२६ जुलै, २०१६

Day 2 of the Democratic National Convention.

Watch it with me. Hillary is nominated. That's the central fact, but there's got to be more going on here. Help me find something to talk about.

२३६ टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   236 पैकी 201 – 236
David Begley म्हणाले...

This "change maker" speech is essentially the stump speeches Bill gave in Omaha and Council Bluffs. Not that great.

David म्हणाले...

I thought is was an excellent speech, well structured and very well delivered. But Bill missed a big opportunity to apologize publicly to his wife for Monica and thank her for sticking with him. He did not have to do that in direct language, but ignoring the whole issue was weird.

He gave the impression of genuinely admiring his wife. That part will help Hillary.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Bill Clinton didn't completely ignore the infidelity. He did give mention of "the good times and the bad times". I took this as a reference to it.

walter म्हणाले...


David म्हणाले...

Bill Clinton didn't completely ignore the infidelity. He did give mention of "the good times and the bad times".

Mega-generic weasel words. He lacked the confidence, or the humility, to address it more clearly. Or maybe Hillary said ixnay to the topic. But it was a missed chance.

chickelit म्हणाले...

Bill Clinton didn't completely ignore the infidelity. He did give mention of "the good times and the bad times". I took this as a reference to it.

He could have played it as she was a good hearted woman in love with a good timin' man but for one thing: there is no palpable sense of love between them. There may have been once, but it's long, long, gone or else they keep it completely to themselves. What they have apparent is not marital love; it's cynical, political ploy.

Americans -- especially heartland Americans -- acutely sense that.

chickelit म्हणाले...

At the marital level, Donald Trump and all his wives come off as warmer people than the Clintons do. They look white and uptight.

walter म्हणाले...

When does Web Hubbell get his moment? He really took one for the team.

readering म्हणाले...

I'd say Bernie was more helpful than Ted and Bill was more helpful than Ivanka, Marla, Melania and the two Georges. Alicia was great too.

readering म्हणाले...

Ivanka/Ivana, can't keep 'em straight.

readering म्हणाले...

Donald does have Hillary beat in the kids department.

Achilles म्हणाले...

Bill Clinton is making the rape of female underlings cool. How else are you going to humanize Hillary? Just be cool man...

Lewis Wetzel म्हणाले...

I live in Hawaii. Tulsi Gabbard is my US rep (Hawaii district 2), but I have never voted for her. When she was elected the Dems tried to claim that she was the first Hindu rep in the US house, but she isn't Hindu. She is some kind of Hare Krishna, or was raised that way. That's Hawaii.
Tulsi could nominate Sanders because Sanders won the Dem caucuses in Hawaii (Trump won the GOP caucuses). Tulsi would pay no price for supporting Sanders. There has been some grumbling about her from the local pols before. She won't stand in line. This is a deep blue state, if the local Dems want to get rid of her, they will. Some bureaucrat or low-level state pol will take her place.

dreams म्हणाले...

"When does Web Hubbell get his moment? He really took one for the team."

He had his chance when he knocked up Hillary begetting Chelsea Clinton.

Brando म्हणाले...

I could only watch about an hour of it before getting disgusted. Who in their right mind would think lying sanctimonious Lena Dunham would appeal to anyone who wasn't already in the bag for Hillary? If Trump is smart, he'll take the clip of her moronic ramblings and Babs Boxer's "guess who should have retired a long time ago" screechings and replay them in swing states--nothing could make you want more to vote for Trump just out of spite for these awful people.

Howard Dean saying that when Hillary failed at health care reform she didn't give up? Er, that's exactly what she did, Howard! Bill was smart enough not to let her take on any other responsibilities during his administration because she screwed that one up so badly. It took Obama to pull it off over a decade later (with his own lousy results, but at least he managed to pass something--and Hillary had nothing to do with that).

