१५ जुलै, २०१६
Hillary's "Role Models" ad — great for 50 seconds and then the last 10 seconds took my mind to the wrong place.
The piano chords clunk slowly, meaningfully — as if the musician was told to play "Imagine" without playing it. We see sweet, impressionable children watching Donald Trump on TV as he delivers some of his famous quotes (e.g., "I could shoot somebody..."). Very effective argument by showing not telling.
But how do you make the transition from attacking Trump to promoting Hillary? He's a bad role model. Point made. The words appear on screen: "Our children are watching. What example will we set for them?" We hear Hillary's voice and are supposed to think: Hillary is a good role model for children. But is she? We see her — dressed in white — lecturing slowly about what those who are children now will think about the choice we are about to make about "the principles we will live by." And then there is a cut, at 0:50 to a cute little girl sitting on the edge of a bed. Then back to Hillary: "We need to make sure that they can be proud of us."
Why was the child actress posed sitting on a bed? I loathe the political exploitation of children. They have no real political opinions, but are used to symbolize innocence and to stimulate nurturing instincts. But this particular use of a child did not manipulate me in the direction intended.
When I saw that young girl sitting on a bed and heard Hillary Clinton talking about the choices we make and the principles we live by, I thought about her relationship with Bill Clinton. What principles has she been living by and how is she a role model for young people? That's where my mind ended up.
७५ टिप्पण्या:
And she's wearing white...a real angel. A political virgin.
Well, that's our choice: a guy who says dumb stuff or a lady who does evil stuff. No contest really.
To me it looks like a call for normalcy. These are not normal times. If they were Trump wouldn't be the GOP nominee.
Needless pivot. Works better as a pure attack ad.
Why was the child actress posed sitting on a bed?
The kid's in a mental hospital; a future progressive.
What MikeR said.
If this was a movie Hollywood would make Hillary a Republican. You remember the evil president in "The Dead Zone?" Hillary is that president.
You remember the evil president in "The Dead Zone?" Hillary is that president.
Greg Stillson
The left wants Martin Sheen as President. They're not getting the one they wish they were.
My kids were that age when they learned about oral sex on television,
thanks to Hillary's husband. Maybe Trump should run an ad about that.
"What principles has she been living by?" Assumes a fact not in evidence.
Who lets their little children watch the news? Are they going to let them watch it today with footage of over a hundred people mowed down by a maniac in a truck?
I too loathe politicians who use children as part of the political process almost as much as I do parents who use their own children as props or puppets in their political efforts.
We're going to hear a lot of ads with Hillary speaking low and slow to avoid the screech she naturally falls into when any emotion creeps into her voice.
I picture Trump's response with two little kids crying on the bed because daddy just told them mommy's not coming home after the terrorist attack.
Hillary is a great role model. The FBI director just said she was a massive liar. And she got rich taking bribes with her alleged rapist husband.
Hillary is a criminal.
I can already see the Trump people cutting a parody ad using Hillary's language while a little girl squirms ever more uncomfortably as she watches the Comey press conference.
Can Hillary! say "Radical Islam"? If she can't, she is not a suitable role model.
Trump doesn't have the moral high ground here either. Three marriages, cheating on previous wives with current wives, and there is that lawsuit....
California woman's rape lawsuit against Donald Trump resurfaces in New York court
PB said...
We're going to hear a lot of ads with Hillary speaking low and slow to avoid the screech she naturally falls into when any emotion creeps into her voice.
7/15/16, 11:02 AM
I thought I read that they got that fixed. It was a glitchy rheostat in her vocal pre-processor. Cheap Chinese parts...
Hillary Clinton is good at this one particular thing.
MNichols said...
Trump doesn't have the moral high ground here either.
But is Trump trying to claim the moral high ground? I don't think that Trump's campaign is about trying to place him as a moral role model. That would be a fairly typical Republican claim, but Trump isn't typical. If Romney had said those things, it'd probably work to use them to attack him. But Trump isn't Romney, and I don't think that any of his supporters think he is.
Wife of "I did not have sex with that woman" Bill Clinton cannot take the moral high ground. BJs in the Oval Office. Even Trump is too dignified to engage in Clinton level crudeness.
My kids were at an impressionable age during the Clinton presidency. Not a valuable teaching moment. And Hillary! is no role model of integrity or anything else really.
