"The people of the United Kingdom have exercised the sacred right of all free peoples. They have declared their independence from the European Union and have voted to reassert control over their own politics, borders and economy. A Trump Administration pledges to strengthen our ties with a free and independent Britain, deepening our bonds in commerce, culture and mutual defense. The whole world is more peaceful and stable when our two countries – and our two peoples – are united together, as they will be under a Trump Administration. Come November, the American people will have the chance to re-declare their independence. Americans will have a chance to vote for trade, immigration and foreign policies that put our citizens first. They will have the chance to reject today’s rule by the global elite, and to embrace real change that delivers a government of, by and for the people. I hope America is watching, it will soon be time to believe in America again."
Trump leverages Brexit.
६५ टिप्पण्या:
Pitch perfect. Between this statement and his opening speech on Clinton he is making the choice clear.
I would also wager if you put a similar vote to all of the states you would easily get double digits leaving at this point.
I can't tell if he is lucky or good. If only he was as articulate as his British version Boris Johnson.
That's what politicians do. Statesmen too.
"They have declared their independence from the European Union and have voted to reassert control over their own politics, borders and economy." And good for them. But depends on what the meaning of control is. "Reasserting control over their economy" is wishful thinking.
Good statement. This suggests more Trump support than polls show. They were wrong about Brexit.
I still don't know how all this will turn out but I am slightly more hopeful.
We got a look at the mess in Calais while crossing to Belgium and returning from France last September. Fortunately, we missed both big terrorist attacks. Good timing by accident. Our hotel in Brussls was in the middle of it and was sealed for a week with no one allowed to leave or enter.
I also want to point out that Britain and Scotland look to be splitting up. This would have the equivalent effect on British politics to removing California and new York from the electoral college.
Britain may have a chance to save itself from becoming part of the caliphate.
Right place, right time, right words.
Achilles said...
Pitch perfect. Between this statement and his opening speech on Clinton he is making the choice clear.
I would also wager if you put a similar vote to all of the states you would easily get double digits leaving at this point.
6/24/16, 8:42 AM"
Interesting observation but I suspect before voting to leave the Union a lot of states would be choosing first to break apart; blue and red areas separating. New York, California, Illinois come to mind.
His presser in Scotland was good, too, keeping the message but turning down the rhetorical heat. He sounded reasonable on the Hugh Hewitt show yesterday, too.
Still, I predict jet lag overtakes him in the next few days, his sleep becomes inconstant, and he'll blow up yet again.
Trump is quite right.
Achilles said...
I also want to point out that Britain and Scotland look to be splitting up. This would have the equivalent effect on British politics to removing California and new York from the electoral college.
Plus after the Scots go socialist the resourceful Scots will move to England (or here) anyway.
And the volume and tone of his voice at the Scotland press conference was so calm and moderate.
Trump can win this. Key swing states: MN, WI, MI, OH, PA, NC and VA.
Turnout was 70% in the UK.
Trump understands the people. Obama understands the power of government.
Contrast what Trump just said with what our POS Obama said in April in his scolding message to the UK voter: "President Barack Obama said Britain would be at “the back of the queue” to negotiate a trade agreement with the U.S. if the UK voted for the Brexit."
Under Trump the UK would be moved to the front of the line.
Anything that prevents the growth, reach, and power of government, Obama and the Democrats are against.
Interesting Tweet:
Sharyl Attkisson @SharylAttkisson 9h9 hours ago
Little known fact: UK Cameron's campaign adviser was Jim Messina who was Obama's campaign adviser & heads biggest pro-Hillary super PAC
"Key swing states: MN, WI, MI, OH, PA, NC and VA." But the key key state is FL.
At some point, he will need to mount an actual campaign.
Brexit for breakfast, Trump for lunch.
Did Trump purposely schedule the opening of his Scotland resort for the day of the Brexit vote, or is he just a lucky sob -- right place, right time -- giving his 2c? I would guess that most Trump supporters believe the former.
Good statement, Trump. Keep it up.
The elites look like fools. Farage and Trump are fighting for the working class.
Interesting how similar the demographics of the Leave/Remain split look so much like the current political picture in the US.
Blogger Achilles said...
I also want to point out that Britain and Scotland look to be splitting up. This would have the equivalent effect on British politics to removing California and new York from the electoral college.
Britain may have a chance to save itself from becoming part of the caliphate.
6/24/16, 8:46 AM"
Scotland can't afford to leave the UK at this time and maintain its social spending. However if the SNP insists on yet another referendum on independence Boris Johnson looks like the kind of guy to let them have it with a twist: The Shetland and Orkney Islands also get to vote on quitting Scotland and get to chose to remain in the UK.
Trumps timing was more dictated by other things than politics. He'd just finished revamping the Turnberry resort (the physical facilities needed it, the golf courses have always been great by needed some better funding), he needed to be in the US next week for the 4th of July and the convention was shortly afterwards. This week just happened to work out best.
Trump is absolutely right.
Come November, the American people will have the chance to re-declare their independence. Americans will have a chance to vote for trade, immigration and foreign policies that put our citizens first. They will have the chance to reject today’s rule by the global elite, and to embrace real change that delivers a government of, by and for the people.
