I knew it wouldn't take long to show the true colors of the conservative base. When the LGBT community doesn't jump on the Demonize all Muslims bandwagon, the sympathy will evaporate.
The media, most Dems, many republicans, love to divide us into tribes. This is no different. Its a big deal because one of the tribes favored by the Government and the media has been attacked. I doubt if anywhere in the media or most politicians, will you hear anything different from that narrative. What really happened is too simple for them-Muslims attacked and killed Americans. Again. Americans, not gay americans or hyphenated americans. But calling out Islam for its murderous traits is "unAmerican" They want to kill us, period. Time to start acting like we care enough to call it what it is, and what it has been, for generations.
Gilroy, a former Fort Pierce Police officer, said Mateen frequently made homophobic and racial comments. Gilroy said he complained to his employer G4S Security several times but it did nothing because he was Muslim. Gilroy quit after he said Mateen began stalking him via multiple text messages — 20 or 30 a day. He also sent Gilroy 13 to 15 phone messages a day, he said.
"I quit because everything he said was toxic," Gilroy said Sunday, "and the company wouldn't do anything. This guy was unhinged and unstable. He talked of killing people."
Gilroy said this shooting didn't come as a surprise to him.
Miriam - but we are importing many with the ideology that this is right; the situation is less controlled than ever, and we step up our efforts to ignore the painful truth.
This perp was reported and investigated multiple times. So was one of the Boston Bombers. We don't have the manpower to deal with the threat, and we are building it up by importing large numbers of people with an ideology that fundamentally conflicts with that of the American Constitution.
No one is claiming that every Muslim is dangerous. However, not a few are.
But where it gets more disturbing is that as Judicial Watch reported several days ago, in a post titled, "DHS Quietly Moving, Releasing Vanloads Of Illegal Aliens Away From Border", border patrol sources said that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was quietly transporting illegal immigrants from the Mexican border to Phoenix and releasing them without proper processing or issuing court appearance documents. As a reminder, the government classifies them as Other Than Mexican (OTM) and this week around 35 were transferred 116 miles north from Tucson to a Phoenix bus station where they went their separate way. Judicial Watch was present when one of the white vans carrying a group of OTMs arrived at the Phoenix Greyhound station on Buckeye Road.
And this is where the Mateen-G4S link emerges: as JW reported previously, a security company contracted by the U.S. government is driving the OTMs from the Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector where they were in custody to Phoenix, sources said. The firm is the abovementioned G4S, the world’s leading security solutions group with operations in more than 100 countries and 610,000 employees. G4S has more than 50,000 employees in the U.S. and its domestic headquarters is in Jupiter, Florida.
Judicial Watch noted that it had filed a number of public records requests to get more information involving the arrangement between G4S and the government, specifically the transport of illegal immigrants from the Mexican border to other parts of the country. The photo below shows the uniformed G4S guard that transported the OTMs this week from Tucson to Phoenix.
Anybody wonder if those "illegal immigrants" included a few jihadis ?
Maxed OutMama, This one was home grown, not imported. A citizen of the US. While we panic about immigrants from Syria, we ignore the ones right under our noses. I agree there are dangerous Muslims. There are dangerous Christians also. As I said in another thread religious and/or political extremism is dangerous and yes we should be cognizant of it.
it takes more than candlelight, flowers and peaceful demonstrations to stop violent nutcases.
Sympathy is entertainment. It trades on somebody else's problems to give the sympathizer a feel-good-about-himself moment. That's why people tune in. Mostly women.
Sympathy is positively dysfunctional in an area bigger than a neighborhood. In a neighborhood, it has survival value.
Tim, you got it completely backwards. It's all or nothing for people like Michael K, not I. He gets testy when someone doesn't jump on his Islamophpbia mobile. I've said there were radical/ extremist Muslims. I won't however say ALL Muslims are a threat to us. That is the difference, shouldn't be that hard to grasp.
Miriam said... I knew it wouldn't take long to show the true colors of the conservative base. When the LGBT community doesn't jump on the Demonize all Muslims bandwagon, the sympathy will evaporate.
So in the very thread where she claims extremists don't represent the whole Miriam asserts the extremist represents the whole.
Miriam said... "Michael, feel free to claim every Muslim is out to kill you. It makes you look very erudite."
Miriam, it is well known that the only Muslims who are out to kill us are the extremist Muslims, and they are only about 10%-80% of the Muslim population, depending on the country. The remaining "moderate" Muslims do not want to kill us. They want the extremist Muslims to kill us.
No, actually not Paco. There are conservatives that are embarrased by Trump and people like the Lt.Governor of Texas. I've heard that they are no longer referred to has "conservative", they are now known as "cuckservative" by the new conservative Trump Party.
"I'll no sooner believe every Muslim will kill you than I would believe every surgeon will."
And yet, a tweet by one person (political office of that person notwithstanding) results in "I knew it wouldn't take long to show the true colors of the conservative base."
I take "conservative base" to mean rank-and-file conservatives, which is to say the vast majority of them. Does the term mean something different to you? Are you trying to say that the "conservative base" occupies the same niche in conservatism that violent Islamist jihadists occupy in Islam? Because I'm pretty sure that's not what "base" means.
And yet, a tweet by one person (political office of that person notwithstanding) results in "I knew it wouldn't take long to show the true colors of the conservative base."
Ah, yes. No matter how many murders Muslim terrorists commit, this sad dullard Amanda/Miriam will fiercely defend Islam and Muslims, but one tweet by a right-winger (and note, we are talking about a tweet, not actual fucking bullets and bombs) automatically represents the views and feelings of all conservatives.
Nobody's buying your horseshit anymore, you hypocritical cow.
I was a "conservative", back when there was something to conserve. But at this point, a person who would like to see Constitutional rule in the US is a reactionary, someone who wishes to return to a bygone era. The Left has successfully divided the country into a collection of warring tribes. The leadership of the Republican Party no longer makes even a pretense of conservatism. They just want to take a little bit longer to dismember the Republic, so they can get a share of the loot.
