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Day 2 of the Democratic National Convention.
Watch it with me. Hillary is nominated. That's the central fact, but there's got to be more going on here. Help me find something to talk about.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
२३६ टिप्पण्या:
236 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Why did this happen so early in the evening? I would think a historic moment would be around 9 or 9:30 central.
Cancelled Roll Call Vote:
Headline: Bernie Blows Hillary!
She deserved to be nominated in 2008 (if you want to talk about a rigged system, it was then not now) and 8 years too late but the day came and is here. I am happy for Hillary.
I don't know if "no more testicles, we need a vagina as President" is the best sales pitch? Especially given the gender fluidity the Party promotes? BTW, Party capitalized as Dems seem to be gravitating toward Sovietization.
Roll call vote was not cancelled.
I am happy for Hillary.
The grumpy old man tried to still massage his ego by saying something about nominating her by acclamation when Vermont was called during the roll call vote but she already had the delegates when N. Dakota was called earlier. Hope I have seen the last of that old fart Bernie. Sore loser.
oh, don't be so melodramatic.
Bernie supporters and delegates walking out.
They appear to have swapped out the blue wall for a clear one.
OK pm317, I'll chill, I gotta remember to be civil. my problem, not yours, Peace, Out.
I just love the posting time races!
Don't you?
I couldn't clearly hear Bernie's brother's speech, but from what I could hear it sounded touching.
There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear...
pm317 said...
She deserved to be nominated in 2008 (if you want to talk about a rigged system, it was then not now) and 8 years too late but the day came and is here. I am happy for Hillary.
You're right that she got cheated in 2008. Remember the Michigan primary? Me neither. But Obama was declared the winner anyway. However, her behaviour since then has made clear she is unfit for any position of trust or responsibility.
She's been nominated but will she accept? The tension is killing me so I switched channels to "Wolf of Wall Street".
Paul from Minneapolis said...
Why did this happen so early in the evening?
They had a potential media disaster on their hands.
I have not been watching.
However, this "split" is likely to be old news by the end of October. There is often some bitter divide at a convention, but usually it is of limited consequence.
'She deserved to be nominated in 2008.....' Reminds of 'The Unforgiven'. Little Bill (Gene Hackman) prone on the barroom floor whimpering 'I don't deserve this' . Eastwood 'Deserve's got nothing to do with it' then blows Little Bill's head off.
and as it turns out, that film was result of a scam with the malaysian authorities, and a really wretched piece of work,
The big dog tonight: Woof! Woof! Woof!.
In sharp contrast to Trump's dark vision, Hillary's America is a sunny, happy place where police gun down black kids for no reason.
However, her behaviour since then has made clear she is unfit for any position of trust or responsibility.
How much of it was Obama? Let us not forget who the CiC was and who was the boss.
"How much of it was Obama? Let us not forget who the CiC was and who was the boss."
So she can be trusted unsupervised? I think the 47% will ensure a Democrat victory but pyrrhic doesn't describe what will follow.
There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear...
There's a man with a gun over there
Tellin' me I got to beware...
So she can be trusted unsupervised?
I don't even understand the question. She was working within the parameters set by Obama er., Jarrett. There was no trust between her and them but she tried to make it work. It is not fair to hang Obama's failures on her head (where the hell was he on the night of Benghazi?). She is her own person and she will try and put together her vision now. I think it will be better than Obama's. All the shrieking stuff on the right is just hyperbole.
Please name a single positive reason to vote for Hillary Clinton. Just one unalloyed positive thing, please, that could sell a Hillary-curious voter.
The Clintons' record goes back to 1976 - 40 years!
Only Trumpophobes will vote for Hillary.
Obama set up the server, took the bribes, and lied to the families of the men who died? Bullshit, he was golfing the whole time.
To celebrate her nomination, Hillary sent out a picture in which people with waving American flags are madly cheering her. But I think those American flags are photoshopped in including the large one in the back. They are being held by people with long straight arms sticking up in the air. For instance look at the far back right.
Maybe she had no pictures of her supporters waving American flags, only burning them
The picture I saw was at http://www.weaselzippers.us/
It goes to show that with enough corrupton and affirmative action there's nothing women can't be appointed as.
