२९ जून, २०१६

"People who go through male puberty are taller, have bigger bones and develop greater muscle mass than those who go through female puberty..."

"... said William Briner, a sports medicine physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery in Uniondale, New York, during a session on transgender athletes at the American College of Sports Medicine meeting in early June."
Men also have more red blood cells than women, and their hearts and lungs are bigger too. Some of these advantages are irreversible, Briner said, even if testosterone levels are cut. “Insofar as there is an ‘athleticism gene,’” it’s the gene on the Y chromosome that signals the development of testes and the production of testosterone, writes David Epstein in his book, “The Sports Gene.”

These differences give men a distinct advantage over women, and they’re the reason that sport is segregated by gender. Which is all fine and great until it comes time to sort women from men....

१०३ टिप्पण्या:

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Without reading the original article, can I guess this is addressing the issue of someone born male trying to get the right to compete against women in sports?

Achilles म्हणाले...

Damn those sexist y chromosomes.

n.n म्हणाले...

Womb bank or sperm depositor. "Plan" or harvest the other half. Choose one (e.g. selective child). Abort the rest. An illusion of equality.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Hilarious. Discovering the obvious that my grandmother knew 100 years ago.

Alexander म्हणाले...

What a society we are. "People who go through male puberty," like you have a say in the matter, and these 'people' could be anyone.

1. Men and Women are distinct sexes (gender being a linguistic quirk of specific languages and having no meaning regarding human biology). There are only two sexes, male and female. The sex of an individual is determined by their genetics; specifically, the presence or absence of the Y chromosome.

2. The differences between the sexes are significant.

I could go on from there, but I fear that having thrown out such a revolutionary line of thought, I'd best stop there to allow the liberal half the population a chance to get off the fainting couches and catch up.

What a time to be alive, when I would have to say aloud what would have been intrinsically obvious to 99.999999% of all humans that have ever lived.

West Texas Intermediate Crude म्हणाले...

We will need 3 sex categories rather than the current/traditional 2:
Male/XY- biological men who are competing as men.
Female/XX - biological women who are competing as women. It may be necessary for competitors in this category to prove their XXness.
Other - an umbrella category for transgender, intersex, and any competitors who do not fit into the above 2 categories. There will likely be multiple subcategories of Other, but no matter- nobody other than Others will care about who plays, wins or loses in this league.
Yes, I'm Othering them. They are Other, so why not?

Sebastian म्हणाले...

Look, the administration has told us gender identity is subjective, so all this gene and puberty stuff is beside the point. Let the trannies run and play. Feminists will applaud. For the sake of human rights and "equality," of course.

dreams म्हणाले...

A big old can of worms, yeah.

The Bergall म्हणाले...

Depends upon the definition of "male puberty" is, is............

dreams म्हणाले...

If our grandparents could see what we've become, what a mess!

अनामित म्हणाले...

We all know where this is headed. The take-over of all women's sports by trans-women.

If only the outcome would be the abolishment of Title IX, because obviously, if there are 101 genders, then Title IX is obsolete...

dreams म्हणाले...

Even the cavemen knew that and no offense to cavemen.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Look up Fallon Fox.

SteveR म्हणाले...

Its hard to have a competition when you can't decide who's who. At this point I don't care, sports is so much about making money now that I expect they'll figure something out. Coexist!

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Well, just read the article. No surprise. The East Germans were just ahead of their time.

अनामित म्हणाले...

People who go through male puberty are taller, have bigger bones and develop greater muscle mass than those who go through female puberty..."

There's so much Clown World, on so many levels, in this simple sentence.

Wince म्हणाले...

I welcome our women's sports transexual overlords.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Stop the presses!

Rick म्हणाले...

As trans become more prevalent they will dominate the highest levels of women's sports. Are women going to accept this? It will destroy fan interest.

Looking forward to the lesbians vs the trannies victim adjudication though.

Rae म्हणाले...

Before long athletes will have any trace of gender eliminated so they compete in one sexless, amorphous league of freaks.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

You're not supposed to believe it. You're supposed to learn to accept lies lest you suffer.