The Left delights in pointing out that Whites are becoming a minority in this country. We are beginning to realize that they are right. And as they have shown us, it behooves a minority to pursue its own interests at the expense of other minorities. What the Hell, we have the brains, the guns and the money. What have those losers got? Hillary?
"Lots of people all of a sudden caring about gay people dying when the shooter is a Muslim named Omar. You know....where were you when American Christians were backing the passage of Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act, the one that allows gays to be put to death? Where have you been while anywhere between 50-75% of trans people have been contemplating suicide? Where have you been while nearly HALF of homeless youth are gay, lesbian, or transgender? Where have you been while gay men are actively denied the ability to donate life-saving blood? Where were you when Matt Shepard was freezing to death? And where were you in the 80s and 90s while gay men were dying from AIDS? You were kicking people out of homes and churches and telling them what an abomination they are for existing. You were kicking them out of schools and refusing to touch them for being HIV+. You were fighting to keep AIDS research from being funded because it was the 'gay plague'. You were fighting to keep sex education out of schools. You have been worried about who's peeing next to you. You have been protesting their very existence and pretending they're a bigger threat to your family than the pedophile in your pulpit. You are not allowed to now use my gay & trans brothers and sisters to score cheap political points."
And for that matter, note Geraghty: "A guy on an FBI watch list pledged loyalty to ISIS and killed 50 people, and the president says this illustrates the need for gun control." I knew it wouldn't take long for Obama to show the true colors of the "liberal" base. This is about gun control, you see (specifically, in this case, controlling access to guns by a private security guard with a concealed carry permit). Pure and simple. No other factors to consider. And THAT...makes about as much sense as Patrick's tweet.
Yes, actually, Miriam. You've demonstrated that you're quite willing to let a single instance of behavior define groups of people that you dislike. Remember? "I knew it wouldn't take long to show the true colors of the conservative base." All of them! And he didn't even murder anyone.
Face, it Miriam, you're a hater. You have a bogeyman in your head, the dreaded "conservative", and you're more than willing to blame people en masse if they don't fall into one of your preferred social/ethnic groupings. You're just a great big bigot.
My dear Paco, the accusation of "bias" pre-supposes a level of moral/intellectual development that the accused doesn't reach. She wanders around in cloud of bullet points and feelz, she fulfills her ovine partisan role with a competence equal to that role. It is wrong to expect more than that.
"Miriam" said...Texas Lt.Governor Dan Patrick tweets the "You reap what you sow" Bible passage, seen by millions before it was deleted.
It's possible that Patrick was referring to the shooter who sowed death and reaped it accordingly. It's possible he was referring to Donald Trump (I hear he's unpopular in Texas). Do you have any corroborating evidence that this Patrick fellow is the evil bigot you claim?
"You are not allowed to now use my gay & trans brothers and sisters to score cheap political points."
Who is allowed to? In my opinion no one is. But people are doing it, and it's not just one side.
"where were you when American Christians were backing the passage of Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act, the one that allows gays to be put to death?"
I give up: where? Because nobody asked my opinion on it. Of course, I'm not a Christian, so perhaps that point doesn't apply. But most of my family and friends are Christian, and I never heard one of them utter anything at all about it. Knowing these people, I'm reasonably certain they would consider such a law to be lunacy. Because you can scare up some idiots (how many, by the way, as that seems to be a recurring theme with you; sometimes "a few" seems to mean "all" and sometimes "most" seems to mean "none") doesn't mean you get to, you know, paint with a broad brush. You'd never do that.
And YOU are not allowed to use my fellow humans to score cheap political points for your bizarre and broadly stereotyping hysterical crusade against Christians.
Goddamn!!!! You're FB friend is bitching about Christians before they've even removed and identified all the bodies of those killed by an ISIS supporter.
Actually Gahrie, my friend's post was a great big "fuck you" to people like you and others here. You'll be hearing a lot more of it from the LGBT community in the days to come.The faux concern was soon dropped in the realty of the underlying homophobia. You didn't fool anyone
I mean, seriously, WHAT THE FUCK? Your friend claims to be on about the hatred of the Christians when he/she/whatever is spewing some serious hatred about individuals THEY DON"T EVEN KNOW AND HAVE NEVER HEARD OF OR ABOUT!!!!!
"Michael, feel free to claim every Muslim is out to kill you. It makes you look very erudite."
No, just the poisoned cherries. It is a feature of schizophrenia that they don't get proverbs because they don't get abstract concepts. Everything to a schizophrenic is concrete. Like Muslims are all terrorists or none are.
I'm not saying you are schizo, Miriam but I'd watch that marijuana, if I were you.
Did you happen to read the link where 88% of Egyptian Muslims think apostates should be killed ?
Mohammed Atta was Egyptian. Look at the dead eyes in that Orlando shooter. Mohammed Atta if I ever saw him.
Sorry, I'm losing my cool. That was a bit intemperate of me, and insensitive so soon after the attack.
Miriam, I'm not asking you to take the view that conservatives and/or Christians are not a threat to the LGBT cause (as though there is a monolithic one). But just please consider that on the one hand you have people who don't like homosexuals, and on the other you have people who massacre them. Think about it.
Actually Gahrie, my friend's post was a great big "fuck you" to people like you and others here. You'll be hearing a lot more of it from the LGBT community in the days to come
You know what the sickest fucking thing about all of this is?
When the Muslims are trying to throw your gay friends off the roof, it'll be me and my friends who try to save their lives, while you and your friends stand there uselessly.
Gays do nothing substantive. News at eleven. Look they should be looking into how to administer a major beat down to those who would kill them for being them!
Stop having the sads. Stop being the zebras looking back at the lions feasting and saying glad it's not me. Get mad dammit. And stop waiting for the courts or uncle sugar to put those bakers, photographers, and florists in their place. Sheesh!!!
You know....where were you when American Christians were backing the passage of Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act, the one that allows gays to be put to death? ...