"We see her — dressed in white..."
Maybe they were going to show a movie on her ass later...
Who lets their little children watch the news? Are they going to let them watch it today with footage of over a hundred people mowed down by a maniac in a truck?
Hillary is pretty out of step if she thinks people watch TV with their kids.
TV News is watched by people who are 60 at the youngest.
What it does for me is reveal how deeply, thoroughly, and ineluctably the hard Left really, truly, deeply believes that what matters is saying the right things, projecting the right image, maintaining the narrative. Vote Hillary! All that would take is being either completely ignorant of the last two decades plus of American politics, or being the kind of person who knows all of the Clintons' dirty laundry, but literally says "that doesn't matter, because she believes the right things."
Virtue signaling writ large, except what Hillary! believes isn't actually virtuous in the first instance.
Hillary is taking Obama's distraction technique called "Stray Voltage" to an amplified totally unselfaware level called "Stray Doltage"
Several times in the last week, Hillary has appeared to be stunningly unaware of how she is perceived and regarded. This ad is one as was her question about how it would look if a Trump Admin used the IRS as a weapon against its political enemies. In both these cases, you and I picked up that Hillary enabled a rapist for her own ambition, and that Obama has already had Lois Lerner do to the Tea Party exactly what Hillary only fears Trump may do…
Hillary is a criminal who has walked the sleazy ethical line her whole life and been caught on the wrong side of it more than once. She has escaped only due to unequal treatment and a belief that the CLintons would be chastened. Yet they take the exact opposite message and just keep upping the ante…
Sell political influence on a whole new scale to become a deca-millionaire? Check
Lie to CYA your incompetence? Check
Be called "dangerously careless" for your unethical actions? Check
Try to use inside information to benefit your son-in-law's hedge fund? Check
Have an Open Marriage you hide for political cover? Check
Fail to honor the terms of your job offer from Obama? Check
Both Hillary and Trump are sickening. But I will not vote for a criminal like Hillary. If America puts her in there she will display the same incompetence she showed in diplomacy and we will have the same circus of ethical crises we had in the 90s. She won't just pardon a fugitive for money, steal the White House china and rent the Lincoln Bedroom this time. She's already moved on to selling America's strategic uranium for personal profit to Russians. Can you image what she will do in office?
Politicians love using children, because it works. Emotions. Whenever you hear a politician saying they'd like to get back to the substantive issues, they are lying. They want to avoid anything of substance. They want the other guy to drone on about policy. Especially of the other guy is having success with his emotional appeal.
So Hillary is bringing up the Lolita Express? Bill Clinton flew on that plane plenty.
A fifty-year old woman watches a few seconds of that and hears a bit of Hillary's voice from the commercial, then turns to face a camera. Facial closeup.
"My kids were that age when they learned about oral sex on television. Ask me why."
a child picks up a rock and throws it into the air...
...when it finally comes down, it hits the Clinton Foundation HQ building, which then falls into shards.
Make America Great Again
This is too easy.
I think this will appeal to those already turned off by Trump's style. But new votes? Who's left that doesn't know how he acts?
And the thought of little children crowded around the TV to watch politicians is exactly what a campaign strategist would imagine kids do. But of course they're not watching.
This is a fastball down the pipe with a 2 - 0 count.
Women's vote.
Men know that children are desperados, like the outlaws they were.
Donald Trump on TV as he delivers some of his famous quotes (e.g., "I could shoot somebody...").
Gang of boys outdoors with play guns cheer.
Paul Snively said...
All that would take is being either completely ignorant of the last two decades plus of American politics, or being the kind of person who knows all of the Clintons' dirty laundry, but literally says "that doesn't matter, because she believes the right things."
7/15/16, 11:28 AM
That but also don't forget she has a vagina and to many women that is all that it will take.
It's not a bad ad but it won't move any votes. Trump as boogeyman just doesn't cut it when you have real boogeymen popping on the TV every night, shooting people.
House flies are sometimes found on the kitchen window screen trying to get out. I open the screen for a while and they finally make it.
Now there are house flies on the screen trying to get in.
Hilarious! And she said it with a straight face. Were her fingers crossed behind her back?
There's probably some weird theory behind the ad that it subliminally accesses some part of the female brain that ossifies before puberty.
If Hillary! is elected, she will be virtually unrestrained for the next four years and untouchable after that.
