubted if Trump would show up for a debate with Clinton is probably right.
Uhhhhm, which candidate is it who hasn't held a press conference with her press corp since mid-December of 2015?
Trump, on the other hand, has never met a microphone he didn't like.
Does Trump know policy well enough to spout it on his feet? Probably not. But can Trump fake policy better than Hillary can take someone aggressively getting in her face about her many moral failings (which, remember, Bernie didn't do...). Yes, he probably can.
Scott Adams:
First of all, policies don’t matter in this election, or in any other election. Reason is mostly an illusion. And anyway, Pence will modify his positions to match Trump. No one cares.
So basically, I would have nothing to say to Scott Adams. And he'd likewise have nothing to say to me. And I wouldn't waste 30 seconds on his book. Or his comic strip.
If you wanted a Secretary of State who flew all over the world pushing a pro-abortion agenda and more government schooling for girls, well, then, Hillary was your choice.
According to the State Department, these are the duties of the SOS. How well do you thing Hillary performed these duties?
Serves as the President's principal adviser on U.S. foreign policy;
Conducts negotiations relating to U.S. foreign affairs;
Grants and issues passports to American citizens and exequaturs to foreign consuls in the United States;
Advises the President on the appointment of U.S. ambassadors, ministers, consuls, and other diplomatic representatives;
Advises the President regarding the acceptance, recall, and dismissal of the representatives of foreign governments;
Personally participates in or directs U.S. representatives to international conferences, organizations, and agencies;
Negotiates, interprets, and terminates treaties and agreements;
Ensures the protection of the U.S. Government to American citizens, property, and interests in foreign countries;
Supervises the administration of U.S. immigration laws abroad;
Provides information to American citizens regarding the political, economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian conditions in foreign countries;
Informs the Congress and American citizens on the conduct of U.S. foreign relations;
Promotes beneficial economic intercourse between the United States and other countries;
Administers the Department of State;
Supervises the Foreign Service of the United States.
You couldn't say anything bad about Hillary that I may not agree with, but Trump is still far worse.
Clinton, obviously. Trump doesn't have what it takes, he is mercurial, indecisive, narcissistic and not very bright.
You say Clinton then describe her to a tee afterwards. Odd. Remember, she didn't get indicted because Comey felt she was an imbecile.
Indiana law championed by Pence -- "A person may not intentionally perform or attempt to perform an abortion before the earlier of viability of the fetus or twenty (20) weeks of post fertilization age if the person knows that the pregnant woman is seeking the abortion solely because the fetus has been diagnosed with Down syndrome ... or other [non-lethal] disability"
Modern Progressives: Don't treat the disabled, just kill them. It's easier.
"Luigi wrote:
No one else could lose with Hillary as the opponent, except for Trump, that just how bad he is."
Yeah, Luigi, the GOP that nominated the popular vote loser in 5 out of the last 6 elections was on its way to victory in 2016 by nominating someone just like Bush or McCain or Dole or Romney.
You couldn't say anything bad about Hillary that I may not agree with, but Trump is still far worse.
In what way, exactly?
Terry, I think she was mediocre and I think she'd make a terrible president, but once again, who would you rather be there if we were facing a Cuban Missile Crisis?
A president who doesn't know what the Nuclear Triad is? A president that wants to change the laws so he can torture and kill just like ISIS? A president who doesn't know there is no Article XII?
For starters.
"Laver10 said...
Terry, I think she was mediocre and I think she'd make a terrible president, but once again, who would you rather be there if we were facing a Cuban Missile Crisis?"
If I wanted a nuclear war, I'd pick Hillary. She was worse than mediocre. She was incompetent.
A president who doesn't know what the Nuclear Triad is?
Hillary wouldn't if asked point blank, either.
A president that wants to change the laws so he can torture and kill just like ISIS?
Hillary wishes to violate the First and Second Amendment and ignore immigration laws. Forgive me if I hold my rights above a non-citizens.
A president who doesn't know there is no Article XII?
As opposed to a woman who was apparently unaware that it is quite illegal to set up a private email server to violate FOIA laws? A woman whose policies led to a global "refugee crisis"?
There is not many people I'd vote for Hillary over.
who would you rather be there if we were facing a Cuban Missile Crisis?
Hillary would be on the Soviet side (or at least on their payroll), so literally anybody but her.
You couldn't say anything bad about Hillary that I may not agree with, but Trump is still far worse.
Far worse, in what way?
Is Trump anywhere near as corrupt as Hillary & the Clinton Machine? No way in hell!
Has Trump been publicly reprimanded by the head of the FBI for systematically mis-handling classified information in a way, that as the FBI states, would get a lesser individual prosecuted?
Did Trump play a vital role in the fiasco in Libya, a military intervention carried out without a congressional Authorization to Use Military Force, which Bush had for both Afghanistan & Iraq?
We know how Trump made his millions. Got any idea how Bill & Hillary earned over $120 million in fifteen years, while one of that duo was in government service for 13 of those years? Or, where the Clinton Foundation's monies have come from?
What you mean by "Trump is worse" is that from an ideological point of view, Trump says things you & many on the Left disagree with, e.g. his racial "insensitivities". Trump most certainly will not be canonized anytime soon, but Hillary, on the other hand, is at the head of the most prominent political crime family in the US.
@Young Hegelian,
Trump is grossly incompetent and temperamentally unsuited for the Presidency.
Question: Has being erudite, articulate and knowledgeable helped any of our recent elected officials solve our problems?