From a Facebook post of a friend.
Apparently the lesson is that idiots stick together.
Seems unlikely that the 7am Patrick Tweet was in response to the killing hours before, which would make the partisan outrage rank opportunism..
A Bible verse is tweeted from Patrick's account every Sunday at 7 a.m.
Another verse was tweeted from the account 30 minutes later, this time from Psalm 37:39, which reads, "The Salvation of the righteous come from the Lord; He is their stronghold in time of trouble."
... Patrick's adviser Allen Blakemore issued a statement explaining that the tweet was an unfortunate coincidence.
"Lt. Governor Patrick and every Texas is stunned and saddened by the outrageous act of domestic terrorism that has occurred in Orlando," Blakemore said. "... Regarding this morning's scripture posting on social media, be assured that the post was not done in response to last night's tragedy. The post was designed and scheduled last Thursday."
"The Gay Community needs to decide, not on who will lavish them with Love, but who will forcibly protect their Right to Live."
Who gives a shit about how you or your darling Facebook friend feel, Miriam/Amanda? The maudlin virtue-signaling that leftist dipwads love so much - let's march and hold candles and sing "Imagine!" and carry stuffed animals to show how much we care! - saves nobody. Michele Obama made a sad face and held up a sign saying "Save Our Girls" and leftist dimwits the world over had an organism. See how much she cares!! Yeah, right, she's married to the man in a far better position to do something about Boko Harum than I am. Why was she telling us to save "our" girls? Because Democrats know how much shit like that appeals to sanctimonious preening leftists who think feeling is a substitute for action.
If a gay really wants to fight violence against gays, a Glock and some time at the range is more useful than 10,000 memorials and harridans like Miriam screeching away in the comments section of a blog like Yoko Ono at a '60's Happening.
BTW, I see Miriam/Amanda has now appointed herself the head and spokeswoman for the gay community of America. Have you forgotten to get your Lithium prescription refilled, dear? You seem to be deluded about just how important you are.
Conservatives -- and other concerned Americans, but let's just focus on conservatives here, since they are the left's favorite "monster"-- want to slow down and/or stop the import of a culture which has a proven and visible propensity for violence, especially towards woman and gays. Repeat: conservatives want to stop this, at least temporarily, while we assess the threat to our society.
On the other hand, in a time of increasing Jihadism and terrorism coming from Muslim populations worldwide, the progressive left is eager to embrace this culture, and see it grow and spread across the US. Again, the progressives want to spread across America a culture that has, repeatedly and in many locations, shown itself unacceptably brutal towards gays and women. The brutality of this culture is an unacceptable threat in the eyes of conservatives and moderates, but seemingly not progressives. If some people have to die in the name of multi-culturalism, that's acceptable to the left. They get to hold vigils and cry over the victims, and feel morally superior. Instead, what is unacceptable to the morally preening left, is the temerity of those who blame the predictable deaths from Jihadists on the Jihadists' culture.
The progressive left always ends up hurting those they claim to want to help. It's disturbing that they don't/won't/can't see this in themselves. They make up monsters in their minds to battle -- conservatives, the GOP, Christians-- while remaining blind to a real threat staring them in the face-- Islamic Jihadism. The progressive left has been assiduously working to fundamentally transform American culture. And they take great delight in blaming our constitutional rights as this transformed culture ends up creating a need for more bodybags. They will get many, many people killed. High bodycounts is the calling card of the progressive left.
Miriam "This one was home grown, not imported. A citizen of the US." A child of Afghan Muslim immigrants, including a father who praises the Taliban. When you say "home grown" you seem to want us to ignore the Koran talk about scary, scary Christians, Tea Party people, NRA members and all the other traditional bogey men of the left.
Blogger rcocean said... Notice how the sympathy goes up because they are Gay. Imagine the sympathy if 50 Gay Jews and their black disabled Lesbian friends had been killed.
It'd be off the charts!
Less so if just average 'muricans had been killed.
6/12/16, 8:04 PM
If 50 southern baptists were murdered in a church in Texas, I am sure there would be leftists who would be absolutely delighted to hear that Unpeople From Jesusland were dead. There were plenty of commenters at the WaPo who were gloating about the gay Hispanic Trump supporter who got beaten up in San Jose, in front of do-nothing cops. He had it coming. He committed Thought Crimes.
The only problem is that Unpeople from Jesusland are tougher targets, since they are more likely to be carrying. But hey, the liberals are working hard to change that.
I think Marc Steyn's comments following the Paris bloodbath are equally valid in this instance. Proof being the many comments exculpating the "Religion of Peace" on this thread! "Just in case our enemies needed another reason to despise us, today the inactivist group Somnolent Tilty-Headed Wankers for Peace launched an exciting new graphic: the same old clapped-out hippie peace symbol but incorporating the Eiffel Tower (right)! Isn’t that a cool, stylish way of showing how saddy-saddy-sadcakes you are about all those corpses in the streets of Paris? It’s already gone viral! And that’s all that matters, isn’t it?"
You are not allowed to now use my gay & trans brothers and sisters to score cheap political points."
You are not allowed to use the explosion of an airliner in flight and the loss of 66 souls to score cheap political points!
You are not allowed to use the rape, sexual assault, and robbery of a thousand in a single evening at the Cologne train station to score cheap political points!
You are not allowed to use the killing spree in at a Paris magazine and a Jewish grocery store to score cheap political points...
You know what? These political points are anything but cheap.
I've said there were radical/ extremist Muslims. I won't however say ALL Muslims
Nevertheless you solve the problem by not letting ANY muslims in. People who are not Americans have no a priori right to come into the country. It's our country and we get to decide who comes here.
So it's an example of PC ruling out the solution.
With no foreign muslims, domestic security becomes less necessary. It's almost like freedom again. But not freedom at the border.
