Putting Mr. Clinton to good use, while containing his less helpful impulses, would be a major test for Mrs. Clinton as president, given the spotlight and pressure they would be under and her limited ability in the past to rein in his excesses....
Given his insights and experience, Mr. Clinton could be more capable than anyone else in ensuring the success of her presidency – or he could cast a long shadow over her....
२६ जुलै, २०१६
"Historically, when Mr. Clinton does not have a job to do, he gets into trouble."
Writes Patrick Healy in a NYT article titled "A Worry if Hillary Clinton Wins: What to Do With Bill."
१३१ टिप्पण्या:
Yeah, because Lord knows he didn't get up to anything while he was working in the Oval Office, with and intern.
I think that he manages to get into plenty of trouble even when he does have a job to do. I recall some incidents when he was Governor and there might have been something [having to do with a dress] when he was President.
How myopic can these people be? Oh wait, that is the NYT. To ask is to answer..
What is he, 5 years old?
Act like a fucking adult.
Not going to have to worry about that.
Bill Clinton will be gone before the election in order to garner Hillary maximum sympathy.
That's the kind of adult we'd rather he not.
As an aside... If [when] she does win the Presidency, why would she not immediately divorce him? What would the down side be? It could be another first for her! First female President, first divorced President. Maybe followed by first openly lesbian President?
Sexual Harassment Panda will be in Hillary's cabinet, as the first Secretary of Human Resources.
Plenty of young girls to molest. It's a Clinton-- Hollywood insists it is an honor to be molested by a Clinton.
"if Clinton wins"
...again with them negative waves! arf! arf! arf!
He probably should put his penis in a blind trust. Or something.
Did I already mention Sarah Silverman in blackface?
This is our feminist milestone? Forget her criminality, her hawk-ism run mad, her crony favoritism. Our first woman president is expected to mother her own husband? Oh, ugggh.
There's not enough room in a Hillary administration for both Billie Boy and Tim Kaine. One of them has to go. Which one gets the unofficial boot and when would make for an interesting betting pool.
Has Bill indulged in another relationship with "benefits"?
There is an abortionist for that bundle of "trouble".
I'm not sure he wouldn't be the happiest man alive if his sugar dumpling Hill divorced him, however rueful he might be that it wasn't years earlier. But then marriage never meant much to him anyway.
"Historically, when Mr. Clinton does not have a job to do, he gets into trouble." What, he is going to quit his job of selling influence to the highest bidder, adding to the $100m+ family fortune and the $250M "foundation"?
"they would be under and her limited ability in the past to rein in his excesses...." What excesses? Why should anything be reined in? It made no difference when he was the top dog, it made no difference to Dems supporting Hill, so why now?
Look, if they really think Bill is going to be a problem, they should just crank up the Lolita Express again to distract him. After all, Dems have no problem with Bill's rape, assault, and harassment; what's a little pedophilia on the side?
coupe said...
...again with them negative waves! arf! arf! arf!
7/26/16, 3:19 PM
Ah but what would Clint say?
does anyone buy the notion that when BC was doing Monica in the oval office, he "did not have anything to do"????????
He is a lech and a pervert. He should have been prosecuted for some of his acts.
Blogger eric said...
Not going to have to worry about that.
Bill Clinton will be gone before the election in order to garner Hillary maximum sympathy.
7/26/16, 3:08 PM
Bookmarked for future credit.
"or he could cast a long shadow over her...."
Speaking of long shadow...?
"or he could cast a long shadow over her...."
It would have to be a wide shadow too.
“He loves, and needs, to have a purpose.”
Well I guess being the rapist responsible for one's lifetime of nightmares is a purpose.
President of the United States isn't a job? For Christ's sake.
Something for Bill to do? With Hillary as President Bill will be giving as many speeches as he possibly can. His new Rate will be in the 10's of millions. And secretly talking Hillary out of a secret hit is worth at least that much.
Hillary has already sent out her message of her murderous attitude towards difficult rulers when she cackled about Khadaffy's, death done the hard way. Hint: It was not done by water boarding.
A hit piece by the NYT on the Clintons? Could it be? Both of them are on the phone right now.
That is a powerful narrative though. Who wants the drama in the White House that the Clintons bring? Trump, of course, could go full bore and bring up both Monica and the Lolita Express.