It has to be a lie or it won't work.

Skipper म्हणाले...

One is entitled to one's own opinion, but not one's biology.

Alexander म्हणाले...

The Drill SGT,

It is amusing that the final effect of the Title IX mentality will be zero women competing in sports.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

What's the test for beach volleyball?

Rick म्हणाले...

Rae said...
Before long athletes will have any trace of gender eliminated so they compete in one sexless, amorphous league of freaks.

Imagine the reaction to an Olympics in which women didn't win a single medal. There will always be sex segregation in sports. The question is what it will be based on.

HoodlumDoodlum म्हणाले...

Um, excuse me Five38 headline? EXCUSE ME?!? Gender is a social construct. A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT.
Confusing sex with gender is sexist. Triggered!
I'm disappointed you'd let something like this pass, Professor. Where's your empathy--you're not "objectively pro-sexism" now, are you!?
Hell, people who confuse sex with gender support the patriarchy/our current system, and since our current system produces and supports a "rape culture," such people are "objectively pro-rape."
Stop supporting rape, people.

HoodlumDoodlum म्हणाले...

The shifts are so hilarious, though; I think we have to laugh.

Not too long ago anyone who questioned there being sex differences (and, you know, gender differences) would have been laughed at.
A short time ago it was decided that sex differences can't exist, so anyone pointing out obvious sex differences had to be shunned/humiliated.
Now we're dealing with cases where obvious sex differences can't be ignored, and the enlightened are acting as if this is some big, unexpected surprise (that there are real differences not related to "society" or "cultural constructs" or "self-identification").

Objective reality is so funny that way! To people who truly believe everything is just a matter of interpretation (that is, that interpretation can in fact directly change objective reality)...what must the world be like?

Just kidding, we all know "facts" don't exist, so if any pop up from time to time it's only a matter of shouting "sexist!" or whatever at them loudly enough, for long enough. Fight the power of reality!

Bay Area Guy म्हणाले...

Dr. Obvious strikes again!

The push to equalize the sexes should slow down a bit, and face reality and common sense. The proponents thereof have made a lot of progress -- declare victory and go home.

mikee म्हणाले...

I, for one, welcome the transhumans with genetics of a cheetah for sprinting, gorilla bodies for weight lifting, and mako shark swimming speed.

The Ballad of Lost C'Mell 91962, Cordwiner Smith) is a novella about the human/animal hybrid revolution, to obtain their individual rights. I recall there were girly-girls, part cat, and turtle guards of infinite patience. And of course, Dr. Moreau had a thing or two to say about body dismorphism disorder.

Truly there is nothing new under the sun.

Alexander म्हणाले...

The Olympics will be interesting because so many countries - gasp - do not share our progressive values!

It's one thing to have a bunch of Europeans have to pretend that woman is man. But the Russians aren't going to have any truck for their women losing Olympic medals to mentally ill men. The Chinese won't. The Muslims won't lose many if any medals over, but they'll still be outraged on principle, and for once I'll have to come down on their side, which will make me outraged on principle...

In short, it will be hilarious.

lgv म्हणाले...

Blogger The Drill SGT said...
We all know where this is headed. The take-over of all women's sports by trans-women."

It is part of a bigger picture that is being ignored. Title IX gave rise to many women's sports programs. Equal amounts were spent on both male and female sports teams. This required heavy recruitment of female athletes and a corresponding increase in the number of scholarships available. Some universities struggled to field a roster for some women's sports, while poorer male sports teams were cut, e.g. wrestling programs.

There are clearly market forces at work as the supply of sports scholarships is evenly divided among the sexes. There is a clear financial incentive for a male to identify as a female and apply for women's sports teams. If we allow this crazy concept of unregulated self-identification of gender and race, the end result will be fully transgendered women's teams. Why wouldn't we? You can't say there is anything wrong with it without a lawsuit or challenging the whole narrative. It's just a matter of time.

Heck, when I was called for jury duty and it was going to be a 3 week trial, I tried to be excused. I was thinking about self-identifying as a female, one that was 8 1/2 months pregnant.

JAORE म्हणाले...