The press has double standards. Here is why:
1. Trump wants attention. So, he gives lots of interviews, such as about his VP thinking. Press like John Heilmann of Bloomberg hit Trump either way: If he gives interviews, he is a toast. If he does not, then he is still a toast.
2.Queen is tight-lipped. The press surrogates force press to make deals. Remember: Mike Allen of Politico who tried to make a deal that went public. Then he backtracked.
Trump needs to prepare for his convention speech and the fall debates. Else he will be buried by everyone in the press. Everyone.
Lots of new names and hidden profiles rolling in the last few days. Full blown panic for Team Pantsuit.
Trump is grossly incompetent and temperamentally unsuited for the Presidency.
Yes, but isn't Hillary morally unsuited to be president, & more morally unsuited than any candidate we've seen in our lifetime?
It says much about you that you choose perceived "incompetence" (I mean, he hasn't done anything in office, yet) & "temperament" over just egregious immoral personal & political behavior.
For the Left, morality is all about having the proper ideology. Personal behavior & integrity have nothing to do with it.
Trump is grossly incompetent and temperamentally unsuited for the Presidency.
Can you compare his "incompetence" to Hillary's?
Hillary shat the bed with Libya and Syria. Shat the bed with Russia. In fact, in her nearly 40 years in government, one is hard-pressed to find an actual success of hers.
Trump has a poor temperament. OK. Hillary is corrupt. I guess you'd rather have polite than not corrupt.
Blogger Luigi said...
@Young Hegelian,
Trump is grossly incompetent and temperamentally unsuited for the Presidency.
This describes Hillary more accurately than it describes Trump, Luigi.
I keep asking for proof of Hillary's competence or suitability to become president. None of Hillary's supporters has ever come up with a good response. In 2008 I asked the same question of Obama supporters, I never got a good response from them, either.
The nuclear triad no longer exists. It was superceded long ago after the US declined to continue the manufacture of manned bombers, explicitly rejecting the "triad". There are so few operational these days that they amount to a "boutique" capability for a subset of use cases, not a fallback system for a general nuclear war. Its very hard, anymore, to discern an actual strategic concept for nuclear war, nor a national defense/budget investment strategy. Anyone speaking of the nuclear triad these days is a history buff or a poser.
buwaya puti said...
"These arent so much contests between persons but between peoples. This wasnt the way of US politics, really, in prosperous times, but it is now. The candidates arent so much individuals among whom one can choose, but figureheads for tribes."
It's got nothing to do with prosperity. The US is arguably more prosperous now than it has ever been, in economic terms. The tribalism into which politics is descending is the entirely predictable result of 50+ years of the Democrats hammering wedges into every last demographic fissure of the Union. The Democrats have taught us to hate our countrymen more than we love our country. The smaller tribes were naturally predisposed to that style of thinking. They got the message first, and obtained the first-mover advantage. Of course, their prospects look a little different now that the 800-pound gorilla is waking up.
Again, the whole concept of leadership personalities is false.
You are not electing a person with supreme power, you are electing a clique, a class. The president is largely a figurehead.
Your bigger problem is that the clique, the class currently running things in the US is running them into the ground, and they show no sign of reforming. None of the trolls address this matter. They themselves seem incompetent to argue above the fourth grade.
The US population is, most of it, manifestly less prosperous than it was, accounting for real purchasing power. Every measure of "opportunity" also aligns with this, from small business viability to social mobility. US society in general is sclerotic.
Blogger Fabi said...
Lots of new names and hidden profiles rolling in the last few days. Full blown panic for Team Pantsuit.
I was thinking the same thing. I expect the rhetoric to ramp up and the anti Trump hate to become quite frantic if he continues to lead in the polls.
"The nuclear triad no longer exists. It was superceded long ago after the US declined to continue the manufacture of manned bombers, explicitly rejecting the "triad"."
And explain how it's a good thing that someone running for President doesn't know what it was?
Blogger boycat said...
Clinton will finish him off during the debates
I'm betting Trump is loaded for bear for when debate time comes. There's so much there to work with. If this were Jeopardy, "Crooked Hillary" is the category, and the column below it is almost infinite.
There's so much there to work with NOW. The candidacy of Hillary Clinton provides openings an opponent could drive a big rig through, but Trump consistently fails to capitalize on them. If he's going to succeed, he needs to load up and start firing NOW. What's holding him back??
Because it is mere historic trivia from 1989.
Can you tell me, without looking it up, what the "Reforger" exercises were for? Very important matter given the threats of the day.
Do you think Hilary can tell you what USN planning is like regarding the China Sea situation?
I for one am sick and tired and past fed up with people pointing to Hillary's alleged "experience". Can anybody point to where she has learned anything from her mistakes? Anything at all? Anyone?
Fabi: "Lots of new names and hidden profiles rolling in the last few days. Full blown panic for Team Pantsuit."
There are certainly a lot of brand new "lifelong republican" Chucks running about.
And they are all putting forth Hillary's brand new limited modified hangout: okay okay, the email and security breaches are real and maybe somewhat of a big deal plus everything else, but Trump??!!
Whereas before it was just cackling all the way down.
It's as if Hillary's internal polling is telling her staff something in particular that is not encouraging....
Clinton leads Trump by 12 points ahead of Republican convention: Reuters/Ipsos poll.
I wonder if Trump should expound on potential moat fortifications and strategy or whether or not Alexander really knew what he was doing with modifying echelon formations for his phalanx.
If he doesn't it's highly likely that will become just another disqualifier for all of our brand new "lifelong republican" commenters.
Big Mike: "I for one am sick and tired and past fed up with people pointing to Hillary's alleged "experience". Can anybody point to where she has learned anything from her mistakes? Anything at all? Anyone?"