Bill looks pretty frail these days.
"Given his insights and experience, Mr. Clinton could be more capable than anyone else in ensuring the success of her presidency – or he could cast a long shadow over her."
Out on a limb, as Taranto likes to say.
@ traditionalguy:
Arf!! Arf!! Arf!!
His new Rate will be in the 10's of millions. And secretly talking Hillary out of a secret hit is worth at least that much.
Mr. Hammer, meet Mr. Nail. Mr. Nail, meet Mr. Hammer.
Something to consider...
Hillary wins the White House.
What would prevent her from "fund raising" for the Clinton Foundation to a level that dwarfs what she's done so far?
We've seen that Dem AG won't do shit to excesses by Dems any more. And the press won't care. And her party won't impeach.
"Given his insights and experience, Mr. Clinton could be more capable than anyone else in ensuring the success of her presidency – or he could cast a long shadow over her...."
Coincidentally, the sun may rise tomorrow or not.
Trump may file for bankruptcy or not.
On any given day Trump may say something stupid or not.
The Rep party is totally divided, but some day in the future they may be united.
The Cubs may win the World Series or not.
Trump may release his tax returns or not.
Congress is very unpopular, but some day they may be ...
ok, let's not get carried away.
Connie said...
Yeah, because Lord knows he didn't get up to anything while he was working in the Oval Office,
I doubt he got anything in the family quarters either. I don't see Hill and Bill has a hot couple in bed...
"He probably should put his penis in a blind truss. Or something."
"On any given day Trump may say something stupid or not."
shiloh's contempt is entirely justified: she herself is utterly consistent when it comes to saying something stupid or not - hasn't missed a day in months.
Golly, who knew there were such risks being married to a rapist.
Mentioned previously, presidential historians determined in the mid '70s only (2) presidents didn't cheat on their wives, Truman and Ford. Shocking!
Indeed, how did this country survive 240 years w/such debauchery occurring at the top ... and bottom.
As with everything, multitasking is the key. Or you just dump the first wife for a much younger babe and then you dump the second wife for another younger babe, girlfriends in between notwithstanding.
Boys will be boys ...
Monica had a job to do, but she blew it off.
ISIS, Putin, China rattling sabers in the South China Sea, winding down Afghanistan, dealing with Congress, all that but her big challenge will be what to do with Bill. Are there any Democrats who don't have their heads tucked firmly up their unbleached assholes? Or are they all off voting for Trump?
I thought she was going to put him in charge of the economy. You know..a first lady role.
C'mon Char Char. She held up her end. He left her dangling.
That's the plan. Hillary can't be impeached or indicted. Queen.
Maybe they could recommence selling tickets to the Lincoln Bedroom, but this time with Bill and a humidor thrown in at no charge to enhance the experience.
shiloh: Mentioned previously, presidential historians determined in the mid '70s only (2) presidents didn't cheat on their wives, Truman and Ford. Shocking!
That seems rather unbelievable, especially given that James Buchanan never married and therefore had no wife to cheat on.
Historically, when Bill has a job to do, he gets in trouble.
eric said...
Bill Clinton will be gone before the election in order to garner Hillary maximum sympathy.
He should pray that Hillary has never seen the ending of (the far superior BBC version of) House of Cards.
"That seems rather unbelievable, especially given that James Buchanan never married and therefore had no wife to cheat on."
Indeed, he didn't have the opportunity hence, therefore, ergo he doesn't count as re: to the "research".
My all-time fav was Harding who had an illegitimate child before he became president.
Practice ~ practice ~ practice.
Bill always finds plenty to do. The issue is hiding it from the public. Eruptions happen.
If the Clintons divorce they can be compelled to testify against each other, so, no, it isn't going to happen.
Well, if Hillary needs a job for Bill, there's an opening in a church in France now. Just make sure that the Secret Service handles the local Muslim 'outreach' representatives, and he will be OK.
Static Ping said...
shiloh: Mentioned previously, presidential historians determined in the mid '70s only (2) presidents didn't cheat on their wives, Truman and Ford. Shocking!
That seems rather unbelievable, especially given that James Buchanan never married and therefore had no wife to cheat on.
Mid-70s, eh?