No matter where they draw the intersex line SOMEONE will be furious that they were pushed to the side they do not want.

And, of course, some would have us agree that just "identifying" as a woman is sufficient.

I will watch with detached amusement as the wymenz/LGBT(and assorted other letters), IOC, NCAA and others struggle to avoid the obvious conflicts, not offend anyone and still preserve "women's" sports.

I don't really care. Subjective, of course, but the sports I care most about are traditionally men's sports. If a woman can make the cut, welcome aboard!

If a 25 year old version of Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner dominates women's track and field that will (barely) fall under my "that's interesting" category.

Eric the Fruit Bat म्हणाले...

I just found out that Simone Biles is 4'-9" and Lionel Messi is 5'-7" so I'm going to have to agree with Dr. Briner.

ALP म्हणाले...

Thank god the equestrian sports can sit this argument out: its the only sport where men and women compete on equal terms as well as male/female equines.

damikesc म्हणाले...

Only higher education could produce people incapable of saying a woman is a woman.

अनामित म्हणाले...

JAORE said...If a 25 year old version of Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner dominates women's track and field that will (barely) fall under my "that's interesting" category.

You say that now, but when they come for the CIS-WOMEN's Beach V-ball, and replace them with 6' 9" TRANS-Women wearing jocks instead of thongs, how will you feel then?

Balfegor म्हणाले...

"People who go through male puberty" -- it's so delightfully absurdist I can't even muster even a twinge of irritation. People who say this surely realise how daft it sounds. Like something out of a satire.

re: Rae:

Before long athletes will have any trace of gender eliminated so they compete in one sexless, amorphous league of freaks.

Don't they already suppress puberty in female gymnasts to extend their useful life? In the future, when we simply decant athletes from axlotl tanks, we won't need to worry about any of this. They'll all be sterile, neither male nor female, but stronger, faster, better.

Unknown म्हणाले...

just please leave women's tennis alone. I don't care about anything else!

campy म्हणाले...

It will destroy fan interest.

There's fan interest in women's sports?

damikesc म्हणाले...

just please leave women's tennis alone. I don't care about anything else!

That'd be one of the first things if I were a tranny, I'd hit. Men not competitive on the men's tour --- say, a guy at the low tier of the top 150 --- could make a MASSIVE increase in money by claiming to be a woman and wiping the floor on the women's side.

There's fan interest in women's sports?

Almost asked that. Brings to mind the US Women's Soccer Team, who demand equal pay with the men's team (because they've won more games), ignoring that the men generate markedly more revenue.

अनामित म्हणाले...

campy said...
There's fan interest in women's sports?

You've never seen women's Beach v-ball?

Deb म्हणाले...

Oh what tangled webs we weave.....

buwaya म्हणाले...

It used to be that the point of sports in education was "the playing fields of Eton".
This was a British invention (the university of Salamanca certainly didn't have "sports").
And this was in lower levels of education, where the schools were properly in loco parentis because the students were not of legal age. It was the institutional form of "go out and play".
And the point was building character and fitness among ALL the students, not just some would-be professionals.
This has, somehow, been turned into a monster that exists for its own sake and has nothing to do with education. The absolute best universities in the US have no athletic cachet - MIT, Caltech -nor do their counterparts elsewhere.
On the popular level modern professional sports are also mainly a 19th century British invention, and very much a "bread and circuses" sort of entertainment.
I say separate the "bread and circuses" from education, let the gladiators find their place in the coliseums as the public whim dictates, male, female, or whatever tickles the ticket buyers fancy. The government has no proper place in this, and the spectacles should be beneath the dignity of gentlemen and scholars.

SGT Ted म्हणाले...

People who go through male puberty aren't female, unless there's something wrong physiologically. We are in the Crazy Years.

Paul Snively म्हणाले...

mikee: The Ballad of Lost C'Mell (1962, Cordwiner [sic] Smith)...