Well, she does have tons of skymiles.
"Clinton Leads Trump in Diverse Battleground States in New Polls
Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump in four of the most diverse presidential battleground states, according to brand-new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls.
Clinton is ahead of Trump by eight points among registered voters in Colorado, 43 percent to 35 percent; a combined 21 percent say neither, other or are undecided.
In Florida, which decided the 2000 presidential election, she's up seven points, 44 percent to 37 percent; the rest are undecided or prefer someone else.
In North Carolina, a state Obama won in 2008 but lost in 2012, Clinton leads by six points, 44 percent to 38 percent.
And in Virginia, Clinton's advantage is nine points, 44 percent to 35 percent."
@Jupiter, best line I've seen today: "The Democrats have taught us to hate our countrymen more than we love our country."
"It's as if Hillary's internal polling is telling her staff something in particular that is not encouraging...."
It's not just internal.
"Do you think Hilary can tell you what USN planning is like regarding the China Sea situation?"
Hillary knows that military planning for global warming and integrating the transgendered into the navy's command structure is absolutely essential in ensuring that US security requirements are met in the China Sea and elsewhere in the world. Also, military readiness is enhanced when female personnel are afforded greater access to abortion and protected from sexual discrimination and harassment. When elected, Hillary hopes that first spouse Bill Clinton will do for military women what Michelle Obama has done for childhood obesity.
"Trump needs to prepare for his convention speech and the fall debates. Else he will be buried by everyone in the press. Everyone."
Do you still think the press can "bury" anyone? Or is this more satire ?
From USA TODAY: "Reporters on Saturday chuckled at one of the pre-event musical selections: The Rolling Stones' 'You Can’t Always Get What You Want.'"
Chuckled? I would guess the reporters rather "chortled" or "laughed sardonically" or "elbowed each other saying, 'What a dope.'" I would have.
I'm also sick and tired and fed up with people who just write about Trump's alleged "incompetence" and "temperamental unsuitability". Can you provide examples of his incompetence? Because w. r. t. His opponent I can point to Libya, and the lack of a plan for what to do after Qaddaffi was overthrown. I can point to a Secretary of State who couldn't find anyone in all of Foggy Bottom to correctly translate "reset" into Russian.
Temperament issues? What is more indicative of temperament issues than trusting an ignorant sycophant like Sid Blumenthal over experts who have immersed themselves in their respective areas since before Hillary first arrived in Arkansas?
Hillary totally blew it in every way in Libya. And probably 500k dead in Syria. Hillary is a failure. I want Trump in a crisis.
Examples of his incompetence here. For example:
Trump’s first bankruptcy was in 1991 after he borrowed a stupidly irresponsible amount of money to finance that monument to excruciatingly bad taste known as the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. Trump is such a good manager that the casino’s slot machines began failing during its first week of business. Never one to let reality stand in the way of his confidence, Trump had financed the $1 billion project largely with junk bonds, which meant very high interest payments. Trump did not make enough money to meet his interest payment and so was forced into bankruptcy. His ownership of the casino was diluted, and he ended up having to give back 500 slot machines to the company that had provided them
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/431420/donald-trumps-2016-debate-lies-he-went-bankrupt
Hildabeast's campaign labelled Pence the "most extreme pick in a generation". Geez, he's the governor of Indiana. Indiana!! Flyover country.
Who's the extremist?
@Drago: her campaign's internal polling must be awful. Having her coronation interrupted by an actual campaign will be very stressful for Herself. She doesn't handle stress well. Trump has her rattled -- she was hoping for Jeb!
I don't think that Clinton was asked challenging questions in her "debates", at all.
Trump was often attacked, sandbagged, trapped, given leading questions, etc.
Sanders never even tried to land one on Clinton, nor even got into public policy specifics.
I wonder what would happen if someone were to ask her -
"What will the US brigade in Poland do if the Russians invade Latvia?"
Trump’s first bankruptcy was in 1991 after he borrowed a stupidly irresponsible amount of money to finance that monument to excruciatingly bad taste known as the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. Trump is such a good manager that the casino’s slot machines began failing during its first week of business. Never one to let reality stand in the way of his confidence, Trump had financed the $1 billion project largely with junk bonds, which meant very high interest payments.
Read that paragraph, Carter. "Stupidly irresponsible", "excruciatingly bad taste", "Never one to let reality stand in the way of his confidence".
Do you want to give us sources to back up your views or do you want to hector us until we agree? 'Cause to me, it looks like the latter, with that sort of tendentious language.
Humperdink@1:46, that's because it's the meme PP-ish org's had preselected for Pence, and they are all, from Hillary down to paid trolls, just putting it into action.
How can anyone say that Hillary does not create jobs after seeing all these trolls appear ?
J@Carter Wood, you walked right into my trap. It may interest you to know that 1991 was a quarter century ago (do the math) and there is ample evidence that he learned from his mistakes. Hillary's blunders are from a couple years ago, and there is no evidence that she had ever learned anything?
Michael K: "We are in a fight for our lives and the left is worried about LGBT bathrooms."
I am just tired of the dead-end behavior. Distraction, projection, ad hominem. Displacement activity to avoid addressing real issues where real costs might be imposed. False vocabularies to confuse and dominate others in the debate.
Reality has a way of intruding and just about every day now it is doing so with mass-casualty events, where the killer exits shouting [deleted] and proclaiming his loyalty to [deleted].
"The Democrats have taught us to hate our countrymen more than we love our country."