My bet is those were DNC-sponsored presidential historians spinning up an 'everybody does it' apology in advance piece in preparation for another Teddy Kennedy run at the presidency...
Bill looks to decrepit for any hound dogging but looks fit enough for grifting. He does have a train to pull.
"or he could cast a long shadow over her."
Nope. We already proved we don't care about morality--or legality--any more. Many times.
Or lying, cheating, hypocritting, thugging, crooking, etc., etc., etc. The last 8 years has been an endless parade of it. And yet, nothing. Ask Comey, it was just a lil' good ol' down home recklessness, tha's all.
As long as there's a 'D' after his/her name, no problem. Because D's care! And power! One needs power to do good things, caring things! Doncha know anything?
Party at the White House, y'all! Teenage hookers for everyone!
"Historically, when Mr. Clinton does not have a job to do, he gets into trouble."
Weren't we just talking about America's pressing need for vagina steamers?
Hillary Clinton is now officially the first woman candidate for the presidency, You misogynists can carry on talking about vagina on the Democratic side, and don't forget the dick on the Republican side.
She's #11, for those keeping score at home.
Isn't that the kind thing usually said about Jack Russell terriers or corgis?
The rumor mill has it Bill is sick and is expected to fade away in 6 months. Crooked Hillary may get a bump from that but it will be too late by then. And that will be cancelled out by people thinking "Hillarys is too fucking dumb to be president, but at least Bill will make sure she can't screw things up too badly" But once he's gone it's "Oh Shit, she's in charge?!?"
If Clinton wins the election, we - with the help of our slavish media - will have given a pass to any - ANY - behavior on the part of Hil, Bill, or anyone in that administration. There are no rules anymore for them. They dare you to hold them accountable. Nice try, rubes! Watch what we do next! More flights on the Lolita Express, bjs on the White House lawn, Hil and Huma spooning on the cover of Vogue - if you can imagine it, they won't be afraid to try it. By electing that crook, the American public will have said, "Do what you will with us."
Oh, I'm sure he'll have a nice airplane to fly around in and a nice little island to visit.
Blogger shiloh said...
Mentioned previously, presidential historians determined in the mid '70s only (2) presidents didn't cheat on their wives, Truman and Ford. Shocking!
If Ike's alleged affair was with Summersby, that was a TV movie, not history.
Will somebody post one objectively positive reason to vote for Hillary?
This positive reason cannot be framed in a negative way, as the word positive has a meaning in the English language.
Jeffrey Epstein is also trump's good friend. I'm sure he's been to that island of young nubian women a time or two.
And one president had no wife.
Unknown#3 pretends at knowledge.
You misogynists can carry on talking about vagina on the Democratic side...
Oh, no one talks more about vagina than that "moderate" Democrat, Hillary. She's practically obsessed with the fact of her own gender.
Seriously, the band "Pussy Riot" is less obsessed with the idea of being female than Hillary Clinton is.
Here's a challenge: Point me to one speech that Hillary's ever given where she didn't remind us of this apparently very well-concealed (but somehow VERY important) fact that she's a woman. I realize that it's an important qualification for running for office, but some of us actually care about having an economy to run and a military to not abuse and misuse.
"Will somebody post one objectively positive reason to vote for Hillary?"
She's not Trump.
"Will somebody post one objectively positive reason to vote for Hillary?"
She's not Trump.
Neither is my goldfish.
Try harder.
No. Your fish could do a better job than Trump. And I'm not interested in trying to convince you to vote for Hillary or any other woman because of her sex. Get over your Bernie butthurt.
no his benghazi was mogadishu, nineteen fought against hundred, if not thousands of somali militia, it took years for mark bowden to tell the true story,
Unknown#3 said... [hush][hide comment]
"Will somebody post one objectively positive reason to vote for Hillary?"
She's not Trump.
7/26/16, 6:38 PM
Irony, what izzit?
pls print.
Blogger Unknown#3 said...
Jeffrey Epstein is also trump's good friend. I'm sure he's been to that island of young nubian women a time or two.
I assume you meant to write "nubile", not "nubian."
Either way, it sounds like a more pleasant place than the Lake Isle of Innisfree.
Olly, Olly... ? :)
Nubile Nubians, on the Isle of Nubia. Not one over 14. One of them has a civil suit against Trump.