If Trump is elected, he will have all the media, perhaps except Murdoch's, against him, and they will scrutinize and criticise any little thing they can find; the bureaucracy will be hostile and drag their feet if not openly oppose anything he proposes; and the judiciary will be at best ambivalent (because most will at least try to keep up the pretence of impartiality).
So, which candidate will be the safest President for us?
That but also don't forget she has a vagina
Do we know this for a fact? After all, Chelsea was born by C-section.
On second consideration, it is a bad ad. It screams, "Staged! Phony! Manipulative!" This is the core Hillary on display.
Not just Bill, but good family friend Jeffrey Epstein : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3688656/A-fully-equipped-dentist-s-chair-close-photos-young-girls-backsides-eerie-images-videotaped-walk-billionaire-pedophile-Jeffrey-Epstein-s-Florida-mansion.html
"Using" children is training them to say or do things they clearly would not have come up with on their own to suit a political agenda.
This commercial doesn't fit that category. We are asked to imagine what a kid is going to make of the various things Trump has said. The implied rhetorical question is are we OK with the debasement.
Clinton had a terrible week. It's difficult to imagine a worse one with Comey's report reminding us what a shameless liar she is and the Dallas shooting giving us a taste of the fruit of racial resentment Democrats have stoked. Trump, no stranger to stoking racial resentment, has climbed to a tie in a single, national, registered-voter poll. Meanwhile traditional Republicans in races around the country are outpolling Trump by around 5 points.
MNichols said...
Trump doesn't have the moral high ground here either. Three marriages, cheating on previous wives with current wives, and there is that lawsuit....
Which is still chump change compared to Clinton's treason and graft. And the bitch is still married to Bill so you don't even have that.
Understand that commercials like this are aimed at the undecided 20%.
Hillary, an extremely corrupt and horrible person without ethics, morals, principles, or even shame, deserves to win because her opponent is a bad person?
Sorry, Trump is a protest candidate, while Hillary is that boot Orwell wrote about, grinding down on your face, forever. Only that old boot walked through decades of shit and vomit and industrial waste before the grinding started.
Blogger Hagar said...
If Hillary! is elected, she will be virtually unrestrained for the next four years and untouchable after that.
If Trump is elected, he will have all the media, perhaps except Murdoch's, against him, and they will scrutinize and criticise any little thing they can find; the bureaucracy will be hostile and drag their feet if not openly oppose anything he proposes; and the judiciary will be at best ambivalent (because most will at least try to keep up the pretence of impartiality).
So, which candidate will be the safest President for us?
Don't forget politicians.
Republicans will fight with Trump. They already are.
Democrats will be a rubber stamp for Hillary.
We see sweet, impressionable children watching Donald Trump on TV as he delivers some of his famous quotes (e.g., "I could shoot somebody...")
I'm pretty sure that no "sweet, impressionable children" saw Donald Trump saying, "I could shoot somebody..." They're too busy playing Grand Theft Auto.
Hillary, a role model? I guess it depends on what you're modeling.
Children don't vote but their parents sometimes do. More and more of those parents see Hillary as a leader who wants to ramp up immigration more and more until even worse atrocities occur -- one big enough to justify a massive disarmament. Hillary, the third Obama term, also refuses to acknowledge homegrown Muslim terrorism.
She needs to take this problem head on.
"They're too busy playing Grand Theft Auto."
Well, this is meant to appeal to sweet little old ladies you haven't kept up with the current generation.
Or the previous generation for that matter.
We see sweet, impressionable children watching Donald Trump on TV as he delivers some of his famous quotes (e.g., "I could shoot somebody...")
My kids didn't develop an interest in politics until their early teens. Hillary presents and unlikely scenario.
Patriotism and think about the children are the last refuges of scoundrels
You want to reign in the greatly expanded executive power? You want hard hitting questions at press conferences (hell, you want press conferences the President actually attends, much less participates in?) You want Congress to assert it's right and perogatives as a co-equal branch of government? You want to stop extreme judicial deference to executive agencies? Elect Trump.
The version playing here in Co ends at the "our children are watching." tag. I guess they decided that showing Hillary was not going to help them. Probably true.
A typical left-wing ploy. Avoid substantive policy, avoid dealing with real demons (Isis/Radical Islam), but falsely "demonize" your GOP opponent as mean to children.
