It was Joe Biden, in Ireland.
What?! As Brexit happens, Joe Biden's in Ireland and Donald Trump is in Scotland, and both men are talking about their mothers. (Biden's mother had Irish ancestors, and Trump's mother immigrated from Scotland.)
[Biden] noted how his mother had instilled in him a pride in his Irish heritage, as well as “an absolute certitude that she or any of us were equal to any man or woman on Earth.”Trump said:
I love the people of Scotland. That's why I built in Aberdeen in one of the great golf courses of the world.... I've gotten to know the people of Scotland so well and you know, through my mother and through everything else. The people of Scotland are amazing people....______________________________
६४ टिप्पण्या:
Hillary Clinton will be defeated.
Hillary Clinton will be defeated.
Hillary Clinton will be defeated.
Biden noted how his mother had instilled in him... an absolute certitude that... any of us were equal to any man or woman on Earth.
Sorry, Joe, but your mother lied to you.
Anything is possible.
Well, no.
More of the never ending BS.
Biden, Irish? That explains his never ending gift of BS.
Interesting that Biden manages to make it about him, but Trump is more about the Scots in general.
What I tell you three times is true. - 'The Hunting of the Snark.'
From whom did Biden plagiarize his speech?
Anything is possible?
-Can he fly by flapping his arms?
-Can pigs fly out his butt?
-Can Hillary be trusted?
These things are clearly impossible no matter how hard you wish.
I"m thinking that Hillary may choose Biden to be her VP. She'd need the insurance he has provided Obama so well for 7 1/2 years.
Biden was there to take the bows for Obama's great sales pitch for "Remain." That worked out as well as his Olympic pitch for Chicago. The Irish should boil him with cabbage and potatoes.
If anybody knows "simple," it's Slow Joe.
Scotland - Carnegie
Ireland - Tweed
Aneurysms degrade the ability to count.
It's shite being Scottish.
Slow Joe Biden is IBM...Irish Big Mouth.
Glinda: Then close your eyes and tap your heels together three times. And think to yourself, 'There is no Democrat Party. There is no Democrat Party. There is no Democrat Party.'
Girl with the Pony Tail on the Treadmill:
A Salesman I work with has the annoying habit of repeating 'really' three times when he wants something.
(pony-tail swish, pony-tail swish)
He doesn't need the paperwork: he "really, really, really needs the paperwork."
(pony-tail swish, pony-tail swish)
He "really, really, really needs that analysis now."
(pony-tail swish, pony-tail swish)
He "really, really, really needs a cup of coffee."
(pony-tail swish, pony-tail swish)
I get it. You're in a hurry. You need things fast.
(pony-tail swish, pony-tail swish)
That's really, really, really not my problem.
(pony-tail swish, pony-tail swish)
You should really, really, really have got on that earlier.
(pony-tail swish, pony-tail swish)
And I'd really, really, really like it if you'd stop staring at my tits.
(pony-tail swish, pony-tail swish)
And, yes, I have a really, really, really fine ass.
(pony-tail swish, pony-tail swish)
And you're never, never, NEVER gonna get to touch it.
(pony-tail swish, pony-tail swish)
(pony-tail swish, pony-tail swish)
(pony-tail swish, pony-tail swish)
I really, really, REALLY want an Audi.
(pony-tail swish, pony-tail swish)
I am Laslo.
Once upon a time a person with some talent and a good work ethic (and decent but not necessarily outstanding luck) really could achieve just about anything.
I don't think that's true today, and I think Joe Biden is part of why it's not.
Boring boring boring!
Trump praises the same Scots who now want to leave the newly "independent" UK - a move Trump also praised - in order to stay within the E.U., as is their preference.
That Orange Supremacist is nothing if not a completely incoherent bullshit artist.
Like stepping into a hot tub I open my althouse link, and from the top sink immediately down and in deep with The British Isles and America, the Great Dreaming of each of our hearts, the astonishing moment 2016 is turning out to be, oooh, Breathe, and the great Prize at the bottom of My Favorite movie, what a hoot of the perfect clip.
Plus Lazlo
I love you althouse.
Godspeed, America
Godspeed. America.
MOST High Good
most HIGh good
most high GOOD
Here's something that no one thought would be possible. Both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland want to remain in the EU. There's talk of Northern Ireland seceding from the UK and joining the Republic.