I asked for an unalloyed positive reason to vote for Hillary. Just fucking think of one, already. It must be positive. it cannot a negative like you offered above. FFS, people!
It shouldn't be hard. Obama offered a positive vision which was bull shit of the first order. But it was positive. He offered hope and change to the downtrodden. And then he worked feverishly to keep them downtrodden.
But he had a good lie to sell. And you dumb asses who support Hillary cannot think of a single positive thing about her candidacy.
You're fucking useless.
Your fish could do a better job than Trump.
Do you mind explaining that one?
And I'm not interested in trying to convince you to vote for Hillary or any other woman because of her sex.
But you sound like one of those adoring, fawning fans who attribute all criticism of her to misogyny. If all criticism of her is misogyny, then the only reason for her winning is the "historic" high five of electing a woman - ANY woman - president.
Get over your Bernie butthurt.
First you talk of vaginas, dicks, and now asses. What high-minded people you Hillaryites are! I can see why you are used to over-estimating your influence.
It's all about to crumble. Win, lose, or draw, your party's finally coming back to its rightful glorious place in the sun as was finally achieved under FDR and the progressives. The other, machine-wing only brought it the infamy and disrepute of Tammany, Hillary, and other identity politics fanatics. Hell, you could even call the Dixiecrats identity politics fanatics.
So no, I don't feel bad at all.
As for Hillary, how dare you stand in the way of the first HONEST and decent and qualified WOMAN to run for president: Jill Stein!
You're just trying to pit women against each other. Shame! Tell Hillary to stand down and get out of that woman's way right now. Sure, she didn't have the "benefit" of an actual, talented (if craven) politician husband to connive with. But maybe that's because she fears her own voice a lot less than Hillary fears hers.
And given the sputtering vulgarity dripping from the lips of her supporters, I think I can see why. Like candidate like voter.
Good luck not only in November but beyond - wherever it takes you. May the glory (and gendered, self-glorification) of the next four months shine upon you like an everlasting symbol to entitlement and corruption and self-fixation!
I voted for Jill Stein in 2012. She lost. I'm not wasting my vote on someone who can't defeat Trump. If you want to throw away your vote feel free. I'm more interested in making sure Trump loses.
And you dumb asses who support Hillary cannot think of a single positive thing about her candidacy.
You're fucking useless.
Here's a counterfactual.
Imagine a world in which Hillary Rodham had never married a talented politician in whose glory to reflect and gloat over.
Does anyone think that she would have run for senator, let alone president, in that case?
She's just running to be one silly inspirational wimmin's ad campaign. Like Nike but without the shoe. Or any other product.
Or maybe a company that shows all sorts of wimmin doing all sorts of wonderful things, and then ends by saying: "We don't know what we sell. We don't even know why we exist. But one half of our audience needs to believe in itself.
So let us pretend to have no reason for being here other than to blow sunshine and unicorns and an unwarranted level of self-confidence to all the wimmin out there who just don't know how to feel better about themselves and their gender.
That's as good a reason as any for what we're doing.
(Company logo and fade)"
Uh, he was President of the United States when he "got into trouble" with an intern, right? Is the theory that he needs more to do than that, or he "gets into trouble?" Sounds kinda stupid.
I'm more interested in making sure Trump loses.
I'm open to hearing why but usually end up hearing more bluster than I'd respectfully expect from the anti-Trump crowd.
Hell, I bash Trump as much as anyone.
But as I said a billion times now. Trump is a symptom, not the disease.
The disease is a Democratic party that is too afraid to differentiate itself and its operation from the Republican party to make a difference to all those without a voice. Or, as Citizen's United put it, without enough money for a big huge microphone with which to amplify and exaggerate the importance of their voice.
Convince me that Hillary will lead her party and the country in that direction and maybe then I'll see a huge point to her winning.
In the meantime, I do know that at least Trump cares about one thing (and maybe it's not enough, but it's something) that he couldn't be bought out on.
I have no example of Hillary ever deciding against something despite the money, or fame, or promise of influence in it.
Do you?
When has she ever turned something like that down, on principle?
It's a huge problem.
I voted for Jill Stein in 2012.
So you neglected to vote in a firewall against the guy who told half the country (47%, to be precise), that they were not worth the president's attention or concern, but you WILL vote simply as part of a strategic firewall against a guy who actually does seem to care enough to at least want to pander to the working class.