That really makes you look like a traitor to your country, so much for Republican patriotism. I always suspected all that wrapping themselves in the flag during the Bush years was fake.
Sukie Tawdry@1:16 said
What's holding him back??
Patience, grasshopper, patience. He's not the nominee yet, nor is Hillary. I seriously doubt he labelled her "Crooked Hillary" without the intention of listing and luxuriating in the ways the moniker applies. But the real campaign hasn't even started yet because nobody pays attention until after Labor Day. We may get a taste of what's to come with his convention speech next week.
Blogger Laver10 said..."We're strong enough to weather four more years of an Obama/Clinton administration at home. Four years of Trump as commander-in-chief? I don't know."
I fear we are not strong enough to weather four more years of the left's fantasy economic fetishes.
"That really makes you look like a traitor to your country, so much for Republican patriotism."
This teaching of hate is a Democratic specialty. It starts in schools, I have seen it (kids have been to both public and private schools). Its all about so and so is awful, he's your enemy, you must fight and take whats his. Literally, thats it for US history, and it leaks into every subject.
Do trolls get paid by the post or by the word? Who evaluates their work? Or are they in a union?
More hidden profiles! Profiles saved or created? Hahaha!
Hillary! declared Republicans to be her enemy, but we're the traitors. So noted.
Tommy Duncan, it's by the word, but with points awarded for views. This post by me, for example, will earn about 14 cents, plus $0.001 over the next twelve hours.
Elect Hillary, and you are likely to get a 6 to 3 progressive majority on the Supreme Court for the next 30 years.
A majority of 6 justices who are only interested in outcomes no matter what the Costitution reads like.
Paddy O said...
"We're at the point in the Clinton campaign where they're hiring people to comment on popular blogs. "
I realize the old crone has money to burn, but you'd think she'd get a better bang for her buck. I mean, the arguments of the trolls all boil down to "Trump's a big dummy with funny hair and the people who like him are dumb too!"
"A majority of 6 justices who are only interested in outcomes"
Part of the trouble is that they aren't actually interested in outcomes.
Being concerned about outcomes is a conservative thing (see Burke).
What they are concerned with is power for their clique.
YoungHegelian said...
. . .
Do you want to give us sources to back up your views or do you want to hector us until we agree? 'Cause to me, it looks like the latter, with that sort of tendentious language.
It's the adjective effect. Rather than make an argument you use adjectives. Liberal op-ed writers are the worst 'Bush's illegal war', 'the disastrous Iraq War, etc. Here is a selection from Gail collins' latest op-ed:
"His business career includes a string of bankrupt casinos, unpaid bills from small businesses, a smarmy “university” and a rather troubled Scottish golf course."
"But if Trump can’t negotiate some cheesy diversions, what makes anybody think he can negotiate a new trade deal with China?"
Many of his fans defend his crazy statements about Muslims or Mexican walls or trade wars with a wave of the hand and a “you know he doesn’t mean it.”
"The process by which Trump got to Pence was sort of stunning — several days of familial gatherings, muddied decision-making and an overweening sense that the Big Guy himself just couldn’t nail the decision down."
In your 1:50pm comment, you missed the silliest part of Carter Wood's 1:43pm quotation. He didn't even notice the blatant contradiction between these two criticisms of Trump:
1. "the casino’s slot machines began failing during its first week of business."
2. "he ended up having to give back 500 slot machines to the company that had provided them."
Any idiot would have given them back, and demanded his money back. They didn't work even for a whole week! You can criticize Trump for buying shoddy equipment in the first place, but criticizing him for returning the shoddy equipment shows (how to put this?) quite a lot of "incompetence" and "excruciatingly bad taste" on the part of 'Carter Wood'.
And what's the deal with two of our trolls calling themselves "Carter Wood" and "FranklinRoos"? Looks like Hillary HQ has a troll-name generator that combines a Democratic president's name with a four-letter surname of the form consonant-OO-consonant and then randomly adds or omits the space. Almost as bad as the Spam I keep getting (often within an hour of each other) from "Derek Jew Duncan" and "Daniel Antisemite Duncan", which always make me chuckle about how tense things must get at Duncan family Thanksgivings.
"Current events are overshadowing er trumping Trump's ramblin' minutiae"
Oh, sweet irony.
Current events are indeed trumping one of the candidate's campaigns. If ISIS and BLM and the New Black Panthers keep it up (and we have no reason to think they won't) that candidate will continue to be trumped, or should I say, schlonged?
Almost 4:00pm. Will we be hearing from Lyndon Hood and Truman Roof and Woodrow Boon and Clinton Doom (wait, that's a little close to the bone) when the shift changes at the troll works?
The sky is darker than the ground today.
Citizens want a brighter future. That's not happening. More people are abandoning work and giving up on possibilities. The sky is darker than the ground.
Yet another rightie commenter who obsesses over the identity of liberal commenters. Too funny. I changed my name for you, lol.
Dr Weevil said...
"Almost 4:00pm. Will we be hearing from Lyndon Hood and Truman Roof and Woodrow Boon and Clinton Doom (wait, that's a little close to the bone) when the shift changes at the troll works?"
I'm hoping Barack Poop makes an appearance. Or Clinton Boob. Oh, wait, no,no,...,
>>Trump's inarticulate way of speaking only appeals to about 30% of the voting population
UncleBenny, great to see you again. So, how are things over at The Department of Pulling Numbers Out of Your Ass?
"You can’t always get what you want..."
Love the song someone chose for the introduction of Trump's VP. Fitting in more ways than one.