It's a rhythm and so two more for three.
MOST high good
most HIGH good
most high GOOD
MOST high good
most HIGH good
most high GOOD
Trump speaks of his golf course and tells the Scots who voted to stay in the EU how amazing it is to "take your country back". Then when asked if he has spoken to world leaders about Brexit, he says "there was nothing to say". The brilliance is dazzling. The pivot is underway!
As it is ridiculous to be ashamed of being Irish (or any other ancestry), so is it ridiculous to be proud of it. You neither earned it nor chose it.
Hilarious, R&B. As if the EU wants another moocher client state it can't afford. Spain and another EU country have already pledged to block Scotland if it tries to enter.
They aren't going anywhere. They are socialist beggars, and they don't get to be choosers.
"Darrell said...
Biden was there to take the bows for Obama's great sales pitch for "Remain." That worked out as well as his Olympic pitch for Chicago. The Irish should boil him with cabbage and potatoes."
Even the Scotts wouldn't eat that. And they eat haggis.
Remember, he was their great hope to save their nomination from Hillary.
Apologies to completely incoherent bullshit artists.
Trump knows he's bullshitting.
His "supporters" know he's bullshitting.
He knows his supporters know he's bullshitting.
His supporters know that he knows that they know he's bullshitting.
And of course he keeps right on bullshitting!
And the ultimate bullshit ~ a clueless billionaire pretending/trying to be a populist. But one must remember his core supporters in the primaries truly believe/believed Obama was/is a Muslim born in Kenya. A certain symmetry as Obama haters supporting the ultimate delusional Obama hater Trump.
Indeed, Trump leading his lemmings off the cliff er into the sea.
I yield back the balance of my time.
shiloh supports one of the most despicable human beings to ever draw a breath--Felony Clinton. His opinion is therefore less than nothing.
With Trump, it's always about the People, and Posterity, too.
Hopefully Darrell's non sequitur makes him feel better. And there is big difference between voting for someone and supporting that person.
Many Althouse con lemmings will be voting for Trump mainly because they hate Hillary.
And if my opinion is less than nothing, why did you comment? Rhetorical.
Blogger shiloh said...
Hopefully Darrell's non sequitur makes him feel better. And there is big difference between voting for someone and supporting that person.
Many Althouse con lemmings will be voting for Trump mainly because they hate Hillary.
To be fair, most of the people voting for The Vagina hate her too.
"To be fair, most of the people voting for The Vagina hate her too."
Exactly, please inform pin head Darrell ... nevermind.
Don't hate Hillary, but as previously mentioned she is a train wreck. But she's running against the ultimate "political" train wreck, Trump.
As always, how did the Dems get soooo damn lucky!
Clinton knows she's corrupt.
Her "supporters" know she's corrupt.
She knows her supporters know dhe's corrupt.
And of course she keeps right on being corrupt.
And the ultimate bullshit ~ a clueless billionaire pretending/trying to be a populist. But one must remember her core supporters in the primaries truly believe/believed Bush was responsible for9/11. A certain symmetry as Bush haters supporting the ultimate delusional Bush hater Clinton.
Indeed, Clinton selling her lemmings to Goldman Sachs and into bankruptcy.
Compare and contrast. That is the choice we have.
I didn't know where else to park this, seems like an appropriate thread.
(Hillary reads out a [sigh] cue from the teleprompter.)
Ahh, I see the Cloud of Unknowing has returned.
There's talk of Northern Ireland seceding from the UK and joining the Republic.
That seems to be in response to an idea that Northern Ireland and the Republic will be obliged to close the border between them after Brexit. I think that is made up by the media. The two of them can make whatever agreements they want about their border, or just ignore the whole thing.
That is probably fairly generally true all over. Norway is not in the EU, but does not seem to be suffering under any ostracism for it.
The Scandinavian countries have never been particular about enforcing their common borders (except in wartime), and up in the far north, the Sami do their thing pretty much like they always have - even back and forth into Russia as well as Sweden and Norway.
Bill, Republic of Texas
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!
@ Shiloh
"The people of the United Kingdom have exercised the sacred right of all free peoples. They have declared their independence from the European Union and have voted to reassert control over their own politics, borders and economy. A Trump Administration pledges to strengthen our ties with a free and independent Britain, deepening our bonds in commerce, culture and mutual defense. The whole world is more peaceful and stable when our two countries – and our two peoples – are united together, as they will be under a Trump Administration.