You're doing your best to convince me that gender-values voters actually don't give a shit about this country's economy, the role of money in people's lives or to put it bluntly, at least 70% of what the job of president is about.
Thank you for clarifying your priorities and interests for me.
"Rhythm and Balls":
The problem is not the Democrat failing to differentiate itself. The problem is your rationalizing away the obvious conclusion that Democrats have been and are the party of the very rich and powerful. Hollywood. Silicon Valley. wall Street.
You won't see and I know that. But you're closer than most of the retrograde Leftists that post here.
"Rhythm and Balls":
You do know Unknown#3 is lying about its Jill Stein vote, right?
You do know Unknown#3 is lying about its Jill Stein vote, right?
Well, if she's a Hillary booster (and I draw a distinction between a reluctant or even supportive Hillary supporter and a Hillary booster), then it follows that she could be lying about anything. After all, paid trolls? Who does that? Who would do that? (I mean, other than you know who, of course).
But I still have to assume they could be telling the truth for the point of argument. Even if all every single Hillary booster has is a lie, I still have to assume they think that's their best argument - and point out why it still fails.
I'm not mad. Hillary's reluctant (and semi-enthusiastic) supporters deserve their day of glory. On Friday and November and January (if those latter two dates happen the way they want).
But her party simply cannot be allowed to continue in its current form, with its current priorities, and with all its corruption. Both the CEO and another schmuck in the DNC have yet to be fired. At the end of the day, I want it to be Hillary alone, at the top, with no one else to shill for her. Let her face the party and the people of this country directly, and test out whether anything she stands for is something that they'll get behind. Or if she's just as empty without them as has almost always, without fail, consistently been the case.
This goes way beyond gender. It's about personality. (Or "character", as you call it).
She might well be a far from disastrous president.
It's just that I've been given no reason to vote for her, by her. She has not told me anything about herself that gives me any confidence in her being something other than "not Trump."
Big deal. I'm not Trump, either. So what of it?
Bill will sit on the front porch, a-sittin', a-spittin', and a-whittlin'.
R&B, you need to vote for Trump.
I'm sorry to tell you this. But your party needs to be taught the sharpest lesson. And all America needs to be freed of the Clinton miasma. Even I cheered Obama winning (well, the nom) because it meant that H would not be President, no matter what. I dare say now she would be worse!
Trump won't be THAT bad. The Green gambit will just make the party bosses smile and pat you on the head. Losing a million Dems, a million Berners to the Donald will be the two-by-four upside the head that they need.
I didn't vote for Jill Stein because of her sex and I'm not voting for Clinton because of her sex. I'm pleased that a woman is the nominee for a major party, but that does not make me a gender values voter. I'm voting Democratic because I want a Democratic president. I agree with the Democratic platform ( it reflects my political philosophy) and I want a candidate that can win against Trump
Losing a million Dems, a million Berners to the Donald will be the two-by-four upside the head that they need.
Well, it would be tragic indeed if that's the only way they can learn the lesson. But something of an America-sized two-by-four does need to be used, and used well. The party is way beyond redemption, at this point. What about Amy Dacey's "Amen" to using religious bigotry against Bernie Sanders? DWS was a symbolic firing, but an important first step. And there's another one who needs to go, also.
The DNC needs to be gutted, top-to-bottom. And it needs to be a public fight. A very public fight. The country simply needs to see and understand what these family squabbles that are going on are all about. For far too long the Tammany-identity-money machine has gotten away with its slimy, behind-the-scenes shady deals and Republican-lite agenda. It needs to be faced head-on. They can stay in the party (although I'd prefer to throw them out and make an alliance with at least some ideological faction that has principles) but they can no longer be in the driver's seat. They need to be thrown out, on their asses, as publicly as possible. And only let in again after some hard-core begging, groveling and apologizing.
Sure Balls, vote for Trump to teach the Democrats a lesson. Nevermind that Trump is the most unqualified doofus ever to run for the presidency. Not even mentioning the Russian connection.
Oh, holy shit. was that insincere?
Amanda, Sweet dreams.
I agree with the Democratic platform ( it reflects my political philosophy)..
Thank you. SO DO I. Guess who got it that way?