At least Obama has the decency to wait until his presidency is over before shoveling in the backhanders. Hillary's into nine figures and isn't even President yet.
What about neither Hillary nor Trump being the candidate party pros would have selected if they still selected candidates? The pros would have considered Hillary to have too much baggage. Trump probably wouldn't eve have tried, but had he done so, he'd have been given short shrift.
What does this say, good or bad, about our system?
Very effective speech from Lauren Manning, 9/11 survivor. Hillary needs a lot more of this humanizing testimony to have any significant impact.
I am still hoping Condi Rice will be our first female Pres.
Hillary needs a lot more of this humanizing testimony to have any significant impact.
Humanizing?! Nah..She is a robot...
I like Elizabeth Banks introducing different people/videos and so on..
What does this say, good or bad, about our system?
Party pros want a compliant, known, willing to be a puppet quantity. The fact they don't want these two is a good thing.
effie from the hunger games, she's perhaps the most normal person there,
re condi, I'm sure volodya appreciated a very professional official who knew the language instead of rice and phillip 'reset' reines,
Not a fan of all the actresses. One thing I liked about the RNC was all the regular people. In part this was making a virtue of necessity but it worked better than the muted star power the RNC usually serves up.
Please name a single positive reason to vote for Hillary Clinton. Just one unalloyed positive thing, please, that could sell a Hillary-curious voter.
History made tonight! The first presidential candidate in history that rigged their primary, got caught, and was nominated anyway.
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That's the story.
Also schadenfreude. Is it bad? Is it wrong? Are you feeling schadenfreude because I'm worried about my schadenfreude? We could have an endless cycle of joy at the other's unhappiness.
BOOOOOOOOOOOO! Can we loop the boos?
I think I've gotten over my schadenfreude guilt and now it's just pure bliss at the negativity. BOOOOOOOO!
Let's move this bitch to Philly. Oh, wait, we're in Philly already. Boy that was stupid.
BOOOOOOOOOO! The fucking ref can bite me! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
They booed Santa in Philly, man. Do you think you're Santa, Hillary? Because you're worse than Santa! BOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Somebody punch a cow. You're in Philly, bitch! And nobody likes you!
Haven't switched it on yet, but I do want to watch Slick when he comes on at about 10 (9 central). After all, it might be the last big national speech he ever makes.
Watching the DNC convention, millions of wymyn will tug at their yoga pants tonight, peer down into them and then say, "So THAT's why I should vote for Hillary!"
(Leaving aside, of course, the tens of millions of other wymyn who haven't a CLUE about this election, and will be told whom to vote for when they're standing in line at their polling place in November.)
REPEAL THE 19th Amendment!!!!
Hillary's greatest weakness is her vote for the Iraq war. It was such as moronic decision that it should be exclusionary for any candidate to lead the world's strongest military.
Is anybody really watching?
"Please name a single positive reason to vote for Hillary Clinton. Just one unalloyed positive thing, please, that could sell a Hillary-curious voter."
Let's see:
The election of a woman will be tremendously empowering to women and girls all over the country - indeed, the world. Sure, other countries, including some surprising ones, have elected women to be heads of state, but we are still a superpower, and electing a woman President of the United States will be taken as a big deal, because it is.
This is a time of tremendous turmoil. It's easy to bash The System and the status quo for all their failings, but upending these will have negative consequences. A victory by an insider candidate, who has a tremendous vested interest in maintaining the status quo will be stabilizing to the country and throughout our sphere of influence. People who say "How can it get worse" always find out.
Mrs. Clinton brings not only a wealth of experience - Senator, Cabinet Secretary - to the table, she also brings familiarity with the White House and a behind-the-scenes knowledge of how things really work. She won't need time to get up to speed.
Finally, Mrs. Clinton will benefit from the goodwill not only of all Democrats, but of that segment of Republicans who would be relieved not to face a President Trump. She'll have the people who make up the government eager to come through for her, and a largely friendly press making the best case for her policies. The government will function more effectively under her than under a President Trump.
For the record, I think she combines amorality and incompetence to a stunning degree, and I am disgusted that a party representing roughly half of America would turn a blind eye to just about any crime she could commit - because she commits her crimes in pursuit of power, and ultimately, will to power is what that party is all about. Also because Republicans hate her and she calls them the enemy, her word, she's proudest of.