Come November, the American people will have the chance to re-declare their independence. Americans will have a chance to vote for trade, immigration and foreign policies that put our citizens first. They will have the chance to reject today’s rule by the global elite, and to embrace real change that delivers a government of, by and for the people. I hope America is watching, it will soon be time to believe in America again."
The ultimate oxymoron er lie: Trump pledges!
Let the record show Achilles is trying really hard to be Trump's #1 lemming as he has waded through all of Trump's bullshit and is now walking on the ceiling.
Indeed, Trump is every man er whatever you want him to be as his proposed political/economic/social policies change daily.
Trump is gonna lead Achilles to the promised land ... or a reasonable facsimile thereof.
Achilles thinks Trump will save you from the Oligarchy. Baaaaa, baaaah, sheep.
Wilbur: As it is ridiculous to be ashamed of being Irish (or any other ancestry), so is it ridiculous to be proud of it. You neither earned it nor chose it.
People are emotionally invested in, and proud or ashamed of, all kinds of things that they didn't earn or deserve. We don't choose or earn those feelings, either, they just are.
It's kinda ridiculous to try to apply moral metrics like "choose or earn" to the feelings that a beauty has about her face, or a son about his father's war heroism.
"As it is ridiculous to be ashamed of being Irish (or any other ancestry), so is it ridiculous to be proud of it. You neither earned it nor chose it."
And yet it's embarrassing (to say the very least) to me that he has Scottish roots and is Presbyterian.
Anything is true, if you say it three times, as Bob Boyd noted above.
Possible, maybe, but definitely true.
Truth, however, like beauty and love, lies in the eyes of the beholder sometimes, and other sometimes is an objective truth that exists no matter what anyone else says, thinks or does.
I, for example, learned from my mother that even if all my friends jumped off a high bridge, it still would be unwise for me to do so. That remains true, no matter how often I argued it with her.
That wasn't imitation. Just straight up theft.
Unknown said...
Achilles thinks Trump will save you from the Oligarchy. Baaaaa, baaaah, sheep.
Inga, we have two choices this year. Both bad. One is 100% owned by Wall Street and Goldman Sachs.
One we have no idea what he will do.
Now go and choose.
Don't hate Hillary, but as previously mentioned she is a train wreck. But she's running against the ultimate "political" train wreck, Trump.
There is not a Republican you'd have for over her.
If Romney ran, you would've gone Hillary.
Rubio? Hillary.
Susan Collins? Hillary.
Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary
William said...
Here's something that no one thought would be possible. Both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland want to remain in the EU. There's talk of Northern Ireland seceding from the UK and joining the Republic.
6/25/16, 9:15 AM"
Judging by comments in the British press it is more likely if a referendum were held in England to expel Scotland it would pass. And speaking of independence referendums if Scotland insists on an other England ought to up the ante and offer the Shetland and Orkney Islands an out vote from Scotland. As for Northern Ireland joining Ireland somehow I don't see that in the realm of the possible anytime soon.
"Anything is possible if you say it 3 times."
Actually all it reminds us is why Slow Joe was picked to be Obama's Vice President. His brain engine is so slow and weak it has to crank at least three times before it fires and thus no one would kill Obama and make that idiot president. Funny thing is that after eight years it is now obvious that Obama while more articulate is the dumber of the two. Hillary has a unique problem for choosing her VP running mate: is there anyone in this country who not only dumber than her but more criminal and treasonous than her and be plausibly electable? I know Democrats have very low standards for their candidates but this might be an impossible task.
Perhaps Shiloh can offer us an insight to who that candidate could be.
William said...
Here's something that no one thought would be possible. Both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland want to remain in the EU. There's talk of Northern Ireland seceding from the UK and joining the Republic.
Followed shortly thereafter by ethnic cleansing of Northern Ireland.
"There is not a Republican you'd have for over her."
Abe, Teddy, Ike but they're dead and nowadays they'd be considered more of a Democrat.
There's the rub re: the Reps so called deep bench ie Trump beat them all and it wasn't close. And re: Rubio it was quite embarrassing!
And yes, I'm a liberal independent so voting for a Rep president is a highly unlikely to never proposition.