The same guy about whom it was effectively said by the highest Democrats in the highest halls of power that this pesky Jew needs to be lied about as an almost atheist for the purpose of whipping up allegedly bigoted Southern Baptists against him, so as to get him out of the way of a festival for coronating the special interest queen!
You can't make this shit up! Ugly, ugly, ugly all the way around. Right now, it's thanks to Bernie that your party even has a semblance of anything worth standing for - and as everyone knows, those platforms aren't worth a bucket of warm spit. They can be torn up on January 21st. And everything in the Clintons' history suggests that that's exactly what will happen.
Sure Balls, vote for Trump to teach the Democrats a lesson. Nevermind that Trump is the most unqualified doofus ever to run for the presidency. Not even mentioning the Russian connection.
Yeah, he's scary. And yet, not perceived as a scary enough challenge to Hillary to scare her into doing the RIGHT thing. Right now, all she wants to do is win, and she may have won the right lottery ticket in her choice of opponents. But again, who made it possible for a Trump figure to even emerge? Sure, the Republicans did their best to appeal to his xenophobia. But the Democrats did just as much to make someone with his economic nationalism and working class appeal take over that vote. And if the Democrats are ever allowed to forget this, it will be even someone worse running (and gaining even greater populist appeal) in 2020.
Jesus Christ. Americans are so fucking stupid. You can only put off the inevitable for so long.
Of course Bernie got it that way. I'd rather be voting for him as the Democratic nominee, but he is not the nominee. I'm voting for the only choice left to Democrats who want to win the Presidency.
Of course Bernie got it that way. I'd rather be voting for him as the Democratic nominee, but he is not the nominee. I'm voting for the only choice left to Democrats who want to win the Presidency.
Fine. But read my 7:40 PM. If she doesn't do the right thing than you can bet your bottom dollar that it will be someone even worse and probably even more effective in 2020. The Democrats-in-charge are choosing to do this to themselves. They are the fuel to Trump's fire. You need to go fight a war against them and win, regardless of what happens in November.
Balls, don't forget that Bernie and Warren are going to be strong voices in the Democratic Party. There are also other strong Democrats and progressives that will hold Hillary to account
"strong" LOL.
Being a "strong voice" can mean a lot of things. They need to make sure that the power goes in their direction. If you think that all Hillary and Billary or whoever needs for convincing is a loud voice, I think you're wrong. They need to lose 46% of their party and the specter of another good chunk of it being siphoned off to an orange supremacist American quasi-fascist nationalist to learn their lesson. They need to see power slipping right out from their hands, and then and only then will they reluctantly pretend to go along. But elitism and graft is in their blood, it's the only game they know, and power concedes nothing without a demand. Your party has two factions. Always has always will. The progressives need to not only speak up, they need to let the financial identity politicians know that they will never win another election until they can convincingly persuade every voter that they're actually a credible and articulate progressive.
Snapshots of the Present Condition
A mishmash of stuff. So much is going on that . . . well, here are some snapshots I have taken.
Bernie in Philadelphia. Wow! I guess Bernie's little lemmings have discovered the edge of the cliff! Their fearless leader? Is he going off the edge? Nah. He has been helicoptered off to Goldman-Sachsland by the Clinton Crime Family. Bernie's safe! He will be living in witness protection in the woods in Vermont in a very nice cabin provided by the CCF.
Moscow is leaking the DNC emails to hurt Hillary? Hmmmm . . . I guess Moscow is just paying back Bernie for his 55 years of loyal service . . . .
Funny, ain't it. The Sandersnistas get more worked up over the leaked DNC emails than they do over the CCF use of a private server through which they were running national secrets. Could it be that Bernie doesn't care a bit for US national security? A hardcore Marxist not concerned about US national security? Who's ever heard of such a thing?
The DNC, the party that is against barriers and building bridges, has put miles of fencing and armed guards around its convention site.
The DNC, the champions of identity politics and finders of bias everywhere, are shown to use antisemitism when needed. Stupid American Jews are you paying attention? Wake up.
SecState John Kerry has just told us that air conditioning is as dangerous as ISIS. Will the DNC shut off its a/c in Philadelphia? If not, I am living cool . . . .
Hillary spoke to the VFW. Not very impressive. Everything she said is undermined by her record. Just keep asking her, "When YOU had the power, what did YOU do?"