Vote Trump in November.
Just look at Hillary. She's the very embodiment of a Teachable Moment™!
"We came, we saw, he died... Ha ha ha."
buwaya said...
Well, this is meant to appeal to sweet little old ladies you haven't kept up with the current generation.
Or the previous generation for that matter.
7/15/16, 12:09 PM
Or all of the dead people. Don't for get the dead voters. Not only do they still get a say but their vote is likely to be decisive in this upcoming election.
Also, there must be something about either the dead in general or the after life in particular, in that nearly all dead people vote straight party line democrat. What do they know that we don't? Inquiring minds want to know!
I picture a counter-ad showing twisted, mangled bodies of children in Nice with a voice-over describing HC's plans to bring in at least one million additional un-screened immigrants from radicalized parts of the world in her first term. I am not saying such an ad would be fair, but I think it would hit home. People care more about protecting their children from death and destruction than from boorish behavior.
Good parenting would require watching Hillary commercials with one's children followed by a discussion about the importance of not trusting every adult who seems to mean well. Some adults appear to care about children but in fact are tricking them for the adult's personal advantage.
My own good parents helped me understand this sad fact of life when I was 7 by allowing me to experience the loss of wealth and innocence sending away for Sea Monkeys.
Meade said...
My own good parents helped me understand this sad fact of life when I was 7 by allowing me to experience the loss of wealth and innocence sending away for Sea Monkeys.
7/15/16, 12:47 PM
Not only did I get my sea monkeys but they actually lived for a good while (for a child at least). Had a cute little sea monkey tank with the built in magnifying lenses...
"I picture a counter-ad showing twisted, mangled bodies of children in Nice with a voice-over describing HC's plans to bring in at least one million additional un-screened immigrants from radicalized parts of the world in her first term."
Except that the murderous truck driver was born in France.
No, George111, read again. He was born in Tunisia and immigrated to France about ten years ago.
Harold said...
I guess they decided that showing Hillary was not going to help them. Probably true.
After Trump talks, Billary says she approves of this message.
Clyde said...No, George111, read again. He was born in Tunisia and immigrated to France about ten years ago.
George111 feels entitled to his own facts. It's come to that.
Come Hillary trolls, up your game!
Per WSJ, Tunisia is one of the most prolific exporter of ISIS fanatics.
Who knew? I'm surprised the Obama admin is not pushing for more to come here, but maybe that will change now given our bizarro world approach to immigration.
I am only surprised that none of the children were picking daisies.
Forget Hillary's relationship with Bill.
Focus on her very distant relation with truth. George Washington said,"I cannot tell a lie." Hillary said, "I cannot tell the truth."
It's hard to find a thing that will wreck a child's future more than an inability to tell the truth.
I wish that one of these lefties would explain why it's not worse that so many are second generation.
It's a helluva choice this year. I'm voting Libertarian this time. What's strange to me is that while everyone here spews bile every time Hillary's name is mentioned, no one acknowledges that Trump is an ignorant buffoon. You can despise Hillary and still think The Donald is a crass half-wit. His childishness knows no bounds.
The choice is between taxi drivers, one an adult and the other a child. The adult is nasty and you know she will break the law and take you where you don't want to go. With the child, you don't know whether he'll wreck the car or take you over a cliff...or maybe he'll just throw tantrums. I'm taking the bus.
Am I the only one here who thinks Trump is out to lunch?
When it comes to role models for the kids, you can't beat Nurse Wretched.
So Hillary is saying, "Vote for me because Donald Trump said 'fuck'"
New Clinton slogans:
"I won't do anything mean."
"Terrorists are people too."
"I don't always send insecure emails, but when I do, it's from home. Where the heart is."
As I watched the video clip with the sound turned off, I pictured those children as the likely rape and sexual assault victims of the waves of unvetted immigrants Obama has now brought to our shores from the hell holes of the Middle East. Did I get it wrong?
You did, they are children Bill is grooming.
Blogger Meade said...
Good parenting would require watching Hillary commercials with one's children followed by a discussion about the importance of not trusting every adult who seems to mean well. Some adults appear to care about children but in fact are tricking them for the adult's personal advantage.
My own good parents helped me understand this sad fact of life when I was 7 by allowing me to experience the loss of wealth and innocence sending away for Sea Monkeys.
I saw through that scam with my x-ray specs.
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