I would have bolded that part.
"At some point, he will need to mount an actual campaign." Uh, yeah. Just saw Glenn Loury on bloggingheads say that Trump should be spending 25% of his time speaking to blacks. He's not a conservative, promise them money - but promise them that it isn't going to be spent on a bunch of parasitic government toadies. Only what really works to help the failed Democratic-controlled cities and black communities around the country.
There are a lot of black people out there who don't mind immigration restrictions, and who are maybe sick of what Democrats have been telling them their whole lives. They've been taught to mistrust Republicans, but he isn't one of them either.
Sounded like fun.
Trump timed the trip.
The elites who freaked out in the House of Commons and wanted to ban him just lost yyyuuugggee last night.
Trump stands on their soil, with a Make America Great Again Hat, gives a shout out to the working class, and flips the bird to the Bilderberg crowd.
What a great day.
There is nobody in the Hillary campaign that is happy about the Brexit.
UK Cameron's campaign adviser was Jim Messina who was Obama's campaign advise
He lost his job in the back room of the adult book store?
The Shetland and Orkney Islands also get to vote on quitting Scotland and get to chose to remain in the UK.
Or return to Norway?
And don't forget the Hebrides. None of them are very enthusiastic about the people on the main island.
How stupid do those two New York Times "Reporters" look now?
Once again, Trump foils the media pundits, most of whom called his trip to Scotland 'off script' and 'unwise', breaking the momentum he had gained, blah, blah, blah...
"The Shetland and Orkney Islands also get to vote on quitting Scotland and get to chose to remain in the UK."
Big UK defense bases there. The local economy would collapse if they closed.
Scotland has no use for the bases as they will, if SNP is in charge, be pacifist.
For those asking where Trump's "promised" pivot was, I think this past week is educational.
The demagoguery fires up the base, but the america-first message resonates deep across party lines in these times of uncontrolled immigration and questionable trade pacts in the West.
With an official unemployment rate at "full employment" levels, and yet ridiculous levels of unemployment for African Americans, high school diploma level, etc....and primarily in democrat controlled areas....it's amazing they maintain the support they do. But that's ripe for plucking.
Gallop says "real unemployment" is at 9.7% But we certainly need more and more labor because high unemployment keeps down costs for the 1% and the more poor people, the better for Democrats! It is overdetermined.
Scotland has no use for the bases as they will, if SNP is in charge, be pacifist.
Biggest loser yesterday: Barack Obama, the man who inserted himself into British politics by telling them they'd have to go to the back if the "queue" if they exited the EU. Can any president have more foreign policy failures than this guy?
the man who inserted himself into British politics by telling them they'd have to go to the back if the "queue" if they exited the EU.
A lot of threats will have to be walked back. Of course Obama hates the British and always has.
"Pitch perfect" is exactly right, and it's remarkable.
To be sure, someone wrote it for him, but that's kind of remarkable in its own right. In a moment that I think will someday be seen as truly historic, a guy running for President who has been erratic at best issued a finely crafted statement in support of the decision of an ally with whom we have strong cultural and historical attachments, and recognized it as a blow for freedom and self-determination.
Didn't think he had it in him.
My emotional reaction to Brexit: Hell yeah! Who needs to be chained to atheist-socialist Europe, who will soon be overrun by Muslims? If Obama is against it, it must be good!
My intellectual reaction to Brexit:
I simply don't know how significant it is. Scotland voted 55-44 to remain in the UK a few years back. Is disintegration necessarily a bad thing? Dunno -- let's just let it play out without hysteria.
I think I will go "cruel neutrality" on this one, although the thought of Boris Johnson becoming British PM does portend good things for the Donald, no?
Mattman26 said: ""Pitch perfect" is exactly right, and it's remarkable.
To be sure, someone wrote it for him, but that's kind of remarkable in its own right. In a moment that I think will someday be seen as truly historic, a guy running for President who has been erratic at best issued a finely crafted statement in support of the decision of an ally with whom we have strong cultural and historical attachments, and recognized it as a blow for freedom and self-determination.
Didn't think he had it in him."
Total vehement agreement. Surprising and encouraging.
But why would anybody vote for him, when we can have Hillary "Benghazi" Clinton?
The preference cascade is building. A few more riots by "migrants" and I could see Frexit.
Michael K: A few more riots by "migrants" and I could see Frexit.
I tell you what, if Fred leaves I'm outta here.
"With an official unemployment rate at "full employment" levels, and yet ridiculous levels of unemployment for African Americans, high school diploma level, etc....and primarily in democrat controlled areas....it's amazing they maintain the support they do. But that's ripe for plucking."
It would be amazing if a candidate could really tell the truth about this.
Frexit - https://mobile.twitter.com/MLP_officiel
Who wrote that statement? One of Trump's kids? These are not Trump's words, he is not smart enough to string so many complete sentences together. Well on second thought maybe his son Baron could do a better job.
The new treaty between the US and the UK should probably include this line somewhere:
"When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the master."