And for everyone going on about how evil and awful and irredeemable Donald Trump is--does it cross any of their addled minds that until only a year ago Hillary was good friends with the guy, enough to attend his wedding? That's not one of those "we had to go as courtesy to another Senator or diplomat" calls--Trump was always a private citizen. Clearly she thought he was just tops until a year ago, hell her idiot husband talked him into running. How about some of these sanctimonious leftists acknowledge that inconvenient fact? Hillary must have been okay with a lifelong sexist racist con artist, and what does that say about her judgment?

Humperdink म्हणाले...

ARM said: "You guys can't have it both ways, the government is blocking fracking and blocking coal mining. Which is it?"

Just to educate you a bit. I live in Pa on the northern border. I have fracked wells in Pa, on my own property, no less. Fracking doesn't occur across the border in New York. Why? Andrew "the Pious" Cuomo has banned the practice. To educate you further, fracking a shallow well gets you crude oil AND natural gas. Deep well fracking gets you natural gas - lots of natural gas (see Marcellus shale).

Coal? You are living in Oz if you don't think the Big O has endeavored to regulate coal companies out of business.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

In fairness to the networks, at least here with Dish in MT, they showed one hour of each convention every night. Here, it is/was 8-9 MDT. Right during dinner time, which apparentlywa supposed to be together TV time. Luckily, we recently got a Hopper and I have plenty of old content recorded. Mostly, it seems we have been replacing the convention hour with Law and Order, Criminal Intent. Mostly Bobby Goren, but sometimes the Fly (Nichols), who took over for the last season or two. Never the pretty boy (Logan) from Sluts in the City (and the original L&O). And sometimes The First 48 Hours, where at least I am impressed that real detectives actually need probable cause for warrants, don't yell that often, and pick up and leave the minute that suspects invoke their rights. Wish though that they would get more than Atlanta, Miami, New Orleans, and Tulsa to sign up.

I guess if I want to be a political junkie, I would be watching the conventions. But it mostly seems to be talking heads. I just can't force myself for either one.

MayBee म्हणाले...

What is it the "Mothers of the Movement" want?

All of their stories are so disparate. What is the movement, and what are we supposed to learn from them? What is Hillary Clinton going to do for them?

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

ARM pretends he considers both sides, but he only hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest, as the song goes.

U.S. coal producers are staggering under Environmental Protection Agency regulations and low natural gas prices. Now the Obama Administration is giving the industry its last rites by halting new coal leases on federal lands where mining is still profitable. - Wall Street Journal

“If somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them. - Obama

A pair of Democratic House members introduced a bill Wednesday to ban hydraulic fracturing for oil and natural gas, commonly known as fracking, on federal land.

Reps. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) and Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) touted the measure as the “strongest anti-fracking bill” ever introduced. It would cover national parks, Bureau of Land Management property, national forests, wilderness areas and other lands under federal jurisdiction.
- The Hill

Democrats in New York State banned fracking completely, despite a complete lack of evidence that it is harmful. After spending 10,000 hours reviewing the literature found nothing to support their ban, but they banned it anyway:

“I will then issue a legally binding findings statement prohibiting [fracking] in New York state at this time,” Martens said, according to The Post-Standard in Syracuse.
Cuomo agreed with Martens’s decision. “I get very few people who say to me, ‘I love the idea of fracking,’ ” Cuomo said.

Martens’s statement came after Health Commissioner Howard Zucker presented a study into what he said were many negative effects of fracking and said that he would not want his family to live near a fracking well.

“We don’t have definitive evidence to prove or disprove the health effects,” Zucker said. “I cannot support [fracking] in the great state of New York.”

Cuomo said Zucker’s presentation should inform regulators. “If you don't believe your children should live there, I agree. … No child should live there,” he said of Zucker’s statement.

That's some solid scientific reasoning!

So tell us again why Putin, who is mainly an energy kingpin, would want to oppose the Democrats?

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

He gave the impression of genuinely admiring his wife. That part will help Hillary

I turned on Bill Clinton when I found out his denial was a lie. I believed him. He got past all of my bullshit detectors. So he is a gifted liar and every word he says has to be considered through that lens.

MayBee म्हणाले...