Trying to get a sense of which speeches to watch tomorrow. Apparently - none so far.
ARM, I disagree, the purpose of her vote was to not stand in the way of the CiC if he felt it was justified. Having seen the presidency up and close, her instincts would be different and especially when she herself is hawkish. Also, it was a time when people were craving action. Even my peace loving husband was for that war. Who knew Bush would be so incompetent and Obama even more so.
the area outside the wells fargo arena, is very peaceful,
I thought the Bernie protestors got over the wall around the arena - where are they now?
Remember this?
How can anyone in the Pro-Choice Church vote for "Hillary" with a clear conscience, when a central tenet of their religion is that class diversity requires promotion of generic, colorful clumps of cells with female characteristics and gender profile?
Furthermore, with the selective normalization of the transgender spectrum disorder, even "female" must be considered as an abstraction, and all that remains is an ambiguous, colorful clump of cells.
Choose abortion, not life.
Also, progressive wars for social causes (e.g. refugee crises/Democrat leverage; removing Democratically incorrect leaders and Americans, too), not for reasons of self-defense (e.g. invasion), progressive violations (e.g. ceasefire violations), and judicial trials (just sodomy sessions and field abortions). The withdrawal of honest brokers from Iraq, creating and saving the Islamic State, followed by the social justice-inspired global humanitarian disasters has been a key achievement of Obama and Clinton.
well no, the dems thought they got burned voting against the first gulf war, consequently, after a major terror, they didn't want to be left in the lurch, of course they ignored the lesson of vietnam, you don't turn your back on the soldiers and sailors you sent there,
Bill Clinton, none like him..
I can only watch snippets. Then I have to retreat to a safe space.......I watched Lena Dunham for a few moments. She looked quite presentable. The frumpy look is part of her schtick and not who she really is. Nonetheless, who she really is is plenty annoying. She doesn't need costumes or lighting. She has had a life laden with privilege but she went on about being a sexual assault survivor and the various other problems she has had to confront in this oppressive society.......She appeared with America Ferrara. America told the world about how wonderful immigrants are......I don't mean this as a slam, but can someone explain to me why Mexicans, who are innately wonderful, need to flee their country and its left wing government and come to this country which is run by white, right wing bigots like Donald Trump.
I just don't get it. I understand that other people view the world differently than I do, have different values, beliefs, convictions, etc. With the exception of people in her inner circle and her political allies, every other comment I've seen or read about her from any other person that has interacted with her is that she is a horrible person, just a complete witch. Not too mention everything else that she brings with her, which has been recounted ad nauseum.
I don't care - go ahead and nominate the first lady to be a presidential candidate. But out of 126 million (biological) ladies in the country, it has to be her?!?!?!?!?!? F*ck, man.
And 1/2 the country will vote for her. F*ck, man.
It is hard to rank Bill Clinton amongst contemporary Democrat politicians. Compared to Al Gore, John Edwards or John Kerry he is a giant. Compared to Obama he is an embarrassment at many levels. I don't think history will be all that kind to him.
According to Pew Research, in March, 2003, 72% of Americans were in favor of using military force in Iraq. Only 22% were against using military force in Iraq:
I bet that if you asked people, now, if they had supported the Iraq War decision back in '03, those numbers would be reversed. 72% would say that they had been against military force back in '03, and only 22% would confess to having been in favor of military force.
The lesson presidents and politicians should learn from this is that American voters will forgive any screw ups in conducting a war if it is over quickly and we win decisively.
Undocumented delegates are over the fence. Register them and send them pizza.
Undocumented delegates - they don't need no stinking badge.
A valiant but failed effort. None of those things was a positive. "Wealth of (horrible, failed) experience" cannot be spun into a positive.
Compared to Obama he is an embarrassment at many levels.
oh, you don't mean that, intellectually, Obama is no where near, not even close.
narciso said...
well no, the dems thought they got burned voting against the first gulf war, consequently, after a major terror, they didn't want to be left in the lurch
This is short term political strategy, exactly the kind of considerations that should play no role in decisions affecting our military.
I was always a sort of a standard Republican critic of Bill Clinton; an early adopter of the Drudge Report, I was deeply angered by the brazenness of his media lies, and I thought his handling by the Arkansas Bar was absolutely correct.