Heh. "Cordwainer Smith" was the pen name of Paul Linebarger. I thought to check, thinking it might have been Harlan Ellison, but I misremembered: Ellison, amusingly, used Cordwainer Bird (literally, "shoemaker for birds") as a writing credit on material he didn't feel was up to his own standards.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

""People who go through male puberty" -- it's so delightfully absurdist I can't even muster even a twinge of irritation. People who say this surely realise how daft it sounds. Like something out of a satire."

You must have missed the stories about young kids getting drugs that cause them not to go through puberty.

Paul Snively म्हणाले...

The Drill Sgt:
campy said...
There's fan interest in women's sports?

You've never seen women's Beach v-ball?

Or met a women's beach volleyball player?

I recently did, at an event that included a "success coach" (welcome to the west side of Los Angeles). Over 6' tall, jaw-dropping, and commenting to the "success coach" about how she couldn't get a date to save her life. I teased her: "Let me get this straight: you get to the net, look down at the guy on the other side before spiking the ball into his face, and then he doesn't ask you out?" We then had a nice chat about the difficulties of being a 6' tall woman, with which I'm familiar: in high school I took a drop-dead-gorgeous, brilliant (Yale, biology) 6' friend from another school to one of my school plays. That was good for dozens of atta-boys over the next week or so. But that same friend was also in a social desert: if she didn't intimidate guys with her height, she'd end up intimidating them with her genius.

So sure, there's a fascination with women's beach volleyball, yes, because women's beach volleyball players tend to be amazons. But you might be surprised how hard it is to be one of those amazons.

Sam's Hideout म्हणाले...

Anyone who has paid close attention to sports doping knows that athletes will do incredible things do themselves to win. Probably the biggest barrier to men competing under these new rules for transgender is prestige and money: winning most women's sports is far less prestigious and remunerative than winning as a male.

There are a few exceptions though. In some, female physiques have an advantage. Women are generally more flexible than men, men would likely be at a disadvantage in some women's gymnastics and figure skating events. At some major tennis events, the prizes for men and women have been equalized, if more tennis events have equal prizes, I suspect there will soon be men claiming to be transgender playing.

Smilin' Jack म्हणाले...

""People who go through male puberty are taller, have bigger bones and develop greater muscle mass than those who go through female puberty...""

I can already smell my tax dollars at work here....

Roughcoat म्हणाले...

I don't care.

Joe म्हणाले...

"People who go through male puberty," sounded crazy until I realized that it would be possible for a crazy country to put their females through male puberty via testosterone. Then, in the late teens, the testosterone treatment is stopped. This is, in part, what East Germany did. Given their other shenanigans, I suspect the Chinese have done, or are doing, this as well.

Todd म्हणाले...

damikesc said...

But women did not. Why? If all it takes to be the "Best" woman on Earth is a boob job and wearing a dress, what is it that women bring to the table different than men?

6/29/16, 11:22 AM

That was what I also found so "funny" about it all. The "Woman of the Year" has a dick [with NO intention of loosing it] and women (well the "right" women anyway) were just fine with that. Are you kidding me! LOL! I mean come on, SNL could not have come up with a better sketch during their hay day.

Ignorance is Bliss म्हणाले...

damikesc said...

If all it takes to be the "Best" woman on Earth is a boob job and wearing a dress, what is it that women bring to the table different than men?

I have some personal thoughts on this, but they are not exactly politically correct...

Big Mike म्हणाले...

I can foresee a day when all or nearly all of the female Olympic medalists are transgendered after going through male puberty. Will that be a good thing or a bad thing? I think this would be a bad thing, but no doubt the LGBT will just call me a h8er.

n.n म्हणाले...

Sex (i.e. genetic disposition) is binary. Gender (i.e. behavioral, physiological characteristics) is a narrow normal distribution centered on the individual's sex. The average man is physiologically stronger, faster, etc. than the average woman. A man will always excel in these categories over a woman of equal standing relative to their sex. The question of mental potential is less obvious, other than identifying correlations (e.g. statistical evidence) with neural complexity. So, the question is how to address the physical and psychological exceptions. The current pro-choice or selective approach is avoidance and serves to exacerbate the underlying issues.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Smilin' Jack said...
I can already smell my tax dollars at work here....

DoD is within days of giving the green light to trans-people in uniform and paying for drugs and surgery...