BF can't seem to tell the difference between mockery and obsession. We just find it amusing to see you all show up at once from . . . somewhere, making the same stupid arguments we've all heard before, and it's not your identity that bothers anyone, it's your lack of one. (Pauses to click on BF's name.) As suspected, another 'Profile not available'. Interesting that no one even bothers to deny or respond to the charge of being Hillary trolls: following instructions from HQ? Non-responsiveness has always been one of Hillary's strong points.
Trump rambled on about himself for extended periods of time, then seemed to remember he needed to talk about Pence today. This was one of Trump's more bizzare appearances. He's under pressure and he's not wearing it well. He looks like a man who wishes he could change his mind.
Will we be hearing from Lyndon Hood and Truman Roof and Woodrow Boon and Clinton Doom
It reminds me of the article posted above the urinal in the men's room at Red, Hot, & Blue in Annapolis on how to be a blues singer.
How to pick a name:
1) Pick an affliction
2) Pick a fruit
3) Pick the family name of a President
e.g. Blind Kiwi Jackson
Have you & I ever eaten there? The one in Rosslyn, yes, but not in Annapolis, I think.
Why the mockery of the Stones choice? For the vast majority of "righties" here, Trump has never been what they wanted, but most of them have come around to thinking he's what they (and all of us) need, given the horrifying alternative.
This reminds me of a joke, but I can't remember it.
I think it may have been the one in Annapolis, but it's been so many years I have only the haziest memories. By the way, I'm going to be in NoVa much of next week - will e-mail you to keep from boring most of the commenters here, while making the rest even more paranoid than they already are.
So what does Trump have to say about the Turkey situation?
"So many friends in Turkey. Great people, amazing people. We wish them well.
"A lot of anguish last night, but hopefully it will all work out."
How Presidential.
Dr Weevil said...
Why the mockery of the Stones choice? For the vast majority of "righties" here, Trump has never been what they wanted, but most of them have come around to thinking he's what they (and all of us) need, given the horrifying alternative.
7/16/16, 2:57 PM
Exactly so. Trump wasn't my first choice or my second or third, but I will certainly vote for him in November because Hillary is an evil and corrupt woman. And whenever I read the snide comments of the trolls or hear that Rachel Maddow has, ridiculously, compared Trump to Hitler, I become more and more enthusiastic about voting for him.
"I become more and more enthusiastic about voting for him."
Of course you are enthusiastic to vote for Trump, good thing you're the minority.
Looks like another Soros funded "grassroots" posting campaign is in full swing.
Very similar to the astonishing number of "military veteran" posters whose magical appearance just happened to coincide with "Iraq Veterans Against the,War" in 2004.
You know, magically.
Based on the ratios of anti-Bush posters then one would be forced to extrapolate that fully 783% of all veterans were anti-Bush.
Much like the voting results out of your typical Philadelphia precinct in a Presidential election.
Hey, 'Luigi':
So what did Obama and Clinton say about it? Please compare and contrast, show exactly how their statements were better than his, and provide links for all three. Or just go away: your choice.
Big Mike: "I for one am sick and tired and past fed up with people pointing to Hillary's alleged "experience". Can anybody point to where she has learned anything from her mistakes? Anything at all? Anyone?"
They can't even point out just one Hillary accomplishment and as Ann Coulter says flying around the world is an activity not an accomplishment.
Blogger Luigi said...
"I become more and more enthusiastic about voting for him."
Of course you are enthusiastic to vote for Trump, good thing you're the minority."
We shall see. The Bitch of Benghazi has outspent Trump 40-1 and still can't pull ahead.
And you're not doing one damned thing to change anyone's mind.
But I suppose when you're a paid troll that's besides the point.
BuwayaPuti @1:07 Have to disagree with you on the effects of "leadership". Personal leadership and its application is critical to success. I happen to be re-reading U. S. Grant's memoirs. He is a perfect example of the application of personal leadership. With the same material that other commanders had before him he was able to liberate Chattanooga, then devise and execute a national campaign which defeated the entire Confederacy. Why? Because he had the ability to convince others that they were capable of doing what he knew needed to be done. He had the ability to show others the way to success.
We have seen so little of leadership qualities over the past 50 years that I don't blame you for thinking that the only type of leadership available is the "muddle" that has been going on for the last 25. Whether Trump has true leadership ability will only be proven with time. His "inexplicable" primary success might or might not be attributed to people recognizing his leadership potential. Certainly Trump has more leadership skill than Hillary who has proven repeatedly that it is not safe to follow her across the street.
Uh oh, looks like Pence has some skeletons in his closet. He used $13G of campaign funds to pay his mortgage back in 1990, but he probably repented of his sins, so he's good to go.
The platitudinous Hillary:
"I am following the fast-moving developments in Turkey tonight with great concern. We should all urge calm and respect for laws, institutions, and basic human rights and feedoms – and support the democratically elected civilian government. All parties should work to avoid further violence and bloodshed, and the safety of American citizens and diplomatic missions must be ensured."
She has an app that converts buzzwords to twitter hashtags, purchased by the state department via a no-bid contract to a Clinton Global Initiative donor.
Isn't it great we have more people joining the Althouse commentariat. So many new new people, it's hard to comprehend. Then again, maybe not.
Hillary on the Russian invasion of Crimea:
"I am following the fast-moving developments in Crimea tonight with great concern. We should all urge calm and respect for laws, institutions, and basic human rights and feedoms – and support the democratically elected civilian government. All parties should work to avoid further violence and bloodshed, and the safety of American citizens and diplomatic missions must be ensured"
Hillary on the collapse of the Gaddafi government:
"I am following the fast-moving developments in Libya tonight with great concern. We should all urge calm and respect for laws, institutions, and basic human rights and freedoms – and support the democratically elected civilian government. All parties should work to avoid further violence and bloodshed, and the safety of American citizens and diplomatic missions must be ensured."