But I tried hard never to go overboard in hating the guy.
Now, hearing Slick Willie talking about his marriage makes me want to vomit like never before.
He looks frail.
Seeing Madeleine Albright on tv a moment age made me think of Althouse's sexist comment about an ugly old man, Rudy Giuliani. Well, Madeleine Albright is an ugly old woman, an ugly old liberal. Compare her to Rudy as to their looks. Oh yeah, now I'm seeing another old person who isn't aging very well either, Bill Clinton.
This should have been 8 years ago. They are both older. Fuck Obama and the horse he rode on. What did he accomplish in these last 8 years?
My cousin had a few hundred people at both conventions. Those at the DNC demanded boredom pay. My cousin's company, the roadies you see riding Harleys that set up and take apart, and keep the lights on and the toilets working at big events like big name tours demanded they be allowed to drink at the DNC event and brought they own kegs, and made good money selling to the other attendees, my cousin said they wouldn't tip at all, and just emptied their solo cups on the floor before refilling. When asked, they all said they were voting for the wimp in a hard hart who could drive a Cat10, so he must not be all limp and be semi-smart jus to pass the hard-hat and cat10 course, plus they heard his son worked his way up the company driving a cat10 for a hard-hat boss so he must not be all bad. They liked the RNC convention. They even set aside a section for them to sit, with chairs with cup holders Thought they were a class act. Plus they paid for the beer upfront, no fighting with cash or taxes. My cousin had a few hundred people at both conventions. Those at the DNC demanded boredom pay. My cousin's company, the roadies you see riding Harleys that set up and take apart, and keep the lights on and the toilets working at big events like big name tours demanded they be allowed to drink at the DNC event and brought they own kegs, and made good money selling to the other attendees, my cousin said they wouldn't tip at all, and just emptied their solo cups on the floor before refilling. When asked, they all said they were voting for the wimp in a hard hart who could drive a Cat10, so he must not be all limp and be semi-smart jus to pass the hard-hat and cat10 course, plus they heard his son worked his way up the company driving a cat10 for a hard-hat boss so he must not be all bad. They liked the RNC convention. They even set aside a section for them to sit, with chairs with cup holders Thought they were a class act. Plus they paid for the beer upfront, no fighting with cash or taxes. Even my grandma's mother on Mars was impressed. Not only with the chromosomally challenged creatures with chests, but those with a full set of chromosomes chests “men with chests” –. We couldn't get him (we're sexless but just the same) off the telescope. Amazing what you could see, and the shadows those cast casts, especially on those who worked their way up from nothing – a class act.
Does anybody really care?
He is not reading a teleprompter..
"This should have been 8 years ago. They are both older. Fuck Obama and the horse he rode on. What did he accomplish in these last 8 years?"
What has Hillary ever accomplished? Anyone, anyone?
She will be better than Obama.
Seducer-in Chief BJ himself is spinning tales of the past that add up to Baby Boomer Hillary deserving as her trophy a Presidency.
Somehow the Clinton Cash Systemic Bribery Racquet is not being mentioned at all tonight.
Maybe the media has forgotten it.
I guess a lot of women there and some of those watching on tv would still like to give that old man a blow job, Hillary excepted of course.
Both of the people Obama selected to be secretary of state voted in favor of the Iraq War.
This is what Obama had to say about the coming Iraq in October 2, 2002, the same that the Senate took up the Iraq War resolution that Hillary and John Kerry voted for:
What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.
What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income — to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics. Now let me be clear — I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions, thwarted UN inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity. He's a bad guy. The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him.
Here is Hillary justifying her war vote the same month:
Obama's choice to have first Hillary and then Kerry direct Americas's foreign policy is strong evidence that Obama is a nutburger.
Needs more illegals.
And "Syrian" refugees.
Funny that there is no mention of his impeachment...with all the talk about the historic nature of this convention, having one of only two Presidents ever to be impeached speaking on behalf of the current candidate is truly historic.
More government-run education stories and nostalgia from Bill. I guess we can look forward to another NCLB and core bill.
The Clintons are actually egomaniacal enough to think that they've concocted better programs than FDR.
Fuck Obama and the horse he rode on. What did he accomplish in these last 8 years?