I'm not sure which PT test they'll take

Balfegor म्हणाले...

Re: Althouse:

You must have missed the stories about young kids getting drugs that cause them not to go through puberty.

Right below . . . right below I noted: "Don't they already suppress puberty in female gymnasts to extend their useful life?"

Though while I can imagine it being done for ideological reasons, or perhaps to extend the useful life of young singers performing castrati roles, I haven't heard it is widespread.

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

Women's sports are a joke anyways. Except curling, that has a lot of hotties. I am not looking forward to beach volleyball where .002% of the population may well come to dominate.

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

Sorry. 0.2 percent.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

"Imagine the reaction to an Olympics in which women didn't win a single medal. There will always be sex segregation in sports. The question is what it will be based on."

Olympic discrimination eliminated. Women hardest hit.

n.n म्हणाले...

Big Mike:

A hater, yes. But also fearful of emergent and anthropogenic mutations. Perhaps Nature has changed her mind. Some people certainly have. It's her prerogative, and perhaps ours, isn't it?

Now, the question is what to do with other classes in the transgender (e.g. homosexual, crossover, ambiguous) spectrum disorder, but also transsocial (e.g. Clinton), transhuman (e.g. abortionists, Planned Parenthood), etc. Normalize them, tolerate them, or reject them?

अनामित म्हणाले...

I think this may be the thread winner:

Original Mike said...
Olympic discrimination eliminated. Women hardest hit.

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

The Drill SGT said...
campy said...There's fan interest in women's sports?
You've never seen women's Beach v-ball?

Volleyball is a game, not a sport.

Bear wrasslin' and pig chases are sports.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

Thank you. I'll be here all week.

JAORE म्हणाले...

"You've never seen women's Beach v-ball?"

Yep, a couple of minutes giving admiring glances then turned of due to boredom.

If viewing of desirable females were my objective, ESPN would NOT be my first stop.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

"You're not supposed to believe it. You're supposed to learn to accept lies lest you suffer."


Also, notice how easily women, supposedly important interest group, are thrown under the bus.

damikesc म्हणाले...

Freeman, the tragic part is that feminist groups are OK with it.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

"Feminist" groups.

damikesc म्हणाले...

My wife hates them for a wide array of reasons. This was one of them.

jimbino म्हणाले...

People who go through male puberty are taller, have bigger bones and develop greater muscle mass than those who go through female puberty..."

And the list of advantages conferred by male puberty is so long that it puts the lie to affirmative action. Men apparently outperform women in so many fields besides sports, including:

adventure travel
construction, cabinetmaking
welding, plumbing, electrician
physics, math
preaching, novelist
animal husbandry, cow and sheep herding
trash hauling
creating the universe, unicorns and talking snakes
changing water into wine, wine into blood and saltines into flesh

What are those fields in which women have such a natural advantage that it could be maintained that they have an unfair advantage if thrown into competition against men? I venture that those fields are limited to breeding, nurturing, cosmetology, birdwatching, knitting, the sex trades and, perhaps, law professorships and riveting.

n.n म्हणाले...

Female chauvinists have parity with male chauvinists. Only sex and gender distinguish them from their counterparts. Women, and men, would be better served by reconciling moral and natural imperatives than submitting to people who would be gods.

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

Balfegor said...
"People who go through male puberty" -- it's so delightfully absurdist I can't even muster even a twinge of irritation. People who say this surely realise how daft it sounds. Like something out of a satire.

Perhaps They are not allowed to say: "Normal men are taller, have bigger bones and develop greater muscle mass than normal women." Because ciswhatever.

Sebastian म्हणाले...

"The absolute best universities in the US have no athletic cachet" Well, Princeton and Stanford are up there. So's Harvard, in several sports.

Paul Snively म्हणाले...

tim in vermont: I am not looking forward to beach volleyball where .002% of the population may well come to dominate.

Again, living near and visiting Venice Beach, all I can tell you is: too late.

HoodlumDoodlum म्हणाले...

If I wasn't afraid of what the Google machine would bring up (@work) I'd image search "lingerie football" and post some links, I tell you what.

whitney म्हणाले...