"Miriam said... Maxed OutMama, This one was home grown, not imported. A citizen of the US. While we panic about immigrants from Syria, we ignore the ones right under our noses. I agree there are dangerous Muslims. There are dangerous Christians also. As I said in another thread religious and/or political extremism is dangerous and yes we should be cognizant of it."
So much stupid squeezed into this. And bullshit. First, "While we panic about immigrants from Syria, we ignore the ones right under our noses." is crap. It is totally devoid of factual support. Can you name one "home grown" mass terror attack that the perpetrator(s) was/were ignored? None were ignored. All were investigated. They just weren't dealt with. Which is why we don't need more of them here. Simple.
I knew it wouldn't take long to show the true colors of the conservative base.
A pre-planned Tweet going out at a scheduled time, as it does every week, is proof positive indeed.
Why does the Left wish to leave people unarmed while police are unwilling to protect them? How is that humane?
When the LGBT community doesn't jump on the Demonize all Muslims bandwagon, the sympathy will evaporate.
If they choose to not blame the people who killed 50+ of them, yeah, people might start to wonder why they should be outraged when the victims are not. If you wish to blame guns or that America "hates gays" when a Muslim slaughters tons of you, but don't wish to blame Muslims, then you're too lost to be dealt with.
I agree there are dangerous Muslims. There are dangerous Christians also.
Wish to compare death tolls this year? Last year? The year before?
Remember: WAY more Christians than Muslims --- yet Muslims kill FAR more in the name of their religion.
You know....where were you when American Christians were backing the passage of Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act
Sure a Muslim killed Americans in America --- BUT WHAT UGANDA'S LAWS?!?
Where have you been while anywhere between 50-75% of trans people have been contemplating suicide?
Trying to help them and not humor their psychotic delusions?
Where have you been while nearly HALF of homeless youth are gay, lesbian, or transgender?
I await any semblance of evidence for this.
Where have you been while gay men are actively denied the ability to donate life-saving blood?
Outside of their still quite-high infection rate for STD's? To quote Milo (quite gay, if you're wondering), if gay men wish to give blood, they should stop being sluts.
Where were you when Matt Shepard was freezing to death?
At the hands of his gay lover following a drug deal that went wrong? We're supposed to be really angry that a drug dealer who wronged a drug buyer suffered the consequences?
And where were you in the 80s and 90s while gay men were dying from AIDS?
Trying to resolve the issue while people like your "friend" fought. "Don't close the bath houses that tend to be sites for lots of anonymous gay sex and where the disease is spread like wildfire! Just spend trillions instead to try and come up with a cure...eventually"
You were kicking people out of homes and churches and telling them what an abomination they are for existing. You were kicking them out of schools and refusing to touch them for being HIV+. You were fighting to keep AIDS research from being funded because it was the 'gay plague'. You were fighting to keep sex education out of schools. You have been worried about who's peeing next to you. You have been protesting their very existence and pretending they're a bigger threat to your family than the pedophile in your pulpit. You are not allowed to now use my gay & trans brothers and sisters to score cheap political points.
So, I'm not allowed to be upset that a bunch of them died because this loon doesn't like certain things internationally and historically?
OK. Fine. Have fun fighting the fight when 90%+ of the population isn't involved in helping because you demanded we don't. You don't want my help? Fine. It's easy for me to sit back and not give a shit that Americans who aren't like me are dead.
Actually Gahrie, my friend's post was a great big "fuck you" to people like you and others here. You'll be hearing a lot more of it from the LGBT community in the days to come.The faux concern was soon dropped in the realty of the underlying homophobia. You didn't fool anyone
So, gays refuse to do anything but condemn people who didn't kill them.
Can you tell me why anybody should CARE that they died, then? If YOU don't care that they died (since your vitriol is saved for people who didn't do it) --- why should I?
BTW, the vigil outside Stonewall --- gonna work wonders on the issue. Standing around feeling sad is a great idea. Man, imagine if, instead of fighting, people just stood around and felt sad about Hitler. I mean, sure, France tried it and it didn't go great for them --- but eventually.
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७० टिप्पण्या:
It's part of the self-entertainment function that the media also depends on so much.
Gonna march on a mosque next?
Have they sung "Imagine" yet?
Where are the coexist posters?
We should see the FAcebook rainbow profile thing any second now.
Texas Lt.Governor Dan Patrick tweets the "You reap what you sow" Bible passage, seen by millions before it was deleted..
I knew it wouldn't take long to show the true colors of the conservative base. When the LGBT community doesn't jump on the Demonize all Muslims bandwagon, the sympathy will evaporate.
In addition to more "COEXIST" posters and bumper stickers, we need a drum circle.
....as evidenced in this thread.
The media, most Dems, many republicans, love to divide us into tribes. This is no different. Its a big deal because one of the tribes favored by the Government and the media has been attacked.
I doubt if anywhere in the media or most politicians, will you hear anything different from that narrative.
What really happened is too simple for them-Muslims attacked and killed Americans. Again. Americans, not gay americans or hyphenated americans.
But calling out Islam for its murderous traits is "unAmerican"
They want to kill us, period. Time to start acting like we care enough to call it what it is, and what it has been, for generations.
Just another typical peaceful Muslim, Miriam.
Gilroy, a former Fort Pierce Police officer, said Mateen frequently made homophobic and racial comments. Gilroy said he complained to his employer G4S Security several times but it did nothing because he was Muslim. Gilroy quit after he said Mateen began stalking him via multiple text messages — 20 or 30 a day. He also sent Gilroy 13 to 15 phone messages a day, he said.
"I quit because everything he said was toxic," Gilroy said Sunday, "and the company wouldn't do anything. This guy was unhinged and unstable. He talked of killing people."
Gilroy said this shooting didn't come as a surprise to him.
Another member of the Religion of Peace.
MichaelK, I'll no sooner believe every Muslim will kill you than I would believe every surgeon will.
I do sympathize, but it takes more than candlelight, flowers and peaceful demonstrations to stop violent nutcases.
The question "What are we going to DO?" hangs over all of us.
What's evidenced in this thread, Miriam? Give examples. Show your work.