Go ask out of work coal miners in Appalachia.
I'm older and wiser now. I don't buy any of Bill's bullshit. Or maybe we should call it Billshit.
In any event, I think even in the 90s I knew he was kind of full of shit. But by now the whole country should know better.
I don't think this speech by Bill is going to rehabilitate Hillary. On her hands and knees, I bet that was the only time he saw her on her hands and knees however much he might have tried.
meanwhile, outside thunderdome,
I'm carefully awaiting the Spinner-in-Chief to start spinning yarns about Hillary's magic beans.
THere's nothing these people can't do, apparently.
In Bill Clinton I only see a weak undisciplined blowhard, not the political 'genius' that others see. Lack of discipline is an unforgivable sin in a leader. Obama is a very disciplined human being and his administration has reflected that discipline.
Hillary threw magic beans in the chasms torn into the earth by 9/11 and world record-breaking skyscrapers grew out of them.
Once this is over I think I'll watch the link to Julian Assange's comments on Hillary's corruption.
Big Mike said...
Go ask out of work coal miners in Appalachia.
The collapse of the coal industry is a classic example of market forces and disruptive technology. I thought you guys were all in favor of this. Fracking and cheap, abundant natural gas.
LOL! "To protect the 'peace of the region'". Hardee har har har har.
Disciplined? my foot. If the media could hide everything nasty and paint a rosy picture, yes, disciplined, indeed. And what has he tried accomplish with all that 'discipline' other than to pay his pals for playing? One lazy ass fucker.
Bill, great speech, but you left out how Hillary became a lying criminal.
These low-information yokels are eating up every exaggeration and piece of spin he can throw at them.
Oh look! And no one feels their life has gotten better! But Ole Billshitter will convince you that he threw some magic beans at America. If only we could see it with our own lying eyes.
no, that's the epa with the hammer, one promise obama did keep,
In Bill Clinton I only see a weak undisciplined blowhard, not the political 'genius' that others see.
That's what others see. The media insist to us that Bill is a genius. It's all part of their false narrative.
Bill and Loretta Lynch
sitting in a jet
"She will be better than Obama."
Maybe she would have been better than Obama but for everything there is a season. Hillary is well past her sale by due date.
So Bill, if Hillary is so great, why did you cheat on her?
Did he just say they nominated "the REAL one?"
Clinton has a TelePrompTer in the podium that he is reading from!
Billy's fighting real hard to make us believe that he believes in his wife right now.
Like they did make the wrong choice 8 years ago.
If Billy can't convince us that he believes in his wife then maybe he won't be able to believe in her, either.
I do not have cable. I get local ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS etc...(about 30 channels) not CNN or FOX - no movie or home shows etc...
Last week the ONLY local station to play the RNC convention was PBS.
Tonight - ALL the alphabet channels are playing the DNC...
Hillary stayed clear of "The Fappening."
So there's that.
I am Laslo.
Bill could get Hitler canonized.
A lot of stupidity in that convention hall and even more outside demonstrating.
Why are the major networks playing the DNC now - but last week NO RNC?
This audience is a cavalcade of low-info jack-o-lanterns. Many jaws agape. The easily mesmerized are feeling the Billshit.
Hillary didn't do any nude scenes in "True Blood."
So there's that.
I am Laslo.
"The collapse of the coal industry is a classic example of market forces and disruptive technology. "
Natural gas isn't THAT cheap. Coal power gen per kw/hr is still much cheaper in the US, though Nuke is the cheapest fuel by far. Even in 2015 per-kilowatt its a bit over half the cost of natural gas.
What kills coal, and nuke, are inflated capital costs due to harassing regulations.
Why didn't she parachute into Libya and fix that...after she created the mess?
"Like they did make the wrong choice 8 years ago."
Yeah, the Dems had two bad choices and they chose the worst one.
More fucking celebrities.
Bill hasn't gotten laid in a while. Vote for his wife so he can get some.
If coal went out of business because of cheaper alternatives, why did the federal government create so many rules to force them out of business?
As shiloh/readering might say, "Rhetorical!"
You are a brazen liar and a fool, when you agree with the exercise of power against the disfavored.
This music mash-up is beyond lame.
Bernie and Obama definitely had the better ads and celebrity spots.
Phony inspiration at its best.