I think all this is becoming hilariously absurd. Now we get watch women, who used to be men, win everything. It's going to drive all the right people bonkers.

Jon Ericson म्हणाले...


walter म्हणाले...


n.n म्हणाले...

After mass abortion of [wholly innocent] human lives for money and pleasure, and Democrat leverage, the [selective] normalization of the transgender spectrum disorder is baby's play, but further evidence of a progressive slope.

virgil xenophon म्हणाले...

The role of women? How does that old saw go? "Bear foot and pregnant; in bed or in the kitchen." LOL. GO you feminazis! It'll be the only set of options left after the Trannies take over!

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

Let's just switch to cats and dogs. Natural enemies with different capabilities. Imagine a cat v. dog Superbowl. The scratches, the barks, the yowls!

Beach volleyball, though...might need to recruit giraffes or something.

virgil xenophon म्हणाले...

And don't think more astute women in sport haven't seen this coming. Years ago at the height of the Bobby Riggs vs Billie Jean King tennis match hype my father, then still active as a collegiate head tennis coach, was discussing with the head of the womans team the bit about "if the woman can compete why shouldn't she be allowed to play on the mens team if she's good enough?" Dad turned it around and asked that if that were the case why shouldn't the men not good enough to make the cut for the mens team be allowed to try out for the women's team?" The reply? "Why that would mean the end of women's sports!" QED

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

jimbino asked, "What are those fields in which women have such a natural advantage that it could be maintained that they have an unfair advantage if thrown into competition against men?"

I submit, like Lawrence Summers, that this is an interesting question. I have worked with women and men, and the men have tended to be much stronger, physically, than the women. They also tend to work longer hours. Sorry, ladies.

But the women have tended to show superior abilities in areas like these:

* multi-tasking

* adaptability

* fine motor skills

Most cultures throughout the world the world celebrate these abilities.

What would a real battle of the sexes look like? Imagine a man trying to organize a trade show versus a woman trying to chop and log a pine tree.

Comanche Voter म्हणाले...

Most folks have already figured that out--i.e. differences in men and women and their bodies. Obama and his cabal of crazies hasn't figured it out yet.

n.n म्हणाले...

Comanche Voter:

Obama and his cabal of crazies hasn't figured it out yet.

Once you go pro-choice/selective, it's difficult to not conflate men and women, boys and girls, adults and children, life and abortion, principles and opportunity, facts and fantasy, logic and emotion, etc. The internal discrepancies were stark and they are progressive. A progressive slope, really. They literally threw out rational and sensible with the babies.

jr565 म्हणाले...

"These differences give men a distinct advantage over women, and they’re the reason that sport is segregated by gender. Which is all fine and great until it comes time to sort women from men...."

Sports is segregated by "gender" as in gender as a social construct? What is being described is physical. so in that regard gender would mean SEX. there are genuine physiological differences between the sexes.
So if sports teams are segeggated by gender/sex there is no reason to sort men and women in any way except the way they are already sorted.

jr565 म्हणाले...

West Texas wrote:
We will need 3 sex categories rather than the current/traditional 2:
Male/XY- biological men who are competing as men.
Female/XX - biological women who are competing as women. It may be necessary for competitors in this category to prove their XXness.
Other - an umbrella category for transgender, intersex, and any competitors who do not fit into the above 2 categories. There will likely be multiple subcategories of Other, but no matter- nobody other than Others will care about who plays, wins or loses in this league.

In fact though intersex and transgender are decidedly different. One is a phsyical trait. the other is a perception of an identity.
We can lump them together for purposes of describing things outside the norm. But gender as a social construct is not a sex. if you were to construct a team based around other which consisted of intersex and trans you woudn't negate the problems that arise because of physical differences of the sexes. if anything you'd compound the problem.

JAORE म्हणाले...

"Other - an umbrella category for transgender, intersex, and any competitors who do not fit into the above 2 categories. There will likely be multiple subcategories of Other, but no matter- nobody other than Others will care about who plays, wins or loses in this league."

But they will care a great deal that the Other category does not pay well at all.