Miriam - but we are importing many with the ideology that this is right; the situation is less controlled than ever, and we step up our efforts to ignore the painful truth.
This perp was reported and investigated multiple times. So was one of the Boston Bombers. We don't have the manpower to deal with the threat, and we are building it up by importing large numbers of people with an ideology that fundamentally conflicts with that of the American Constitution.
No one is claiming that every Muslim is dangerous. However, not a few are.
Poor "Miriam." If someone offered you a bowl of cherries and told you one was poisoned, what would you do?
More news from The Religion of Peace.
But where it gets more disturbing is that as Judicial Watch reported several days ago, in a post titled, "DHS Quietly Moving, Releasing Vanloads Of Illegal Aliens Away From Border", border patrol sources said that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was quietly transporting illegal immigrants from the Mexican border to Phoenix and releasing them without proper processing or issuing court appearance documents. As a reminder, the government classifies them as Other Than Mexican (OTM) and this week around 35 were transferred 116 miles north from Tucson to a Phoenix bus station where they went their separate way. Judicial Watch was present when one of the white vans carrying a group of OTMs arrived at the Phoenix Greyhound station on Buckeye Road.
And this is where the Mateen-G4S link emerges: as JW reported previously, a security company contracted by the U.S. government is driving the OTMs from the Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector where they were in custody to Phoenix, sources said. The firm is the abovementioned G4S, the world’s leading security solutions group with operations in more than 100 countries and 610,000 employees. G4S has more than 50,000 employees in the U.S. and its domestic headquarters is in Jupiter, Florida.
Judicial Watch noted that it had filed a number of public records requests to get more information involving the arrangement between G4S and the government, specifically the transport of illegal immigrants from the Mexican border to other parts of the country. The photo below shows the uniformed G4S guard that transported the OTMs this week from Tucson to Phoenix.
Anybody wonder if those "illegal immigrants" included a few jihadis ?
Maxed OutMama,
This one was home grown, not imported. A citizen of the US. While we panic about immigrants from Syria, we ignore the ones right under our noses. I agree there are dangerous Muslims. There are dangerous Christians also. As I said in another thread religious and/or political extremism is dangerous and yes we should be cognizant of it.
Michael, feel free to claim every Muslim is out to kill you. It makes you look very erudite.
it takes more than candlelight, flowers and peaceful demonstrations to stop violent nutcases.
Sympathy is entertainment. It trades on somebody else's problems to give the sympathizer a feel-good-about-himself moment. That's why people tune in. Mostly women.
Sympathy is positively dysfunctional in an area bigger than a neighborhood. In a neighborhood, it has survival value.
Michael, feel free to claim every Muslim is out to kill you. It makes you look very erudite.
Wow, it's all or nothing with you then? Everything or zero? Black or white? That is some subtle mind you have Miriam.
Wrong kind of vigilance.
Importing people who want to kill you is a bad idea.
Importing people whose children want to kill you is also a bad idea.
Tim, you got it completely backwards. It's all or nothing for people like Michael K, not I. He gets testy when someone doesn't jump on his Islamophpbia mobile. I've said there were radical/ extremist Muslims. I won't however say ALL Muslims are a threat to us. That is the difference, shouldn't be that hard to grasp.
Miriam said...
I knew it wouldn't take long to show the true colors of the conservative base. When the LGBT community doesn't jump on the Demonize all Muslims bandwagon, the sympathy will evaporate.
So in the very thread where she claims extremists don't represent the whole Miriam asserts the extremist represents the whole.
Not too bright.
Miriam said...
"Michael, feel free to claim every Muslim is out to kill you. It makes you look very erudite."
Miriam, it is well known that the only Muslims who are out to kill us are the extremist Muslims, and they are only about 10%-80% of the Muslim population, depending on the country. The remaining "moderate" Muslims do not want to kill us. They want the extremist Muslims to kill us.
"I've said there were radical/ extremist Muslims. I won't however say ALL Muslims are a threat to us."
But one tweet represents all "conservatives".
No bias there, Miriam. None at all!
No, actually not Paco. There are conservatives that are embarrased by Trump and people like the Lt.Governor of Texas. I've heard that they are no longer referred to has "conservative", they are now known as "cuckservative" by the new conservative Trump Party.
"I'll no sooner believe every Muslim will kill you than I would believe every surgeon will."
And yet, a tweet by one person (political office of that person notwithstanding) results in "I knew it wouldn't take long to show the true colors of the conservative base."
I take "conservative base" to mean rank-and-file conservatives, which is to say the vast majority of them. Does the term mean something different to you? Are you trying to say that the "conservative base" occupies the same niche in conservatism that violent Islamist jihadists occupy in Islam? Because I'm pretty sure that's not what "base" means.
Something that might help the gays more than standing around holding a candle and uttering the usual leftist cliches: joining the Pink Pistols.
And yet, a tweet by one person (political office of that person notwithstanding) results in "I knew it wouldn't take long to show the true colors of the conservative base."
Ah, yes. No matter how many murders Muslim terrorists commit, this sad dullard Amanda/Miriam will fiercely defend Islam and Muslims, but one tweet by a right-winger (and note, we are talking about a tweet, not actual fucking bullets and bombs) automatically represents the views and feelings of all conservatives.
Nobody's buying your horseshit anymore, you hypocritical cow.
From a Guardian column on the event:
"Fear favours the demagogue. History sides with the cautious."
Every group gets their own Chamberlain.
I am Laslo.
I was a "conservative", back when there was something to conserve. But at this point, a person who would like to see Constitutional rule in the US is a reactionary, someone who wishes to return to a bygone era. The Left has successfully divided the country into a collection of warring tribes. The leadership of the Republican Party no longer makes even a pretense of conservatism. They just want to take a little bit longer to dismember the Republic, so they can get a share of the loot.