What was with Meryl Streep? Is that her "Just a normal person" costume? Unwashed hair and a ratty American flag t-shirt?

Brando म्हणाले...

"All of their stories are so disparate. What is the movement, and what are we supposed to learn from them? What is Hillary Clinton going to do for them?"

I don't think you understand--this is the year of "all feelings, no substance". Everyone is supposed to gravitate towards their cultural identifiers, but the Clinton-Trump Axis has determined that they can't think of any new solutions so they're sticking with feelings.

Angry about PC nonsense, lawless violence and stagnant wages? Trump won't fix any of it, but he sure as hell speaks to that anger.

Angry about plutocrats, unarmed people getting shot by cops, and not being able to afford decent health coverage? Hillary won't fix any of it, but she sure as hell speaks to that anger.

Sick of everyone telling you that one ape can drive a car better than another ape, when you'd rather they let a human being try driving the car? A third party candidate won't fix any of it, but the sure as hell speak to that anger.

Brando म्हणाले...

"I turned on Bill Clinton when I found out his denial was a lie. I believed him. He got past all of my bullshit detectors. So he is a gifted liar and every word he says has to be considered through that lens."

I'm impressed you made it that far before turning on him. For me it was right in the '92 campaign, when he started promising a bunch of crap it was clear he couldn't deliver. What really made me notice was my lifelong Democrat father (who voted for Mondale and Dukakis) that year actually voted for Bush simply because he couldn't trust Bill Clinton as far as he could throw him. That was the only time he ever voted for a Republican for president (in '96 he voted third party).

I think the Clintons do a lot better when people aren't thinking about them. Just watching them speak is a turnoff.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan म्हणाले...

Tim, this is the reality of natural gas production from fracking. You live in a fantasy world. The federal government has the right to deny mining licenses on federal lands. They are obligated to do so if it reflects the will of the people, which it does.

MayBee म्हणाले...

"unarmed people getting shot by cops, "

Good point, but none of the moms who spoke last night were shot by cops. I guess they must have changed the speakers due to the recent police shootings.
But Sandra Bland committed suicide. Sure, she probably shouldn't have been arrested in the first place. But her family let her sit in jail for 3 days because they were tired of her troubles.
Jordan's killer was convicted.
Trayvon Martin was killed by a civilian, who was tried and will most likely live a pitiful life to the end of his days.

All of these stories got enormous levels of attention, so it can't be that they feel nobody cares.

So yeah, I guess feelings over solutions.

damikesc म्हणाले...

Why did this happen so early in the evening? I would think a historic moment would be around 9 or 9:30 central.

Hillary cannot miss her Murder She Wrote re-runs.

Hope I have seen the last of that old fart Bernie. Sore loser.

DNC: The Party of Unity.

How much of it was Obama?

With his litany of faults, Obama didn't set up a private server to avoid all oversight and FOIA requests.

She has had a life laden with privilege but she went on about being a sexual assault survivor

She went on about the story she made up?

This should have been 8 years ago. They are both older. Fuck Obama and the horse he rode on. What did he accomplish in these last 8 years?

You might want to ask, HONESTLY, what did Clinton accomplish?

Oversaw a total destruction of accounting guidelines, leading to the greatest accounting scandal in history. Helped inflate the bubble that blew up the real estate market in 2008. Did nothing as terrorists attacked US targets repeatedly during his term.

I guess a lot of women there and some of those watching on tv would still like to give that old man a blow job,

Assumes evidence not presented. Women aren't fond of giving blow jobs period. That's why, when married, that tends to stop.

The collapse of the coal industry is a classic example of market forces and disruptive technology.

You're confusing massive government interference with market forces. Put the regulations that coal faces on "green" energy and they cease to exist. Wind farms seem thoroughly protected from legal problems from their routine killings of birds, for example.

Truthfully, while I thought he was crazy on the issues, I BELIEVED Bernie believed what he was saying. It is a bit disappointing that he is so willing to cave in, but I thought "He may be completely wrong, but at least he believes what he is saying".

Hillary is lying and everybody knows she is.