And the argument will persist within the subcategories of Other and at the margins of the Women/Other boundary. We have already seen how offense to even a vanishingly small minority can cause a tremendous backlash.

And so it goes.

Lewis Wetzel म्हणाले...

New IOC guidelines issued in November allow athletes who have transitioned to another gender to compete without sex reassignment surgery. The rules allow athletes who’d previously identified as female to compete in the male category without restriction, because they would not gain an advantage from their previous gender. Those who transition from male to female, on the other hand, must meet several requirements. The athlete must declare a female identity, and this identity cannot change for at least four years. The athlete must also document that her total serum testosterone levels have remained below a certain limit for a minimum of 12 months before competing, and these levels must remain under the threshold as long as she’s competing.

This IOC definition of gender identity is arbitrary and imposed by authorities on individuals. It has nothing to do with the APA's definition of gender identity, which is about self-image and an internal (and non-biologically oriented) mental state. It is not progressive, as that word is currently used.

effinayright म्हणाले...

Achilles said...
Damn those sexist y chromosomes.


Some hairy,hideous couldn't-get-a-man-to-fuck-them-if-she-paid-a million-dollars feminist monsters have argued that the Y-chromosome is a "defective" X-chromosome.

effinayright म्हणाले...

Comanche Voter said...
Most folks have already figured that out--i.e. differences in men and women and their bodies. Obama and his cabal of crazies hasn't figured it out yet.


ESPECIALLY Obama, who still wonders why he doesn't have "right" orifice to let Reggie Love into, without hurting.

Unknown म्हणाले...

So that's why women's sports suck.

Except for beach volleyball, of course.

Rae म्हणाले...

I can't wait until the U.S. fields a "women's beach volleyball" team consisting entirely of trans-men. The viewership will drop so far that President Chelsea Clinton will make watching mandatory.

Paul Ciotti म्हणाले...

In order not to discriminate against any "intersex" athletes who want to compete against women, the New York Times and other liberal media will declare that any man who feels trapped in a woman's body should be able to play any female sport. All he has to do is let his hair grow, wear lipstick and put on a dress like Bruce Jenner.

Sebastian म्हणाले...

@vx: "Dad turned it around and asked that if that were the case why shouldn't the men not good enough to make the cut for the mens team be allowed to try out for the women's team?" The reply? "Why that would mean the end of women's sports!" QED" Turn about is no fair. Then again, feminism was never about "equality."

Doug म्हणाले...

ESPN will shit itself trying to navigate this lunatic playing field will trying to make all the right groups happy. Good for them. I

Lewis Wetzel म्हणाले...

Paul Ciotti said...
All he has to do is let his hair grow, wear lipstick and put on a dress like Bruce Jenner.

You can't force a person to change his or her external gender expression to suit your cultural norms, Paul Ciotti. A person is a woman if they say they are a woman. It doesn't matter if you think that dressing like a man, wearing a beard, and having sex exclusively with biological females makes him a man. Heteronormative expectations are the bread and meat of the oppression of the other.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

Rick said...

"Imagine the reaction to an Olympics in which women didn't win a single medal. There will always be sex segregation in sports. The question is what it will be based on."

By definition, the people who win the medals set aside for women, are women.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

Just like the people who win the women's chess championship.

Paddy O म्हणाले...

When science is the enemy, it has become a religion.

Abdul Abulbul Amir म्हणाले...

Sport is not segregated by gender, it is segregated by sex.

Gretchen म्हणाले...

So can a 6' tall, 180lb man identify as a woman only when playing a sport? Every other orientation seems to be accepted, so I predict some smart guy will demand a full Title IX scholarship for a sport like running or swimming where recruitment is based on times and grades, not subjective evaluations, claiming he dons lipstick and a sports bra for his event, but identifies as a man when not competing. Heck, if "male lesbian" is considered an orientation, why not? Who is to question anyone's gender anymore?

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

There are guys at golf clubs all over the country who could make real noise and at least earn a living playing golf on the LPGA. Never mind the ones that would turn it into a complete joke by turning most of their par 4s into par 3s.

Why not?