The Left delights in pointing out that Whites are becoming a minority in this country. We are beginning to realize that they are right. And as they have shown us, it behooves a minority to pursue its own interests at the expense of other minorities. What the Hell, we have the brains, the guns and the money. What have those losers got? Hillary?
"Lots of people all of a sudden caring about gay people dying when the shooter is a Muslim named Omar.
You know....where were you when American Christians were backing the passage of Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act, the one that allows gays to be put to death? Where have you been while anywhere between 50-75% of trans people have been contemplating suicide? Where have you been while nearly HALF of homeless youth are gay, lesbian, or transgender? Where have you been while gay men are actively denied the ability to donate life-saving blood? Where were you when Matt Shepard was freezing to death? And where were you in the 80s and 90s while gay men were dying from AIDS?
You were kicking people out of homes and churches and telling them what an abomination they are for existing. You were kicking them out of schools and refusing to touch them for being HIV+. You were fighting to keep AIDS research from being funded because it was the 'gay plague'. You were fighting to keep sex education out of schools. You have been worried about who's peeing next to you. You have been protesting their very existence and pretending they're a bigger threat to your family than the pedophile in your pulpit.
You are not allowed to now use my gay & trans brothers and sisters to score cheap political points."
From a Facebook post of a friend.
And for that matter, note Geraghty: "A guy on an FBI watch list pledged loyalty to ISIS and killed 50 people, and the president says this illustrates the need for gun control." I knew it wouldn't take long for Obama to show the true colors of the "liberal" base. This is about gun control, you see (specifically, in this case, controlling access to guns by a private security guard with a concealed carry permit). Pure and simple. No other factors to consider. And THAT...makes about as much sense as Patrick's tweet.
"No, actually not Paco"
Yes, actually, Miriam. You've demonstrated that you're quite willing to let a single instance of behavior define groups of people that you dislike. Remember? "I knew it wouldn't take long to show the true colors of the conservative base." All of them! And he didn't even murder anyone.
Face, it Miriam, you're a hater. You have a bogeyman in your head, the dreaded "conservative", and you're more than willing to blame people en masse if they don't fall into one of your preferred social/ethnic groupings. You're just a great big bigot.
Paco: No bias there, Miriam. None at all!
My dear Paco, the accusation of "bias" pre-supposes a level of moral/intellectual development that the accused doesn't reach. She wanders around in cloud of bullet points and feelz, she fulfills her ovine partisan role with a competence equal to that role. It is wrong to expect more than that.
"Miriam" said...Texas Lt.Governor Dan Patrick tweets the "You reap what you sow" Bible passage, seen by millions before it was deleted.
It's possible that Patrick was referring to the shooter who sowed death and reaped it accordingly. It's possible he was referring to Donald Trump (I hear he's unpopular in Texas). Do you have any corroborating evidence that this Patrick fellow is the evil bigot you claim?
feel free to claim every Muslim is out to kill you.
Untrue. Some just want to enslave me, and a few would actually like to convert me.
From a Facebook post of a friend.
Send your friend a nice big fuck you from all of us........
Reading between the lines you seem to be suggesting that all Muslims are not terrorists. You know, I think we get that point.
her ovine partisan role
♫ The bleat goes on.. ♫
"You are not allowed to now use my gay & trans brothers and sisters to score cheap political points."
Who is allowed to? In my opinion no one is. But people are doing it, and it's not just one side.
"where were you when American Christians were backing the passage of Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act, the one that allows gays to be put to death?"
I give up: where? Because nobody asked my opinion on it. Of course, I'm not a Christian, so perhaps that point doesn't apply. But most of my family and friends are Christian, and I never heard one of them utter anything at all about it. Knowing these people, I'm reasonably certain they would consider such a law to be lunacy. Because you can scare up some idiots (how many, by the way, as that seems to be a recurring theme with you; sometimes "a few" seems to mean "all" and sometimes "most" seems to mean "none") doesn't mean you get to, you know, paint with a broad brush. You'd never do that.
And YOU are not allowed to use my fellow humans to score cheap political points for your bizarre and broadly stereotyping hysterical crusade against Christians.
Goddamn!!!! You're FB friend is bitching about Christians before they've even removed and identified all the bodies of those killed by an ISIS supporter.
The Gay Community needs to decide, not on who will lavish them with Love, but who will forcibly protect their Right to Live.
I'm dropping the fucking mic.
I am Laslo.
Actually Gahrie, my friend's post was a great big "fuck you" to people like you and others here. You'll be hearing a lot more of it from the LGBT community in the days to come.The faux concern was soon dropped in the realty of the underlying homophobia. You didn't fool anyone
I mean, seriously, WHAT THE FUCK? Your friend claims to be on about the hatred of the Christians when he/she/whatever is spewing some serious hatred about individuals THEY DON"T EVEN KNOW AND HAVE NEVER HEARD OF OR ABOUT!!!!!
"Michael, feel free to claim every Muslim is out to kill you. It makes you look very erudite."
No, just the poisoned cherries. It is a feature of schizophrenia that they don't get proverbs because they don't get abstract concepts. Everything to a schizophrenic is concrete. Like Muslims are all terrorists or none are.
I'm not saying you are schizo, Miriam but I'd watch that marijuana, if I were you.
Did you happen to read the link where 88% of Egyptian Muslims think apostates should be killed ?
Mohammed Atta was Egyptian. Look at the dead eyes in that Orlando shooter. Mohammed Atta if I ever saw him.
"You'll be hearing a lot more of it from the LGBT community"
I just hope they don't take it literally. It would be embarrassing.
Sorry, I'm losing my cool. That was a bit intemperate of me, and insensitive so soon after the attack.
Miriam, I'm not asking you to take the view that conservatives and/or Christians are not a threat to the LGBT cause (as though there is a monolithic one). But just please consider that on the one hand you have people who don't like homosexuals, and on the other you have people who massacre them. Think about it.
Actually Gahrie, my friend's post was a great big "fuck you" to people like you and others here. You'll be hearing a lot more of it from the LGBT community in the days to come
You know what the sickest fucking thing about all of this is?