Hillary on the rise of Isis in Iraq:
"I am following the fast-moving developments in Iraq tonight with great concern. We should all urge calm and respect for laws, institutions, and basic human rights and freedoms – and support the democratically elected civilian government. All parties should work to avoid further violence and bloodshed, and the safety of American citizens and diplomatic missions must be ensured."
Bizzare? Here's bizarre. Maybe it's not bizzare to evangelicals, but America is not compromised of evangelicals only.
Mike Pence signed a law that many so-called “pro-lifers” say is extreme, but fortunately was blocked by courts.
The law did something truly bizarre. It would have basically forced women to seek funerary services for a fetus — whether she’d had an abortion or a miscarriage, and no matter how far along the pregnancy was. The law Pence backed would have required all fetal tissue to be cremated or buried, an unprecedented measure in state law. The law also banned abortion if the fetus had a “disability” like Down syndrome, which would have also denied women the right to end a pregnancy in the event of more serious fetal anomalies.
Luigi said...
"Uh oh, looks like Pence has some skeletons in his closet. He used $13G of campaign funds to pay his mortgage back in 1990, but he probably repented of his sins, so he's good to go."
Oh noes, 13G in 1990!! An ass-kissing shill for the hag who made hundreds of millions peddling influence has the nerve to bring up 13G. Why that's right up there with Rubio's "luxury yacht!" Christ, the Clintons' maid probably finds that much between the sofa cushions every week.
I know you're making some pitiful sum for trolling, but jeez, do you feel any shame at all at the way you are beclowning yourself? Because you really are beclowning yourself.
The wording of the burial provision meant that technically, even if a woman had a miscarriage at eight weeks of pregnancy at home, she would have to keep the blood and tissue, take it to a hospital, and have it buried or cremated by a funeral home.
And since about half of miscarriages happen shortly after a fertilized egg is implanted, and occur at roughly the same time a woman would expect her period, many women could be having a miscarriage and not even know it — and thus, technically be violating the law if they didn’t cremate or bury the resulting tissue.
Blogger Luigi said..."Uh oh, looks like Pence has some skeletons in his closet. He used $13G of campaign funds to pay his mortgage back in 1990, but he probably repented of his sins, so he's good to go."
Get back to us when he makes a killing in cattle futures.
"First of all, policies don’t matter in this election"
Totally agree, as mentioned previously if the economy doesn't tank, Hillary wins quite easily.
Plus most voters already know Trump is clueless re: political positions ie every time he opens his mouth.
And it's been mentioned Reps are gonna devote a whole night at the convention to Clinton's infidelities.
Repeating ... it's been mentioned Reps are gonna devote a whole night at the convention to Clinton's infidelities.
Paraphrasing Bush41 ~ Wouldn't be very prudent at this juncture.
Maybe Trump could get an actress to dress up as Pocahontas!
Indeed, Reps are going all out to make Trump look presidential. And I applaud their effort!
Practice ~ Practice ~ Practice
btw, without "trolls" MK would have no purpose in life ...
Sami, keep on digging. You'll need to because Queen Fatasses poll numbers are going down.
This is not 2012 redux. The world is on fire, a new atrocity seems to happen every week or so (thanks to Obama and Hillary) and the War On Women shit won't work anymore. Hill's already got the votes of frumpy feminists with 20 cats, she'll have to come up with something besides "Vote for me - I love abortion and I have a vag!"
>>He used $13G of campaign funds to pay his mortgage
But the Clintons getting a totally free house in Chappaqua from Terry McCauliffe is perfectly fine.
And $13K is what Ms. Clinton got paid for about a minute and half of her secret speech to Goldman Sachs.
"Uh oh, looks like Pence has some skeletons in his closet."
Biden already lowered that bar to the ground. Try again, 'Luigi.'
The biggest problem the Hillary supporters have is that she just as bad as Trump, plus she is an ideologue. Trump wants to be able to sue newspapers who say mean things about him. Hillary wants to put ordinary citizens who say mean things about her in jail. Trump has been involved in shady business deals. You could write a book about the shady business deals the Clinton's have been involved in -- in fact, people have. Trump knows little about foreign policy, but despite eight years as a sentor and four years as Secretary of State, Hillary seems to know even less. The #nevertrumpers think it is a positive that Hillary is more likely to go to war than Trump. Jesus.
$13G's? The former Commander-in-Heat makes that much in the first 90 seconds of a speech before the National Coroners Association.
Those with larceny in their hearts will vote for Hillary and other Democrats. Those who don't won't vote for crooks and traitors. Romney was right about the 47%. We may have passed the tipping point by now.
Pence is for the TPP, Trump is against it. Pence is for privatizing Social Security, Trump is against it. How are they going to square those circles?
"Queen Fatasses poll numbers are going down."
CO = Clinton +8
VA = Clinton +9
NC = Clinton +6
FL = Clinton +7
Keep hope alive!
I yield back the balance of my time ...
@Trolls, We love ya!
Uneducated trolls, paid trolls, bitchy trolls, foulmouthed trolls, and especially new trolls!
Wow! A full invasion of Hillary's paid trolls. You guys are so obvious it's laughable. Most of you don't even believe the babble you are being paid to post.
DanTheMan said...
>>He used $13G of campaign funds to pay his mortgage
$13*(10^9) or $13*(2^30)?