Trump does parallel Brexit, but only as regards to the Rep primaries ie The Brits said fuck it were leaving and Rep primary voters said fuck it were voting for Trump, because in the final analysis, what difference does it make!
So, Biden's family came to the USA in 1850, yet here he is 160 years later, claiming to be some sort of Irishman.
Its almost as good as Obama, a Hawaiian born mulatto, raised by his Muslim step-dad and white mother and grand-parents, claiming to be a "down for struggle" black man.
Of course, Hillary is a bigger phony than anyone. A dishonest, unlikable leftist, multi-millionaire who piggybacked on her Husbands success and claims to be honest, mainstream, and for the "little people".
The difference between what Trump ACTUALLY says, and what the MSM reports in their headlines and stories is always amazing.
Of course, it was the same thing with Reagan.
Abe, Teddy, Ike but they're dead and nowadays they'd be considered more of a Democrat.
Progressives always love the Republicans who don't run against them.
Are you aware that the Left would HATE FDR. No unionization for public employees? Hell, that's a huge part of their base.
There's the rub re: the Reps so called deep bench ie Trump beat them all and it wasn't close. And re: Rubio it was quite embarrassing!
Meanwhile Hillary struggled against a Washington Generals-level talent.
You will deny me three times.
Let the record show dami didn't disagree the Rep "deep bench" was laughable and Rubio especially embarrassing.
And props for your pivot to Hillary when "arguing" the ineptitude of the Rep field vs Trump.
Actually, much "love" for all the flailing Reps who were dropping like flies against Trump. Showing everyone the futility of the party of Lincoln.
And the Washington Generals comparison as re: to Sanders doesn't quite add up when polling says Bernie does better against Trump than Hillary.
But one small detail ie Bernie was never vetted as Hillary knew she could defeat him without pointing out all his failings in life.
Both Trump/Sanders were/are running against the establishment. But Bernie didn't have the name recognition or reality show host "acuity" of Trump.
As a rule, major parties nominate the candidate who came in second last go around. But the Rep party is currently so discombobulated re: presidential elections the general rule didn't apply. Plus again, Trump was running against a very, very, very weak field!
Trump's message could possibly work except that he is the absolutely the worst messenger w/negatives off the charts in just about every category. Indeed, you have to work really hard to get his high negatives. I applaud his effort of going the extra mile to piss everyone off!
Are you aware that the Left would HATE FDR. No unionization for public employees?
Considering all he DID do that you hate him for, that really is about the pettiest concern trolling you can come up with, I guess.
Yep, that FDR. Telling federal employees that they were to be treated as scummy as he intended for workers in the private sector to be treated. Yep, that's definitely how the guy's remembered. Worsening employment and working conditions across the board for everybody no questions asked.
But one small detail ie Bernie was never vetted as Hillary knew she could defeat him without pointing out all his failings in life.
You sound like a fucking Republican. Never vetted? I can never understand what this means. It's the job of the people to vet whom they decide to support, you Wall Street communist. The same charge was made about Obama... by Republicans! But I guess you'll ally yourself with whomever or whatever nastiness it takes to get your Goldwater Girl in there. And BTW, I never realized that looking the other way was a way of "vetting" Hillary. And your parents must have raised you to be a good little shit elitist to call Bernie's life a series of failures. I guess he never:
1. Got booted off the Watergate hearings (that must have taken some real success!)
2. Married a more powerful "natural politician" to suck glory and a platform off of
3. Failed miserably at enacting a failed healthcare reform that probably delayed a second chance at it by decades (and a once-in-a-lifetime recession and political seat change)
4. Took the Democratic party as far backwards as it could go re: the environment, the working class, etc., etc., etc.
5. Served on the board of Walmart as it lowered wages and institutionalized a massive, newly government-dependent class of worker in the American economy.
6. Called black kids "super predators."
7. Allied with homophobic anti-marriage rights activists until the last second that she could get away with doing that
8. Bombed Libya, joked about the lethal ass-knifing of its leader, and created a safe haven for al Qaeda out of the place.
9. Joked about getting a rapist acquitted
10. Intentionally trashed the reputations of women that Bill groped and fondled
11. Lied to the families of our dead in Libya, but for the "greater good" of quashing the speech rights of a 3rd-rate Egyptian videographer
12. Supported disastrous coups all across Latin America
13. Wore a $12,000+ dress to a speech given on income inequality
14. Feared accountability and transparency so much as to create an entire unsecured private email server upon which to store state secrets, many of which she still refuses release to Congress
A four-year old kid would make a more accomplished, less failed candidate than Hillary, given all the harm she's done to the country.