When the Muslims are trying to throw your gay friends off the roof, it'll be me and my friends who try to save their lives, while you and your friends stand there uselessly.
Worst of all? Both you and the gays know it.
"a great big "fuck you" to people like you and others here."
Me, I'm basking in Miriam's love. Don't you all feel it too, people?
Gays do nothing substantive. News at eleven. Look they should be looking into how to administer a major beat down to those who would kill them for being them!
Stop having the sads. Stop being the zebras looking back at the lions feasting and saying glad it's not me. Get mad dammit. And stop waiting for the courts or uncle sugar to put those bakers, photographers, and florists in their place. Sheesh!!!
Notice how the sympathy goes up because they are Gay. Imagine the sympathy if 50 Gay Jews and their black disabled Lesbian friends had been killed.
It'd be off the charts!
Less so if just average 'muricans had been killed.
You know....where were you when American Christians were backing the passage of Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act, the one that allows gays to be put to death? ...
From a Facebook post of a friend.
Apparently the lesson is that idiots stick together.
Notice how the MSM changes their headlines depending on the Killer.
If its someone like the SC killer its: "Right-wing conservative kills 50 Blacks in hate-filled murder rampage!"
But if its Muslim or POC its: "Assault rifle wielded by lone gunman kills 50 at nightclub".
No doubt if a Leftist Kills 50 at a trump rally the headline will be: " Violence erupts at Trump rally. 50 dead."
Seems unlikely that the 7am Patrick Tweet was in response to the killing hours before, which would make the partisan outrage rank opportunism..
A Bible verse is tweeted from Patrick's account every Sunday at 7 a.m.
Another verse was tweeted from the account 30 minutes later, this time from Psalm 37:39, which reads, "The Salvation of the righteous come from the Lord; He is their stronghold in time of trouble."
... Patrick's adviser Allen Blakemore issued a statement explaining that the tweet was an unfortunate coincidence.
"Lt. Governor Patrick and every Texas is stunned and saddened by the outrageous act of domestic terrorism that has occurred in Orlando," Blakemore said. "... Regarding this morning's scripture posting on social media, be assured that the post was not done in response to last night's tragedy. The post was designed and scheduled last Thursday."
"The Gay Community needs to decide, not on who will lavish them with Love, but who will forcibly protect their Right to Live."
Who gives a shit about how you or your darling Facebook friend feel, Miriam/Amanda? The maudlin virtue-signaling that leftist dipwads love so much - let's march and hold candles and sing "Imagine!" and carry stuffed animals to show how much we care! - saves nobody. Michele Obama made a sad face and held up a sign saying "Save Our Girls" and leftist dimwits the world over had an organism. See how much she cares!! Yeah, right, she's married to the man in a far better position to do something about Boko Harum than I am. Why was she telling us to save "our" girls? Because Democrats know how much shit like that appeals to sanctimonious preening leftists who think feeling is a substitute for action.
If a gay really wants to fight violence against gays, a Glock and some time at the range is more useful than 10,000 memorials and harridans like Miriam screeching away in the comments section of a blog like Yoko Ono at a '60's Happening.
BTW, I see Miriam/Amanda has now appointed herself the head and spokeswoman for the gay community of America. Have you forgotten to get your Lithium prescription refilled, dear? You seem to be deluded about just how important you are.
Blogger Paco Wové said...
"a great big "fuck you" to people like you and others here."
Me, I'm basking in Miriam's love. Don't you all feel it too, people?
6/12/16, 8:01 PM
Hey, she's a Christian! She said so herself! Can't you tell?
Conservatives -- and other concerned Americans, but let's just focus on conservatives here, since they are the left's favorite "monster"-- want to slow down and/or stop the import of a culture which has a proven and visible propensity for violence, especially towards woman and gays. Repeat: conservatives want to stop this, at least temporarily, while we assess the threat to our society.
On the other hand, in a time of increasing Jihadism and terrorism coming from Muslim populations worldwide, the progressive left is eager to embrace this culture, and see it grow and spread across the US. Again, the progressives want to spread across America a culture that has, repeatedly and in many locations, shown itself unacceptably brutal towards gays and women. The brutality of this culture is an unacceptable threat in the eyes of conservatives and moderates, but seemingly not progressives. If some people have to die in the name of multi-culturalism, that's acceptable to the left. They get to hold vigils and cry over the victims, and feel morally superior. Instead, what is unacceptable to the morally preening left, is the temerity of those who blame the predictable deaths from Jihadists on the Jihadists' culture.
The progressive left always ends up hurting those they claim to want to help. It's disturbing that they don't/won't/can't see this in themselves. They make up monsters in their minds to battle -- conservatives, the GOP, Christians-- while remaining blind to a real threat staring them in the face-- Islamic Jihadism. The progressive left has been assiduously working to fundamentally transform American culture. And they take great delight in blaming our constitutional rights as this transformed culture ends up creating a need for more bodybags. They will get many, many people killed. High bodycounts is the calling card of the progressive left.
Miriam "This one was home grown, not imported. A citizen of the US."
A child of Afghan Muslim immigrants, including a father who praises the Taliban.
When you say "home grown" you seem to want us to ignore the Koran talk about scary, scary Christians, Tea Party people, NRA members and all the other traditional bogey men of the left.
Blogger rcocean said...
Notice how the sympathy goes up because they are Gay. Imagine the sympathy if 50 Gay Jews and their black disabled Lesbian friends had been killed.
It'd be off the charts!
Less so if just average 'muricans had been killed.
6/12/16, 8:04 PM
If 50 southern baptists were murdered in a church in Texas, I am sure there would be leftists who would be absolutely delighted to hear that Unpeople From Jesusland were dead. There were plenty of commenters at the WaPo who were gloating about the gay Hispanic Trump supporter who got beaten up in San Jose, in front of do-nothing cops. He had it coming. He committed Thought Crimes.