The alphabets played the RNC from 10-11+ if memory serves me correctly. If the networks gave the DNC more coverage, I would be surprised, but am willing to be proven wrong.
Meryl Streep-Scott baio.
8 years too late, so many opportunities lost, but she may still get to show us what she is made of. Good for her. I didn't think this would happen when we lost the opportunity 8 years ago. But here it is. I am happy for America. Don't believe all the noise you hear.
I was stuck on PBS, and any channel change yielded regular show content on the alphabets. Perhaps I missed it. Did the alphabets run Trump's speech?
The Celebrity Party.
"8 years too late, so many opportunities lost, but she may still get to show us what she is made of."
She has already shown us what she is made of and wikileaks will be making it even more manifest.
What did I miss? Other than some more phoniness from people who get paid to pretend they're something they're not.
Birkel said...
If coal went out of business because of cheaper alternatives, why did the federal government create so many rules to force them out of business?
Coal is not out of business. Coal still accounts for roughly as much power generation as natural gas. It is steadily losing market share because of fracking and the current oversupply of natural gas. You guys can't have it both ways, the government is blocking fracking and blocking coal mining. Which is it?
Merl Streep is a big star. So what?
Why would anyone let a ultra-wealthy bubble-dwelling Ivory tower prog-fascist in Hollywood inspire and propagandize their opinions?
Sadly, too many Americans give a rip about what Hollywood thinks.
All right. I think I've had enough.
Did they give everyone an estrogen pill before they were allowed to enter the stadium?
Really, Titus, You mention Scott Baio and Meryl Streep in the same breath. He isn't even fit to tie her shoes.
Oh, and AprilApple, All the PBS Stations in Los Angeles ran Donald's speech. They are actually fair and balanced, unlike the people at the Ailes run Fix News.... Oops, Fox News.
Vicki from Pasadena
Putin says he won't rule out voting for Hillary.
Meryl Streep is another one of those easily overlooked anomalies that women seem to think is the embodiment of everything awesome.
"blocking coal mining. Which is it?"
They have worked hard to bar fracking. Saved by the skin of the teeth frankly.
They aren't blocking coal mining, they are beating up on users of coal.
The next step, coming now, right now, is beating up on users of natural gas.
California is the model.
Double cost of electricity, heading for 3x, that's the plan.
It is economic sabotage.
Putin says Hillary's diaper accidents are unfortunate.
They definitely got the B-list on the talent portion.
"They are actually fair and balanced, unlike the people at the Ailes run Fix News.... Oops, Fox News.
Vicki from Pasadena"
The little old lady from pasadena.
Jessie Ventura said that he would make a third party run if Sanders lost:
That would make the ol' presidential choice difficult on Nov. 8 for Bernie supporters!
On the other hand, Ventura also hoped Trump would pick him for VP: http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/12/politics/donald-trump-jesse-ventura-roger-stone-vice-president/
Ironically, I could see 1980s Trump as a bad-guy wrestler: The Billionaire.
R&B throws the Billshit flag. Concur. A most appropriate portmanteau.
I'm throwing up in my mouth right now.
"Putin says he won't rule out voting for Hillary."
I say Putin has much right to vote for Hillary as all the illegal aliens and felons.
Wow. That was very unsubtle.
All the presidents great and low have one thing in common that this nobody's here to smash, a la the Apple 1984 commercial.
She can't even be original in her "history making" moment.
Just what a bunch of garbage.
A nation of little girls.
This woman is grade-A obsessive carpet muncher lesbian supremacist. You guys were right. Her misandry is just uncontainable.
buwaya puti said...
They have worked hard to bar fracking. Saved by the skin of the teeth frankly.
Saved by what?
Lesbians do love her.
Look at California.
If you want to know what they want to do, its here.
This is the rest of your country, a few years ahead.
This is the future, and if you aren't in the favored crowd, you are heading for permanent misery, and your childrens lives will be idle, empty and futile.
More and more and more. But from California they can flee, and boy have they. At some point, there will be nowhere to flee.
I am old and was here in the days of glory, but today only slag is left.
I've distrusted and disliked this woman for decades.
Why won't she go away?
Sepia-toned male presidential collage is a facade of glass. Hillary is in color and will break it.