Hillary complains about a double standard in ethics and justice . . . . insert your own joke here, it's just too easy . . . .
Hillary says The Donald doesn't value or respect NATO. This from a SecState who presided over the death of NATO, acquiesced in the gutting of our military, fomented the destruction of what stability existed in the Middle East, helped Iran go nuke, and has turned a blind eye to the rise of Islamic terror. NATO is dead; one of its key members, Turkey, has been taken over by Islamism. The progressives killed NATO. Trump had the guts to say so.
Off to play with my dogs.
Balls, I'm not willing to risk the welfare of the nation to teach the Democratic Party a lesson. It's too big a risk.
Do what you have to do. I'm just telling you what's behind the bigger picture.
Or maybe you're not sure if your country still deserves a future in 2020 or beyond. But I am.
Man. if that isn't lame then what IS lame?
Balls, I'm not willing to risk the welfare of the nation
to teach the Democratic Party a lesson. It's too big a risk.
Balls, I believe I see the bigger picture and I'm voting the way I am to ensure we have a country in 2020. I think the chance of that happening far greater than with a Trump presidency. I see him as the greater threat by far, it's obvious you don't. I think about Germany 1933, and the educated Jewish Germans who didn't think that Hitler could possibly be as big of a menace as some were saying....
I'm not saying I don't. I'm saying that: No crushing Versailles Treaty sanctions and a Depression, no Hitler.
No DNC curtsying more favor with Wall Street than with the working class, no Trump.
Hitler didn't come out of thin air. Ask any historian.
Now, how much more did you want to discuss the Trump-Hitler analogy?
I'm saying that: No crushing Versailles Treaty sanctions and a Depression, no Hitler.
No DNC curtsying more favor with Wall Street than with the working class, no Trump.
I agree. The Versailles Treaty put Germany in an impossible position. We learned from that mistake and did things very differently after WWII.
More than just the DNC corruption, both parties have been in bed with Wall St. I think the bailout irked a lot of people and the 'stimulus package' didn't do shit for the average American.
How many Republican Congressmen went to work for Wall Street interests directly after leaving the Congress? How many Democrats?
According to a recent survey of 62 real economists by the Wall Street Journal, it is not the instability of China’s stock market, or its move to devalue its currency, or the Greek Eurozone crisis, or the possibility of the Federal Reserve finally raising interest rates. What frightens a great majority of the nation’s leading economic experts most of all is that the Republican-controlled Congress will “precipitate another fiscal crisis this fall” when Republicans plan to either shut down the government unless Planned Parenthood is destroyed, or hold the debt ceiling hostage until Planned Parenthood is destroyed. It is important to note that the push to put an end to Planned Parenthood has nothing to do with the economy, debt and deficit, national security, jobs, or economic growth; it is about legislating and enforcing an extremist religious policy.
Anyway, they just got to the "Girls Only!" portion of tonight's broadcast. I guess that means I'm supposed to tune off or watch other stuff, now.
Don't need to follow into the bathroom as they do make-up or talk about their boyfriends or whatever.
Don't let a bunch of girls scare you Balls.
I'm not scared. Just polite and mind my own business.
I'm not like one of those female reporters who felt they were advancing women's status/"interests" by going into male athlete's locker rooms for interviews and I don't need to sit around listening to some unknown MN senator talk about how Mark Twain said something a hundred years ago about how men need women to keep them together.
Other than that, sure - let's hear it for Hillary putting an end to all slavery in the world and turning terrorism and the Taliban around by educating gurlz in Afghanistan or whatever she wants credit for this time. Not as impressive as dodging invisible bullets under invisible sniper fire in Bosnia but pretty cool nonetheless.
Maybe she has an invisible plane, too. Why not? It worked for Wonder Woman.
Like I said, it's clear she doesn't want or need my vote. I didn't grow up in a family that had these issues - or whatever it is that her daddy subjected her to. Sorry about your anti-feminist childhood, Hillary. Really wish there was something I could do to make you feel better about that.
"How many Democrats went to work on Wall Street" is a serious question?
Partial answer: Both Senator Chris Dodd (D) and Congressman Barnie Frank (D) went to work for Wall Street. you may remember them as the sponsors of the Dodd-Frank banking legislation. Businesses love regulation and hate free markets, as any reader of Adam Smith could have learned 240 years ago.