Admit it. Your candidate's "accomplishments" SUCK ASS. And you know it, and there's not a thing you can do about it, and you have no defense for it at all. Other than to trash one of the most effective progressive leaders (AND LEGISLATORS) in modern history.
You're a jealous bitch who simply doesn't recognize respect or esteem, let alone who has it, and how to develop it.
Even R&B is saying Hillary is my Goldwater girl. Get a grip!
And R&B is also acting like Althouse cons re: his debate style or lack there of ie yes, Sanders was never vetted ...
but, but, but Hillary, Hillary, Hillary.
"most effective progressive leaders"
Ted Kennedy was an effective senator, whereas Sanders was so unaccomplished that nobody knew who he was until he ran for president.
ok, ok, he was a "hero" in liberal VT population 600k.
And he's R&B's hero! mainly because he ran against Hillary.
Please R&B I beseech you to try and control that temper and your ad nauseam four-year old, childish name calling.
Please R&B I beseech you to try and control that temper and your ad nauseam four-year old, childish name calling.
You've got half your party not with her, only half of them will go, the rest split between Trump and Gary Johnson. You've got the candidate with the historically worst unfavorables (beside Trump), a proven warmongerer, a proven Wall Street crony capitalist, a proven lawbreaker and subverter of national self-interest that puts the CGI's donors above patriotism. You have no defense against her Goldwater Girlie-hood? What about all of that? She's simply not an FDR Democrat at all. It must be easy to have no temper or childish name calling when you're such an obvious suck-up to an amoral, robotic power whore with no values at all.
If you really want to turn that party into an outsourcing, de-industrializing, dirty energy, financial industry-sucking, 1st amendment-hating little cousin to the Republican Party, you need to say so. Tell us what you're trying to do with this, other than just "beat Trump", which is a no-brainer. You hate FDR liberalism? I guess you prefer the Democratic party prior to him (segregationist machine, etc.) or after Clinton (pretenders to Wall Street).
No one cares for "being nice" when you have nothing that you stand for. This is an empty, cowardly cheerleading exercise you're so boldly aligning yourself with, and it's doomed to just repeat all of the same disastrous blunders of the ones that everyone else has got the good sense to turn away from. What will she do on Day #1? (Other than pull out her list of those whom she owes massive favors to?) I predict a massive reversion of control of Congress back to Republicans in 2018 (assuming they even lose it in 2016), a massive downturn in Democratic Party support and fortunes, and a credible challenger to knock her off that ugly throne of hers that you spend so much time polishing in 2020.
Hillary is barely one notch better than Trump and you know that's not only not enough, you know that it's pathetic. But Trump goes away after November. She, unfortunately, only just gets started.
I beseech you to have a point. It says volumes about you that the moment Sanders starts bowing out, you trash him with the same empty nonsense yet again. It says, "My name is shiloh and I have nothing good to say about my candidate!" Yes, we know you don't. Now either go away, or get out of the way. Or at least have the balls and decency to tell me what you're getting the country into starting next January.
"You've got half your party"
What party? I'm an independent. Again, elections come down to choices. I'm looking at the big picture. Since nothing is gonna get done in congress regardless, the Supreme Court is the big prize this election cycle.
The political system is rigged so you make do with what you have. This is the reality of the situation whereas you live in a dream world.
But please I beseech you to keep on dreamin' ...
So as a gracious voter for the "lesser" of two evils, you - a Mondale voting, Moon landing avatar sporting, "independent" - are another one of those people who are nevertheless voting for evil.
So go be a strategic voter. I get it.
But don't give me this bullshit about Bernie's "failings in life." He's achieved more, with more honesty, than either you or your lesser evil. That's an accomplishment. Not lying in order to rally a movement and pass 60+ amendments onto bills as the most progressive member of Congress.
So go be strategic this cycle. What's clear however, is that it won't need to fly in the future - as he's rallied a progressive movement that will make cynics like you a little more obsolete.
That's definitely not a failing. That's a huge success. And again, one much bigger than Hillary or any one of her early adopters or beta testing sites can claim.
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