The only problem is that Unpeople from Jesusland are tougher targets, since they are more likely to be carrying. But hey, the liberals are working hard to change that.
"No doubt if a Leftist Kills 50 at a trump rally the headline will be: " Violence erupts at Trump rally. 50 dead."
Yup. Those damned conservatives/ right wingers/Republicans brought this on themselves.
I understand Google was up with the retort earlier.
It's sad to see the lack of mentation of the left.
I think Marc Steyn's comments following the Paris bloodbath are equally valid in this instance. Proof being the many comments exculpating the "Religion of Peace" on this thread!
"Just in case our enemies needed another reason to despise us, today the inactivist group Somnolent Tilty-Headed Wankers for Peace launched an exciting new graphic: the same old clapped-out hippie peace symbol but incorporating the Eiffel Tower (right)! Isn’t that a cool, stylish way of showing how saddy-saddy-sadcakes you are about all those corpses in the streets of Paris? It’s already gone viral! And that’s all that matters, isn’t it?"
You are not allowed to now use my gay & trans brothers and sisters to score cheap political points."
You are not allowed to use the explosion of an airliner in flight and the loss of 66 souls to score cheap political points!
You are not allowed to use the rape, sexual assault, and robbery of a thousand in a single evening at the Cologne train station to score cheap political points!
You are not allowed to use the killing spree in at a Paris magazine and a Jewish grocery store to score cheap political points...
You know what? These political points are anything but cheap.
I've said there were radical/ extremist Muslims. I won't however say ALL Muslims
Nevertheless you solve the problem by not letting ANY muslims in. People who are not Americans have no a priori right to come into the country. It's our country and we get to decide who comes here.
So it's an example of PC ruling out the solution.
With no foreign muslims, domestic security becomes less necessary. It's almost like freedom again. But not freedom at the border.
"Miriam said...
Maxed OutMama,
This one was home grown, not imported. A citizen of the US. While we panic about immigrants from Syria, we ignore the ones right under our noses. I agree there are dangerous Muslims. There are dangerous Christians also. As I said in another thread religious and/or political extremism is dangerous and yes we should be cognizant of it."
So much stupid squeezed into this. And bullshit. First, "While we panic about immigrants from Syria, we ignore the ones right under our noses." is crap. It is totally devoid of factual support. Can you name one "home grown" mass terror attack that the perpetrator(s) was/were ignored? None were ignored. All were investigated. They just weren't dealt with. Which is why we don't need more of them here. Simple.
I knew it wouldn't take long to show the true colors of the conservative base.
A pre-planned Tweet going out at a scheduled time, as it does every week, is proof positive indeed.
Why does the Left wish to leave people unarmed while police are unwilling to protect them? How is that humane?
When the LGBT community doesn't jump on the Demonize all Muslims bandwagon, the sympathy will evaporate.
If they choose to not blame the people who killed 50+ of them, yeah, people might start to wonder why they should be outraged when the victims are not. If you wish to blame guns or that America "hates gays" when a Muslim slaughters tons of you, but don't wish to blame Muslims, then you're too lost to be dealt with.
I agree there are dangerous Muslims. There are dangerous Christians also.
Wish to compare death tolls this year?
Last year?
The year before?
Remember: WAY more Christians than Muslims --- yet Muslims kill FAR more in the name of their religion.
You know....where were you when American Christians were backing the passage of Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act
Sure a Muslim killed Americans in America --- BUT WHAT UGANDA'S LAWS?!?
Where have you been while anywhere between 50-75% of trans people have been contemplating suicide?
Trying to help them and not humor their psychotic delusions?
Where have you been while nearly HALF of homeless youth are gay, lesbian, or transgender?
I await any semblance of evidence for this.
Where have you been while gay men are actively denied the ability to donate life-saving blood?
Outside of their still quite-high infection rate for STD's? To quote Milo (quite gay, if you're wondering), if gay men wish to give blood, they should stop being sluts.
Where were you when Matt Shepard was freezing to death?
At the hands of his gay lover following a drug deal that went wrong? We're supposed to be really angry that a drug dealer who wronged a drug buyer suffered the consequences?
And where were you in the 80s and 90s while gay men were dying from AIDS?
Trying to resolve the issue while people like your "friend" fought. "Don't close the bath houses that tend to be sites for lots of anonymous gay sex and where the disease is spread like wildfire! Just spend trillions instead to try and come up with a cure...eventually"
You were kicking people out of homes and churches and telling them what an abomination they are for existing. You were kicking them out of schools and refusing to touch them for being HIV+. You were fighting to keep AIDS research from being funded because it was the 'gay plague'. You were fighting to keep sex education out of schools. You have been worried about who's peeing next to you. You have been protesting their very existence and pretending they're a bigger threat to your family than the pedophile in your pulpit.
You are not allowed to now use my gay & trans brothers and sisters to score cheap political points.
So, I'm not allowed to be upset that a bunch of them died because this loon doesn't like certain things internationally and historically?
OK. Fine. Have fun fighting the fight when 90%+ of the population isn't involved in helping because you demanded we don't. You don't want my help? Fine. It's easy for me to sit back and not give a shit that Americans who aren't like me are dead.
Actually Gahrie, my friend's post was a great big "fuck you" to people like you and others here. You'll be hearing a lot more of it from the LGBT community in the days to come.The faux concern was soon dropped in the realty of the underlying homophobia. You didn't fool anyone
So, gays refuse to do anything but condemn people who didn't kill them.
Can you tell me why anybody should CARE that they died, then? If YOU don't care that they died (since your vitriol is saved for people who didn't do it) --- why should I?
You know what? These political points are anything but cheap.
I'm also impressed that her friend is God. All those rules about what I can and cannot do.
BTW, the vigil outside Stonewall --- gonna work wonders on the issue. Standing around feeling sad is a great idea. Man, imagine if, instead of fighting, people just stood around and felt sad about Hitler. I mean, sure, France tried it and it didn't go great for them --- but eventually.
Feeling sad, I bet, would've ended slavery, too.
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