And $13K is what Ms. Clinton got paid for about a minute and half of her secret speech to Goldman Sachs.
I advised a couple of those guys for about a minute and half and they only paid me $3 and half a pack of cigarettes - fuckin' Goldman Sachs ripped me off.
After Trump proposed in December his ban on Muslims entering the United States, Pence called the idea “offensive and unconstitutional.” But on Friday, Pence, lacking nuance, asserted: “I am very supportive of Donald Trump’s call to temporarily suspend immigration from countries where terrorists influence and impact represents a threat to the United States.”
LOL funny.
He was also asked to defend his vote for the war in Iraq, a conflict that Trump has repeatedly said he opposed from the beginning and has cited to question presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy judgment.
It's nice that shiloh steps in once in a while so the trolls can get some rest.
Look who Trump's campaign has trolling for them, Jon Ericson. Hahahahahahaaah, oh now that is one pathetic little troll.
Jeez, what did shiloh do to call in troll reinforcements? I've heard that instead of a Bat Signal, Democrat trolls wave around one of Hillary's used Depends to get the flies to show up.
"The law did something truly bizarre. It would have basically forced women to seek funerary services for a fetus — whether she’d had an abortion or a miscarriage, and no matter how far along the pregnancy was."
So this came from Vox?
Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Some meathead is making an 'appeal to Vox' argument.
Here is what is on vox's fron tpage right now:
Donald Trump’s speech introducing Mike Pence showed why he shouldn’t be president
So Pence is running for prez?
Leave it to an 8th-grader to explain his “white boy privilege” better than most adults
And my favorite:
Truck hits Bastille Day crowd in Nice, France, killing dozens
Apparently Vox publishes stories on foreign driving accidents.
And exiledonmainstreet is dumb enough to do it for free.
I left out nasty trolls. Pardon me, "John".
"Most of you don't even believe the babble you are being paid to post."
Coincidentally when arriving here Oct 2010 one of my very first thoughts re: Althouse 95/5 majority cons. Do these fools really believe the shit their shoveling?
Why yes, yes they do. hmm, it may behoove me to hang here awhile and partake in the frivolity/inaneness.
And it all came to a head Nov 2012 when Althouse and many Althouse cons were totally convinced mittens would win a landslide victory!
That's when I decided to take a 3 yr 3 mo vacation as the ad nauseum con astute/acute/razor sharp political analysis was more than I could take.
Indeed, I needed to start pacing myself and not be overwhelmed by the keen con political aptitude displayed here daily.
And I'm beginning to to get that same feeling again. Please don't force me into the political wilderness again.
Too over the top? Rhetorical.
"dumb enough to do it for free."
Not like you, John.
Is $15/hour enough for you ?
"Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was “often confused,” according to a 2013 email from her longtime aide Huma Abedin."
Have you been going over calls with her for tomorrow?” Abedin asked Hanley. “So she knows [then-Indian Prime Minister Manmohan] singh is at 8?”
“She was in bed for a nap by the time I heard that she had an 8am call,” Hanley responded. “Will go over with her.”
“Very imp to do that,” Abedin said in response.
“She’s often confused.”
No wonder shiloh loves Hillary! It's true that Hillary is a powerful plutocrat and shiloh is just some useful idiot who dreams of being a serf, but they do have "easily confused" in common. In Hill's case, it was common knowledge in DC in the 1990's that Hill does love a little drinky-poo or 15. Shiloh, are you a drunk too?
And don't forget smart-ass trolls.
Blogger John said...
And exiledonmainstreet is dumb enough to do it for free.
7/16/16, 4:13 PM
Just doing my patriotic duty to defend America against vermin.
"Jeez, what did shiloh do to call in troll reinforcements?"
Seriously, much prefer to be a tiny minority. But if these liberal trolls enjoy being here and what liberal wouldn't enjoy all this conservative moaning/groaning/whining ... but, but, but Hillary, continual depressed con discombobulation.
Who am I to deny them their pleasure!
btw, cons are strong supporters of free speech ...
btw, cons are strong supporters of free speech ...
Except I said nothing about a ban. Shiloh, you really are, like your Fat Bottom Bitch of a candidate, easily confused. Are you also a drunk like she is? Or just struggling with your Daddy Issues?
I told you we love ya.
Do go on, and on, and on...
"Except I said nothing about a ban."
Neither did I Einstein! Damn, some of you cons are just flat out stupid!
Oh my, it seems that it's been a long time since this place has seen more than a handful of liberals in any given day. It's amusing to see the reaction of the conservative commenters here.
And excitable!
And amused!
Blogger UncleBenny said...
Oh my, it seems that it's been a long time since this place has seen more than a handful of liberals in any given day. It's amusing to see the reaction of the conservative commenters here.
7/16/16, 4:36 PM
I'm enjoying it. It's entertaining watching serfs try to defend their nasty Queen. You don't get it. Dem dung beetles are doing their best to find shit - and because they are dung beetles they usually find it, but I don't care about Pence. I don't care about anything he does or so. I don't like Trump that much. I don't care if he says something stupid. So you're not hurting my feelings one bit when you say something about either of them.
Trump is not Hillary. She's far more corrupt,greedy and evil than he is. That's ALL I care about.
Shiloh, put the bottle away.
I'm sorry Daddy was mean to you.
Sounds like this exile guy has a serious personality disorder. Who spends hours a day on a blog making personal comments about strangers? That is messed up.
Trolls are paid to upset, didn't you know?