The reason Trump could say such ringing words so simply is because they are true and he believes them. After 7 years of message control and mush, it seems like a miracle, but this is how most Americans talk.
Trump went to Scotland, who voted to stay in the EU. Trump is so smart. If he were smarter maybe he would've gone to GB.
@Michael K Hard to imagine the Scots as pacifists!
Their number one goal when they wanted to exit the UK was to stop the nuclear subs that were armed from refueling in Scotland.
Unknown said...Trump went to Scotland, who voted to stay in the EU. Trump is so smart. If he were smarter maybe he would've gone to GB.
If you were smarter, you'd google what GB means.
So if the next four months see the tanking of British equities markets, rotten/chaotic financial prospects and generally worsening conditions for British consumers, what then? Does this electoral "victory" still work for Trump?
Because whatever the pro-Brexit Leavers wish, virtually all the serious economic predictions are for major short-term problems. Is Trump willing to be associated with those problems?
I expect it will be a little like Obama being forced to run for reelection while the Obamacare website was being rolled out. He's lucky he didn't have to do that.
" virtually all the serious economic predictions are for major short-term problems"
This was going to be true this year regardless, Brexit or not. Just wait for the next few unemployment stats I think. We may have seen the peak of the "recovery".
buwaya said...
This was going to be true this year regardless, Brexit or not. Just wait for the next few unemployment stats I think. We may have seen the peak of the "recovery".
Exactly, peak sand will completely disrupt modern life.
Scotland can't afford to leave the UK at this time and maintain its social spending.
We can only hope Scotland and Northern Ireland leave the UK.
Don't worry, Europe, America is coming to the rescue. All good.
If you were smarter, you'd google what GB means.
There is a large island off the coast of France, call Britain. On this island are the nations of Wales, England and Scotland. England conquered and technically absorbed Wales, although it still competes as an independent country internationally. Eventually the king of Scotland became the king of England (James I of England and VI of Scotland),and eventually the kingdoms merged and formed a country called Great Britain. The flag of Great Britain was created by combining the flags of Wales, England and Scotland.
Next to Britain is another island called Ireland. Ireland has a very chaotic history, and at one time formed a union with Great Britain called the United Kingdom. (Which uses the flag of Great Britain) Ireland is mainly Catholic, Great Britain is mainly Protestant, and there is a long violent history between them. So, most of Ireland left the union and became an independent republic, while a few counties in the North dominated by the descendants of English colonists remained in the United Kingdom as the country of Northern Ireland. (very similar to the creation of West Virginia)
United Kingdom = England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Great Britain = England, Scotland and Wales.
The British Commonwealth is even weirder.
The biggest losers of the last year - the independent Scots. First, they lose their referendum, and then they lose the vote to stay in the EU.
Trump's golf course, and reason for the trip, is in Scotland. A lot of rather pointless talk about the Brexit voters.
I ignore the unknowns as "unknowings."
So Gahrie, you knew all that, but you still said that instead of going to Scotland Trump should have gone to Great Britain
No I didn't.
"The whole world is more peaceful and stable when our two countries – and our two peoples – are united together, as they will be under a Trump Administration."
Not sure I believe that. The USA and the UK were on the same side and WWI, and it was a godawful decision. The 20th century would look a lot different had the US and Uk stayed out of that foolish conflict.
Also, Eisenhower was smart to tighten the leash on the British after the Suez debacle. Much of post-WWII British foreign policy has been about dealing with the transition from a major global power to an island dependency of the United States, a former colonial possession. The Royal Navy, once the crown jewel of British imperial might, has withered on the vine, and had the Argentinians waited another 20 years to make their grab for the Falklands, the British probably would not be in a position to stop them.
The Royal Navy, once the crown jewel of British imperial might, has withered on the vine, and had the Argentinians waited another 20 years to make their grab for the Falklands, the British probably would not be in a position to stop them.
If Thatcher hadn't have been PM, Argentina would have succeeded. Not only did Thatcher kill defense cuts, she had the will to win.
"If Thatcher hadn't have been PM, Argentina would have succeeded. Not only did Thatcher kill defense cuts, she had the will to win."
I don't necessarily deny this, but it really doesn't alter my point. The Falklands victory probably saved Thatcher's premiership, but today the British military has very limited resources when it comes to projecting military force outside of its borders for a significant period of time. The UK is attempting to maintain the image of a global power despite not actually occupying such a position for many decades. Churchill was willing to pay a very high price for US support in the Second World War, and that price ended up being the British Empire.
"our two countries -- and our two peoples"
America hasn't been peopled by a people, or folk of common ancestry, religion, and culture, since the late 1800s. In recent years, through reverse colonization, the "English" stopped being a people too. Maybe there will always be an England, but for the English, it's over.
The 20th century would look a lot different had the US and Uk stayed out of that foolish conflict.
Yeah. German would be a required freshman course at Oxford.
Much of post-WWII British foreign policy has been about dealing with the transition from a major global power to an island dependency of the United States ...
“Island dependency?” The British power after WW2 was certainly diminished but the UK is not Puerto Rico - yet.
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