Can't this woman say anything positive about herself without making it all about gender and how she hates men?
What a sad, uninspiring idiot. I swear she must have paid off Donald Trump to be her opponent.
He whose moniker is an anagram for "Await Buy Up" wrote:
"Double cost of electricity, heading for 3x, that's the plan."
Maybe they could pay one group of miners to dig the coal out, and another group of miners to bury it?
Better yet, pay all the miners to stay home and do nothing! It'll be more efficient that way!
Hold on, I think that is the plan . . .
Nice Hunger Games conclusion IMO.
Misogyny. Homophobia. Pathetic display.
Real men--and women with brains in their heads--won't vote for Hillary. So if she wins, it shows what kind of pussy-ass nation we have become.
I've distrusted and disliked this woman for decades.
Why won't she go away?
Watch that video she did of breaking the "glass" of all 44 presidents flashed before our eyes in sepia.
It was bizarre and mildly nauseating.
Even this "beloved" husband of her's face was in that. And Lincoln. etc.
But she has to smash them up to boost herself.
What a shitty old lady.
Vicki - Are you thick?
I'm not talking about PBS. I do not recall the alphabet channels running the RNC - any of it.
Yes, they covered Trump's speech.
I wonder how much Trump would charge to endorse Hillary? Maybe he would do it for for an ambassador appointment to Monaco, or France. Some classy country like that.
"Saved by what?"
Essentially the state of Texas and a few Federal judges.
She is a shitty old lady. Balls, thank you. We are on opposite ends of the political spectrum, but it gives me some comfort knowing there are those on the left with integrity. Those on the left who see her for the lying horror-show she is.
Misogyny. Homophobia. Pathetic display.
Hey. Hillary sees what she wants to.
And does she see enemies everywhere.
Her daddy was the worstest sexist evar.
So now she has to teach the nation some kind of "lesson."
Her psychology's pretty transparent. And pretty pathetic.
You know, not all women are saints - whoever you are.
And this one has issues like you wouldn't believe.
Other women can and do see it. It's like all those other truths that stare her right in the face.
Like hostile nations hacking her server. Oh, well!
Maybe they did that because she was a woman. Whatever.
If Huma's marriage was real, she have to mount her head on a quick disconnect fitting with all the fatwas against her. She'd need a Secret Service detail greater than the President's.
The shameful Dems are totally shameless.
Yancy - OK good. We all know the alphabet channels are in bed with the democrat party - but the idea they are slanted enough to be that off balanced - too much.
North Korea is watching closely to plan their next election.
Hunger games is right.
Daughter made me see it.
I know that Eureka, Redding, Chico, Modesto, Stockton, and the rest are the "Districts".
I live in the "Capitol"
R&B wrote:
"Her daddy was the worstest sexist evar."
Can you name any man in the 1950s who had today's modern, feminist-approved opinion about women? Any man? Ayn Rand doesn't count, and neither does Alice Toklas. They have to able to write their name in the snow with what nature gave them.
AprilApple said...
Vicki - Are you thick?
I'm not talking about PBS. I do not recall the alphabet channels running the RNC - any of it.
April, the alphabet channels just play to their audiences. People like Vicki don't want to see Republicans, except at funerals, in coffins. They are the ones who plug their ears.
Also, what you said at 10:23.
Bill Clinton says he didn't enjoy having to rape all those women. They should have come to him and put out.
I know that Eureka, Redding, Chico, Modesto, Stockton, and the rest are the "Districts".
In some of those places, the best job in town is prison guard, which somehow makes it even more like Hunger Games.
Blogger AprilApple said.."Why are the major networks playing the DNC now - but last week NO RNC?"
I know! I'm trying to find out who negotiates that, the parties? The media?
RNC wasn't fully covered until the 2 last nights, or maybe it was just the last night, when they started the "dark" meme.
Daughter thought "Hunger Games" was a left wing argument. It isn't of course.
She being a San Francisco socialist like all of them at that age.
Let me say something right here and now that should cut both ways - leftist Hillary fanatics should understand this as easily as the conservatives and whomever else.
Whatever anyone wants to say about Obama, he never promised that racism would somehow go away.
Hillary seems to be saying that by her becoming president, there will never be any more misogyny.