MayBee म्हणाले...

In the meantime, our current president is insinuating Wikileaks is working on behalf of his political rival.

IMAGINE if Bush had insinuated something like that about candidate Obama.

damikesc म्हणाले...

In the meantime, our current president is insinuating Wikileaks is working on behalf of his political rival.

IMAGINE if Bush had insinuated something like that about candidate Obama.

McCain calling Obama a "celebrity" candidate caused the Left to clutch their pearls.

I still don't get how this is a horrifying thing if it were true.

Donald didn't take bribes and give Russia a considerable stake in our country's uranium inventory. Hillary did that. What can he offer to POSSIBLY touch that?

MayBee म्हणाले...

Sandra Bland's mother: Didn't send bail money to her daughter so her daughter languished in jail and eventually shot herself
Jordan Davis: really tragic story. But his killer was convicted and sentenced to life in prison
Trayvon Martin: again, sad story. George Zimmerman is an awful person. But a trial was held and there was enough evidence that Trayvon and Zimmerman were fighting, not that Zimmerman just ambushed him and shot.

Three completely different stories. What are we supposed to learn?

MayBee म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
MayBee म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Brando म्हणाले...

"Good point, but none of the moms who spoke last night were shot by cops."

That's true--though I think it's all about the optics. People thinking "cops killing unarmed black people" so mothers of famously dead black people seem to invoke that, even as their cases (and many of the high profile cases) turned out to be much more complicated than that. (I didn't catch it, but did they have the gall to bring out Michael Brown's mother? Because his case turned out to be a lot more "suicide by cop" than "cop making mistake").

As David Axelrod noted, they really should have had family members of slain cops up there too, which demonstrates the political brains of the Democrats were all with the Obama team and the Clintonites are the JV team.

Brando म्हणाले...

"Sandra Bland's mother: Didn't send bail money to her daughter so her daughter languished in jail and eventually shot herself
Jordan Davis: really tragic story. But his killer was convicted and sentenced to life in prison
Trayvon Martin: again, sad story. George Zimmerman is an awful person. But a trial was held and there was enough evidence that Trayvon and Zimmerman were fighting, not that Zimmerman just ambushed him and shot.

Three completely different stories. What are we supposed to learn?"

Well, what I learned was that every time a story like this crops up it's best to wait for evidence to emerge before jumping to conclusions. The Michael Brown case was the most egregious--the original narrative was he was surrendering and the cop shot him down in cold blood. Then evidence comes out, corroborated by physical evidence and witnesses, that Brown was shot trying to physically attack the cop.

I'm all for considering reforms that might de-escalate police stops to prevent unnecessary tragedies, provided they don't put the officers to undue risk or prevent them from doing their jobs. But a lot of these high profile cases aren't the "racist cops going on a shooting spree to genocide the black population" story that the activists seem to be pushing.

Curious George म्हणाले...

"Unknown#3 said...
Bill Clinton didn't completely ignore the infidelity. He did give mention of "the good times and the bad times". I took this as a reference to it."

Bill Clinton Good Times: Juanita Broaddrick. Dolly Kyle. Paula Jones. Kathleen Willey.
Gennifer Flowers. Eileen Wellstone. Elizabeth Ward Gracen. Sally Perdue. Lencola Sullivan. Monica Lewinsky. All those Lolitas he was Expressed to.

Bill Clinton Good Times: Having to hear the Hildabeast berate him about the Good Times.

mtrobertslaw म्हणाले...

It's often been said of Bill Clinton that if he'd have been on the Titanic, he would have been one of those guys in a lifeboat dressed like a woman.

Rusty म्हणाले...

easonableMan said...
Tim, this is the reality of natural gas production from fracking. You live in a fantasy world. The federal government has the right to deny mining licenses on federal lands. They are obligated to do so if it reflects the will of the people, which it does.

So what you're saying is that the private markets are responsible for the increase of supply and the concomitant reduction of the price of gas and oil. Is that correct?

«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने   236 पैकी 201 – 236   नवीन› नवीनतम»