The New York Times says he’s on the wrong side of history:
Mike Pence: A Conservative Proudly Out of Sync With His Times
Long after government regulators had confirmed the lethal consequences of cigarette smoking, Mike Pence mocked their warnings as “hysteria” in 1998.
“Time for a quick reality check,” he wrote. “Smoking doesn’t kill.”
Long after most members of Congress had abandoned the quaint practice of delivering one-minute morning speeches, Mr. Pence eagerly held court in an empty chamber, musing about sports and Scripture.
And long after Republicans’ war on big government was fading, Mr. Pence defiantly opposed his own party over the creation of signature programs like No Child Left Behind and a Medicare prescription drug benefit.
Who spends hours a day on a blog making personal comments about strangers? That is messed up.
7/16/16, 4:55 PM
Hours? Uh, do you sit and stare at a computer screen all day long without doing anything else, Uncle B? Well, I guess you do if you are high, or not very bright. The rest of us can manage to pop in occasionally while doing other things.
My, aren't we indignant about personal comments. Heaven knows, Democrats would never dream of stooping so low.
And I'm not a guy. Neither are most of the "males" who love Hillary. Definite low T-problem there.
Hey, he's a she, lol. Well you could've fooled me. I don't believe it, I think he's a guy with mommy issues.
"I think he's a guy with mommy issues."
You're a very original thinker.
Shiloh has already admitted to having Daddy Issues.
Thanks for your concern, "Eric".
I cannot show the Trump quotes again that were noted in this Althouse post. Does any normal human who has been alive for 70 years think and talk like Trump? I am insulted every time he thinks he looms large before the American people whenever he pontificates in the language and reasoning of a fourth-grader (all the time actually).
Donald Trump is talking about "rigged systems" when indeed he prospered under the rigged political systems in New York and Atlantic City - he sought out the advantages of the rigging rules and paid bribes to gain them. The specifics are all out there to read, good people.
And who gives a flying fudge whether Pence is his first or fifty-first choice - why is that important? And what is a double-solid person anyway that makes Pence better than Newt or Krispy? Yeah, Mike is going to fight for us, like he did for Indiana evangelicals during the gayness controversy after the passage of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Indiana residents will tell you that Pence was in trouble politically with the GOP base because he has been sitting on his hands since he was elected governor. What advantages Indiana attained have resulted from an active Republican legislature.
Hillary be damned - I still cannot bring myself to vote for a mental incompetent who hasn't the foggiest idea about what is needed and required to turn our economy and restore the rule of law.
If this exile dude is the typical conservative commenter who hangs out at Althouse, it certainly doesn't add to the group IQ here, nor does it reflect well on the general tone of the comments section. This guy is off the wall, most defiantly off.
Irony alert.
Hillary be damned - I still cannot bring myself to vote for a mental incompetent who hasn't the foggiest idea about what is needed and required to turn our economy and restore the rule of law.
Sounds like this exile guy has a serious personality disorder. Who spends hours a day on a blog making personal comments about strangers? That is messed up.
Amusing and ironic lack of self awareness you have there. Keep it in the dark, it'll grow bigger that way.
"Hey, he's a she, lol. Well you could've fooled me"
I know Democrats have all sorts of gender issues and spend their time thinking about really important issues like who gets to use the ladies' room, but that's your little problem not mine.
Perhaps you have difficulty thinking of me as a woman because all the liberal womyn watch "The View" vote according to the needs of their vags, whine about being victims, and thought it was funny when Sarah Bernhardt said Palin should be gang-raped by blacks. You're right, I'm not a woman like that.
That's alright. I have trouble thinking of liberal males as men.
Ah I see there are more antisocial types who comment here. No wonder there are so few liberals that hang around.
"Team Pantsuit" (heh - love that moniker!) is pretty darn active this weekend. Outspending a billionaire 40-1, but only up by 2-3 points. Wasting all this time on the Althouse blog? Hmm. Something is up. Maybe it is crappy internal polling numbers. I think Nurse Ratched e.g. Hillary the Horrble is getting rattled. The debates will be fun.
Oops, I believe the witch who made the comment about Palin was Sandra. I didn't mean to insult The Divine Sarah like that.
"No wonder there are so few liberals that hang around."
My, what a shame. I have a sad now.
"Typical" Althouse posters started thinning out around 3 o'clock or so when the wave of "No Profile" "bloggers" hit.
Some folks just lash out at dumbasses.
Yes, you are pretty sad, dude.
Very odd dynamics on that stage. Immediatly Trump leaves the stage as if in a hurry, facial expression retstarined. Maybe that is the key, he has been restrained by his handlers which seem to include his adult children. I don't think this is sitting well with him.
Would not surprise me if he replaces Pence before the election.
Here's a nice leftist woman for you, Eric.
Urban dictionary says:
One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.
The free dictionary says:
a. A person who posts inflammatory or otherwise unwanted material on an electronic forum, especially anonymously.
b. The material so posted.
@Luigi: So what does Trump have to say about the Turkey situation?
"So many friends in Turkey. Great people, amazing people. We wish them well.
"A lot of anguish last night, but hopefully it will all work out."
How Presidential.
I think the best policy toward Turkey right now is one of laissez-faire. 'We wish them well' is as good a statement as any.
Note: If trolls are not fed, trolls do not prosper.
Pence is nailing it on day one. A brilliant move, IMHO, on Trump's part. I'm wondering if Trump is thinking of a one-term presidency then handing the ball off to Pence. He's got four months to strut his stuff. American will love him.
(Yes, that was some pro-Pence trolling on my behalf. Got to balance the paid trolls from Hillary who are ruining every comment section.)
I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.
- George Bernard Shaw
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