You are a simpleton. An idiotic, pussilanimous, quivering, power hungry dolt. You are ignorant. You are dangerous because you know so many things that are stupid and wrong.
Just fucking stop it!!
"How many Democrats went to work on Wall Street" is a serious question?
Partial answer: Both Senator Chris Dodd (D) and Congressman Barnie Frank (D) went to work for Wall Street. you may remember them as the sponsors of the Dodd-Frank banking legislation. Businesses love regulation and hate free markets, as any reader of Adam Smith could have learned 240 years ago.
I was going to answer earlier, but decided against it. Off the top of my head, I don't know the answer and presume it's less. But I have absolutely no doubt that the most influential and powerful Democratic politicians have as direct a link to a post-retirement finance industry lobbying job as any given Republican. The Republicans just love money. Period. OK. The Democrats' problem is that they confuse power for principles. The most powerful Democrats are indistinguishable from Republicans in their love of money and financial over-leverage.
And that's where the problem lies. It's those douchebags who are calling the shots.
Oh boy. The big horny heart attack of a former president is talking now.
THey've "been talking, and walking and laughing together, ever since."
Oh, I can think of a few exceptions to all that togetherness.
If you want to read, Throw Them All Out, by Peter Schweizer, you will find the Congress/Wall St. intimacies pretty equally distributed.
Whenever I listen to Bill Clinton speak I start feeling buttermilk-filled plaques building up in my arteries.
...you will find the Congress/Wall St. intimacies pretty equally distributed.
Oh, I don't doubt it.
But you're preaching to the choir. It's Unknown #3 who still labors under the belief that Democrats are better and more virtuous people than Republicans, etc.
I guess we'll have to lay ourselves to the mercies of these tender Arkansans to rebuild our infrastructure, now.
Like the great job they did of that the first time 'round.
Now Bill's saying Hillary wouldn't marry him until he bought a house.
Great, resounding message for today's prospective homebuyers.
More government-run education stories and nostalgia from Bill. I guess we can look forward to another NCLB and core bill.
This argument that Trump is totally unqualified for the presidency is odd when considering the background of the 44th president. Community organizer, back-bencher in the Illinois statehouse, a few years as US Senator (most of which was spent campaigning for president). No executive experience, no job where he was actually accountable for anything. Did that background qualify him for president? Honestly, that guy never ran anything other than his campaign for president. And if that is the standard, a Trump win in November automatically qualifies him for the office.
While watching Bill Clinton's long-winded and boring speech, I was able to finish Chapter 6 of "No One Left to Lie To, the triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton," by the late Christopher Hitchins. It was published in 1999. The title of Chapter 6 is, "Is There a Rapist in the Oval Office?" Hitchins reports on three believable stories from women who were attacked by Bill Clinton. One was Juanita Broaddrick. It's quite a juxtaposition, seeing Old Bill waving his bony finger, enjoying the attention of the crowd, and thinking of all the women he has abused, and how Hillary enabled him.
Unknown#3 said...
Balls, I believe I see the bigger picture and I'm voting the way I am to ensure we have a country in 2020.
In keeping with your meme. IOW you want a country that looks like Wiemar Germany. Or to paint a more accurate picture a country that looks more like 1930s Ukraine.
A tired Bill Clinton is a good Bill Clinton. Woof!
The parenthetical clause was unnecessary.
What experience does Bill have that isn't 16 years out of date? The only reason the economy did so well under his watch was the Dot-Com bubble that they couldn't regulate out of existence fast enough, and it was already starting to deflate in his last year.
He's no longer as charismatic or 'Presidential' as he was. He's 70, looks a kind of frail 85. Trying to push him as a 'Co-President' really points out Hillary's lacks... and doesn't give much reassurance that HE could provide what she's missing.
Unknown#2: Hillary is the first female nominee for President by the Democrat Party. She is following in the footsteps of other female presidential nominees, from the wonderful Gracie Allen of the Surprise Party, to a Hillary-lite Rosanne Barr of the Peace and Freedom Party, to a multitude of others in the Green Party.
Hillary is breaking no glass ceilings here. She is corrupting the electoral process with her vile presence.
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