Now just think about that for a second. Which attitude is truly more delusional and more indicative of a psychopathically dangerous (or at least, unhinged) personality?
who see her for the lying horror-show she is
That's shit show. C'mon. Respect the meme.
I wasn't able to watch the prime time coverage. Please somebody tell me they didn't put Hillary in that track suit from the Macintosh commercial.
Can you name any man in the 1950s who had today's modern, feminist-approved opinion about women?
It doesn't matter. This is a psychological issue, personal to Hillary - but one that others of her age might (or might not) identify with.
She grew up feeling that her father (and brothers) was against her. That's the issue.
Regardless of the era and mores, this is not an attitude that most women share. Not all women grow up feeling that the men of their family hate them or are out to get them and vow some kind of weird vengeful attitude against all men as a result.
But then, Hillary thinks that this is what qualifies her to be the president. Without that perpetual grievance, what would motivate her?
Buwya, I used to work in the Capitol, and lived in Granite Bay. My kids and I fled the state about eight years ago. It's tragic what's happened to such a beautiful state.
"Double cost of electricity, heading for 3x, that's the plan."
In economics, fossil fuels are a substitute for human labor. You would think that if you are paying three times what you have to pay for energy because you won't use fossil fuels, you could squeeze out a little job creation. They could bring back poorhouses and have people run generators hooked up to treadmills.
Let's get this straight: Hillary doesn't give a royal crap about the country. She just wants the power and position. It's what she has angled after her whole life. She used Bill as a conduit to power but she has always been in the driver's seat.
My channel guide shows ABC, NBC, CBS are only showing the DNC from 10-11p each night. I have no idea what happened with the RNC, as the parts I watched were on the unfiltered Uverse feed, but I would be shocked if it was any different.
"Hillary seems to be saying that by her becoming president, there will never be any more misogyny."
Maybe she is implying that after she is president she will no longer have a reason to maintain government regulations that promote and exacerbate gender conflict?
Just trying to be positive.
Please somebody tell me they didn't put Hillary in that track suit from the Macintosh commercial
No. Hillary played the Titanic. And she threw an iceberg at the patriarchy.
Blogger mockturtle said...
Only Trumpophobes will vote for Hillary.
I'm stealing that.
My kids and I fled the state about eight years ago.
Meeeea, I'm glad for you. I have relatives there who will probably never escape.
You folks watching this live deserve bravery awards...or something.
No, they need psychiatric help.
I'll eventually be disappointed she didn't wear the Vagina Gown.
I did hear a clip of ole Bill saying she hasn't been happy with the status quo "of anything!".
Oh...I bet.
She is a shitty old lady. Balls, thank you. We are on opposite ends of the political spectrum, but it gives me some comfort knowing there are those on the left with integrity. Those on the left who see her for the lying horror-show she is.
I guess maybe I was lucky enough to have not grown up in a setting where I felt that I was opposed for who (or "what") I was.
But even if I had, I never would have compensated with some sense of retribution about it.
It just doesn't make sense. Better to learn to respect yourself instead - whoever you are and whatever you feel you missed out on.
Why is Hillary still married to Bill? From what I hear, they don't live together as man and wife. If she is going to be president, don't we have a right to know about her marriage? Not the dirty details, just whether or not they actually live under the same roof.
Pm: what happened eight years ago was the culmination of decades of Dem backed affirmative action. It was amusing to watch the Clintons being labeled racists for standing in the way of Obama. You like affirmative action, set asides, preferential education and hiring based on race then don't complain. You are obviously a racist.
Man, Bill looks worse than a dried turd on an abandoned stretch of road. Is he dying?
Why is Hillary still married to Bill?
Obama said "Bros before Hos." We had the bro.
So, liberals are unprincipled, libertarians are liberals without "benefits", then what remains is classical progressives and American conservatives. It would be an easier reunion if the classical progressives would drop the pro-choice religious/moral philosophy. The goal is to reconcile moral and natural imperatives, predictably, consistently.
"Heh..I see you, babe"
"Just leave your mom out of this"
Hillary helped out during 9/11?
I'm going to have to call bullshit at that one.
In his speech Bill Clinton explains how to hit on homely coeds in library, they're easy.
This just in my email:
"Chip in $10 or more now and get your free "History made" magnet!"
It's a Friends with Benefits thang.
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